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People should follow customs and traditions when they start to live in a new

Bd1: two reasons they should blend into the local culture in the host country
- The refusal to adapt lead to social isolation=> has a negative influence
- Limited knowledge of local customs => crime, make people feel annoyed
Bd2: benefits
- Accepted easily=> gain respects, affection awa help. Ex: expanding
bussiness need to aware of business practices to maximise profits
- Gain richess of knowledge by virtue of local customs and traditions, by
actively participate in activities of community.
There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we
need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than
the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays
Bd1: music is of neccesity for human’ lives
- Recreational activity for pp. ex: workers suffer from enormous of stress=>
music allows them to refresh their own moods and to be full of beans
Bd2: the value of traditional music overweights that of the international one
which is widely listened to young people, espeically teenagers all round the world.
- International catchy, eventful and bring us enthusiasm, but they have no
virtuous or meaningful messages
- Meanwhile, the traditional one passes patriotism and national proudness
- More importantly, the international music is used for commercial purposes
=> no value in the long run
Many people choose to work or live abroad because of the higher
standards of living they can find outside their home country. Do you
think this brings more advantages or disadvantages to the people who
follow this path?
Bd1: myriad of benefits when it comes to living abroad.
- be conducive to the liberty from the rigid laws and social norms. Ex:
homosexual in russia have a propensity to move to another county because
of capital punish ment
- associated with higher opportunities of experiencing a more progressive
and standarized learning environment.
Bd2: some problems pertain to working or living in a foreign environment.
- Highly sensitive to homesickness and nostalgia=> psychological disorders
would discourage their desire to integration, isolation from the local
- foreign settlement could culminate in the issues of cultural clash due to
religious beliefs. Ex: islamic refugees

Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think
of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion
body1: horizontal city has its own notable merits
- the service expenditure is not as costly as the vertical city
- be capable of extricating easily from emergency cases such as fire,
construction collapse and avoiding elavator accidents.
Bd2: living in vertical cities is much more advantageous
- resolving the issue of accomodation shortage due to population explosion
in metropolian centrals. Ex: an increasing multi-story apartments where
hundreds of civilians could experience cohabitant environment in lieu of
solo-dwelling in seperately private houses which acount for a great deal of
the residental area
- wide range of goods and services such as rental offices, shopping malls are
associated together in many skycrapers in ubiquitous way.
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative
Bd1: two main effects on friendships which how people show their emotions and
the ways that they contact each others.
- Reading statuses=> update situation every day. Ex: talking to their partners
by assistance of video calls in lieu of going to restaurants to save money
and time
Bd2: the adjustment of the way that people interact is benefical based on two key
- the use of handheld devices increasing significantly assists people in getting
touch more easily and faster with their companions than in the three
decades ago. Ex: while it took nearly a one week to deliver the letters of a
temper in the past, current residents could receive immediately vital
messages in a few seconds.
- The social relations are almost expanding day by day=> establishing easily
relationship with foreigners who live in another country
International tourism is now more common than ever before. Some feel that
this is a positive trend, while others do not.
Bd1: there are widespread reasons why local people consider that tourists who
are from other countries would have some negative impacts on their societies.
- the consciousness of tourists about saving the environment of the country
where they visit. Ex: drawing their marks on the wall in historical places like
museums or temples as well as littering beautiful landscapes such as
famous beaches
- taking advantages from visiting another country to stay illegally. Ex: there
are large number of people from developing countries travel to developed
nations and their purpose is to reside without being accepted immigration
so it would be complicated for the government of host country to control
illegal immigrants.
Bd2: some meausres should be implimented to deal with these issues of
international tourism.
- the host countries need to be strict to tourism agencies about ensuring that
they do not let their customers commit any unfit behaviors which are
mention aboved by giving strict rules. Ex: the fine and prision punishments
should be applied to tourists who lack awareness of reserving relics
- youngsters are capable of participating in some volunteer activities to
introduce the beauty of their cultures and landscapes to tourists so they
would have more respect for the country

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members
of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Bd1: there are various reasons why people consider that parents should teach
their children to build up good manners.
- children are prone to listen to their parents who are the most powerful in
family. Ex: children might worry about wrong actions, which lead to their
making a decision as to whether they should commit such a behavior if they
ever been punished before.
- children usually have a close relationship with parents whom they count on
when meeting toughs in life. children, therefore, regularly pour some
concerns into parent’s heart, they could give advice, which is one of the
most important factors to deter children from becoming perverse.
Bd2: in spite of these arguments, I would hold the perception that schooling plays
an essential role in the formation children’s characters.
- except from home, school could be the second place where children spend
the biggest amount of time. Thus, teachers are likely to the second parent
to instruct them in being aware the rights and the wrongs in every walk of
life. amittedly, teachers usually stricter than parents given that they often
spoil their kids excessively.
- Morever, school environment would enable children either find out their
desires or their abilities by attending recreational physical activities or
studying specific objects so this is benificial to them in becoming well-
rounded individuals in the long run
A wide range of goods and services such as rental offices or shopping mall are
associated with many skycrapers in a ubiquitous way.

Firstly, it is logical that the top priority of any company should be to cover its
running costs, such as employee’s salary and office rental. Only by satisfying
these expenditures can entrepreneurs generate innovations and makes more
improvement in their businesses
One reason is that enterprises must concern about environmental
contamination because their production has direct negative impacts on the
surrounding. A typical example is that if many factories in industrial zones
installed wastewater system instead of discharging chemical waste directly
into lakes and rivers, water degradation could be controlled
Admittedly, building wider roads, to some extent, is a good way to tackle road
congestion. However, it seems to simply be a stop-gap method. The effect of this
solution is only temporary because along with the growth of population and
economy, the number of private vehicles will continuously increase which will
quickly fill up the roads again. As a consequence, traffic jam will eventually recur.
Moreover, enlarging or constructing new roads requires new land, which is
inherently a limited resource in crowded cities
It is nonsense to say wild animals have no part in the 21st century since they
always play an important role in the environment. Whether in the Stone Age,
medieval age or modern age, animals, and plants have been living together and
forming a balance in life that no humans can make. Plants give off oxygen and
foods, while animals help plants grow and multiply. If we don’t protect wild
animals well, most of them will go extinct due to overhunting, which will break
the balance of nature and lead to many adverse consequences of deforestation,
hurricane, and other terrible disasters.

Last but not least, a developed transport infrastructure will facilitate the
growth of other economic sectors. To be specific, the transport of
commodities between rural and urban areas can become more efficient and
optimal owing to the improved road network.
Besides, free education might make students less responsible for studying or
doing activities in school and result in long-term drawbacks.
Another reason is that the Internet could help to enhance the growth of the
economy. Online sale becomes more common these days, hence, improving
Internet access may helps to boost the domestic as well as international trade. In
fact, the Internet enables/allows us to save our time and is convenient for us due
to written forms of communication because the Internet would allows people to
discuss online with companies through Email, Facebook or other social medias.

Moreover, the school is a small environment of a very large society where

children are taught on how to behave with teachers and other students in socially
accepted manners. When they leave school, their knowledge and skills will help
them in doing a job well. It can, therefore, be argued that school education should
gain more attention from the general public as it fully prepares children with
relevant skills useful for their adult life, helping them become good citizens.

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