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台灣處處通(Traffic in Taiwan)


學一點生詞(Learn some words and phrases)

繁體字 简体字 拼音 英文翻譯
Traditional Chinese Characters Simplified Chinese Characters Pinyin Translation
1. 交通工具 交通工具 jiāotōng gōngjù transportation
2. 機車 摩托车 jīchē/mótuōchē scooter, motorcycle
3. 捷運 地铁 jiéyùn/dìtiě subway
4. 火車 火车 huǒchē train
5. 高鐵/高速鐵路 高铁/高速铁路 gāotiě/gāosùtiělù high-speed rail
6. 車廂 车厢 chēxiāng locomotive carriage
7. 輕軌 有轨电车 qīngguǐ/yǒuguǐdiànchē light rail transit
8. 渡船 渡船 dùchuán ferry
9. 刷卡機 刷卡机 shuākǎjī card reader
10. 手扶梯 手扶梯 shǒufútī escalator
11. 口罩 口罩 kǒuzhào face mask
12. 鑰匙 钥匙 yàoshí key
13. 雨衣 雨衣 yǔyī raincoat
14. 外套 外套 wàitào coat
15. 安全帽 安全帽 ānquánmào helmet
16. (機車)騎士 (摩托车)骑士 qíshì motorcyclist
17. 外送員 外送员 wàisòngyuán deliveryman
18. (菜)市場 (菜)市场 (cài)shìchǎng market
19. (馬)路 (马)路 mǎlù road
20. 巷 巷 xiàng alley
21. 路口 路口 lùkǒu intersection
22. 紅綠燈 信号灯 hónglǜdēng/xìnhàodēng traffic light
23. 交通號誌 交通号志 Jiāotōng hàozhì traffic sign
24. (公車、火車)站 (公交车、火车)站 gong(jiāo)chē/huǒchē zhàn (bus, train) station
25. 加油站 加油站 jiāyóuzhàn gas station
多學一點生詞(Learn more words and phrases)
繁體字 简体字 拼音 英文翻譯
Traditional Chinese Characters Simplified Chinese Characters Pinyin Translation
26. 鐵軌 铁轨 tiěguǐ rail
27. 行人 行人 hángrén pedestrian
28. 行人穿越道/斑馬線 斑马线 hángrénchuānyuèdào/ pedestrian crossing
29. 待轉區 待转区 dàizhuǎnqū motorcycle waiting zone
30. 港口 港口 gǎngkǒu port
31. 路燈 路灯 lùdēng street lamp
32. 速限 速限 sùxiàn speed limit
33. 儀表板 仪表板 yíbiǎobǎn dashboard
34. 電線桿 电线杆 diànxiàngǎn telephone pole
35. 站務員 站务员 zhànwù yuán station attendant
36. 左/右轉 左/右拐 zuǒ/yòu zhuǎn/guǎi to turn left/right
37. 塞車 堵车 sāichē/dǔchē traffic jam
38. 購票 购票 gòu piào buy tickets
39. 怎麼去 怎么去 zěnme qù how to get to
40. 搭…來/去… 搭...来/去... dā... lái/qù... take (transportation) to

We will discuss these questions during the session. Maybe you can prepare how you will answer the
questions during the discussion.

1. 在美國你常用哪些交通工具?為什麼?
Zài Měiguó nǐ cháng yòng nǎ xiē jiāotōng gōngjù?Wèishéme?
Which kinds of transportation do you usually use in the US? why?
2. 請說說你在美國(或在國外)最喜歡的旅行方式(比如騎自行車、開車、搭飛機),為什麼?
Qǐng shuō shuō nǐ zài Měiguó (huò zài guówài) zuì xǐhuān de lǚxíng fāngshì (bǐrú qí zìxíngchē, kāi
chē, dā fēijī), Wèishéme?
Please talk about your favorite way when traveling in the US (or abroad), such as riding a
bicycle, driving a vehicle, or taking a plane, and why?
3. 在美國幾歲可以考駕照?對美國人來說,可以開車很重要嗎?
Zài Měiguó jǐ suì kěyǐ kǎo jiàzhào? Duì Měiguó rén lái shuō,kěyǐ kāichē hěn zhòngyào ma?
How old can a person get a driver’s license in the US? Is it important for Americans to be able to drive?
4. 如果你的朋友打算去美國旅行,你會介紹什麼地方給他?那個地方應該怎麼去?
Rúguǒ nǐ de péngyǒu dǎsuàn qù Měiguó lǚxíng, nǐ huì jièshào shénme dìfāng gěi tā?Nà gè dìfāng
yīnggāi zěnme qù?
If your friend is going to travel in the US, what place would you recommend to him/her? How can
he/she get there?

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