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Chapter 3 Exercises

1. Wri te the following major sca les. Write the name belo w.


2. Write the following scales .

D Harmoni c Minor Eb Maj or B Dorian

F#Loc da n D Major Blues Ab Lydian

F Melodic Minor c# Whole-Tone C Altered

BbMajor Pent atonic Db Natural Minor

, E Whole-Half Diminished A Minor Pentatonic E Kumoi

, DOIn-Sen Dorian Mixolydian

, G Harmooic Minor Locrian ( B Mixolydian

& DOMixolydian ( #11) C Bebop Dominant Minor Blues

3. Write the following scales with the appropriate key signature. In the space below, indicate the relative major or


E Minor Minor

& F# Major B Major Minor

Major E Major

_, C#Minor Minor B Minor

4. Add flats or sharps to form the correct scale.

F# Mixolydian
e n e e n
n e n n e n
e e

A Lydian
e n e n e
n e n n e n
n e

F Locrian E Dorian

e n e e n
n e n n e n
-----u e e

B Melodic Minor

e n e n e 0.
e n e Izn
---e n glib£>. () e n

Harmonic Minor" B Lydian

e n e #-0 e<> «) e<> () e 0.
e 0 0

5. Write an appropriate scale for the following chords. Give the correct name.

C+7 F3 DDm(maj7)

F#7 BDm3 Dm7D5

A7sus4 ED7#9 Gm7

E7alt C#maj9 Cm9D5


6. On a separate sheet of staff paper, write the modes of the following major scales and identify the characteristic
tones (CT) as well as the tonal and modal tones (TT)/(MT).

7. Harmonize the scales and provide Roman numeral analyses for exercises I, 2, and 3.

8. What are the functions of each of these chords in the following given scales?

A Minor C Lydian AD Major

Bm7D5 Dm7 E7D9 F#m7D5 Gmaj7 Bm7 BDm7 ED7 ADS

D Major E Minor F Mixolydian

Al3 Bm7 C#m7D5 Em7 Cmaj7 D7 B7 Cm7 Gm7 : Am7D5 : BDmaj7

AD Mixolydian(D13) B Harmonic Minor

EDm7 GD13#l1 D+maj7 EmS

9. Identif y the key in which the following chords will have the function indicated .

Bm7 is vim7 in the key of:

is iiim7 in the key of:

is in the key of:

is in the key of:

is in the key of :

Dl maj? is in the key of:

is vim7 in the key of:

F#maj 7 is IVm aj7 in the key of:

is IVm aj7 in the key of:

Cm7 is vim7 in the key of:

10. Notate the following.

The two maj7 chords in Cm . Th e three m7 chords in

The three m7 chords in The two maj7 chords in C#.

The two maj7 chords in G#m. The three m7 chords in

The three m7 chor ds in B . The two maj7 chords in

The two maj7 chords in The two maj7 chords in Bm .

The three m7 chord s in F#. The three m7 chords in A.

The two maj7 chord s in E . The two maj7 chord s in

The three m7 chord s in D . The three m7 chord s in

The two maj7 chords in Em. The two maj7 chords in F#m.

The three m7 chords in F. The two maj7 chords in Al rn.

The two maj7 chords in C#m. The three m7 chords in

11. Write the following scales, with their modes on another sheet of staff paper.

, F Melodic Minor B Melodic Minor G Harmonic Minor D Harmonic Minor

, A' Melodic Minor EDMelodic Minor DDHarmonic Minor A Melodic Minor

12. Write the chord-scale relationship (in other words, harmonize the scale with 7th chords) for these scales and
modes. Show harmonic functions.

G Ionian (Major)

G Melodic Minor

F Aeolian (Minor)

('9,'13) B Locrian

B Major E Harmonic Min or

BPLydian B Altered

13. Write the major pentatonic and minor pent atoni c scales in all twel ve keys.

14. Write the bebop domin ant and bebop major scales in all twelve keys.

15. Write the Kumoi and the In Sen scales in all twelv e keys.


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