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1st Sem. 2020-2021

PART 1. TRUE or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is true and word False if it is false.

1) Concept learning involves two processes: abstraction and generalization.

2) Learning covers changes that are psychological like maturation and mental illness.
3) Learner-centered is the perspective that focuses on individual learners.
4) Discovery learning involves direct-instruction approach.
5) Behaviorism assumes that organisms are born as blank slates.
6) One of the implications of social learning theory on the practice of education is that modeling provide a
faster, more efficient means of teaching new behavior.
7) Development proceeds in an orderly and unpredictable manner.
8) Young learners can learn abstract issues and do challenging activities.
9) Procedural knowledge include automatic or habitual learning referred to as conceptual learning.
10) Science or Math topics are factual knowledge.
11) Functional knowledge is concrete and usable that can be adapted and applied to different
circumstances and transferable to different settings.
12) Modeling is one of the features of apprenticeships in which the mentor frequently gives suggestions,
hints and feedbacks as learner performs the task.
13) Situated learning theory suggests that most learning occurs unnaturally through social activities,
contexts and the culture which learners are exposed to.
14) Social interaction is something to do with close, deep or strong association or acquaintance between
two or more people.
15) Inappropriate language or that which conveys negative feelings can in turn bring about positive feeling
among students during interaction.
16) During class discussion, topics must be new for the students or they don’t have previous knowledge
about it.
17) Any students can be assigned as tutors during peer tutoring.
18) Only teachers are potential resource for students.
19) Cooperative learning is all about grouping.
20) A social climate in the classroom that is negative can bring about fear, anxiety and restlessness.
21) Communication is a one-way process of reaching understanding in which individuals exchange
information, create and share meaning.
22) Verbal learning involves the use of written language such as signs, pictures, symbols and words.
23) Development is continually affected by both heredity and environment.
24) Adolescent learners need to have a maximum control by the teacher.
25) Play serves as the children’s training ground for adulthood.
26) Children can accomplish more difficult tasks if they are assisted by people more advanced and
competent than they are.
27) In cooperative learning students work in a large teacher-assigned groups.
28) In the communities of learners, not all students are active participants in classroom activities some are
29) Technology-based software and applications can offer good alternatives to real-world activities and
30) For Vygotsky’s theory, children learn and remember more when they talk about other’s experiences.
31) Study sessions, class discussions and debates are examples of group learning activities.
32) The main purpose of assessment is to give the teachers an idea either to pass or fail the students.
33) According to research, students who were rejected are at risk for problems in achievement including
low grades and dropping out of school.
34) Diana Baumrind found that children of authoritative parents perform worse academically.
35) Development is constant.
PART 2. Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer.
1. A kind of apprenticeship where the mentor performs the task or talk about the process while the
learners listen.
modeling coaching scaffolding

2. Which one is not a form of scaffolding?

letting student to work alone
setting guidelines for accomplishing a task
giving frequent feedback about how student is progressing

3. A supportive technique, carried out by competent people to help students accomplish challenging task.
scaffolding support supervised

4. The school is an example of community of _________________.

practice relations communication

5. ZPD means
Zone of Proximity Development
Zone of Proximal Development
Zonal of Proximal Development

6. Causal relationship, episodes and principles are various levels of ______________knowledge.

conditional procedural declarative

7. It deals with memories and information but not tied to personal biographies.
episodic knowledge functional knowledge semantic knowledge

8. It is a knowledge accounts for knowing when.

procedural conditional declarative

9. What makes adult learners different from adolescent and young learners?
They find it difficult to do multi-tasking job.
They are more disciplined.
They have limited range of activities.

10. The following are the characteristics of the learning experiences of adolescent except one.
Focus on memory Learner-structured Encourages convergent thinking

11. It is learning to differentiate between the stimuli and responding appropriately to these stimuli.
Learning of Principles Attitude Learning Discrimination Learning

12. Socio-constructivism theory suggests that people learn through modeling, observational learning and
True False Maybe

13. If the facts and events that can be consciously recalled or declared is __________knowledge.
functional declarative procedural

14. Procedural knowledge is about of ___________ things are done.

how what when

15. It includes the values, beliefs, notions about acceptable and unacceptable behavior that members of
the group are taught as “true”
Culture Context Community

16. An information that can be applied to different circumstances.

declarative procedural functional
17. It is the information that one can “declare”.
declarative procedural functional
18. Learning occurs consciously and most often through memorization.
declarative procedural functional
19. This knowledge include automatic or habitual learning.
declarative procedural functional
20. This is knowledge that is concrete and usable.
declarative procedural functional
21. Learning is promoted by environmental factors like reinforcement, feedback, practice or repetition.
behaviorism cognitive constructivism social constructivism

22. Learning involves a behavior of change.

behaviorism cognitive constructivism social constructivism
23. Which of the following is not an application of cognitivism theory?
real world problems, discussions, problem-solving
simulations, brainstorming, group work
analogies, linking concepts, classifying information

24. How cognitive constructivism view of motivation?

extrinsic intrinsic extrinsic and intrinsic

25. Knowledge is based on the learner’s personal experiences and expectations of the environment.
behaviorism cognitive constructivism social constructivism

What MI is being referred to by the following statement?

26. Good picture memory

Visual/Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Mathematical/Logical

27. Ownership for their learning

Intrapersonal Interpersonal Logical

28. Ability to express emotions through bodily movement

Musical Bodily/Kinesthetic Interpersonal

29. Works well with a diverse group of people

Intrapersonal Interpersonal Logical

30. Likes to predict, analyze, and theorize

Visual/Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Mathematical/Logical

G O O D L U C K !!!

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