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The Seventh Seal: Rev 8 vs 1

The Coming of the Lord (Mystery of the Silence)

The Third Pull
(In a Three Fold Manner)

The Opening of The Spoken Word Creation Preaching to the total lost
Word Bride Ministry/ Resurrection & Translation for the Wedding
7 Thunders/Revelation of Final Voice to Gentile Ages Supper
the 7 Seals
(Voice of the Archangel) (Trump)

Messenger with a Message “Take the Book and eat It up” Rapture (The Translated & The Resurrected)

NB: The Seventh Seal is the End of time for everything. What is presented here is in relation to the redemption of the Gentile Church.
Seals Pg 501 Para 231-235, Seals Pg 502 Para 238-240, 252, Seals Pg 502 Para 241-244, Seals Pg 503 Para 246-249, Seals Pg 503 Para 253, Seals Pg
504 Para 260-267, Seals Pg 508 Para 288-304, Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed Pg 17, Pg 22-25, Anointed Ones at the End time Pg 61, Pg 63, Look
away to Jesus Pg6-7, Pg 12-21, Souls in Prison Now Pg 22, Pg 24, Pg 42, Pg 50, The Rapture Pg 29, Pg 32, and many more.
I Thessalonians 5 vs 13-18, Revelation 10, I Corinthians 15 vs 51-52, St Luke 17 vs 30, St John 14 vs 12, Malachi 4 vs 5-6, Zechariah 14 vs 7, Joel 2 vs 25,
Genesis 18, Genesis 24, Revelation 3 vs 14, Genesis 5 vs 24, Hebrews 11 vs 5, Daniel 7 vs 9-10, 22, and many more.
Study Some Bible Characters: Eleazer, Enoch, Abraham, Samson, Noah, Zerubabel, The Lord Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, Elijah, Daniel, Ruth, Rehab,
Rebekah, Esther, Mary, Asenath, Micaiah, and others
Courtesy of Redcliff Eagles Message Tabernacle: (2011)

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