PHL01 - Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person - Reviewer

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PHL01 – Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person - Reviewer

CO1 - History and Development of Plato – A student of Socrates that is famous with
Philosophy Idealism which he stated that the universe has an
alternate which he called the “World of Forms”.
Thales of Miletus- Theorized that the cosmos is
entirely made up of the Universe. Aristotle – Probably the most scientific among
the 3 ancient philosophers. He is known as the
Anaximander – Invented the pointer on the
star student of Plato in his academy. He
sundial, which tells time; he believes that
originated the scientific method under the
infinity or Apeiron is the beginning of
adaptation of the Socratic Method.
Lao Tzu – He is considered as the father of
Anaximenes – He believed that air is the
Taoism which taught about the concept of Yin
beginning of the Cosmos.
and Yang that represents balance.
Anaxagoras – He believed that there was no
Siddhartha Gautama – The founder of Buddhism
pure stuff in the universe but that everything
who theorized that the soul is distinct from the
shared a part of everything else.
body. He also did not consider this as a religion
Pythagoras – He theorized that the universe is but more of a belief and lifestyle.
entirely reducible to geometrical triangles.
St. Augustine of Hippo – He is known for
Heraclitus of Ephesus – He stated that “No man believing in the Immaterial Reality in which
ever steps in the same river twice” in which, he case, there is no evil in this world but only lack
meant that change is inevitable and is a of goodness.
continuous process.
St. Anselm of Canterbury – was known for his
Democritus - Believed that the universe is “Ontological argument” in which he tried to
ultimately composed of atoms and the void. He prove the existence of God by stating that
is known as a pluralist “Something will exist if it is on our mind”. He
also described God as the “best” thing you could
Socrates – Teacher of Plato and known to
ever think of.
develop the Socratic Method, which aims to
eliminate contradictory hypotheses. St. Thomas Aquinas of Italia – Among the three
Medieval philosophers, he was the elite, since he
Socratic Method – a method which involves
grew up in a rich family. He tried proving the
eliminating contradictory internalized
existence of God using 5 arguments (Motion,
hypothesis. It is also an art of questioning.
Causation, Degree, Contingency, and Design)
PHL01 – Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person - Reviewer

John Locke – was considered an Empiricist and - Ontology – deals with the nature of
known for his concept of the “Tabula Rasa” existence
which means that our mind is a blank sheet of - Cosmology – deals with the origin
paper, because for him, we start with nothing and Organization of the Cosmos.
and through experiences, we gain knowledge.
Epistemology – deals with the nature of
Rene Descartes – A rationalist who argued that knowledge, in which, logic is the key dimension.
the truth does not require experiences. He was It is divided into 2 sub – branch. Inductive and
also famous for his quote “I think, therefore I Deductive Logic.
- Deductive Logic – from general
Immanuel Kant - Balanced the idea between knowledge down to a specific
Empiricism and Rationalism. He said that we knowledge.
gain knowledge through sense perception, but - Inductive logic – deals with specific
our mind still plays a major role in processing knowledge upwards to general
knowledge. knowledge.

Bertrand Russel – A contemporary philosopher Axiology – pertains to the nature of values. It is

who believed that our world is composed of subdivided into 2 sub-branches.
atomic facts. He focused on language and
- Ethics – deals and examines human
conduct and morality.
Ludwig Wittgenstein – Just like Russel, he - Aesthetics – values beauty, nature,
focused on language. He conceptualized the and aesthetic experiences.
Picture theory of meaning or 1:1 ration (for his
Philosophy of Language – Deals with language
early philosophy) and the Language games (for
and reality. It refers to topics that other field
his latter philosophy)
cannot explore such as Psychology and
CO2 – Branches of Philosophy and Methods Linguistics.
of Philosophizing
Social Philosophy – Deals with the
Metaphysics – a major branch of Philosophy philosophical study of questions about social
that deals with the nature of reality. It is behaviors.
composed of 2 sub-branch, Ontology and
Logic – it refers to the science of correct
reasoning. It came from the word “Logos”
which is sometimes translated as “reason”
PHL01 – Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person - Reviewer

Political Philosophy – the philosophical study Straw Man – this type of fallacy occurs when
that deals with the government and politics. someone argues that person holds a view that is
not what the other person believes. Instead, it is
Fallacy – is referred to as an erroneous form of
a distorted version of what the person believes.
thinking and/or argument. The purpose of a
Example is “Biology teacher begins teaching
fallacy is to weaken an argument in order to win.
evolution by stating that all things evolve.
Argumentum ad Hominem – is a logical fallacy Student says she just can't accept that humans
which attacks the person instead of the main came from bugs”
Petitio Principii - also known as begging the
Argumentum ad Baculum – a type of fallacy that question. It is a fallacy that uses circular
uses force in order to win an argument. reasoning.

Argumentum ad Populum – A type of fallacy Slippery Slope – it is a type of logical fallacy

which accepts the idea because a lot of people is that extrapolate a simple argument to an
going with the idea. unrealistic extreme. It is usually a statement that
seems to be overreacting.
Argumentum ad Misericordiam – A type of
fallacy that deals with emotions and pity. You CO3 – Human Person as an Embodied as a
are using it to win an argument. Soul and Spirit

Cherry Picking – refers to picking the bits of Dualism – is concept of Plato in which he
evidence that support your argument and ignore referred the soul and body as a separate matter.
those that goes against it. Example is “My He said that your soul is just trapped in your
political candidate gives 10% of his income to body and once your physical body is dead, your
the needy, goes to church every Sunday, and soul is still alive, and it becomes free. According
volunteers one day a week at a homeless shelter. to this theory, our soul has 3 parts:
Therefore, he is honest and morally straight.”
- Logos - refers to our logical mind
Ignoratio Elenchi (Red Herring) – is when a which is represented by our head
person in the middle of an argument introduces - Thymos – refers to our motive for
another topic to distract from what’s being our behavior which is represented
discussed. by our heart
- Pathos – refers to our physical
False Dilemma/Dichotomy – is when there are
needs which is represented by our
only two options, but when in fact there should
stomach and genitals.
be many.
PHL01 – Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person - Reviewer

Hylomorphism – This is an opposite concept of St. Anselm of Canterbury – attempted to prove

Dualism. This is originated by Aristotle in which the existence or God using the ontological
it is stated that our soul and body is one. Once argument
your body dies, your souls will also be dead.
St. Thomas Aquinas – attempted to prove God
According to Aristotle, just like Plato, he
using the cosmological argument of infinite
thought that the soul has 3 parts:
- Rational Soul – refers to our
Blaise Pascal – The belief in God is the logical
intellective cognition (Intellect:
position considering cost risk – analysis.
concepts, propositions, chains of
reasoning) Different Beliefs that do not believe in God
- Sensient Soul – Sensient cognition
Pantheism – Belief that the universe and God are
or sensation, memory, ang
the same.
imagination. Also. Sensient appetite
like desire, pleasure, pain, fear, Atheism – a disbelief of the existence of deity –
audacity, etc.) Locomotion. there is no deity or all – powerful being.
- Nutritive/ Vegetative – Nutrition,
Agnosticism – belief that the existence of God is
and reproduction.
unknown and probably unknowable.
God’s Qualities and Characteristics
Humanism – A philosophy that usually rejects
Omnipotent – God is perceived doctrinally all- supernaturalism and elevates man.
Omniscient – God is all – knowing
Omnipresent – God is ever- present.
Transcendental – God exist outside of space and
Eternal – God exist at any moment of time
Benevolent – God is all good.

3 Philosophers who argued the existence of


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