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The First Seal Rev 6 : 1-2


The Beast or Anointing raising the standard for the first three church
ages. God’s POWER upon the True Christian Believers

Rev 2:1-7 Rev 2:8-11 Rev 2:12-17

St Paul St Irenaeus St Martin

Ephesian Age : AD 53 to AD 170 Smyrnean Age : AD 170 to AD 312 Pergamean Age : AD 312 to AD 606

Foundation of The WORD as given by THE HOLY GHOST through the Pattern Messenger or Angel St Paul. FIRST APOSTOLIC CHURCH. True WORD TEACHING Anointing.
The WORD taught with Unusual Clarity and Conformity to its Original Precepts. Jesus The Christ, God Himself amongst the people. The Son of God. The Pillar of Fire. I Cor 2:1-5,
Gal 1:1 & 8-9, Acts 20:27-28, 1 Tim 1:16-20, Jude 3-4, Seals Page 263 Para 120, Seals Page 266 Para 143, Seals Page 312 Para 120-124 , Seals Page 313 Para 131.
Spiritual War Religious Disturbances A Conflict between God and satan as the Ages rolled on

Evil People working in the name of a church. Denying the authority of the WORD. Humanising the leadership. Dignified, starchy, formal, denying the HOLY GHOST. Liars Claiming
Originality. Make a Holy man. False Church persecuting Christians. Satan’s seat and dwelling place substituting the WORD for creeds and dogmas. Subject God’s people to an
unscriptural system. Acts 20:29-30, 2 Peter 2, I John 4:1-6, 2 John 1:7-11, Jude 1:3-4, Rev 2:2 & 6, Rev 2:9, Rev 2:13-14,Seals Pages 142-146 & 152-153

Deeds Of The Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:2 & 6) Sayings of the False Church (Rev Doctrine Of The Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:13-14)
Very religious Liars. Anti-Word. Antichrist spirit. 2:9) First Denomination Formed at The Council of Nicea Rome
AD 325-The Roman Catholic Church. (Doctrine of Balaam)
Synagogue of Satan. Denominational spirit

WHITE HORSE RIDER (Bow and No Arrows. Deceiver)

SATAN– A Flood Of The Deceiving ANTICHRIST Spirit

Courtesy Of: Redcliff Eagles Message Tabernacle (2011)

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