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Vol. 11, No.

14 February 22, 2011

“Mother Nature”
By virtue of the fact that we use the term “Mother Nature” we
are implying that good ole “Mother Nature” is like a sweet and
kind old grandmother!! However, the reverse is the real truth!!
She can in fact, be crankier than the missus after getting off the
scales!! A recent walk in the woods following a heavy wet snow
showed ole “Mother Nature” in her true form.
Walking along, we saw a six inch diameter fir broken completely
off about six feet from the ground. Another fir was down across
the trail also snapped right off. At regular intervals there were
birches, maples and evergreens bowed to the ground under the
weight of heavy snow. Some will certainly recover but many are
likely doomed. I would bet that good ole “Mother Nature” wiped
out more trees with one snowfall than Mikie did in six months
with a chainsaw.
Of course, in this one walk, we only observed a small fraction
of what went on in the whole “170 Acre Wood” … this is the
Nauwigewauk version of A A Milne’s “100 Acre Wood” where
Winnie-the-Pooh is played by the Missus, Christopher Robin is
played by me, and The Jet does a remarkable imitation of Eeyore.
Destructive though she may be (Mother Nature, not the Missus)
after a fresh snow fall, the woods are incredibly beautiful. The
missus has been taking some pictures of our woods walks and
gee they look really great. The Jet loves his walks in the woods
and his normally sad expression perks right up when he gets the
old nose going. One day recently, The Jet set two world records
for deep snow sniffing. Yup, in just one day he went from the
normal “up to the eyeballs” sniffing to a record “up to the ears”
sniff in deep snow. Shortly afterwards he broke this record with
an “almost up to the collar” sniff. That’s my Boy!!! For being
snoopy, the Jet has no competition ... except for the missus!!
So thanks to good ole Mother Nature a “walk in the woods” has
become a “short walk, followed by scraping and shaking some
poor tree to lighten the snow burden, short walk - shake tree”
... you probably get the picture!! Thank you Mother Nature in
making a simple walk into a beautiful adventure!! 800

Huskies read to
DATL Students
See Story on
Page 21

Published Bi-Weekly
Next Issue: March 8
Deadline: March 1

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 2

Have you experienced cancer
personally? Were you a
caregiver to someone who
went through the cancer
experience? The Canadian Cancer Society New Brunswick is
seeking volunteers for our one-to-one telephone peer support
program. More specifically, we are seeking the following:
survivors of rare cancers; survivors of lung, Mesothelioma
and pancreatic cancers; -survivors who have completed their
treatment in the past four years; caregivers, particularly those of
cancer survivors; parents whose child had cancer.
This is an excellent opportunity to develop and use your listening
and communication skills to help others and also to be part of a
nationwide peer support program. CancerConnection has been
providing support to those living with cancer and their families
since 1995. Services are multilingual, free and confidential, and
are tailored to individual needs.
If you would like to know more about this program and how
to become a peer support volunteer, please call 1-800-455-9090.
Our volunteers: Our Hope, Our strength, Our Courage.
Let’s make cancer history. 826


Have you started planning your summer vacation yet? The
Belfast Children’s Project is looking for host families who would
enjoy sharing their family activities with a child from Belfast,
Northern Ireland during the month of July. This s an enriching
wonderful experience for families and the child from Belfast
as you share your community and many summer activities,
boating, swimming , camping or taking part in your community
events . Learn about each other’s culture and country while
having a great time.
Host children should be between 11-13 years of age or entering
middle school in September. For more information visit www.
belfastkids,ca; call Terry Mullin, chairperson at 633-0236. You
can also see - Facebook Belfast Children’s Project 2011. Deadline
is February 28th. 814

WDOP in Nauwigewauk
There will be a World Day of Prayer service held on Friday,
March 4th, 7:00pm at the Nauwigewauk Christian Church.
Everyone welcome. 126

Music night in
Sussex Baptist Church Music Night will be held on Sunday,
March 6th at 7:00pm with the following guests: David
Armstrong, Harold Price, Golden “K” Ramblers, Theresa
Hickman, Cornerstone, Joe Ness and the Baptist Concert Band.
A freewill offering will go towards the Mammography Unit.

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 3

Reminder: Kings Co Historical Society
The Kings County Historical & Archival Society, Inc., will
hold its next meeting on Saturday, February 26th at the Kings
County Museum, starting at 2:00pm. The Museum is located in
the lower level of the Centennial Building, 27 Centennial Road,
Hampton. Jude Carson and Gretchen Kelbaugh will speak about
the history of the Town of Rothesay.
All are welcome to attend. 835

Annual pancake supper in apohaqui

The Church of the Ascension ACW are sponsoring their annual
Pancake Supper at the Anglican Church Hall in Apohaqui on
Saturday, March 5th from 3:30-6:00pm. The menu includes:
pancakes, sausages, homemade beans, brown bread, pickles and
layer cakes.
Cost for the supper is $7/adults, $3.50/children 6-12 years and
preschoolers eat for free. Everyone welcome. 837


A Heartfelt Silent Auction & Benefit Dance will be held at the
Island View Lions Club (behind the Ken Val Co-op) for Aaron
& Jenny Small; Aaron recently & miraculously survived heart
surgery. Please join us on Saturday, February 26th the auction
will start at 6:30 and the dance at 8:30pm with “Radio Factory”.
Please contact Beth Fullerton 763-2567 or Pam Dickie 763-
2023 if you have any questions or auction items. 407

Hhs grad class news

As the snow continues to fall, the Grad Class is
working on many upcoming events. Our first
upcoming event is the Grad Class Fashion Show,
which will be held on Tuesday, March 22nd.
Students are urged to listen for announcements
regarding this event because their help will be
greatly needed in the near future.
There is yet another contest going on where you can help win
your Grad Class money for Safe Grad. You can submit a piece of
art work, a video, or a presentation promoting the awareness of
organ donation. The deadline for this event is Friday, February
25th. Please see Miss Myers for more information.
With a few Grad Class events behind us, we are planning more
events for the Grad Class to do as a whole. If you have any
suggestions for future events, please see a member of the Grad
Class Executive.
Alyson Brown – on behalf of the HHS 2011 Grad Class
Executive. 116

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 4

Hampton-Piggs Peak News
Bev Harrison has arrived in Swaziland and is spending most
of his time interviewing the students in Piggs Peak for whom
we will be paying school fees for the upcoming year. Hampton
is well known in Piggs Peak as their sister community that is
paying fees for students who would otherwise be unable to
attend school. As a result, upon Bev’s arrival, there was a line up
of parents and students asking to be put on Hampton’s list. One
such case is described by Karen Mandy:
“Her name is Nomphumelelo and she is in Form 4 at PCH. Last
year her father passed away, leaving her with her step-mum who,
shortly afterwards, also passed away. She then went to her aunt.
Despite all this, she passed last year with a 1st - getting an A in
Eng Lang and B in Lit (both of which impressed me!) This year
her aunt chased her from the house without even her uniform.
What is awesome is that one of the teachers has taken her in for
now and they’ve found her a uniform - just the school fees left.”
Unfortunately, not all our stories can have a happy ending. As
things stand, we are unable to put Nomphumelelo on our list.
Based on current students, the total cost of their fees will be in
excess of $40,000 and even that commitment is a leap of faith as
these funds are not currently available. You can appreciate Bev’s
most difficult task is telling the many deserving candidates that
we are only able to support a limited number.
Bev will soon be meeting with the mayor and council of
Piggs Peak for the official signing of a formal Memorandum of
Understanding between the Town of Hampton, Town of Piggs
Peak, and the Hampton-Piggs Peak Partnership Committee.
Although our Partnership has been in place for a few years,
this agreement officially lays out some broad principles
and guidelines for sustainable cooperation between our
communities. The document was signed in Hampton at a small
ceremony at the Mayor’s Levee on January 1 where Dr. John
Quinn was also recognized for his many years of service to the
people of Hampton. This is noteworthy because it was John who
first committed to pay for the education of a student in Piggs
Peak throughout high school. You may recognize this as the
genesis of the Starfish Program by which the education of about
50 students is now paid. John continues to be a Starfish sponsor,
demonstrating that his service to community extends beyond
the boundaries of Hampton to our neighbours in Piggs Peak.
If you would like to make a donation or assist a student like
Nomphumelelo by helping pay school fees, we have made it
possible through our Starfish Program. Please visit our website (click the link to Starfish Program)
or contact me, Mark Bettle, at 832-0003 or Carl MacKenzie at
832-2704. 110

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 5

Beef supper in Millstream
The Wesley United Church, Berwick is sponsoring a Roast
Beef Supper on Saturday, February 26th from 3:00-6:00pm at
the Millstream Rec Centre in Berwick. The menu includes all
the regular vegetables and gingerbread for dessert. Cost for the
supper is $10/adults, $5/children ages 6-12 and pre-schoolers
eat for free.
Storm date if necessary will be Sunday, February 27th. 834

Nauwigewauk Community Club News

There is a lot going on at our community rink
this winter, glad to see so many residents making
good use of it. Recently we hosted a Pee Wee
hockey game Nauwigewauk vs. Kingston, 25
players were in attendance, along with parents
and spectators!
We are planning a Breakfast and Auction for
Saturday, April 9th, if you have any items to donate please call
Peggy at 832-3550.
The hall is available for rentals, for more info call 832-4721. 133


The Saint John Branch of the New Brunswick Genealogical
Society, will meet Wednesday, February 23rd, 7:30pm at the
Lion’s Den, Loch Lomond Villa. This month’s program will
be “Readings from the personal memoirs of the 19th century
voyages of Glorana Fownes, a sea captain’s wife”. This informal
presentation by Merle and Don McGowan will feature the
memoirs of the voyages of their Great Aunt Glorana Fownes.
She accompanied her husband on square rigged ships during
the period of 1882-1904.
We encourage everyone (members and guests) who may have
information of sea voyages in their own collections to bring this
along for interactive discussion following the presentation. All
are welcome. 122

Breakfast at Kings Kirk

The Kings Kirk United Church in Belleisle Creek is having
a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, February 26th from 8:30-
10:30am. The menu consists of –
hashbrowns, ham, scrambled eggs, beans,
pancakes, tea/coffee, and juice.
Cost for the breakfast is - $5/adults and
$3/children. Everyone Welcome!! 123

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 6

Heart & Stroke Month events HHS math students
The Heart & Stroke Foundation will be holding a public Hampton High School’s Math Students of the month for January:
information session Artial Fibrillation on Wednesday, February (l-r) Rob Chapman (Vice Principal); Courtney Allen (grade 9);
23rd from 7:00-8:00pm at the Simonds Lions Auditorium (loch Alexia Hawkey-Noble (grade 10); Josh Booy (grade 11); Rhea
Lomond Villa, 185 Loch Lomond Road, SJ). Guest speaker for Malatestinic (grade 12). Missing from photo Courtney Buck
this session will be Dr. Greg Searles. (grade 9). 120
Nearly 250,000 Canadians are affected by atrial fibrillation,
the most common type of heart arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation
increases your risk for stroke and death due to stroke. You are
invited to come learn more about atrial fibrillation including
current treatment options that are available to improve your
quality of life and reduce your risk of stroke.
To reserve a space, please call the Heart & Stroke Foundation at
634-1620 for email Light refreshments
will be provided. 838


There will be a family movie night at the Anglican Rectory
in Upham on the 2nd Friday of each month; and at the St.
Barnabas Anglican Church in Barnesville on the last Friday of
each month. Everyone welcome. 119

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 7

The week at the
Center begins on
Monday morning,
at 9:00am - you will
find the quilters &
craft workers there, enjoying the quilting and time spent with
their friends; more quilters are needed, so if you quilt your help
as well as your friendship would be much appreciated. Any
questions about crafts or quilting call Peggy Odell 832-5286
or Betty Mitham at 832-7785; 1:00pm Swedish Weaving classes
are in process and a light lunch served. If you have questions
please call Betty Prentice at 832-5274; 8:00pm the Hampton
Hoedowners will be square dancing. If you square dance why
not join them for an evening of fun, and a light lunch is served.
Tuesdays at 7:00pm Bridge players are there enjoying them
selves, if you play Bridge why not join them. There is always
room for more. For more information call Barry Kilpatrick 832
- 5701.
Wednesdays at 7:30pm “Auction 45” players gather for an
evening of fun and friendship, and a light lunch is served. Why
not join them for an evening of games and friendship. Any
questions call Hazel Whittaker at 832-7828.
Thursdays at 9:30am the craft shop down in back is open; at
10:00am, musicians gather with songs and music until the
delicious home cooked dinner is served at 12:00noon. The price
for the dinner is $4/ members, and $5/non-members. The first
Thursday of every month is Pot Luck, bring one of your special
dishes and have your dinner, a combination of many special
Please Note - “Snow Days” on Thursdays - check your radio on
Thursday mornings if it is snowing, the music and dinner will
be called off that day if the schools in District 6 are closed.
Upcoming Events: In May, Spring Tea (date to follow later).
There will be the usual Craft & Bake Sale.
If you wish to rent the Center for a special occasion call 832-
7871, leave a message and your call will be returned. The Rotary
Club will provide bar service for functions at the Center.
Anyone having a birthday or anniversary this month we extend
our Best Wishes; to anyone ill or in the hospital we wish you a
speedy recovery and return to the Center, you are missed.
Submitted by Mary Long. 113

Benefit for aaron

A Heartfelt Silent Auction &
Benefit Dance for Aaron &
Jenny Small will be held at
The Island View Lions Club
(behind the Ken Val Co-op)
on Saturday, February 26th.
The auction will be from 6:30-
8:30pm, followed by the dance
with “Radio Factory”. Aaron
recently and miraculously
survived heart surgery.
Contact Beth Fullerton 763-
2567 or Pam Dickie 763-2023
if you have any questions or
auction items. 127

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 8

Hampton Community Library
We have purchased some more books for the
library! All of them recent publications and by
well-known authors – Jeffrey Archer, Barbara
Taylor Bradford, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan
Coban, Kim Edwards, Elizabeth George,
Robert Harris, Phillippa Gregory, Lisa Genova,
Fern Michaels, Kate Morton, David Nicholls (a very popular
English novelist), James Patterson and last but not least; I Shall
Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey by Izzeldin Abeulaish.
Library Hours of Operation: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
2:00-4:00pm and Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm. See you at the
Library! 128

Fundy Gardeners Meeting

The next meeting for the Fundy Gardeners will be on
Wednesday, March 2nd, 7:00pm at the Kennebecasis Select
Funeral Home (152 Pettingill Road, Quispamsis). Guest speaker
for the meeting will be Merv Cormier, Fundy Gardener, who
will be speaking on “Birds in My Garden”
All Welcome! For more information, please visit fundygardeners. 400

HRAA news
Fish n Jam – 7:00pm, Wednesdays. Hope to see
everyone out!
Wednesday, February 23rd – 7:00pm, HRAA
Annual General Meeting at the Centre.
Remember that your 2011 membership needs to
be paid in order for you to have voting privileges
at the meeting.
Saturday, February 26th – Coffee House.
Saturday, March 26th – ASF/NBSC Moncton Dinner at the
Ramada Crystal Palace (tickets are now available).
March 26th-27th - annual Dieppe Fly-Fishing Forum
News from the Riverbank: The cold and snow have made for
great conditions for outdoor activity (if you still have any energy
left after the shovelling!). We’re hearing some reports of good
smelt fishing throughout the Kennebecasis and Saint John - but,
if anyone getting any hake let us know!
Kayak Fishing Tournament: The dates for our annual Kayak
Fishing Tournament are July 16th & 17th. There will be some
changes to the regulations this year, to allow alternate launching
For more information about HRAA and our programs visit 401

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 9

Cadets – “AT ease cooking”
They have arrived! Our Fantastic
Cookbooks entitled “At Ease Cooking”
with the 140 Peninsula Army cadets.
Officers, Parents, Cadets and friends
have compiled their favourite recipes
and they are bound in a professional
beautiful country style cover. The Book
contains 187 recipes and are being sold
for $10/ book. There are great family
recipes as well as many international
and preserving favourites. As, most cookbooks contain terrific
desserts - this one is no exception.
If you are interested in supporting the Army Cadet Cookbook,
please call Dianne at 763-2355 or Carolyn at 832-2982. Thank
you again to all who continue to be such wonderful supporters
of the 140 Army Cadets. 403


The Valley Coffee House presents various singers and musicians
who provide a “toe tapping” fun filled evening of entertainment
for your pleasure. A donation of a non-perishable food item
for the KV Food Basket, or a monetary donation if you prefer,
is your ticket through the door! Please come and help us help
others. The doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 7:00pm.
The Valley Coffee House is held at the Civic Center (Civic Drive
in Quispamsis) 2nd floor - elevator available. Please be aware that
you can bring sweets for the canteen and also items to be used
as door prizes.
Up-coming Coffee House dates: Saturday – March 12th, April
9 , May 14th & June 18th.

If you would like more information or would like to put your

name in to be a helper or an entertainer in the future please call
Desa at 847-2917. 405

Pancake supper in Kingston

The All Saints and St. Paul’s ACW are sponsoring a Pancake
Supper on Shrove Tuesday, March 8th at the Kingston Parish
Hall. The supper will be held from 4:30-6:30pm and the menu
includes: pancakes, sausage, rolls and dessert. Cost for the
supper is $6/adults and $3/children under 6. 406

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 10

Each spring, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) trains
volunteers to be able to prepare income tax returns for the
current or prior years, using a CRA-approved computer software
program. Single clients with income under $25,000 a year, or
couples under $35,000, can have their basic tax returns prepared
and filed electronically free of charge.
Clinics have operated one or two days a week during tax
season for a number of years at the Seniors Resource Centre in
Brunswick Square, the Salvation Army office on Prince Edward
Street, and several other locations in Saint John. This year for
the first time a clinic will operate in Rothesay to serve residents
of the Kennebecasis Valley. It will be at St. Paul’s Parish Centre
on the Rothesay Common on Tuesdays from March 1st to April
19th inclusive, from 9:00am-12:00noon and 1:00-3:00pm. No
appointments are necessary; service is on a first-come first-
served basis. Clients can, if they wish, fill in an information
sheet and leave their returns for completion later.
Further information on the CVITP (Community Volunteer
Income Tax Program) is available on the CRA website: www. , or from the local Tax Services Office at 636-4961.


1935 Rte 121, Norton NB
Mondays - 45’s at 8:00pm.
Tuesdays - Double crib at 8:00pm.
Wednesdays - House League Darts, for more
information contact Heather Benjamin at 433-
Thursdays - Correction: Dabber Bingo, Jackpot
$1,000 in 50#’s or less & building. Jackpot starts
at $350 in 51#’s and/or consolation prize $100.
Doors open at 6:00pm, Bonanza game starts at 6:30pm sharp.
Bonanza - a building jackpot in 52#’s and/or consolation prize
$100. We also have wild #’s in some of regular bingo games.
Come & support your charity event. Starts at 7:00pm sharp.
Saturdays – Single’s Crib at 8:00pm.
Are you a veteran who does not receive a pension or health
care benefits? It does not matter how long you served. For more
information contact Gordon McKenzie, Service Officer RCL
#76 at 432-0779.
To rent the Legion Hall please contact Marg Lewell at 839-2212
or Gordon at 432-0779/849-1601. 502

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 11

Sussex Regional Library News
46 Magnolia Avenue, 432-4585,,
Looking for some free March Break
entertainment? Put your detective cap
on and join us for a week of spying
and mystery solving! We are pleased
to offer March Break programs on
Tuesday, March 8th, Thursday, March
10th and Friday, March 11th from
MILLSTREAM REC CENTRE 10:30-11:30am. There will be stories,
Card Parties will be held at the Millstream Rec Centre in crafts, games and other spy-related activities geared for children
Berwick on Tuesdays, February 22nd and Monday, February in grades K-5. Pre-registration is not required.
28th; March 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th. Card games start at 1:30pm
Preschool Programming: Bring your pre-schooler to the library
and the cost is $3/person.
every Thursday at 10:30am for one of our fun and interactive
Everyone welcome. 503
programs. At Storytime 3-5 year olds enjoy stories, circle songs,
fingerplays and games. At Toddler Tales children 18 months–2
“MAKE THE CONNECTION” years and their caregivers enjoy stories, rhymes, fingerplays and
playtime. All pre-schoolers welcome! Every Friday at 10:30am
Make the Connection is for parents of infants birth to one year
we offer Babies in the Library for little ones birth–18 months and
of age, and helps parents interact with their babies in a way
their care-givers. This adorable half-hour program consists of
that promotes secure attachment, communication and brain
rhymes, tickles, songs, bounces, walkabouts and board books. All
development. This interactive and enjoyable program combines
of these programs are free and pre-registration is not required.
hands on activities, parent reflection and discussion, as well as
personalized video feedback. Book Clubs: The Adult Book Club will meet on Wednesday,
Program to be held at Sussex & Area Family & Early Childhood February 23rd at 6:30pm to discuss Ava Comes Home by Lesley
Inc (717 Main Street Sussex) Wednesdays, March 16th-May 4th Crewe; The Inspirational Book Club will meet on Saturday,
(9:30-11:30am). To register for this program call the Sussex & February 26th at 10:00am to discuss God Is by David Adams
Area Family & Early Childhood Office at 432-4590. Space is Richards. Copies of both books are available at the front desk.
limited to call early to avoid disappointment. Library Hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00am-5:00pm;
For more information contact: Joelle at 432-4592 or Lynne at Wednesday 12:00noon-8:00pm; Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm;
432-4598. 527 Sunday & Monday – closed. 504

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 12

All PACK programs are free. For more
information about us please call 432-2610,
email or visit our
website at
Baby Signs - Our next six week course is
March 15th, 22nd, 29th & April 5th, 12th & 19th
from 10:30-11:30am at the PACK office. Please call to register
for this free program - space is limited!
Music ‘N’ Me - Is a much loved music program where parent and
child both get to sing, dance, play a variety of instruments, learn
rhymes, hear stories and enjoy a small snack. Every Wednesday
for babies/children birth to school age from 10:30-11:30am at
the Norton Village Office/Fire Hall (no school = no music).
Family Fun Fitness Adventure - Come out and join us for lots
of fun and great ideas to make your whole family stronger,
healthier and nutritionally in the know. Space is limited to 20
maximum for this four week adventure series - please contact
the PACK office to register today. Dates, times and location to
Dads ‘N Kids - Bring your dad, grandpa, uncle, Big Brother or
friends. This is a fun evening to spend with a special someone,
making crafts, playing games or reading a story. We invite you
and that special child in your life to our fun filled evenings! For
more information please contact the PACK office. 506

Benefit – Denise Long

There will be a Benefit for Denise Long, who has been unable to
work due to Breast Cancer, on Saturday, February 26th at the
Sussex Lions Den. From - 6:00-9:00pm, Chili Supper ($5/bowl)
and music with emcee Leon Daigle; 9:00pm-1:00am, dance with
DJ, Silent Auction, 50/50 and other draws.
For more information contact 433-6284 or 434-1819 (leave
message). 516

Benefit –
Fred Smith
There will be a benefit
for Fred Smith, who
is battling throat Make friends. Don’t add them.
cancer, on Saturday,
March 12th at the
Sussex Legion from
1:00-5:00pm. There
will be a Silent
Auction, 50/50 draw
and music by Ken &
Joan Campbell.
Admittance by
donation at the door.
518 The fun and adventure starts today. Don’t miss it!

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Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 13

Reminder: H.A.L.L. BEACH PARTY
Families with kids ages are invited to
have fun and support the HALL Beach
Party fundraiser to be held on Sunday,
February 27th from 2:30-3:30pm at St.
Paul’s Presyterian Church (978 Main Street,
Hampton). Fun activities for kids 6 & under
(all are welcome) - kids will make their own
Lai and grass-style skirts to wear and there
will be stickers to take home and enjoy. Prize
draw for $10 gift card.
Donations at this event will cover cost of the activities & help
raise money for HALL. All proceeds will help continue to
deliver hall programs & events for families in Hampton and
surrounding area. 108

Benefit for Nancy Kelly

The Dr. V. A. Snow Centre staff is holding a Benefit Supper,
Auction & Dance featuring the Late Shift Band from Saint John
at the Hampton Legion on Saturday, February 26th. A Spaghetti
Supper will be held from 5:00–7:00pm $10 (under 12 - $5), the
Silent Auction will run from 5:00-9:00pm and dance from 7:00–
9:00pm. Free will offering. The proceeds are for Nancy Kelly and
family in memory of Joe Marchbank.
Tickets are available at the Dr. V. A. Snow Centre and Hampton
Pharmasave. For information call 832-6210 (Ext 6436). 138

Breakfast in Sussex corner

The Men’s Group of the St. John’s United Church (Sussex Corner)
is sponsoring a Breakfast in the Church Centre on Saturday,
February 26th from 7:00-10:00am. There will be a choice of two
breakfast menus: bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast and doughnuts
or cereal, fruit, toast. Both menus include tea/coffee and juice.
Cost for either menu is $6/adults; $3/children 6-12, pre-
schoolers eat for free. 525

ARL Radio Bingo

Every Wednesday from 8:00-9:00pm you are invited to pay
Radio Bingo on Country 94 CHSJ in support of the Animal
Rescue League - Jackpot $3,500, plus Cookie Jar plus many other
great prizes! Bingo Books ($5) are available by calling 642-0920.
Thank you for supporting your animal shelter! 836

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 14

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 15
Hampton Middle school News
By Owen Preeper
Snow. Snow. Snow. It certainly seems to have been the theme
for the last few weeks! Hampton Middle School students have
enjoyed their fifth day at home since the Christmas holidays due
to the weather. All this snow has given us lots of opportunity
for outdoor winter activities. However, we’re not so lucky with
indoor sports – a valve broke in the gym ceiling, flooding and
warping the floorboards. This has rendered the gym unusable
for the time being. So gym activities have been put on hold: the
girls’ and boys’ basketball teams, lunch hour European handball
games and, of course, Phys. Ed classes.
But do you think that will dampen the HMS Wild Cat spirit?
Of course not! Students have been well occupied because now
there seem to be more awesome activities and clubs than ever.
Students have been having great times sliding on crazy carpets
on the hill beside the school, and skiing and snowboarding at
Poley Mountain with the ski club. We’ve been busy painting
the school’s house colours in the lobby, singing at Mrs. Foster’s
karaoke, helping out as peer helpers, going to chess club and
spelling bees, and much more.
Also, a spectacular event put together by Mme. Page with help
from fellow teachers and students took place on Valentine’s Day.
Inspired by Quebec restaurants, Mme. Page created an incredible
French café, complete with music and food, for post-intensive
French students. Invited guests were M. Pelletier, Mme. Austin
and M. Page.
We at HMS have also been hard at work making our science
projects for the upcoming science fair. Students and their
projects will be chosen from their classes to participate in the
school’s fair, from which they have a chance to go to the district
fair then maybe even on to the provincial level.
With all the amazing work put into providing these great
activities for students to enjoy every day, I think Hampton
Middle School is pretty great.
Owen Preeper is a Grade 8 student at HMS. 131

Benefit for lisa Gallagher

There will be a benefit for Lisa Gallagher held at the Belleisle
Regional High School on Saturday, March 5th starting at
7:00pm. The evening will include music by – Randy Vail, Mike
& Jennifer Hazen McNamara, Steve Wallace & John Somerville;
Pat & Beth O’Donnell; Joe Ness & Brenda McLaughlin; Albert
Harrison & Greg Gallagher, and more. There will also be a Silent
& Chinese Auction.
Please come and show your support for Lisa as she is going to
Albany, NY to undergo the MS Liberation treatment. 526

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 16

Simple solutions for diet & stress
The Seventh Day Adventist Church is holding a free seminar on
Simple Solutions for Diet & Stress at the Super store Community
Room on Tuesday, March 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th starting at 7:00pm.
Don’t miss this opportunity to bite back at stress. No pills, no
restrictive diets, no club memberships – just good common
sense endorsed by science. Incredible food tasting nightly.
Pre-register by Monday, February 28th ($25 fee for workbook).

Reminder: Kennebecasis Naturalist

The monthly meeting of the KNS will be held on Monday,
February 28th at 7.30pm upstairs in the St. Paul’s United Church
at 4 Morrison Avenue, Sussex. Our guest speakers will be Nicci
Blewett and Danielle Smith, staff members of Nature NB, who
will be giving a talk on Biodiversity in general and Nature NB’s
Biodiversity Stewardship Program. Reminder: SMELT FRY IN SOUTHFIELD
For more information about the KNS checkout our Website at The Southfield United Church annual Smelt Fry is coming right Everyone is welcome. 532 up. Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 26th from 4:00-
6:00pm. Take out orders are also available.
Phone 839-2722 or 839-2857 for more information. 521
St John Ambulance is offering three Baby Sitter
courses during March Break in Sussex (one day
courses, choose your day) on Monday, Tuesday
& Wednesday, March 7th, 8th & 9th from 9:00am- COFFEE “DRIVE THRU” IN MIDLAND
3:00pm at the St John Ambulance building, Leonard Each Friday from 6:00-9:00am Midland Baptist Church (Rte.124
Drive. Cost for the course is $40. & Upper Midland Road) invites you to get a great cup of coffee
Students are asked to bring a noon lunch & a snack. If you while making a donation toward alleviating world hunger.
require more information, call Muriel at 433-2697. 519 Watch for the MAD@poverty Coffee Drive Thru signs. 115

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 17

Hampton rotary news
Don’t forget the upcoming performance
“Canada rocks, Eh” taking place at the Phoenix
Dinner Theatre on Saturday, Feb 26th. The
club is marketing tickets to this dinner theatre
performance. Any Rotarian can sell you the
tickets which cost $55 for dinner, gratuities and
the theatre experience. During the intermission
there will be an auction of some great merchandise. Call Beverley
or Keith at 832-5383 if you would like tickets.
The Rotary Club of Hampton would like to thank the staff,
students and parents of three local area schools for their
enthusiastic support for Rotary International’s Purple Pinkie
Project which is raising funds to “end Polio now”. Since 1985
Rotary International, the World Health Organization and the
Centre for Disease Control and more recently the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation have been involved in a project to
eradicate polio from the world. In 1985 there were 350,000 cases
around the world. In 2010 there were only 4 polio endemic
countries with 921 cases worldwide.
The Purple Pinkie Project is an imaginative campaign to teach
children about polio eradication and to enlist their help in the
project. Rotary volunteers made presentations to the students
of the Hampton Elementary, Dr. A. T. Leatherbarrow, and
Macdonald Consolidated schools about polio and how, when
a child is vaccinated in one of those polio endemic countries,
their pinkie finger is marked with an indelible marker to prevent
double dosing. A few days later the volunteers returned to each of
the schools and in return for a donation of $1 or $2 they painted
the children’s pinkie fingers purple. The cost of vaccinating one
child is about $1 in countries like India, Pakistan, Nigeria or
Afghanistan. Some children had one pinkie coloured purple
and some had two pinkies coloured. At one school the day the
fingers were coloured many of the staff and students dressed in
The response in all the schools was excellent. The students
and teachers at the three schools raised almost $900 for the
campaign to end polio. The club would like to say thank you to
all of them and the parents and guardians of the children whose
support was also crucial to the success of this project. One of the
Rotary volunteers has already had a request from another area
school for the volunteers to do the presentation in the upcoming
school year. 111

PANCAKE supper inupham

The Upham WI and Seniors’ Hall Committee are holding a
Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 8th from 4:30-6:30pm. The
menu includes sausage, beans, pancakes and “desserts”; and the
cost is $8/adults and $4/children.
Proceeds from the supper will go towards a new roof for the
Hall. 816


A Coffee House Fundraiser for the Hampton Food Basket
will be held on Monday, February 28th at 7:00pm, in St.
Alphonsus Church Hall. Admission is only $5 for an evening of
entertainment, coffee from Java Moose and home-made sweets.
The Hampton Food Basket is in need of funds to continue its
efforts within the community. Please join us and help support
this very worthwhile cause right in our own backyard. 135

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 18

Hospice Sussex is offering a grief support group to assist
individuals who are experiencing the hard work of grieving and
who may be experiencing a wide range of feelings and physical
reactions. At Hospice Sussex, we understand that grief from
losing a loved one can cause the most painful suffering one ever
endures. This is the power of grief and part of your journey that
continues after a loved one has died.
Hospice Sussex is offering a free eight-week grief support
group where you can find comfort, support, and hope in a safe
supportive environment. It will provide education about the
grief process and will give you the opportunity to share with
others who are grieving. The group will begin on February
23rd at 6:30pm and will run for the next seven consecutive
If you are interested in being part of this type of grief support
or would like more information, please call Hospice Sussex at
432-5001 during the afternoon hours 1:00-4:00pm. 520

RCL Hampton Branch #28

1032 Main Street
The Branch is still active – even with all the snow
around us. As the old adage says “Can’t keep a
good man down”, so our activities for the month
are as follows:
Mondays - the Branch General Meeting is held
the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm all
members are invited to attend.
Tuesday - The Lions Club of Hampton hold their Bingo,
beginning at 5:30pm.
Wednesday – “Afternoon Seniors” meet at 1:00pm with a meal
served at 4:00pm. If you need a drive for this event, please call
Helen or Vernon Campbell at 832-5377.
Sunday - Brunches are held every second week. Our next
Brunches will be held on Sunday, March 6th & 20th. The Brunches
begin at 9:00am until 12:00noon. All are welcome, come with
your family and friends to enjoy a delicious meal. A 50/50 draw
is also offered. We also have a “free” breakfast draw.
Your Membership Cards for 2011 are now at the Legion and may
be picked up on Wednesday afternoons or Friday mornings.
Why not become a member? We will welcome you, applications
available at the Branch.
For Hall Rentals please call 832-4633 and leave a message and
your call will be returned as soon as possible.
If you are a veteran or a spouse of a veteran and feel you are
entitled to assistance from Veterans Affairs Canada, please
contact our Service Officer, Bob Jones, at 832-9899. 106

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 19

Ayer, Murray
The death of Murray Ayer of Saint John, formerly of Barnesville,
husband of the late Harriett (Hunter) Ayer, occurred
unexpectedly on February 9, 2011 at the Saint John Regional
Hospital. He was born in Saint John, son of the late Roy and
Edith May (Totten) Ayer. Murray enjoyed hunting, fishing and
had a passion for four wheeling.
He is survived by one foster daughter, Judy Mooers (Larry)
of Moncton; one foster grandson, Brent Mooers (Deana); one
brother, Kenneth Ayer, Saint John; several nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by one sister, Alice London and one brother,
Clifford Ayer.
The funeral was held o Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 from the
chapel of Kennebecasis Community Funeral Home and was
officiated by Pastor Jacques LeBlanc. A scripture reading was
read by Gary O’Dell. The organist and soloist for the service
was Dorothea Bagley. Pallbearers were: John Brennan, Freeman
Courier, Truman London, Doug MacArthur, Gary Peck and
Raymond Sweet. Immediately following the service a reception
was held at the funeral home. Interment will take place in the
Barnesville Seventh-Day Adventist Cemetery, in the spring.
The family would appreciate donations to the NB Heart
and Stroke Foundation, Barnesville Seventh Day Adventist
Cemetery Fund, Canadian Cancer Society and or a charity of
the donor’s choice. Online donations and condolences may be
made at:

Fleck, Shirley Hazel

The death of Shirley Fleck of Quispamsis,
widow of Adin Fleck, occurred January 30,
2011 at the Dr. V.A. Snow Centre, Hampton.
She was born in Alma, NB, daughter of the
late Hayes and Josephine (Morrissey) Marks.
Shirley was a member of Saint Andrews Kirk
United Church, Quispamsis.
She is survived by
two sons, Gary Fleck
(Sandra) of Norton, Dwight Fleck
(Christel) of St. Catherines, ON; daughter-
in-law, Blanche Fleck of Moncton; one
brother, Floyd Marks (Marion), of Saint
John; eight grandchildren, several great
grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She
was predeceased by one son, Gregory
Fleck, sister, Joan Ryan and brother,
Theodore Marks.
The funeral was held February 3, 2011 at
Reid’s Funeral Home Chapel, Hampton,
with Rev. Karen MacNeill officiating.
The organist was Jeff Matheson and the
soloist was Tara Goobie. Readings were
by daughter-in-law, Sandra Fleck and
granddaughter, Nicole LeBlanc.
Interment will take place at a later date.
Memorials to the Arthritis Society or
charity of the donor’s choice would be

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 20

Marks, Irene
The death of Irene Theora (Tays) Marks, age
82, formerly of Bloomfield Ridge, occurred at
the Dr. V.A. Snow Centre, Hampton, NB, on
Saturday, January 1, 2011. She was the wife of
the late Charles Marks. Irene was born on June
30, 1928, in Titusville, NB, the daughter of the
late John and Ethel (Mercer) Tays.
She is survived by daughters Florence Durley
and companion Irvin Jones of Bloomfield and
Geraldine and Donnie Bettle of Passekeag; sons Charles Marks
of Bloomfield and John and Nancy Marks of Bloomfield; six
grandchildren V. Joseph Durley, Jacqueline Bettle, Laura Jones,
Wendy Smith, Gary Marks and Ashley Marks; eleven great
grandchildren Ashley Nason, Leland Nason, Hudson Jones,
Elliott Jones, Rebecca Smith, Michael Smith, Karleigh Smith,
Jackson Marks, Bayton Brideau, Talon Brideau and Charley
Howe; sisters Elsie Mercer of Kingston, Carcella Floyd of Sussex,
and Lillian Kilpatrick of Upham; several nieces and nephews.
Irene was predeceased by brother Vernon Tays and sister Mary
The funeral service, held from Sherwood’s Chapel on Tuesday,
January 4th, with Rev Rob Marsh officiating. Pallbears were V.
Joseph Durley, Brian Howe, Michael Jones, Ashley Marks, Gary
Marks, Michael Smith, Peter Smith, Wendy Smith. Interment
will follow in Riverbank Cemetery.
Donations to the Dr. V.A. Snow Foundation Bus Fund, the
Cancer Society or the memorial of the donor’s choice would be
appreciated by the family. Personal condolences to the family
may be made through 102
On our cover
DATL, HHS huskies & literacy day
The students and staff at Dr. A.T. Leatherbarrow School would
once again like to thank the players from the Hampton High
School Huskies Hockey team for reading to them. The event,
which was scheduled for Family Literacy Day on January 27th,
had to be rescheduled due to school closure. These boys came to
read to us on their day off!
The avid readers include: 1 - Peter O’Brien, Dan Kennedy, Nic
Robichaud, Anthony Lee, Geoff Wilson, Dax Pattison, Brendan
Wilson, Nic McInnis, Sam Merrithew and Ben Shephard; 2
- Bradley Patrick, Haley Graham, Kyleigh MacDonald, Lily
Danells, Evan Bustard Kate Malone and Colton Burbridge; 3
- Aiden Beach, Nick Dupuis, Jared Kyle, Tim Boudreau, John
Cullen, Calem MacDonald, Jake King and Ben Flann; 4 - Bryson
Cheslock, Evan Sullivan, Ethan King, Bethany Keoughan, Ben
Jardine, Jenna Lawrence, Ryan Hickie and Kole Kincade. 124

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 21

Donation to snow Hampton auxiliary #28
center The Royal Canadian Legion, Hampton Auxiliary #28 held their
Elizabeth Jadoo (left) and Harold Kingston (right), United meeting on January 10th President Glenna Geer extended a
Way, present Terry O’Neill (center), Dr. V.A. Snow Centre with warm welcome to those in attendance.
a Program Funding Cheque in the amount of $1,700 towards The installation of officers for the ensuing year was conducted
their Minibus Fundraising Campaign. 130 by Past Provincial President Marjorie Yeomans. The incoming
officers for 2011 are: President – Glenna Geer; Vice President –
Pauline Wetmore; Past President – Gloria Robichaud; Treasurer
– June Bull; Executive – Irma Burnside, Patricia Murray;
Secretary – Marjorie Yeomans. Following installation, regular
business was carried out.
We look forward to meeting again on Monday, March 14th at
Submitted by Marjorie Yeomans. 121

World Day of Prayer 2011

This year the World Day of Prayer service will be held at St.
Alphonsus Church, 22 Church Street, Hampton, at 2:00pm
on Friday, March 4th. The storm date is the following Sunday,
March 6th at 2.00pm.
The World Day of Prayer is celebrated in more than 170
countries and 2,000 communities across Canada. This year the
theme country is Chile and the prayers and reflections were
written by people from that country. Please join us as we pray,
learn about Chile and consider the question, “How Many Loaves
Have you?”. 129

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 22

1356 Rte 845, Clifton Royal NB, E5S 2B9, Phone 763-2009
Hours: Monday-Thursday 2:30-8:00pm;Friday
2:30pm-12:00midnight; Saturday 2:00-9:00pm;
Sunday 1:30-7:00pm.
Mondays - Legion meeting the first Monday of
each month, new members welcomed (anyone
may become a member), membership not a
requirement to be a volunteer.
Sundays - 7:30pm, Cribbage. For more
information contact Joe Stack at 763-2959.
Peninsula Pearls meet the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month
at 12:00noon for lunch. New members welcomed - if interested
call Claudia Small 763-2587.
Friday, January 28th - Community Clothes Swap, doors open at
7:30pm, $10 to participate, contact Meaghan at 763-2665.
To reserve the Hall call Doreen Stack at 763-2959 and/or
Meaghan Hickey at 763-2665, or e-mail meg.hickey.hare@live.
com. 105


66 Magnolia Avenue, Sussex; 432-66 99
Office Hours: Tuesday-
Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm.
Wednesdays - Foot
Clinic; Bingo - doors open
at 6:00, Early Bird starts at
6:30 and regular games at
7:00pm; Pool League at
Thursdays - 8:00pm, Crib.
For more information check out our
website at: 304

Sussex Mammogram
Machine Fundraiser
There will be a fundraiser for the Sussex
Health Centre Mammography project at
Poley Mountain on Monday February
28th from 6:00-9:00pm. For this evening:
rentals $10; lift tickets $10 and 2010/11
Season Pass holders or Atlantic Seniors
will be $5.
Eight trails and terrain park will be
open for night skiing. Poley staff are
volunteering their time to make sure the
Ski Hill runs smoothly.
Donations will be accepted. 523

A weekly free children’s program offered
by the Head of Millstream Wesleyan
Church for ages 3-12 is held on Tuesday
evenings from 6:30-7:30pm.
For more information contact
Rachel McGuire at 433-1761 or
browse our website at
millstreamwesleyan.html. 515

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 23

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 24
NB Central Midget All Star Game Shingles & pneumonia shots
Hampton Minor Hockey Association and the Hampton Midget VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) is happy
Bulldogs recently hosted the annual New Brunswick Central to announce that we now have the shingles
Midget All Star game. The Bulldogs hosted the event for the vaccination (Zostavax) available in a limited
first in it’s 41 year history at the Hampton Community Centre supply for those over the age of 65 yrs, who
on Saturday January 22nd. The game featured the Southern All would like to receive it. There is a charge for
Stars against the Eastern All Stars. this vaccination.
Players for the Southern All Stars were selected from Sussex, We are also pleased to be able to offer the
Hampton, Saint John Lancaster, Fundy and St. Stephen hockey vaccination against pneumonia, (Pneumovax)
associations. Representing the Hampton Bulldogs were Morgan free to those over 65 yrs. of age.
Sommerville, Jackson Chamberlain, Joseph Graham and Nick For information or to book an appointment please call 635-
Ryan. The game was a huge success with the Southern All Stars 1530. 843
winning. Morgan Sommerville had a
goal and assist for Hampton. The MVP
for the south was Nick Smith from St.
Stephen. Nick and Alex Simon of Saint
John both had hat tricks.
The Bulldogs and Hampton Minor
Hockey would like to thank the following
local businesses for their support of
this event, Tim Hortons, Hampton
Pharmasave, Holly’s Restaurant,
Hampton Guardian Drugstore, Subway
and Hampton Home Hardware. Your
support is greatly appreciated and
helped make the event a success for all
those involved. 842

Bulldogs manager Arnold Hopper

presenting a commemorative banner
to Hampton Minor Hockey’s president
Steve Rodgers and midget coordinator
Anita Hodgin.

School District 6 District
Education Council will
hold its monthly meeting
on Wednesday, March 16th
at Rothesay Park School, 7
Hampton Road, beginning
at 7:00pm. All are welcome! 812
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 25
Local UNB Student Seeks to Make a
Alex Donovan, a resident of Hampton and a 2010 graduate of
HHS, has been selected to participate in a unique four-week
volunteer program in Thailand from late May to late June
2011. Alex will be working under the direction of the non-
profit organization, International Student Volunteers (ISV). He
is a first year student in the Bachelor of Arts program at UNB
During his first two weeks in Thailand, Alex will volunteer
on a diverse range of conservation-based projects such as
rehabilitating exotic gibbons and monkeys who have been
rescued from the illegal wildlife smuggling trade, working in
an elephant nature park, and scientific research in forests and
jungles. Each two-week volunteer project is dedicated to making
a difference in endangered species conservation, scientific
research, habitat restoration, and education on sustainable use
and natural resource management.

Due to the growing population of the country, rural communities
% in particular are in need of assistance. ISV volunteers have
APR the opportunity of helping conservation and community
development efforts in a strategic way. ISV partners with a
for 60 Months* number of local non-government organizations, orphanages
and grassroots groups to work on meaningful projects. Alex
will be contributing to ISV’s two millionth hour of volunteer
work. ISV has offered life-changing volunteer projects since
Massey Ferguson®
1600 Series | 35-60 PTO HP 2002. Over 4,000 students travel with ISV every year across 6
This is an opportunity for students to experience a “once-in-a-
Gentlemen, start your savings. lifetime” adventure where they can meet new people, discover
Take advantage of a powerful new offer
designed to deliver all the performance – new places and travel with a purpose that benefits both the
and the savings – you’ve been after. Purchase host country and the student. Volunteer projects are operated
any Massey Ferguson 1500 or 1600 Series in partnership with well-established conservation organizations
compact tractor and get 0% financing for including government and non-government organizations
60 months*. Come see us soon or visit And, let’s get cranking.
(NGOs), private reserves and farms, and local grassroots
community groups.
The total cost for this program is approximately $6000, and
Alex has currently raised 1/3 of the required amount through
the generosity of businesses in Hampton, service groups and
private donors. If you would like to sponsor Alex by making
a gift donation to support his volunteer efforts, please contact
839-2442 him at or 506-470-4389. As well, watch for 308 RTE 124, Norton
two upcoming fundraisers in Hampton, a silent art auction on
*On select models with approved credit from AGCO Finance LLC. Sales tax, freight, dealer set up and
administration costs are excluded. Available for equal monthly payments only. Leases and balloon payments Saturday, April 30th and a Coffee House on Wednesday, May
available at slightly higher rates. Contact your participating dealer for more details. Programs are subject to
change without notice. ©2011 AGCO Corporation, 4205 River Green Parkway, Duluth, GA 30096 (877)
4th. 841
MASSEY FERGUSON is a worldwide brand of AGCO. MF114Cco02

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 26

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 27
HHS Ladies’ Basketball
On February 4th & 5th, The HHS Ladies Huskies basketball team
hosted their 14th annual invitational tournament. On Friday
afternoon, the Huskies defeated the Nackawic Nighthawks
in front of over 200 students. The final score was 58–26. Top
scorers for the Huskies were Meg Gates with 14 and Jenn Cusack
with 12.
On Friday evening, HHS took on JMA. The Huskies were up by
2 at the end of the first half and with less than 3 seconds left in
the game Danielle Colpitts scored a 3 pointer to take the game
into overtime. HHS won the game with a final score of 68–62.
Top scorers for Hampton were Meg Gates with 26, Megan Verge
with 13 and Rhea Malatestinic with 9.
On Saturday, the Huskies played a crossover game against the
FHS Exhibition team. The game was very close in the first half
but in the end HHS won by a score of 62–49. Jenn Cusack led
the Huskies with 13 and Megan Verge scored 11.
The championship game was between the HHS Huskies and
the Petitcodiac Panthers. It was a close game but in the end,
HHS defeated Petitcodiac by a score of 78–69. The Huskies’ top
scorers were Meg Gates with 24 points and Jenn Cusack with 23
The seniors, Ashley Beers, Meg Gates, Rhea Malatestinic
and Baillie Tompkins were presented with plaques for their
commitment to Huskies basketball and they will be greatly
The team would like to thank the parent volunteers, the minor
officials and the tournament sponsors: Hampton Physiotherapy,
Hampton Dental Clinic and Subway. 137

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 28

1810 Carter House Celebrates
1810 Carter House Tea Room and Heritage Site at Kingston
celebrated its 200th anniversary on December 11th, 2010, with
a Christmas open house and birthday party. Edna Hamilton, a
founding member of Peninsula Heritage Inc., and Beth Quigley,
President, cut the cake and plenty of refreshments were shared
with visitors throughout the afternoon. Members of Peninsula
Heritage Inc. continued the celebrations with a delicious pot
luck supper and good company! 132

Another lucky winner!

Jean Cobb recently received her $500 Bingo Jackpot from Carl
Fowler of the Hammond River Valley Seniors. You are invited
to try your luck every Wednesday at 7:00pm at the WI Seniors
Hall in Upham. The cookie jar is over $200. 136


Volleyball continues on Wednesday nights at Rothesay Park
Middle School, 8:00-10:00pm at cost of $3.00; and Breakfast for
Singles at Holly’s Restaurant in Hampton Mall on Sundays at
If you would like some more info about the purpose of our
group, membership or on any of the above please email or phone 696-1914 for recorded info
and feel free to leave a message to have someone call you. 819

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 29

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 30
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 31
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 32
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 33
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 34
God blessed many New Brunswick’s who
were hungry and in need of a hot meal. One
pound of deer meat will feed 4 people and 100
pounds will feed 400. FHFH Canada had a very
successful ministry in 2010.
As we travelled to meet Hunting & Fishing
Organizations this year, we met a great deal of hunters interested
in helping their own community and their fellow man. Hunters
had the choice to donate the full deer or a portion of the deer.
With the FHFH Canada up and running in full swing this year
we were able to donate venison to many soup kitchens in many
cities. Hunters donated their venison and FHFH Canada paid
the processing fees from a fund made possible by organizations
and individuals making cash donations.
Mobile one in Moncton, is an outreach program that delivers
hot meals to the streets of Moncton at night. They were able to
use the meat for Hot Hamburger Soup that enabled one deer
to feed over 400+ people with a hot meal. This is a blessing to
many that were very cold and in need of a hot meal. In New
Brunswick this season the deer population was down and we
had many hunters call and say next year they will donate their
Adventure Quest Outfitters has donated a 2011 NFLD Moose
Hunt. There are only 300 tickets for sale at $40 each or 3 for $100
This is a five day all-inclusive (meals and accommodations)
moose hunt for one hunter in NFLD with $500 spending money.
All proceeds of the tickets will be used to feed the hungry. Please
visit our website or call 506-433-9096 for
tickets or any information about FHFH Canada.
Did you know that one deer could feed 400 hungry people at
your local soup kitchen?
Three Ways To Help Feed The Hungry: Donate a portion
of the deer and FHFH Canada covers the processing cost for
that portion; Donate an entire deer to the program and FHFH
Canada covers the processing cost; Make a cash donation to
FHFH Canada to help your local soup kitchen (charitable
receipt given for donation)
If you are interested in FHFH Canada doing a presentation
to your group please contacts us: Caroline Trueman, www., 433-9096 or 811


The Sussex Crokinole Club has resumed the fall/winter season at
the Masonic Hall (482 Main Street, Sussex). Come join us for an
afternoon of fun on Wednesdays starting at 2:00pm. For further
information phone Don at 433-4360. 509

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 35

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 36
Challenge Update
We have had several inquiries recently regarding the progress
of our 10,000 steps challenge. At the end of four weeks we have
walked a total 3,350,829 steps - yes that is 3 MILLION steps -
which (using the average of 10,000 steps = 5 miles) is 1675 miles.
For myself, I am sleeping better (especially on those days my step
count is in the high teens!), my blood pressure is down a couple
of points and as a bonus I am getting my vitamin D because I am
spending more time outdoors in spite of the overload of snow
this winter. I think even our lazy overweight cat has caught the
bug, since the other day she was tearing around the house even
though none of the other cats was even in her vicinity! Usually
Smudge only interrupts her nap in a sunbeam or next to the fire
for periodic visits to her food dish or the litter box.
I am hoping that once we have ended this 13 week walking
challenge that the habit of being more physically active will have
become ingrained into a on-going lifestyle change. There was a
time (before Ossekeag) that I routinely walked about 20 miles
per week (a 5 mile route about four times per week). That got
pushed aside with becoming a business owner, when I was “too
busy”. It feels good to get moving again.
I had not intended this article to be devoted to our walking
challenge. The plan was to do a brief update on how far we had
walked and move on . . . no pun intended. I had a whole bunch
of ideas on what to share this week. Perhaps the story of a family
member who got stuck in the driveway twice in one day. Or
Mikie ditching the tractor while pulling said family member
out of the ditch the second time. No, maybe Mike’s comment
about someone would have to be crazy to go up on that roof to
shovel it off . . . and then the next day there he was, up on that
roof shoveling it off. Or my futile search for a roof rake, which
resulted in Mikie being up on that roof with a shovel. But I’m
out of space . . .
“Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you
must keep moving.” ~Albert Einstein. 801

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 37

EMPLOYMENT had our rights infringed upon, contrary to the Queen, the Court and
MASSAGE THERAPIST NEEDED in Hampton part time, excellent the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms of Canada.
compensation, wonderful atmosphere and great clientele. Call Vitalis PRAYERS
Massage Therapy at 832-7007 for more information. Serious inquiries O HOLY ST. JUDE, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in
only. miracles, near kinsman to Jesus Christ, Faithful Intercessor to all who
PT WORK FOR FT MOMS. Work for yourself not by yourself. Free invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse
website, unlimited support, computer required. www.allkidsmatter. from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given
com. such power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent
WANTED: HOMEMAKER for group home in Hampton, 19 or older, petition, in return I promise to make your name known and cause
12:00am - 8:30pm, 4 nights on, 4 off. Must have first aid/CPR, medical, you to be invoked. Say three Hail Marys and three Glorias. St. Jude
criminal check and be willing to take Home Care aide course. Salary pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Publication must be
$9.25/hr. For more information call 832-4663. promised. This novena has never been known to fail. This novena
BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Turn 5-10 hours/week into $1000.00+/ must be said for nine consecutive days. Try it, it works. B.P.
month. Operate a mini office outlet from your computer, FREE
ESTHETICIAN AND HAIR Stylist needed in Hampton. Looking to BRIAN’S MAINTENANCE & Home Repair, Carpentry, kitchens,
be your own boss? Would you like to be in a high traffic building with bath, painting, ceramic tile, electrical etc. Over 20 years experience.
lots of referrals? Would you like to have your own room without a Free estimates. Call Brian 839-2296.
boss? Look no further, we have an opening for an esthetician and hair BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks, travel trailers, motor homes, farm
stylist immediately. The rent is very reasonable and flexible hours. machinery. I pay you cash. Call 721-4255.
Sound like the perfect job for you? Give us a call to get some more HERITAGE UPHOLSTERY. Residential, commercial, recreational,
information. 651-1957. restyling and customization. Trust your furniture to the professionals.
FIREWOOD The most training and experience in the Kennebecasis. Serving you
for 30 years. Offering project classes. 849-8008.
TIRED OF GETTING THE WRONG size wood? Fire wood cut to RITE WAY CLEANERS has openings for commercial and residential
specification. Call Doug 763-3486 or 333-5843. properties. Services offered, one time cleaning, de-cluttering and
FOR RENT organizing. We personalize our service to suit your needs. “All Natural
WE WOULD LIKE to inform you of an opportunity to expand or Products”. Call today for free estimate 832-3894.
relocate your business. We have office space for rent at 582 Main Street DAVE’S LIGHT TRUCKING & Cleaning Service, junk, garbage,
in Hampton. Located in the same building as Loughery Law Office. construction, demolition, brush, decks, small moving jobs. 7 days a
New flooring and painting has been done. (Move in ready) Rent is a week. Also picking up unwanted vehicles. 832-3982 or 653-0026.
very reasonable $550. + HST for this 400 sq. ft. space. Heat, lights and KEN BROWN ELECTRICAL Inc. Your electrical service company
snow removal are extra. If you would like more information about for all your home & business needs. For your solar & wind
this space or would like to view it, please contact Angela Boyd at 832- power solutions, call or email Kim at 506-839-2877, kimbrown@
COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR Lease, 380 sqft., 1031 Main Street, MARITIME RIGGING & INDUSTRIAL Supply, traction chains,
Hampton. Lower level, ample parking, signage space available, will be lifting, towing, logging safety & netting supplies, custom tarps &
fitted to suit tenant. Utilities included, ideal for office, physiotherapy, shelters. Action truck caps & accessories, select plus k.d. cabinet
esthetician, hair salon or barber shop. Contact: Wayne Law, 653-1957. hardwoods & pine boards. Call 832-1198 day/evening, Mon. - Sat.
2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Erb’s Cove, Kingston Peninsula, electric heat, HAUL AWAY of junk cars, trucks, tractors and farm equipment.
$500/month, with deposit. 832-3333. Small fee for appliances and small scrap. Drop off site 54 Backland
Road, Kingston. 763-2933 or 333-9067.
FOR SALE REGISTERED FOOT CARE Nurse is now accepting clients. Offering
YAMAHA ELECTRONE ORGAN double keyboard, full octave foot foot care in the comfort of your own home in Hampton & surrounding
pedals, $150. Call after 6:00pm. 485-2220. areas. For professional foot care & details, call Shirley @ 832-2126.
USED APPLIANCES, 24” electric stoves in stock, exterior/interior Covered with most insurance plans.
doors, tires (most sizes), new sky light, used windows, and household VEHICLES
items. 218 Main St. Norton. 839-2628.
2007 DODGE HALF TON, hemi, extended cab, 109,000km, Del
NOTICES dump box, asking $21,000, 362-9198, cell 447-0283.
NONDENOMINATIONAL GOSPEL SERVICES beginning Feb. 13, SHORT TERM LEASE take over, 2009 F150, 4x4, super cab, extras
continuing through Feb. & March, Sundays at 4:30pm, Fundy Funeral include tonneau cover, custom seat covers & trailer hitch. Negotiable,
Home, 230 Westmoreland Road, Saint John, & Thursdays at 7:30pm, call 645-1252.
Nauwigewauk Community Hall (36 Darling’s Island Road). All are CALL MALCOLM ACROSS FROM NEW KINGSTON FARMERS
welcome to attend (no collections). Pat Robinson, Diane Anderson, MARKET. LUBRICO WARRANTY AVAILABLE, SOME TRADES
WE JOSEPH L. KANE and spouse, citizens of Canada and Kingston, OR 832-0897.
Kings County, New Brunswick, by Registered Deed, lot number 2001 GRAND PRIX GT, V6, auto, loaded, roof, alloy, looks and works
0159566 and heirs and successors to a Grant of Land registered excellent, 173,000km $2,900, Call Malcolm at 333-5811 or 832-0897.
as number 9098, Granted by Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria, 2007 MAZDA 3, 4dr, 4cyl, auto, 82,000km, spoiler, new MVI, looks
year 1871 and granted by the New Brunswick Court of Chancery, and works excellent, $7,900 Call Malcolm at 333-5811 or 832-0897.
registered at the New Brunswick Forestry Building, Fredericton, have
Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 38
1996 JEEP0 CHEROKEE, 4lt, auto, 4dr,
loaded, 4x4, looks and works great, only
$4,900. Call Malcolm at 333-5811 or 832-
2004 CHEV CAVALIER, 4cyl, auto, one
owner, 115,000km, new MVI, looks and
works excellent, $3,900. $2,900 Call Malcolm
at 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2007 HONDA CIVIC, 4 dr, auto, new MVI,
85,000km, pw, cruise, CD, one owner, looks
and works excellent, financing OAC, $9,900.
Call Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2006 FORD FREESTAR sport, V6, auto,
loaded, DVD, rear air, alloys, new MVI,
financing OAC, looks and works excellent,
only $7,900. Call Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-
2004 GMC 4X4, reg. cab, V6, auto,
132,000km, air, tilt, power steering and
brakes, new MVI, great on fuel, looks and
works great, $8,900. Call Malcolm 333-5811
or 832-0897.
2003 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GT, 6 cyl, auto,
116,000km, one owner, new MVI, alloys,
power roof, nice clean car, only $4,900. Call
Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2004 SATURN ION 2, 4cyl, 4 dr, loaded,
auto, new MVI, power slider, I also have
same car in standard, excellent on fuel, looks
and works great, your choice, $3,900. Call
Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2003 SUNFIRE, 4cyl, 4dr, auto, loaded,
10,900km, new MVI, one owner, spoiler,
looks and works excellent, just $3,900. Call
Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2003 FORD E250, cargo van, 174,000km, V8,
auto, air, power inverter, new MVI, looks and
works excellent, $5,900. Call Malcolm 333-
5811 or 832-0897.
2002 DODGE 1500 Ram van, 5.2, V8, auto,
new MVI, 20,200km, looks and works
excellent, only $4,500. Call Malcolm 333-
5811 or 832-0897.
2003 CHEV 2500 4X4, reg. cab, 8’-0” box,
alloys, work truck, not running, electrical or
computer?, $3,900. Call Malcolm 333-5811
or 832-0897.
2004 CHEV 3500, cube van, 6.0lt, auto,
new MVI, one owner, 12”-0” body, roll rear
door, looks and works excellent,$8,900. Call
Malcolm 333-5811 or 832-0897.
2007 DODGE DAKOTA xcab, V6, 5spd,
2wd, only 43,000km, like new, warranty, air,
CD, one owner, new MVI, $8,900.
2008 TOYOTA COROLLA S, 4cyl, 5spd,
loaded, 43,000km, alloys, spoilers, sharp car,
looks and works new, $11,900. Call Malcolm
333-5811 or 832-0897
2005 FORD FOCUS wagon, 4cyl, auto,
heated seats, 78,000km, air, CD, $5,900. Call
Malcolm at 333-5811 or 832-0897.
FLEA MARKET March 5, Bloomfield Hall,
9:00am-3:00pm, tables $10. Donations at
the door and table rental for Sussex Sharing
Club. Marlene 485-8080.

Hampton Herald - February 22, 2011 39

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