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MANSILUNGAN, Ma. Theressa Camille M.


IS201 Curie

1. What is your perspective towards life after the movie? Do you think life is fair? Why or why

Upon watching this movie, I realized that life is very unfair. Our decisions in life always had
a consequence, it may not be directed towards us but it may be directed towards the people
that surrounds us. In the movie, there is a great war, the war is the outcome of the adult’s
decision however, they are not the only ones who suffered the consequences of the war,
Innocent people like Setsuko and Seita were affected by it. They have lost their both parents
because of it, and they were also forced to live independently. Given that the only relative they
knew does not treat them right made their lives much harder, they decided to live in the shelter
just to get away from the cruelty of their relative. However, their decision to live separately
from their relatives is not the best decision they could have made. Living separate from their
relatives and the fact that they are just kids made things very hard for them, they were forced to
steal food from the near neighbor just to survive, they eat filthy food and water just to feel their
tummies. Seita, knowing that he is the older brother of Setsuka, Did everything that he can just
to take care of Setsuka, however by the end of the story, Setsuka died making Seita feel very sad
for he had lost his family because of the war. And not just that their country surrendered in the
war, making the deaths of his family futile.
This events that I have stated are just example of how unfair life is. Setsuka and Seita
suffered because of the wrong decisions of the adult, they suffered things that an innocent kid
cannot handle.

2. If you were in the situation of the main character, what will you do in order to survive?

I will endure the unfair treatment of my relatives until I found out where my other relatives
are and when the war has already ended. Knowing that I have a younger sister, Setsuko, will
make me lower my pride. Because I know that I still can’t support my younger sister, for I am
still a child and I have no power against the adult. And living separate to the elder will make
things worst not just for me but also for my sister. We just need to bear with the unfair
treatment because we knew that if the time comes everything will change and everything will
be set into the right path. I will trust God, for God has better plan for us.

3. Do you think anyone deserves to face situation like that despite being innocent?

I think that the innocent does not deserve to be treated unfairly. However, in the bright
side, this happening may bring realization to the whole world. Wherein they will realize that
they must be cautious with their decision because innocent lives suffer the consequences that
they don’t deserve. That our wrong decision may give burden to other people and mostly to the
people that surrounds us. It is up to us if we are going to follow our conscience about the
innocent people that will suffer the consequences of another peoples’ sin.

4. What was the setting of the story and what event in the history do you think was that?

The story happened in Japan during World War II. The movie resembles the events of the
World War II. It shows the air raid or bombing that killed many people during this war and as
well as it shows the shortage of food and other necessary things such as freedom. The war took
everyone’s freedom to live freely.

5. Describe the 2 main character (Setsuko and Seita) in 5 words each.

Setsuko- She is a brave girl.
Seita- Selfless and caring brother.

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