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NAME: Jessel Ann A. Peñaflor

Year/section: Grade 12-ABM POUNDS
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Topic: Position Paper

Instruction: Considering the guidelines and the suggested format, write a position paper asserting your
stand on former on Global warming. Is Global warming real? Is it caused by human activity? How
harmful is it likely to be? What can we do about it? Do your research comprehensively.

Global Warming
I- Introduction (Background of the Topic, Thesis Statement

A dynamic phenomenon is global warming, and its full-scale effects are difficult to foresee
well in advance. But every year, scientists learn more about how global warming is impacting the
world, and all accept that if current patterns continue, these effects are likely to occur. There has
been an improvement in scientific awareness of the cause of global warming. Global warming is
becoming an environmental danger, a threat to the planet. Most of the other consequences of
global warming are that it is destroying our environment, growing fire risks, drought, and very
dangerous extreme weather events. Global warming is something that is occurring now and we
are interested in it by human activity in which it surrounds the world, in which it surrounds us,
and the effect of it on us is very apparent and negative.

II- Body

A. The Counterclaim

The Philippines is also known to be one of the countries contributing to emissions from
global warming. One of these pollutants were the pollution from the jeep that the Filipino used
every day, as well as the Filipino's waste when it was burnt. The climate and weather that cause
untimely and stronger typhoons and cause sickness and disease are affected by these pollutants.

B. The Arguments

The consequences of global temperature changes include a rise in sea levels and a change
in the amount and pattern of rainfall, as well as the possible expansion of subtropical deserts. The
warming is predicted to be highest in the Arctic, with glaciers, permafrost and sea ice beginning
to retreat. Other possible warming consequences include more severe extreme weather events
such as heat waves, droughts, and heavy rainfall; acidification of the ocean; and extinctions of
species due to shifts in temperature regimes. The threat to food security from declining crop
yields and the destruction of biodiversity from floods are important consequences for humans.
By emissions from cars and power plants, there are several easy solutions to reduce global
warming pollution. We should bring current technologies for building cleaner cars and more
advanced generators of electricity into widespread use right away. We may increase our
dependency on sources of renewable energy such as wind, sun and geothermal energy. And we
can produce appliances that are more efficient and save electricity.

III. Conclusion

Here's the good news, there are innovations today to make vehicles that run cleaner and
burn less gas, modernize power plants and produce electricity from non-polluting sources, and
through energy conservation, cut our electricity usage. The challenge is to ensure that these
alternatives are put to use. Make energy conservation a part of your routine every day. And by
joining programs and organizations to control global warming and protect the earth, I can help
as well.


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