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Submitted by: Group 1 & Group 2

12 – ABM E. Musk

Topic: Phishing

Mind Map
Process Questions:

• How can you tell if someone is phishing on your account?

 We can tell if someone is phishing on your accounts if we received emails, calls, and
messages asking for verification, which may lead to a website giving your account's
information and credentials to an unauthorized person to perform withdrawals from your
account. Phishing emails may be tricky because it can make you believe that it is from a
legitimate bank where you keep transactions. Phishing may also give you fake threats
stating that there's a problem with your account, which will make you react fastly to the
situation and compromise on the provided link. We can also tell if someone is phishing
your account if there is a suspicious action or sign in attempts.

• How did Mr. Malibiran lose his money in the bank? Narrate the incident.
 Mr. Carlos D. Malibiran is a senior citizen businessman that lost P159,000 in savings
from a local bank via unauthorized online fund transfer despite never using his account to
transfer funds. According to Mr. Mabiliran Akinto Marketing Corporation opened a
payroll account in his name at Union Bank Aurora-Balete Drive branch in July 2013. He
worked on Akinto Marketing Company as a consultant, and his earning is P30,000 a
month as a consultancy fee, which was deposited regularly to his account. Mr. Malibiran
said that he usually withdrew over the counter while he checks on his balance online via
the Union Bank website using his original PIN, but never made a withdrawal. According
to him during the second quarter of 2014, the Union Bank rejected his PIN code so he
asked his secretary to call the manager of that bank branch that was identified as
Christian Dumlao, who said that the Union Bank website usually asked for additional
information online as an added security measure. So, he continued to use his account for
one to two months. But without his knowledge, a total of P159,000 were withdrawn from
his account from July to October 2014. On January 12, 2015, the business manager of the
Union Bank Aurora-Balete Drive branch sent a letter to Malibiran saying that his
account's credentials were compromised, which allowed the unauthorized fund transfers.

• Do you think online banking is still safe? How can you avoid becoming a victim of phishing?

 Yes, online banking is safe because banking websites are equipped with Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) technology that secures the connection between your browser and the
banking website. Since the entire banking process is contained on your device, you’ll be
more inclined to track your expenses and earnings. For us to avoid becoming a victim of
phishing, we can add multi-factor authentication, and with the help of this, it will require
you to use two or more credentials before logging in to your account. We have to be
knowledgeable about phishing, and we should know how to recognize phishing. We
should always check our accounts transactions for assurance that everything is on track,
and there is nothing suspicious happening. Also, we can avoid becoming a victim of
phishing by securing our personal information and not sharing it with other people.

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