Case Study

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Case Study

A bunch of villagers (Around 5 lacs) lived in the coastal region of Pakistan. They were not educated.
They lived by fishing. Usually, these people are Muslim and they eat halal food, commonly rice,
vegetable, fish, etc.  One night while all were sleeping a sudden tidal wave occurs and people go to
the shelter at once with whatever they had. After three days they came back to their village and found
their village has become unrecognizable as the water washed away everything. There was no house
or tree and all their boats were also gone in the sea. They were in need of shelter, food, and clothes
on an emergency basis.

Some I/NGO’s came to help them.
Some Chinese NGO starts working after a two months of the incident on canned food (MEAT)
provision as those were their needs, but later it was found that those foods were processed with pork
fat. This situation made two groups within these people, one group said this food was not processed
with pork, other said this was. The Chinese NGO kept mum on this topic and later stopped
the provision of food.
But the two groups become enemy and started fighting, many died and nobody was able to make any
house or boat even the ones those were made also destroyed as other people would break them due to
their hostility. The community was not resilient at all.
As for illiteracy they were not aware of their rights and due to their cruel nature no humanitarian
service provider would want to go and let them know their rights, or do any communication with
them and they were even not part of decision making.
Due to the unstable situation killing and robbery increased, women were harassed but any NGO/
even police didn’t care to take complaints from them and kept advising them to change their nature.
The complaints were not kept confidential thus more killings were done because of these complaints.
One NGO started taking complaints but they do not solve those on time.
There was no coordination between the humanitarian actors and thus there was an overlapping of
services such as cloth, gas, etc. distribution. Though the community was expecting improved
assistance, the organizations didn’t learn and improve. Later another Chinese NGO started food
assistance but they also end up with the halal/haram controversy.
As a result, staffs were not able to do their work due to a lack of administrative support from
organizations and government. And staffs were not treated fairly and equitably. And resources were
not used responsibly to serve the purpose properly.

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