How To Evoke Angel Arzel

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The Angel of Universal Secrets

The next secret is to make use of an easily-contacted angel, who makes the rest of the work simple. The
angel in charge of this operation is the archangel Raziel. In this book you get access to all the tools
required to contact Raziel, who then gives you access to the other angels in this book. Raziel is the
gatekeeper of this magick.

To contact Raziel, you will first speak to an aspect of Raziel known as Arzel. In traditional magick, the
angel Arzel is used to give you access to the powers of other angels. When you look at the original
Hebrew, the spelling of Arzel is identical to the spelling of Raziel, apart from one silent letter . In other
words, when said out loud, they are the same name. The Gallery of Magick believe that the angel Arzel
is actually an aspect of Raziel. Arzel is the gateway angel to the archangel Raziel.

Many people report that Arzel is the easiest angel to call. You simply call for help (without any sigil or
any ritual other than relaxation), and you feel a presence. The same is not true of the traditional Raziel,
who can be difficult to contact. By calling first to Arzel, you are given access to Raziel, who grants you
contact with any of the seventy-two angels.

As our investigations into this magick continued, we found an additional method for ensuring that Arzel
hears your call. By reciting part of Psalm 80 of the Tehillim, you can call Arzel. All you need to do is face
East and say:

Kosu hariym tzilah va'anafeha arzey-El

The actual translation of this verse is, ‘The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs
thereof were like the goodly cedars.’ Although the transliteration of the Hebrew includes the phrase
‘arzey-El’, there is no direct mention of an angel called Arzel. Despite this, the call seems to work with
dramatic efficiency, probably because angel names are frequently encoded in Biblical passages. Indeed,
the names of the seventy-two angels are derived from this very style of three-letter encoding. Lines
from the Psalms are used to contact the angels, so it is little wonder that this Psalm can also be used to
call on Arzel, who then grants access to Raziel. (Interestingly, many people who call Arzel, catch a brief
scent of cedars.)

We have also contacted Raziel directly, using full evocation, to check that our approach was correct. The
answers we received made it clear to us that our method works. That is all we needed to know.

In terms of practical use, you will call on Arzel using the following pronunciations: ARE-ZELL, ARE-ZALE,
and ARE-ZAY-ELL, followed by a direct call to Raziel. This method covers all the traditional
pronunciations, and leads you to a sound that is very close to the pronunciation of Raziel, making
contact with Raziel occur easily.

People will argue about magickal pronunciation for years – literally years, even decades – but there is no
finer method for finding out what works best than experimentation. We have taken all this knowledge
and the most detailed experiments have shown that this combination of pronunciations is the best
approach. Do not worry about getting it exactly right. The angels will sense your call, and do not sit on
high waiting for the correct pronunciation. When they hear your call, they respond.

When you call as instructed, know that you are calling Raziel, who will come to you easily, and brings a
sense of light and peace that makes contact with other angels simple. Raziel is said to hold the secrets of
the universe, and this gives you the power to contact angels and get them to perform alchemy in your

The opening phrase used in the ritual is:


NAH-KAH is a simple way to pronounce the Hebrew word NawKar. (For those with an interest in
Hebrew, this is spelt Nun Kaph Resh.) This word usually means ‘recognized’, but when stated in the
active form it can mean ‘to recognize’. So you are saying that you will recognize EE-AH-OH-EH. This is my
preferred way of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton, the so-called unutterable name of God. As such, the
phrase means that you intend to recognize God. This statement helps to get Raziel’s attention and

If you believe in God, there’s no problem. If you don’t, then as an occultist you probably believe in some
force that creates and provides, and you know that all magick is an attempt to contact and guide this
force. Know that when you make the above call, you are reaching out to the creative force of the
universe, to recognize it in your life. When you say NAH-KAH EE-AH-OH-EH you are calling for magick to
thunder through your life.

By making this call you urge Raziel to be much more co-operative, and the system works far, far more
effectively. You may also find that your magick provides results that make you appreciate the wonder,
dignity and grace of your life more deeply.



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