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8/10/2016 How 

to encrypt email in Thunderbird (PNPKI.How to encrypt email in Thunderbird) ­ XWiki

PNPKI (/iwiki/bin/view/PNPKI/PNPKI) /  How to encrypt email in Thunderbird

How to encrypt email in Thunderbird

Last modied by Jonaliza Binuhe (/iwiki/bin/view/XWiki/JonaBinuhe) on 2015/12/02 15:03

Email Signing and Encryption

Email Signing and Encryption
Thunderbird in Ubuntu
Import CA Certicates
Import your Personal Certicates
How to Digitally Sign and encrypt your email
Thunderbird in Windows

This document covers how to sign and or encrypt your email using digital certicates. Signing and
encryption varies with di�蚼erent email clients.

It also covers signing and encryption in the following email clients: Thunderbird in Ubuntu and
Thunderbird in Windows

Thunderbird in Ubuntu
Thunderbird has a di�蚼erent keystore with Firefox so we rst need to import your certicates onto
Thunderbird’s keystore.

Import CA Certicates
In order to use your certicate you need to import the CA certicates in your browser if you haven’t

1. Download and extract CA Certicates atcates

2. Open Firefox and go to Edit >> Preferences>>Advanced>>View Certicates 1/15
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3. Click on Authorities Tab then Import button.

4. Navigate to where you stored the PhilippinePKI CA certicates then click Open. 

5. Check the following options then click OK. 2/15
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6. If you have successfully installed all certicates you should see ve (5) certicates under DOST.

Import your Personal Certicates

Now that you imported the CA Certicates the next step would be to import your personal certicates
onto Thunderbirds’s keystore.

1.Click on Edit then Preferences. 3/15
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2.Click on Advanced then View Certicates.

3.Import Your Digital Certicates under Your Certicates. 4/15
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4.Navigate to where you stored your and select your digital certicates.

5.Enter password that encrypt the Certicates

6.Your Certicates are successfully attached to Thunderbird as shown below. 5/15
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How to Digitally Sign and encrypt your email

1.In encrypting emails you need to install the public key of your receiver under People. Procedures for
doing so are the same as importing your personal certicate.  Public keys are usually in pem format or
crt format.

2.Edit Account Setting. 6/15
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3.Select Security then View certicates.

4.Select and input your Digital Certicates under Digital Signature and Encryption.

5.You can Digitally Sign and/or Encrypt your message by clicking on the security tab. 7/15
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Thunderbird in Windows
1. Install Thunderbird

2. Select where to install the program 8/15
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3. Finish installation.

4. Choose default use of Thunderbird

5. Select Skip this and use my existing mail 9/15
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6. Input your prepared email address

7. Input your email credentials then click Done. 10/15
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8. Thunderbird will probe your email and check servers

9. If gure below appears click Conrm Security Exception.

10.Start using your Thunderbird 11/15
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11.Import CA Certicate in Thunderbird keystore

12.Download the following CA certicates atcates. Right click at the

download link and Save link as.

13. Click on Write the go to Tools then select Account Settings.

14.Then select Security then View Certicates 12/15
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15. Click on Authorities tab then click on Import.

16. Navigate to the folder where you stored the root certicate (PhilippinePKI.pem). 

If you do not see your certicate click on the button beside the le name and choose All les. 13/15
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17. Check the following as shown on the image.

18. You should now see the ve (5) certicates under DOST under Authorities tab.

19.Import your Personal Digital Certicates under Your Certicates

Tags: Created by Christian Dave Mah

(/iwiki/bin/view/XWiki/ChristianMah) on 2015/07/22 09:07 14/15
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