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Free access to the courts and quasi-

MIDTERM REVIEWER judicial bodies and adequate legal
assistance shall not be denied to any
Criminal Law – that branch or division of law person by reason of poverty
which defines crimes, treats of their nature,
and provides for their punishment

Crime – an act committed or omitted in

violation of a public law forbidding or Statutory Rights of The Accused:
commanding it.
– this is in violation of a general law 1. To be presumed innocent until proven
– does not only mean an act of doing, guilty
but also of not doing 2. To be informed of the nature and cause
of the accusation against him
Sources of Philippine Criminal Law: 3. To be present and defend in person
(R-S-P) and by counsel at every stage of
proceedings, from arraignment to
1. The Revised Penal Code and its promulgation of the judgment
amendments 4. To testify as a witness in his own
2. Special Penal Laws behalf but subject to cross-
3. Penal Presidential Decrees issued examination on matters covered by
during Martial Law direct examination
5. To be exempt from being compelled to
Limitations on The Power of the be a witness against himself
Lawmaking body to Enact Penal 6. To confront and cross-examine the
Legislation: witnesses against him at the trial
7. To have compulsory process issued to
1. No ex post facto law secure the attendance of witnesses and
2. Bill of attainder production of other evidence in his
3. Law that violates the equal protection behalf
clause of the constitution 8. To have a speedy, impartial and public
4. Law which imposes cruel and unusual trial
punishments nor excessive fines 9. To appeal in all cases allowed and in
the manner prescribed by law
Constitutional Rights of The Accused
(Article III, Bill of Rights): Characteristics of Criminal Law:
1. Right to a speedy disposition
2. No person shall be held to answer 1. General – it is binding on all persons
without due process of law who live or sojourn in Philippine
3. Right to bail shall not be impaired even territory
when there is a suspension of the EXCEPTIONS:
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus a. Treaties or treaty
4. Right to be heard by himself and stipulations
counsel, to be informed b. Law of preferential
5. No person shall be compelled to be a application
witness against himself c. Principles of public
6. Excessive fines shall not be imposed , international law
nor cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment inflicted Persons exempt from the operation of our
7. No person shall be twice put in criminal laws by virtue of the principles of
jeopardy of punishment for the same public international law*:
offense twice
I. Sovereigns and other chiefs of EXCEPTIONS TO THE EXCEPTIONS:
state; a. where the new law is expressly
II. Ambassadors, ministers made inapplicable to pending
plenipotentiary, ministers actions or existing causes of action;
resident, and charges d’affaires b. where the offender is a habitual
*exempt because of the agreements of the criminal
United Nations due to the fact that these are
the representatives from one government to *always remember that the penalties should be
another government. LESS EVIL when the accused is NOT A
*a consul is not entitled to the privileges and HABITUAL DELINQUENT.
immunities of an ambassador or minister, BUT
he is subject to the laws and regulations of the Construction of Penal Laws:
country to which he is accredited.
1. Penal laws are strictly construed
2. Territory – undertake to punish crimes against the Government and liberally
committed within Philippine territory in favor of the accused.
EXCEPTIONS: 2. Construction or interpretation of the
a. offenses committed while provisions of the RPC, the Spanish
on a Philippine ship or text is controlling.
b. forging or counterfeiting
any coin or currency note of
the Philippine government
or obligations and securities
issued by the Government of
the Philippines;
c. liable for acts connected
with the introduction into
the Philippines of the
obligations and securities
that are forged or
d. offenses committed while in
the exercise of their
functions as public officers
or employees;
e. offenses committed against
national security and the
law of nations (Title 1, Book
2, RPC)

3. Prospective – penal laws cannot make

an act punishable in a manner in which
it was not punishable when committed
a. when a new statute
establishes conditions
more lenient or favorable to
the accused, then it can be
given retroactive effect.
ARTICLE 1. This Code shall take effect on maritime zone, but also outside of its
the first day of January, nineteen hundred jurisdiction, against those who:
and thirty-two.
1. Should commit an offense while on a
Theories in Criminal Law: Philippine ship or airship;
2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin
1. Classical Theory – man is aware of or currency note of the Philippine
right versus wrong, but chooses to Islands or obligations and securities
commit a wrong in which it is thereby issued by the Government of the
punished as vengeance for a wrongful Philippine Islands;
(or criminal) act 3. Should be liable for acts connected
with the introduction into these
Characteristics of the classical theory: Islands of the obligations and
securities mentioned in the
a. basis of criminal liability is preceding number;
human free will and the purpose 4. While being public officers or
of the penalty is retribution; employees, should commit an
b. man is essentially a moral offense in the exercise of their
creature, and placing more functions; or
stress upon the effect or result of 5. Should commit any of the crimes
the felonies act than upon the against national security and the
man, himself. law of nations, defined in Title One
c. Establishes a mechanical and of Book Two of this Code.
direct proportion between crime
and penalty. RULES:
d. Scant regard to the human
element 1. Philippine Vessels
a. Still considered within the
2. Positivist Theory – considers the national territory even if
factors that could have caused man to beyond three miles from the
commit a crime, such as hunger or seashore
extreme poverty b. Must be registered in the
Philippine Bureau of Customs
Characteristics of the positivist theory: for it to be considered as a
Philippine vessel or airship
a. man is subdues occasionally by a 2. Crimes that may be committed in the
strange and morbid exercise of public functions
phenomenon which constraints a. Direct bribery (Art. 210)
him to do wrong b. Indirect bribery (Art. 211)
b. crime is essentially a social and c. Frauds against the public
natural phenomenon, and it treasury (Art. 213)
cannot be treated and checked d. Possession of prohibited
by the application of abstract interest (Art. 216)
principles of law and e. Malversation of public funds or
jurisprudence nor by the property (Art. 217)
imposition of a punishment f. Failure of accountable officer to
render accounts (Art. 218)
ARTICLE 2. Except as provided in the g. Illegal use of public funds or
treaties and laws of preferential property (Art. 220)
application, the provisions of this Code h. Failure to make delivery of
shall be enforced not only within the public funds or property (Art.
Philippine Archipelago, including its 221)
atmosphere, its interior waters and
i.Falsification by a public officer
or employee committed with Act – any bodily movement tending to
abuse of his official position produce some effect in the external world
(Art. 171)
3. Crimes against national security Omission – failure to perform a duty required
a. Treason (Art. 114) by law; a voluntary act
b. Conspiracy and proposal to
commit treason (Art. 115) Elements of Felonies:
c. Espionage (Art. 117) (A-P-M)
d. Inciting to war and giving
motives for reprisals (Art. 118) 1. There must be an act or omission
e. Violation of neutrality (Art. 2. The act or omission must be
119) punishable by the RPC
f. Correspondence with hostile 3. The act is performed or the omission
country (Art. 120) incurred by means of dolo or culpa
g. Flight to enemy’s country (Art.
h. Privacy and mutiny on the high LEGE (there is no crime when there is no law
seas (Art. 122) punishing it)

Rules as to jurisdiction over crimes Classification of Felonies according to the

committed aboard foreign merchant mean by which they are committed:
1. Intentional Felonies – the act or
1. French Rule – crimes are not triable in omission by the offender is malicious
the courts of that country, unless their a. These are felonies committed
commission affects the peace and with deceit (dolo)
security of the territory or the b. Dolus = malice, the intent to do
safety of the state is endangered. an injury to another
2. English Rule – crimes are triable in
that country, unless they merely Requisites of dolo or malice:
affect things within the vessel or  Freedom while doing an act or
they refer to the internal omitting to do an act
management thereof. o a person who acts under
*The Philippines follows the English Rule. the compulsion of an
ARTICLE 3. Acts and omissions punishable exempt from criminal
by law are felonies. liability
o a person who acts under
Felonies are committed not only by means the impulse of an
of deceit (dolo) but also by means of fault UNCONTROLLABLE fear
(culpa). of an equal or greater
There is deceit when the act is performed injury is exempt from
with deliberate intent; and there is fault criminal liability
when the wrongful act results from  Intelligence while doing the act
imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight, or omitting to do the act
or lack of skill.  Intent while doing the act or
omitting to do the act
Felonies – are acts and omissions punishable
by the RPC. Mistake of fact – relieves the accused
from criminal liability; a
Crime – are acts and omissions punishable misapprehension of fact on the part of
by any law
the person who caused injury to person performing the act complained to be
another innocent
Requisites of mistake of fact
as a defense: Reasons why the act or omission in
 act would have been lawful felonies must be voluntary:
had the facts been as the
accused believed them to be 1. RPC continues to base on the Classical
 intention of the accused in Theory, which the basis of criminal
performing the act should be liability is human free will
lawful 2. Acts or omissions punished by the law
 mistake must be without fault are always deemed voluntary since
or carelessness on the part of man is a rational being
the accused 3. Felonies by dolo, act is performed with
deliberate intent;
*In mistake of fact, the act done by the accused Felonies by culpa, imprudence consists
would have constituted: justifying voluntarily without malice, failing to
circumstances, an absolutory cause, or an do an act from which material injury
involuntary act results
*Error in personae or mistake in identity of the
victim, the principle of mistake of fact does not Requisites of culpa or fault:
apply  Freedom while doing an act or
omitting to do an act
Criminal intent is necessary in felonies  Intelligence while doing the act
committed by dolo: or omitting to do the act
 Imprudent, negligent, or lacks
Criminal intent is necessary in felonies foresight while doing the act or
committed by means of dolo because of these omitting to do the act
legal maxims:
 Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea – Mala In Se VS. Mala Prohibita
the act itself does not make a man
guilty unless his intentions were so MALA IN MALA
 Actus me invite factus non est meus SE PROHIBITA
actus – an act done by me against my Moral trait
will is not my act of the Not Considered
NOT a defense;
2. Culpable Felonies – the act or omission intent is not
by the offender is not malicious necessary-
a. These are committed without sufficient that
deceit, but with fault (culpa) Good faith the offender
the crime
b. Imprudence indicates a as a defense has the intent
is in the
deficiency of nature (lack of to perpetrate
result of
skill) the act
c. Negligence indicates a prohibited by
deficiency of perception (lack of the special law
foresight) Degree of Taken into
accomplish account only
*A criminal act is presumed to be voluntary. ment of the when
Fact prevails over assumption. crime consummated
*Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea – a Mitigating & Taken GENERALLY
crime is not committed if the mind of the aggravating into not taken into
circumstanc account in account
penalties 1. That an intentional felony has been
When committed
there is 2. That the wrong done to the aggrieved
more than party be direct, natural, and logical
Degree of one GENERALLY consequence of the felony committed
participatio offender, not taken into
n it is taken account Since the offender is still motivated by
into criminal intent, the offender is still
considera criminally liable in crimes which are:
tion a. Error in personae – mistake in identity
General Rule: b. Abberatio ictus – mistake in blow
Laws General c. Praetor intentionem – lack of intent to
Special Penal
violated Rule: RPC commit so grave a wrong

Intent VS. Motive *If a man creates in another person’s mind an

immediate sense of danger, which causes such
INTENT MOTIVE person to try to escape, and, in so doing, the
Purpose to use a latter injures himself, the man who creates
Moving power which such state of mind is responsible for the
particular means to
impels one to act resulting injuries
effect a result
Element of crime
except in crimes Not an element of Proximate Cause – that cause, which, in
committed with crime natural and continuous sequence, unbroken
culpa by any efficient intervening cause, produces
Essential only when the injury, and without which the result
Essential in would not have occurred.
the identity of the
intentional felonies
felon is in doubt
Proximate Legal Cause – that acting first and
ARTICLE 4. Criminal liability shall be producing the injury, either immediately, or
incurred: by setting other events in motion, all
constituting a natural and continuous chain of
1. By any person committing a felony events, each having a close causal connection
(delito) although the wrongful act with its immediate predecessor
done be different from that which
he intended. *There must be a relation of “cause and effect”;
2. By any person performing an act the cause being the felonious act of the
which would be an offense against offender, the effect being the resultant injuries
persons or property, were it not for and/or death of the victim
the inherent impossibility of its
accomplishment or on account of Death of the victim is presumed to be the
the employment of inadequate or natural consequence of physical injuries
ineffectual means. inflicted when:

Paragraph 1. Criminal liability for a felony 1. The victim at the time of the physical
committed different from that which was injuries were inflicted was in normal
intended health
2. That death may be expected from the
El que es causa de la causa del mal causado – physical injuries inflicted
he who is the cause of the cause is the cause of 3. That death ensued within a reasonable
the evil caused time
Requisites of Par1, Art4: Paragraph 2. Impossible Crimes
Requisites of impossible crime: 1. Act committed by the accused appears
not punishable by any law
1. The act performed would be an offense 2. The court deems it proper to repress
against persons or property such act
2. The act done was with evil intent 3. The court must render the proper
3. That its accomplishment in inherently decision by dismissing the case and
impossible, or that the means acquitting the accused
employed is either inadequate or 4. The judge must then make a report to
ineffectual the Chief Executive, through the
4. The act performed should not Secretary of Justice, stating the reasons
constitute a violation of another which induce him to believe that the
provision of the RPC said act should be made the subject of
penal legislation.
*There should be either legal impossibility or
physical impossibility of accomplishing the Basis of the paragraph:
intended act. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege – there is
no crime if there is no law that punishes the act
Purpose of the law in punishing the
impossible crime: Paragraph 2. Cases of excessive penalties
To suppress criminal propensity or criminal
tendencies. Objectively, the offender has not Requisites:
committed a felony, but subjectively, he is a
criminal. 1. The court after trial finds the accused
ARTICLE 5. Whenever a court has 2. The penalty provided by law and
knowledge of any act which it may deem which the court imposes for the crime
proper too repress and which is not committed appears to be clearly
punishable by law, it shall render the excessive, because
proper decision and shall report to the a. The accused acted with lesser
Chief Executive, through the Department degree of malice, and
of Justice, the reasons which induce the b. There is no injury or the injury
court to believe that said act should be caused is of lesser gravity
made the subject of penal legislation. 3. The court should not suspend the
execution of the sentence
In the same way, the court shall submit it 4. The judge should submit a statement
the Chief Executive, through the to the Chief Executive, through the
Department of Justice, such statement as Secretary of Justice, recommending
may be deemed proper, without executive clemency
suspending the execution of the sentence,
when a strict enforcement of the *Article 5 of the RPC may not be invoked in
provisions of this Code would result in the cases involving acts mala prohibita, because
imposition of a clearly excessive penalty, said article only applies to acts mala in se.
taking into consideration the degree of
malice and the injury caused by the ARTICLE 6. Consummated felonies, as well
offense. as those which are frustrated and
attempted, are punishable.
Paragraph 1. Trial of a criminal case
A felony is consummated when all the
elements necessary for its exception and
accomplishment are present; and it is
Requisites: frustrated when the offender performs all
the acts of execution which would produce
the felony as a consequence but which,
nevertheless, do not produce it by reason
of causes independent of the will of the Stages of the Acts of Execution:
1. Attempted Felony
There is an attempt when the offender Elements of attempted felonies:
commences the commission of a felony a. offender commences the
directly by overt acts, and does not commission of the felony directly
perform all the acts of execution which by overt acts
should produce the felony by reason of b. does not perform all the acts of
some cause or accident other than his own execution which should produce
spontaneous desistance. the felony
c. offender’s acts is not stopped by
Consummated Felony – all the elements his own spontaneous desistance
necessary for the execution and d. non-performance of all acts of
accomplishment are present execution was due to cause or
accident other than his
Frustrated Felony – offender performs all the spontaneous desistance
acts of execution which would produce the
felony as a consequence but which, Indeterminate Offense – purpose of the
nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of offender in performing an act is not
causes independent of the will of the certain. Its nature in relation to its
perpetrator objective is ambiguous

Attempted Felony – offender commences the *The intention of the accused must be
commission of a felony directly by overt acts, ascertained from the facts and,
and does not perform all the acts of execution therefore, it is necessary tjat the mind
which should produce the felony by reason of be able to directly infe from them the
some cause or accident other than his own intention of the perpetrator to cause a
spontaneous desistance particular injury
*Only offenders who personally execute
Overt acts – some physical activity or deed, the commission of a crime can be guilty
indicating the intention to commit a particular of attempted felony.
crime, more than a mere planning or *Desistance should be made before all
preparation, which if carried to its complete acts of execution are performed
termination following its natural course,
without being frustrated by external obstacles Subjective Phase of the Offense – that
nor by the voluntary desistance of the portion of the acts constituting the
perpetrator, will logically and necessarily crime, starting from the point where
ripen into concrete offense the offender begins the commission of
the crime to that point where he has
Development of crime: still control over his acts, including
their natural course; if the offender is
1. Internal acts – mere ideas in the mind stopped by any cause outside of his
of a person, are not punishable even own voluntary desistance, the
if, had they been carried out, they subjective phase has no been passed
would constitute a crime and it is an attempt.
2. External acts
a. Preparatory acts – ordinarily,
not punishable; except when 2. Frustrated Felony
the law provides for their Elements of frustrated felonies:
punishment in certain felonies a. offender performs all the acts of
b. Acts of execution – they are execution
punishable under the RPC
b. all the acts performed would General Rule: Light felonies are punishable
produce the felony as a only when they have been consummated
consequence Exception: Light felonies committed
c. but the felony is not produced against persons or property, are
d. by reason of causes independent punishable even if attempted or
of the will of the perpetrator frustrated
Reason for exception: moral
3. Consummated Felony depravity

Manner of committing the crime ARTICLE 8. Conspiracy and proposal to

commit felony are punishable only in the
1. Formal crimes – consummated in one cases in which the law specially provides a
instant, no attempt (e.g. Slander, False penalty therefor.
Testimony, Adultery)
2. Crimes consummated by mere attempt A conspiracy exists when two or more
or proposal or by overt act (e.g. persons come to an agreement concerning
Corruption of minors, Flight to one’s the commission of a felony and decide to
enemy country) commit it.
3. Felony by omission – no attempted
stage because there is no act There is proposal when the person who
performed in the first place has decided to commit a felony proposes
4. Crimes requiring the intervention of its execution to some other person or
two persons to commit them are persons.
consummated by mere agreement
5. Material crimes – when the crime is General Rule: Conspiracy and proposal to
not consummated in one instant or by commit a felony are not punishable
a single act (e.g. consummated rape, Exception: They are punishable only
attempted homicide) in the cases in which the law specially
provides a penalty therefor.
ARTICLE 7. Light felonies are punishable Reason for exception: conspiracy and
only when they have been consummated, proposal to commit a crime are only
with the exception of those committed preparatory acts, and the law regards
against persons or property. them as innocent or at least
permissible except in rare and
Light felonies – infractions of law for the exceptional cases
commission of which the penalty of arresto
menor or a fine not exceeding Php200, or When the conspiracy relates to a crime
both, is provided actually committed, it is not a felony but
only a matter of incurring criminal liability,
Light felonies punished by the RPC: that is, when there is conspiracy, the act of
a. Slight physical injuries (Art. one is the act of all.
b. Theft (Art. 309, par7&8) When the conspiracy is only a manner of
c. Alteration of boundary marks incurring criminal liability, it is not
(Art. 313) punishable as a separate offense
d. Malicious mischief (Art. 328,
par3; Art. 329, par3)
e. Intriguing against honor (Art.
*ARRESTO MENOR = 1 day to 30 days
imprisonment General Rule: The act of one is the act of all
Exception: Unless one or more of the
conspirators committed some other
crime which is not part of the intended 2. To determine the prescription of the
crime crime and the penalty
Exception to the exception:
when the act constitutes an Penalties (Imprisonment):
indivisible offense
1. Grave felonies – afflictive penalties; 6
Requisites of Conspiracy: years and 1 day to reclusion perpetua
(life imprisonment)
1. Two or more persons come to an 2. Less grave felonies – correctional
agreement penalties; 1 month and 1 day to 6 years
2. The agreement concerned the 3. Light felonies – arresto menor; 1 day to
commission of a felony 30 days
3. The execution of the felony be decided
upon ARTICLE 10. Offenses which are or in the
future may be punishable under special
Concepts of Conspiracy: laws are not subject to the provisions of
this Code. This Code shall be
1. As a crime itself (e.g. conspiracy to supplementary to such laws, unless the
commit rebellion, treason, coup d’ etat, latter should specially provide the
sedition, insurrection) contrary.
2. Merely as a means to commit a crime
General Rule: The RPC shall be
Requisites of Proposal: supplementary to special laws
1. A person has decided to commit a 1. When the special law provides
felony otherwise
2. That he proposes its execution to some 2. When the provision of the RPC are
other person or persons impossible of application, either by
express provision or by necessary
ARTICLE 9. Grave felonies are those which implication
the law attaches the capital punishment or
penalties which in any of their periods are
afflictive, in accordance with Article 25 of
this Code.

Less grave felonies are those which the law

punishes with penalties which in their
maximum period are correctional, or in
accordance with the above-mentioned

Light felonies are those infractions of law

for the commission of which the penalty of
arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200
pesos, or both, is provided.

Importance of Classification:

1. To determine whether the felonies can

be complexed or not
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his
SPECIAL person or rights, provided that the
LAWS following circumstances concur:
correcciona First. Unlawful aggression;
Imprisonmen l, prision Second. Reasonable necessity
t mayor, of the means employed to
arresto prevent or repel it;
mayor, etc Third. Lack of sufficient
General Rule: provocation on the part of the
NOT person defending himself.
or 2. Anyone who acts in the defense of
Exception: Punishable
Frustrated the person or rights of his spouse,
Stages ascendants, descendants, or
stated legitimate, natural, or adopted
Plea of brothers or sisters, or of his
guilty as relatives by affinity in the same
mitigating No Yes degrees, and those by consanguinity
circumstanc within the fourth civil degree,
e provided that the first and second
Minimum, requisites prescribed in the next
medium and Not preceding circumstance are present,
Yes and the further requisite, in case the
maximum applicable
periods provocation was given by the
General Rule: person attacked, that the one
None making the defense had no part
Penalty for therein.
accessory or Yes 3. Anyone who acts in defense of the
accomplice person or rights of a stranger,
stated provided that the first and second
requisites mentioned in the first
Suppletory Application of the RPC: circumstance of this article are
present and that the person
1. Subsidiary Penalty defending be not induced by
2. Civil Liability revenge, resentment or other evil
3. Rules on Service of Sentence motive.
4. Definition on Principals, Accomplices 4. Any person who, in order to avoid
and Accessories an evil or injury, does an act which
5. Principle of Conspiracy causes damage to another, provided
that the following requisites are
*When the special law adopts the penalties present:
imposed in the RPC, the provisions of the RPC
on imposition of penalties based on stages of First. That the evil sought to
execution, degree of participation and be avoided actually exists;
attendance of mitigating and aggravating Second. That the injury
circumstances may be applied by necessary feared be greater than that
implication done to avoid it.
Third. That there be no other
ARTICLE 11. The following do not incur practical and less harmful
any criminal liability: means of preventing it.
5. Any person who acts in the
fulfillment of a duty or in the lawful a. Weapon used by the aggressor
exercise of a right or office. b. Physical condition, character,
6. Any person who acts in obedience to size and other circumstances of
an order issued by a superior for the aggressor
some lawful purpose. c. Physical condition, character,
size and other circumstances of
Justifying Circumstance – where the act of a person defending himself
person is in accordance with law such that d. Place and occasion of assault
said person is deemed not to have violated the
law 3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the
part of the person defending himself
General Rule: No criminal and civil liability is Reason: the one defending himself must
incurred not have given cause for the aggression
Exception: There is civil liability with by his unjust conduct or by inciting or
respect to paragraph 4 where the provoking the assailant
liability is borne by persons who were
benefited by the act Rights included in self-defense:

Burden of Proof: It is incumbent upon the 1. Defense of person

accused to prove the justifying circumstance 2. Defense of rights protected by law
claimed by him to the satisfaction of the court 3. Defense of property (only if there is
also an actual and imminent danger
Paragraph 1. Self-defense on the person of the one defending)
4. Defense of chastity
Requisites of Self-defense:
Kinds of Self-defense:
1. Unlawful aggression
a. It is an indispensable 1. self-defense of chastity – there must be
requirement an attempt to rape the victim
b. There must be actual physical 2. defense of property – must be coupled
assault or aggression or an with an attack on the person of the
immediate and imminent owner or on one entrusted with the
threat, which must be offensive care of such property
and positively strong, showing 3. self-defense in libel – justified when
the wrongful intent to cause an the libel is aimed at a person’s good
injury name
c. The defense must have been
made during the existence of *VAWC is exempt from criminal and civil
aggression, otherwise, it is no liability despite the absence of the
longer justifying necessary justifying elements
d. While generally an agreement
to fight does not constitute Paragraph 2. Defense of Relatives
unlawful aggression, violation
of the terms of the agreement to Relatives that can be defended:
fight is considered an exception
1. Spouse
2. Reasonable necessity of the means 2. Ascendants
employed to prevent or repel it 3. Descendants
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted brother
and sisters, or relatives by affinity in
Test of Reasonableness depends the same degrees
5. Relatives by consanguinity within the Paragraph 6. Obedience to an order issued
fourth civil degree for some lawful purpose

Requisites of Defense of relatives: Requisites:

1. Unlawful aggression 1. That an order has been issued by a

2. Reasonable necessity of the means superior
employed to prevent or repel it 2. That such order must be for some
3. In case the provocation was given by lawful purpose
the person attacked, the one making a 3. That the means used by the
defense had no part therein subordinate to carry out said order is
Paragraph 3. Defense of Stranger
General Rule: Subordinate cannot invoke this
Requisites of Defense of stranger: circumstance when order is patently illegal
Exception: When there is compulsion
1. Unlawful aggression of an irresistible force, or under
2. Reasonable necessity of the means impulse of uncontrollable fear
employed to prevent or repel it
3. The person defending be not induced *The superior officer giving the order cannot
by revenge, resentment, or other evil invoke this justifying circumstance. Good faith
motive is material, as the subordinate is not liable for
carrying out an illegal order if he is not aware
Strangers – any person not included in the of its illegality and he is not negligent
enumeration of relatives mentioned in
paragraph 2 ARTICLE 12. The following are exempt
from criminal liability:
Paragraph 4. Avoidance of greater evil or
injury 1. An imbecile or an insane person,
unless the latter has acted during a
Elements of Avoidance: lucid interval.

1. The evil sought to be avoided actually When the imbecile or an insane

exists person has committed an act which
2. The injury feared be greater than that the law defines as a felony, the court
done to avoid it shall order his confinement in one
3. That there be no other practical and of the hospitals or asylums
less harmful means of preventing it established for persons thus
afflicted, which he shall not be
Paragraph 5. Fulfillment of Duty or Lawful permitted to leave without first
exercise of right or office obtaining the permission of the
same court.
Requisites of Fulfillment of duty:
2. A person under nine years of age.
1. The accused acted in the performance 3. A person over nine years of age and
of a duty or in the lawful exercise of a under fifteen, unless he has acted
right or office with discernment, in which case,
2. That the injury caused or the offense such minor shall be proceeded
committed be the necessary against in accordance with the
consequence of the due performance provisions of Article 80 of this Code.
of duty or the lawful exercise of such
right or office When such minor is adjudged to be
criminally irresponsible, the court,
in conformity with the provisions of
this and the preceding paragraph, General Rule: Exempt from criminal liability
shall commit him to the care and Exception: The act was done during a
custody of his family who shall be lucid interval
charged with his surveillance and
education; otherwise, he shall be *Dementia Praecox or Schizophrenia – the
committed to the care of some most common from of psychosis that is covered
institution or person mentioned in by the term of insanity; a chronic mental
said Article 80. disorder characterized by inability to
distinguish between fantasy and reality and
4. Any person who, while performing a often accompanied by hallucinations and
lawful act with due care, causes an delusions
injury by mere accident without
fault or intention of causing it. Paragraph 3. Person Over 9 and under 15
5. Any person who acts under the Acting Without Discernment
compulsion of an irresistible force.
6. Any person who acts under the *Amended by RA 9344: “Child above fifteen
impulse of an uncontrollable fear of (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of
an equal or greater injury. age shall be exempt from criminal liability.
7. Any person who fails to perform an However, the child shall be subject to an
act required by law, when intervention program pursuant to Section 20
prevented by some lawful or of this Act.”
insuperable cause.
Periods of Criminal Responsibility:
Exempting Circumstances – grounds for
exemption from punishment because there is 1. Age of absolute irresponsibility – 15
wanting in the agent of the crime any of the years and below (infancy)
conditions which make the act voluntary or 2. Age of conditional responsibility – 15
negligent years and 1 day to 18 years
3. Age of full responsibility – 18 years or
Basis: The exemption is based on the over to 70 (maturity)
complete absence of intelligence, freedom of 4. Age of mitigated responsibility – 15
action, or intent, or on the absence of years and 1 day to 18 years, the
negligence on the part of the accused offender acting with discernment; over
70 years of age
Burden of Proof: Any of the circumstances is
a matter of defense and the same must be Discernment – mental capacity to fully
proved by the defendant to the satisfaction of appreciate the consequences of the unlawful
the court act, which is shown by the:
1. manner the crime was committed
Paragraph 1. Imbecility or Insanity 2. conduct of the offender after its
Imbecile – one while advanced in age has a
mental development comparable to that of
children between 2 and 7 years old. He is
exempt in call cases from criminal liability

Insanity – one who acts with complete

deprivation of intelligence/reason without
the least discernment or with total
deprivation of freedom of will. Mere
abnormality of the mental faculties will not
exclude imputability
Paragraph 4. Accident Without Fault or Actus Me Invito Factus Non Est Meus Actus –
Intention of Causing It an act done by me against my will is not my act

Elements: Paragraph 7. Insuperable Cause

1. A person is performing a lawful act Insuperable Cause – some motive, which has
2. With due care lawfully, morally or physically prevented a
3. He causes an injury to another by mere person to do what the law commands
4. Without fault or intention of causing it Elements:

Paragraph 5. Irresistible Force 1. That an act is required nu law to be

2. That a person fails to perform such act
Irresistible force – offender uses violence or 3. That his failure to perform such act
physical force to compel another person to was due to some lawful or insuperable
commit a crime clause

Elements: Absolutory Causes – where the act committed

is a crime but for some reason of public policy
1. The compulsion is by means of and sentiment, there is no penalty imposed.
physical force Exempting and justifying circumstances are
2. The physical force must be irresistible absolutory causes.
3. The physical force must come from a
third person Examples of Absolutory Causes:
a. spontaneous desistance (Art. 6)
*Force must be irresistible so as to reduce the b. accessories exempt from criminal
individual to a mere instrument liability (Art. 20)
c. death or physical injuries inflicted
Paragraph 6. Uncontrollable Fear under exceptional circumstances (Art.
Uncontrollable fear – offender employ d. persons exempt from criminal liability
intimidation of threat in compelling another from theft, swindling, malicious
to commit a crime mischief (Art. 332)
e. instigation
Duress – use of violence or physical force
*Entrapment is NOT an absolutory cause. A
Elements: buy-bust operation conducted in connection
with illegal drug-related offenses is a form of
1. The threat which causes the fear is of entrapment.
an evil greater than or at least equal to,
that which he is required to commit
2. That it promises an evil of such gravity
and imminence that the ordinary man
would have succumbed to it.

*Duress as a valid defense should be based on

real, imminent, or reasonable fear for one’s life
or limb and should not be speculative, fanciful,
or remote fear. A threat of future injury is not
h. Marriage of the offender with
ENTRAPMENT INSTIGATION the offended party when the
The ways and means Instigator practically crime committed is rape,
are resorted to for the induces the would-be abduction, seduction, or acts of
purpose of trapping accused into the lasciviousness.
and capturing the commission of the i. Instigation
lawbreaker in the offense and himself 5. Guilt of the accused not established
execution of his becomes a co- beyond reasonable doubt.
criminal plan principal 6. Prescription of crimes.
NOT a bar to Accused will be 7. Pardon by the offended party before
accused’s prosecution acquitted the institution of criminal action in
and conviction crime against chastity.
NOT an absolutory Absolutory cause
cause ARTICLE 13. The following are mitigating
1. Those mentioned in the preceding
Complete defenses in criminal cases: chapter, when all the requisites
necessary to justify the act or to
1. Any of the essential elements of the exempt from criminal liability in the
crime charged is not proved by the respective cases are not attendant.
prosecution and the elements proved 2. That the offender is under eighteen
do not constitute any crime. years of age or over seventy years.
2. Act of the accused falls under any of In the case of the minor, he shall be
the justifying circumstances. proceeded against in accordance
3. The case of the accused falls under any with the provisions of Article 80.
of the exempting circumstances. 3. That the offender had no intention
4. The case is covered by any of the to commit so grave a wrong as that
absolutory causes: committed.
a. Spontaneous desistance during 4. That sufficient provocation or
attempted stage and no crime threat on the part of the offended
under another provision of the party immediately preceded the act.
Code or other penal law 5. That the act was committed in the
committed. immediate vindication of a grave
b. Light felony is only attempted offense to the one committing the
or frustrated, and is not against felony, his spouse, ascendants,
persons or property. descendants, legitimate, natural or
c. The accessory is a relative of adopted brothers or sisters, or
the principal. relatives by affinity within the same
d. Legal grounds for arbitrary degrees.
detention. 6. That of having acted upon an
e. Legal grounds for trespass. impulse so powerful as naturally to
f. The crime of theft, swindling or have produced passion or
malicious mischief is committed obfuscation.
against a relative. 7. That the offender has voluntarily
g. When only slight or less serious surrendered himself to a person in
physical injuries are inflicted by authority or his agents, or that he
the person who surprised his had voluntarily confessed his guilt
spouse or daughter in the act of before the court prior to the
sexual intercourse with another presentation of the evidence for the
person. prosecution.
8. That the offender is deaf and dumb,
blind or otherwise suffering some
physical defect which thus restricts This applies when NOT ALL THE REQUISITES
his means of action, defense, or are present. If two requisites are present, it is
communication with his fellow considered a privileged mitigating
beings. circumstance. However, in reference to Article
9. Such illness of the offender as would 11(4) if any of the last two requisites in
diminish the exercise of the will- absent, there is only an ordinary mitigating
power of the offender without circumstance. Remember though, that in self-
however depriving him of defense, defense of relative or stranger,
consciousness of his acts. unlawful aggression must always be present
10. And, finally, any other as it is an indispensable requirement
circumstances of a similar nature
and analogous to the above- Paragraph 2. Under 18 or Over 70 Years
mentioned. Old

PRIVILEGED ORDINARY Diversion – an alternative, child-appropriate

MITIGATING MITIGATING process of determining the responsibility and
Offset by Cannot be Can be offset treatment of a child in conflict with the law on
any offset by a generic the basis of his/her social, cultural, economic,
aggravating aggravating psychological, or educational background
circumstanc circumstance without resulting to formal court proceedings
Effect on Effect of If not offset, Diversion Program – the program that the
penalty imposing the has the effect child in conflict with the law is required to
penalty by 1 of imposing undergo after he/she is found responsible for
or 2 degrees the minimum an offense without resorting to formal court
lower than period of the proceedings
that provided penalty
by law A child in conflict with the law may undergo
Kinds Minority, Those conferencing, mediation or conciliation
(Sources) Incomplete circumstance outside the criminal justice system or prior to
Self-defense, s his entry into said system.
Two or more enumerated
mitigating in paragraph Paragraph 3. No Intention to Commit so
circumstance 1 to 10 in Grave a Crime
s without any Article 13
aggravating The circumstance can be taken into account
circumstance only when the facts proven shoe that there is
(has the a notable and evident disproportion between
effect of the means employed to execute the criminal
lowering the act and its consequences
penalty by
one degree) Factors that can be considered are:

Mitigating circumstances – those which if 1. Weapon used

present in the commission of the crime 2. Injury inflicted
reduces the penalty of the crime but does not 3. Part of the body injured
erase criminal liability nor change the nature 4. Attitude of the mind at the time of the
of the crime commission of the crime

Paragraph 1. Incomplete Justifying or This provision addresses the intention of the

Exempting Circumstances offender at the particular moment when the
offender executes or commits the criminal at,
not his intention during the planning stage.
lapse of time is allowed between the
In crimes against persons who do not die as a vindication and the doing of the grave
result of the assault, the absence of the intent offense.
to kill reduces the felony to mere physical
injuries, but it does not constitute a mitigating “Immediate” allows for a lapse of time, as long
circumstance under Art. 13, Par. 3. as the offender is still suffering from the
mental agony brought about by the offense to
It is not applicable to felonies by negligence him. (proximate time, not just immediately
because in felonies through negligence, the after)
offender acts without intent. The intent in
intentional felonies is replaced by negligence
or imprudence. There is no intent on the part PROVOCATION VINDICATION
of the offender, which ay be considered as Made directly only to Grave offense may
diminished. the person be committed also
committing the against the
Paragraph 4. Provocation and Threat felony offender’s relatives
mentioned by the
Provocation – any unjust or improper conduct law
or act of the offended party, capable of The cause that Offended party
exciting, inciting, or irritating any one. brought about the must have done a
provocation NEED grave offense to the
Requisites of Provocation: NOT be a grave offender OR his
offense relatives mentioned
1. The provocation must be sufficient by the law
2. That it must originate from the It is necessary that The grave offense
offended party the provocation of may be proximate,
3. That the provocation must be threat IMMEDIATELY which admits of an
immediate to the act preceded the act interval of time
between the grave
When there is an interval of time between the offense done by the
provocation and the commission of the crime, offended party and
the conduct of the offended party could not the commission of
have excited the accused to the commission of the crime by the
the crime, he having had time to regain his accused
reason and to exercise self-control.
The difference is brought about by the greater
The threat should not be offensive and leniency in the case of vindication due
positively strong, because, if it is, the threat to undoubtedly to the fact that it concerns the
inflict real injury is an unlawful aggression honor of a person, an offense which is more
which may give rise to self-defense. worthy of consideration than mere spite
against the one giving the provocation or
Paragraph 5. Vindication of Grave Offense threat.


1. That there be a grave offense done to

the one committing the felony, his
spouse, ascendants, descendants,
legitimate, natural or adopted brothers
or sisters, or relatives by affinity
within the same degree
2. That the felony is committed in
vindication of such grave offense. A
Paragraph 6. Passion or Obfuscation offender had time to ponder his course of
1. The accused acted upon an impulse OBFUSCATION FORCE
2. The impulse must be so powerful that Mitigating Exempting
it naturally produced passion or Circumstance Circumstance
obfuscation in him No physical force is Requires physical
needed force
Passion or obfuscation may constitute a Comes from the Must come from a
mitigating circumstance only when the same offender himself third person
arose from lawful sentiments. There is no Must arise from Unlawful
mitigating circumstance when the act was lawful sentiments
committed in a spirit of lawlessness or in a
Requisites of the mitigating circumstances Produced by an Comes from the
of passion or obfuscation: impulse which may injured party
be caused by
1. That there be an act, both unlawful and provocation
sufficient to produce such a condition Offense which Must immediately
of mind, and; engenders precede the
2. That said act which produced the perturbation of mind commission of the
obfuscation was not far removed from need not be crime
the commission of the crime by a immediate. It is only
considerable length of time, during required that the
which the perpetrator might recover influence thereof
his normal equanimity. lasts until the
moment the crime is
The crime committed by the accused must be committed
provoked by prior unjust or improper acts of Effect is the loss of Effect is the loss of
the injured party. reason and self- reason and self-
control on the part of control on the part of
There could have been NO mitigating the offender the offender
circumstance of passion of obfuscation
when more than 24 hours elapsed Paragraph 7. Surrender and Confession of
between the alleged insult and the Guilt
commission of the felony, or if several hours
passed between the cause of the passion or Requisites of Voluntary Surrender:
obfuscation and the commission of the crime,
or where at least half an hour intervened 1. That the offender had not been
between the previous fight and actually arrested
subsequent killing of the deceased by the 2. That the offender surrendered himself
accused. to a person in authority or to the
latter’s agent
General Rule: Vindication of grave offense 3. That the surrender was voluntary
cannot co-exist with passion and obfuscation Requisites of voluntariness:
Exception: When there are other facts, a. must be spontaneous
although closely connected b. shows the interest of the accused
to surrender
Passion and obfuscation cannot co-exist with c. must be unconditional
treachery since this would mean that the
When surrender is voluntary
He submits himself unconditionally to the The physical defect must relate to the offense
authorities, because: committed.
1. he acknowledges his guilt
2. he wishes to save them the trouble and Paragraph 9. Illness of the Offender
expense necessarily incurred in his
search and capture Requisites:

If both are present, considered as two 1. That the illness of the offender must
independent mitigating circumstances. diminish the exercise of his will-power
2. That such illness should not deprive
Spontaneous – an inner impulse, acting the offender of consciousness of his
without external stimulus acts

Requisites of Plea of Guilty: Paragraph 10. Similar and Analogous

1. The offender spontaneously confessed
his guilt Examples Not Examples
2. That the confession of guilt was made Defendant who is 60 Killing the wrong
in open court, that is, before the years old with failing person
competent court that is to try the case, eyesight is similar to
and a case of one over 70
3. That the confession of guilt was made years old
prior to the presentation of evidence Outraged feeling of Not resisting arrest is
for the prosecution owner of animal not the same as
taken for ransom is voluntary surrender
The plea must be made before the trial analogous to
begins. A plea of guilty made after vindication of grave
arraignment and after trial had begun offense
does not entitle the accused to have such Impulse of jealous Running amuck is not
plea considered as a mitigating feeling, similar to mitigating
circumstance. passion and
If the accused pleaded not guilty, even if Voluntary restitution
during the arraignment, he is entitles to of property, similar to
mitigating circumstance as long as he voluntary surrender
withdraws his plea of not guilty to the Extreme poverty,
charge before the fiscal could present his similar to incomplete
evidence. justification based on
state of necessity
Plea to a lesser charge is not a mitigating
circumstance because to be such, the plea of
guilt must be to the offense charged.

Plea to the offense charged in the amended

information, lesser than that charged in the
original information, is a mitigating

Plea of guilty is not mitigating in culpable

felonies and in crimes punishable by special
Paragraph 8. Physical Defect of Offender
ARTICLE 14. The following are aggravating to which the law attaches an equal
circumstances: or greater penalty or for tow or
more crimes to which it attaches a
1. That advantage be taken by the lighter penalty.
offender of his public position. 11.That the crime be committed in
2. That the crime be committed in consideration of a price, reward, or
contempt of or with insult to the promise.
public authorities. 12.That the crime be committed by
3. That the act be committed with means of inundation, fire, poison,
insult or in disregard of the respect explosion, stranding of a vessel or
due the offended party on account intentional damage thereto,
of his rank, age, or sex, or that it be derailment of a locomotive, or by
committed in the dwelling of the use of any other artifice involving
offended party, if the latter has not great waste and ruin.
given provocation. 13.That the act be committed with
4. That the act be committed with evident premeditation.
abuse of confidence or obvious 14.That craft, fraud, or disguise be
ungratefulness. employed.
5. That the crime be committed in the 15.That advantage be taken of superior
palace of the Chief Executive, or in strength, or means be employed to
his presence, or where public weaken the defense.
authorities are engaged in the 16.That the act be committed with
discharge of their duties or in a treachery (alevosia).
place dedicated to religious
worship. There is treachery when the
6. That the crime be committed in the offender commits any of the crimes
nighttime or in an uninhabited against the person, employing
place, or by a band, whenever such means, methods or forms in the
circumstances may facilitate the execution thereof which tend
commission of the offense. directly and specially to insure its
execution, without risk to himself
Whenever more than three armed arising from the defense which the
malefactors shall have acted offended party might make.
together in the commission of an 17.That means be employed or
offense, it shall be deemed to have circumstances brought about which
been committed by a band. add ignomity to the natural effects
7. That the crime be committed on the of the act.
occasion of a conflagration, 18.That the crime be committed after
shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic, an unlawful entry.
or other calamity or misfortune.
8. That the crime be committed with There is an unlawful entry when an
the aid of armed men or persons entrance is effected by a way not
who insure or afford impunity. intended for the purpose.
9. That the accused is a recidivist. 19.That as a means to the commission
of a crime a wall, roof, floor, door, or
A recidivist is one who, at the time window be broken.
of his trial for one crime, shall have 20.That the crime be committed with
been previously convicted by final the aid of persons under fifteen
judgment of another crime years of age, or by means of motor
embraced in the same title of this vehicle, airships, or other similar
Code. means.
10.That the offender has been 21. That the wrong done in the
previously punished for an offense commission of the crime be
deliberately augmented by causing off by any mitigating crime its proper and
other wrong not necessary for its circumstance, exclusive name and
commission. increases the penalty places the author of
which should be the crime in such a
Aggravating Circumstances – those which, if imposed upon the situation as to
attendant in the commission of the crime, accused to the deserve no other
serve to have the penalty imposed in its maximum period but penalty than that
maximum period provided by law for the without exceeding specially prescribed
offense or those that change the nature of the the limit prescribed by law for said crimes
crime by law
If not alleged in the To be considered as
Basis: The greater perversity of the offender information, a such, MUST be
manifested in the commission of the felony as qualifying alleged in the
shown by: aggravating information
a. the motivating power itself, circumstance will be
b. the place of the commission, considered generic
c. the means and ways employed, May be offset by a Cannot be offset by a
d. the time, or mitigating mitigating
e. the personal circumstances of circumstance circumstance
the offender, or the offended
Kinds of Aggravating Circumstances:
1. Aggravating circumstances shall NOT
1. Generic – those which apply to all be appreciated if:
crimes a. They constitute a crime
2. Specific – those which apply only to specially punishable by law, or
specific crimes b. It is included by the law in
3. Qualifying – those that change the defining a crime with a penalty
nature of the crime prescribed, and therefore shall
4. Inherent – which of necessity not be taken into account for
accompany the commission of the the purpose of increasing the
crime, therefore not considered in penalty
increasing the penalty to be imposed 2. The same rule shall apply with respect
5. Special – those which arise under to any aggravating circumstance
special conditions to increase the inherent in the crime to such a degree
penalty of the offense and cannot be that it must of necessity accompany
offset by mitigating circumstances the commission thereof.
3. Aggravating circumstances which
a. From the moral attributes of the
b. From his private relations with
the offended party; or
c. From any personal cause.

Shall only serve to aggravate the

liability of the principals, accomplices
GENERIC QUALIFYING and accessories as to whom such
AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING circumstances are attendant.
CIRCUMSTANCE CIRCUMSTANCE 4. The circumstances which consist:
EFFECT: when not set EFFECT: gives the
a. In the material execution of the Article 19, Paragraph 3 (harboring,
act, or concealing, or assisting in the escape of the
b. In the means employed to principal of the crime), and in crimes
accomplish it, committed by public officers (articles 204-
Shall serve to aggravate the liability of
only those persons who had Paragraph 2. That the crime be committed
knowledge of them at the time of the in contempt of or with insult to public
execution of the act or their authorities
cooperation therein. Except, when
there is proof of conspiracy in which Basis: based on the greater perversity of the
case the act of one is deemed to be the offender, as shown by his lack of respect for
act of all, regardless of lack of the public authorities.
knowledge of the facts constituting the
circumstance. Requisites:

5. Aggravating circumstances, regardless 1. That the public authority is engaged in

of its kind, should be specifically the exercise of his functions.
alleged in the information AND proved 2. That he who is thus engaged in the
as fully as the crime itself in order to exercise of said functions is not the
increase the penalty. person against whom the crime is
6. When there is more than one committed.
qualifying aggravating circumstance 3. The offender knows him to be a public
present, one of them will be authority.
appreciated as qualifying aggravating 4. His presence has not yet prevented the
while the others will be considered as offender from committing the criminal
generic aggravating. act.

Paragraph 1. That advantage be taken by Public authority – a public officer who is

the offender of his public position directly vested with jurisdiction, that is, a
public officer who has the power to govern
Requisites: and execute the laws.
1. Offender is a public officer a. Governor
2. Public officer must use the influence, b. Mayor
prestige, or ascendancy which his c. Barangay Captain
office gives him as means to realize d. Councilors
criminal purpose e. Government agents
f. Chief of Police
It is not considered as an aggravating
circumstance where taking advantage of A teacher or professor of a public or
official position is made by law an integral recognized private school is not a public
element of the crime or inherent in the offense. authority within the contemplation of Art.14,
Example: malversation (Art. 217), Par.2. While he is a person in authority under
falsification of a document committed Article 152, that status is only for purposes of
by public officers (Art. 171) Article 148 (direct assault) and Article 152
(resisitance and disobedience)
When the public officer did not take
advantage of the influence of his position, this The crime should not be committed against
aggravating circumstance is not present. the public authority (otherwise it will
constitute direct assault)
Taking advantage of a public position is also
inherent in the case of accessories under
This is NOT applicable when committed in the 1. When the offender acted with passion
presence of a mere agent. and obfuscation
2. When there exists a relationship
Agent – subordinate public officer charged between the offended party and the
with the maintenance of public order and offender
protection and security of life and property 3. When the condition of being a woman
is indispensable in the commission of
Paragraph 3. That the act be committed: the crime
1. With insult or in disregard of the
respect due to offended party in Dwelling – must be a building or structure,
account of his: exclusively used for rest and comfort. A
a. Rank, combination house and store, or a market stall
b. Age, where the victim slept is not a dwelling.
c. Sex, or
2. That it be committed in the Based on the greater perversity of the
dwelling of the offended party, if offender, as shown by the place of the
the latter has not given commission of the offense.
The aggravating circumstance of dwelling
Rules: requires that the crime be wholly or partly
committed therein or in any integral part
1. These circumstances shall only be thereof.
considered as one aggravating
circumstance. Dwelling does not mean the permanent
2. Rank, age, sex, may be taken into residence or domicile of the offended party or
account only in crimes against that he must be the owner thereof. He must,
persons or honor, they cannot be however, be actually living or dwelling
invoked in crimes against therein even for a temporary duration or
property. purpose.
3. It must be shown that in the
commission of the crime the It is not necessary that the accused should
offender deliberately intended to have actually entered the dwelling of the
offend or insult the sex, age, and victim to commit the offense; it is enough that
rank of the offended party. the victim was attacked inside his own house,
although the assailant may have devised
Rank – the designation or title of distinction means to perpetrate the assault from without.
used to fix the relative position of the
offended party in reference to others (there What aggravates the commission of the
must be a difference in the social condition of crime in one’s dwelling:
the offender and the offended party); a high
social position or standing as a grade in the 1. The abuse of confidence which the
armed forces offended party reposed in the offender
by opening the door to him; or
Age – may refer to old age or the tender age of 2. The violation of the sanctity of the
the victim home by trespassing therein with
violence or against the will of the
Sex – refers to the female sex, not the male sex owner.

The aggravating circumstance of disregard Meaning of provocation in the aggravating

of rank, age, or sex is not applicable in the circumstance of dwelling:
following cases: Provocation must be:
1. Given by the owner of the dwelling
2. Sufficient, and
3. Immediate to the commission of the committed only in the dwelling of
crime another.
4. When the owner of the dwelling gave
If all these conditions are present, the sufficient and immediate provocation.
offended party is deemed to have given the a. There must exist a close
provocation, and the fact that the crime is relation between the
committed in the dwelling of the offended provocation made by the victim
party is NOT an aggravating circumstance. and the commission of the
REASON: when it is the offended party crime by the accused
who has provoked the incident, he 5. The victim is not a dweller of the house
loses his right to the respect and 6. When the rape was committed in the
consideration due him in his own ground floor of a two-story structure
Paragraph 4. That the act be committed
Even if the killing took place outside the with:
dwelling, it is aggravating provided that the 1. abuse of confidence, or
commission of the crime began in the 2. obvious ungratefulness
Based on the greater perversity of the
Dwelling includes: a. dependencies, b. the foot offender, as shown by the means and ways
of the staircase and enclosure under the employed.
This circumstance exists only when the
Dwelling ins NOT aggravating in the offended party has trusted the offender who
following cases: later abuses such trust by committing the
crime. Abuse of confidence requires a special
1. When both offender and offended confidential relationship between the offender
party are occupants of the same house and the victim, while this is not required for
and this is true even if the offender is a there to be obvious ungratefulness.
servant in the house.
Exception: in case of adultery in Requisites of Abuse of Confidence:
the conjugal dwelling, the same
is aggravating. However, if the 1. That the offended party had trusted
paramour also dwells in the the offender
conjugal dwelling, the 2. That the offender abused such trust by
applicable aggravating committing a crime against the
circumstance is abuse of offended party
confidence 3. That the abuse of confidence facilitated
2. When the robbery is committed by the the commission of the crime
use of force upon things, dwelling is
not aggravating because it is inherent. There is no abuse of confidence where the
a. But the dwelling is aggravating deceased and the accused happened to be
in robbery with violence together.
against or intimidation of
persons because this class of Requisites of Obvious Ungratefulness:
robbery can be committed
without the necessity of 1. That the offended party had trusted
trespassing the sanctity of the the offender;
offended party’s house. 2. That the offender abused such trust by
3. In the crime of trespass to dwelling, it committing a crime against the
is inherent or included by law in offended party.
defining the crime. This crime can be 3. That the act be committed with
obvious ungratefulness.
if no official duties or acts of religious worship
The ungratefulness must be such clear and are being conducted there.
manifest ingratitude on the part of the
accused. Cemeteries are not considered as place
dedicated to the worship of God.
Paragraph 5. That the crime be committed
in the palace of the Chief Executive, or in Paragraph 6. That the crime be committed:
his presence, or where public authorities 1. In the nighttime, or
are engaged in the discharge of their 2. In an uninhabited place, or
duties or in a place dedicated to religious 3. By a band,
worship. Whenever such circumstance may
facilitate the commission of the offense.
Based on the greater perversity of the
offender, as shown by the place of When present in the same case and their
commission of the crime, which must be elements are distinctly palpable and can
respected. subsist independently, they shall be
considered separately.
PAR.5. Where public PAR.2. Contempt or
authorities are insult to public When nighttime, uninhabited place or
engaged in the authorities band is aggravating:
discharge of their
duties 1. When it facilitated the commission of
FOR BOTH, public authorities are in the the crime; or
performance of their duties 2. When especially sought for by the
Place where public duty is performed offender to insure the commission of
In their office Outside of their office the crime or for the purpose of
The offended party impunity; or
May or may not be Public authority 3. When the offender took advantage
the public authority should not be the thereof for the purpose of impunity.
offended party
Nighttime (obscuridad)
Requisites regarding Public Authorities:
a. The period of darkness
1. Crime occurred in the public office beginning at the end of ducks
2. Public authorities are actually and ending at dawn.
performing their public duties b. Commission of the crime must
begin and be accomplished in
Requisites for Place Dedicated to Religious the nighttime. When the place
Worship: of the crime is illuminated by
light, nighttime is not
1. The crime occurred in a place aggravating. It is not
dedicated to the worship of God considered aggravating when
regardless of religion the crime began at daytime.
2. The offender must have decided to c. Nighttime is not especially
commit the crime when he entered the sought for when the notion to
place of worship commit the crime was
conceived of shortly before the
Except for the third which requires that commission or when the crime
official functions are being performed at the was committed at night upon a
time of the commission of the crime, the other casual encounter.
places mentioned are aggravating per se even d. However, nighttime need not be
specifically sought for when: it
facilitated the commission of
the offense, OR the offender b. If one of the four-armed malefactors is
took advantage of the same to a principal by inducement, they do not
commit the crime. form a band because it is undoubtedly
e. A bare statement that crime connoted that he had not direct
was committed at night is participation
insufficient. The information c. “By a band” is aggravating in crimes
must allege that nighttime was against property or against persons or
sought for or taken advantage in the crime of illegal detention or
of, or that it facilitated the treason but does not apply to crimes
crime. against chastity
d. “By a band” is inherent in brigandage
General Rule: Nighttime is absorbed in e. This aggravating circumstance is
treachery. absorbed in the circumstance of abuse
Exception: Where both the of superior strength
treacherous mode of attack and
nocturnity were deliberately decided Paragraph 7. That the crime be committed
upon in the same case, they can be on the occasion of a conflagration,
considered separately if such shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other
circumstances have different factual calamity or misfortune

Uninhabited Place (despoblado) 1. The crime was committed when there

was a calamity or misfortune
a. One where there are no houses at all a 2. The offender took advantage of the
place at a considerable distance from state of confusion or chaotic condition
town, or where the houses are from such misfortune
scattered at a great distance from each
other. If the offended was PROVOKED by the
b. Not considered when the place where offended party during the calamity or
the crime was committed could be misfortune, this aggravating circumstance
seen and the voice of the deceased may not be taken into consideration.
could be heard from a nearby house.
c. What should be considered is whether Paragraph 8. That the crime be committed
in the place of the commission of the with the aid of :
offense, there was a reasonable 1. Armed men, or
possibility of the victim receiving some 2. Persons who insure or afford
help. impunity
d. The offenders must choose the place as
an aid either: to an easy and Based on the means and ways of committing
uninterrupted accomplishment of their the crime.
criminal designs, OR to insure
concealment of the offense, that he Requisites:
might thereby be better secured
against detection and punishment 1. That armed men or persons took part
in the commission of the crime,
Band (en cuadrilla) directly or indirectly
2. That the accused availed himself of
a. Whenever more than three armed their aid or relied upon them when the
malefactors that shall have acted crime was committed
together in the commission of an
offense The casual presence of armed men near the
place where the crime was committed does
not constitute an aggravating circumstance copy of the sentences rendered against the
when it appears that the accused did not accused.
avail himself of their aid or rely upon them Exception: if the accused does not
to commit the crime. object and when he admits in his confession
and on the witness stand.
This aggravating circumstance requires that
the armed men are accomplices who take part Recidivism must be taken into account no
in a minor capacity directly or indirectly, an matter how many years have intervened
not when they were merely present at the between the first and second felonies.
crime scene. Neither should they constitute a
band, for then the proper aggravating Amnesty extinguishes the penalty and its
circumstance would be cuadilla. effects. However, pardon does not obliterate
the fact that the accused was a recidivist.
When this aggravating circumstance shall Thus, even if the accused was granted a
NOT be considered: pardon for the first offense but he commits
another felony embraced in the same title of
1. When both the attacking party and the the Code, the first conviction is still counted to
party attacked were equally armed make him a recidivist.
2. When the accused as well as those who
cooperated with him in the Being an ordinary aggravating circumstance,
commission of the crime acted under recidivism affects only the periods of a
the same plan and for the same penalty, except in prostitution and vagrancy
purpose and gambling wherein recidivism increases
3. When the others were only casually the penalties by degrees. No other generic
present and the offender did not avail aggravating circumstance produces this effect.
himself of any of their aid or when he
did not knowingly count upon their In recidivism it is sufficient that the
assistance in the commission of the succeeding offense be committed after the
crime commission of the preceding offense
provided that at the time of his trial for the
Paragraph 9. That the accused is a second offense, the accused has already been
recidivist convicted of the first offense.

Recidivist – one who, at the time of his trial If both offenses were committed on the same
for one crime, shall have been previously date, they shall be considered as only one,
convicted by final judgment of another crime hence, they cannot be separately counted in
embraced in the same title of the RPC. order to constitute recidivism. Also,
judgments of convicted handed down on the
What is controlling is the time of trial, not same day shall be considered as only one
the time of the commission of the crime. conviction.
Paragraph 10. That the offender has been
“at the time of his trial” should not be previously punished for an offense to
restrictively construed as to mean the date or which the law attaches an equal or greater
arraignment. It is employed in its general penalty or for tow or more crimes to which
sense, including the rendering of the it attaches a lighter penalty.
judgment. It is meant to include everything
that is done in the course of the trial, from the Requisites:
arraignment until after sentence is announced
by the judge in open court. 1. That the accused is on trial for an
General Rule: To prove recidivism, it is 2. That he previously served sentence for
necessary to allege the same in the another offense to which the law
information and to attach thereto certified attached an equal or greater penalty,
or for two or more crimes to which it theft, estafa or falsification, is found
attached lighter penalty than that for guilty of the said crimes a third time or
the new offense; and oftener. This is an extraordinary
a. When the penalty provided by aggravating circumstance.
law for the previous offense is 4. Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160) – where a
equal to that for the new person commits felony before
offense beginning to serve or while serving
b. When the penalty provided by sentence on a previous conviction for a
law for the previous offense is felony. This is a special aggravating
greater circumstance.
c. When the accused served at
least two sentences, even if the Paragraph 11. That the crime be
penalties provided by law for committed in consideration of a price,
the crimes are lighter reward, or promise.
3. That he is convicted of the new offense.
REITERATION 1. There are at least 2 principals:
As to the first offense a. The principal by inducement
It is necessary that It is enough that a (the one who offers)
the offender shall final judgment has b. The principal by direct
have served out his been rendered in participation (the one who
sentence for the first the first offense accepts)
offense 2. The price, reward, or promise should
As to the kind of offenses involved be previous to and in consideration of
The previous and Requires that the the commission of the criminal act.
subsequent offenses offenses be included
must not be in the same title of The circumstances are applicable to BOTH
embraces in the the Code principals. It affects the person who received
same title of the the price or reward as well as the person who
Code gave it.

Four Forms of Repetition are: If without previous promise it was given

voluntarily after the crime had been
1. Recidivism (Par. 9, Art. 14) – where a committed as an expression of his
person, on separate occasions, is appreciation for the sympathy and aid shown
convicted of two offenses embraced in by the other accused, it should not be taken
the same title in the RPC. This is a into consideration for the purpose of
generic aggravating circumstance. increasing the penalty.
2. Reiteration or Habituality (Par. 10, Art. The price, reward, or promise nee not consist
14) – where the offender has bee of or refer to material things or that the same
previously punished for an offense to were actually delivered, it being sufficient that
which the law attaches an equal or the offer made by the principal by inducement
greater penalty or for two crimes to be accepted by the principal by direct
which it attaches a lighter penalty. This participation before the commission of the
is a generic aggravating circumstance. offense.
3. Multi-recidivism or Habitual
delinquency (Par. 5, Art. 62) – where a The inducement must be the primary
person within a period of 10 years consideration for the commission of the
from the date of his release or last crime.
conviction of the crimes of serious or
less serious physical injuries, robbery, Paragraph 12. That the crime be
committed by means of inundation, fire,
poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel or against the offender the aggravating
intentional damage thereto, derailment of circumstance of premeditation, because
a locomotive, or by use of any other whoever is killed by him is contemplated in
artifice involving great waste and ruin. his premeditation.

The circumstances under this paragraph will Premeditation must be based on external acts
only be considered aggravating if and when and no presumed from mere lapse of time.
they are used by the offender as a means to
accomplish a criminal purpose. Paragraph 14. That craft, fraud, or disguise
be employed
When another aggravating circumstance
already qualifies the crime, any of these Craft (astucia) – involves the use of
aggravating circumstances shall be intellectual trickery or cunning on the part of
considered as generic aggravating the accused. A chicanery resorted to by the
circumstance only. accused to aid in the execution of his criminal
When used as a means to kill another person,
the crime is qualified to murder. Fraud (fraude) – insidious words or
machinations used to induce the victim to act
Paragraph 13. That the act be committed in a manner which would enable the offender
with evident premeditation to carry out his design

Requisites: Fraud is present when there is a direct

inducement by insidious machinations or
1. The time when the offender words.
determined to commit the crime;
2. An act manifestly indicating that the Disguise is not considered.
culprit has clung to his determination;
and Craft and fraud may be absorbed in treachery
3. A sufficient lapse of time between the if they have been deliberately adopted as the
determination and execution, to allow means, methods or forms for the treacherous
him to reflect upon the consequences strategy, or they may co-exist independently
of his act and to allow his conscience to where they are adopted for a different
overcome the resolution of his will. purpose in the commission of the crime.

To establish evident premeditation, it must be Paragraph 15. That advantage be taken of

shown that there was a period sufficient to superior strength, or means be employed
afford full opportunity for meditation and to weaken the defense,
reflection, a time adequate to allow the
conscience to overcome the resolution of the To deliberately use excessive force that is out
will as well as outward acts showing the of proportion to the means for self-defense
intent to kill. It must be shown that the available to the person attacked.
offender had sufficient time to reflect upon
the consequences of his act but still persisted No advantage of superior strength in the
in his determination to commit the crime. following:

Premeditation is absorbed by reward or 1. One who attacks another with passion

promise. and obfuscation does not take
advantage of his superior strength
When the victim is different from that 2. When a quarrel arose unexpectedly
intended, premeditation is NOT aggravating. and the fatal blow was struck at a time
However, if the offender premeditated on the when the aggressor and his victim
killing of any person, it is proper to consider
were engaged against each other as another felony involving a different
man to man classification in the Code.

TEST FOR ABUSE OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH: When must treachery be present:

the relative strength of the offender and his 1. When the aggression is continuous,
victim and whether or not he took advantage treachery must be present in the
of his greater strength beginning of the assault.
2. When the assault was not continuous,
When there are several offender participating in that there was interruption, it is
in the crime, they must ALL be principals by sufficient that treachery was present
direct participation and their attack against at the moment the fatal blow was
the victim must be concerted and intended to given.
be so.
Abuse of superior strength is inherent in the
crime of parricide. It is also present when the 1. That at the time of the attack, the
offender uses a weapon which is out of victim was not in a position to defend
proportion to the defense available to the himself;
offended party. 2. That the offender consciously adopted
the particular means, method of form
“Means employed to weaken defense” – the of attack employed by him
offender employs means that materially
weaken the resisting power of the offended Treachery should be considered even if:
1. Victim was not predetermined but
Paragraph 16. That the act be committed there was a generic intent to
with treachery treacherously kill any first two persons
belonging to a class
Treachery – when the offender commits any 2. There was an accident
of the crimes against persons, employing 3. There was a mistake in the identity
means, methods or forms in the execution
thereof which tend directly and specially to Treachery absorbs:
unsure its execution, without risk to himself
arising from the defense which the offended 1. Craft
party might take 2. Abuse of superior strength
Rules: 3. Employing means to weaken the
1. Applicable only to crimes against the 4. Band
person 5. Aid of armed men
2. Means, methods or forms need not 6. Nighttime
insure accomplishment of crime
3. The mode of attack must be Paragraph 17. That means be employed or
consciously adopted circumstances brought about which add
ignomity to the natural effects of the act.
TEST: it is not only the relative position of the
parties but, more specifically, whether or not Ignomity – a circumstance pertaining to the
the victim was forewarned or afforded the moral order, which adds disgrace and obloquy
opportunity to make a defense or to ward off to the material injury caused by the crime
the attack
Applies when the crime committed is against
Treachery is taken into account even if the chastity.
crime against the person is complexed with
“which add ignomity to the natural effects
thereof” – means employed or the ARTICLE 15. Alternative circumstances are
circumstances brought about must tend to those which must be taken into
make the effects of the crime more consideration as aggravating or mitigating
humiliating to the victim or to put the according to the nature and effects of the
offended party to shame, or add to his moral crime and the other conditions attending
suffering. its commission, they are the relationship,
intoxication, and the degree of instruction
Paragraph 18. That the crime be and education of the offender.
committed after an unlawful entry
The alternative circumstance of
Unlawful entry – when an entrance is effected relationship shall be taken into
by way not intended for the purpose consideration when the offended party is
the spouse, ascendant, descendant,
Paragraph 19. That as a means to the legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or
commission of a crime a wall, roof, floor, sister, or relative by affinity in the same
door, or window be broken. degree of the offender.

Applicable only if such acts were done by the The intoxication of the offender shall be
offender to effect the ENTRANCE. take into consideration as a mitigating
circumstance when the offender has
Paragraph 20. That the crime be committed a felony in a state of
committed with the aid of persons under intoxication, if the same is not habitual or
fifteen years of age, or by means of motor subsequent to the plan to commit said
vehicle, airships, or other similar means. felony, but when the intoxication is
habitual or intentional, it shall be
Two different circumstances grouped in considered as an aggravating
this paragraph: circumstance.
1. With the aid of persons under fifteen
years of age Alternative Circumstances:
2. By means of motor vehicle, airships, or 1. Relationship;
other similar means 2. Intoxication;
3. Degree of instruction and education of
Paragraph 21. That the wrong done in the the offender
commission of the crime be deliberately
augmented by causing other wrong not
necessary for its commission

Cruelty – when the culprit enjoys and delights

in making his victim suffer slowly and
gradually, causing him unnecessary physical
pain in the consummation of the criminal act


1. That the injury caused be deliberately

increased by causing other wrong
2. That the other wrong be unnecessary
for the execution of the purpose of the

Not inherent in crimes against persons.

Cannot be presumed.

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