HSC Pre-Model Test 2020 (E-2) PDF

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HSC Pre-Model Test

Subject Code: 108 (E-2)

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Marks: 70

1. Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks
may not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. 0.5x10=5
(a) ¾ addiction to heroin is a very dangerous thing. It destroys not only (b) ¾ person but also (c)
¾ family. Usually people become addicted where there is (d) ¾ influence of (e) ¾ evil
companion. People are not addicted to, it suddenly. It becomes (f) ¾ habit gradually. It has a very
harmful effect to both (g) ¾ body and mind. So, people should be made conscious of its harm.
However, it should be remembered that (h) ¾ addict is (i) ¾ ill or sick person. If he gets (j) ¾
opportunity, he can be cured. So everybody should give him a chance to be cured through proper
2. Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may
not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. 0.5x10=5
Neem is (a) ¾ evergreen tree. It is (b) ¾ ornamental tree also. It grows to (c) ¾ height of 8 - 17
metres. It grows almost everywhere. (d) ¾ well-drained soils are needed for it. It has a reputation
for good growth. It has masses of white flowers. It has (e) ¾ fruit which has (f) ¾ olive like
appearance (g) ¾ Neem timber is hard wood. All parts of (h) ¾ Neem tree has very specific
application. (i) ¾ air of (j) ¾ Neem tree is also very useful.
3. Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may
not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. 0.5x10=5
(a) ¾ magician is a person who shows us (b) ¾ tricks which are unbelievable to us. He produces
(c)¾ pigeon, (d) — rabbit or (e) ¾ glass of milk out of nothing. He can multiply money. He can
make (f) — person vanish and then reappear. He can also cut (g) ¾ person in two and then make
him or her complete, (h) — pack of cards or a piece of rope may he used to produce wonders. But
these are all (i) — tricks. (j) — magician learns these with great efforts and practises them to
4. Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may
not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. 0.5x10=5
“Tsunami is a Japanese word which means (a) —— marine earthquake. In 2004, it caused a great
havoc of (b) —— life and property along (c) —— coastlines of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and
Indonesia. About 5 million people became homeless. We are fortunate enough that by (d) ——
mercy of God. Bangladesh narrowly escaped such (e) —— natural calamity. But it is not unknown
to us that Bangladesh lies in (f) —— active earthquake zone. (g) —— devastating earthquake can
hit our country any time. Since nobody can predict (h) —— exact time of (i) —— earthquake, all
must be careful and conscious from now to minimise the loss caused by (j) —— earthquake.

5. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 0.5x10=5
The technology that links people to the Internet will need to advance. We will move beyond
conventional computer operating methods - using keyboards and touch-screen panels would be no
longer needed. They are likely to be replaced by technologies that allow us to interact with the
cyberspace in a more natural manner. Wearable devices are one small step on the path to a hyper
connected world. Ken Kutaragi, known as "the father of Play Station," is president of Cyber Ai
Entertainment. After joining Sony in 1975, he became Sony Computer Entertainment president,
Sony executive deputy president and director and SCE honorary chairman, and now serves on the
boards of numerous companies.
(a) link (synonym) (b) need (synonym) (c) conventional (antonym) (d) method (synonym) (e)
longer (antonym) (f) allow (antonym) (g) interact (synonym) (h) natural (antonym) (i) connected
(antonym) (j) honorary (antonym).
6. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 0.5x10=5
The development of a country depends on access to affordable information technology service. Policy makers,
the regulator and ministers emphasised access to broadband for the underprivileged population, especially in
rural areas, and for women. The rural people are ready to pay for the internet but the supply side is not yet
ready, he added. Universal Service Fund (USF) can be used to connect the rural and underprivileged people.
As technology is evolving, the USF policy should also be revised from time to time. Bangladesh has collected
around Tk 600 crore for the USF fund since 2011 and it could not utilise the amount yet as the policy on it has
not been finalized.
(a) depends (synonym) (b) access (antonym) (c) service (synonym) (d) underprivileged (antonym) (e) rural (antonym) (f)
women (antonym) (g) rural (synonym) (h) add (antonym) (i) connect (antonym) (j) collect (synonym).
7. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 1x5=5
Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions of modem science. Today modem science has made
possible what was impossible yesterday. Mobile phone is a great success of modem science. It has made a new
communication system. It is the most up-to-date means of communication. We can send to and receive any
information from any comer of the world in a second by sitting at home. Mobile phone is not free from
demerits. It may damage our hearing and brain.
(a) wonderful (synonym) (b) success (antonym) (c) up-to-date (antonym) (d) demerit (synonym) (e) damage (synonym)

8. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 0.5x10=5
With the destruction of forests and pressure of hunting we have lost Tigers,Bears and Gaur in mid-
19th century. There have been reports of Sumatran Rhinoceros from northeast Bangladesh in the
18th century and the last record of the Great Hombill from Lawachara National Park was in 1990.
All those things from the past puzzled a man much till he passed through our rivers and streams,
fresh water lakes and marshes, haors. baors, beels and estuarine systems with extensive mangrove
swamps. Most of the inland wetlands are now converted to agricultural fields and other
development pushing once common species to the last remaining pockets of wetlands in the
northeast Bangladesh.
(a) destruction (synonym) (b) forest (synonym) (c) report (synonym) (d) puzzle (synonym) (e) pass
(antonym) (f) extensive (synonym) (g) convert (antonym) (h) push (antonym) (i) common
(antonym) (j) remain (synonym).
9. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. 0.5x10=5
You must have come across the name of Leo Tolstoy, a great writer (a) — world literature. No
novelists stand parallel (b) — him. All his novels and short stories convey a message (c) — us. His
purpose (d) — writing was the purification (e) — human mind and soul (f) — all kinds of evils and
misjudgement. His heroes suffer (g) — inner conflict, pass (h) — ups and downs of life and
struggle (i) — deprivation caused (j) — feudal and bourgeois society.
10. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. 0.5x10=5
Take my cordial love (a) — the very outset. You know the serious consequences (b) — abstaining
(c) — classes day after day. You also know that those who are not attending classes regularly can’t
follow the lectures and find no interest (d) — studies. As such they engage themselves (e) — mass
copying (f) —- the examination. We know (g) — this that one crime begets another and so they
commit crime being entangled (h) — so may immoral activities (i) — the society. So we should
abide (j) — the rules of the institution.
11. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. 0.5x10=5
I am fed up (a) — the next door neighbour. His room is adjacent (b) — my room. Always he keeps
his TV (c) — . There is sound (d) —-— dragging (e) — chair and table. When I try to concentrate
(f)— my studies, a blaring sound comes (g) — the next door. In winter I can tolerate it (h) — some
extent (i) — closing the windows but it becomes very unbearable (j) — summer.
12. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. 0.5x10=5
Corruption is a curse (a) — our society. It has led our country (b) — a complete ruin. The economy
(c) — the country is (d) — the brink (e) — ruin. According to the TIB, Bangladesh is marked (f) —
the most corrupt country (g) — the world. There is no way to get rid (h) — corruption. The govt.
cannot cope (i) — corruption. So we should try to keep ourselves aloof (j) — corruption.

13. Write a paragraph on “Impacts of Covid-19”. (Include Topic sentence, Supporting Detail and
Concluding idea) 10

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