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Alexa Izabelle D.

Mass Media Analysis
Advertising is one way for a brand to let the public know about a certain product.
Anywhere you go, you see a lot of billboards, newspapers, magazines, commercials
and many more. Whenever a brand promotes a product, it takes them months or even
years in coming up with the best commercial they can ever make because they need to
get the eyes of the public. Let’s be real, there are times when we tend to forget the real
purpose of commercials because we are being entertained. When people love the
commercial itself, all else will follow.
The Biolink VCO Hot Oil and Shampoo “Virgin” was just a 17-second video. The
commercial was unusual because they didn’t use a “good” public figure. Thus, they
made use of different faces that are not that good looking but not ugly, those people
who are just in the middle. Also, at the end of the video, there was a man which makes
the commercial unique. This points out that the commercial is intended for everyone.
Regardless of what gender you have, how good looking you are, it’s perfect for you.
They made sure that no one will be left behind.
Since the average length of a commercial is 30 seconds, this advertisement was
short, they didn’t need to act much but the message was perfectly conveyed. The
voiceover said that there were no tricks performed which means that they are trying to
prove something with their product. The video was able to tell a story by knowing who
their market was. The brand didn’t use extravagant backgrounds and fancy edits so the
shampoo and hot oil stand out as how it should be. They were able to give justice to the
outcome of the shampoo and hot oil if it is used.
Every media has values embedded on it. We often judge men who have long hair
as dirty. The values of commercial always come from the writers and everyone from the
team. It’s important to look at different perspective. Like what I’ve said in the second
paragraph, they made use of those who are not that charming to influence the other
people to have the confidence and be happy with what you have. Furthermore, we need
to stop stereotyping that men can’t have long shiny hair.
The overall impact of the commercial is good to the public and effective. They
used their time wisely in promoting the Biolink VCO Hot Oil and Shampoo “Virgin” and I
commend their creativity and humor in making this advertisement because it’s
entertaining but sometimes people can misunderstand this kind of video.
As time passes by, people’s skills are getting better and each day we see
different advertisements for different products since it’s one of the best strategies a
company can have. There are a lot of factors that need to be consider when making a
commercial but the most important thing is knowing your market and conveying the
message properly for a better and more effective commercial.

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