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Cell Communication

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Bio Sci 93:

Thompson-Peer and Williams
Key Terms
• Gap junction
• Local signaling
• vs long distance signaling
• Paracrine signaling
• Synaptic signaling
• Endocrine signaling
• Hormones
• Signal transduction pathway
• Reception
• Transduction
• Response
• Ligand
• Receptor
• G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)
• Receptor tyrosine kinase
• Ligand-gated ion channel
• Intracellular receptor
• Protein kinase
• Protein phosphatase
• Phosphorylation
• Dephosphorylation
• Second messenger
• Cyclic AMP (cAMP)
• Adenylyl cyclase
• Epinephrine
• Protein kinase A
Local vs distance
• Local

• Long distance signaling

• Contact mediated
• Contact mediated
Overview of cell signaling transduction

See Fig 11.06

4 different kinds of receptors
• GPCRs (______)
• _______ (EGF)
• Ligand gated ion channels (_______)
• ________(testosterone)

See Fig 11.08

Many kinds of signal transduction pathways,
cellular responses : generic idea
Example of signal transduction pathway:
epinephrine & GPCR

See Fig 11.16

Required Reading
• Chapter 11 : Cell Communication
• External signals are converted to responses within the cell

• Signal reception: A signaling molecule binds to a receptor,

causing it to change shape

• Signal transduction: Cascades of molecular interactions transmit

signals from receptors to relay molecules in the cell

• Cellular response: Cell signaling leads to regulation of

transcription or cytoplasmic activities
Reading these sections of your textbook is required to understand the topics covered in this Basics Lecture;
however topics in the reading that are not referenced during the lecture or class time will not be on the exam.
Prep for the Basics Quiz
Can you do the following?

• Describe and give examples of intracellular signaling, cell surface

signaling, local signaling, and hormone signaling

• Name and describe the three steps of signaling

• Describe and give examples of G protein linked receptors,

tyrosine kinase receptors, ligand gated ion channels, and
intracellular receptors
Prep for the Exams
Will you be able to do the following types of things on an
• Explain how cell signaling pathways proceed via the
steps of reception, transduction, and response

• Explain the steps of the epinephrine-GPCR pathway

• Predict what might happen to cellular pathways if they

are interrupted

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