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c h a p T e r

Everyday, we engage in the communication process using language as the
main instrument. We express ideas, thoughts, commentaries, feelings, and the like
using the dynamic language.
Given this reality at hand, this chapter explores language and its nature. It also
provides a space for a discussion of various processes relative to language such as
language acquisition, language learning, language contact, and language change.

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• demonstrate an understanding of language and its nature;
• identify the types of communication in relation to communication
mode, context, and purpose and style;
• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different
communication types in various communication settings; and
• demonstrate in an essay an understanding of the role of
language in the communication process.


Language and its Nature


• Explain linguists’ views on language and its nature.

• Identify and differentiate essential constructs in relation to
• Fill out a biodata form and create their language biography.

Study the following words. Which spelling is correct? Which Spelling is
incorrect? Tick the appropriate box. Justify your answer.

Correct Incorrect Justifications

1. Aeroplane
2. Airplane
3. Colonise
4. Colonize
5. Defence
6. Defense
7. Enrolment
8. Enrollment
9. Honour
10. Honor


Whatever people do when they come together, they talk. As human beings, we
have the agency towards the language that is comprehensible to us. When we play,
we talk. When we meet our friends, we talk, and the list goes on. By talking, we use

language. We understand our co-communicators and they understand us because
we share the same system of grammar and of sounds, and even vocabulary.
Linguists agree that a language can only be called a language if it has a system
of rules (grammar), a sound system (phonology), and a vocabulary (lexicon). It is also
the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use
of words in a structured and conventional way. Animals may be able to communicate
with one another, but it is only human beings who are capable of using a system
sounds, rules, and vocabulary.
People belonging to the same speech community understand each other due to
the same set of rules present in their language system. They acquire the languages
used in the community through the process of language acquisition. The languages
acquired by people while growing up are known as mother tongues (first languages).
Other languages which are of equal importance for communicating are called second
languages which can be learned formally or informally through the process of
language learning.
Through language contact, people also learn other languages and get meanings
across. For instance, an OFW who speaks mother tongue and English and his/her
employer who speaks Mandarin and English still manage to understand each other
as they learn each other’s languages. This results into language change. In other
words, a new form of language emerges.
By this at hand, it is argued that language is always dynamic. It always changes as
people exercise their agency towards it. What you did in the pre-discussion part of
this chapter is one example where language varies across cultures.


Language is a human capacity that consists of (a) a system of rules (also

known as grammar), (b) a sound system (phonology), and (c) a vocabulary (lexicon).
While growing up in a community, people acquire the languages used by those in the
community. This is the process of language acquisition.

The languages acquired while growing up are known as mother tongues,

which may also be referred to as first languages. Other than first languages, there
are other languages that are needed for various reasons. These other languages are

referred to as second languages. People learn their second languages in school or
on their own. This is the process of language learning.

In our interaction with other people, our languages come into contact with their
languages, resulting in language change. Language change is a natural behavior of
all languages.

Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What is the difference between language acquisition and language
2. What is the difference between first language and second language?
3. What happens after a language comes into contact with another?

1. Create your language biography by filling in the Language Biodata Form below.

Language Biodata Form

How many languages do you speak?
Identify these languages.
What is/are your first language/s or
mother tongue/s?
How did you acquire your fist
language/s or mother tongue/s?
What skills can you perform using
your first language/s?
What is/are your second language/s?
How did you learn your second
What skills can you perform using
your second language/s?
What are your language strengths?
What are your language
Which language is your favorite and

2. After filling the table above, write a paragraph that tells your story of your

My Language Biography




















In this lesson, I learned that as a human

being, I should understand that language is

Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., and Hyams, N. (2010). Introduction to linguistics. Cengage
Learning Asia Pte Ltd. Singapore.

Madrunio, M. and Martin, I. (2018). Purposive communication: Using English in

multilingual contexts. C & E Publishing. Philippines. Pp.1-29


Communication and its Types


• Define communication.
• Identify types of communication according to mode, context, and
purpose and style.


In a paragraph, describe the relationship between language and communication.










Communication was derived from the Latin word “communis” which means “to
share and inform” ideas, feelings, etc.” It has been defined by various scholars
differently according to contexts. Keyton (2011), for instance, defined communication
as the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one
person to another. Similarly, Johnston (2008) emphasized that communication takes
place when one individual, a sender, displays, transmits or otherwise directs a set of

symbols to another individual, a receiver, with the aim of changing something, either
something the receiver is doing (or not doing) or changing his or her world view.
Abulencia (2001) shares a similar point by describing communication as a dynamic
process which includes the sending and receiving of messages at a conscious or
unconscious level.
Madrunio and Martin (2018) argue that communication takes on different
contexts resulting in people having different views on communication types. Since
communication is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts,
and views between or among two or more people, various contexts come into play.
Context is the circumstance or environment in which communication takes
place. Such circumstance may include the physical or actual setting, the value
positions of a speaker/listener, and the relevance or appropriateness of a message
conveyed. If focuses on certain communication processes and even groupings of
people that constitute a communication situation.
Different contexts can impact one’s communication. Each communication type
is governed by a circumstance. Therefore, it is important to focus our attention on the
interplay of factors surrounding the context of communication which may be physical,
cultural, social, and physiological in nature. Communication may then be classified
according to: 1) communication mode, 2) context, and 3) purpose and style.

Types of Communication According to Mode

1. Verbal-Non-Verbal Communication
Effective communication calls for the blending of these two. One cannot
be separated from the other. Gestures and facial expressions are important
components of effective communication.
For example, when meeting people for the first time, the initial meeting
when you speak during the first few minutes is significant as it leaves a lasting
impression on your listeners. You show interest in meeting these people by
acknowledging their presence through an amiable, congenial, disposition, and
a smiling face. Rather than just speaking, it is to use the non-verbal code
through a handshake, an approving facial expression, and a kind disposition
or character.

2. Visual

Visual communication is the type of communication that uses visuals to

convey information and/or messages. Signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs,
charts, diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or illustrations, and even
various forms of electronic communication are examples of visuals. Some
examples of electronic communication symbols are emojis, emoticons, and
animations to convey the writer’s emotions or clarify the intent of the message
Visual communication now occupies an important place in any work
environment. For instance, during presentations, people like visuals for them
to easily digest information. Visuals also catch audience’s attention during the
presentation making them easily recall important information. However,
caution must be observed when using visuals because they may also cause
misinformation or communication breakdown. The appropriateness of images
to the topic, their sizes, positioning, color, shape and the like must be carefully
planned and considered. Audience must also be considered when designing
a presentation or other forms of visuals.

Types of Communication According to Context

1. Intrapersonal Communication

The Latin prefix intra- means within or inside. Intrapersonal

communication means talking to oneself, self or inner talk, inner monologue,
inner dialogue, self-verbalization or self-statement. A person may talk to
oneself because s/he thinks that there is a need to: boost confidence when
nervous to speak in front of an audience, apprise oneself that s/he performed
a good job, or console oneself that s/he did a task poorly. Moreover, engaging
in inner speech such as fantasizing is not bad if one is able to distinguish it
from reality.
2. Interpersonal Communication
The Latin prefix inter – means between, among, and together. An
interactive exchange takes place as interpersonal communication takes place.
However, as it occurs, a transaction does not necessarily take place since it
can only be a simple interaction such as greetings, getting to know the person,

or ordinary conversations that happen between or among the interactants.
This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as group communication.
A communication situation is interpersonal if it is meant to establish or
deepen one’s relationship with others. However, if the objective is to achieve
somethings at the end of the conversation, it becomes transactional. While the
former is characterized by less seriousness and formality, the latter is more
formal and profound. Whereas interpersonal talks are meant for maintaining
social relationships, transactional talks aim to accomplish or resolve
something at the end of the conversation.

3. Extended Communication

Extended communication involves the use of electronic media. This

includes not just television and radio, but also tele, audio, or phone
conferencing; video conferencing; Skype calls, and other technological means.
Since extended communication is public in nature, speakers are
expected to be prepared when they speak, making their language more formal.
With the use of electronic media, messages are transmitted quickly. For
instance, with the use of the Internet, recorded videos may be transmitted in
seconds/minutes and may be viewed by a greater number of people. With
extended communication, your own thinking, behavior, and attitude may be
influenced by other people and you may be persuaded to take the views you
hear. It is important then that you weigh what you hear and assess them
against those beliefs that you hold onto, so you do not get easily swayed by
other people’s convictions.

4. Organizational Communication

With this type, the focus is on the role that communication plays in an
organizational context. Organizations comprise individuals who work for the
company. Graduates, for example, become professionals either working for a
company or putting up their own. Whichever, a graduate should know that each
organization has expectations that a communication professional should meet or
the owner may establish.

For an organization to be successful, a system of communication should
be put in place. A set of rules or standards for communication protocol should be
made clear so that interaction patterns are established. On the part of the
individual, one should be equipped with the needed oral and written
communication skills that the organization expects to possess.

Types of Organizational Structure

a. Formal
It allows communication to take place via designated channels
of message flow between positions in the organization. This may
make use of four approaches:
1. Downward communication
- It is the type that flows from upper to lower
positions (i.e president to a manager or supervisor;
a manager to an ordinary staff).
- The flow of communication is top-down or from a
superior to a subordinate, usually asking certain
individuals to perform a certain task.
2. Upward communication
- Message transmission in upward communication
is bottom-up in which subordinates send
communication to their superiors/bosses bearing
their views/feedback or organizational policies,
issues related to their jobs, and the like.
3. Horizontal communication
- Horizontal communication is lateral in approach as
it takes place among people belonging to the same
level but coming from different departments or
units to facilitate performance of tasks through
proper coordination.
4. Crosswise communication
- It is diagonal in nature as employees from different
units or departments working at various levels
communicate with each other.

b. Informal
It comes from unofficial channels of message flow. It is also
known as ‘grapevine’, messages coming from the different levels of
the organization are transmitted. This occurs due to the
dissatisfaction of some employees accompanied by uncertainty,
such as superiors playing favorites and favorable or unacceptable
company rules and regulations. Some employees even resort to
baseless gossips and rumors which they spread like wildfire.
Tracing the origin of a rumor is almost next to impossible. In fact,
when some people are confronted, they impute the blame to others
so they can get out of the mess quickly.

Each organization has its own culture (also known as organizational culture).
Based on its history and development, an organization develops its own core values,
vision and mission statements, goals, and objectives. Organizational culture is of
utmost significance since it will dictate the kind of behavior that employees should
possess as well as the extent of commitment expected from them by the organization.
They all share the values, practices, vision, and mission of the organization. Peter
Drucker’s famous quote, “Company culture are like country cultures. Never try to
change one. Try instead, to work, with what you’ve got,” underscores the view that
indeed, culture is within the control of the entrepreneur or company owner. If at the
outset, you think you cannot adapt to the organization’s culture, better look for another
job or workplace where you will be happy and in harmony with your superiors and

5. Intercultural Communication

As the term implies, it is communication between or among people having different

linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds. Even gender
difference affects communication. Individual having different orientations
communicate and interpret messages differently. This particularly happens with non-
verbal communication. For instance, Australians consider eye contact as important in
assessing the sincerity of a person while for Indians, talking straight into the eyes of
a person while talking is inappropriate. This does not, however, mean that they are
dishonest or insincere. Moreover, Indians interpret waving of hands from side to side

as no or go away while it means hello among Westerners. For Filipinos, twitching of
lips means to refer to something or someone. When someone asks: “Where is my
book?” instead of responding: “There it is,” the response may be twitching or
puckering lips. When seen by people from other cultures, such facial expression may
be taken to mean as “seduction”. It is important then not to be judgmental or to rush
into interpretations as cultures sometimes vary enormously.
Similarly, linguistic differences are of the essence. With the advent of World
Englishes, different cultures develop different lexicon peculiar only to the speech
community. In the Philippines, a local variety of English called Philippine English has
been developed which has introduced lexical innovation, not found or used in other
varieties, such as thrice, batchmates, CR (comfort room), solons, barangay captain,
and high blood. Even in terms of pronunciation, words are pronounced differently by
Filipinos, which to some, are considered erroneous. For instance, these supposedly
pronounced with a hard /th/ is pronounced instead with a /d/ by the average Filipino
since hard /th/ is not part of Filipino phonology.

Types of Communication According to Purpose and Style

Rather than focusing on the transmission of message and message flow, the
focus here is on the communication setting and the mode of delivery.

Formal Communication
It employs formal language delivered orally or in written from. Lectures, public
talks/speeches, research and project proposal, reports, and business letters, among
others are all considered formal situations and writings. Note that while lectures and
speeches are delivered orally, the texts have been thought out carefully and written
well before they are delivered. To inform, to entertain, and to persuade are the main
objectives of this type of communication.

Informal Communication
It certainly does not employ formal language. It involves personal and ordinary
conversations with friends, family members, acquaintances about anything under the
sun. The mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or everyday talks and phone
calls, or written as in the case of e-mail messages, personal notes, letters, or text
messages. The purpose is simply to socialize and enhance relationships.

There are various types of communication. These types can be divided according
to mode, context, and purpose and style. In terms of communication mode, the types
of communication are verbal, non-verbal, and visual. In terms of context, the
communication types are intrapersonal, interpersonal, extended, organizational, and
intercultural. In terms of purpose and style, the types of communication are formal
and informal.
Verbal and non-verbal codes should complement each other. With visual
communication, interpretation of signs and symbols is crucial since people have
different ways of interpreting them. It is important to always contextualize the
symbols/signs received to arrive at the correct interpretation.
In any organization, a system of communication should be put in place.
Transmission of message and message flow also play an important role in effective
organizational communication.
People have different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and professional
backgrounds. It is then necessary to pay attention to intercultural communication to
avoid miscommunication and/or communication breakdown.
Formal communication and informal communication have different uses
depending on the situation. Both types may be in oral or written mode.


To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions:

1. How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to
communication mode?
2. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a
speaker? Cite a situation when it is best to employ visual communication.
3. What are the types of communication in relation to context? How do they
differ from one another?
4. How can you listen to speaker’s opinions through electronic media without
easily swayed into accepting their opinions?

5. Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure, which
do you think is the best? Cite situations which will call for the use of each
approach. Give one advantage of each.
6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the
complexity of understanding another culture? Do you think it will work with
your current set of foreign friends?
7. How do you differentiate formal communication from informal
communication in relation to purpose and style? Provide situations to
illustrate the differences.


1. Using the alternatives available to you, look for the mission-vision statements
and the core values that characterize a company or an institution. Evaluate
them using the table below.

Mission Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree

1. The mission statement

focuses on the

2. The mission statement

is concise and direct.

3. The mission statement

states what the
organization does.

4. The mission statement

states how the
organization operates.

5. The mission statement

states for whom the
organization does

Vision Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree
1. The vision statement
focuses on the future.
2. The vision statement
shows an aspiration.
3. The vision statement is
clear and concise.

Core Values
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree
1. The core values can be
easily remembered.
2. The core values are not
too many.
3. The core values can be
translated into action.
4. The core values are
unique to the
5. The core values are
connected to the
organization’s mission-
vision statements.

2. Through an online platform or any means available to you, interview a certain

head of an organization and ask him/her the following questions:
a. What is the culture of your organization?
b. Do you think cultures can be created? Modified? Changed?
3. Read the article titled “Buwan ng Wika: Filipino scholar analyzes
SB19 Ken Suson, P-Pop as multilingual genre” based on Ruanni Tupaz’
investigation of Pinoy Pop as multilingual genre. Write a reflection essay on
the said article focusing on language and communication.

Buwan ng Wika: Filipino scholar analyzes SB19 Ken Suson, P-Pop as
multilingual genre

MANILA, Philippines — Can current Pinoy Pop (P-Pop) evolve into music in all
languages in the Philippines? Can we normalize multilingualism in the country?
The shape of intercultural exchanges inside the SB19 fandom shows us how it is

Bisaya is not a dialect, Philippine languages are not dialects

Recently, one of the fans of SB19 tweeted: “Unpopular opinion: Gaganda ng

songs ni Ken pero underrated kase Bisaya…” (The songs of Ken Suson, one of
the members of the phenomenal Pinoy group, are good but they are underrated
because they are in Bisaya) (@jahllergies).
This statement could imply that the writer was criticizing Ken’s use of Bisaya in his
songs, and they are of less value precisely because they are written in a ‘local’
Philippine language.
The giveaway, however, is the word “underrated,” which is used to describe
something or someone of great value but is not recognized as such. In other
words, the tweet in fact recognizes that songs are great but is making a social
commentary on why they are not valued as much as they should be.
Nevertheless, the feelings of those who were hurt – those who may have thought
that the tweet was devaluing the songs because they were in Bisaya – could not
be easily invalidated. Raymund Williams uses the term “structure of feeling” to
describe how our deep-seated personal feelings have been shaped by history and
are shared by others in our community or society.

Since the time of Spanish and American colonizations, Philippine languages have been
devalued and mocked in favor of colonial languages. We have been punished for using our
own languages in school because they should not get in the way of learning Spanish or
English. We have been taught that to be “modern” and “enlightened” Filipinos, we should
forget (or stop using) our local languages. While I was growing up in Aklan, we were barred
from “speaking the vernacular” in school and we were fined for doing so.

This is one reason why our Philippine languages have historically been named “dialects”
instead of languages. In the process, we have experienced internal colonization which
continues until now. Even if we have a sympathetic view of our Philippine languages, we
still refer to them as “dialects.”

But Bisaya is not a dialect. My own language, Aklanon, is not a dialect. My wife is from
Pangasinan and she speaks Ilocano, a language not a dialect.
In linguistic terms, a dialect is a variant or variety of a language. So if Aklanon is a dialect,
what is it a variant of? And what is Bisaya a variant of? Of course, the politics of language
around the world differs from one society to another. In many cases, some dialects are
called separate languages because of political reasons. Thus, what I am describing here is
specific to how we as Filipinos continue to participate in the marginalization (and even the
mockery) of our own languages by referring to them as “dialects.”

The impact of this has been to devalue accomplishments, writings and music in Philippine
languages. Many of us continue to associate vernacular languages with backwardness or
lack of education. Just name characters in movies and television dramas who speak local or
regional languages. What roles are usually assigned to them? Which socioeconomic class
do they belong to? In fact, many policy-makers, leaders and even educators today continue
to claim that linguistic diversity or multilingualism is a problem.

But to use today’s language, let us normalize thinking that English, Filipino and all other
Philippine languages are of equal value. Let us start by calling them languages, not dialects.
Let us then normalize using all languages without fear of being judged or mocked.

Multilingualism is the norm

This is why Ken Suson’s unapologetic use of Bisaya in his songs – “Para hindi lang tagalog,
English kanta namin,” he said in an Instagram response to a fan – is significant and must be
viewed positively.
Recently, he has also dropped an original poem, “Palangga,” in Bisaya. I say unapologetic
because he makes it appear that his use of Bisaya is part of his daily communicative routine.
No apologies for using it because his linguistic repertoire is, in fact, translingual where he
uses overlapping languages to say what he wants to say.

Majority of Filipinos are translingual, shifting between and mixing dialects and languages
simultaneously to communicate, except that some would rather highlight their competence in
English (and Filipino) and devalue (or even apologize for their use of) their mother tongues
and regional languages.

But is speaking in many languages a disadvantage? Will it cause disunity among the people if
speaking in many languages is encouraged?
Very recently, Ken dropped on Twitter a screencap of a conversation he had with his dad who
works and lives in Malaysia with Ken’s mom. At the time of writing, it has generated 15.3K
likes and 1.9K comments, and has been shared 7.3K times.
Ken introduces it in English: “This kind of conversation with your father”:
Ken: Bitaw pa no
Taga bukid ra biya
Dad: Unsa man diay?..huna hunaa gani kon unsa ta ka pobre atong gamay paka
nagsakay tag habal habal nga napaso ko...lisod tag palit ug ginanggang..
Ken: Kahinumdum jud ko atong natumba ka HAHAHAH
na shoot ta sa kanal hahaha
Gamaya pa nako ato oy HAHAH
Dad: Na kon imong imaginon daw gahapon lang pero wala nato damha nga
naabot naka sa top of the world…hahaha..
Ken: Di pa na top of the world pa uyyy
sa future papa
i top of the world tana
Ken did not provide the translation and, instead, allowed the criss-crossing exchanges to flow
organically and effortlessly. It is obvious that majority of those who participated in the
exchanges did not understand the conversation, but one senses that the so-called “language
barrier” was not an insurmountable barrier at all.
Many politely asked for translation, others said they would wait until someone dropped a
translation “sa gedli” (“sa gilid” or “in the corner”), while others sought help from those they
knew could understand or speak Bisaya: “ipapa translate ko ito kay mama mamaya”
(@sejunienase); “Asked mom to translate, and I’m literally in tears now” (@_Lei1530).
Some went to Google and tried to get the gist of it: “…lumapit ako kay google translate
hahah. Grabe it melts my heart.”
Many came up with their individual translations, although these translations further evolved
into cultural exchanges as there were shades of meaning that needed to be threshed out.
Apparently, there was a need to explain what “habal-habal” and “ginanggang” are because
they are specific to particular places in the Philippines: “Hindi po pala siya [ginanggang]
herbal medicine ano po ata siya saging daw sabi ng iba hehehe cebuana kasi si mama kaya
may mga term na di kami magkapareha” (@Cute-kay14). Thus, some explanations were
accompanied by pictures of these cultural icons.
Some drew on their knowledge of other Philippine languages to navigate the meanings in the
conversation: “Di ako marunong magbisaya (may similar words yung Bisaya and waray since
I’m fond of speaking waray) pero naiintindihan ko yung convo nila)” (@jah447798). Here is
one exchange that led to an invitation to visit Aklan:
AnneStell: Sweet pud kayo murag mga reminiscing convo with parents.
Nessyl: Teka xanne bisaya ka?
AnneStell: Aklanon ate pero kasabot kog gamay na Bisaya then know man mag Hiligaynon
Nessyl: as in…galing! Yung language niyo hirap aralin…
AnneStell: Yes yes mahirap talaga ang Aklanon dialect [sic] ness ???? sana makapunta ka
rin dito ???? maganda ang Aklan…Pag okay na ang lahat. DM mo tapos ako Nes”) Maganda
ang Boracay at Buruanga.

What these intercultural and multilingual exchanges show us is that meaning-making is a
group effort. There was a genuine desire from everyone to navigate the message of the
conversation between Ken and his dad. There was no hate or disappointment over the use of
a language which many did not understand. Instead, there was mutual support to translate
and recreate the meaning of the conversation.
The language used by Ken, in other words, did not serve as a barrier to communication; in
fact, it opened up conversations about languages, dialects and establishing personal
relationships. The presence of many languages and dialects in the exchanges did not
become a liability but, in fact, it facilitated exchanges of meanings and cultures. In the end,
what started as mutual struggle to understand because of the initial challenge of language led
to conversations about Ken and his dad and how the story connected with the stories and
lives of others. The languages we speak are resources through which we can strengthen our
bonds with each other. We do not need to choose one and mock a hundred others.
P-Pop in Philippine languages
Sejun, Justin, Ken, Stell and Josh sing in Korean, and they do so with beautiful melodies and
stories. Why not SB19 songs in multiple languages? I do not simply mean Ken singing in
Josh or Stell can also choose to sing in Bisaya, which Maris Racal speaks. We have more
than one hundred languages from which we can learn different cultural practices and local
histories. One song need not be in one language only, and it does not need to exclude
English, Filipino or any other language for that matter.
This is a generation of young people who transcend languages in order to appreciate music.
During the times I spend in different fandoms, especially that of SB19, I see and read fans
talk about and debate on music without hating the use of particular languages. I do
acknowledge the presence of internal colonization – for example, in the use of “dialects” to
refer to Philippine languages. The reason that Ken’s songs in Bisaya are underappreciated or
underrated could precisely be because of hidden bias against our local languages.
But if there is something to learn from Ken’s conversation with his dad, and the exchanges
that followed, it is that languages are not the real reason why we cannot understand each
other. It is that usually we refuse to spend time figuring out how to understand each other. I
go for Aklanon for Sejun, Chavacano for Ken, Tausug for Justin, Bikol for Josh, and Ivatan for
Stell, or a mix of all these languages in a song.
Or better yet, I go for all languages spoken in the Philippines for P-Pop. Let us normalize
creating music in these different languages, not simply because it is aesthetic or sexy to do
so (I read some tweets saying this), but especially because it could put a spotlight on the
country’s rich local musical traditions and practices. This is one way P-Pop can take on a
unique identity of its own. Let P-Pop be a multilingual genre.


Madrunio, M. and Martin, I. (2018). Purposive Communication: Using English in

multilingual contexts. C & E Publishing. Philippines. Pp.1-29

Tampus, D. and Carnazo, MJ. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Kampana

Publishing House. Philippines

Philstar (2020, August 28). Buwan ng Wika: Filipino scholar analyzes SB19 Ken
Suson, P-Pop as multilingual

c h a p T e r


Communication is critical to student success. 21 st century educators used a

variety of technology tools to expand their ability to give students fast and effective
feedback, saving classroom time, developing students’ skills, and accelerating their
Thus, this Chapter consists of five lessons focusing on understanding the 21st
Century Communication. It details communication processes, principles, and ethics;
communication and globalization; local and global communication in multicultural
settings; varieties and registers of spoken and written language; and evaluating
messages and/or images of different types of texts reflecting different cultures.

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• demonstrate mastery in elucidating the nature, elements, and
functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in various
and multicultural contexts.
• manifest expertise in explicating how cultural and global
issue after communication.
• respond through written or global communication to the
challenges of diverse and multicultural communication.


Communication Process, Principles and Ethics


• Explain the Principles and process and process of

communication and the ethical considerations in
• Elucidate how communication skills help resolve problems,
better understand new concepts and aid in your profession.
• Create a slogan about how the knowledge of the
communication process aids people in communicating

1. Why do people communicate?
2. What might happen to the world if communication does not exist?
3. Why do miscommunication and misunderstanding happen?

Communications is inevitable. Our need for self-expression leads us to
communicate not only our thoughts but also our feelings. Communication may be
done verbally or nonverbally. A simple yawn from a member of the audience in a
public speaking engagement is a non-verbal message sent to the speaker. On the
other hand, a phone call inquiring about a certain product is an example of a verbal
Communication is understood as the process of meaning-making through a
channel or a medium. It comes from the Latin term communicares, meaning to share
or to make ideas common. The connection that encompasses interaction among
partakers is at the center of your learning of communication.

The Components of the Communication Process
Understanding the communication process may help you become a better
1. Source. The sender carefully crafts the message. The sender maybe anyone:
an author of a book, public speaker in special occasion or even a traffic enforcer.
2. Message. The message is the reason behind any interaction. It is the meaning
shared between the sender and the receiver.
3. Encoding. The process of transferring the message.
4. Channel. The channel is the means by which the message is conveyed. When
we answer a phone call, the phone is the channel. On the other hand, when
your parents receive a notification of your absences from school, the channel is
the letter. It is the responsibility of both the sender and the receiver to choose
the best channel for the interaction.
5. Decoding. The process of interpreting the encoded message.
6. Receiver. The receiver is the person who receives the transmitted message.
The receiver may be a part of the audience in a public speaking event, a reader
of the letter o a driver who reads the road signs. The receiver is expected to
listen or read carefully, to be aware of different kinds of sender to joy down
information when needed, to provide response and to ask question for
7. Feedback. In any communication scenario, a feedback is essential to confirm
recipient understanding. Feedbacks, like messages, are expressed in varied
forms. A simple nod for a question of verification is considered a feedback. Thus,
feedbacks may be written, spoken or acted out.
8. Environment. The place, the feeling, the mood, the mindset and the condition of
both sender and receiver are called the environment. The environment may
involve the physical set-up of a location where communication takes place, the
space occupied by both the sender and the receiver, including the objects
surrounding the sender and receiver.
9. Context. This involves the expectations of the sender and the receiver and the
common or shared understanding through the environmental signals.
10. Interference. This is also known as a barrier or block, prevents effective
communication to take place.

Kinds of Interference
a. Psychological barriers are thoughts that hamper the message to be
interpreted correctly by the receiver. This may include past experiences.
b. Physical barriers include competing stimulus, weather and climate, health
and ignorance of the medium.
c. Linguistic and cultural barriers pertain to the language and its cultural
environment. Words may mean another in different cultures.
d. Mechanical barriers are those raised by the channels employed for
interpersonal, group or mass communication. These include cell phones,
laptops and other gadgets used in communication.

The Nine Principles of Effective Communication

Michael Osborn (2009) claims that communication must meet certain
standards for effective communication to takes place.
1. Clarity. This makes speeches understandable. Fuzzy language is
absolutely forbidden, as are jargons, cliché expression, euphemism and
doublespeak language.
2. Concreteness. This reduces misunderstandings. Message must be
supported by facts such as research data, statistic or figures. To achieve
concreteness, abstract words must be avoided.
3. Courtesy. This builds goodwill. It involves being polite in terms of approach
and manner of addressing an individual.
4. Correctness. Glaring mistakes in grammar obscure the meaning of a
sentence. Also, the misuse of language can damage your credibility.
5. Consideration. Message must be geared towards the audience. The
sender of a message must consider the recipient’s profession, level of
education, race, ethnicity, hobbies, interest, passion, advocacies, and age
when drafting or delivering a message.
6. Creativity. This means having the ability to craft interesting message in
terms of sentence structure and word choice.
7. Conciseness. Simplicity and directness help you to concise. Avoid using
lengthy expressions and words that may confuse the recipient.

8. Cultural Sensitivity. Today, with the increasing emphasis on empowering
diverse, cultures, lifestyle and races and pursuit for gender equality, cultural
sensitivity becomes an important standard for effective communication.
9. Captivating. You must strive to make messages interesting to command
more attention and better responses.

Ethical Consideration in Communication

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on issues of right and wrong in
human affairs. Effective and ethical communicators (a) respect audience; (b) consider
the result of communication; (c) value truth; (d) use information correctly; and, (e) do
not falsify information especially in a multicultural situation.
Below are some of the ethical considerations identified by Barrot and Sipacio
1. Uphold integrity. Be truthful with your opinion and be accurate with your
2. Respect diversity of perspective and privacy. Show compassion and
consideration with beliefs, status, affiliations, and privacy of others.
3. Observe freedom of expression effectively. Be careful of what and how you say
your words depending on the type of people you are communicating with.
4. Promote access to communication. Give others an opportunity to express what
they feel and think about the message being communicated.
5. Be open-minded. Accept that others have different views or opinions, which may
conflict with yours. So, listen and process the views of other people, and learn how
to reconcile their opinions with your own.
6. Develop your sense of accountability. Acknowledge responsibility for all your
actions, good or bad.


Communication is defined as the process of transmitting information and

common understanding from one person to another. Communication follows a
process. There are 8 elements of communication: (a) Source; (b) Message; (c)
Channel; (d) Receiver; (e) Feedback; (f) Environment; (g) Context; (h) Interference.
Principles are consideration in the communication process. These principles will
ensure effectiveness along the communication process.

Ethics is defined as a set of rules or guidelines; these are theories as to which
is right or wrong. In communication, ethics is of considerable importance because it
would likely guide everyone to effective communication process. Communication
ethics emphasizes that morals influence the behavior of an individual, group, or
organization, thereby affecting their communication.

1. Illustrate the communication process through diagram.
2. Identify possible communication blocks in the following situations:
a. a written letter of complaint
b. interaction between a nurse and a patient
c. songs with figurative language

1. List various channels through which personnel of your university connect with you.
Which channel(s) do you find most effective? Why?
2. Through a slogan, state how the knowledge of the communication process aids
people in communicating effectively.


In this lesson, I learned that to be

an effective and ethical

Barrot, J. and Sipacio, JP. (2018) Purposive communication in the 21st century. C &
E Publishing. Philippines.

Johannesen, R., Valde, K, &Whedbee, K. (2008).Ethics in human communication(6th

ed.). Waveland Press, Inc: Longgrove, IL.

Krizan, A. ,Arancillo, S., Bautista, J. (2014). Business communication theories and

best practices. Cenage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication and Globalization


• Analyze communication challenges in a global atmosphere and

methods for effective and ethical global communication.
• Integrate the concepts learned about communication and
globalization in a two minute video communication.


1. What is the saying about the world today?

2. What do you think has contributed to the easy access and exchange of information
these days? Why?
3. In transacting or communicating in a global setting, what vital preparations must
be done? Why?

Globalization is the communication and assimilation among individuals,
ethnicities, races, institution, governments of various nations supported by
technology and compelled by international trade. Due to globalization, the more you
become exposed to diversity—the valuing of the uniqueness or differences in gender
preference, color age, religious, affiliation, ethnicity, education, social and economic
status and political beliefs. Globalization is not a new process or concept. Years
before the advent of technology, people had been purchasing and selling each other
properties, goods and other objects of certain value.
Communication has since been increasingly global, blurring national
boundaries. The ability to communicate effectively in a global setting can be
challenge. Hence, to effectively communicate in global context, a general
understanding of the differences in conducting communication from one country to
another helps avoid miscommunication.
People’s background and experiences influence their view of the world and the
values, beliefs and behavior patterns assumed to be good. The following are possible
cultural barriers to effective communication in a global environment:
1. Cultural relativism
2. Lack of knowledge of others’ culture
3. Discrimination and harassment
4. Language differences

To get the desired outcome or response, the above barriers must be properly
addressed. It is the responsibility of the parties involved in the communication process
to eliminate the possible hindrances in their exchange. The goal of effective global
communication is to achieve communication that gets the desired response leading
to harmonious connection.
Krizan (2014) suggests these strategies to become an effective global
1. Review communication principles.
2. Analyze the message receive.
3. Be open to an accepting of other cultures.
4. Learned about culture and apply what is learned.
5. Consider language needs.

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people,
companies and governments worldwide. Global village refers to the world emphasize
that all the different parts of the world form one community linked together by
electronic communications, especially the internet.

There are cultural barriers when people of different cultures are unable to
understand each other’s ‘customs, resulting in inconveniences and difficulties.


Activity 1

1. Kindly watch the video “Wiring a Web for Global Good” by TED Global (see
reference for the link), then, study the speech. In a form of a reaction paper,
answer the following questions:
a. What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?
b. How can effective communication and language use contribute to the
creation of a truly global society?

Activity 2
1. Interview a person who is a native of another country and who has spent an
extensive time in the Philippines. Ask them the following questions:
a. How do citizens of your country perceive Filipinos?
b. How do you think Filipinos perceive citizens of your country?
c. Describe the differences in manner of speaking.
d. What are the different behaviors of Filipinos that are not acceptable or not
usually done in your home country?
e. What are similarities of Filipinos and citizens of your country in terms of
behavior and thinking?
f. What was your most difficult adjustment staying in the Philippines?
g. Have you ever experienced difficulty in transacting or communicating in
English with Filipinos? If yes, tell your group about the experience.
2. Based on your findings, formulate a possible strategy for you to be an effective
global communicator. Share your strategy in class through a short presentation.
3. Based on the discussion on communication and globalization, create a two-minute
informative video focusing on the following:
a. characteristics of globalization
b. advantages of globalization
c. effects of globalization in language use and communication


Krizan, A. et al. (2014). Business communication theories and best

practices.Cenage Learning Asia Pte Ltd

TED Global. (2009, July 22). Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good.

Ederio, N. etal. (2019). Purposive communication: Integrated learning

resource material.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Local and Global Communication

in Multicultural Settings

• Discuss the ways in improving intercultural communication
• Cite examples on how to enhance one’s ability to communicate with
people from diverse cultures.
• Create a three-to four-minute presentation about various cultural
modes of communication of a certain country.

How do you get to communicate effectively across cultures? Indicate whether
you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
1. I am interested in interacting with people who are both like me and
different from me.
2. I am sensitive to the concerns of all minority and majority groups in
our multicultural country.
3. I can sense when persons from other cultures seem not to
understand me or get confused by my actions.
4. I have no fear communicating with persons from both minor and
major cultural groups.
5. People from other cultures may get angry with my cultural affiliates.
6. I deal with conflicts with people from other cultures depending on the
situation and their cultural background.
7. My culture is inferior to other cultures.
8. I can manage my behavior when dealing with people of different
9. I show respect to the diverse communication practices of other

Note: The more number of agreements you have indicates the more prepared
you are in expanding your communication arena by welcoming people from different

Living in a globalized world, you encounter people with diverse cultural
backgrounds. Such interactions occur in social, educational, political and commercial
settings. Hence, in today’s era of increased global communication, it is imperative to
understand intercultural communication for us to enhance our intercultural awareness
and competence. Intercultural competence is essential for us to live harmoniously
despite our differences in culture.

Intercultural communication refers to interaction with people from diverse

cultures. The forms of intercultural communication according to Jandt (2017) are the
1. Interracial communication – communicating with people from different
2. Interethnic communication – interacting with people of different ethnic
3. International communication – communicating between representatives
from different nations
4. Intercultural communication – interacting with members of the same
racial or ethnic group or co-culture

According to Gamble and Gamble (2006), communication style among

cultures differs; it may be high-context or low-context communication.High-context
communication is a tradition-linked communication system which adheres strongly to
being indirect. Low-context communication is a system that works on straightforward

Improving Intercultural Communication Competence

The following guidelines may help you enhance your ability to communicate
effectively across cultures (Gamble & Gamble, 2008).

1. Recognize the validity and differences of communication styles among
2. Learn to eliminate personal biases and prejudices.
3. Strive to acquire communication skills necessary in a multicultural world.

Global communication becomes more complicated when there are multiple
recipients from different cultures with different languages all receiving the same
message, as well as when there are more layers added to the channel.
Local and global communication in multicultural settings will help you realize
that miscommunication is essential to enhance our ability to communicate and
effectively accept and embrace across country cultures.

Answer the following questions:
1. “Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and
customs keep them apart.” (Confucius)Do you agree or disagree? Give concrete
situations to support your stand. Based on the concept learned in this lesson.
2. Identify a country where graduates of your program or field of specialization are
in demand. Research on the various cultural modes of communication that a
newly hired employee in that country should remember. Based on your research,
prepare a three-to four-minute presentation.


This lesson on local and global

communication in multicultural
settings helped me realize


Gamble, T.K. & Gamble, M. (2006). Communication works. McGraw Hill.

Jandt, F. E. (2017). An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a

global community. Sage Publications.

Ederio, N. et al. (2019). Purposive communication: Integrated learning

resource material.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Varieties and Register of Spoken

and Written Language


• Explain the varieties and registers of spoken and written language in the
proper context.

The students will be tasked to present orally or in a written form the following
- How do you greet your best friend? Your mother? Your teacher? Your
school dean?
- Do your ways of greeting these people vary?

For us, speech is well-worth careful study because we depend on it so heavily
for our communications with others. The development of human civilization owes it to
a great extent to man’s ability to share experiences, to exchange ideas, and to
transmit knowledge from one generation to another.
The spoken mode is often associated with everyday registers while the written
mode is strongly associated with academic registers. However, this is not always true.
For instance, in everyday communication, face-to-face conversations are usually
supplemented by text messaging.
In academic contexts, significant forms of oral communication are used along
with written communication. Significantly, both every day and academic
communications are characterized by multi-modality or the use of multiple modes of
communication, including spoken, written modes and images, music, videos,
gestures, etc.

Varieties of Spoken and Written Language
Lin (2016) presents the following nature of language variation as prescribed
by most linguists based on the ideas of Mahboob (2014).
1. Language varies when communicating with people within (local) and
outside (global) our community.
2. Language varies in speaking and in writing.
3. Language varies in everyday and specialized discourses.

Mahboob and Dutcher(2014) identified eight different domains in which

language varies depending on the combinations of different values on the three
dimensions (field, tenor and mode) of the context of communication.
The first four domains include language variations that reflect local usage done
in one local language or multiple local languages depending on the context. They
vary in the following ways:
1. Local everyday written. This may include instances of local usage found in
the neighborhood posters (e.g. a poster looking for transients/bed spacers).
2. Local everyday oral. This may occur in local communication among
neighbors in everyday, informal and local varieties of languages.
3. Local specialized written. An example of local specialized written usage
can be found in the publications and web sites of local societies such as
the Baguio Midland Courier.
4. Local specialized oral. It involves specialized discourses. For example, in
a computer shop in the neighborhood, specialized local usage can be found
(e.g. specialized computer game-related vocabulary is used).

On the other hand, the other four domains involve global usage. These four
domains of language usage differ from the first four domains since they refer to
contexts of language usage where participants need to communicate with people not
sharing their local ways of using language.
They are as follows:
1. Global everyday written avoids local colloquialisms to make the text
accessible to wider communities of readers. This can be found in
international editions of newspapers and magazines.

2. Global everyday oral may occur in interactions between people coming
from different parts of the world when they talk about everyday casual
3. Global specialized written expands to as many readers internationally,
hence the non-usage of local colloquial expressions (e.g. international
research journal articles).
4. Global specialized oral occurs when people from different parts of the
world discuss specialized topics in spoken form (e.g. paper
presentation sessions in an international academic conference).

The kind of register to be used affects the way one speaks and writes.
Language has formal and informal registers. These registers have form which defines
the social situation.

Activity 1. Answer the following questions:
1. In what situations are the local and global varieties of spoken language used?
2. What registers are appropriate to such situations?

Activity 2
1. Read the letter to the editor in a day’s paper, listen to a radio broadcast and watch
people in conversation at a fast food chain. What registers are they using? What
features identify them as those registers? Why do you think the speakers chose
those registers?
2. Role play one situation portraying either global or local variety of spoken
language, use the appropriate register.

Activity 3
Journal Writing: Why is it important to use appropriate varieties and registers
of language in certain communication contexts?

Ederio, N. et al. (2019). Purposive communication: Integrated learning
resource material.

Mahboob, A., & Dutcher, L. (2014). Dynamic approach to language proficiency—A

model. In Englishes in multilingual contexts (pp. 117-136). Springer,

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Evaluating Messages and/or Images of Different

Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures


• Analyze media messages and/or images using Key Concepts of Media

Literacy framework.
• Create a multimodal advertisement of a cause-oriented event.


1. Analyze the advertisement below

2. Class brainstorming. Generate questions and ideas about the message conveyed
by the advertisement.

The Key Concepts of Media Literacy framework serves as a basis for
developing a critical understanding of the content of mass media, the techniques used
and the impact of these techniques. Also, the Key Concepts of Media Literacy can be
very helpful in the construction of media texts for different purpose.

The term “text” includes any form of written, spoken or media work conveying
meaning to an audience. Text may use words, graphics, sounds and images in
presenting information. It may also be in oral, print, visual or electronic forms.

Key Concepts of Media Literacy (Center for Media Literacy, 2005)

Key Concepts Guide Questions in Media Text Analysis

1. All media messages are ✓ What is the message of the text?

“constructed”. ✓ How effectively does it represent reality?
✓ How is the message constructed?

2. Media have embedded values ✓ What lifestyles, values and points of view
and points of view. ✓ are represented in the text?
✓ Who or what is missing?

3. Each person interprets ✓ What message do you perceive from the text?
messages differently. ✓ How might others understand it differently?
✓ Why?

4. Media have commercial, ✓ What is the purpose of the text?

ideological or political ✓ Who is the target audience of the text?

interests. ✓ Who might be disadvantaged?

✓ Who created the text and why?

5. Media messages are ✓ What techniques are used and why?

constructed using a creative ✓ How effective are the techniques in supporting

language having its own the messages or themes of the text?

✓ What are other ways of presenting the

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using
all forms of communication. In its simplest terms, media literacy builds upon the
foundation of traditional literacy and offers new forms of reading and writing. Media
literacy empowers people to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communicators
and active citizens.

Activity 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Analyze the same advertisement presented earlier using the Key Concept
Questions as a guide.
2. Justify answers in different ways from the text.
3. Make personal, world and text connections.

Activity 2. Picture analysis

a. Analyze the content of the picture above using the Key Concept Questions.
b. Present your image evaluation through an oral presentation.

1. Think of a cause-oriented event that will address an issue in your locality. Prepare
a multimodal advertisement for that event.
2. Answer the questions below:
a. What are your observations or generalizations on how texts and/or images
are presented?
b. In what ways should media present texts/images about various cultures?


Ederio, N. etal. (2019). Purposive communication: Integrated learning

resource material.

Center for Media Literacy. (2005). Five key questions of media literacy.
Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

c h a p T e r

Communication Aids and Strategies
Using Tools of Technology

Technology has taken over the world in these past decades. Its rapid
development has made a huge impact on each aspect of life and of course,
communication. It makes the process of communication easier and efficient.
This Chapter explores on three lessons on the use of communication aids,
specifically preparing multimedia presentation, PechaKucha Presentation, and

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• design presentation aids; and,
• use technology in communicating effectively.

Preparing Multimedia Presentation

• Describe the characteristics of a multimedia presentation.
• Create a multimedia presentation showcasing one’s culture.
• Enumerates the steps in making effective multimedia presentation.

1. Watch the video “The worst presentation ever” by Ethan Rotman (See reference
for the link). What are your impressions about the presentation?
2. Analysis
Guide Questions:
a. What makes the presentation the work?
b. In what ways can the presentation be improved?


In today's digital society, communication is mediated using technology. For

communication to be more effective, it is imperative to know how technology works,
what purposes it can serve and how it can be used efficiently and effectively used to
achieve specific goals in the communication process.
In preparing multimedia presentations for various communication purposes, it
is important to consider the following:

A. Characteristics of Multimedia Presentations

1. Multimedia presentations are visually oriented (displayed on a monitor or Projected

onto a screen).

Image from

2. They allow users to use different modalities such as: text, graphics, photographs,
audio, animation and video.

Special features of computer-based presentations

1. Custom navigation (linking) between slides, to other media and to

the Internet

2. Can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies.

3. Can be uploaded to the Web

B. Steps in Making Effective Multimedia Presentations

1. Know the purpose of the presentation.

2. Know the audience.

3. Gather information.

4. Use a variety of resources such as: textbooks, digital resources (photographs,

scanned images, student work)and internet.

5. Do not forget to cite sources.

a. Write the author's name, title of the work and date of


b. Include the website or Web page address of the source.

c. In general, non-profit educational use of online materials for a

lecture qualifies as "fair use" but it is better to ask the author's
permission to use such materials.

d. Always have full bibliographic references for all citations.

6. Organize the information.

a. List the main points.

b. Have only one main idea per slide.

c. Present ideas in a logical order.

d. Place important information near the top.

7. Check technical issues.

a. Contrast

• Dark text on light background

• White text on dark background

b. Use only one design and color scheme throughout the slide

c. Avoid clutter.

d. Avoid patterned or textured backgrounds.

e. Use large font size (minimum 18 pts)

f. Use fonts that are easy to read. Don't use fancy fonts.

g. Don't use more than two types of fonts.

h. Avoid too much text. Don't use the presentation as your


i. Use no more than 3 or 4 bullets per slide.

8. Be creative

a. Use transitions and animations to add interest.

b. But don't overdo it!


Technology has changed our lives influencing major sectors of the society
such as transport, health, business, and communication. Advancements in science
and technology have made a great impact on the way we communicate, leaving us
with no choice but to embrace this inevitability.
Over the years, communication methods have evolved from simple text
messages and audio calls to more efficient video calls and chat platforms which offer
communication services. The impact of technology in communication has influenced
both individuals and businesses.

Activity 1
In what ways can the different forms of communication (intrapersonal,
interpersonal, small group, public and mass) be enhanced with the aid of technology?

Activity 2
Feature one of your cultural practices, through a multimedia presentation. Observe
the guidelines for creating multimedia presentations.


From this lesson, I realized



Martin,T. (2015).8 Steps to a powerful multimedia presentation.

Rotman E. (2013, February 3). Worst presentation ever. [Video File].

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Preparing PechaKucha Presentation


• Describe the steps in making Pechakucha.

• Present a PechaKucha about one’s region.

Students will watch a video presentation titled “Travel the world – Pecha Kucha
Presentation” by Tom Stagtetter (See references for the link); then, answer the
following questions:
1. How many minutes did the presentation last?
2. With the number of minutes, was the presenter able to show comprehensively
his trip?
3. How was the trip presented?


PechaKucha is a 20-slide power point presentation, which moves

automatically and the speaker must synchronize their speech with the slides every
after 20 seconds. It is sometimes also called a 20x20 presentation. So the entire
presentation always last for exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This presentation is
very helpful to keep track on the time.

Watch how to make a PechaKucha Presentation using powerpoint by Teach

and Learn 1 (See reference for the link).
1. Open the power point. Select blank layout or simply press CTRL N or
Command N.
2. Duplicate the blank slides. Make sure that you have 20 blank slides.
3. Select all the slides (you can use CTRL A). make sure to remove the
check mark on the “on mouse click” then modify the transition speed to
20 seconds.

4. Insert and resize images.
5. After saving the PechaKucha presentation, check the speed of transition.
Make sure that the saved speed for all slides is 20 seconds.
6. Practice your narration with the PechaKucha presentation. You can
record your narration in the power point presentation.

PechaKucha is the ideal tool to share passions and drop some
knowledge.Global innovators use this as a platform to create powerful, visually-
compelling stories that move audiences in less than 7 minutes.


Students will do the following:

1. Using a graphic aid, illustrate how to create a PechaKucha
2. Make a PechaKucha presentation about the best of your region.


With the lesson on

PechaKucha, I realized


Stagtetter, T. (2015, April 5). Travel the world – Pecha Kucha presentation.
[Video File].

Teach and Learn 1. (2012, October 26). Creating a Pecha Kucha presentation
using powerpoint. [Video File].

Pecha Kucha. (n.d.).

Wabisabi Learning. (2020). How to make great presentations like Pecha

Kucha way.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


• Discuss the ways of introducing a blog.
• Create a blog promoting one’s unique culture and tradition.

1. Have you ever written a blog? What was the subject of your blog?
2. Is blogging the same with essay writing?
3. How should you make your blog interesting to readers?

In today’s digital world, blogging has become one of the effective ways of
communicating and networking among students, professionals, businessmen, public
officials, etc. In other words, blogging has become an indispensable medium of
In the same manner, blogging can be used effectively for academic purposes.
According to Richardson (2006), the use of blogs has been an engaging and effective
way to promote writing skills of primary students, particularly when student peers
provide feedback to the blog.

What is a Blog?
A shortened form of weblog, blogs are personal journal websites on which a
user can type an entry and add images, videos and links to other websites. Usually,
readers of a blog can post comments. Similar with essay writing, there are effective
ways of introducing a blog. Read Michael Pollock’s blog (See reference for the link).
1. Be short and direct and ask a thought-provoking question.
2. Ask a multiple-choice question and share a shocking fact or
3. Share something personal and withhold a compelling piece of

4. Refute conventional wisdom and lead with a success story.
5. Start with a reader’s question and share a quote.


Blogs allow you to talk about any topic you are interested in and express your
opinion. You’ll find some bloggers writing on every activity that look play during their
day. These activities may range from small things like waking up to major issues like
human rights and climate change.

1. If you are going to introduce yourself through a blog, how will you make the
beginning appealing to your readers? Write your own examples (at least
two) of an interesting introduction to your blog.
2. Peer Critiquing. Choose a partner and let him/her give a feedback on your
sample introduction.
3. Feature a tradition that is unique in your own community through a blog

Short Reflection: Journal writing through a short blog.
Guide Question: How can you use blogging to promote harmonious
interpersonal relationship with people in your own circles (friends, family, church,


Skrba, A. (2020, September 17). What is a blog? Definitions of blog, blogging

and blogger.

Pollock, M. (n.d.). 10 brilliant examples on how to open your blog with a bang.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

c h a p T e r

Communication for Various

Talking is something most people do every day at home, in school, in the

streets, in parties, in church, at table while eating. Practically everywhere many of our
pleasant hours are spent in friendly conversations with our fellowmen.
For all we don’t know, conversation is an art, and like all other arts, it must be
practiced intelligently to be mastered. It is not just words. It is a complex interplay
between people, an informal spoken exchange of thoughts and feelings involving
many signals, seen and implied.
Therefore, Chapter III centers on communication skills needed in giving
information, persuasion, and argumentation. It also dwells on public speaking and
making inquiries.

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• demonstrate mastery in obtaining, providing and disseminating
information; and,
• present ideas persuasively using appropriate verbal and non-
verbal cues.

Informative, Persuasive and
Argumentative Communication


• Evaluate the different types of communication.

• Create a public service announcement regarding environmental
disaster preparedness employing the concepts of informative,
persuasive and argumentative communication.


“The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first our own increase of
knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.”
1. What do you think does John Locke mean?
2. In which aspect of your field do you find Locke’s idea most relevant?

Communication is made for numerous purposes. The way messages are
crafted depends highly on the intention of the sender.
In a supermarket, a sales agent makes sure that the way a product is promoted
gets consumers buying. A news anchor delivers information in such a way that all the
facts are clearly stated doing away with words that may cause confusion. On the other
hand, a criminal lawyer must design his arguments supported by facts to convince
the judge and the jury.

Informative Communication involves giving than asking. As an informative

communicator, you want your receivers to pay attention and understand, but not to
change their behavior. By sharing information, ignorance is reduced, or better yet,
eliminates the informative value of a message is measured by how novel and relevant
the information is or the kind of understanding it provides the receivers.

Osborn, Osborn and Osborn (2014) purports that informative communication
arises out of three deep impulses: (a) we seek to expand our awareness of the world
around us; (b) we seek to become more competent; and, (c) we have an abiding
curiosity about how things work and how they are made.

When preparing for an informative exchange, ask yourself the following

questions: (a) Is my topic noteworthy to be considered informative?; (b) What do my
recipients already know about my topic?; (c) What more do they have to know?; and,
(d) Am I knowledgeable enough of my topic to help my receivers understand it?

Persuasive Communication is an art of gaining fair and favorable

considerations for our point of view.

a. Provides a choice among options and advocates something through a


b. Uses supporting material to justify advice and turns the audience into
agents of change.

c. Asks for strong audience commitment and gives importance to the

speaker's credibility.

d. Appeals to feelings and has higher ethical obligation.

Argumentative Communication relies heavily on sound proof and reasoning.

The nature of proof has been studied since the Golden Age of Greece and has been
improved through time. According to Aristotle, logos, ethos and pathos are the three
primary forms of proof.

In our time, whoever, many scholars have confirmed the presence of a fourth
dimension of proof, mythos, which suggests that we respond to appeals to the
traditions and values of our culture and to the legends and folktales that embody
them. Lucas (in Wakat et al, 2018) claims that to avoid defective argumentation, the
following must be avoided:

1. Defective evidence (Misuse of facts, Statistical fallacies, Defective

Testimony, Inappropriate evidence)

2. Defective Patterns of reasoning (Evidential fallacies such as slippery slope,

confusing facts with opinion, red herring, myth of the mean [flawed proofs
and defective arguments])


An informative speech aims to inform the audience about a specific topic.A

persuasive speech aims to persuade the audience to perform a certain action or
convince the audience to adopt the belief or opinion of the speaker.

Hence, an argumentative communication is the art of persuading based on

reason, on facts and not emotions. Many speeches will combine features of
informative and persuasive speeches. Know the audience: the types of knowledge
they possess, the core beliefs they hold, and what motivates them to undertake
actions. Considering the purpose of the speech will help determine if the speech
should use more of the features of informative or persuasive speeches.

1. What is the difference between an informative communication and a persuasive
communication? Which do you think is more challenging in terms of preparation
and delivery?
2. In a table, list essential preparations when communicating to inform, to persuade,
and to argue.

To inform To persuade To argue

3. What ethical considerations must one bear in mind when informing, persuading
or arguing?

1. Have a journal of your communication activities for an entire day, making
special note on all instances in which you tried to inform, persuade or argue
with someone. Choose one of those instances and prepare a brief analysis
about it. In your analysis, answer the following questions:
a. Who was the receiver of your message?
b. What was the specific purpose of your message?

c. Was the message rehearsed or arose spontaneously?!
d. Were you successful in achieving your purpose?!
e. If faced with the same situation again, what changes would you
make to be a better communicator?
2. Examine magazine advertisement and newspaper article to find "infomercials".

What alerts you to the persuasive intent? In what respects does such
communication possess the characteristics of persuasion and

3. Through a video, create a public service announcement regarding

environment disaster preparedness. Employ the concepts learned about
informative argumentative and persuasive communication.


Osborn, M., Osborn, S., & Osborn, R. (2014). Public speaking: Finding your voice.
Pearson Higher Ed.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

Public Speaking


• Compare the different modes of delivering a speech.

• Deliver effectively a message to an audience.


Do these statements apply to you? Answer Yes or No only.

1. I am excited at the thought of speaking in public.
2. I see myself speaking in public often in the future.
3. I think I can be a very good speaker.
4. The thought of public speaking terrifies me.
5. I would avoid speaking in public as much as I can.
6. No amount of practice can make me a better speaker.

Items 1, 2 and 4, 5 determine your public speaking anxiety. If you answered

items 1 and 2 with a yes, you probably have a low anxiety. If you answered items 4
and 5 with a yes, you most probably have a high public speaking anxiety. Items 3 and
6 determine your attitude toward public speaking. If you answered item 3 with a yes,
you have a growth mindset. If you answered item 6 with a yes, you have a closed
Do you agree or disagree?
1. “Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your
success in your business and in your life.” – Brian Tracy
2. “Ninety percent of how well the talk will go is determined before the speaker
steps on the platform.” – Somers White
3. “Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.” – Dale Carnegie
4. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” – Mark
(Re-evaluate your answer after reading engagement)

You have probably delivered a speech before an audience once, twice, or
thrice in high school in the forms of reporting, research presentations, or creative
presentations or you might have read Biblical passages in church. How did the
experience make you feel? If the experience made you wish to speak more in public
or made you confident of yourself, then you belong to the few who do not fear public
speaking or who have overcome it. If the experience made you feel the opposite, you
are not alone. Jerry Seinfeld was quoted saying:

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking.

Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the
average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than delivering
the eulogy." Fear of public speaking is, therefore, common to most people, but despite
this fact, many have turned public speaking into their ticket to success. Brian Tracy
phrased this idea in his statement: "Your ability to communicate with others will
account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life."

What apparently matters is your reaction to fear of public speaking. How

should you handle fear? Mark Twain suggests: "Courage is resistance to fear,
mastery of fear - not absence of fear". Your awareness of your fear of public speaking
is a good starting point. With your awareness, you acknowledge that you need to take
actions to overcome that fear.

You might also need a strong reason to overcome that fear. While it is true that
not all professions require public speaking skills, you must consider the fact that
public speaking is an essential skill in your academic life. Also, in many professions
such as those in business, education, mass media etc., public speaking skills are a

In some other professions, public speaking skills are an advantage. Most

importantly, public speaking has long been the tool for activism that paved way for
social and political changes. By this time, you must have decided that public speaking
is highly relevant to your academic, professional and personal life.


Public speaking is a process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner

to inform, influence or entertain an audience. Speech is the term used to refer to the
body spoken expressions of information and ideas. A speech may be delivered in any
of the following modes: read from a manuscript, memorized and delivered
extemporaneous or impromptu. The choice of mode of speech delivery is determined
by factors such as length of preparation, complexity of message purpose, and

Reading from a Manuscript is appropriate when the speech is long and when
details are complicated and essential such as that they need to be given completely.
Reading is also appropriate when one is asked to deliver a prepared speech on behalf
of another speaker. Reading may pose the least challenge in public speaking but the
speaker may be tricked into thinking that no preparation is needed. When a message
is delivered through reading, the force, naturalness, and eye contact may be
diminished because the eyes have to travel from page to the audience and vice versa.

Memorized speech requires a speaker to commit everything to memory. This

method is excellent for short messages although it is also used for long pieces in
oratorical, declamation and other literary contests. Just like a read speech, a
memorized speech also poses challenge in naturalness. The worst experience one
could have in delivering a memorized speech is to forget the lines and fail to shift
smoothly to another mode of delivery

Extemporaneous speaking may have a short or a long preparation. The

speaker may use an outline to guide him through his speech to achieve

better organization and to avoid leaving out details. But unlike reading,
extemporaneous speaking necessitates the speaker to formulate his sentences while
he is speaking. Extemporaneous is a method that most lecturers and teachers use.
A good extemporaneous speaker must be spontaneous.

Impromptu means speaking at the spur of the moment. Since there is very
minimal or no time for preparation given for impromptu, the content and organization
may suffer. Impromptu may not deliver the best thought in the best way but it brings
out the most natural thing to say at the moment.

There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous,
manuscript, and memorized. Impromptu speaking involves delivering a message on
the spur of the moment, as when someone is asked to “say a few words.”
Extemporaneous speaking consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion
using notes. This is the style most speeches call for.
Additionally, manuscript speaking consists of reading a fully scripted
speech. It is useful when a message needs to be delivered in precise words.
Memorized speaking consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory.
Memorization allows the speaker to be free of notes.

I. A. Using the table below, compare and contrast extemporaneous speaking to/from
impromptu speaking by writing their differences in their respective their similarities in
the middle column.

Impromptu similarities Extemporaneous

Do the same for read and memorized Speech.

Read similarities extemporaneous

B. Which mode of speech delivery has the least application? Why do you say
C. Which mode of speech delivery has the most application? Why do you say

II.A.Read with animation a 2-3 minutes inspirational story.
Rubric for a Read Speech.

Criteria 8-10 5-7 4-3 1 -2

Eye contact Maintained Maintained Inconsistent Avoided eye

connection eye contact eye contact eye contact; contact with
with the most of the somewhat the audience,
audience time, engaged disengaged
throughout the engaged audience audience.
speech, audience
engaged most of the
audience time
throughout the

content Fully Developed Some Vague sense

developed topic idea understanding of the topic or
topic idea with with unified of the topic with idea
unified supporting few supporting
substantial details. details

Language Excellent Good Understandable Inaccurate

use command of command of Language yet words and
language, the language lacks accuracy marked with
uses varied somewhat and with some grammar
and accurate accurate and grammar errors errors that
words to with few affect the
express ideas, grammar message
and uses errors

Vocal clarity Very clear and Clear and Somewhat Monotonous

and dynamics appropriately varied voice clear and and lacks
varied voice varied voice vocal clarity

III. On your own

1. Prepare topic outline of a highly relevant topic.
2. Deliver your extemporaneous speech.

Rubric for Extemporaneous Speech

Criteria 8-10 5-7 4-3 1 -2

Content Fully Developed Some Vague sense
developed idea with understanding of the topic or
idea with unified of the topic with idea
unified supporting few supporting
substantial details details

Language Excellent Good Understandable Inaccurate

use command of command of language yet words and
the language the language lacks accuracy marked with
use varied and somewhat and with some grammar
accurate accurate and grammar errors error that
words to with few affect the
express ideas, grammar message
grammatically errors

Spontaneity Very natural Natural and Somewhat Marked with

and and spontaneous natural with long awkward
naturalness spontaneous with some some awkward pauses
with awkward pauses
appropriate pauses

Vocal clarity Very clear and Clear and Somewhat Monotonous

and dynamics appropriately varied voice clear and and lacks
varied voice varied voice vocal clarity

Eye contact/ Maintained Maintained Inconsistent Avoided eye

connection eye contact eye contact eye contact; contact with
with the most of the somewhat the audience,
audience time, engaged engaged disengaged
throughout the audience audience audience.
speech, most of the
engaged time
throughout the

Relevance of Very relevant Relevant to Somewhat Of little

the chosen and useful to the majority of relevant to the relevance to
topic the majority of the audience majority of the the audience
the audience audience

IV.A.On the Spot

Pick from the teacher’s box a quote or a question. From either a quotation or
question, develop a minute of impromptu speech. You may explain, argue, support
and/or illustrate the quote you picked.
Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most difficult part of being a teenager or a college student


2. How has the social media affected you?

3. What is the kindest gesture you have experienced from a stranger?

4. Are there times when you feel people misjudge you? Cite an example.

5. Was there an instance when you misjudge someone? Give details of

that instance.

Follow Up!
1. Has your attitude toward public speaking become more positive?

2. In a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what rating do you give yourself?

3. In what area of public speaking do you feel you need the most improvement?


Ederio, N. etal. (2019). Purposive communication: Integrated learning

resource material.

Four methods of delivery. (n.d.).

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Making Inquiries


• Write effective letters of inquiry.

• Create incident report template.
• Provide information accurately.

Do these statements apply to you?
1. I have effective techniques in seeking for information online.
2. I can easily ask for information from anyone.
3. I can easily start a conversation with other people.
4. I feel that people easily comprehend what I say.
5. I am confident I can write a formal inquiry letter.
6. I avoid writing letters as much as I can.
7. I would rather call people than write them.

Do you agree or disagree?

1. You need not observe the writing conventions in writing e-mails.
2. English is the best language for interviews.
3. Emails are informal.
4. Abbreviations are encouraged in emails.

You probably texted or called people to obtain information you needed several
times already. Did you get the information you needed? Did you use the same
language and tone in all your queries through phone calls and text messages?
You might have also received queries via text messages, conversations, and
phone calls. Were there times when you felt the language or the tone of the caller or
message sender was inappropriate? Were you able to provide the information sought

Both obtaining and giving information are a part of our daily activities.
Information provide individuals basis for actions, plans, and decisions. An individual’s
skill in finding information helps him save time and make well-informed decisions, and
actions. Likewise, giving information effectively is of great help to others. Find
someone in class who can provide or who can help you find information about the
1. the most popular brand of cellular phone in class.
2. the most visited site in the city.
3. the number of children born last year.
4. the number of visitors of Baguio City or your city last year.
5. the place that recorded the coldest temperature in the Philippines.
6. the most in demand work abroad.
7. the most expensive course in the university.
8. the ten highest paying jobs in the world.
9. the most popular cuisine in the world.
10. five jobs that you can apply for after finishing your course.

Verify your answers by finding reliable internet sources or individuals.


An inquiry letter is written when a person needs more information about

products, services, internships, scholarships, or job vacancies offered by companies,
association or individuals. Often, inquiry letters are sent when a person has specific
questions that are not addressed by the general information available provided by
brochures, websites Advertisements, classified ads, etc.
An inquiry may also be in the form of telephone or personal interview.
Depending on the immediacy and specificity of the need, one of these modes may
prove more responsive to your need.

Both interview and letter require correct and appropriate language use. Both
require correctness, conciseness, clarity of language, and courtesy. While letters
correctness of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations, indentions, margins, etc.,
interviews require clarity of words, correct pronunciation, intonation and pauses,
spontaneity, pleasing personality, and confidence.

Content and Organization of Letter of Inquiry
Just like any business letter, letter of inquiry has the following basic parts:

A. Heading or Letterhead
B. Inside address
C. Salutation
D. Body of the letter

First Paragraph: It provides a background of your inquiry such as how, where

and when you first learned of the information. State your purpose in one or two
Middle Paragraph: This section should specify the information you are
Final Paragraph: Express your expectation from your addressee and thank
him/her in advance for his favorable action.

E. Complimentary close
F. Signature

The format of an inquiry letter follows any of the following most commonly used
formats: pure block, semi-block or modified block. The format below illustrates the
basic business letter content using the pure block format.



More frequently used now in inquiry are emails. Emails gained popularity
because of speed and convenience.

Generally, email messages are less formal than letters, although there are still
expectations for appropriate and effective email communication. The formality is need
by the sender's familiarity and relationship to the receiver, the classification
determined by the sender's familiarity and relation and objective of the message to
be sent and other factors that shape the context of communication.

In academic emails, for example it is more appropriate to sound formal and

professional. The use of ‘wanna, gonna', and abbreviations such as “tnx” and gbu,
and professional. The use of 'wanna, gonna', and emoticons is inappropriate. In other
informal contexts. However, abbreviations and emoticons may be effective. In
academic and other more formal emails, correctness and other qualities that apply to
business letters should be observed.

For more effective email communications (and also letters), remember the

1. Be courteous. Courtesy does not only mean greeting, thanking, or using

polite expressions. It also means considering the feelings of the receiver,
thus, the writer needs to use the appropriate or positive tone.

2. Keep messages as concise and clear as possible.

3. Proofread and spell check before sending.

4. Provide a short but descriptive subject line. The subject line will help the
receiver readily identify the content type and the urgency of the

5. Although some parts of the email are optional, it is enabling to know all
the other parts.

Below is the list of all the parts of an email. The style may vary depending on
the system you use.

From: Jaylou J. Jose

Sent: 26 May, 9:10AM

To: Aaron C. Jacinto

CC: Maggy J. Jaime

Bcc: Luz D. Cruz

Subject: Scholarship availability inquiry

Attachment: Form 137

Salutation: Dear Mr. Jose Body of the letter Closing: Sincerely


Name (email signature)

The parts of the emails are explained below:

- From: Name of person sending the email

- Sent. Date and time

- To: Name of person receiving the email

- CC: Other person receiving the message

- Bcc: Another person receiving the email without the other recipient
knowing Subject: Content (title) of the email

Attachment: Document sent separately, not included in the email (but

attached) Salutation: Greeting or opening

Body of the email: message

Closing: ending Name/signature of the sender: name and title

(Below the name of the sender, the following information may be included:
company and address, telephone number, URL or website address and social media

Interview is a special type of purposive conversation. Interviews are classified
into different types according to purpose, but basic to all types of interview is to obtain
desired information. Interview requires real time for both the interviewee and
interviewer. Whatever your specific purpose is, it is always advantageous to consider
the following tips in conducting an interview.

Before the interview

1. Remember that if you are seeking for information from people (e.g.
interview for research), you are asking them a favor; thus make
appointments with your interviewee at their most convenient time.

2. Prepare the list of questions.

During the interview

An interviewee must have to be punctual, wear appropriate attire. , observe

good manners, speak clearly and be attentive. Then, if you have follow-up
questions, ask politely. Ask the interviewee to validate your notes. Allow the
interviewee sufficient time to answer, rephrase questions to clarify vague points, ,
acknowledge answers of the interviewee to assure him of your attention and
graciously thank the interviewer for his time.

Parts of the Interview

The opening includes the initial contact of the interviewer and the interviewee.
Rapport should be established by creating positive impression. Although
introduction might have been done during the appointment, introduce yourself briefly.

The body includes several questions to achieve your specific objectives.

The conclusion includes expressing gratitude and hope of meeting the

interviewee again in the future.

Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the
natural or material world, and that leads to asking questions, making discoveries,
and testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding.

1. When is writing a letter of inquiry more advantageous than conducting an

2. What can't a letter of inquiry achieve that the interview can?

3. What determines the appropriateness of attire in interviews?

4. What are the factors that determine the formality level of tone in emails, letters,
and interview?

5. Do the principles of seeking information apply to giving information? Why?

6. When an interviewer shifts his tone from very formal to informal, or from English
to Filipino, should the interviewee shift also?

7. Regardless of formality level and medium, how should one communicate

messages to the target individuals?

8. Illustrate the modified block and semi-block format of letters.

9. What are the optional parts of business letters? What is the content of each?
A. Achieve the appropriate tone by revising the message below.
1. Boss, I missed work yesterday and I am worried about what I have to do
when I get back. I was too sick to report for work. Email me the soft copy
of the transactions yesterday so I could prepare a report of it. Let me know
if there are other things I have missed due to my absence.

2. Hi Ma'am,

How are you doing? Here is my assignment for yesterday's class. I am

sending it via email because I am not certain if I can attend our class. I'm
terribly coughing. If you don't see me tomorrow, I am certainly very sick.

B. Prepare specific interview questions for your district representative concerning

his 6-year plan for the province/district, his vision, proposals etc.
C. Write an email regarding an inquiry asking for more details about the public
service announcement below and send it to your teacher's email. Print a copy of
the same email on a short bond paper and submit it to your teacher.
- 10 slots available for scholarship grants for college education

- Candidate requirements

- Weighted average: 87

- Age: 17-20

- Combined Income of parents should not be more than P500,000


- Income Tax Return both parents

- Benefits include the following:

100% free tuition and miscellaneous fees

P10, 000 for book allowance

P10, 000 allowance per semester

D. One way of providing comprehensive information is by writing an incident

report. Below is a sample format of a security incident report. (Format varies
according to institution work place and type of information.)

Your task is to create a template for a customer incident report. Determine the
type of workplace and all the elements that apply. Print your template on a short bond


Reported by; Date of Report: _____

Designation: Incident No.: _____

Incident Information

Incident Type: Date of Incident:________

Specific Location: Time of Incident:
Person/s Involved:

Description of the incident or Narration of the Incident


Witness/es (if available)


Policed report filed? YES NO

Police Precinct: _______

Receiving Police Officer:_________
Telephone Number: __

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

WikiHow Staff. (2020, September 15). How to write a formal email.

DocFormats. (2020). Inquiry letter: Tips and sample letters.

Exploratorium. (2020). What is inquiry?.

c h a p T e r

Communication for Work

Communication in the workplace is very important for companies to work

effectively and be productive. Employees can experience increased morale,
productivity and commitment if they can communicate up and down a company’s
communication drain.
Employers who spend time and energy to create open communication lines
will quickly create trust among employees, resulting in productivity, performance and
overall morale. At the same time, employees who communicate effectively with their
colleagues, managers and costumers continue to be valuable assets to a company.
Chapter IV highlights communication in the different work areas, specifically
Teaching and Business Trade. It also details correspondence for employment and
communication within a company.

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• communicate ideas effectively using the different forms
of communication in the work field.
• demonstrate mastery of the key concepts to effectively
and ethically communicate in the chosen field.


Communication for Nurses:

Writing Basic Patient Notes

• Organize details gathered from informants.
• Write patient notes more correctly and accurately.

A. There are times when you are presented with a plethora of information and
you find yourself having difficulty recalling them all. What strategies will you do
to be able to systematically store and recall these information?
1. As a nurse, what are the information that you need to write?
2. How should you organize your idea?

Nurses are critical in the delivery of essential health services and are core in
strengthening the health system. They bring people-centered care closer to
communicate where they are needed most, thereby helping improve health outcomes
and the overall cost-effectiveness of services.
Writing in patients' notes is one of the most important jobs a nurse carries out.
This is integral to providing compassionate, safe care as it communicates how the
patient has been throughout the shift, what care they have received and any changes
that may have occurred to their care plan.
Patient notes record the assessment of the patient’s condition before, during,
and after the treatment; hence, these notes can be classified as initial notes, interim or
progress notes, and discharge notes.
Initial notes refer to the first or earliest assessment, interim or progress notes
refer to the assessment reports done in order to monitor the condition of the patient,

and discharge notes are reports given one medication is disconfirmed or the patient is
released from the hospital.

SOAP format is one way of organizing patient notes.

Subjective (assessment given by the family member or patienthimself)
Objective (assessment seen by you or reflected in laboratory orother medical
Assessment (diagnosis)
Plan (procedures to be done to address the diagnosis)


Communication is a core component of sound relationships, collaboration and

cooperation, which is essential aspects of professional practice. The quality of
communication in interaction between nurses and patients has a major influence on
patient outcomes. Increases in nursing communication can lessen medical errors and
make a difference in positive patient outcomes.
Patient notes are the most reliable reference about a patient's progress. It is
vital that they are detailed and legible because once that staff member leaves the ward,
they may not be back again for a while. In writing a patient notes, always remember
the SOAP format.

1. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the concept of patient notes.

2. Complete the statement below.

I realized that patient notes are


I, as a nurse responsible in writing patient notes, should


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

O’Reilly-Foley, G. (2017, March 6). How to write in a patient’s notes.

Thinkstock. (2018, January 5).Effective nurse communication skills and strategies,

Xtelligent Health Care Media.


Communication for Journalists:

Writing a Lead


• Identify the essential details of a lead.

• Write a lead for a news article.

1. Write an opening paragraph for the most interesting news that you have
recently read or watched.
2. As a budding journalist, how should you write the opening paragraph of your
3. Read the following lines. What essential details are capitalized in each line?
How were the essential details presented?
A. President Rodrigo Duterte has assured Filipinos that they hold
ownership over Benham Rise. (Rappler, February 10, 2018)
B. President Rodrigo Duterte said he will order the Philippine Navy to fire
at those who try to exploit the country's exclusive economic zone
(EEZ). (CNN Philippines, February 10, 2018)
C. “Benham Rise is ours." (Eagle News, February 10, 2018)
D. MANILA exclusively owns the 13-million-hectare undersea Philippine
Rise. President Rodrigo Duterte maintained Friday, February 9. (Sun
Star. February 10, 2018)


Writing the opening paragraph of a news article or the lead is one of the most
challenging tasks. The manner of presenting the lead may dissuade the readers from
reading the entire news article.

Perhaps, a traditional way of opening a news article is using the summary lead
or straight lead (presenting the W's and the H). Other types of lead include question
lead, quotation lead, funny lead, anecdotal lead and descriptive lead.
Whatever type of lead you decide to use, remember to:
1. emphasize the most important details,
2. be specific and concise; and
3. use active verbs as much as possible.


The 12 steps to writing news:

1. Decide what the news is. Focus on the part of your story that is likely to be of
most interest to your readers. Stories become news because of their importance,
emotion, impact, timeliness and interest to the reader.
2. Who, what, where, when, why and how?. Include information that answers
these questions within the headline and the first two paragraphs. News first,
background later.
3. Be objective and stick to facts. The reporting ‘voice’ in the story should contain
only facts. Any opinions or subjective descriptions should be attributed to a
named source.
4. Keep it simple and short. News stories should be no more than 400 words long,
and preferably 250-300 words long. Use plain English and not academic or
technical jargon. Assume no prior knowledge - some people find it helpful to
imagine that they are explaining the story to a relative who doesn’t work in higher
5. Acronyms. Always spell out an acronym the first time it is used, followed by the
acronym itself in parentheses. From then on, in your story, you may use the
acronym. E.g. ‘the School of Media, Film and Music (MFM) organized the
event. MFM is ...’
6. House style. The University has a 'house style' – a consistent way of writing –
that is part of our brand. Having a set house style helps to convey an impression
of quality and thoroughness, no matter who is writing or editing.

7. Exclamation marks. Do not use! (As the author Scott Fitzgerald said, it is like
laughing at your own jokes.)
8. Don’t use ‘I’ or ‘we’. Readers won’t necessarily know who wrote a news article,
so don’t talk about yourself or your team in the first person. Always name
individuals (even if that person is you) or units/teams mentioned in your piece.
Never say ‘we held a lecture’; instead say ‘the History department held a lecture’.
9. Write a great headline. Many news writers argue that the headline is the single
most important part of a news story. Research shows that, on average, 80% of
people read only headlines and then skip the rest of the story. For this reason,
you need to make sure that yours is clear, concise and tells your story using just
a few (4-8) words.
10. Check your work. Even if a deadline is really tight, still take the time to check.
Chances are you will spot at least one mistake every time. Make sure that your
text has no spelling mistakes, including names, or any errors with grammar or
punctuation. Then read it over again, asking yourself:
• Does it make sense?
• Are things explained in order?
• Is it as easy as possible to understand?
• Is it accurate?
• Have you repeated yourself?
• Are any ideas or phrases covered twice?
• Is it written in plain English
• Are all dates and numbers correct?

If you wrote the article, get someone else to look over it for you. You might
also want or need to run it by any individuals or units/teams mentioned in the piece.


1. Write an acronym poem about what a budding journalist should remember in

writing a lead.

2. (1) Bring four different newspapers in class. Make sure that these newspapers
were published on the same date. Choose a news article with the same topic
from each newspaper. Cut out the leads of your chosen news articles. Paste
them on a short bond paper. Then, (2) using a graphic organizer, illustrate the
similarities and differences of the lead you placed on the bond paper.
3. Look at the calendar of your university, choose two events that have already
transpired and two events that will still be celebrated. Write news leads for these


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication for Teachers: Storytelling


• Describe pictures within a given time frame.

• Tell a story effectively based on the given rubric.

What makes the students enjoy the class? What do the teachers exhibit in
conducting their lesson?


As future teachers, it is essential that you hone your craft in leadership and
teaching. You need to be able to use the language when you explain, describe, retell,
interpret, plan, and give instructions and feedback.
You need a good commando the language when you attempt to develop the
social language of your students for them to communicate effectively in various
activities like listening to stories, sharing information, following directions, solving a
problem in a conversation, and the like. One of the responsibilities of teachers is
stimulating their students' imaginations and understanding of the world.

Storytelling is a powerful way of communicating and conveying emotion by
improvisation or embellishment. It is the art of using language, voice, movements,
and gestures in order to reveal images and elements of the story to an audience.
used by teachers, parents, and professionals to elaborate or convey messages, to
entertain, to educate, and to preserve culture.

Reasons why storytelling is recommended as a strategy for teaching:

1. Cooter (1991) and Bla (1998) forwarded that the excitement and drama of
storytelling provides a context that holds students' attention. Stories are
used to motivate, create immense interests, attract listeners, and promote
2. Stories are an enormous language treasure. Storytelling is one of the
oldest art of telling morals and thousands of these stories have been
created and passed down. Many old stories are regarded as the models
of language and treasures of the culture, from which learners at various
language levels and age groups can find suitable stories to read and tell.
3. Storytelling provides a lively atmosphere and a real life environment that
encourages the students to participate. When they listen to stories, they
easily can plunge into the plots and scenes and identify themselves
among the characters.

Storytelling is the original form of teaching. There are still societies in which it
is the only form of teaching. Though attempts have been made to imitate or update
it, like the electronic storytelling of television, live oral storytelling will never go out of
fashion. A simple narrative will always be the cornerstone of the art of teaching.
Colloquial or literary, unaffected or flowery–the full range of language is present in

1. Image Description: A number is assigned for each picture. Pick a number
from the box then describe in one minute the picture that corresponds to the
number you picked.

Image form

1. Tell-Tale
A. Draw a list of five words or phrases from the teacher's box. From the five
words or phrases, come up with a story.
Sample list of 5 words
1. Mat, bat, cat, fat, rat
2. 1 litre of tears, 1 pint of kindness, 1 bowl of friendship 1 cup of love
1 tablespoon of lust
3. Annoying orange, angry birds, singing pig, praying mantis, Alice

B. Use quotation as your grabber and restatement of the lesson or moral of
your story as your closing.
C. You are given 2 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to deliver.

2. Storytelling: Choose any folklore that you are familiar with. Make sure that the story
can be told in 3-4 minutes. Prepare any hand props materials, or upper
garments that you can use to elaborate some situations in the story,
rehearse with , appropriate nonverbal (facial expressions, gestures,
movements, voice variety) to show animation in the delivery. Ask
someone to video your presentation.

Self-Video Feedback: Watch your video (as if you are watching a presentation)
after your presentation and give feedback to yourself objectively.
I observe that (things that worked in the presentation)
I think it would have been better if (points for improvement)


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication for Business and Trade


• Identify strengths and needed skills for improvement.

• Construct personal and business SWOT analyses.

What images can you see from the two photos? What do the photos tell you
about your future major responsibilities?


What images can you see from the two photos? What do the photos tell you
about your future major responsibilities? vector-

In order to prepare you in the global workforce. You must prepare yourselves
to the demands of the industry, and one way of achieving this is through enhancing
your English communication skills. As university students, you need to develop your
expertise on how to sell an idea in a product presentation, project proposal, and
other opportunities of making networks and connections in business. Enhancing
your craft in oral presentations will make you succeed in your future internships and
future career.

A. Definition and Relevance

A SWOT analysis or a SWOT matrix is a diagram that shows an
organization's or person's key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Doing this type of analysis, any organization, corporation, or company can innovate
or adapt new ways or strategies to put itself better in the corporate world.

B. Internal factors VS External factors

1. Internal factors. Internal factors are things that we can control. An example
is when workers in a company spend time and effort on fixing computer
crashes. As a solution to this problem, the employees could be trained or
better software could be purchased.

2. External factors. External factors are things we cannot control.For example,
the inflation rate of goods due to government regulations.

C. Benefits of SWOT analysis

1. SWOT analyses identify any company or organization's capabilities and
resources. Moreover, they also provide a look on the organization's
competitive environment.
2. Based on the result of SWOT analysis, the company can create a better
marketing strategy.
3. ASWOT analysis can create a new venture or new opportunities for the
company especially the ones that are not yet explored.
4. This can be an aid for the managers and directors reduce threats by
understanding their company's current weaknesses.
5. This can be used by the people in a company as a planning technique.
6. Individuals who like to develop their careers can do SWOT analysis for it
identifies their skills, opportunities, and abilities.

D. How to make SWOT analysis

1. Make sure that the analysis heads to the right path or direction by
defining your objective. If your study focuses on what matters, this
will eventually provide you a right strategy,
2. Focus on the internal and external factors.
Strengths. Identify the things that do better in your competition.
Are the people familiar with your products or brand? What is your
competitive advantage? Which one from your in doing best or the one that
excels in all aspects of intellectual property or human resources?
Weaknesses. In what areas are your competitors outclassing your
company? What holds your business back? Are there any things you can
avoid? Does your business lack something? Or weakness? For example,
it may not have enough suitably-skilled workers. This is an area that you
can control.
Opportunities. Opportunities can help your company grow. Can
you turn any changes in technology, laws, or society, for example, into an

Opportunity? Consumers today are more aware of and interested in the
quality of life.
Threats. Are there obstacles stopping your company from
growing? What are these rules, regulations, or technology that impedes
your business? Some aspects of society may also represent obstacles. Is
inflation rate a threat to the business?

E. Matrix
SWOT Analysis of a Coffee Shop
Strengths Weakness

Close to universities and public No experience in operating a

transport business

Cheaper products offered other Lack of funds for the start-up of the
than popular brands. business

Ambiance is good for study and Less popularity compared to well-

leisure known brands

Growing demand by different Staffs to be trained for operations

markets for coffee shops.

Opportunities Threats

New products and services are There are lots of popular coffee
offered for expansion of the shops.
Brand franchising is also an There are also competition with
opportunity to expand business. other coffee shops also starting-up

Co-branding or strategic alliance Market tastes are changing.

with other firms

Diverse target market Price for coffee beans and other

supplies may increase


The kind of communication that happens in business is known as business

communication, and it involves that flow of information back and forth between the
higher-ups and the lower-downs, as well as side to side. What that means, basically,
is that information will flow down ranks within a company as well as across them.
Managers need to communicate with supervisors who need to communicate
with their teams. Colleagues need to communicate with each other. All of this needs
to happen seamlessly or else havoc and chaos will reign in the business.


1. Create a personal SWOT analysis.

Given the situation, plot the applicant's SWOT in a matrix. You can make any
organizer showing the relationship of the four elements.
Situation: Imagine someone called Tony wan status. Based on the information
given. Construct a SWOT analysis by providing information for each characteristic
▪ Strength: Tony attended post graduate.
▪ Weakness: He has no work experience.
▪ Opportunity: He can be relocated to other places.
▪ Threat: In his city, there are less job opportunities related to his

2.Create your Personal SWOT Analysis

Directions: Imagine you are going to apply as a marketing director, accountant
general manager, financial analyst, or any position you wish in a corporate world
a. Assess yourself first by listing your potentials, capabilities, talents, skills
or skills to improve in a draft.
b. Edit and proofread your work. You may write the items in phrases.
Observe parallelism in writing the items.
c. Use the matrix below to plot your own SWOT.
d. Present this orally in the class. Each of you is given two minutes to

(Oral presentation is graded)

SWOT Analysis

3. Business Plan Presentation Directions:

A. In a group of five, create a type of business you wish to have in the
future. Name your business and identify the nature of it (Product
oriented or service oriented) or how it is operated.
B. Make a simple feasibility or viability study of your business (strategic
location, population density, market potential, etc.).
C. From your gathered data, make a SWOT analysis then present this in
a PowerPoint presentation. Strategize how you will divide the task since
this is a collaborative work. Each group is given 8-10 minutes to
D. The presentation should include the title slide (name of the company
and your names as on others'), and the fourth slide is the SWOT

(Presenters), second slide (rationale), and third (how is the concept of

business different guidelines for the PowerPoint presentation.
▪ Each slide should illustrate one major idea; content should be clearly
visible to everyone in the audience, including those in back of the
▪ Keep the graphics and layout simple, with plenty of open
▪ Use san serif typeface such as Arial or Helvetica.
▪ Use color for emphasis only; use colors consistently

Follow up!
1. Rate the level of your confidence in the SWOT analysis presentation from 0
which indicates anxiety to 10 which indicates confidence. Explain your rating.
2. Did you have struggles or difficulties when you were presenting? What
coping skills did you use to combat those difficulties?
3. What are the challenges you encountered when you were doing the SWOT
analysis project? In what ways did these challenges make you a better


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Writing Business and Technical Report


• Explain the classifications, parts, and types of reports.

• Write a sample report applying the principles of report writing

1. List the types of reports you usually do in school. How do you frame such
2. Bring old reports from the student council, government offices, companies,
schools, hospitals, and other organizations.
3. Draw a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences of school reports
and the report that you brought.


A Report is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of the subject

matter of study. It presents results of an experiment, investigation, research, or an
inquiry to a specific audience.
Business and Technical Reports
Classification Types Parts
Progress reports • Cover Page
Formal Sales Reports • Title Page
Informal Personnel Evaluation • Table of Contents
Feasibility Reports • List of Illustrations
Literature Review Credit • Executive Summary
• Main Body/Findings/
Informational Reports
Analytical Reports
Recommendation • Conclusions
Reports • Recommendations
Research reports • References/Sources
Case Study Analyses • Appendices

Characteristics of a Report
▪ It presents information not an argument.
▪ It is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader.
▪ It uses numbered headings and subheadings.
▪ It is composed of short and concise paragraphs.
▪ It uses graphic illustrations such as tables, graphs, pie charts, etc.
▪ It may have an abstract or an executive summary.
▪ It may or may not have references or bibliography.
▪ It often contains recommendations and/or appendices.

Report Categories
I. The Informal Report
• It functions to inform, analyze, and recommend.

• It may be in the form of a memo, financial report, monthly
activities report, development report, research, etc.
• It is written according to an institution's style and rules.
Introductory and prefatory parts are not required.
• It is used for conveying routine messages.

Types of Informal Report

A. Progress report - written to provide information about the way project is
B. Sales activity report - helps a firm to understand about the progres the sales
people and also identify the shortcomings
C. Personnel evaluation - used by an organization to assess an employee's
D. Financial report - a presents formal record of the financial activities of a
business, person, or other entries
E. Feasibility report - assesses the viability of a new project; details whether or
not a project should be undertaken and the reasons for that decision;
persuades or helps the decision makers to choose between available
F. Literature review - conveys to the readers the work already done and the
knowledge and ideas that have been already established on a particular topic
of research
G. Credit report - details report of an individual's credit history prepared by a
credit bureau (Credit bureaus collect information and create credit reports
based on that information, and lenders use the reports along with other
details to determine loan applicants' credit worthiness.)

II. The Formal Report.

• It is an official report that contains a collection of detailed
information, research, and data necessary to make decisions.
• It is formal, complex and used at an official level. .
• It is often a written account of a major project.

• It may be in the form of launching a new technology or new project
results of a study or an experiment, a review of developments in the

Type Characteristics Examples

Provides data, facts, feedback, and Results of a research on or

other. Types of information without rise of HIV patients
Informational report analysis or recommendations.
Presents an update of an operation,
an information or status of a current
research so readers can understand
a particular problem or situation.

It goes beyond just presenting Explanation of what causes

results a phenomenon.
Analytical reports present results, Presentation of the results
analyze those results, and draw conclusions based on those
conclusions based on those results. results. of a traffic study
It attempts describe why or how showing It attempts to
something happened and explains describe why or how
Analytical Reports what it means. accidents at an intersection -
- the report explains what it
Explanation of the potential
results of a particular course
of action.
Suggestion which option,
action, or procedure is best.
Report writing on monthly
budgets, staff absentees and
so on.

This type advocates a particular Using treatment X is more

course of action. This usually efficient than treatments Y
presents the results and conclusions and Z. However, that does
Recommendation that support the recommendations not mean that you will use
What should one do about a treatment X as cost and
problem? other considerations might
Can a team do something? recommend treatment Y.
Should one change techniques,
methods, technology, or do
something else?

Writing a report on some
Most widely used report usually in product development.
Research Reports university levels
Report writing for your
competitor's activities.

Case study analysis Widely used in university

reports Includes real life examples level competitions.


Parts of Brief Contents Language

the Report Description Characteristics
Name of the report in all caps
(e.g. final report)

Receiver’s name, title and


Team name and team

Title page Name of the members Factual
Date submitted

The authors and their


No page number on title page

(page 1 is executive summary)

Table of What you Show the beginning page Factual

contents find in the number where each report
report heading appears in the report
(do not put page number
range, just the first page

Connect headings to page

number with dots.

Heading should be
grammatically parallel include
major section headings and

No page number on TOC


Executive A summary Should be no longer than one Factual, use of third
summary of report page person, use of passive
It provides the key
recommendations and
conclusions, rather than a
summary of the document.
Briefly describes the context

Identify the general subject


Describe the issue or problem Factual use of third

Background, to be reported on. person use of passive
Introduction problem, verbs
approach, State the specific questions
definition of the report answers
words used Outline the scope of the report
(extent of investigation)

Preview the report structure

Comment on the limitations of

the report and any
assumptions made.

Methods Methods or For all types of research provide: Factual use of

procedures procedures third person
which led to use of passive
the findings Goal for each piece of research which verbs
(what is your question/hypothesis?) the

Data source

For surveys give the number of surveys

distributed, how was it distributed, how
the population was chosen.

For observations give how when and

where the observations occurred.

The goal is to supply proofs for


Discuss, analyze and interpret (don’t just

give results, also say what they mean- Factual use of
Results particularly with benchmarking). third person,
Findings investigation, use of passive
research and Remember to report on all your verbs.
calculation research, including interviews with
clients and personal observations
(discuss in methodology too.)

Support your findings with new

Provide summary paragraph of key

findings and their significance at end of

Explain all graphs in writing.

Arrange the findings in logical segments

that follows your outline.

Findings should be presented in the

same order as discussed in

Use clear descriptive headings.

Present “just the facts” no opinions, and

no feelings.

Interpret and summarize the findings

Say what they mean.

Relate the conclusions to the report

issue/problem Transition
Conclusions Conclusion signals such
drawn from Limit the conclusions to the data as it seems
the findings presented; do not introduce new that the,
material. results
indicate that it
Number the conclusions and present is probable
them in parallel form. that etc.

Be objective: avoid exaggerating or

manipulating the data.


Formal reports are meticulously structured. They focus on objectivity and

organization, contain deeper detail, and the writer must write them in a style that
eliminates factors like personal pronouns.
Informal reports are usually short messages with free-flowing, casual use of
language. We generally describe the internal report/memorandum as an informal
report. For example, a report among your peers, or a report for your small group or
team, etc.
A formal or long report has major three (3) parts:

1. Prefatory parts (includes the 1. Cover; 2. Title fly; 3. Title page;
4. Letter of authorization; 5. Letter of acceptance; 6. Letter of
transmittal; 7. Table of contents; 8. List of illustrations; and
9. Synopsis or executive summary.
2. Text parts
3. Supplementary parts

1. What are the two main categories of reports? Explain the difference.
2. Using a graphic organizer illustrate the parts of a report.
3. What is your advocacy right now? Who are your target audience? Using the
appropriate type of report, make a write-up of your advocacy in a short bond
paper. Incorporate all the parts of a report and attach your output here.


Mayhew, R. (2019). How to write business & technical reports.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication for Employment:

The Resume


• Use personal SWOT analysis or self-assessment exercises

in planning what to write in a resume.
• Write an effective and appropriate print and scannable

Complete the table below, Give two or three details as well as a general
Describe a time when you... Details General

1 .used facts or figures to gain

agreement on an important
2. identified a problem faced by
the group or organization and
developed a plan for solving the
3.made a presentation
4.responded to criticism

5. Persuaded other people to take

actions you wanted.
6.helped a group deal
constructively with conflict
7.demonstrated something

1. Identify which job(s) each detail is relevant for.
2. Identify which details would work well on a resume
3. Identify which detail, further developed, and would work well in an
application letter.


In writing a resume, you start by doing an inward assessment of yourself and

by asking the question - How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my
resume? And what kind of resume should I use? These questions may be your
starting point in fitting your qualifications, skills, and experiences in creating your
effective advertisement.

What is a Resume?
A resume is a persuasive summary of your qualifications for employment. If you are
in the job market, having a resume makes you look well organized and prepared to
your prospective employers. Together with this text is an application letter or a cover
letter that introduces you to these employers. Writing these two texts may also serve
as a ego-building experience: the person who looks so good on paper is you!
When you send both to your prospect employers, you are making an argument
for why those employers should want to meet you or even hire you Moreover, writing
a resume and application letter is writing an advertisement selling your skills, talents,
and abilities to the players who will likely sift through many applications to decide
whom to grant an interview Thus, resumes and application letters require a level of
care that few other documents do.
Types of Resume
1. Print résumés are printed on paper for prospective employers to
scrutinize. They are designed to emphasize key information using bold or
italic typeface.
2. Scannable résumés are designed to be read by computers, hence, they
are to be formatted using single typeface or without italics or bold.

5TH Block PurokRosal New Isabela
Tacurong City, 9800 Philippines
Cell: 09555116594

OBJECTIVES: To acquire valuable knowledge and skills to complement those that

I have learned from school in actual job environment; apply and contribute my
knowledge and skills to fulfil the company’s goal.


Gender : Female
Date of Birth : March 03, 1995
Place of Birth : Block 5 Purok Rosal, New Isabela, TacurongCity
Age : 23
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5’2
Weight : 54 kg.
Mother : Erlina C. Enriquez
Occupation : House Keeper
Father : Eduardo S. Enriquez (deceased)


College : Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

Sultan Kudarat State University (2016)

Secondary : Tacurong National High School

New Isabela, Tacurong City (2012)

Elementary : New Isabela Central School

New IsabelaTacurong City (2008)

TESDA : Computer System Servicing (NC II)

VMC (2017)

• SPES GRANTEE-City Government of Tacurong (Summer 2013- Summer
• GIP( Government Internship Program)-DOLE(April- October 2016) LGU

• SKSU- January 2017- Present

• Knowledge of operating system like MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point.
• Skills in maintaining and developing professional relationship with clients.
• Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
• Able to learn quickly, demonstrate flexibility and persistence.
• Time management skills.
• Dependable and hardworking
• Have effective skills in both written and oral communication.

• On Job Training (December 2015-April 2016)
• Assigned at City Human Resource Management Office-LGU Tacurong
• Receives and records leave application of employees; attached their DTRs
in every leave received.
• Pull-out leave folders of employees to be acted; Records acted leave
application to be signed by the LCE.
• Segregate leave application of employees after duly signed by the LCE; filed
leave folder of employees in its respective cabinets.
• Distributing leave office file and DTR’S in all offices.
• In charge of reproduction of documents

• Member : LA SESSIONESTA -S.Y 2012-2013
• Member : TEATRO KUDONG -S.Y 2013-2015
• Member : PSALM -S.Y 2012-2014

• 3rd Runner up, Champion, 1st Runner up-Pop dance Competition (spes)-
provincial level- City Gym of Tacurong, Capitol Isulan and Isulan S.K.- 2013
to 2015
• 1st Runner up- Hip-hop competition(Intercampus SKSU)- SKSU Access
Campus, EJC Montilla-2015
• Champion-Pop dance Competition(Department day SKSU)- SKSU
Tacurong Campus-2014 to 2015
• 1st Runner up- Hip-hop Competition(Intramurals SKSU) City Gym of
Tacurong- 2015
• FULL Scholar- SKSU Tacurong- 2013
• LGU Scholar- City Government of Tacurong-2014 to 2016


Information Officer III
LGU Tacurong

Social Welfare Officer III
LGU Tacurong


City Human Resource Management Office
LGU Tacurong

Scannable Resume
• All information in a single typeface,
• Aligned on left margin
• No underlining

C. Features of a Resume
1. Organization-there are different ways on how you can organize your resume
depends on your goals, experiences and qualifications. You can organize a
result chronologically, functionally or targeted.

A. Chronological resume -is the general listing of all your academic and
we experience from the most recent to the oldest.
B. Functional resume-- Is organized around various kinds of experience.
If you want to demonstrate a lot of experience in more than one area
if you wish downplay dates, you may write this type of resume.
C. Targeted resume --generally announces the specific goal up to top,
just beneath your name and offers information selectively. You can
show only the experience and skills relevant to your goal.

2. A resume must be concise. Entries may not be written in sentences but

should be parallel. For instance, organized inventory records’ rather than ‘ I
organized inventory records’ for print resume, use action verbs (organized,
designed, etc) rather than nouns (organizer, designer etc…) to emphasize your
accomplishments. For scannable resume, use nouns rather than verbs as key

3. Comprehensive
A resume must present all important details that can gain the nod of the
prospective employer. In giving details, however, carefully choose the words
that you use. You may use the exact words in the advertisement provided
that they really reflect your experiences or qualifications. Check all the
information you provided from the contact information down the references.
Make sure that all information are reflected correctly and that those whom
you placed in the references know that you placed them as sources of
information for your employment before sending the resume.

4. Design
The resume should be reader- friendly and be professionally packaged for
print resume, use appropriate spacing, section headings had uniform typeface
for each headings. Scannable resume, on the other hand shall only have one
standard typeface.

1) Analyze the following parts of a resume then find out which of these need to
be revised, dropped, or improved.

2) Write the improved version on the space provided.
3) If correction is not needed, just write OK on the space provided.
Components of resume Improved version
1. To use my acquired knowledge of accounting to
eventually own a business
2. Professional summary
✓ 8 years of experience
✓ Fluent in English
✓ Very proficient in computer or technical
✓ Entrepreneur
3. To design and maintain web pages
4. Experiences
✓ Public relations specialist, April- October
✓ ABCD network, manila
✓ Write press releases for clients
✓ Research and create marketing plan.

1. Analyzing accomplishments
A. List the 5 accomplishments that give you the most personal satisfaction.
These could be things that other people would not notice. They can be things
you have done recently or things you did years ago.
B. For each accomplishment, write skills or talents you used, then write also
what personal traits you exhibited.
C. From these accomplishments, identify which of these is personally satisfying
to you.
D. Share your answers with the small group of other students.
Accomplishments Skills/knowledge you Personal traits you
used exhibit


Making the Resume

A. Choose one job advertisement related to your field and make a print resume
for that position
B. Use the first activity done in engaging, Personal SWOT analysis, and
analyzing accomplishments as your guide in determining what skills, talents,
qualifications and other information you could include.
C. Create also a scannable version of the print resume.
D. Before passing your resume for assessment, evaluate it using the
Visual Impact
▪ Does the text visually fill the page?
▪ Is your name easy to read (large font, surrounded by white
▪ Are the headings and text easy to skim (bold, rather than
underlined or full caps; bullet points)?
Specific Supporting Details
▪ Does a Summary of Qualifications or Keywords highlight your
skills and knowledge?
▪ Do recent, relevant, substantive details show that you are
qualified for the job?
▪ Do details interest the reader and set you apart from other
▪ Are details quantifiable when they help?
Style and Mechanics
▪ Are duties and accomplishments listed in parallel structure?
▪ Does the text omit the word I Is the writing tight and
▪ Are jobs listed in reverse chronological order (starting with the
most recent)?

▪ If there is a second page, does it contain your name and Page
▪ Is the resume free from typos and other errors?

This is how to write a resume:
1. Choose the right resume format
2. Add your contact information and personal details
3. Start with a heading statement (resume summary or resume objective)
4. List your relevant work experience & key achievements
5. List your education correctly
6. Put relevant skills that fit the job ad
7. Include additional important resume sections
8. Complement your resume with a cover letter
9. Proofread, save & email your resume the right way


1. Choose a job advertisement related to your field and make a resume for that
2. Use a personal SWOT analysis in determining what skills, talents,
qualifications and other information that you include in your resume. Let one
of your classmate rate your resume based on rubric presented below:

3. Now you have completed your resume, how much do you like it?
4. Site some instances when you need to pull resume out.

5. What did you learn in the writing process?


Eilers, C. (2020).How to make a resume for a job (Professional writing


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication for Employment:

The Application Letter


• Write an application letter.

• Use the right tone in persuading a prospective employer.

Compare five employment advertisements. What are the common
qualifications employers are looking for? What employment advertisement is relevant
to your discipline o industry area? Do you have the qualifications required by the

Having no experience in the job or position identified in the advertisements
may be Handheld or frustrating for an applicant. Even though you do not have those
experiences, you would be able to get the job if you develop your personal brand
which you will be attenuating not only in your resume and interview but also in your
application letter.

A. What is an Application Letter?

Your application letter is generally the first thing your prospective employers
will see, and it should motivate them to read your resume. It provides a positive
impression since it contains your claims that you have the qualifications they are
looking for.
An application letter serves as a formal introduction of yourself to your prospective
employer. It goes with your resume, so you don't have to give much Information. It
does, however, have to make favorable impression so you can get an interview. This
is achieved through how the letter is written and presented.

Below is an example of an application letter which cites details that are
specifically tailored to a particular position.
Street address city, 20 Evangelista Street, Leonila Hill, Baguio City 2600
zip code, date June 28, 2018

Recipient’s name Gilbert L. Reyes

and title, Director, Ab Investment
organization, 17 Upper Session Road, Baguio city 2600
Salutation with colon Dear Mr. Reyes:
Position identified I am writing to apply for the position of financial
associate recently advertised at enigma courier dated
June 25, 2018.
Match between My experiences as inventory clerk and office clerk
experience and job trainee molded my intrapersonal and management
description skills. With the developed and acquired skills, I believe
that I can be of great help to the company. I enclosed
my resume, which provides detailed information about
my qualifications.

Availability I will be more than willing to share my ideas with the

opportunity to be interviewed. You can contact me at my
mobile number or email address.

Gratitude Thank you very much and I am looking forward to your

reply so that we can further discuss my application.

Closing Respectfully yours,

3-4 lines space for Franchesca U. Morales

signature, Senders

B. Features of an Application Letter

1. Qualifications. In an application letter, you need to make clear why you're
interested in the position or the organization, to indicate what skills you possess that
matches what the company is looking for or to stipulate why the person you're writing
to should at least want to meet you.

2. Pleasing Tone. When writing application, you need to go beyond simply stating
your accomplishments. Through your words, you need to demonstrate that you will

be the kind of employee the organization wants. Presentation is also important - your
letter should be neat and error-free.

3. Format. Application letter typically follows a prescribed format, which is a

conventional businesslike format. The most common is the block format shown in the
examples. It includes the writer's address, the date, the recipient's name and address,
a salutation.

C. Guidelines for Writing an Application Letter

1. Focus. Application letter is not personal and should not be chatty. Keep it focused:
when you're applying for a position, include only information relevant to the position.
Don't make your audience wade through irrelevant side issues.

2. Stay on topic. State the reason for the letter. Unlike essays, which develop a
thesis over several paragraphs, or emails, which announce their topic in a subject
line, letters need to explicitly introduce their reason for being written, usually in the
first paragraph. When you're applying for something, say so in the first sentence: "I
am writing to apply for the FASIN Scholarship for students. majoring in accountancy."

3. Think of your letter as an argument. When you're asking for a job, you're making
an ARGUMENT. You're making a claim — that you're qualified for a certain position
– and you need to support your claim with reasons and evidence. Franchesca
Morales, for example, cites his education and his work experience — and he offers
to supply references who will support his application.

4. Choose an appropriate salutation. If you know the person‘s name and title, use
it: Dear Attorney Lim’. If you don’t know the person’s title, one good solution is to
address him or her by first and last name: ‘Dear Jean Chavez’. If as sometimes
happens, you must write to an unknown reader, use ‘Dear Sir or Madam’. Another
option might be to omit the salutation completely in such situations and instead use
a subject line, for example ‘Subject: Public Relations Internship Application’.
Whenever possible, though write to a specific person; call the organization and ask
whom to write to once you’ve had an interview, write to your interviewer.

Few writing situations demand greater perfection than professional letters-
especially application letters. Employee receive dozens, sometimes hundreds, of
application, and often can’t look at them all. Typos, grammar, errors and others forms
of sloppiness prejudice readers against applicants: they’re likely to think that if this
applicant can’t take the time and care to PROOFREAD, how badly does he or she
want this position? To compete strive for perfection.

Application Letter is a kind of business letter and can also be considered a
cover letter because it produces and emphasizes special points of the resume and
shows how a particular skill or qualification is suited to a particular job. It has the main
job of introducing the resume which turn introduces a person to a prospective
employer for a possible interview and eventually helping him/her find a job.
A job application letter can impress a potential employer and set you apart
from other applicants. In your letter, you may also want to show your familiarity with
the company to which you’re applying. You can talk about how your professional
goals and aspirations align with the company’s goals. It’s important to use your job
application letter to showcase aspects of your personality.

Firming Up
➢ Using a graphic organizer, illustrate how the content of application letter should
be organized.
➢ Evaluate the following application letter. Underlined the lines which are in correct
or in effective. Using arrows and marginal notes write the corrections of the lines
you underlined.

01 Mac Arthur Highway

The Director
AB investment
17 harrison Road, Baguio City

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am applying for the position of sales executive which you advertised in the
Philippine Star dated 25th June 2018. I would love to apply the experiences
I have gained from being a sales manager in WHO Enterprise which
produces excellent clothing lines.

I graduated recently in XYZ school with a diploma in Entrepreneurship.

During my fourth year, I worked with PAL as a sales representative for four
months, and in those months, I learned valuable lessons and acquired skills
for marketing strategies that are essentials in your company, which I know it
will break your record.

I have a good communication skills since I was often given opportunities to

deliver speeches way back, back in college and school events and
occasions. I know with these skills, I would be an asset to your company.

I am a sociable person, you know. That is why I have a good number of

friends. This is an advantage to make your sales successful. I attached my

I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as you call me for an interview.

Yours faithfully,

George T. Gonzales

1. Write an application letter for the job advertisement you used and the resume
you made a lesson 7.
2. Before submitting your application letter, evaluate it using the following:
Adaptation for specific company
❖ Is the letter addressed to specific person (either the person specified in
the ad or the person with the power to create a job for you)?
❖ Does the letter show your knowledge of the company and the position?
❖ Does the letter specify the position you are looking for?

❖ If you know the company is hiring, does the paragraph indicate that you
are applying for the job and list your major qualification (s)?
❖ If, as far as you know, the company is not hiring, does the first
paragraph catch the readers’ interest and create a bridge to talking
about yourself?
❖ Does the last paragraph ask for an interview?

Specific supporting details

❖ Do details show that you have the basic qualifications specified in the
❖ Do details show that you can go beyond the basis to contribute to the
❖ Do details separate you from other applicants?

Style and mechanics

❖ Is the writing smooth, tight and forceful?
❖ Does the text avoid using I at the beginning of every paragraph?
❖ Does the text use you-attitude and positive emphasis?
❖ Is the letter free from typos and other errors?

Format and visual impact

❖ Does the letter use a standard letter format?
❖ Is the page visually attractive, with a good mix of paragraph lengths?

Explain the relevance of the topic to your career.


How to write an application letter (with example). (n.d.).

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines


Communication within a Company:

The Memorandum


• Discuss the parts and purpose of a memo.

• Explicate the content of a memo.

Office of the President
Santa Catalina College
Harrison Road,BaguioCity

Administrative Memo No. 25 s. 2017

TO: All Deans and Heads of Offices


Academic Vice President
SUBJECT: Suspension of Classes and Office Work on November 2, 2017
DATE: October 20, 2017

To give employees time to observe the All Souls' Day, the Santa Catalina
Administration has decided to suspend work in all offices on Tuesday, November
2, 2017. Work in all offices and classes in all levels will resume on Wednesday,
November 3, 2017.

For your guidance.

1. Have you ever seen similar texts as the image above? Where have you seen
2. What are they about?

The word "memo" is derived from the Latin "memorare" changed to
"memorandus”, and means "to state" or "to tell”. In an organization, it takes the form
of a short official note that one writes to a person or to several individuals such as
members. faculty, heads of offices and the like. Regardless of the specific goal,
memos are most effective when they connect the purpose of the writer with the
interests and needs of the reader. Memos most frequently contain routine information.

Joe LoCicero (2007) offers a good example of when to use memos. He claims
that memos may inform the readers of:

A. Announcements for diverse occasions.

B. Changes such as policies, procedures or processes.
C. Confirmations of discussions, decisions and meetings.
D. Documents for submission such as reports, data, research and
results of survey,
E. Recommendations.
F. Requests for further information.
G. Solicitations for opinions.
Though memos are less formal than business letters, they must be crafted in
effective way. Adelheid Thieme in her presentation for Arizona State University claims
that effective memos must be:
A. Civilized
B. Concise
C. Coherent
D. Compelling
E. Correct

Barrot and Sipacio (2018) put forward some tips to writing a memorandum. These
are the following:

1. Use bullets, numbers, and letters to list information.

2. Use a positive tone, active verbs, and concise wording.
3. Use heading to improve the readability.
4. Eliminate grammatical and typographical errors.
5. Use correct format and structure.

6. Put your initials in a signature form beside your printed name as sender.
7. Flush the memo heading to the left (“to” line, “from” line, subject line, and date
8. Say thank you or state a directive action (e.g., for your compliance, for your
immediate action, for your approval, for your information) at the end of the memo.


The memo follows a specific format designed for internal communication. It

tends to be brief (one page is usually enough) and its content is arranged into
paragraph, typically just one to three. The memo’s subject line is of prime importance.
Like a title, it “aids in filing and retrieving the documents, tells the readers why they
need to read the documents, and provides a framework in which to set what they are
about to say.

Firming up
1. Discuss the purpose and parts of a memo.

2. What parts of a letter should be included in a memo? Why?

3. Study the memos below and answer the following questions:

a. Who do you think sent the memo? Explain your answer.

b. What is the best subject for the memo?

c. Who is the recipient of the memo? Explain your answer.






1. The Literary Guild of Santa Catalina College will offer a free workshop on Poetry
reading and writing on April 12, 2018.

2. While not required, all students enrolled in Literature are encouraged to attend
the workshop.

3. For further information, contact Ana in the Literary Taver by April 1.

4. For your guidance.


What is the importance of knowing what a

memo is?____________________________


Barrot, J. and Sipacio, PJ. (2018). Purposive Communication in the 21st

Century. C & E Publishing, Philippines.

Bibat, A. (2019). Purposive communication module.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.


Communication within a Company:

The Minutes of Meeting

• Explain the importance of taking minutes of a meeting.
• Write minutes of a meeting.

1. Imagine yourself attending an important meeting. Prior to the meeting, it was
announced that there will be ten topics for the agenda. How do you think will
everything be recorded for all the members of the group or organization?
2. What do you think might happen if whatever has transpired in a meeting was not
3. When in a meeting, what do you think are important details to be recorded?


Official written records of a meeting's proceedings are called minutes. They

serve as an official record, aids in refreshing memories of participants, supplies
information to individuals who were not present, and help prepare members for
upcoming meetings Unless law or policy mandate that verbatim records be kept,
minutes should be reports in summary form.

Minutes should succinctly and truthfully account all pertinent information that
transpired in a meeting. All motions and resolutions should be recorded word-for-
word as presented. Individuals presenting motions and resolutions should be
identified by name in the minutes.

It is important to indicate that a motion was seconded, but the name of the
individual who seconds a motion need not be recorded. The outcome - approval or
defeat - should be included also.

Concept Grounding Robert's New Rule of Order
Henry Martyn Robert worked in the Army. One day, he was tasked to be a
presiding officer for an important meeting in his community. Because he realized he
had no knowledge of presiding over a meeting, he knew he would be embarrassed.
Yet, despite his inability, he did his best to preside over the meeting.

Due to the nature of his job, he was exposed to different parliamentary chaos
across the United States. These experiences inspired him to study parliamentary
books and eventually create a rule book for parliamentary procedure. He then
decided to name the book Robert's Rule of Order. Robert's Rule of Order (2005)
recommends that minutes contain the following items:

Parts of a Minutes
9. Committee or organizational name
10. Kind of meeting (regular board meeting, an annual meeting, a meeting
of the housing committee or a special meeting)
11. Date, location, and time of beginning and adjournment.
12. Names of the chair and secretary or their substitutes.
13. Names of all present members
14. Names of guests and their role in the meeting.
15. Reference to approval of last meeting's minutes.
16. Motions raised. Motions must be written as stated, including the
member or individual who raised the motion, and the vote's outcome.
17. Reports. Record the name of the report, the name of the member
presenting it, and it may found in any action taken on the report. If the report
was in writing, attach it, or tell whereit may be found. An oral report may be
summarized briefly.
18. Other special concerns from committees or individual members.
19. The signature of the secretary upon the approval of the minute

These parts may vary depending on the purpose and formality of the meeting.
Style will also vary based on the parliamentary authority of the group or organization.

Sample of Minutes of the Meeting

Baguio City Association of Writers, Inc.

Second Officers' Meeting Heritage Conference Hall

February 14, 2018

1:00- 5:00 p.m.


President Jose called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. on February 14, 2018.


A quorum was established. The following members were present: Maggie

Jose, President; Jude Sy, Vice-President; Ana Li, Secretary; Annie Asan, Treasurer;
Connie Magtanggol, Member; Mark Kafagway, Member; Donna Belle, Member; Ann
Caroy, Member; and Shirley Soo, Member. Absent: DurlynEgmin, Past-President.
Guests: Beck Wakit, Butch Ibanes, and Chong Go.


Copies of the minutes of January 15, 2018, Association meeting were

distributed to the members prior to the February 14 meeting. The minutes were
approved with one correction: page 3, "...The selection of members for of sub-
committee will be held during the February 15, 2018 meeting..."


Scholarship Awards Ana Li, the secretary, announced that the organization will
be granting two 20,000 Php scholarships next year. Any student who will be studying
Library Science at a university level eligible to apply. Announcements and other
pertinent documents will be sent to all members. All applications must be submitted
by August 16, 2018.


Articles for the organization's yearly journal are due by June 19, 2018.


The organization's website does not seem to attract individuals and lacks a
sense of creativity. A committee was formed to look into the possible ways of
improving the website's aesthetics and content. Beck Wakit, the committee's chair,

has assigned Butch Ibanes to re-design the website. The committee's proposal will
be forwarded to

the board for approval.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Prepared by:

Ana L. Tagle


What should be excluded in the Minutes?

The minutes are a factual record of business. Robert's Rule of Order (2005)
recommends that the following be excluded from a minutes:

1. Condemnation or honors: Criticism of members should not be recorded

unless it takes the form of an official motion. Expressions of gratitude should
only be included with the permission of the participants.
2. Discussion: Whatever statement was given by the members must be recorded
3. Extended repeating of reports: Just hit the highpoints or key facts, mostly if
there is an attachment of a written report.
4. Opinions or judgments: Omit accounts like "a well-done report" or "a heated

Who should write the Minutes?

The Minutes are documents significant to an organization. In any kind of

meeting, one must take the role of a note taker, a secretary, or a recorder.

The person who takes the meeting minutes is usually a member of the
organization or institution and takes note of the meeting proceedings while taking part
in the conference, assembly, session, or discussion.

In government or legal meetings, an outsider must be the note taker or

recorder to avoid biases and maintain impartiality. He or she, however, must have full

knowledge of the adapted parliamentary process to be able to effectively carry out
the role.

In some cases, the same person takes the minutes at each meeting. In others,
the role of minute taker passes from member to member or participant to participant.
The role of the recorder builds effective leadership skills, effective communication,
and full involvement of members.


Meeting minutes, or mom (for minutes of meeting) can be defined as the written
record of everything that's happened during a meeting. They're used to inform people
who didn't attend the meeting about what happened, or to keep track of what was
decided during the meeting so that you can revisit it and use it to inform future


Firming up
1. Explain the significance of a Minutes to an organization.
2. State the requirements of a note taker. Explain each requirement.
3. Why should names of all attendees and absent members be included in the

Watch the video of a simulation of a meeting by Rauscher (2014). Refer to the
reference for the link. Listen carefully for details and make sure all pertinent
information are correctly documented. After watching the video, write a Minutes of the


Bibat, A. (2019). Purposive communication module. [Unpublished Module].

Sultan Kudarat State University

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

Mesquita, C. (2017). 5 tips to learn how to write meeting


c h a p T e r

Communication for Academic
Academic communication involves presenting ideas effectively and formally in
a scholastic environment. Academic communication can include the words and
structures used to express ideas, as well as the methods by which ideas are
This Chapter focuses on academic outputs and addresses concerns in
avoiding plagiarism, writing research proposal and literary analysis, and doing
academic presentation.

At the end of the chapter, the students can:
• write varied academic papers using appropriate tone,
style, conventions and reference style; and,
• present academic papers.

Avoiding Plagiarism


• Illustrate the difference and similarities of quotes, phrases, and

• Write an acceptable summary and a paraphrase.

1. What would you feel if someone claims your ideas or work as his/her own?
2. What would you do to avoid such pilfering of idea?
3. Is borrowing acceptable in the intellectual field? Why or why not?

With the multifarious information from the internet, books and other reading resources
that will help you finish your academic papers, it is paramount that we recall how you
can avoid using somebody’s words or ideas as your own.
Let us first review how to quote, paraphrase, summarize, and to correctly cite
authorities. Quotes, paraphrases, and summaries are introduced by signal phrases.
The tense of the verbs in the signal phrases depend on the conventions of the style
(e.g. APA, MLA) you are ascribing to.
Quoting is copying the words of the author and intertwining these words to
your own. Quoted statements, which are incorporated at the beginning, middle, or
end part of your paragraph are enclosed in quotation marks and are identified with
the author’s family name, year of publication, and page number of the journal or book
where the quoted statement was lifted from.
Following the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition format,
quoted statements fewer than 40 words are incorporated in the texts and are
enclosed in quotation marks while statements composed of more than 40 words are
set off as block quotations and are not enclosed in quotation marks.

Plagiarism is defined as "the practice of claiming credits for the words, ideas,
and concepts of others” (APA, 2010).
Most of the data gathered in studies on language anxiety used verbal
communication under quantitative approach employing close-ended questionnaires
(Duxbury & Tsai, 2010; Hismanoglu, 2012; Hussain et al., 2011; Khodadady &
Khajavy, 2013; Matsuda, 2004; Marwan, 2007; Orbeta & San Jose, 2013; Ozururk &
Hursen, 2013; Rajab et al., 2012; Smith & Schroth, 2014; Thevasigamoney & Yunus,
2014; Tum, 2012; Williams & Andrade, 2008; Wong 2012; Yahya, 2013; Yang, 2012).
Other studies utilized qualitative using open-ended questionnaire and
interview. (Khattak et al., 2011; Kocak, 2010), diary and semi-structured interview
(Merc, 2011), semi-structured interview (Riosati, 2011), or semi-structured interview
and focus-group discussion (Hashemi, 2011). Some studies delved into mixed
methods using closed-ended and open-ended survey questionnaires (Berkleyen,
2009; Grant et al., 2014; Kondo & Ying-Ling, 2004; Ozturk & Gurbuz, 2013), close-
ended questionnaires and interviews (Onata, 2005; Rezaei & Jafari, 2014; Savasci,
2014; Suleimenova. 2013; Yalcin & Incecay, 014), or close-ended questionnaire and
focus-group discussion Klanrit & Sroinan, 2012; Pappamihiel, 2002). (p. 228)
For block quotes with more than two paragraphs, the first paragraph is not
indented while the succeeding paragraphs are indented. Also, if the block quote does
not introduce the author and year of publication, the name of the author, year of
publication, and page number are placed at the last part of the quoted statement.

As ascertained:
Most of the data gathered in studies on language anxiety used verbal
communication under quantitative approach employing close-ended questionnaires
(Duxbury & Tsai, 2010; Hismanoglu, 2012; Hussain et al., 2011; Khodadady &
Khajavy, 2013; Matsuda, 2004; Marwan, 2007; Orbeta & San Jose, 2013; Ozururk &
Hursen, 2013; Rajab et al., 2012; Smith & Schroth, 2014; Thevasigamoney & Yunus,
2014; Tum, 2012; Williams & Andrade, 2008; Wong 2012; Yahya, 2013; Yang, 2012).
Other studies utilized qualitative using open-ended questionnaire and
interview (Khattak et al., 2011; Kocak, 2010), diary and semi-structured interview
(Merc, 2011), semi-structured interview (Riosati, 2011), or semi-structured interview
and focus-group discussion (Hashemi, 2011). Some studies delved into mixed
methods using closed-ended and open-ended survey questionnaires (Berkleyen,

2009; Grant et al., 2014; Kondo & Ying-Ling, 2004; Ozturk &Gurbuz, 2013), close-
ended questionnaires and interviews (Ohata, 2005; Rezaei & Jafari, 2014; Savasci,
2014; Suleimenova, 2013; Yalcin & Incecay, 2014), or close-ended questionnaire
and focus-group discussion ( Klanrit & Sroinan, 2012; Pappamihiel, 2002). (Siagto-
Wakat, 2017).
Paraphrasing entails using your own words and own style of writing to state
another author’s idea. You may use a grammatical structure different from that of the
original text. Paraphrasing requires understanding the original text, setting it aside for
you to write your own text, then going back to the original text to check if what you
have written brought out the meaning intended by the author.

Original Text:
The activities scheduled on September 18, 2020 for the Talakudong
Festival celebration were called off because of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Acceptable Paraphrase:
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the September 18, 2020 activities of
Talakudong Festival were cancelled.

Summarizing, on the other hand, warrants the articulation of the important

ideas of the original text in a compendious form. Hence, a research article can simply
be summarized in less than ten sentences.
The following research abstract adopted from Siagto-Wakat (2017) gives a
summary of a 15-page research article.
This qualitative study explored the use of doodling to surface experiences in
the psychological phenomenon of language anxiety in an English classroom. It
treated the doodles of 192 freshmen from a premier university in Northern Luzon,
Philippines. Further, it made use of phenomenological reduction in analyzing the data
gathered. Findings reveal that doodling can be an effective tool in surfacing
experiences of a psychological phenomenon, such as language anxiety, although
this may not be generalizable. The gathered doodles show that English language
learners go through shimming and shaming experiences, specifically, buffing,
baffling, shutting, sweating and shivering, and shattering. The findings of the study
can benefit teachers for they can use doodling, a non-verbal tool, in generating the

classroom experiences of their students. More so, the anxiety experiences unveiled
in this study will help language teachers realize the impact of language anxiety on
English language learners.
Using APA, 6th edition format, paraphrases and summaries are presented through
in text citation.

Siagto-Wakat (2017) surfaced that students undergo shimming and shaming
In 2017, Siagto-Wakat surfaced that students undergo shimming and shaming
Students undergo shimming and shaming experiences (Siagto-Wakat, 2017).
For citations with two or more authors, the word and is spelled out if the names
of the authors are not enclosed in parenthesis while ampersand is used if the names
of the authors are enclosed in parenthesis.

Heckler, Forde, and Bryan (2013) found that plagiarism depends on the kind
of assignment given to the students.
In 2013 HECKLER, Forde and Bryan found that plagiarism depends on the
kind of assignment given to the students.
Plagiarism depends on the kind of assignment given to the students
Plagiarism depends on the kind of assignment given tothe students (Heckler, Forde,
& Bryan, 2013).

Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas (either planned or
accidental) of another author/researcher or your own previous works without proper
acknowledgment. Considered as a serious academic and intellectual offense,
plagiarism can result in highly negative consequences such as paper retractions and
loss of author credibility and reputation. It is currently a grave problem in academic
publishing and a major reason for retraction of research papers.
Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all different ways of including the ideas
of others into your assignments. Quoting passages allows you to share the specific
words and phrases of another author, while paraphrasing and summarizing allow you
to show your understanding and interpretation of a text. Either way, referring to
outside sources makes your own ideas and your paper more credible. Also, properly
quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are great ways to avoid plagiarism.

Firming up
Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the differences and similarities of quotes
phrases and summaries.

1. Read the Legend of the Black Rice then write a summary of it.
2. Read the following paragraph then write an acceptable paraphrase.

“Language anxiety experiences, as the findings show, may be experienced

cognitively, physiologically, psychologically, physically, emotionally, psychosocially,
or in combination. As a result, it may sometimes be difficult to express through words
the language anxiety experience one wants to share. However, with the use of
doodling, a non-verbal tool, the key informants were able to clearly capture and share
their experiences. Doodling, therefore, may also be a potential tool in generating
other experiences brought about by a psychological phenomenon or construct,
although its application may not be generalizable” (Siagto-Wakat, 2017).

After recalling the concepts of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, I
realized that; _______________________________________________________

Ashford University. (n.d.). Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. Retrieved from

Enago Academy. (2020, August 10). How to avoid plagiarism in research


Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

Writing a Research Proposal:
The Topic Proposal


• Identify research gap, research objective, and research problem

• Write research objective and research problem

Before formulating your research topic, let us first look at your relationship
with research.
1. What do you feel about research? Doodle your answer and write a one-
sentence description of your doodle.

2. What made you feel such (your answer in number 1) towards research?
3. Do you think research is important in your chosen field? Why?
4. Do you want to write more research articles? Why?

A research entails a careful scientific investigation of a phenomenon through
synthesizing and analyzing research literatures in order to come up with a sound
problem and appropriate methodology to correctly gather data, organize, analyze,
and present the data or findings about this phenomenon.

Types of Research
1. Pure Research
2. Applied Research
3. Action Research
4. Policy Research

Kinds of Research Report

1. Academic research report
2. Research Article for Publication
3. Commissioned Research Report

Common Elements of a Research Report

Research Title. This presents the capsule of the study; hence, it should not
be the first to be written. It is recommended that a title should not be more than1
substantial words.
Abstract. Generally, a research abstract consists of 150 to 250 words. It
present the research objectives and research problems, methodology, summary of
the findings and conclusions or further implications of the study. An abstract, which
is written as a non-indented single paragraph, followed by three to six key words.
The key words should not be found in the title or abstract.
Introduction. The introduction presents a comprehensive review of research
literature in order to identify a research gap where the objective of the current
research will be anchored from. It also presents the research problems and
significant of the study. The introduction must vividly discuss all the important key
terms of the research.
Methodology. The methodology must be carefully crafted according to the
objective the study. A sound method leads to solid findings. The methodology must
comprehensively present the research design, participants and locale of t1 study,
data gathering tools, data gathering procedure, treatment of the data and research
ethics employed in the study (Khattak et al., 2011: Kocak, 2010), diary and semi-
structured interview (Merc, 2011), semi-structured interview (Riosati, 2011), or semi-
structured interview and focus-group discussion (Hashemi, 2011).
Some studies delved into mixed methods using closed-ended and open-
ended survey questionnaires (Berkleyen, 2009; Grant et al., 2014; Kondo & Ying-
Ling, 2004: Ozturk &Gurbuz, 2013), close-ended questionnaires and interviews
(Ohata, 2005; Rezaei & Jafari, 2014; Savasci, 2014, Suleimenova, 2013; Yalcin
&Incecay, 2014), or close-ended questionnaire and focus-group discussion
(Klanrit&Sroinan, 2012; Pappamihiel, 2002).

While it is a fact that “for decades, language anxiety has been one of the most
tantalizing areas in second language acquisition (SLA) research" (Yang, 2012), the
literature review of this study reveals that most of the studies made use of
quantitative and qualitative data gathering tools. Little is known about the use of
non-verbal data gathering tools like doodles in surfacing experiences of the
psychological phenomenon of language anxiety.
Hence, this study aimed at exploring the use of doodling in capturing the
language anxiety experiences of students. Specifically, it determined the answer to
the question What typifies the language anxiety experiences of students? The study
especially considered the concept that doodling can facilitate the reconstruction and
deconstruction of the abstract (de Guzman et al., 2007). In this study, the abstract
construct is the language anxiety experiences of ESL learners(Adopted from Siagto-
Wakat, 2017).

As with writing most college-level academic papers, research proposals
are generally organized the same way throughout most social science
disciplines. The text of proposals generally vary in length between ten and thirty -
five pages, followed by the list of references. In general, a compelling research
proposal should document your knowledge of the topic and demonstrate your
enthusiasm for conducting the study.
However, before you begin, read the assignment carefully and, if anything
seems unclear, ask your professor whether there are any specific requirements
for organizing and writing the proposal.



1. Form a group with five members. Decide on a topic that you like to study. Each
member shall download from reliable sources 10 peer-reviewed research
Articles about the topic.
2. Each member shall summarize the research articles following the
repertory grid below.

Article no. Research Design or Research Population Findings/ Conclusion/s Recommendation/s Reference(author,
objective technique problems and locale result title of the article etc.
of the article,
number where you
got the data
presented in the
repertory grid) follow
the format
prescribed by your











4. Examine the repertory grids of all the members of the group. Which areas of
the topic are most explored? Which are least explored?
5. Based on the least explored areas of the topic, identify a gap that you want to
research on then write a research objective and research problem/s.
6. Write a research title based on your answers in number 4.

From this lesson on the topic I realized that….

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

USC Libraries. (n.d.). Research guides.

Writing A Research Proposal:
The Research Introduction


• Write a research introduction


1. Your hobbies include reading about cars, brands of cars, kinds of cars, and
the different car innovations in the world. You are tasked to write an essay
about this hobby.
a. How should you start your essay?
b. What details will you mention?
c. Do you have to mention ideas from different sources? Why?

Now that you have finalized your research topic, you are ready to write the first
draft of your research introduction. Your introduction must present a comprehensive
review of research literatures of the key terms of your research title, establish the gap
of your study and state the gap of the study, the research objective, the research
problem/s, and the significance of the study.
The significance, however, may not be always required by institutions or
publishing companies. In presenting your research introduction, consider the format
of your institution or the style prescribed. You also have to consider your
philosophical stance.
For the purpose of discussion in this lesson, let us look at one way of crafting
and presenting a research introduction. You may start by evaluating the research
gap, research objective, and research problem/s you have identified in lesson 2.
Make sure that the important concepts are captured by your title.

Identify the key terms in your title then make a working outline using the key
terms in your title. Revise your outline as needed. Sample title: Doodling the nerves:
surfing language anxiety experiences in an English language classroom
Key terms: doodling language anxiety, language anxiety experiences.

I. Language anxiety
A. Definition
B. Causes of language anxiety
C. Levels of language anxiety
II. Language anxiety experiences
A. Effects of language anxiety
B. Manifestation of language anxiety
III. Establishment of gap
A. Methods used in studies on language anxiety (since this was the gap
previously identified based of the repertory grid)
IV. Statement of the gap
A. Definition of doodling/doodles (the tool that will be used to address the
gap previously identified based on the repertory grid)
B. Benefits of the tool
C. Studies conducted using the tool
V. Statement of the research objective
VI. Statement of the research problem
VII. Linking of the tool to the study

After finalizing the outline, write its meat using the data on your repertory grid.
Remember to quote, paraphrase, summarize, and correctly write the citations. If
needed, search for more research articles to comprehensively present a literature
review of your topic.
Writing the research introduction entails reading, re-reading, rewriting; hence, you do
not end up writing the research introduction in this lesson.

In the real world of higher education, a research proposal is most often
written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first
step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a
course assignment, treat your introduction as the initial pitch of an idea or a
thorough examination of the significance of a research problem.
After reading the introduction, your readers should not only have an
understanding of what you want to do, but they should also be a ble to gain a
sense of your passion for the topic and to be excited about the study's possible
outcomes. Note that most proposals do not include an abstract [summary] before
the introduction.

Firming up
Using a graphic organizer, illustrate how to write a research introduction.

1. Evaluate your research title in lesson 2. Identify the key terms of your
research title.
2. Write an outline based on your key terms
3. Write your first draft of research introduction based on your outline.
In this lesson, I realized that…

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

USC Libraries. (n.d.). Research guides.


Writing A Research Proposal: The Method

• Write the method of a research proposal.

1. Which of the following would you most likely do to get information about an
interesting topic? Why?
A. Interview a knowledgeable person
B. Read online articles about the topic
C. Go to the library and borrow a book
D. Read magazines and other print documents about the topic
2. Among the different choices, which do you find most applicable in research?

Remember that the data that will answer your research problem depends on
the method. No matter how comprehensive and well-researched your introduction,
gap, and problems are if there is a problem on the method, the findings of the
research may not be solid or reliable.

A. Research Concepts
1. Research Approaches. Choosing the research approach -- quantitative,
qualitative or mixed-- depends on the research problem, experiences, and
the audience or reader to whom the research is intended (Creswell, 2003).
Once you have identified the research approach suitable to your
problem, experiences, and audience, you have to go back to your research
introduction. If your problem entails quantitative approach, you need to write
a hypothesis for your problem.
2. Research Designs. Examples of research design or the strategy of inquiry
are experimental for quantitative: phenomenology. case study, grounded

theory, and narrative for qualitative and sequential, concurrent, and
transformative for mixed method.
3. Research Techniques. Examples of research techniques are rating
behaviors, field observation, close-ended measures and open-ended
measures (Creswell, 2003).

B. Parts of the Method

Terms used in the method part of the research vary depending on the
approach or design used in the study or on the institution. When writing the subparts,
always go back to the design and approach of your study. Usually, the content of the
sub-parts are as follows:
1. Design. This sub-part of the method states the approach and design or the
strategy of inquiry that will be used in the study. A definition of the design
according to an authority need be included. Explicitly discuss on this part if
you will be using triangulation.
2. Population and Locale. This is also termed as subject and study site or
selection and study site. This part presents the setting of the study, the
number of respondents or key informants, the manner of choosing the
respondents, and the rationale behind the choice of the respondents and/or
the setting.
3. Data Gathering Tool. This is also termed as instruments, instrumentation, or
data measure. It presents the tools and the descriptions of the tools that will
be used in gathering the data. Examples include a validated interview · guide
that is based on a-priori-code (e.g. for phenomenology) or a quantitative
result (e.g. sequential mixed method where quantitative data is gathered
first), tape recorder, video recorder, validated and reliability-tested survey)
close-ended questionnaire, or Likert scale and its descriptions.
4. Data Collection Procedure or Data Gathering Procedure. This part presents
the how or the steps that will be followed in order to collect data for the study.
For instance, if you will be conducting four classroom observations, you need
to indicate that the first observation will not be recorded because it may be a
part of a procedure to do away from "halo effect". You may also need to
indicate the intervals of the observation, the minutes of observation, etc. If
you were to use sequential mixed method, indicate which data will have to
be collected first - quantitative or qualitative. Should you be using
triangulation, discuss on this part the sequencing of the gathering of the data
using the techniques or designs you have stated.
5. Data Analysis. This may also be termed data explication, mode of analysis
or treatment of data. This part shows how the data will be treated. It presents
the process of systematically applying statistical and/ or logical techniques to
describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. In a survey
research, for instance, formula that will be used in treating the data or the
range or quantitative interpretation of the Likert scale that is placed in the tool
need be indicated on this part. The categorizing, coding and thematizing
steps used for qualitative data need be explicitly described on this area. If
you would employ sequential mixed method, indicate how you would treat
the quantitative data and the qualitative data.
6. Ethical Consideration. This is one of the most important parts of the method
for it addresses ethical concerns in research. At times, this part is lumped
with the data gathering procedure.

Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data.
Developing your research methods is an integral part of your research design. When
planning your methods, there are two key decisions you will make.
First, decide how you will collect data. Your methods depend on what type of
data you need to answer your research question:
1. Qualitative vs. quantitative: Will your data take the form of words or
2. Primary vs. secondary: Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use
data that has already been collected by someone else?
3. Descriptive vs. experimental: Will you take measurements of something as
it is, or will you perform an experiment?

Second, decide how you will analyze the data.

1. For quantitative data, you can use statistical analysis methods to test
relationships between variables.

2. For qualitative data, you can use methods such as thematic analysis to
interpret patterns and meanings in the data.

Firming up. Compare and contrast research approach, research design, and
research techniques.

Activity 1
A. Conduct an informal survey in the classroom.
1. For example: How many of your classmates visited the library the last 2
weeks? What did they do in the library?
• Researched or read. Checked out books
• Met up with a friend or classmate
• Slept
• Visited the librarian or a library assistant
• Other reasons
2. Decide how you will present and analyze your data.
B. After analyzing your data, answer the following:
1. How did you analyze your data?
2. In sum, what is the essence of the library to most of your classmates
based on the gathered and analyzed data
3. In what way does your analysis manifest integrity?

Activity 2
1. Evaluate you research question in lesson 3. Decide on the appropriate
approach and design that best suit the research question, your experiences,
and your readers or audience.
2. Write the method part of the research proposal you wrote in lesson 3.

1. I am enlightened about

2. In a scale of 1-10, rate your confidence in identifying method for research

problems. What pressing questions do you need to answer?

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communication. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines.

USC Libraries. (n.d.). Research guides.

Writing a Literary Analysis

• Identify the elements of literature.
• Enumerate the different literary approaches.
• Write a literary analysis essay

1. When reading a piece of literature, what details do you look for? Why?
2. How do you present the details of a literary piece that you like the most or
that you hate the most?

A literary analysis makes a point about a literary piece. It examines, questions
and evaluates a work of literature. The analysis may be on the plot, setting,
characters, tone, theme, etc.

Elements of Literature
These are some of the elements that can be the focus of a literary analysis.

of a story
theme characters

Element Definition
Plot The series of events in the story- beginning, middle, end
Characters The people/ animals in the story who carry out the action.

Setting The where and when the story takes place
Theme The central belief of the story, usually something
abstract that unifies the whole plot like love, friendship,
Tone The attitude that a writer has towards the subject

Literary Criticism Approaches

Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation and/or evaluation
of works of literature. It evaluates the value and merit of a literary work using certain
parameters, approaches or concepts in literature. Approaches to literary criticism are
used as bases of literary analysis
Literary Approach
Biological approach Theoretical approach
Historical approach Psychological approach
Gender approach Moralist approach
Mythological approach Sociological approach
Reader response approach Formalist approach

Writing a Literary Analysis

1. The introduction should capture the reader's interest. You may use quotation,
question, vivid description, startling fact etc. as starter followed by an
introduction about and a summary of the literary piece. Lastly, your
introduction must clearly state a thesis statement.
The thesis statement must be specific, arguable, and focused on any
of the elements of the literary piece. It may also be anchored on an approach.
The approach may help you construct a thesis statement.

2. The body is the development of the thesis statement. Each paragraph in the
body has a topic sentence that supports the thesis statement, and each topic
sentence is elaborated with evidences.
3. The conclusion should echo the thesis statement. It should not be
presenting new ideas which were not developed in the body.
4. The references list entries cited in the literary analysis text.

A literary analysis is the process where you read a literary work very closely
to figure out how the author gets their main points across. Start by taking notes on
the text and reading it very carefully, then develop and outline your argument. Write
the analysis according to your outline, and proofread it carefully before turning it in or
sending it on.

Firming up. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the concept of writing a
literary analysis.
1. Read the short story "Footnote to Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa.
2. While reading write comments about the characters, plot etc. of the story and
abouthow you feel towards the story in general.
3. Using your comments, write a literary analysis of Footnote to Youth. You may
use literary criticism approaches and other authorities to elucidate your claims.
Do not forget to cite your sources. Remember, your literary analysis need to
have an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body with topic sentences
and evidences, conclusion, and references.

In this lesson, I learned that literary analysis requires...

Caulfield, J. (2020, January 30). A step-by-step guide to literary analysis.

Taylor, C. (2020, September 16). How to write a literary analysis.

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communiation. Lorimar Publishing: Manila


Writing a Political Analysis Paper


• Differentiate a political science analysis paper from literary

analysis paper
• Write a political analysis paper

Read the online article on Train Law (Burgos, 2018). Refer to the refence
below for the link. Then, answer the questions that follow:
1. What does TRAIN stand for?
2. Why are the senators calling for its suspension?
3. What are the effects of its implementation to the Filipinos?
4. What other possible long-term effects do you foresee?

The field of Political Science requires a good grasp of writing skills for different
purposes. Every now and then, people react to various political issues that emerge.
Rallies, position papers, essays, editorial, and others are possible ways to voice out
one’s understanding or stand regarding an issue or event in politics.
The field of political science covers vast topics from the old traditional
structures of political science to the most recent theories and practices in the said
field. Extensive knowledge in the history of world and international affairs, and good
analytical skills are vital requirements in political science.
A Political Science analysis paper:
1. answers questions pertaining to actions, procedures, and
implementation of politics;
2. analyzes political events in the past and the present; and
3. Investigates political phenomenon from diverse standpoints.

Requirements for a decent political analysis paper:
1. Vast understanding of local politics and international affairs
2. Extensive reading and research
3. Knowledge of the parts of a political analysis paper.
a. Introduction - defines political terms, states the motive and thesis
b. Body - analyzes data, presents arguments in paragraphs, gives proof
c. Conclusion - extrapolates the ideas stated in the body and makes
4. Objectivity of the writer or author.
5. Citation and referencing.
6. Formality of tone.
7. Clear, concise, and well-structured sentences.
8. Clearly-defined terms.


Political analysis is neither descriptive writing nor opinion-based writing.

Writing in our discipline aims to explore, explicate, and elucidate. It is not writing that
stops at summary, nor does it make unfounded assertions. Political analysis is
rigorous and systematic.
It explores a wide variety of political problems and questions to test various
claims against a balanced and informed field of relevant secondary scholarship and
primary sources. The goal of political analysis is to analyze evidence in order to do
one of two things. It either aims to make a careful argument for a position that
reasonably deals with counter-arguments and evidence (as is characteristic of the
social science generally) or it works to test a scientifically derived claim or hypothesis
(as is more typical of the natural sciences).

Firming up
Through a Venn diagram. compare and contrast Political Analysis paper with
a Literary Analysis paper.

Read and research about ethnic conflicts in the Philippines and write a political
science analysis paper.

In this lesson on Political Analysis paper, I was able to learn that:

Burgos, N. (2018, May 25). 3 senators call for the suspension of the TRAIN
Law. The Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Mariotti, S. (n.d.). Guide for writing in political science.

Solid Essay. (n.d.). How to write a political analysis paper.

Political analysis essay. (n.d.).

Wakat, G., Caroy, A., Dela Cruz, A., Dizaon, E.G., Jose, M., Ordonio, M.R.,
Palangyos, A., Sao-an, M., & Paulino F. (2018). Purposive
communiation. Lorimar Publishing: Manila

Academic Presentations


• Illustrate the three P's of Academic Presentation

• Present a research proposal using the three P’s of academic

1. Have you ever experienced presenting a paper in front of an audience? What
are your experiences as a speaker?
2. What did you do to make your presentation effective?
3. Are there difficulties you have encountered during your presentation? If there
are, how did you manage them?

An academic presentation is communicating one's knowledge to an audience.
Such communication is recognized through demonstrating their ongoing engagement
or non-engagement during the presentation by way of seeing the interactions ongoing
and understanding the structure of the emerging talk in order to understand the
manner a speaker delivers his talk.

The Three P's of an Academic Presentation

It is fundamental in all activities. Before preparing for your presentation, set
first your objective then evaluate your audience and context.
Setting your objective. What is your purpose in delivering an academic
presentation? What should the audience be able to learn or be able to do after your
presentation? Setting a clear objective will give clear direction of what you will present
and how you will present. For instance, your objective is for the grade 11 aspiring
scientists to learn how to dissect a frog properly. What appropriate materials will help

you effectively attain your goal? What are the things you need to prepare? What will
be the content of your presentation? What will be its flow?
Evaluating your Audience. Knowing the profile of your audience will also
influence the format, content, and style of your presentation. Other than age, gender,
and educational attainment, you also need to consider religious and political beliefs,
attitude, and preferences of the audience.
Evaluating the context. Evaluating the context entails looking at the
environmental conditions or setting of academic presentation. The time when you will
be delivering your presentation, the weather, and venue can affect your style of
delivery and kind of visuals.
- When the sun is at its peak, what color should you use in your visuals?
If you would deliver your presentation at 1:00 pm, what should be the
tone of your voice?
- How should you speak?
- If you were present in wide hall, would font size 28 in a power point
presentation suffice?
- If you were to deliver your presentation in four to five minutes.
- How many slides would you prepare for a power point presentation?
- How many seconds would you allot for each part of your presentation?

Now that you have set your objectives and evaluated your audience and the
context, it is time to prepare the content of and visuals for your presentation and
yourself as a presenter. An adage goes, failing to prepare is preparing to tail.
Prepare the content. Similar to writing academic papers, the content of
presentation includes introduction, body, and conclusion. At the onset,establish a
positive impression. Note that the introduction should not be lengthy. It should just be
enough to win the attention of your audience and to introduce the topic of your
presentation. The body is the meat of your presentation. Before, during, and after
scribbling the body of your presentation, refer back to the objective of your
presentation. What part of the body do you need to amplify? Which need be
abridged? The conclusion is the last part of your presentation; hence, it should leave
a positive mark on your audience. A weak conclusion can affect negatively your

presentation. Review the content of your presentation. Will the content address the
objective that you have set? Check on areas which may not be clear or which may
need more examples. Revise the content as needed. After reviewing, prepare for
possible questions that the audience may ask.
Prepare the Visuals. Remember that you use visual aids to help you achieve
your goal. They are to enhance and not to distract the presentation; hence, it is very
important that you choose an appropriate material. If you were to present a research
proposal, would a power point presentation help you deliver the proposal? Does your
presentation need to be very textual? Do you need handouts, figures, charts, or
The points to consider in preparing your slides for multimedia presentation
include: (a) Font size and type; (b) Color; (c) Background; (d) Animation or transition;
(e) Images; and, (f) Time allotment for each slide or part of presentation.
Prepare Yourself. One of the most forgotten aspects of preparation is
preparing self as a presenter. Do not forget that it is equally important to prepare
yourself to go to war. A newly sharpened spear or a high caliber ammunition does
not win war if the soldier is not physically, psychologically and emotionally prepared.
If you were the clown of the class and you were required to present a research
proposal, what would you do so that your classmates would believe you? Would you
prepare a formal attire with light color? Note that if you would like to command
respect, wear a collared and dark colored upper garment. Do you need to clip your
To avoid being racked by the intensity eight quaking of knees, practice your
presentation with your visuals. Familiarize yourself with the content and transition of
the slides if you prepared a power point presentation. If you opt to use a clicker,
practice with the clicker.
Remember to stay in one area and to avoid crossing over the projected visual.
Also note that the posted or projected visual is not your background. Practice how to
work with your visual and communicate its content to your audience. That is, refer to
your visual and convey its message. You may use lines such as the next slide
In short, part of your preparation is to identify an area where you are
comfortable and to establish relationship with your visuals and your audience. Are

you more comfortable speaking with your visuals at your left side? How will you
involve your audience in your presentation?
When you commit mistakes in delivering your lines during practice, do not go
back to the first part of presentation. Learn to recover from your lapse by delivering
ad lib. You may use the video recorder of your phone to record your practice then
evaluate your presentation. Do you have mannerisms to minimize? Are your words
clear enough to be understood? Were you able to deliver your presentation within the
required span of time? Practice as many times and record all your practice sessions
to check on your improvements.

During the day of your presentation, go to the venue earlier and check on the
multimedia projector or the things that you need for your visuals. Having small talks
with your audience before your presentation may also help lessen your anxiety.
Survey the room for friendly faces. Look at these friendly faces during your
presentation but make sure to balance the distribution of your attention.
While you might have prepared well for the presentation, inevitable
circumstances, such as reactions of your audience, may not permit you to finish your
delivery on time. Keep track of your time but do not be rated by the motion of the time
keeper. You may skim on your slides and highlight only on the slides that need be
focused on Do not forget to answer the questions of your audience honesty 200
courteously then extend your sincere gratitude to the them

The importance of effective skills goes beyond the walls of the classroom at
school or lecture room at college. Students are always looking for inspiring
presentation topics for their academic assignments because employers look for
people who have excellent communication and presentation skills. They are the
perfect candidates for business negotiations and deal with different subjects.
They also excel as managers because they know how to communicate
effectively with others. This is why students are always asked to work on their skills
and learn how to deliver their message in an effective and interesting way.

Firming up. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the three P's of
academic presentation. Explain your illustration.

Research proposal presentation: Present the research proposal you did in the
previous lessons. You are given six to eight minutes for the presentation and three
minutes for the question and answer.

This lesson has equipped me in terms of

For me, an academic presenter is:


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