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My Hero by Willis Hill

Read the poem, ‘My Hero’ carefully. Then answer the questions below.

1. In stanza 1, which expression shows the persona’s pride in his father?

2. What does the persona’s father enjoy doing at night?
3. Parents should set good examples for their children. Do you agree with this? Do you
think the persona’s father sets good examples of behaviour for the persona? If so, how
does he do this? Give one example.
4. Name two fears mentioned in the poem.
5. Name two fictional characters mentioned in the poem.
6. What is your biggest fear? Give a suggestion on how you could slowly overcome it.
7. How does the child feel knowing that Mum has to remove the spider instead of Dad?
8. What courageous acts can you do to help people? State two acts.
9. In your opinion, is the title ‘My Hero’ a suitable one? Give reasons for your answer.

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