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Transgender Athletes: How Can They

Be Accommodated?
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Myron Genel, MD

From ancient times, competitive sport has been divided the summer and winter Olympics. Importantly, these include
primarily by the traditional concepts of male/female identity, the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) for
and in some sports subdivided by weight or other factors, Track & Field, the International Tennis Federation, and the
such as age, affiliation, amateur or professional status, or Association of Boxing Commissions. Some still require par-
level of competition. The overall goal is to promote perceived ticipation based on birth certificate, such as the Federation
equitable competition. Furthermore, as societal values have Internationale de Volleyball. In the United States, The Stock-
changed, increasing numbers of women of all ages have been holm Consensus has been adopted by USA Boxing, USA
competing in virtually all events (8). For example, women’s Gymnastics, USA Track & Field, and USA Sailing. A few
participation in the summer Olympic Games has increased federations, such as USA Triathlon, simply require adherence
substantially from 277 athletes (9.6%) in 1928 when track and to the United States Anti-Doping Agency rules, which require
field events for women were included, to 4,676 athletes (44.2%) a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) for use of exogenous tes-
in 2012 in London. One recent illustration: the 2016 US tosterone, while some simply permit transgender athletes to
Olympic Team had more women (294) than men (264). In part compete in the gender with which they identify V for ex-
as a result of Title IX, which requires equal opportunity for ample, the US Soccer Federation and USA Swimming.
participation in sport, women’s participation in US collegiate Notwithstanding adoption of the Stockholm Consensus,
sports has increased considerably in the past few decades (3). no transathletes were known to have competed in the
In much the same way as clinicians and politicians have Olympic Games through the 2014 Winter Olympics in So-
struggled with how to integrate transgender individuals, so chi, Russia. Acknowledging advances in transgender hor-
has competitive sport, especially transwomen athletes. In this monal therapy and limited access to surgical therapy, or at
respect, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was a least provision of insurance coverage in some health care
groundbreaker when it convened an expert panel in which I systems, the IOC’s Medical and Scientific Commission con-
participated. The panel met in Stockholm in October 2003 vened a follow-up meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, in No-
and developed recommendations V ‘‘The Stockholm Con- vember 2015. On this occasion, there was a larger and more
sensus’’ V that were adopted by the IOC’s Executive Board in diverse group of experts, including a transgender athlete. Again,
May 2004 (9,13). These recommendations called for inclu- I was among those who participated.
sion of male-female (M-F) and female-male athletes so long This meeting resulted in updated guidelines which were in
as they met explicit criteria, including gonadectomy and com- place, at the discretion of the component sports federations,
pletion of anatomic changes consistent with their professed for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro (7). The
gender followed by a 2-yr period during which they received new guidelines eliminated the requirement for legal recogni-
hormonal therapy ‘‘appropriate for assigned sex’’ and ‘‘in a tion as well as the requirement for surgical anatomical changes,
verifiable manner.’’ In addition, these athletes would have to replacing this with a requirement for male-female athletes
demonstrate that legal recognition of their reassigned gender/sex that serum testosterone levels be maintained below 10 nmolILj1
identity had been received in the appropriate jurisdiction. (288 ngIdLj1) for at least 12 months before competition and
The Stockholm Consensus, or some version of it, was remain below that level throughout the period of eligibility.
subsequently adopted by a number of the sport-specific in- Female to male transathletes could compete ‘‘without re-
ternational federations, many of which conduct events within striction.’’ Nonetheless, no transgender athletes are known to
have competed in the 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio de
Janeiro (2).
Yale Child Health Research Center, Yale University School of Medicine,
Depending on the method used V tandem mass spectrom-
New Haven, CT
etry is regarded as the most sensitive and specific, especially at
Address for correspondence: Myron Genel, MD, Yale Child Health lower levels seen in women V 10 nmolILj1 is at the lower
Research Center, 464 Congress Avenue, P.O. Box 208081, New Haven, limit of normal in men and was based on the same threshold
CT 06520-8081; E-mail: set a few years earlier for hyperandrogenism in testosterone-
sensitive women with various disorders of sex development
Current Sports Medicine Reports (1). A few months before the November meeting this so-
Copyright * 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine called hyperandrogenism policy was suspended for 2 yr by

12 Volume 16 & Number 1 & January/February 2017 Invited Commentary

Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the international Court of Arbitration for Sport (4), pending consistent with their assigned birth gender. The policy state-
demonstration that levels exceeding this threshold provided ment goes into considerable detail, with examples, regarding
such a significant advantage in performance as to be unfair. the rationale for appropriate inclusion and provides an ex-
The case was brought against the Athletics Federation of In- tensive bibliography.
dia and the International Association of Athletics Federations In contrast, policies for interscholastic sports vary ap-
(IAAF). While not directly applying to the IOC, subsequently preciably by state and school district (6). As more and
the IOC suspended the hyperandrogenism rule for the Rio more children and adolescents are diagnosed with
Olympic games, accompanied by a statement of IOC support gender dysphoria and treated with ‘‘puberty blockers,’’ such
for the IAAF appeal (7). as Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GhRH) analogues, it
There has not been unanimity on the 10 nmolILj1 thresh- is likely that increasing numbers will be recognized and
old, however. So long as gonads in M-F transgender athletes present for inclusion in interscholastic sport, certainly if the
are intact and testosterone levels are suppressed with medi- recent experience at Yale (10) and reflected by the burgeoning
cation V which is quite common, especially when insurance literature (11,12) is emblematic.
coverage for surgery is absent or inadequate V some au-
thorities are concerned that M-F athletes can manipulate
medication and transiently increase their testosterone levels I thank Richard Budgett, MD, IOC, medical and scientific
to enhance training for competition. At an IOC follow-up director; William Briner, MD, FACSM, chair, US Volleyball
meeting in May 2016, attended by representatives of the Sports and Performance Commission; and Jonathan C. Reeser,
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and several of the sport- MD, FACSM, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation for help-
specific international federations, some of us felt the thresh- ful comments on earlier drafts. The author is a consultant to
old should be closer to the upper range in cis females, which is the IOC’s Medical and Scientific Commission. The opinions
~ 3.1 nmolILj1 (88 ngIdLj1), though there was no closure on expressed in this article are those of the author and not
what level that should be. At this writing, there is optimism necessarily those of the IOC or of the Commission.
among IOC officials that this can be resolved in the coming
months, but in any event, it may need to be refined when the
Court rules definitively on the hyperandrogenism rule, be- References
cause the suspension expires by late July 2017 (4). 1. Brodsky JL, Genel M. The 2015 Pediatric Society Ethics Symposium: con-
There also has been some controversy regarding levels of troversies regarding ‘gender verification’ of elite female athletes V sex testing
to hyperandrogenism. Horm. Res. Pediatr. 2016; 85:272Y7.
testosterone permissible in M-F athletes whose gonads have
2. Budgett R. Medical and Scientific Commission, International Olympic Com-
been removed, obviously with testosterone supplementa- mittee. Personal communication, October 18, 2016.
tion. Strictly speaking, the 10 nmolILj1 threshold set by the 3. Charts: The State of Women’s Athletics 40 Years After Title IX/Mother
recent IOC guidelines could be applicable to M-F trans- Jones. [cited 2016 October 24]. Available from: http://www.motherjones.
gender athletes whose testes were removed, though it would com/politics/2012/06/charts-womens-athletics-title-nine=ncaa.
require a TUE for exogenous testosterone from the appro- 4. Court of Arbitration for Sport, Interim Arbitral Award. CAS 2014/A/3759
Dutee Chand v Athletics Federation of India (AFI) and the International
priate governing body, which is not permissible under cur- Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF). [cited 2016 October 24]. Avail-
rent WADA guidelines. One M-F transathlete, a competitive able from:
cyclist, who was unable to obtain a TUE to take exogenous 5. Griffin P, Carroll H. NCAA Inclusion of Transgender Students-Athletes,
testosterone, has filed suit in a Canadian court (14), arguing August, 2011. [cited 2016 October 28]. Available from: www.ncaaorg/sites/
that she suffered menopausal symptoms because endoge-
6. Griffin P. National Federation of State High School Associations. Developing
nous androgen levels produced by her body (predominantly Policies for Transgender Students on High School Teams. [cited 2016 Octo-
of adrenal origin) were insufficient to maintain normal ber 28]. Available from:
health and well-being and that she should be able to main- for-transgender-studen.
tain testosterone levels up to 5 nmolIlj1 with supplemen- 7. International Olympic Committee. Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment
and Hyperandrogenism. [cited 2016 October 24]. Available from: https://
tation. Ultimately, it is incongruent to in effect maintain
widely different testosterone thresholds for those M-F ath- 8. International Olympic Committee. Factsheet. Women in the Olympic
letes who have intact gonads and those who have had them Movement. Update May, 2014. [cited 2016 October 28]. Available from:
surgically excised. http://www.olympic-org/Documents_Factsheets/Women-in-Olympic-
With respect to intercollegiate sports, in August 2011, the
9. Ljungqvist A, Genel M. Essay: Transsexual athletesVwhen is competition
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Office of fair? Lancet. 2005; 366:S42Y3.
Inclusion published an extensive guidance regarding ‘‘NCAA 10. Olezeski C, Boulware S. Development of the Yale Gender Center: an early
Inclusion of Transgender Student-Athletes’’ (5), which had progress report. Conn. Med. 2017; 81:37Y40.
been adopted over a year earlier by the NCAA Executive 11. Rosenthal SM. Approach to the patient: transgender youth: endocrine con-
Committee. In contrast to the IOC guidelines, the NCAA siderations. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2014; 99:4379Y89.
policy is notable for its less explicit guidelines V that is, no 12. Spack NP. Management of transgenderism. JAMA. 2013; 309:478Y84.
definitive level of testosterone is given for M-F athletes V 13. Statement of the Stockholm Consensus on Sex Reassignment and Sports.
other than stating that 1 yr of hormonal suppressive therapy [cited 2016 October 24]. Available from:
is sufficient for M-F transathletes to participate in a women’s
14. Worley v Ontario Cycling Association, Interim Decision, Human Rights
team. Should they not be taking hormone therapy in relation Tribunal of Ontario. [cited 2016 October 28]. Available from: http://www.
to gender transition, transathletes may participate on a team Current Sports Medicine Reports 13

Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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