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REG# 37634





Shan tries to break gender stereotypes with this new TVC. It is a very emotional ad revolving
around a father and a daughter duo. The daughter is a modern working woman and the father
stays back. The mother has passed away some time back. The young girl comes back home and
cooks food for the father who waits for her to come earlier. One particular night she comes back
and apologizes for being late. She also tells him that since the next day is her birthday they can do
something different and eat out. The next day she comes back late again with food but is
welcomed with the biggest surprise. Her father cooks food for her by looking at her mother’s
cookbook and says that it is not only her job to cook food.
Tvc Link:

Each and everything in this Ad have a feel of emotions and care and decency with some
emotional touch. The set design is with the dark colors with the feel of some emotional
attachment like most of the furniture use is of Dark Brown Color presents strength and
reliability but somehow it also presents loneliness and sadness.Hairstyling is also
presenting the innocence itself and the hard working of a working woman who do work
in office and work for home too, the messy hair bun presents it all.
Makeup is the lightest just the sweet touch which presence the innocence of the female
character with clear face expressions about her feeling for her father and how o she
cares for him.

This campaign completely fulfill its objective which is to break the age old stereotypes that its not only
woman duty to cook but its also yours to help her with house chores and kitchen things which is clearly
presenting between a father and daughter where the daughter goes for work and comeback to home
and cook for the family.

Wrapping up my analysis of the report with the message given in the ad is simply amazing and
directly touches the hearts of audience. Brands are bent to make some space in our heads and
hearts, they've got to understand and acknowledge this idea and this Ad has simply done it really
very well.
We feel the campaign is premised on the idea of acknowledging and celebrating a woman's
capabilities beyond the role of a cook.



or generations and generations on end, the women of subcontinent as well as around the world were
charged with the responsibility of looking after the house and other activities such as cooking and
cleaning. However, with a change in time there has also been a shift in the lifestyles of people not just
around the world but in Pakistan as well.

Tvc Link

National released its latest TVC for its recipe mixes with an interesting tagline: Nayi Soch k Naye Zaiqe

The TVC shows three different couples were men (husbands) can be seen helping around the kitchen
cooking and cleaning. Not just that but the couples are actually have fun while helping each other out
throughout the process. This powerful TVC not only seems to appear sweet on the surface but also
comes with a strong message that husbands can and should help around the house. This small gesture
will not only divide the burden but increase love too.

The idea behind the campaign was to redefine traditions, keeping in mind rapidly changing consumer
lifestyles. “When we say ‘naye zaiqe’,we are not only talking about food. It could be a new habit or a
new perspective on life.”

The first most notable aspect of the tvc is the costume design. From the get go we see all our
characters are dressed in brilliant and formal dresses, indicative of their being a caring
relationship of husband and wife.The second notable feature is the set design. Bright lights and
decorations adorn the back drop. Lost in a constant bokeh of lights. Giving the set a feel of an
ethereal and magical space for our characters. The kitchen and furnishings are rustic and
completely opposite of modern, helping invoke the feeling off a well lived in house that instills
feelings of couple. A warm light bathes most of our characters in an orangish hue, in strict
contract small background locations are lit in hues of red and orange. This only serves to make
our main characters feel warmer and richer.

After having thoroughly analyzed the TVC we can see,husband and wife bond we can see its cultural
implications of husband and wife an how it relates to couple bonds. A common trait in Pakistani society,
adopting and loving and caring relationship based on our traditional family settings. The commercial
shows clever and tact use of directing and music scores to create a memorable experience one that
won’t be easily forgotten by the audience.

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