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● Feet are a bit wider apart than in precision shooting. This helps with managing the recoil
and also to raise the gun from 45 degrees.
● Your grip has to be firmer than in precision shooting, this is a more dynamic discipline.
● Train the movements first, without caring about time. Once you feel comfortable with them
then you will start training within the allotted times.
● Wrist lock and trigger release make all the difference. Make sure that you don’t unlock the
wrist between shots and don’t jerk the trigger.
● Your upper torso is locked, you move the whole of it not your arm. You have to pivot on
your hip.
● Stop on your target and shoot. Never shoot while moving.
● After your last target keep the movement as if you where to shoot an extra imaginary target.
● Use a chronometer in the competitions and training for the one minute set-up time. You will
internalize it a bit, but it is important to have the reference and not be caught off guard. At
55 seconds point to the target and hold it until the light turns red or the referee shouts
‘Attention’, then slowly lower the gun to 45 degrees and check that my lock and grip are
good, always with your eyes on the target.
● Get help from somebody or use a mirror to learn where your 45 degree is. Memorize the
sensations so you always know where you are. Some people prefer to have their arm
lower, it is up to you, but always memorize the sensations of the position.
● When you are at 45 degrees, reach the break wall of the second stage of your trigger (no
slack to catch up to later).
● Raise your weapon in a controlled manner as fast as you can always looking at the target.
As the pistol comes into view slow down until you reach your firing area and change focus
to the sights. Don’t lower your eyes to look at the gun, it will slow you down.
● If the target is the same as in precision shooting, don’t change your aiming, keep it under 6
o’clock. In the other cases, like when using the rapid fire five targets, aim your gun to the
center. You will need to keep track of the clicks needed and in which direction to make sure
that this transition is easy and error less.
● Your sights should be aligned when you reach your aiming area (with a little bit of practice
they will be!). You will develop a very strong memory of the feeling of your whole arm and
● Get used to shooting smoothly every time. It is easier to do when you are practicing without
● Develop a shooting rhythm.
● In multiple shot rapid fire disciplines, the first shot is the hardest and most important one, so
give it more time than the rest. It is important to keep the sensation and memory of a good
shot for the rest. Give it about 3 seconds.

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