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CHAPTER Calorimetry and heat transfer In our day-to-day life, we have noticed that when we touch a utensil placed on fire, it appears hot. When steam is passed through water, the water becomes warm. On the other hand, when we touch a piece of ice, it appears cold. To understand the cause of these phenomena, let us study in detail about heat and temperature. Further, we will also study about the various processes by which the heat flows from one body to another. 1) Heat ; Practically all the bodies around us either release or absorb energy often in the form Inside of heat. The form of energy which is exchanged among various bodies or system on ) Hea account of temperature difference is defined as heat. Heat is a scalar quantity. Its SI oe unit is joule (f). Other practical units of heat are erg, cal, BTU ete. __ + Calorimetry 1 joule = 10" erg ) D Change of sate {cal = 4.18 joule Sree 1 BTU = 252 cal = 1055] 3) Heat transfer Calorimetry is the measurement of quantity of heat exchanged. * Conducting of eatin : ‘conducting : + Connection of rods with Heat capacity differen thermal conductivities 3 rataton ‘The heat capacity of substances is defined as the amount of heat required to raise its temperature by unity, ie., 1°C (or 1K). It is denoted by + Absorption, emission, reflection joted by S. IF ti 7 ‘Atortn: nisin reflection “Spttance changes from to T + AT, when it exchanges an amnnt of eee Ag) with «Bek bly nian is surroundings, then its, nt of heat AQ wit “eek eon lew — + Stefan’s law Heat capacity, $ = AQ + Newton's law of cooling a + Wien’s displacement law The SI unit of heat capacity is JK" and its dimensional formula is (ML?T~°K"}) specific heat capacity ‘te aot of i required to raise the temperature of ine frase of a substance by unity is kno pecife ear of a substa ‘i the temp . ince of mass m changes from 1S AST. when it exchanges an amount of heat AQ ate °Queroundingss then its a 04 ‘pe SI unit of specific heat capacity is Jkg“'K and its mensional formula is (M°L?T“?K"), indifferential form, we may write ‘therefore, if c varies with temperature over an interval, Ingortant points related to specific heat capacity are given below {@ The specific heat capacity of water is approximately 1 cal/g-°C. (i) Specific heat capacity is constant for a particular material. {i If a substance is undergoing change of state which takes place at constant temperature, ie., AT = 0, n AQ Q then specific heat ¢ =< = —> pecifle heat 6 AT xO (iv) If the temperature of a body changes without transfer of heat with the surrounding (i-e., Q = 0), then AQ _ 0.9 mAT mx OT (*) Specific heat of a substance can be negative. (vi) Specific heat of a substance depends on temperature nature of material of body, state of substances een on to other liquids and Specie neat of water i very igh in compa Begg heat of watery eda ene aE 5 rel Ssu coon utamabite radiators, Owing to IEN SPECS water autem more stoly than the land dung Sunt oy eneetams up mach move Sas 9 cooing je. TS te reas temperate elimate of coastal a@35 ®elation between heat capacity nd specific heat capacity we know that Meat capacity, § = 22 ar specific heat ¢ = Note Chapter 16; Calorimetry and heat transfer Heat capacity = mass x specific heat capacity Example 16.1 When 400 J of heat are added toa 0.1 Ko deere of metal, its temperature increases by 20°C. What is the specific heat of the metal? Sol. Given, Heat AQ = 400 J, Mass m = oe \ee2)=m0nne ee" Bad) (4 ar’ (oi) 20 kg ‘Temperature A _ Specificheat,e = + Example 16.2 A 10 kW drilling machine is used to drill a bore ina small aluminium block of mass 8.0 kg. How much is the rise in temperature of the block in 2.5 min, assuming 50% of power is used up in heating the machine itself or lost fo the Surroundings. Specific heat of aluminium = 0.91Jg” '°C~'- Sol. Given, Power, P =10 KW =10% 10°W Time, ¢=2.5 min = 2.5% 60s |As power is defined as rate at which energy is consumed, ie, P t Ox 10° x 2.5% 60= 1.5% 10°} Total energy used E =P nergy absorbed hy aluininium block, (Q=50% of the total energy = 50% of 1.5 * 10° = 0.75 x 10° J ‘Also, m = 8.0 kg= 8.0x 10°g,¢=0.91 jg” °C"! me AT Q___ 0.75% 10° me 8.010" x 0.91 Example 16.3 A geyser heats water flowing at the rate SO Lper minute fom 21°C to TTC If te geyser opertes on ages barman what ithe rate of combustion of fuel ft he oftombustion i .0% 10" Jo-% Pet Vis teat Sol. Given, Volume of water heated, V=3.0Lmin'= 3x 10° m* min ‘Mass (m) Volume V) ®. Mass of water heated, m=pV =10° 3x 10 kg min’ Rise in temperature of water, AT =T,-F Specific heat of water, ¢ =4.2 Jg"C"! = 4.2% 108 J kg“! Heat required by water, AQ=mcAT = 3x 4.2x 109% 50] min 3x 10" J min? “ = 103.02°C ‘As Density, p rm) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 .0% 107 J kg"! Heat of combustion of fuel = 4.0% 10" Jg™* Let mkg min" be the rate of combustion of fuel. Heat supplied by gas burner or combustion of fuel mx 4x10" J min From Eqs. i) and (i), we get 63x 108 =nix 4x10" 3x10! 4x10" of rate of combustion of fuel = 16 g min“ = 15.75% 10°? kg min“ Molar specific heat capacity The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance (usually a gas) by unity is known as the molar heat capacity of that substance. It is denoted by C. Its SI unit is ] mol'K™', 2. | Molar specific heat capacity C = n_ rAT where n = number of moles of substance (gas). There are two types of molar specific heat capacities for gas. (i) Molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure {C,) It is molar heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure, The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a gas by unity at constant pressure is known as molar heat capacity at constant [5 ee = AQ=C,aT For ni moles of a gas AQ =nC,AT (ii) Molar specific heat capacity at constant volume It is molar heat capacity of a gas at constant volume. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of gas by unity at constant volume is known as molar specific heat capacity at constant volume. =(4¢ + fel) > AQ= CAT For n moles of a gas AQ = nCyAT Wena sold substance is heated in a small range of temperature, its volume almost remains constant. Thus specific eat capacity ofa slid can be taken as specifi heat at constant volume Note Relation between specific heat capacity and molar specific heat capacity As, number of moles, n = 37 m=nM “Where, m=mass of the substance and M = molecular mass c-1[42]=u ae] . n AT. mAT 4Q - But, at > C=Me where, ¢ = specific heat capacity 'M = molecular mass of the substance C =molar specific heat capacity. Hence, molar specific heat capacity = molecular mass x specific heat capacity. Note 1 Ifa gasis compressed or expanded suddenly such that no exchange of heat takes place with the surrounding ie, ag=0 aa Ten, Ca Shao 2. fa gasis allowed to expand or compressed very slowly, such that AT = 0 Then, Example 16.4 0.64 g of oxygen is kept in a rigid container and is heated. Find the amount of heat required to raise the temperature from 20°C to 30°C. The molar heat capacity of ‘oxygen at constant volume is 20 JK~' mol”. Sol. Mass ofthe oxygen m =0.64 g ‘The molecular weight of oxygen M=32 g mol” 4+ Number of moles of the gas is Mass (m) 064 * Molecular weight "32" 0°? ‘Molar heat capacity at constant volume Cy =20 JK“! mol" 1. The amount of heat required, AQ=nCyAT = (0.02(20130- 20) = 4 J Example 16.5 A certain substance has a mass of 5 A cance has 10 g/mol. When 300 J of heat is added to 25 g of sample of tts rare its temperature rises from 25 to 45°C, Calculate (i) thermal capacty. Gi) specific heat and (ii) molar heat capacity of the sample. Sol, Given, Mass m =25 g, ‘Temperature AT = 45 ~25 =20°C, Heat AQ =300 J ‘Molar mass M = 50 g/mol |i) Thermal capacity, i Specific heat ¢ = oe =0.6 x 10? J/kg-° C= 600 J/kg °C. Mass (m) 25, (gi) Number of moles n =—_Mass (m)__ Molecular mass (Mf) ~ 502 +s Heat AQ=nCaT. Molar heat capacity, C 30 J/mole °C Calorimetry ‘The branch of physics that deals with the measurement of beat is called calorimetry. Principle of calorimetry Whenever two bodies at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other, heat flows from the body at higher temperature to the body at lower temperature till the two bodies attains the same temperature. Thus, the principle of calorimetry states that total heat lost by the hotter body equals to the total heat gained by colder body, provided there is no exchange of heat with the surroundings. neat lost by hotter body = heat gained by colder body. he principle of calorimetry is based on the law of conservation of energy. Glculations based on principle of calorimetry lithere are two bodies of masses, andm, having specific heat capacities as c, and c respectively. Let these bodies be at temperatures T; and Tp respectively such that T; > Ta. When they are placed in contact with each other, they atain common temperature T. Then according to principle sfcalorimetry, Heat lost by first body = Heat gained by second body > myey, = T) = maegT ~ Ta) Common temperature of the mixture at equilibrium pemant meoT2 myc, + Meo Example 16.6 10 g of water at 70°C is mixed with 5 g of water 30°C. Find the temperature of the mixture in equilibrium. SOL Given, Mass m, =10 g, m2 =5& ‘Temperature T; = 70°C, T; =30°C Let T°C be the temperature of the mixture. From principle of calorimetry, common temperature of the mixture at equilibrium is given by pa Meal + mae eTs . CulmTi + maT) Mew + Mey Eel m2) mil +mzT _10x 70+ 5x30 _ 700 +150 om tm 10+5 15 $50 _ s6.6r°c 15 Example 16.7 Liquids A and B are at 30°C and 20°C. When mixed in equal masses, the temperature of the mixture is found to be 26°C. Find the ratio of their specific heat capacities. Sol. Let the specific heat of A and B be c, and cy respectively. Now heat lost by A in cooling from 30°C to 26°C will be same as liquid B warming up from 20°C to 26°C. Since, the ‘masses are same then from the principle of calorimetry, Heat lost by A =Heat gained by B 1m. 4(30°C - 26°C) = mcg(26°C = 20°C) Example 16.8 The temperature of equal masses of three different liquid A, B and C are 12°C, 19°C and 28°C respectively. The temperature when A and B are mixed is 16°C, and when B and C are mixed, it is 23°C. What will be the temperature when A and C are mixed? Sol. Given, temperature T, =12°C, Ty =19°C and Tz = 28°C. Let specific heat of liguids A, Band Care cy, ¢p and ce respectively. When A and Bare mixed, then from principle of calorimetry ‘mep(19 ~16) = me 416-12) Sep = deg => cam Fen ‘When Band Care mixed, then from principle of calorimetry mec 28 ~23)=meg@23 -19) 4 Seq aden = co= Sen When A and Care mixed, let equilibrium temperature be T. From principle of calorimetry common temperature of the mixture at equilibrium mee T+ me Ty T= cy 28)+ cy x12 182) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 re +9 12445)20 “Teris GIS 20 157x20 _ 3140 20.3°C 155 Water equivalent of a substance ‘Water equivalent of an object is the amount of water that absorbs or gives out the same amount of heat as is done by the substance when heated or cooled through same temperature difference as that of object. To attain the same temperature as that of water, the calorimeter gains some heat. Water equivalent of an object = Mass of the object x specific heat of material of object 55 W = me| ‘Water equivalent is usually expressed in gram. Check point 16.1) 1. Water is used to cool radiators of engine because {a} ofits lower density (b) itis easily available (c) itis cheap {@) it has high specific heat 2. If specific heat of a substance is infinite it means {a} heat is given out (b) heat is taken in (c)no change in temperature takes place whether heat is taken in a or given out (@ Allof the above 3. How much heat energy is gained when § kg of water at 20°C is brought to its boling point (Specific heat of water =4.2kdkg™"°C™) (@) T6B0KI (©) 1700kJ (©) 1720kI (4) 1740 Kd 4. Armetal block is made trom a mixture of 2.4 kg of aluminium 1.8 kg of brass and 0.8 kg of copper. The amount of heat required to reise the temperature ofthis block from 20°C to 80°C is (specific heats of aluminium, brass and copper are 0.216, 0.0917 and 0.0931 cal kg™"*C~' respectively) (@) 96.2 cal (0) {6} 862 cal (@) 628 cal ‘5. 50.9 of coppers heated to increase its temperature by 10°C. Ifthe same quantity of heat is given to 10 g of water, the rise in its temperature is (Specific heat of copper = 4200 kgr Cr) 5 eC orc mec in iss 100 g is kept inside a 9 A piece of iron of mass Wea genre ea et valent 10 g containing 240 g of water oe. eae gan equi temperature of 60°C. Find the Temperature ofthe furnace specific heat of iron= 470 J/kg-*C. Let temperature of furnace be f fo im, =100g my =240 8, water equivalent m', =10 & Equilibrium temperature = 60°C ‘Then from principle of calorimetery, Heat given = Heat taken mis, 60) = (mi, + my) Sy (60-20) 100% 470 (¢ ~ 60) = 10 + 240)x 4200 x 40 250% 4200 40 _ go3.6 100 470, £=9536°C 1-60=) 6. Abubble of 8 mole of helium is submerged at a certain depth in water. The temperature of water increases by 30°C. How much heat is added approximately to helium during ‘expansion (@) 40004 (b) 3000 5 (©) 35004 (@ 50005 7. A beaker contains 200 g of water. The heat capacity of the ‘beaker is equal to that of 20 g of water. The initial temperature of water in the beaker is 20°C, If 440 g of hot water at 92°C is poured ini, the final temperature (neglecting radiation loss) will be nearest to (@) SBC) EBC) 73°C) 7A'C 8. 100 g of ce at 0°C is mixed with 100 g of water at 100°C. ‘What willbe the final temperature of the mixture? @ 10 AC Ware OC 9. Aliquid of mass m and specific heat c i temperature 2. Anaher qu of masa espe heal 2c is heated to a temperature T. If these two hquids a1 ‘mixed, the resuiting temperature of the moture is (jr wr (37 @ Qr is mixed with 0.3m® of water at perature of the mixture is (b) 65°C © 756 10. 0.1 m® of water at 80°C i 60°C. The final tem (a) 70°C (©) 60°C 2) Change of state (or phase) Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas, These states (oF phases) can be changed into one another by heating ot cooling. This process of conversion of ore state of asubstance into the another state, is known as chenne of state. e The common changes of states of matter are as follows (i Solid to liquid (and vice-versa) (ee (ii) Liquid to gas (and vice-versa) During the change of state of matter, the exchange of heat takes place between the substance and its surroundings, Latent heat The amount of heat required to change the state of a unit rass of a substance without change in its temperature and pressure is known as latent heat. Latent heat is denoted by L. SI unit of latent heat is J kg“! If amass m of a substance undergoes a change from one state to the another, then the quantity of heat, Q required is given by Qz=mL Latent heat, L = Q/m Hence, during the phase change, the heat required by the substance depends on the mass m of the substance and heat of transformation Q. ie, There are two types of latent heat of materials: Latent heat of fusion or melting It is the quantity of heat required to change the state of a substance from solid ‘liquid state at its melting point. It is denoted by L;- Latent heat of vaporisation It is the quantity of heat Fequited to change the state of unit mass of a substance from liquid to vapour state at its boiling point. It is tented by Ly. Note for water at 1 at, tatent heat offs 800 cal of heat are required to me! liverated when 10 g of water freez vaporation for water ats 80 QUE wer having a 1,000 g of wat chy ion is 800 alg”. This simply means ft 10 g of water or 600 cal heat sat O°C. similarly, Latent heat of Exam, ple 16.10 At | aim pressure, 1.000 9 of water ha "ume of 1.000 em® becomes 1671 m=1.25¢ Thus, 1.25 g ice out of 5 g melts and mixture of ice and water is at OC, Example 16.14 5 g ice at 0°C is mixed with 1 g steam at 100°C. Find the final temperature and composition ofthe mixture. Sol, Given, mass of the steam, m ‘Temperature AT = 7, ~T; Heat required to melt ice at O° =Q =m, (where m, =mass of ice) = 5x 80= 400 cal Heat required to raise the temperature of water from 0 to 100°C In = mcy AT =5x 1% 100 = 500 cal ‘Maximum heat ice can absorb for steam to reach boiling point is Q+Q=900cal Heat rejected by steam on complete condensation =Qy =mLy =1gx 540 cal This heat rejected can melt the ice completely but cannot raise the temperature of water from 0 to 100°C as there is a deficiency of heat =Q + Q: ~Qy = (900 ~ 540) cal =360 cal :. Resulting temperature § 100-0 =100°C. Heat deficient Example 16.5 A lead bullet penetrates into a solid object and melts. Assuming that 25% ofits kinetic energy was used to heat it, calculate the initial speed of the bullet. The initial temperature ofthe bullet is 27°C and its melting point is 327°C. Latent heat of fusion of lead =2.5 x 10" Jkg™ and specific heat capacity of lead =125 J kg'K'. : Sol, Let the mass of the bullet =m Heat required to take the bullet from 27°C to 327°C Q=msT, ~ T) =m «125 x 627-27) =m x 125)300) =m x 6.75 x 10°Jkg™!) Heat required to melt the bullet = mL =m x 2.5 x 10°] kg!) A 1f the inital speed be v the kinetic energy is 5 mv* and hence ‘G~) mt =Q=m@.75 +2.5)x 10°} kg! the heat developed Thus, or v= 707.11 ms” Example 16.16 Suppose you want to coo! 0.25 kg of cola (mostly water), at 25°C by adding ice initially at ~20°C. How much ice should you add so that the final temperature will be O°C with al the ice melt? Neglect the heat capacity of the container. Specific heat of ice is 2000 Jig”! K™'. [Take specific heat of cola 4160 Jeg”! K~') Sol. Heat lost by cola is ea = Meta cola Testy 0.251:gK4160 Jk"? K-1V(25°C - 0°) = 26000 J Let the mass of the required ice be mie, then the heat needed to warm it from ~20°C to 0°C is a ee CiceATrce tce( 2000 J kg™! KY 0°C — (-20°C)) =m, (4.0104 J kg) ‘The heat needed to melt this mass of ice is Qe = Mg Ly = Mie (3.34% 10° J kg!) ++ Total energy gained by i Q+Q = Mee (3.74108 J kg) Using principle of calorimetry, heat lost =heat gained, we get 26000 J=mco(3.74%10° kg“) oF, mee =0.07 kg =70 § Example 16.17. An ice cube of mass 0.1 hg at 0°C is placed in ‘an isolated container which is at 227°C, The specific heat of the container varies with temperature T according to the empirical relation ¢ = 4 + BT, where A =100 cal/ig-K and B=2x 10" cal/kg-K?. If the final temperature of the fontaine AOTC, determine the mas ofthe container. Latent teat of fusion of water = 8x 10° cal/kg, specific heat of water =10° cal/hg-K) es Sol. Giver Initial temperature of container, 7 Final temperature of container, Ty Specific heat of container, ¢ Let m is mass of container. Heat lost by container 27 +273 = 500K 274273 =300K + BT =100+2x107T 5 »» 4Q= fncar =m 000 +2102 ar i Se ap mfoor s2-102 2 loo " 100300 ~ 500) + 10"? 00? — 50023) =m -210* + 10"? B00 + 500) 800 ~ 500) 1-2 10" ~1600) 21600m tot gained by Kee = mL + me, AT = 0.1% 8% 10* + 01x 10 @7-0) =10700 al teat lost by container = Heat gained by ice 21600 m =10700 m= 0.495 kg Heating curve ‘The graph between temperature and time is called heating curve. Suppose the heat is supplied to the solid at constant rate P, thena graph is plotted between temperature and time, as shown. see Bolling heat is suplied at constant rat ‘oii a stope= & Fe dQ= me ty the slope of BC. What does this indicate? (now the substance Temperature S 785) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Sol (i) horizontal portions AB and CD, temperature remains same hence these portions show change of state ‘AB: conversion from solid to liquid state (CD: conversion from liquid to vapours Gi) When change of state takes place, AQ = mL length of line ¢ Latent heat CD=2AB > AQ Mby =2mly => Ly =2L, where L, and Ly are the latent heat of fusion and vaporisation respectively. i) Heat = AQ= mc AT ar AF _ slope of inclined line a0 Slope of incli 1 1 ‘ne Thermal capacity ‘The slope of line DE represents reciprocal of heat capacity (iv) Slope of OA > slope of BC fea ooo = are, Gch,” Gre ‘The specific heat of liquid is greater than that of specific heat of solid, Example 16.19 Two bodies of equal mass m are heated at a uniform rate under identical conditions. Their change in temperature are shown graphicalty in figure. (@ What are their melting points? (i) What is the ratio of their latent heats? (iii) What isthe ratio of their specific heats? 100) 38 ‘Temperature TC BS o 123s 45 67 8 9 Time Sol. (i) AB, and A,B, represent change of state for substances 1 and 2. During change of state, temperature remains Melting point of substance 1: 40°C. Melting point of substance 2: 60°C. (i) Heat 4Q «time Since heat is supplied at constant rate AQ = kt, k: constant rate (/s) AQ mb=k => Let time during change of state from A, to B, time during A, to By “The ratio of latent heat of fusion of two substances are in the ratio 3:4 (ii) AQemcAT = ke=me(T-To) T= Mary T versus tis straight line So, + represents slope of inclined line = +. Ratio of specific heat a 2 In Liquid state, (£ me) _ slope of BG (4) Slope of BC » _ (70-4000 00-6086) 2 Ratio of specific heat £2 = 1 a2 Example 16.20 How much heat is required to convert 8.0 g of ce at 15°C to steam at 100°C? (Given, ¢).. = 0.53 cal g' °C, Lp = 80 cal g™ andLy= 539cal g ande yore, = 1ealg™ C1) ice water eater steam oc oc 100" 100 ae @ @ a Qa MG ce (T; -T) = (8.0) (0.53) [0 - (-15)] = 63.6 cal ewer Ty ~ T) (8.0) (1.0) [100 - 0] = 800 cal Qy = mLy = (8.0) (539)= 4312 cal e-Net heat required =A + ++ Q=5815.6 cal Example 16.21 100 g ice at 0°C is mixed with 10 9 steam at 100°C. Find the final temperature and composition. Sol, Heat required to melt ice at O°C, Q =m; =100x 80 cal g = 8000 cal. Heat required to raise the temperature of water from 0°C to 100°C =Q amet = 100 gx 1 calg*C «100°C = 10000 cal sposinum Beat ice can absorb from steam to reach bailing ® =Q + Q; =18000 cal seat rejected by steam on complete condensation, Qs =m,L, =10 % 540 eal gt = 5400 cal eat rejected by water at 100°C to cooled to 0°G = m,eyAt = 10 gx 100 eal "HC = 1000 cal Maximum heat can be supplied to steam to ice at O*C = + = (5400 + 1000) eal =6400 cal ‘To melt the lee, 8000 cal heat is required, but maximum heat supplied by steam, 6400 ca is in sufficient to melt the ice, So resulting temperature of mixture is =0°C. Phase diagram and triple point ‘The temperature of a substance remains constant during its phase change (or change of state) and this temperature depends on the pressure. ‘The graph between temperature and pressure of substance is called phase diagram or p-T diagram. The phase diagram (drawn for water and CO) shows P-T plane is divided into three regions i.e, solid region, liquid region and vapour region which are separated by sublimation curve, fusion curve and “aporisation curve. ‘These curves are described below {® A.curve which shows the vatiation of boiling point ‘with pressure is called vaporisation curve (OC). The points on this curve represents the states in which liguid and vapour phases coexist. The vaporisation line is called steam fine in case of water. {8A curve which shows the variation of melting point with pressure is called the fusion curve (OA). The Points on this eurve represents the states in which solid 4nd liguid phases coexist. The fusion line is called fee Tine in ase of water. i) A curve which shows the variation of ee with temperature at which a solid changes directly into ‘apour state is called sublimation eueve (OB). The Points on this curve represents the state in which sold and vapour phases coexist. The sublimation Hine is yeti hoarfost ine nese of water '™) The temperature and pressure at which these three carves corexist simultaneously is known asthe tiple Point of the substance. ©8. The triple point for water is represented by temperature 278.16 K and pressure 6.10* 10° Pa (2) Phase diagram for water Gi) The vaporisation curve Ian (it) For COm py (iv) (a) - 70°C under 1 atm. This Chapter 16: Calorimetry and heat transfer (1 ‘Two figures below show the phase diagram with triple point for (a) water &) COs, ESBS WIT TO Soblimation Tipe Point Swbtimation (©) Phase diagram for COs Fig, 16.2 (v) At pressure below that of its triple point, no substances can exist as a liquid. Example 1622 Answer the following questions based on the p-T. phase diagram of carbon dioxide as shown in the figure. ( At what temperature and pressure can the solid, liquid and vapour phases of CO. co-exist in equilibrium? (ii) What is the effect of decrease of pressure on the fusion and boiling point of CO,? (Git) What are the critical temper is their significance? Gv) Is CO, solid, liquid or gas under 10 atm (6)15°C under 56 atm? Sol. G) The solid, srature and pressure for COz? What at (@) ~ 70°C under 1 atm (6) — 60°C uid and vapour phases of CO, co-exist in equilibrium at its triple point O for which 11 atm and T;, =~56.6°C nu fusion curve Il show that bot ‘he bong point snd fusion point af COs decrene, soahe oe Above its critical temperature, CO, gas cannot be liquefik however large pressure may be apa Seilieeehied ia. point les in va Therefor t~20°C under Tu 0) 60°C under 10st Th Therefore, CO, valida 60 aeae (0 19°C under 50 atm. Ths pat tee gee Therefore, CO guid at 15°C oe pour region, CO, is vapour. point lies in solid region, liquid region, © 56 atm, * Check point 16.2) 1. A substance of mass m kg requires a power input of P watts to remain in the molten state a ts meting point. When the power is turned off, the sample completely solidifies in time second, What ithe latent heat of fusion ofthe substance? m m t oF 7 Og ® bn 2. 50.9 of ice at 0°C is mixed with 50 g of water at 60°C, final temperature of mixture will be @oc aT WIC KH I5C 3. 80 g of water at 30°C are poured on a large block of ice at (°C. The mass of ice that mets is (@) 309 (b) 809 (c) 16009 () 150g 4. An iron ball of mass 0.2 kg is heated to 10°C and put into @ block of ice at 0°C. 25 9 of ice mets. If the latent heat of fusion ot ice is 80 cal g™, then the specific heat of iron in calg*Cis (ai (b) 01 (©) 08 (@ 0.08 5. Steam at 100°C is passed into 1.1 kg of water contained in a Calorimeter of water equivalent 0.02 kg at 15°C tl the temperature of calorimeter and its contents rises to 80°C. ‘The mass of the steam condensed in kilogram is (Cy = 10° cal kg" °C"! and Ly = 540 x 10° cal kg") (2) 0130 (0) 0.065 (<) 0260) 0.195 6. A load bullet of 10 g travelling at 300 ms“ strikes against ablock of wood and comes to rest. Assuming 60% of heat is absorbed by the bullet, the increase in its temperature is (@) 100°C (b) 125% (c) 150°C The temperatures versus time graph is shown in figure. Which of the substances A, B and C has the lowest heal capacity if heat is supplied to all of them at equal rates. (aA oe wc (@) Allhave equal specific heat (@) 200% A B c “Temperature (7) Time (— 3) Heat transfer ‘As we have already studied, heat is a form of energy which transfers froma body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperatures. The transfer of heat from one body to the other may take place by any of three possible ways namely () Conduction (i) Convection (ii) Radiation '8. Asolid material is supplied with heat at a constant rate, The temperature of material is changing with heat input as shown in the figure. What does slope DE represent 7 Temperature —> Heat input — (@) latent heat of liquid (0) latent heat of vapour (6) heat capacity of vapour (@) inverse of heat capacity of vapour 9, Astudent takes 50 g wax (specific heat = 0.6 kcal/kg?) and heats it til it boils. The graph between temperature and time is as follows. Heat supplied to the wax per minute and boling point are respectively aaa eao ones ‘Time (minute) {@) 500 cal, 50°C (©) 1000 cal, 100°C {6) 1500 cal, 200°C (@) 1000 cal, 200°C 10, 4 kg ot ice at -15°C are added to § kg of water at 15°C. The ‘temperature ofthe resulting mixture equals @-15C HOC sc @ 1s In the first two processes, a medium is necessary for the heal transfer, Radiation, however, does not have this restriction. This is also the fastest mode of heat transfer, in which heat is transferred from one place to the other in the form of electromagnetic radiations, 1. Conduction ‘The transfer of heat taking place due to molecular vibrations (ée., molecular collisions) is known as heat conduction. In this cessathere isno chan Py yence there is non ‘erage position of the ISS movement ds. heat is transferred by the pro molecule of matter. Through in 'eess of conduction, 2. Convection unvection is the process in which heat is transferred om. spe point to another by the insferred, actual motion of matter fi ‘faion of high temperature to a re {This process of heat transfer takes 3,Radiation isa mode of heat transfer from one place to another without heating the intervening medium. The heat is transferred by the means of thermal radiations, radiant cnetgy or simply radiation, The heat from the sun reaches tothe earth by radiation after travelling millions of kilometers of empty space (ie. without any material medium), n of lower temperature. place only in fluids, Conduction of heat in conducting rod Figure shows a rod whose ends are in thermal contact with a hot reservoir at temperature T; and a cold reservoir at temperature T. The sides of the rod are covered with insulating medium, so the transport of heat is along the rod and not through the sides. Heat is transferred from the hot end to the cold end due to solecular collisions. Molecules at hot end transfer their linetic energy to neighbouring molecules by collision. In ‘his way, heat transfers from the one end to other. During ‘reat transfer, the molecules do not change their “librium position. Toh 1 See (Hop) Fig. 163 Steady state ider a section ab of a rod as shown in figure. ie Qjeat enters into the section at and Q; Lewes tb then 225 Q,.Part of the energy Qy ~ 2 8 nd the remaining is “ing the temperature of section ab and t! © atmosphere through ab. i= & re Fig. 164 i li the left end of the rod,a "oe coaattimouy rot the section becomes © comes when temperature ©! “ Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer (is constant. Thisiscalled the steady state condition. Inthatcase, Q = Q) if rod is insulated from the surroundings (or heat loss through ab is zero). In steady state, temperature of different sections of the rod remains constant with time, In the given figuee, T; = constant, T = constant ete. T>T,>T,>T, CTT Fig 165 Isieed rin steady tate and For a conductor in steady state neither absorption nor emission takes place. Rate of heat transfer and temperature gradient ‘When a quantity of heat dQ is transferred through the rod ima time dt, the rate of heat flow is 42, dt This rate is also called the heat current, denoted by H. Experiments show that the heat current is proportional to the cross-section area A of the rod and to the temperature gradient dT'/ds, which is the rate of change of temperature with distance along the bar as shown in the figure. In general = Qo gat] ‘ H= dt KA i) Fig. 16.6 The negative sign indicates that temperature decreases along the direction of flow of heat. ST unit of temperature gradient is Km! or °Cm7 Thermal conductivity ‘The constant K (in the above expression) is called the thermal conductivity, which is a measure of the ability of a material to conduct heat. A substance with a large thermal conductivity K heat conductor. Let us apply Eq. (i) to a rod of ler and constant cross sectional area A in which a is a good ngth L, teady state 7) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 has been reached. In a steady state the temperature at each point is constant in time. Hence, Fig. 16,7 a _h-5 dx L ‘Therefore, the heat AQ transferred in time At is jag=xa(=% a ti) WA=1,T, ~T =1,L=1,At=1, then AQ=k Hence, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material may be defined as the quantity of heat that flows per unit time through a unit cube of the material when its opposit faces are kept at a temperature difference of one degree, The SI unit of Kis Js“! m™'K"! or Wm™! K“! and its dimension is (MLT~°K""), Note 1 substance which isa good conductor of heat (eg, silver is also a good Conductor of elect, For suc substances a 2 gven temperature the ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductty (K/oT) is constant. This is known as Wieemann-Fran La, 2 The atio of the coetcient of thermal conductivity (K)to the thermal capacity et unit wolume (p,) of a material is cll thermometic conduct of diffusivity Thermal resistance (R) In differential form, rate of heat flow can be written as dQ__ AT _AT dt UKA R Here, AT = temperature difference (TD) and R= = thermal resistance ofthe rod. KA AT H ‘Thus thermal resistance is the the ratio of the temperature difference between the ends of conductors to the heat current, Also, we can write R SL unit of thermal resistance is KW~ (Kelvin per watt) and dimensional formula of Ris [(M"'L? TK), Example 1623 Thickness of ice on a lake is 5 em and the temperature of air is~20°C. If the rate of cooling of water inside the lake be 20000 cal min" through each square metre surface, find K for ice. Sol, Thickness of ice on a lake, L = 5 em=5 x10 m (-20)=20°C Change in temperature, AT = a Rate of cooling of water -42 10000 eal min’ 20000 cals 60 20000 42 =1400 Js" 22.4422) AQ af AT oo at L ‘Where K is thermal conductivity On putting values, we get = 1400 5x10 sWm'ect 120 (where A=1m?) Example 1624 One end of a copper rod of length 1m and area of cross-section 4.0x 10™* m? is maintained at 100°C. At the other end of the rod ice is kept at 0°C. Neglecting the loss of ‘heat from the surroundings find the mass of ice melted in | h. (Giver, Kg, = 401WmK* and Ly = 3.35% 10° Jkg"!) Sol. Thermal resistance of the rod, toe ec ele KA (401) (4x 10%) Heat current, 11 = Temperature difference ‘Thermal resistance (100-0) 623 =6.23KW" =16W ‘Heat transferred in 1 h, (v#= = (16) (3600)= 57600 J Now, let mbe the mass of ice that melts in 1 h, then (Q=mt) 57600 ‘Tas 19 70-17 kg or 172g Example 1625. An iron boiler is 1 cm thick and has a heatin area 25 m?. The two surface Stace "es of the boiler are at 230°C and 100°C respectively. Ifthe latent heat of the steam is 540 keal kg” and thermal conductivity of iron 1.610" heals m"K", then haw uch ther wil Be evaporated into steam per minute? ‘Sol. Here, thickness of iron boiler, Ax Heating area, A=2.5 m? ‘Temperature AT = 7; ~ T =230-100 =130°¢ Latent heat of steam = 540 keal kg"! =lem=001m Thermal conductivity of iron, K =1.6% 107 keal sy" At =1min = 60s Let m kg of the mass be evaporated in 1 min, then KA(i=T)At_ Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer (m Let us assume that n slabs each of cross-sectional area A, lengths Ly, Ly, Ly... « L, and thermal conductivities Ky, Ky, Ky ...K, respectively are connected in series as Heat conducted, AQ = KAM = Tpit _ shown in the figure. ax 2 ee Ls 2 m=KAG = Tat 7 7 7 Ec axL (1.6% 1077)x (2.5)x 130% i Ke Ke = 25)6 130% 60 _ sore yg 0.01% 540 =a i Example 16.26 A copper rod 2 m long has a circular tae cross-section of radius 1 cm. One end is kept at 100°C and the ather at 0°C, and the surface is insulated so that negligible heat is lost through the surface. Find (i) the thermal resistance of the bar (i) the thermal current H. (i) the temperature gradient dT/ds and (qv) the temperature at 25 em from the hot end. Thermal conductivity of copper is 401 Wm™!K-*. Sol Gi) Thermal resistance, R= =! KA” Kor) or R=) __ _is.okw (400 9 007) (i) Thermal current, H=42= 109 or #=63W R59 (ii) Temperature gradient 50°C"! 0.25 m 1 2.0 m Let T°C be the temperature at 25 cm from the hot end, then (Tr -100)= (temperature gradient) x (distance) or T-100=(~ 50) (0.25) or T=87.5° Connection of rods with different thermal conductivities Iftwo or more rods or thermal conductors are connected With one another, the equivalent thermal conductivity as a hole may be altered. Now we will discuss different Combinations of rods and heat flow associated with them. \ Series combination Consider a series combination of rods with sides insulated So that heat flow across length of each rod. In series when Steady state is reached, heat current is same and temperature difference across each rod is different. (a) Heat current As heat current is the same in all the conductors in steady state, We have & =H, = Hy =H, t K,AQy - Ty) _ KA) - 75) Ly (b) Equivalent thermal resistance Equivalent thermal resistance of the combination is given by Ry HR, +R, +... +R, (c) Equivalent thermal conductivity As Req = Ry + Rp +..+R, pliththy tantly lr, KA KA KA Equivalent thermal conductivity is given by ot KK, K, Case II If two slabs of equal lengths are combined in series = 2KiKy Ki +K, (@) Temperature of common interface of junction of two composite rods Let temperature at two ends be T and T, and temperature of the junction be T. 3) T12) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 nos Tm OT A — Fig. 16.9 Example 16.29 The three bars of equa alee a ‘As the two rods are connected in series, heat current areas of cross-section are connected in series. UN Neti tonductivities are in the ratio of 2: 4: 3. If the open ends of ee ages Seeder aa the lst rs av at temperatures 200°C and 18°C KAU, -T) _ K,AT -T,) respectively in the steady state, calculate the temperatures of pa lL, both the junctions. Solving we get Sol, Let the temperature of the junctions B and C be 8 and 0,, respectively. In the steady state, the rate of flow of heat through all rods will be the same. 4 B c D % i 200-4) L 7 Case I If Ly = ‘Therefore , Heat transfer H = @K) A’ ax a=?) =GK)A, Case It If K,=Ky =Kand Ly =Ly=Ly then ~ or 2200 - @) = 4(@, - @,) =3(0, 18) Saree Solving, ® =116°C, @ = 74°C 2 Example 16.30 An iron bar having length L, =0.1 m, area o cross-section 0.02 m? thermal conductivity K, =79Wm"'K™ Example 16.27 Three rods of same cross-section but different and brass bar having length L, =0.1 m area of cross-section, | length and conductivity are joined in series If the temperature 49 Gey ent endl enol cooductivinn ke 1OSWaclke ure of the tv extreme ends are T, and T, (T; > T,)find the rate of Sddered end to end as shown in figure, heat transfer H. The terminal ends of two rods are maintained at 373 K and : 1% 213 K respectively. Find the expression and compute h by a the temperature ofthe junction of two bars. a / — Gi equivalent thermal conductivity of composite bar and (i) the heat curren through the composite bar Sol, Total thermal resistance Ty RoR sks Rye eta Ness ae ee Iron Brass -h Now, Heat transfer H =<" Sol, Given, Length =L, =L=0.1m : ney Gm . Area, A=A, == 002m? eee Thermal conductivity, Ky =79 Wm-!K", Ky =109 Wm K Temperature, 7; =373 K and Ty =273 K Example 16.28 A composite slab is prepared by pasting two At steady state, heat transferred from any section of thermal plates of thicknesses L, and L and thermal conductivities K, conductor is same ie. Hy =H, =H ‘and K. The slabs have equal cross-sectional area. Find the K, Ah =T) _ KyAy (Ty-T) equivalent conductivity of the slab. 2 ae a wi) Sol. = K = = Kay For A =A, =Aand I, =L, =L, Eq. (i) becomes Fin er K,~T)=K, (1 -T,) = 15-2 Ra=R+R, + Kp ‘Therefore, heat current through other bar “A(T =T5)_KeA(Ty=T,)__ AUT, L an KE) ‘ow, heat current through composite bar of = “Squvlnt homoleondactiy Brean begiven by KA -Ty 2E {So, the temperature of the junction of two bars is 1, = Milt Kate Ki+Ky _T9Wen"K"! x 373 K + 109Wm" Kx 273K 79 Wa K+ 109War ik 2KiK, K+k, 2x 79 Wm"'K"1x 109 Wm'K™ 79 Wa K+ 109 Wark = 91.6 Wm'K™ (ai) Heat current through the composite bar He =315K (G) Equivalent thermal conductivity X" ran LAGI) 0.02 m?x (373-273) K 2x 0.1m 91.6 Wa IK =916W 2. Parallel combination Ina parallel combination of rods, one end of each of rod is kept st higher temperature and other end of each of rod is kept at lower temperature. In this way rods, provide parallel path for flow of heat energy. In parallel, heat currents are different but temperature difference across each rod is same. = = Z Fa ty Z Lh righ —I CO tow temperature {Simperse Fig. 16.0 (2) Heat current Heat current will be different in each rod, Net heat current will be given by sum of heat currents through individual rod. he, H=H, + Hp +..+Hy (b) Equivalent resistance oS Req Ri Re R, RiRo For two rods, Req =——=— or Wo 1088, Bag = Re gy . Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer 73 (c) Temperature gradient It is same across each rod h-hh and is given by L (@) Equivalent thermal conductivity Ke, = Kids + Roly +. + Kate At dg te tA Example 16.31 An aluminium rod and copper rod of equal length 1 mand cross-sectional area 1 cm? are welded as shown. K 4, =200Wim?C, Kg, = 400 W/m°C. Find heat current. asc @ s00"¢ Al cu ee ee x (ii) 100°C 25°C @ ——— ees KyA 200x10~ Heat current Example 16.32 Two metal cubes with 3 cm edges of copper and ‘aluminium are arranged as shown in figure. Find (The total thermal current from one reservoir to the other. 100% (i) The rato ofthe thermal current carried by the copper cube to that carried by the aluminium cube. Thermal conductivity of copper is 401 Wmn"'K and that of aluminium is 237 Wm'K. Sol. (i) Thermal resistance of aluminium cube, Ry = a (3.0% 10) or R= and thermal resistance of copper cube, Rp “4 m) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 7 . Ryx 0.0 1074) °° GOD B.0« 1077 As these two resistances are in parallel, their equivalent resistance will be RoR _ (0.14) (0.08) R+Ry (O.14)+ (0.08) Thermal current, H = Temperature difference ‘Thermal resistance (100-20) 1 6 0.05 = 6x 10° W OW In parallel thermal current distibue inthe inverse rato : i O14 of resistance. Hence, Hos = Ral . % = 1.75 Hy Ry Rm Example 16.33 Three identical rods have been joined at a Junction to make it aY shape structure. If two free ends are ‘maintained at 45°C and the end is at O°C, then what is the Junction temperature T? =0.08 Kw"! = 0.05 Kw" 45°C oc: 45°C Rod are in steady state So, H=H,+H, . KAT ~0) _ KAAS ~T) | (45-7) L LE L = T=45-T+45-T = 3T=90 = T=30°C Example 16.34 A steel bar 10.0 em long is welded end to end to a copper bar 20.0 em long. Both bars are insulated perfectly (on their sides. Each bar has a square cross-section, 2.00 em on 4 side, The free end of the steel bar is maintained at 100°C by placing it in contact with ice. Find the temperature at the Junction of the two bars and the total rate of ‘Thermal conductivity of steel = 50.2 Wm™!K" conductivity of copper = 385 Wm™!K™! Sol. Steel r Copper T=100%e 2.0m Teor j— 100 cm —-— 200em——4 In the steady state, the two heat currents are equal. We have 1, Kast 000°C 7) we Lie d H K, peA(T ‘= 0°C) 2 Substituting Lye) =0100 1 Leorper Kg = 50.2.Wi Kogpee =385 Wen K" Also, both rods are same area. (soa\o*C- 7) 0100 Solving for T, we obtain T =20.7°C ‘We can find the total heat current by substituting this value for T, Gas\r-0°C) (0200 (502)(0.0200)400 - 20.7) 1, ———r—rr ‘0100 Fl = 796.17 W 5 Hawt = Hepp Heep = T96ATW Example 16.35 A cylinder of radius R made of a material of thermal conductivity K, = K is surrounded by cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 3R made of a material of thermal conductivity Ky = 2K. The two ends of the combined _gstem are maintained at two different temperatures. There is no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and system is in steady state. What isthe effective thermal conductivity of the system? leat flow LPR. = 4 % Sol, In this situation, a rod of length L and area of cross-section ‘AR? and another of same length L and area of cross-section ‘GRY -R?|=8xR? will conduct heat simultaneously, so total heat flowing per second will be dQ dQ, dQ at dt dt ~Se Gi), Kabel oT) fi Now, if the equivalent conductivity is K. Ts 2g G=7) So, from Eqs. () and (i), we have [As A= QR?) hey check point 163) 4, The layers of atomsphere are heated through, {@) Convection (0) Conduction (c) Radiation (8) Both (a) and (c) 3, Mud houses are cooler in summer and warmer in winter because (@) Mud is superconductor of heat (0) Mud is good conductor of heat {@) Mudis bad conductor of heat {6) None of the above 4, Snow is more heat insulating than ice, because {@) Aris filed in pores of snow (b) Ice is more bad conductor than snow (©) Airis file in pores of ice (6) Density of ice is more 4. On heating one end of a tod, the temperature of whole rod willbe uniform when @k (0) K=0 (9 K=100 () K=0 5. Ifthe temperature difference on the two sides of a wall increases from 100°C to 200°C, its thermal conductivity (@) remains unchanged —_(b) is doubled (© ishaved (0) becomes four times 6 The thermal conductivity of a rod depends on (2) lenath (©) mass (@) area of x-section (@) material of the rod 7. The Sl unit of thermal conductivity is @us"K (o) usm? @um"k (@) dsm" 8 Wires A and B have identical lengths and have circular cross-sections. The radius of A is twice the radius of B, Le., ‘4 =2fg. For a given temperature difference between the two ends, Both wires conduct heat atthe same rate, The relation between the thermal conductivities is given by @) Ky (b) Ky =o OK. (0) Kae 9. The ends of two rods of different materials with their thermal conductivities, radii of cross-section and lengths all in the ratio 1: 2 are maintained at the same temperature difference. if the rate of flow of heat in the larger rod is then that in the shorter rod in cals will be 1 (0) 2 Os @) 16 The length of the two rods made up of the same metal and having the same area of cross-section are 0.6 m? and 0.8 i? respectively. The temperature between the ends of frst rod is 80°C and 60°C and that forthe other rod is 150°C and 10°C. For which rod the rate of conduction will be greater? (a) First (0) Second (©) Same for both (@) None of these 10, 111, Three rods made of the same material and having same cross-sectional area but different length 10 cm, 20 om and 30 om are joined as shown, The ternperature of the junction is| 2c soe 1we (@) 108°C (H) 146) 164°C @) 182°C 12. Equal temperature differences exist between the ends of two metallic rods 1 and 2 of equal lengths. Their thermal conductivities are K, and K; and area of cross-section are A, and A,, respectively. The condition of equal rates of heat transter is () KA = KoA, (0) KA = KoA, ©) KAR = Kah () KiAg = KBA, Consider a compound slab consisting of two different materials having equal thickness and thermal conductivities ‘K and 2K in series. The equivalent conductivity of the slab is 2 a (5K (2K (3K @ 3 K 14. In a steady state, the temperature at the end A and 6 of 20cm long rod AB are 100°C and O°C. The temperature of a point from A is @arc msc OSC (a) 65°C 15. Three rods of same dimensions R are arranged as shown in figure. They have thermal conductivities K,, Ke and K,. The points P and are maintained at different a Xe temperatures. For the heat flow at the same rate along PRO and PQ which of the following option 13. is correct? % 2 @) Ka=ZtKi+ Ke) (0) Ky=K, + Ke Kk (c) Ky= Kak (d) Ky =2(K, + Ka) 16. Two rods of copper and brass (Ke > Kg)of same length and area of cross-section are joined as shown, End A is kept at ‘100°C and end 8 at 0°C. The temperature at the junction ii Cope eae (2) will be more than 80°C. (b) will be less than 50°C () will be 50°C. (6) may be more or less than 50°C depending upon the size of rods \, 716) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 17. A wall has two layers A and B, each made of different material, Both the layers have the same thickness. The thermal conductivity for A is twice that of B and, under steady condition, the temperature difference across the wall is 36°C. The temperature difference across the layer Ais, (@) 6 () 120) 24°C (18S 18. A metal rod of length 2m has — cross-sectional areas 2A and ‘Aas shown in figure. The oo fends are maintained at temperatures 100°C and 70°C. The temperature at middle point Cis (@) 80°C (©) BSC} OPC ST me (@) 98°C 4) Radiation Radiation is the transfer of heat energy in form of electromagnetic waves. In this mode transfer of heat takes place without heating the intervening medium, All bodies even at lower temperature emit energy in the form of the electromagnetic radiation. Heat energy is carried by infrared waves with wavelength greater than 750 nm. Absorption, emission, reflection and transmission of heat radiations When heat radiations are incident on a surface, then part of is absorbed, part of it is reflected and part of transmitted as shown. Incident Enission “| Absorption Reflected “Tansmited Fig. 16.1 Absorption ‘The process of absorbing the incident radiation by the surface of a body is called absorption. Due to absorption; temperature of surface of the body increases. Absorptive power (a) It's defined as the ratio of the radiant energy absorbed by a body in a given time to the total radiant energy incident on it in the same interval of 19, A slab consists of two parallel layers of two different materials of same thickness having thermal conductivities k, and Kp. The equivalent conductivity of the combination is Kit (KK to Ste 2k 1+ Ke Kit ke Ka Ke OOK 20. Two rods of same length and material transfer a given ‘amount of heat in 12 s, when they are joined end to end. But \when they are joined lengthwise, then they will transfer same heat in same conditions in (a) 248 (b) 3s (15s @) 48s energy absorbed (Q,) Absorptive Powe = era = Cnergy incident (Q,) It is a dimensionless quantity. Spectral absorptive power a, The absorptive power a refers to radiations of all wavelengths (or the total energy) while the spectral absorptive power is the ratio of radiant ‘energy absorbed by a surface to the radiant energy incident on it for a particular wavelength 2. It may have different values for different wavelengths for a given surface. Let us take an example, suppose a= 0.6, a, =0.4 for 1000 A and aj, =0.7 for 2000 A for a given surface. Then, it means that this surface will absorb only 60% of the total radiant energy incident on it. Similarly, it absorbs 40% of the energy incident on it corresponding to 1000 A and 70% corresponding to 2000 A. The spectral absorptive power a, is related to absorptive power a through the relation Emission ‘The process of emitting radiation by the surface of a body is called emission. Due to emission, temperature of surface of the body decreases, Radiation energy emitted following factors. (i) Wavelength of radiation (ii) Nature of the surface (iii) Surface area iv) Temperature of the surface Emissive power (¢) For a given surface it is defined as the radiant energy emitted per second per unit area of the surface. by a surface depends upon cis the total amount of energy radiated by a body per econd per unit area of surface, Emissive Power e ‘slunit of emissive power is Js“'m~? or Wm7?, Object having lesser emissive power is called bad emitter and object having greater emissive power is called good emitter. Spectral emissive power e, It is emissive power for a pafticular wavelength 2. and is defined as the total amount of thermal energy emitted per unit time, per unit area of the tody for a particular wavelengths. Thus, Mee. tts unit is JOUE og SAS and dimensional formula is msm (wT). Emissivity (e) The ratio of emissive power (e) of a body to the émissive power (B) of a black body (a body that absorbs all the radiations falling on it) at the same temperature is called emissivity. It is denoted by &. Thus, emissivity, Itisa dimensionless quantity. (i) For highly polished body ¢, = 0 (i) For practical bodies 0< 6<1 Transmittance (Transmittivity) ‘The ratio of heat energy transmitted by a body in a given time to the total radiation energy incident on it in the same interval of time is called transmittance or transmissivity. It is denoted by & * Transmittance t = Itis a dimensionless quantity. Reflectivity The ratio of heat energy reflected by a body in a given time to the total radiation energy incident on it in the Same interval of time is called reflectivity. tis denoted by r Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer fm [retectviy Gace & dee Itis dimensionless quantity. Relation between absorptive Power (a) Transmittance (t) and Reflectivity (r) “ %++0,=0 Ding bath sides by @ we get & 0,0 a9 > osterst | Fora perfec refit, | for perfect transite, \ Black body radiation A body that absorbs almost all the radiations falling on it is known as a black body. It emits the radiations at the fastest rate. The radiations emitted by a black body is known as black body radiation. The black body is also called as ideal radiator. Perfectly Black Body ‘A body that completely absorbs the radiation of all the wavelengths incident on it is called perfectly black body. Properties of perfectly black body Properties of perfectly black body are given below (It does not reflect any radiation ©. Reflectivity r = 0 (ii) It does not transmit any radiation ¢ Transmitty (= 0 (ii) A perfectly black body absorbs all radiations incident on it, the absorptive power of a perfectly black body is maximum and unity, ie,,a=1. (iv) A perfectly black body does not reflect any wavelength, so it appears black; whatever be the colour of radiations incident on it. "(v) When heated to a suitable high temperature, it emits radiation of all possible wavelengths. e.g., Sun is at very high temperature (= 6 x 10° K) it emits all possible radiations so it is an example of black body. (vi) For perfectly black body ¢ =1 ~ 718) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Materials like black velvet or lamp black come close to being ideal black bodies, but the best practical realisation of an ideal black body is a small hole leading into a cavity, as this absorbs 98% of the radiation incident on them called ferry’s black body. Kirchhoff's radiation law According to this law, “the ratio of emissive power (e) to absorptive power (a) is same for all surfaces at the same temperature and is equal to emissive power (B) of a black body at that temperature.” Then, (5) =constant = E 8 Je sy sate Similarly for a particular wavelength 2, Here, E,, = emissive power of black body Stefan's law All objects radiate energy continuously in the form of electromagnetic waves. The rate at which an object radiates energy is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. This is known as the Stefan's law and is expressed in equation form as. P=oAeT* Here Pis the power in watts (Js~! radiated by the object, Ais the surface area in m’, T is the absolute temperature in kelvin (K), e is a fraction between 0 and 1 called the emissivity of the object and o is a universal constant called Stefan's constant, which has the value 67 10° Wm?-K-+ This law is also known as Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Example 1636 A black body at 227°C radiates heat at arate of 7 calem™*s, At a temperature of 727°C, what will be the rate of heat radiated in the same units. Sol. According to stefan’s law, E= oT! : 0227 +273)! = ax (500}* and (727+ 273)! =. x (1000) x _ 000} Hence, = 1000)" _ 7 oor 1° > x=16% 7=112 cal ems Cooling by radiation i e T placed in an Consider a hot body at temperature T pl environment at a lower temperature Ty. The body emits more radiation than it absorbs and cools down while the surroundings absorb radiation from the body and warm up, ‘The body is losing energy by emitting radiations at a rate, P, =eAoT* and is receiving energy by absorbing radiations at a rate P, =aAoT} Walls 1 1 Fig. 16.12 Diagram showing cooling by radiation Here a is a pure number between O and 1 indicating the relative ability of the surface to absorb radiation from its, surroundings. Note that this a is different from the absorptive power a. In thermal equilibrium, both the body and the surrounding have the same temperature (say T.) and, P,=P, or eAoT} =aAoTs Thus, when T > To, the net rate of heat transfer from the ore body to the surroundings is, 2 =eda (rt —Té) it or rme(—$2) = cas 4-73) (dQ =medT) Rate of cooling, AS rt _ ry me or «at -T3) So, we can say that rate of cooling of a body by radiation is proportional to the difference of fourth Power of temperature of body and its environment. Example 1637 A cubical block of mass 1.0 hg an om isheaedt9 227°C eis hope nen casera eee maintained at 27°C. Assuming that the block emits radiati lke a blackbody, find the rate at which the temporatarc af rhe block will decrease. Specific heat capacity of the of the block s 400 J/g Kf = 6 10° Woes eral oF Sol Rate of cooling a at ms ~ Ta) Given, o=1, Area, A= 6a? = * (510)? =150% 10-4 mn? 6x10 x 150 10~(500}' - @00)*) 1% 400 25 x 10-"? x (625 ~ 81) 10° =0.12°C/s fxomple 1638 One end of a rod of la mis inserted i Brac 600 K. The aes of thea ave covered wil an fpsulating material and the other end emits the radiation like a ackbody. The temperature of this end is 600 K in the steady sate. The temperate ofthe srending ar 300 K ‘assuming eneray is lost only by radiation from the open en: sea ind the thermal conc fe materi of ed ‘Seefan’s constant o = 6 x 10° Wim?-K*, : Sol, According to the question, cee (ae oa @ @ nergy received per second at end (1) qian © T= 600K Energy radiated per second at end (2) Q=oa' - 3) sft Insteady state Qh AGP =cA(r* ~ 78) _ oll - Te) G=7) 6x 107 x 0.2{(600)' - G00] : (apo - 600) 1.210 x (64-38) 10° ' 200 =6 «10°? (1296 ~ 81) = 7.29 Wim? Newton's law of cooling Newton's law of cooling states that the rate of cooling of ledy (R) is directly proportional to the temperate difference between the body and its surroundings provided the temperature difference is = — te ing Temperature difference yetweer Rae of cooling) re ody and its surroundings 97 ef -To) dt _ ak -To) Rate of cooling, ()- “Gy Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer ms Where, kis a constant which depends upon surface area and nature of the surface. It can also be written as (23) )] Here T, and Ty are temperatures of the body in time interval t Example 16.39 A body cools in 10 min from 60°C to 40°C. What witl be its temperature after next 10 min? The temperature of the surroundings és 10°C. E-(| For the given conditions, S0=40 _, {604 40 49 0) 10 2 Let T be the temperature after next 10 min. Then, 40-1 _,[40+T 1p 10 2 Sélving Eqs. (i) and (i, we get T=28°C Example 16.40 A body cools down from 52.5°C: to 47.5°C in 5 min and to 42.5°C in 7.5 min. Find the temperature of the ° surroundings. Sol, Using Newton's law of cooling, T-h( +h _y, t 2 eS ween ESIC (2 src t1S°C.y) Simin 2 or S°C _ (50°C -T) i) Simin ang 415°C =425°C (see 425°C -r) 75min aa °C ce on ES -nusec-1) fi) 153 From () and (i, we 258 (and (i), we get eS or Ty =35°C Cooling curves () Curve of log (T — To) versus time aT . a __xr- o =-KO-To) > ae Kae => log, -T>) =- Ke +log, A ~ 780) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 where, log, Ais a constant 9) loss (TT) — Fig. 16.13 ‘Thus graph is a straight line with negative slope. It means rate of cooling of the body decreases with time. Gi) Curve of body temperature versus time ‘We know that temperature of the body at any time tis given by T = Ty + (1; ~Tp)e™™'. From this expression, we can say that T = T; at t= 0 and T = Ty at t =o, ie, temperature of the body varies exponentially with time from T; to Ty ( T;). The temperature versus time graph sas shown in igure. 1 Ty... ' Fig, 16.14 Curve of rate of cooling versus body temperature Rate of cooling (k) = - 1 = — Ker -T,) dt Graph of R versus T is a straight line with intercept KT as shown in figure. Fig. 16.15 (iv) Curve of rate of cooling versus temperature difference between body temperature (T) and surrounding (To) Rate of cooling (R) | R a ar Fig, 16.16 Clearly Re (F ~Tp) i.e Rate of cooling (R) x temperature difference (AT) ‘Therefore, graph between R and AT is a straight line passing origin as shown in figure. Wien's displacement law At ordinary temperatures (below 600°C) the thermal radiation emitted by a body is not visible, most of it is concentrated in wavelengths much longer than those of visible light as when temperature increases wavelength shift to shorter wavelength. According to Wein's displacement law, the wavelength corresponding to maximum emission of radiation decreases with increasing temperature. d sI- or demaxT =b Here, b is a constant called Wien's constant. The value of this constant in SI unit is 2.898 10~* mK. Thus, the graph between intensity, I versus). can be drawn as Intensity Tom Ang Poa a Fig. 16.17 ‘This law is used to find temperature of the sun and stars. For example; in the spectrum of the sun, dem = 4753 x10"! om + Temperature of the surface of sun b _ 2892 x10 m 4753 x 1071? Ts = 6050 K Example 16.41 The spectral energy distribution of the sun has ‘maxima at 4753 A. Find the temperature of a star for which spectral distribution has maxima at 10350 A. [Temperature of sun is 6000 K] Sol. According to Wien's displacement law a. ag _T met , Boh pagh a AT Ty = Ty=6000% 4753 10350 => Ty =2755.4K sample 16.42 Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivities of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer surface areas of the two bodies are same. The two bodies emit total radiant power atthe stune rate. The wavelength hy corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy from B is shifted from the wavelength Girresponding to maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation fom A by LO pm. If the temperature of A is 8802 K, calculate {) the temperature of B, (ii) wavelength Sol. (i) Pa=Po Substituting the values Ts + 21)" o200)- 1934 K ost (i) According to Wein's displacement law, 802 Th= sh 3802), or hp = ATi meh = tae( SZ) oF Meade Also, dy hy = 1m ee ta-(L) actin cede Check point 16.4) 4. Inaroom containing air, heat can go from one place to ‘another mainly by (@) conduction (b) convection () radiation (d) Allthe three 2. Ice formed over lakes {@jhas very high thermal conducthvty anc helps in further ice formation (b) has very low conductivity and retards further formation of ice (0) permits quick convection and retards further formation of ice (@) is very good radiator 3. Airis bad conductor of heat, still vacuum is preferred between the walls of the thermo flask because {@ itis ciffcutttofilthe airbetween the wal of thermo flask. {b} due to more pressure of air, the flask can crack {©) by convection, heat can flow through air {@) None of the above 4, Two thin blankets keep more hotness than one blenket of thickness equal to these two. The reason is {@)their surface area increases {bJa layer of ar is formed between these two blankets which is bad conductor (0) these have more wool (6) they absrob more heat from outside Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer Example 16.43 Which of the following isV.-T graph for perfectly black body? Vy isthe frequency of radiations wit maximum intensity and T is the absolute temperature. va) :

Fs @F 2, The calories of heat developed in 200 W heater in 7 min is estimated (a) 15000 {b) 100) 1000 a) 20000 3. The thickness of a metallic plate is 0.4 cm. The temperature between its two surface is 20°C. The quantity of heat flowing per second is 50 cal from Sm? area. In CGS system, the coefficient of thermal conductivity will be (a) 0.4 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.2 @ 0.5 ‘A spherical black body with radius 12 cm radiates 640 W power at 500 K. If the radius is halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watts would be (a) 5120 W (b) 640 W (c) 2560 W (d) 1280 W Rate of heat flow through a cylindrical rod is Hy. Temperatures of ends of rod are T, and 7. If all the dimensions of rod become double and temperature difference remains same and rate of heat flow 4, becomes Hy. Then (a) Hy =2H, © i, =H, (oH, = (d) Hy = 4H, 4 8. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate are heated to the same temperature. All are made of the same material and have the equal masses. If fy f and fs are the respective time taken by the sphere, cube and the circular plate in cooling down to a common temperature, then () > >t 0 >4>t 0) &e, anda, 6, anda, >a, () e, a, @ e, U, (@U=0 (00, >U, . A piece of ice falls from a height h so that it melts 3. 1. completely. Only one-quarter of the heat produced is absorbed by the ice and all energy of ice gets converted into heat during its fall. The value of h is (Latent heat of ice is 3.4x 10° J/kg and g = 10 Nékg) INEET 2016} (a) 544km (b) 136 km (@) 6B km —(@) 34 km The two ends of a metal rod are maintained at temperatures 100°C and 110°C. The rate of heat flow in the rod is found to be 4 Js~'. If the ends are maintained at temperatures 200°C and 210°C, the rate of heat flow will be [CBSE AIPMT 2015] @44js? )16.8Js? W8Ist apt |. The black body spectrum of an object O, is such that its radiant intensity (ie, intensity per unit ‘wavelength interval) is maximum at a wavelength of 200 nm, Another object ©, has the maximum radiant intensity at 600 nm. The ratio of power emitted per unit area by source O, to that of source 0, is [ATIMS 2015] (1:81 (@ai:t (1:9 © (9:1 . Two plates of same area are placed in contact. Their thickness as well as thermal conductivities are in the ratio 2:3. The outer surface of one plate is maintained at 10 °C and that of the other at 0 °C. What is the temperature at the common surface? [CG PMT 2015} Wor W25T WSC WESC For maximum radiant energy, from the moon the corresponding wavelength is 14 micron. If Wien constant is b = 2892 x 10°° mK, then temperature of the moon is (CG PMT 2015] @) 207K (270K (©) 207°C (@) 270°C : ‘A solid maintained at ¢°,C is kept in an evacuated chamber at temperature %C (fp >> f)). The rate of absorbed bod rtionaFto heat absorbed by the body is proportionalia (©) § +273)- i +273) @g-e (tg at ans 10. u. 12. 8. A black body with surface area 0.001 m? is heated upto a temperature 400 K and is suspended in a room temperature 300 K. The initial rate of loss of heat from the body to room is [ur CMT 2015) @10W wiw (o1w (00.5 W . Identify the meaningless [uP CPMT 2015) (a) temperature of the surface of a body (0) the heat of a body (6) the calorific value of fuel (d) the heat transferred to a body ‘Water is boiled in flat bottom kettle placed in a stove. The area of the bottom is 3000 cm? and the thickness is 2 mm. If the amount of steam produced is 1g min”. Then, the difference of temperature between inner and outer surfaces of the bottom is [K for the material of kettle is 0.5 cal°C™' s~"1 em™"] [uP cPMT 2015} (a) 0.12« 10° K (19x 10° K ()1.3x 104 °C @1.2« 107K A cylinder of radius R of thermal conductivity K, is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of thermal conductivity K,. The two ends of the whole system are maintained at two different temperatures 7, and T, (1, < T,). The system is in steady state and there is no loss of heat across cylinderical surface. The electrical thermal conductivity of the system is {CG PMT 2015, KCET 2013] Sh Onder of radi R KK, K=K+K, w) x= Kiko @K=K, @ Kage ox-5te ox-Sie On observing light from three different stars P, Q and R, it was found that intensity of violet colour is maximum in the spectrum of P, the intensity of green colour is maximum in the spectrum of R and the intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of Q.If Tp, Tq and Ty are the respective \ 790 13. 4. 16. 16. 17. 18. 19, OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 absolute temperatures of P, Q and R, then it ean be concluded from the above observations that CBSE AIPM 2015) (0) Tp > Ty > Ty I Ty > Tp (Tp p894,C3gD 90) C Medical entrances’ gallery 1.0 2.6) 32@ 1G 26) 13 n@ 2) Bo 3.) 32) 400) 50) 600) WE 6 6o 2. A94,8-3p,C95,D-0) a@ 5.0) 6a) WO 5G 160 Ww 25.) 28.) HO 350) BO 20 8) 9.08 7.(a) (a) 20 2 8) 8) 17.00 18.6) 1) a 9.00) wo we 1) a er) 20 BO 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (a) 7.) 38) 39.0) 47. (d) 20 8a “sa mo + 3 Asp8C50 LAC) 8b) 9. (b) 7.0) 18M) 18. @) 70 2B) 29.) 37.0) 38.) 10.06) 10.6) 10.(0) 20.(3) 10.(2) 20.(b) 10. (b) 20. () 30. (b) 40, (b) 10. (a) 10. (6) 20. (a) 30. (¢) Hints and explanations Check point 16.1 1. (d) Due to large specific heat of water, it releases lange heat with very small temperature change. 2. Q=meQr => c=--2 (6 Q=meQr Sed when, AT=0 = cuco 3. (a) Heat energy gained Q=me AT = 5 x(1000 x 42) x (100 - 20) 1680 x 10° J = 1680) 4, (0) Heat required QemgAT + mcST + me AT (2.4 x 0.216+ 1.6 x 0.0917+ 0.8% 0.0931) (60) = 44.376 cal ~ 44.44 cal 5. (a) Same amount of heat is supplied to copper and water. So meecTe = ty = MeeelODe 50 «107 x 420 x10 ew Ty = 6. (c) n= 8mole, At= 30°C 5 =n = 8x2 <831«30 = 5000. Qanc,AT = Q=8%3 x8: 7. (b) Heat lost by hot water = Heat gained by cold water in beaker + Heat absorbed by beaker = 440(92 ~ 1) = 200 x (T - 20)+ 20 «(7 ~ 20) = T=68C 8. (a) Heat lost = Heat gained (100 80) + (100 x 17) = 100 x1(100 = 7) on T=10C 9. (d) Temperature of mixture, meTs mei MEERA GGT g mie, + Mata mxe+ ™ (2) +See 10. (8) Density of water = 10° kg m Let the final temperature of the mixture be & ‘Assuming no heat transfer to or from container, Heat lost by water = 0.1% 10? x Syatee X(60 = 0) 0.3 10° % Syee ¢~ 60) Heat gained by wate According to principle of calorimetry Heat lost = heat gain 0110 % Syne *(80~10= 0.3 X10? % Spee ® (60) = 1x(80-1)=3 x(¢~60) = t= 65°C Check point 16.2 1, (6) Heat lost in tsecond = mL. ml, or heat lost per second = ‘This must be the heat supplied for keeping the substance in ‘matter state per second mhup oo t m 2. (a) Heat liberated when 50 g of water at 60°C converts into ‘water at O°C. = msA0 = 50 x1x 60 = 3000 cal From this heat, mass of ice which can be melted is, Q RO -s75¢ i.e, whole ice isnot melted and temperature of mixture will be rc. 3. (@) IF mgice melts, then Heat lost = Heat gin 80 x1x(0-0)=m x80 => m=30¢ 4. (U) Heat taken = Heat given or ‘meAQ= mb. (200) 3) (100) = 25 x 80 e=O.1 cal/g’C 5. (a) Heat required, Q= (114 0.02)x 10° x (60-1 ‘Suppose m kg of steam is condensed and it also reaches to ‘80°C. Then heat rejected, Quem + mead = m(540 x10" + 20 x10") = 560 x10" m Equating Q, and Q, we get, m=O.13kg \ 194) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 aaa 6. (0) Heat absorbed, meAT = 2 (2 mv a ) »? _ 00? ae 4150 aT= — (Heat capacity) B.(d AQ=meAT 7. (a) Slope «: aQ_ a Slope of inclined line “@ = 1 __1_ AT ~ me” Thermal capacity 9. (d From ¢= 0 0¢= tmin 8Q=ms AT = "2 016 «1000 x (50 x 0)= 1500 cal 100 10. (8) Heat released when 5 kg of water at 15°C converts into O°C of waters, Q = mcA8 = 5000) (15) = 75000 eal. This 7200 «957.55 0% 0.9375 kg, Since, whole of ice is not melting, temperature of mixture will be O°C. Check point 163 1. (d) Radiation from sun and convection currents, are responsible for heating 2. (@) Mua is bad conductor of heat. Sot prevents the flow of heat between surounding and inside. 3. (a) Snowe contains ar pockets. $0.54 ®, when = 4. (f) FE = KAS when K = i.e, 8is independent of x, Le., constant or uniform, 5. (@) Thermal conductivity is independent of temperatures of the hheat can melt mass of water Bo & wall, it is 2 constant forthe material, soit will remain unchanged. 6. (& Thermal conducting isa material property 1a = RAD= M0 xt AlG, - 8,)¢ Jm J mK-s s-mK 0.10 fate fh ow, = EAMET = e-(2) «to K,=K. Unit of K =: Ky At (nu) “4 4 9. a+ 42.2 Keer? 40 a = 10. (c) Rate of heat transfer, SOKA Q_ KAUS0-119) 5 xq t 08 11, (€) Let be the temperature of junction and Hy Hand H the heat currents, Then and 30-9 _ 0-20 e (G07KA)~ (@07KA) * 007KA) or 2130-6) t cin or Kaa ky, FA RA tee 2KK _ KOK) a8 (es K+K, K+2K 3 100 100=0 Heat current =—— Rag Rag 1 14. (6) = 16. (@) Ke >Ky Ro K(2A\L00 -7) = KAT ~70) = 200-27 = T-70= af = 270= T= 90°C 19. (0 Kahr fick 20, (d) Let the heat transferred be Q. ‘When rods are joined end to end. Heat transferred by each rod. @ sae 40 a ‘When rods are joined lengthwise, qn li) ‘As the same amount of heat is transferred From Eqs. (i) and Gi, we get ¢=48 s Check point 16.4 1, (0) In gases conduction, is most prominent mode. 2. (b) Ice is non-conducting. 3. (2) No flow of heat by convection in vacuum, ‘5. (b) Heat is received from sun by radiation 6. (a) Radiation occurs without any medium. 7. (d) Black bodies emits all possible wavelengths. 8. (0) Planck's law explains the distribution of energy correctly at low temperature as well as at high temperature. 10. (a) According to Kirchhoff law, @). Ga where B, is emissive power of a perfectly black body. 11, (8 According to Kirchhol's law, the ratio of emissive power to absorptive power is same for all bodies, which is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body, t., x12 ( = Fyne aty fot a particular wavelength 7 way (2) =Eybnarey 2 = OB ee Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer (ass 12, (e) According to Kirchhoff law, a good emitter is also a good absorber. 13, (0) In MKS system, unit of ois ——_ mi xseexKe Pisa OL eng gf Oe > bxacexK? TO em?xscexK? em? xsecxK™ 14, (0 A ExT, T= 500K and F = 1000K => T= 27, E, = (2)" E, = 16E, = 160 cals? 15, (W) According to Stefan's law, ani = AnedT a8 “ aR 16. (¢) Px AT ‘Area and temperature both are doubled, Hence, power will become (2 or 32 times. 32150 = 307 Pes 1000 kW =4.8 kW 17, (9 Ba ARE 428 4000! Py Ag 4x4) 2000)" 1 or R= 18, (c) According to Stefan's law, E = acAT* 1.58% 10° 4.2 60% 60 T=2500K 5.67 x 10 x 10 x 0.8x T* 19. (®) Applying, aa =a [ss -4] two times we get, where a is constant 80-60 Dene voi) -0 ‘ a id Solving these two equations, we get o=48C 21. (@) According to Weir's law, 2,7 = constant ay 22, (a) As, 2 Gas 2 23, (a) Applying Wein's law, we have, 2p, “2 = poh 2.89% 10" 225K = 7000K ) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 7 24, (b) From Wein’s law, B_ Gavloa _ 350 9.69 Ty sha 510 25. (b) Ral? =b, where b = 2.89% 10° mK. = os = A) Taking it together 1. (@) ExT, T,= 300K, T, = 400K BB } =a FE, \%) (300) “ar 2. (@) H = 200%7* 80 <1 20095.7 20000 cal 418 3. (0) Heat flowing er second, Q_KAAT) _, 55 5x20K ere eee aot R_AT (¢) Ratio of powers, Fi = 4: (0 Ratio of powers, = mick 8.6 Rae tt ow, = = EAB) or Hat or Hy=2h 6. (a) Abody having maximum surfacearea willeoolatfastestrate. 7. (a) The amount of heat supplied is given by the relation Q=emAT Here, m= 100 g=Okg c= 400 J/keK, AT = 21K for copper. Thus, Q= 01x40 x 21= 840] Hence, 840 = 005 x 4200 x AT => AT =4°C B. (q) Let L be the latent heat and using principle of calorimetry. 2L +2 (100 ~54.3)= 40x (54.3-25.3) = L=5403 cag. KAsT aT _aT T WKAR (R=Thermal resistance) 9. (a) Rate of heat ow, 2 7 Qand AT are sae) = = (Geries resistance, R, = R + Ry and parallel resistance, r=) +R 10. (8) Suppose T be the temperature of junction. Fy H and Hy are heat currents. Then Ff, = Hy + Hy ~ soc % 1656 ™ oc op =, T=80 , TAO op 3409-1) = AT~50)+T WK)” W72KA)* KA) 100, ving we get, T==°C Solving we get, $ 10 11. = 3 wt; 2 K ‘em 20cm : Rye Bd m6 Solet —-Ry=Rthen Ry =6R Temperature difference “Total resistance ‘Now temperature difference across A Heat current, H = ala " pole nHxky=2xR=9C 12, (9 Applying, 2B = @ A= -5] two times we have, or et 2» “ and o[2e22 20] an Solving these two equations, we gt 25 Bin 13. (a) Temperature first increases fom ~10°C to O*C. Then remains constant at O° til whole ice i melted, Then it increases from O°C to 100°C. Agnin it remains constant at 100°C tll whole water convert into steam, 14. (¢) Heat of vaporisation in given by, Q=mL=L ¢: m= ikg) te, 15. () Aplying =8 a i 44] where a. is constant, ‘two times, we get Chapter 16 ; Calorimetry and heat transfer (ia 7 £89 4 “ufi) 22 (a) Heat currents in both the rods are equal. or Hey =Ho 45-415 _ [ase ats : 86 =Op 84 = 0 5 cena i) (QUI3KA) "(17 2KA) Solving these two equations, we get 3 (70-04) = 20, -0) ©, = temperature of atmosphere =33.3%C 2 fe eee 16, (d) Area ce Total energy radiated ce T! i 23, (a) Let Obe the temperature of junetion. = 300 K and 7 = 600K (ote moc ‘Temperature has doubled. Therefore area will become 16 times, 17. (9 Rate of cooling (-4) « emissivity (e) o i 109: oc Femens, (22) »(-) aT % ae)? ae), ny = ee Further emissivity e « absorptive power (a). a = Az dy (+ god abaorhers ae god emites) Hy Hy, Hy and H, be the heat currents. Then : and Hs Hy + Hy + Hy 18. (0) From given curve, 109-8 _ 0-50 , 6-50 0-0 Melting point for A= 60°C e Rec mimic ‘And melting point for B = 20°C Time taken by A for fusion ‘Time taken by B for fusion (R= Thermal resistance of each part of two rods) Solving these two equations, we get Ha, 6x 4x60 8=50%¢ Then Fy” Gx25x20 5 24, (9) Forno current flow between Cand D 19. (d) Heat required to melt whole ice is (3) -(¥ Q=mL = 20 x80 = 1600 cal AC a Energy incident per minute i = Filta) EA O9) zai PatoxEnd a qa i x : 8o= 0” K o = 1.97 x (20) = 597 cal min’ we (3) 2) i whole ice is e= 2 = 2.7 mi tap \t)on Therdoetmeromied met whee t= $x 27min gg a lad 20, (a) Cooling rate a T* — Tz Z oe rae (2003 = 9001} | 36 > Site Ke (600)* = (300)"J "3 ® ° It is given that 0; = @,y hence from Eqs. @) and (i), we get 21, (a) According to Wien's law, 25. (a) Given, Rods are in series form so 4 ‘Temperature will have become = times, Now, according to Stefan's law, power P ec T?. ‘Therefore new power will be (i) 9-2 * mle mle AIS 788) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 26. (c) Let T he the final equilibrium temperature. Heat lost by coffee = Heat gained by cup 0.3% Ege (T= T)= O12 %gyp X(T 20) 30, (t) When two gases are mixed together then Heat lst by the Helium gas = Heat gained by the Nitrogen gas a wener(S-1) ta Xorg *(0j ~To) > 03% 4080(70—7)= 012 1020 x(T=20) 228 gasec Box A Box B = 4x10-«7 = 047-829 T= 28 2655 pas aa 2. (W) Let water equivalent be x Temperature = To Temperature ar__, (ith ae + 2 %) - vedex(2m-7) wd Rxth-% Where cis the specific heat of water ange in temperature By solving we ge ‘AC= time at which temperature fll : (20-15) 20+15 31. (d) Let the quantity of heat supplied per minute be Q, then sane I --1(5-n) eset ft pled nin = 9060 @o-15)__, (20415 Tn min, heat suplicd = 2nc(90~80) (20+ 2)¢ S19. 4 (BHI _n) A) neti From Eqs. (i) and (i, we get Ee Lon 1O+x_20+x 10 15 150+ 15x = 200+ 10x Sx=50> x=10¢ 2B. (c) Here, specific heat of ice, aq = 0.5cal gC Specific heat of water, gage = Heal °C Latent heat of fusion of ice, Lg, = 80 cal g“! Here ice will absorb heat while hot water will release it Let The the final temperature of the mixture. Assuming water equivalent of calorimeter to be neglected, Heat given by water, Q,= Myes°nverAT =19x1«(30-7)=570-197 Heat absorbed by ice, p= Mice XLce *10—(-20)}+ Mice XL ice + Me X€yuee X(T 0) = 5x05 «20+ 5804 Sx1xT = 450+ ST ‘According ta principe of calorimetry, Q, = Qs ie, 510-197 = 450+ 57 = T= 122 24 29. (a) Ice (~10°C) converts into steam as follows = Specific heat of ice, c, = Specific heat of water) i) Tee Tee [aera oC} Geman Lot | Teenie Loe (Q= mesa Seam Water ioore | Qzmry” Lore Total heat required Q=Q,+ Q:+Qs+Q => Q=1x0.5(10) + 1x80 + 11% (100-0) + 1540 = 725cal Hence, work done W = JQ = 42725 = 3045] 32, (6) There will be no heat flow through AB, if temperature of Bis also 20°C and heat current in DB is equal to heat current in BC. A 2 ¢ 2c oc ovclp Hp = Hac or 0 or a7 Wo /RA Tac (KA ye 2 33, (c) Rate of heat flow Ie 2 (f= Temperature difference between two points /R) ‘TD = temperature difference is same. 1 ‘Thermal resistance i) As de Ry _WRVQR/R+ 2R_2 Ro R42 SG 34, (c) Initially the rods are in parallel Q_-0) oR 3) mL {100 - 0) = Q) = me way 2 100-0) a) (to Fs : Finally when rods are'in series > am. (2), From Eqs. () and (i), a4 ail 35. (8) Ty > Ty = Heat will flow B to A via two paths low Bto A via two paths () Bto A {i along BCA as shown e 4 7 © Rate of flow of heat in path BCA will be same ~ OL, mir KV2r-T)A =e! 1A 36. (b) Heat currents in the two rods will be same. ie = aq or =Ky0-0) _KO+ K; KOK, 31. (Heat supplied, dQ = ms-aT == 22 < Shope of G71 SB =Slope of Q-T graph Sos =tan 45° = 1} kg"*K* 1 Sigua = 29 30° = Jeg! Kt Latent heat of vaporisation heat required to melt complete 1 kg = 200 J kg 38, (b) Initially ice will absorb the heat to raise its temperature at OFC, then its melting takes places. fm, = Initial mass of ice, m', = Mass of ice that melts and ‘my = Initial mass of water By law of mixture, heat gained by ice = heat lost by water = im x€ x (20) 4m, = myc (20) = 2 0,5(20) + m, x80= 51x20 => mj =Ikg So final mass of water = Initial mass of water “+ Mass of ice that melts =541=6kg (8) Let Obe the temperature when thermal equilibrium has reached, heat gained by ice to be converted to water at 0°C. = mL +m xe x(T—0)=10 x 80+ 10 x1xT ‘Heat lest by tumbler and its contents = 55 (40-7) ‘Using principle of calorimetry, heat gained = heat lost 10 x80 +10 x1xT'= 55x (40-7) 65 T = 2200- 800= 1400 = §00.. 21.5°cw 22°C 6 39, 40. 4, 42, 43, Chapter 16 : Calorimetry and heat transfer (799 (0) In steady state the amount of heat flowing from one face to a the othe face in time tis given by Q = SAB shore X is coefficient of thermal conductivity of uate of rod > =f {As the metallic rod is melted and the material is formed into a rod of half the radius Wet = xlendh > | Now, from Eqs. (i) and (i), we get BF bt, AL Q216Q3e-2 a a ta a (6 Heat required by 1 g ice at 0°Cto ment into 1 g water at oc Qi=mL latent heat vf tusion L = 80 cal/g) 60 = 80 eal Heat required by 1g of water of 0°Cto boil at 100°C, Qr=meAT —Gpecific heat of water = leal/g°C) <1(100-0) =100 eal ‘Thus, total heat required by Ig of ice to reach a temperature of 100°, Q=Q + Q = 80+ 100 =180 cal Heat available with 1g of steam to condense into 1g ofwater at 100°C, Qr=mL! (latent of vaporisation L' = 536 eal/g) 536 cal 536 cal Obviously, the whole steam will not be condensed and ice will attain temperature of 100°C Thus, the temperature of, mixture is 100°C (6) No heat is flowing through Cand F. Therefore, they are at same temperatures, (@) When Aand Bare mixed rn ~10)=mejQ515) of 6 When Band Cre mined rep0-25)=mec40~30) oe Bed ‘From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have . faa Now let Obe the equilibrium temperature when A and Care mixed. Then me4(0~10) = mee(40 ~ 0)

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