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IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

Cooperative Caching for Spectrum Access in

Cognitive Radio Networks
Bo Zhou, Sangtian Wang, Erkai Chen, and Meixia Tao
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Emails: {b.zhou, wst941211, cek1006, mxtao}

Abstract—In this paper, we investigate cooperative caching Caching popular contents at base stations (BSs) has also
for spectrum access in cognitive radio networks. By cooperative been recognized as an effective way to support the tremendous
caching, we mean that the unlicensed secondary base station growth of mobile data traffic [6], [7]. This is mainly due to a
(SBS) can cache certain primary contents to serve primary
users, in exchange for the opportunities to access the licensed central feature of content-centric services, i.e., a few popular
spectrum. We consider the joint optimization of caching and contents account for a majority of data traffic. Moreover, by
scheduling of the SBS to maximize the weighted average number proactively fetching contents during off-peak times, caching
of satisfied secondary requests under the average available time brings contents closer to users and hence can improve user-
constraint and the cache capacity constraint. This problem is perceived experience. As such, caching effectiveness has been
a mixed-integer bilinear programming, which is challenging in
general. By exploring the special structure of the problem, we explored in different wireless architectures [8]–[10].
first show that the optimal caching satisfies a cache-split structure In light of the benefits of cooperative spectrum sharing and
and the optimal scheduling satisfies a rate-ratio structure. Then, caching, we would like to investigate cooperative caching in
based on these optimality properties, we transform the original CRNs in this work. Consider a CRN consisting of a primary
problem into a simplified joint cache splitting and SU partitioning BS (PBS) and a secondary BS (SBS), and primary users (PUs)
optimization problem, and propose an efficient algorithm to solve
it optimally. Moreover, we investigate the impacts of the primary request for primary contents and secondary users (SUs) request
and secondary content popularity distributions on the system for secondary contents. The SBS has a local cache with finite
performance. Numerical results verify the theoretical analysis storage size. By cooperative caching, we mean that the SBS
and provide some counter-intuitive insights. can cache certain primary contents to serve the corresponding
I. I NTRODUCTION requests from PUs with possibly higher transmission rates.
In this way, the total time for satisfying primary requests
Propelled by the vast proliferation of smart mobile devices, could be shorten and the SBS can obtain more transmission
global mobile data traffic is undergoing an unprecedented opportunities to serve SUs with the cached secondary contents.
growth, which is predicted to exceed 30 exabytes per month While cooperative caching appears to offer obvious benefits
by 2020, an eightfold increase over 2015 [1]. Meanwhile, to the CRN, it is not clear that how many primary contents
the demand for wireless services has also been experienc- should the SBS cache. Caching too many primary contents
ing a fundamental shift, from the conventional connection- would provide plenty of transmission opportunities for the
centric communications, e.g., phone calls and messaging, SBS, which, however, may not be fully utilized, as very few
to the emerging content-centric communications, e.g., video secondary contents can be cached. Moreover, the design of
streaming and multimedia content sharing. To handle the “data cooperative caching in CRNs is further challenging due to
tsunami” with the scarce radio spectrum resources, it is of the heterogeneous nature of content popularities and users’
great importance for mobile operators to take account of this channel conditions.
demand shift. Recently, caching has been investigated in CRNs in the
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) offer a promising paradig- literature [11]–[14]. Specifically, [11] and [12] consider con-
m to improve spectrum efficiency and alleviate spectrum tent caching in multi-hop CRNs to minimize the caching
scarcity, by allowing unlicensed secondary networks to oppor- dissemination and access costs and to maximize the data
tunistically access the spectrum licensed to primary networks retrieval probability, respectively. In [13], the authors study
[2]. To further provide benefits for both primary and secondary dynamic spectrum allocation for proactive caching to improve
networks, cooperative spectrum sharing has been proposed and the performance of video distribution in information-centric
extensively investigated from various perspectives [3]–[5]. The CRNs. However, the cooperation between primary and sec-
basic idea of cooperative spectrum sharing is that secondary ondary networks are not considered in [11]–[13]. In [14], the
networks offload data traffic of primary networks in exchange authors consider cooperative caching in CRNs, and propose
for additional spectrum access opportunities. Through this joint caching and scheduling algorithms to stabilize CRNs
approach, mutual benefits can be gained in CRNs. (i.e., keep the length of all request queues for primary and
This work is supported by the NSF of China under grants 61571299 and secondary contents upper-bounded). Note that, the stability
61329101. of CRNs does not necessarily lead to good performance for

978-1-4673-8999-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

secondary networks. In addition, different users are assumed W^

to have same channel conditions in [14]. Therefore, it remains
unclear how to design cooperative caching in CRNs to improve
the performance of secondary networks, when users have
heterogeneous channel conditions. Whϭ
In this paper, we tackle some of the above challenges. We
consider the joint optimization of caching and scheduling of ^hϭ
the SBS to maximize the weighted average number of satisfied
secondary requests under the average available time constraint ĂĐŚĞ WhϮ
and the cache capacity constraint. This optimization problem ^hϮ ^ĞĐŽŶĚĂƌLJŽŶƚĞŶƚƐ
is a mixed-integer bilinear programming problem, which is WƌŝŵĂƌLJŽŶƚĞŶƚƐ
difficult to solve in general. We first characterize the structural
Fig. 1: Cooperative caching in a CRN. For example, the SBS
properties of the optimal solution. In specific, we show that the
caches certain primary contents to serve PU 1, in exchange
optimal caching satisfies a cache-split structure and the optimal
for the spectrum access opportunities to serve SU 1 and SU2.
scheduling satisfies a rate-ratio structure. Then, based on these
properties, we transform the original optimization problem
into a simplified joint cache splitting and SU partitioning slot, PUs submit independent requests for primary contents
optimization problem, and propose an efficient and optimal according to qP and SUs submit independent requests for
algorithm to solve it. We also study the impacts of the primary secondary contents, according to qS . We assume that the
content popularity distribution on the system performance. request generation processes for the primary and secondary
Finally, numerical results verify the theoretical analysis and contents are stationary with constant rates λP contents/slot and
provide some counter-intuitive insights. In specific, we observe λS contents/slot, respectively. We suppose that the PBS stores
that the optimal cache splitting does not admit any monotonic all the primary contents. The SBS is equipped with a cache,
properties with the steepness of the popularity distributions of which can store at most C contents. We consider that the SBS
the primary and secondary contents. can also store some primary contents to serve primary requests
II. N ETWORK M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION (with possibly higher transmission rates than the PBS). In this
way, the SBS may earn more transmission time to access the
Consider a CRN including a licensed primary network and licensed spectrum for serving secondary requests, as the total
an unlicensed secondary network, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The time for serving primary requests can possibly be shortened.
primary network consists of one PBS and I PUs, and the This is refereed to as cooperative caching. For each primary
secondary network consists of one SBS and J SUs. Let I  content m ∈ M, let cP m ∈ {0, 1} denote its caching status at
{1, 2, · · · , I} and J  {1, 2, · · · , J} denote the sets of PUs the SBS, where cP m = 1 indicates that primary content m is
and SUs, respectively. The licensed spectrum owned by the cached and cP m = 0 otherwise. Similarly, for each secondary
primary network can be shared to the secondary network, when content n ∈ N , let cSn ∈ {0, 1} denote its caching status at
the PBS is not serving PUs. the SBS. Let c  (cP , cS ) denote the caching strategy of the
A. User Request and Caching Models SBS, where cP  (cP S S
m )m∈M and c  (cn )n∈N .

We consider that the primary and the secondary networks B. Service Model
are different, and hence the PUs and the SUs are interested We assume that the duration of a content transmission is
in different sets of contents. Let M  {1, 2, · · · , M } and long enough to average the small-scale channel fading process.
N  {1, 2, · · · , N } denote the sets of primary and secondary The PBS and the SBS transmit at fixed power. We denote
contents, respectively. For simplicity, we assume that each the transmission rate provided by the PBS to PU i as RP,i
primary and secondary content is of the same size.1 Let qm contents/second and the transmission rate provided by the SBS
and qn denote the popularities of primary contentm ∈ M and to SU j as RS,j contents/second. We assume that the SBS
 content n ∈ N , respectively, where m∈M qm = can serve PUs who request the cached primary contents, and
1 and n∈N q n = 1. It is assumed that the popularity denote the transmission rate from the SBS to PU i as RS,i
distributions, i.e., qP  (qm P
)m∈M and qS  (qnS )n∈N , content/second. Note that we do not necessarily have RS,i >
are known a priori. Without loss of generality, we assume RP,i for all PU i. All primary requests must be served, by
that both the primary and secondary content popularities are either the PBS or the SBS, while the secondary requests may
decreasing in the index, i.e., q1P ≥ q2P ≥ · · · ≥ qM P
and only be partially served by the SBS due to the unlicensed
q1 ≥ q2 ≥ · · · ≥ qN . We consider a slotted system, nature of the secondary network and the limited cache size
where the slot duration is comparable to the timescale of of the SBS. Let ρP i,m ∈ [0, 1] denote the fraction of content
user request dynamics, and hence can be in the order of request from PU i to primary content m that is served by
several minutes. Denote the slot duration as T seconds. In each the SBS. The remaining fraction of such content requests will
1 This assumption can be easily removed, since contents with different sizes be served by the PBS. Similarly, let ρSj,n ∈ [0, 1] denote the
can be divided into equal-size content chunks. fraction of content requests from SU j to secondary content
IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

n that is served by the SBS. Let ρ  (ρP , ρS ) denote the Lemma 1: There exists CS∗ ∈ {1, · · · , C} such that the
scheduling strategy of the SBS, where ρ  (ρi,m )i∈I,m∈M optimal caching strategy of the SBS c∗ satisfies a cache-split
and ρS  (ρSj,n )j∈J ,n∈N . Note that, the SBS can only serve structure, i.e.,

the requests for the cached (primary and secondary) contents. P∗ 1 if m = 1, · · · , C − CS∗
Therefore, under caching strategy c and scheduling strategy c m = , (2)
0 otherwise
ρ, the average time for serving the primary requests and the 
1 if n = 1, · · · , CS∗
secondary requests in each slot are respectively given by cS∗
n = . (3)
  0 otherwise
i,m cm
(1 − ρP P
i,m )cm 1 − cP CS∗ is referred to as the optimal cache splitting threshold.
TP = λP q m
+ + ,
RS,i RP,i RP,i Lemma 1 suggests that the cache space at the SBS can be
i∈I m∈M
splitted into two sub-caches, where the sub-cache with sizes
  ρS cS ∗
T = S S j,n n
λ qn . C −C S is for primary contents and the sub-cache with size CS∗
RS,j is for secondary contents, and the optimal caching strategy is
j∈J n∈N
to cache the most popular contents according the size of each
C. Problem Formulation sub-cache. Therefore, the optimal caching strategy c∗ can be
In this work, our goal is to jointly optimize the caching found by a one-dimensional search of the single variable CS .
and scheduling strategies of the SBS so as to maximize the For any given cache splitting threshold CS , Problem 1
utility of the SBS, which is defined as the weighted average reduces to a linear programming problem with respect to the
number of satisfied secondary requests. Mathematically, the scheduling strategy, the optimal solution of which is denoted as
optimization problem is formulated as: ρ∗ (CS ). While this linear program can be solved by standard
Problem 1 (Optimal Caching and Scheduling): algorithms (e.g., the simplex algorithm or the interior-point
  method), we show that ρ∗ (CS ) satisfies a rate-ratio structure in
max U (c, ρ) = wj λ qn ρj,n cn (1a)
c,ρ the following lemma, which can provide insights for designing
j∈J n∈N
simple efficient algorithms.
s.t. T S ≤ T − T P , (1b) Lemma 2: There exists a vector μ  (μCS )CS ∈{1,··· ,C}
cPm + c S
n ≤ C, (1c) such that for each CS , the optimal scheduling strategy ρ∗ (CS )
m∈M n∈N satisfies a rate-ratio structure, i.e.,

ρi,m ∈ [0, 1], ρj,n ∈ [0, 1], ∀i, j, m, n, (1d) P∗ 1 if RS,i > RP,i & m = 1, · · · , C − CS
P S ρi,m (CS ) = ,
cm ∈ {0, 1}, cn ∈ {0, 1}, ∀m, n, (1e) 0 otherwise
where wj is the weight that represents the priority for SU (4)
j. Constraint (1b) indicates that the average time for serv- ⎧

⎨1 if wj RS,j > μCS & n = 1, · · · , CS
ing the secondary requests T S can not exceed the average
available time for the SBS, i.e., the slot duration T minus ρS∗
j,n (C S ) = Sj,n if wj RS,j = μCS & n = 1, · · · , CS ,

the average time for serving the primary requests T P . We 0 otherwise
refer to constraint (1b) as the average available time constraint. (5)
Constraint (1c) is the cache capacity constraint of the SBS. Let
where {Sj,n } can be any feasible {ρSj,n (CS )} such that
U ∗ denote the optimal value to Problem 1.
T S (ρS∗ (CS )) achieves the largest value among all feasible
Problem 1 is a mixed-integer bilinear programming prob-
ρS (CS ), i.e.,
lem, where each bilinear term involves the product of a binary
variable (i.e., c) and a continuous variable (i.e., ρ) [15], and T −T P (ρP ∗ (CS )) ≥ T S (ρS∗ (CS )) ≥ T S (ρS (CS )), ∀ρS (CS ).
hence is difficult to solve in general. Lemma 2 indicates that for each cached primary content,
III. O PTIMAL C ACHING AND S CHEDULING S TRATEGY the request from PU i will be exclusively served by the SBS,
provided that PU i can receive a higher transmission rate from
In this section, we first characterize the structural properties
the SBS than the PBS, as seen in (4). The reason is that for the
of the optimal caching and scheduling strategies. Then, based
SBS, serving PUs who can receive higher transmission rates
on these optimality properties, we transform the original prob-
from the PBS than the SBS (i.e., RP,i ≥ RS,i ) is not conducive
lem (Problem 1) into a simplified problem (Problem 2), and
to earn extra transmission time to serve SUs. Moreover, from
propose an efficient and optimal algorithm to solve it. Finally,
(5), it can be seen that for each cached secondary content,
we study the impacts of the primary content popularity on the
if the weighed transmission rate of SU j (i.e., wj RS,j ) is
system performance, when qP follows Zipf distributions [16].
larger than a certain threshold μCS , then the SBS will serve
A. Optimality Properties the corresponding request completely; if wj RS,j equals to
First, we show that the optimal caching strategy satisfies the this threshold, then the SBS will serve the request (possibly
following cache-split structure.2 partially) with the remaining available transmission time. This
reveals that the SBS will fully exploit the limited cache size
2 All the proofs are omitted due to page limit. and the limited available transmission time.
IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

B. Equivalent Problem ΔU (Jˆk , CS )  U (Jˆk , CS ) − U (Jˆk , CS − 1). (10)

Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 can be exploited to design efficient Then, we have the following proposition.
algorithms for obtaining the optimal caching and scheduling Proposition 1: For any given Jˆk , we have
strategy to Problem 1. We start with several definitions. We 
sort wj RS,j for all SUs j ∈ J in the descending order and ΔU (Jˆk , CS ) = qC
λS wj , (11)
denote rank(j) as the ranking of SU j. Define Jˆk  {j ∈ j∈Jˆk ∪ΔJˆk
J |rank(j) ≤ k} for k = 1, · · · , J and set Jˆ0 = ∅. Define
ΔJˆk  Jˆk+1 \ Jˆk . Note that Jˆ0 ⊆ Jˆ1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ JˆJ = J . We for each CS ∈ {2, · · · , CSmin (Jˆk )} and
refer to Jˆk as an SU partitioning. Define Jˆ  (Jˆk )k=0,1,··· ,J  wj † RS,j †
as the set of all possible SU partitionings. ΔU (Jˆk , CS ) = qCS
λS (wj − )
We can see that, for any CS , there always exists Jˆk∗ ∈ Jˆ j∈Jkˆ

such that wj RS,j ≥ μCS for all j ∈ Jˆk∗ ∪ΔJˆk∗ and wj RS,j <  1 1

− qC−CS +1 λ wj † RS,j † − , (12)
μCS for all other j, where μCS is given in (5). By Lemma 2, RP,i RS,i
we have the following relation between ρS and Jˆk∗ : i∈ÎS

⎪ if j ∈ Jˆk∗ & n = 1, · · · , CS for each CS ∈ {CSmin + 2, · · · , CSmax (Jˆk )}, where j † ∈ ΔJˆk .
Based on Proposition 1, we have the following lemma.
ρj,n (CS ) = Sj,n if j ∈ ΔJˆk∗ & n = 1, · · · , CS . (6)

⎩ Lemma 3: For any given Jˆk , ΔU (Jˆk , CS ) is positive for
0 otherwise all CS ∈ {2, · · · , CSmin (Jˆk )} and is decreasing with CS for
min max ˆ
Note that, by Lemma 2, {Sj,n } can be explicitly determined all CS ∈ {CS + 2, · · · , CS (∗Jk )}.
Lemma 3 indicates that CS (Jˆk ) ∈ {CSmin (Jˆk ), · · · ,
by CS and Jˆk∗ . Therefore, we only need to focus on finding
CS (Jk )}. Moreover, for given Jˆk , to maximize the utility,
max ˆ
a proper Jˆk instead of determining μ in Lemma 2. Now,
the SBS may not choose to cache as many secondary con-
we can equivalently transform Problem 1 into the following
tents as possible, i.e., CS∗ (Jˆk ) does not necessarily equal to
optimization problem.
CSmax (Jˆk ). The reason is that, when CS increases, to maintain
Problem 2 (Optimal Cache Splitting and SU Partitioning):
⎛ ⎞ the feasibility of the available time constraint, the SBS may
 S   need to serve fewer requests from users in ΔJˆk∗ , which may
max U (Jˆk , CS ) = λS qnS ⎝ wj + wj Sj,n ⎠ lead to the decrease of the utility of the SBS. This reveals the
Jˆk ,CS n=1 j∈Jˆk j∈ΔJˆk tradeoff between serving more requests from users Jˆk∗ and
⎛ ⎞
CS serving more requests from users in ΔJˆk∗ , for given Jˆk∗ .
  1  Sj,n
s.t. λS qnS ⎝ + ⎠ (7a) Note that, CSmin (Jˆk ) = CSmax (Jˆk+1 ). Thus, we have the
n=1 j∈Jˆk
RS,j following property of CS∗ (Jˆk ).
Proposition 2: CS∗ (Jˆk1 ) ≥ CS∗ (Jˆk2 ) for all k1 < k2 .
 1 C−C
S  1 1

≤ T − λP + λP q m
− , Proposition 2 indicates that, to serve more SUs (recalling
RP,i m=1
R P,i R S,i that Jˆk1 ⊆ Jˆk2 ), the SBS should cache more primary contents
so that it could obtain more available transmission time.
CS ∈ {1, · · · , C}, (7b)
Now, we can develop an efficient algorithm to solve Prob-
ˆ ˆ
Jk ∈ J , (7c) lem 2 optimally, as summarized in Algorithm 1.

where ÎS  {i ∈ I|RS,i > RP,i } denotes the PUs whose C. Impacts of Content Popularities
requests for the cached primary contents can always be served Consider that the popularities of the primary and sec-
by the SBS. ondary contents qP and qS follow Zipf distributions, i.e.,
For given SU partitioning Jˆk , we can see that Problem 2 −α
= m M
−α and qn =
N −β , where α and β are
reduces to a cache splitting sub-problem, which is an integer l=1 l l=1 l
the Zipf parameters, which determine the skewness of the
programming problem. To efficiently solve each sub-problem,
corresponding distribution. Note that, the Zipf-like distribution
we first characterize some properties of CS∗ (Jˆk ).
is commonly used to model the popularity of online contents,
For each sub-problem, it can be seen that CS∗ (Jˆk ) ∈
such as web pages and videos [16].
{1, · · · , CSmax (Jˆk )}, where
Theorem 1: U ∗ is non-decreasing with α.
CSmax (Jˆk )  max{CS ∈ {1, · · · , C}|Sj,n = 0 ∀j ∈ ΔJˆk From Theorem 1, we can see that, when the popularity
and Constraint (7a) is satisfied}. (8) distribution of primary contents gets steeper (i.e., α increases),
the SBS can achieve a higher utility, as caching primary
To further simplify the search for CS∗ (Jˆk ), we study how contents becomes more effective. In other words, caching
U (Jˆk , CS ) varies with CS for given Jˆk . First, define effectiveness improves with the skewness of the popularity
distribution of primary contents. This phenomenon can also be
CSmin (Jˆk )  max{CS ∈ {1, · · · , C}|Sj,n = 1 ∀j ∈ ΔJˆk observed for the popularity distribution of secondary contents,
and Constraint (7a) is satisfied}, (9) which will be shown in Section IV.
IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

Algorithm 1 Algorithm for Problem 2 TABLE I: Simulation parameters

1: Set CSmax (Jˆ0 ) = C. BS Tx Power 46 dBm BS-User Ant. Gain 14 dBi
Bandwidth 1 MHz Noise Power -104 dBm
2: for k = 0 : 1 : J do Lognormal Shadowing 8 dBm Small-scale Fading Rayleigh
3: Compute CSmin (Jˆk ) by (9). BS pathloss =128.1 + 37.6log10 (d/1000) dB, d > 35 m
4: CSmax (Jˆk ) ← CSmin (Jˆk−1 ).
5: if ΔU (Jˆk , CSmin (Jˆk ) + 2) < 0 then
6: CS† ← CSmin (Jˆk ) + 1.
7: else if ΔU (Jˆk , CSmax (Jˆk )) > 0 then
8: CS† ← CSmax (Jˆk ).
9: else
10: Find CS† such that ΔU (Jˆk , CS† − 1) > 0 and
ΔU (Jˆk , CS† ) < 0, through finding the zero-crossing point
of ΔU (Jˆk , CS ) by a bisection search based on (12).
11: end if
12: CS∗ (Jˆk ) ← arg maxCS ∈{C † ,C min (Jˆk )} U (Jˆk , CS )
13: end for
14: k ∗ ← arg maxk∈{0,1,··· ,J} U (Jˆk , CS∗ (Jˆk )).
15: Obtain the optimal cache splitting and SU partitioning
strategy (CS (Jˆk∗ ), Jˆk∗ ).


In this section, we provide numerical examples to verify the
analytical results and offer some design insights. We consider
a CRN consisting of one PBS, I = 50 PUs, one SBS, and J = Fig. 2: U (Jˆk , CS ) versus Jˆk and CS .
50 SUs. The coverage regions of the PBS and the SBS have the
same radius of 600 m and the distance between the PBS and
the SBS is set to 200 m. We randomly distribute PUs and SUs that the behaviour of U (Jˆk , CS ) matches the properties of
in the coverage regions of the PBS and the SBS, respectively, ΔU (Jˆk , CS ) in Lemma 3. We would like to emphasize that
with the exception that no PUs are distributed within 35 m this is the key idea behind Algorithm 1.
from the PBS and the SBS, and no SUs are within 35 m from Then, we study the impacts of the Zipf parameters α and
the SBS. There are M = 200 primary contents and N = 200 β on the optimal utility of the SBS and the cache splitting
secondary contents, where each content is of size D = 10 threshold. Fig. 4 illustrates the optimal utility of SBS U ∗
Mbytes. The content popularities are assumed to follow Zipf versus α and β. We can see that U ∗ is non-decreasing with
distributions. We set the Zipf parameters α = β = 0.8 unless α, which verifies Theorem 1. We also observe that U ∗ is
stated otherwise. The SBS can cache up to C = 60 contents. increasing with β. This reflects that caching effectiveness
We set T = 300 seconds, and λP = λS = 1 content/slot. We improves as the popularity distributions of the primary and
choose wj randomly from the set [0, 1] for each SU j. second contents get steeper.
The system parameters and propagation models are the same Fig. 5 illustrates the optimal cache splitting threshold CS∗
for the PBS and the SBS, and are given in Table I. For given versus α and β. Intuitively, when α increases (or β decreases),
users’ locations, we can determine the SNR of PU i from the the SBS may only need to cache fewer primary contents (i.e.
PBS SNRP,i , the SNR of PU i from the SBS SNRS,i , and more secondary contents) to maximize its utility. Thus, we
the SNR of SU j from the SBS SNRS,i . Thus, we obtain expect that CS∗ should also be non-decreasing with α and non-
the transmission rates (in contents/second) for each PU i and increasing with β. However, in Fig. 5, we observe that CS∗ does
SU j using Shannon’s formula, given by RP,i = D log2 (1 + not admit any monotonic properties with the Zipf parameters.
SNRP,i ), RS,i = D log2 (1+SNRS,i ), and RS,j = D log2 (1+ The intuitive reason is that, when α increases (or β decreases),
SNRS,j ), where B is the bandwidth. to maximize the utility, the SBS may choose to cache fewer
First, we compute the utilities of the SBS U (Jˆk , CS ) for secondary contents and select a larger SU partitioning, instead
different SU partitionings Jˆk and cache splitting thresholds CS of cache fewer primary contents.
in Fig. 2. We set the utility to zero if (Jˆk , CS ) does not satisfy
the average available time constraint in (7a). From Fig. 2, V. C ONCLUSION
we can see that the action space of (Jˆk , CS ) is divided into In this paper, we study cooperative caching for dynamic
two regions by a boundary {CSmax (Jˆk )} and the boundary access in CRNs. We formulate the joint optimization of
is decreasing with k. This validates Proposition 2. Fig. 3 caching and scheduling of the SBS to maximize the utility
illustrates U (Jˆk , CS ) versus CS for given Jˆk . It can be seen of the SBS. We show that the optimal caching and the
IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking

20 60



16.02 54
   49 51    52
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
20 60


16 40

   56 57    20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 3: U (Jˆk , CS ) versus CS for given Jˆk . Fig. 5: CS∗ versus α and β.

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