Topic 8 - Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis Handouts

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Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

Dr. Antonis Michael

Frederick University

Notes Courtesy of Dr. Christos Drakos

University of Florida

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

Cause of Stresses in Rigid Pavements
• Curling
• Load
• Friction
1. Curling Stresses

Where is the
tension zone?
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
1.1 Curling Because of Temperature

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

1.2 Curling Because of Moisture

1.3 Curling Because of Shrinkage

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
1.4 Curling Stress of Infinite Plate
T+∆T α t ∆T
εX = εY =
• Assume linear ∆Τ
• αt = coefficient of thermal expansion

• σX due to curling in X-direction:

• σX due to curling in Y-direction:

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

1.5 Bending Stress of Finite Slab

C XEα t ∆T C Y νEα t ∆T
σX = +
2(1 − ν 2 ) 2(1 − ν 2 )
X Εαt ∆T
σX = (CX + νCY )
2(1− ν2 )
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
Correction Factor Chart

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

1.5 Bending Stress of Finite Slab (cont)
• Maximum Interior Stress @ Center of Slab
Eα t ∆T
σX = (C X + νC Y )
2(1 − ν 2 )
Eα t ∆T
σY = (C Y + νC X )
2(1 − ν 2 )

• Edge Stress @ Midspan

Eα t ∆T σ may be σx or σy, depending on

σ= C whether C is taken as Cx or Cy
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
1.6 Temperature Curling Example

σX k=200 pci
8” αt=5x10-6 /oF
Ec=4,000,000 psi

12’ Calculate Stresses

i. Radius of Relative Stiffness:

 Eh3 
l= 
12 ⋅ (1 − ν )k 

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

ii. Maximum Interior Stress @ Center of Slab

Eα t ∆T
σX = (C X + νC Y )
2(1 − ν 2 )
Eα t ∆T
σY = (C Y + νC X )
2(1 − ν 2 )
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
1.6 Temperature Curling Example (cont)
Eα t ∆T
σ Xint = (C X + νC Y )
2(1 − ν 2 )

Eα t ∆T
σ Yint = (C Y + νC X )
2(1 − ν 2 )

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

1.6 Temperature Curling Example (cont)
iii. Edge Stress @ Midspan
Eα t ∆T
σX = CX
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
1.7 Combined Stresses
Curling stresses are high, but usually not considered in the
thickness design for the following reasons:

• Joints and steel relieve and take care of curling stresses (as
long as the cracks are held together by reinforcement and
are still able to transfer load they will not affect
• Curling stresses add to load stresses during the day and
subtract to load stresses during the night
• Fatigue principle is based on # of repetitions; curling effect
limited compared to load repetitions

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

2. Loading Stresses
Three ways of determining σ & δ:
– Closed form solutions (Westergaard – single-wheel)
– Influence charts (Picket & Ray, 1951 – multiple-wheel)
– Finite Element (FE) solutions
2.1 Closed-form solutions – Westergaard theory

2.1.1 Assumptions
• All forces on the surface of the plate are perpendicular to
the surface
• Slab has uniform cross-section and constant thickness

• Slab length
• Slab placed
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
2.1.2 Limitations
• Only corner loading/edge loading or mid-slab deformation
and stresses can be calculated
• No discontinuities or voids beneath the slab
• Developed for single wheel loads

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

2.1.3 Corner Loading

3P   a 2  
σc =  1 −   
h2   l   k = modulus of subgrade reaction
  l = radius of relative stiffness
P   a 2  a = load contact radius
δ c = 2 1.1 − 0.88 
 P = load
kl   l 

2.1.4 Interior Loading

b=a when a≥1.724h
0.316P  l 
σi = 4 log  + 1.069 b = 1.6a + h − 0.675h when a<1.724h
2 2

h2   
b 
P  1  a  a  

δi = 1 + ln  − 0.673 l  
8kl 2  2 π   2 l    
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
2.1.5 Edge Loading
0.803P  l a 
σe = 2  4log  + 0.666  − 0.034 
h  a l 
0.431P   a 
δe = 2 1 − 0.82 
kl   l 

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

2.1.6 Dual Tires

Assume that: L≈

Then, area of the equivalent circle:

πa2 = 2 × 0.5227L2 + (S d − 0.6L )L

0.8521 × Pd S d  Pd 
a= +  
qπ π  0.5227q 
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
2.1.7 Dual Tire Example
P=10000 lb Calculate stresses.
q=88.42 psi
Ec=4,000,000 psi

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

2.1.7 Dual Tire Example (cont)
iii. Corner Stress:

3P   a 2  

σ c = 2 1 −   
h   l  
 

iv. Interior Stress:

0.316P  l 
σi = 2  4 log  + 1.069
h  b 
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
2.1.7 Dual Tire Example (cont)
v. Edge Stress:

0.803P  l a 

σe = 2  4log  + 0.666  − 0.034 
h  a l 

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

3. Friction Stresses
Friction between concrete slab and its foundations induces
internal tensile stresses in the concrete. If the slab is
reinforced, these stresses are eventually carried by the steel
What happens to PCC w/ ∆T?


• γc=Unit weight of PCC
• fa=Average friction
between slab & foundation
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
Steel Stresses:
• Reinforcing steel
• Tie bars
• Dowels
3.1 Reinforcement
• Wire fabric or
• Do
• Increase
σt h

As = Area of required steel per unit width
fs = Allowable stress in steel

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

3.1.1 Welded Wire Fabric

What does (6 x 12 – W8 x W6) mean?


Wire Reinforcement Institute Guidelines:

• Minimum wires W4 or D4 (because wires are
subjected to bending and tension)
• Minimum spacing 4in (allow for PCC placement
and vibration) – Maximum 12x24
• Wire fabric should have end and side laps:
– Longitudinal: 30*Diam. but no less than 12”
– Transverse: 20*Diam. but no less than 6”
• Fabric should extend to about 2in but no more
than 6in from the slab edges
Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis

3.2 Tie Bars
• Placed along the
fa γ cL'h
As =
L’ = distance from the longitudinal joint
Length of tie bars
L’ µ = allowable bond stress
d = bar diameter
Spacing of tie bars

Many Agencies use

Topic 8 – Rigid Pavement Stress Analysis
4. Joint Opening
δ = Joint opening
αt = Coefficient of thermal contraction
ε = Drying shrinkage coefficient
L = Slab length
C = adjustment factor for subgrade friction
• Stabilized =
• Granular =

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