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Are teenagers today less resilient?

Good Morning Principal, vice- principals, teachers and fellow friends. My

name is Zaheera from class 3-8. My topic for today is “Are teenagers
today less resilient?”. There have been an increasing number of cases
that involve teenagers, and these cases are often associated with
unhealthy behaviours such as committing suicides, trafficking in drugs
and many more.

These teenagers may have faced a great deal of stress mostly by family
and friends. As years passed, parents have become more educated and
demanded a lot more from their children. This will put pressure on the
teenagers and it will affect their behaviours, how they perform in school
as well as the way they communicate with their friends. Teenagers will
feel dispirit, grades start to crumble and they will start to do bad
activities. These activities can be joining bad companies, trafficking in
drugs , running away from home and worse still, committing suicide.

This shows how weak teenagers are as they are not able to spring back
and find solutions to their problems. Instead of finding help, teenagers
would rather keep their problems to themselves. A few factors that may
resulted in teenagers being less resilient are too much pampering from
parents, less civic and moral or physical and emotional education initiated
lessons in schools and maybe less life lesson skills.

Teenagers tend to face fewer problems in life, which may help them to be
more resilient. Experts say that problems faced by teenagers enable them
to make wise decisions, foster hope and optimism and be more resilient.
Teenagers are able to bounce back more quickly and will find ways to
overcome their obstacles.

Therefore, having strong family and friends’ support enable a teen to cope
with obstacles effectively in today’s complex world. I have reached the
end of my speech. Thank you for your kind attention.

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