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0 Greenshield Method

1.1 Data 1


16:30:00 240 57 1 4
16:30:30 360 55 1 7
16:31:00 480 55 2 9
16:31:30 1080 56 5 19
16:32:00 840 54 4 16
16:32:30 600 57 3 11
16:33:00 360 61 1 6
16:33:30 360 53 2 7
16:34:00 600 60 3 10
16:34:30 840 56 4 15
16:35:00 1080 55 5 20
16:35:30 360 57 1 6
16:36:00 600 53 3 11
16:36:30 1440 55 7 26
16:37:00 720 56 3 13
16:37:30 1440 55 8 26
16:38:00 1560 57 8 27
16:38:30 240 53 1 5
16:39:00 1080 52 6 21
16:39:30 480 53 2 9
16:40:00 600 53 3 11
16:40:30 960 52 5 18
16:41:00 600 53 3 11
16:41:30 480 56 2 9
16:42:00 360 55 1 7
16:42:30 960 55 5 17
16:43:00 1080 57 5 19
16:43:30 600 57 3 11
16:44:00 1080 52 6 21
16:44:30 1080 55 5 20
16:45:00 840 57 4 15
16:45:30 1080 53 6 20
16:46:00 1440 53 8 27
16:46:30 720 57 3 13
16:47:00 840 56 4 15
16:47:30 840 53 4 16
16:48:00 2040 50 12 41
16:48:30 2280 53 13 43
16:49:00 720 51 4 14
16:49:30 1440 54 7 27
16:50:00 1200 56 6 21
16:50:30 1440 54 8 27
16:51:00 600 58 2 10
16:51:30 1680 53 9 32
16:52:00 1200 55 6 22
16:52:30 1680 52 9 32
16:53:00 1800 50 10 36
16:53:30 600 53 3 11
16:54:00 1440 48 8 30
16:54:30 1680 52 9 32
16:55:00 1680 53 9 32
16:55:30 1320 50 7 26
16:56:00 1560 46 9 34
16:56:30 1440 52 8 28
16:57:00 2520 50 14 50
16:57:30 720 52 4 14
16:58:00 1200 53 6 23
16:58:30 1320 56 6 24
16:59:00 1560 52 9 30
16:59:30 1320 53 7 25
17:00:00 1200 52 6 23
17:00:30 1800 57 10 32
17:01:00 1560 56 8 28
17:01:30 960 57 4 17
17:02:00 1800 51 11 35
17:02:30 600 55 3 11
17:03:00 1560 52 9 30
17:03:30 1320 53 7 25
17:04:00 2280 50 13 46
17:04:30 840 54 4 16
17:05:00 1080 56 5 19
17:05:30 840 54 4 16
17:06:00 1920 53 10 36
17:06:30 2040 52 11 39
17:07:00 720 55 4 13
17:07:30 1080 53 5 20
17:08:00 2400 52 13 46
17:08:30 1680 54 8 31
17:09:00 1320 52 7 25
17:09:30 1080 53 6 20
17:10:00 2400 50 15 48
17:10:30 1080 55 5 20
17:11:00 2040 52 12 39
17:11:30 1680 52 9 32
17:12:00 1440 53 7 27
17:12:30 1080 55 6 20
17:13:00 1440 54 8 27
17:13:30 2400 53 13 45
17:14:00 1560 52 8 30
17:14:30 1800 52 10 35
17:15:00 1320 53 7 25
17:15:30 1440 54 7 27
17:16:00 2040 55 11 37
17:16:30 1680 53 9 32
17:17:00 1440 55 7 26
17:17:30 720 56 3 13
17:18:00 2040 44 11 46
17:18:30 1200 52 6 23
17:19:00 1560 51 9 31
17:19:30 1680 52 9 32
17:20:00 1680 53 9 32
17:20:30 1800 53 10 34
17:21:00 1560 59 8 26
17:21:30 1200 57 5 21
17:22:00 1560 51 8 31
17:22:30 1800 51 10 35
17:23:00 1560 48 9 33
17:23:30 840 54 4 16
17:24:00 1320 52 7 25
17:24:30 1320 54 7 24
17:25:00 600 53 3 11
17:25:30 1320 50 8 26
17:26:00 2280 48 14 48
17:26:30 2040 49 12 42
17:27:00 2280 52 13 44
17:27:30 1320 52 7 25
17:28:00 1440 50 7 29
17:28:30 1560 53 8 29
17:29:00 2040 53 10 38
17:29:30 2520 53 14 48

1.2 Actual Data

Using the actual data which is speed and density, speed versus density graph have been
plotted. The graph was plotted is shown below:



Speed v, (km/h)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Density, k (veh/hour)

Therefore, the linear regression equation for the actual: v = 56.85 – 0.141k

Coefficient of correlation:

r= √0.3543
1.3 Theoretical Data

For the theoretical data, the manual calculation has been done using the regression
formula. An equation that relates speed and density has been developed using linear
regression. Greenshields hypothesized that the relationship between speed and density is
linear, as follows:

v =v f − k


v = speed (km/h)
k = density (veh/km)
vf = free mean speed (km/h)
kj= jam density (veh/km)

XNo Speed Density Y X X² Y² XY

(km/h) (veh/km)
1 57 4 57 4 18 3249 240
2 55 7 55 7 43 3025 360
3 55 9 55 9 76 3025 480
4 56 19 56 19 372 3136 1080
5 54 16 54 16 242 2916 840
6 57 11 57 11 111 3249 600
7 61 6 61 6 35 3721 360
8 53 7 53 7 46 2809 360
9 60 10 60 10 100 3600 600
10 56 15 56 15 225 3136 840
11 55 20 55 20 386 3025 1080
12 57 6 57 6 40 3249 360
13 53 11 53 11 128 2809 600
14 55 26 55 26 685 3025 1440
15 56 13 56 13 165 3136 720
16 55 26 55 26 685 3025 1440
17 57 27 57 27 749 3249 1560
18 53 5 53 5 21 2809 240
19 52 21 52 21 431 2704 1080
20 53 9 53 9 82 2809 480
21 53 11 53 11 128 2809 600
22 52 18 52 18 341 2704 960
23 53 11 53 11 128 2809 600
24 56 9 56 9 73 3136 480
25 55 7 55 7 43 3025 360
26 55 17 55 17 305 3025 960
27 57 19 57 19 359 3249 1080
28 57 11 57 11 111 3249 600
29 52 21 52 21 431 2704 1080
30 55 20 55 20 386 3025 1080
31 57 15 57 15 217 3249 840
32 53 20 53 20 415 2809 1080
33 53 27 53 27 738 2809 1440
34 57 13 57 13 160 3249 720
35 56 15 56 15 225 3136 840
36 53 16 53 16 251 2809 840
37 50 41 50 41 1,665 2500 2040
38 53 43 53 43 1,851 2809 2280
39 51 14 51 14 199 2601 720
40 54 27 54 27 711 2916 1440
41 56 21 56 21 459 3136 1200
42 54 27 54 27 711 2916 1440
43 58 10 58 10 107 3364 600
44 53 32 53 32 1,005 2809 1680
45 55 22 55 22 476 3025 1200
46 52 32 52 32 1,044 2704 1680
47 50 36 50 36 1,296 2500 1800
48 53 11 53 11 128 2809 600
49 48 30 48 30 900 2304 1440
50 52 32 52 32 1,044 2704 1680
51 53 32 53 32 1,005 2809 1680
52 50 26 50 26 697 2500 1320
53 46 34 46 34 1,150 2116 1560
54 52 28 52 28 767 2704 1440
55 50 50 50 50 2,540 2500 2520
56 52 14 52 14 192 2704 720
57 53 23 53 23 513 2809 1200
58 56 24 56 24 556 3136 1320
59 52 30 52 30 900 2704 1560
60 53 25 53 25 620 2809 1320
61 52 23 52 23 533 2704 1200
62 57 32 57 32 997 3249 1800
63 56 28 56 28 776 3136 1560
64 57 17 57 17 284 3249 960
65 51 35 51 35 1,246 2601 1800
66 55 11 55 11 119 3025 600
67 52 30 52 30 900 2704 1560
68 53 25 53 25 620 2809 1320
69 50 46 50 46 2,079 2500 2280
70 54 16 54 16 242 2916 840
71 56 19 56 19 372 3136 1080
72 54 16 54 16 242 2916 840
73 53 36 53 36 1,312 2809 1920
74 52 39 52 39 1,539 2704 2040
75 55 13 55 13 171 3025 720
76 53 20 53 20 415 2809 1080
77 52 46 52 46 2,130 2704 2400
78 54 31 54 31 968 2916 1680
79 52 25 52 25 644 2704 1320
80 53 20 53 20 415 2809 1080
81 50 48 50 48 2,304 2500 2400
82 55 20 55 20 386 3025 1080
83 52 39 52 39 1,539 2704 2040
84 52 32 52 32 1,044 2704 1680
85 53 27 53 27 738 2809 1440
86 55 20 55 20 386 3025 1080
87 54 27 54 27 711 2916 1440
88 53 45 53 45 2,051 2809 2400
89 52 30 52 30 900 2704 1560
90 52 35 52 35 1,198 2704 1800
91 53 25 53 25 620 2809 1320
92 54 27 54 27 711 2916 1440
93 55 37 55 37 1,376 3025 2040
94 53 32 53 32 1,005 2809 1680
95 55 26 55 26 685 3025 1440
96 56 13 56 13 165 3136 720
97 44 46 44 46 2,150 1936 2040
98 52 23 52 23 533 2704 1200
99 51 31 51 31 936 2601 1560
100 52 32 52 32 1,044 2704 1680
101 53 32 53 32 1,005 2809 1680
102 53 34 53 34 1,153 2809 1800
103 59 26 59 26 699 3481 1560
104 57 21 57 21 443 3249 1200
105 51 31 51 31 936 2601 1560
106 51 35 51 35 1,246 2601 1800
107 48 33 48 33 1,056 2304 1560
108 54 16 54 16 242 2916 840
109 52 25 52 25 644 2704 1320
110 54 24 54 24 598 2916 1320
111 53 11 53 11 128 2809 600
112 50 26 50 26 697 2500 1320
113 48 48 48 48 2,256 2304 2280
114 49 42 49 42 1,733 2401 2040
115 52 44 52 44 1,922 2704 2280
116 52 25 52 25 644 2704 1320
117 50 29 50 29 829 2500 1440
118 53 29 53 29 866 2809 1560
119 53 38 53 38 1,482 2809 2040
120 53 48 53 48 2,261 2809 2520
∑ 6,409 2,940 86,813 343,119 154,920


n ( ∑ XY )−( ∑ X )( ∑ Y )
n (∑ X ² )−( ∑ X )²

120(154920 )−(2940 )(6409)

120(86813 )−(2940)²

=−0. 142

(∑ Y ) ( ∑ X )
a= −b
n n
(6409 ) (2940 )
= −(−0 .142 )
120 120
=56. 89

Coefficient of correlation:

n( ∑ XY )−( ∑ X )( ∑ Y )
√(n( ∑ X ²)−( ∑ X )²)( n(∑ Y ²)−( ∑ Y )² )
120(154920 )−(2940 )(6409)
√(120(86813 )−(2940 )²)(120(343119)−(6409)²
=−0. 601

Therefore, the linear regression equation for the theoretical data: v = 56.89 – 0.142k

1.4 Statistical Results


Firstly, the actual data, the coefficient of correlation (r = -0.595) suggests a very strong
relationship between the two variables, i.e. speed (v) and density (k). It can be
concluded that the relationship between speed and density can be explained using a
linear equation v = 56.85 – 0.141k. Speed decreases linearly with the increase in

Second, the actual data, the coefficient of correlation (r = -0.601) suggests a very
strong relationship between the two variables, i.e. speed (v) and density (k). It can be
concluded that the relationship between speed and density can be explained using a
linear equation v = 56.89 – 0.142k. Speed decreases linearly with the increase in
Based on actual data and theoretical data, the linear relationship of the
theoretical data has a higher value of the coefficient of correlation than for the linear
relationship of the actual data which is 0.601 is bigger than 0.595.

1.5 Histogram

1.5.1 Histogram of Flow

Flow Class, q (veh/h) Frequency
0-199.9 0
200-399.9 0
400-599.9 7
600-799.9 13
800-999.9 6
1000-199.9 11
1200-1399.9 18
1400-1599.9 10
1600-1799.9 23
1800-1999.9 15
2000-2199.9 1
2200-2399.9 7
2400-2599.9 7
2600-2799.9 2
2800-2999.9 0
Total 120
Histogram of Flow





























From the histogram shown above, the frequency of flow is determined from the
data given. The highest value of frequency is 23 for 1600 vehicle per hour. While the
lowest value obtained is 1 for 2000 vehicle per hour.

1.5.2 Histogram of Speed

XSpeed Class, v (km/h) Frequency
40 0
41 0
42 0
43 0
44 1
45 0
46 1
47 0
48 3
49 1
50 8
51 5
52 22
53 29
54 10
55 15
56 10
57 11
58 1
59 1
60 1
61 1
62 0
63 0
64 0
65 0
Total 120
Histogram of Vehicle Speed






40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ore


This histogram show the frequency of vehicle speed in a km/h unit. The highest
frequency value is when the vehicle is speeding at 53 km/h. Besides that seven data
show the same frequency and that is 1. The speed is 44,46,49,58,59,60 and 61 km/hour.
1.5.3 Histogram of Occupancy

Occupancy (number) Frequency

0 0
2 11
4 24
6 21
8 28
10 20
12 7
14 8
16 1
18 0
20 0
Total 120

Histogram of Occupancy





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 More


For this data set, the histogram shown is the frequency of numbers for
occupancy. The highest value for frequency is 28 and the lowest value is 1. The
occupancy is the number of vehicle that used the road.
1.6 Analysis of Data

1.6.1 Flow versus occupancy



Flow, q (veh/h)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Occupancy (number)

This graph shows the flow (veh/h) and the occupancy of vehicles in a road. As u
can see , when the numbers ofoccupancy of vehicle using the road increase, the flow is
aso increase steadily.
1.6.2 Flow versus density



Flow, q (veh/h)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Density, k (veh/km)

For flow vs density data, the density of a vehicle in a road rises with the flow of
vehicle. When there are too many cars using the road, we can say that the flow and
density will rises.
1.6.3 Speed versus flow



Speed, v (km/h)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Flow, q (veh/h)

When a car is speeding, there is no obstruction foe the vehicle to slow down.
Thus when the flow of a vehicle decrease, the speed will rises. Same goes to the flow of
vehicle when it is increase, the speed of a vehicle will decreased.
1.6.4 Speed versus density

Speed vs Density


f(x) = − 0.14 x + 56.85

R² = 0.35

Speed, v (km/h)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Density, k (veh/km)

This graph show the relationship between speed and density. When the density
of vehicle in a road increase, the speed of a vehicle will be slowing down. While when
the speed is increased, the density of a vehicle will decreased down.

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