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MATLAB® Basic Functions Reference

MATLAB Environment Defining and Changing Array Variables

clc Clear command window a = 5 Define variable a with value 5
help fun Display in-line help for fun A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Define A as a 2x3 matrix
doc fun A = [1 2 3 “space” separates columns
Open documentation for fun
4 5 6] “;” or new line separates rows
load("filename","vars") Load variables from .mat file
[A,B] Concatenate arrays horizontally
uiimport("filename") Open interactive import tool
[A;B] Concatenate arrays vertically
save("filename","vars") Save variables to file
x(4) = 7 Change 4th element of x to 7
clear item Remove items from workspace
A(1,3) = 5 Change A(1,3) to 5
examplescript Run the script file named
x(5:10) Get 5th to 10th elements of x
format style x(1:2:end) Get every 2nd element of x (1st to last)
Set output display format
ver x(x>6) List elements greater than 6
Get list of installed toolboxes
x(x==10)=1 Change elements using condition
tic, toc Start and stop timer
A(4,:) Get 4th row of A
Ctrl+C Abort the current calculation
A(:,3) Get 3rd column of A
Operators and Special Characters A(6, 2:5) Get 2nd to 5th element in 6th row of A

+, -, *, / A(:,[1 7])=A(:,[7 1]) Swap the 1st and 7th column

Matrix math operations
.*, ./ a:b [a, a+1, a+2, …, a+n] with a+n≤b
Array multiplication and division
(element-wise operations) a:ds:b Create regularly spaced vector with
^, .^ Matrix and array power spacing ds

\ linspace(a,b,n) Create vector of n equally spaced values

Left division or linear optimization
.', ' logspace(a,b,n) Create vector of n logarithmically spaced
Normal and complex conjugate
transpose values

==, ~=, <, >, <=, >= zeros(m,n) Create m x n matrix of zeros
Relational operators
ones(m,n) Create m x n matrix of ones
&&, ||, ~, xor Logical operations
(AND, NOT, OR, XOR) eye(n) Create a n x n identity matrix
; Suppress output display A=diag(x) Create diagonal matrix from vector
... Connect lines (with break) x=diag(A) Get diagonal elements of matrix
% Description Comment meshgrid(x,y) Create 2D and 3D grids
'Hello' Definition of a character vector rand(m,n), randi Create uniformly distributed random
"This is a string" numbers or integers
Definition of a string
randn(m,n) Create normally distributed random
str1 + str2 Append strings

Special Variables and Constants Complex Numbers

ans Most recent answer i, j, 1i, 1j Imaginary unit
pi π=3.141592654… real(z) Real part of complex number
i, j, 1i, 1j Imaginary unit imag(z) Imaginary part of complex number
NaN, nan Not a number (i.e., division by zero) angle(z) Phase angle in radians
Inf, inf Infinity conj(z) Element-wise complex conjugate
eps Floating-point relative accuracy isreal(z) Determine whether array is real
Elementary Functions Plotting
sin(x), asin Sine and inverse (argument in radians) plot(x,y,LineSpec) Plot y vs. x
Line styles: (LineSpec is optional)
sind(x), asind Sine and inverse (argument in degrees)
-, --, :, -. LineSpec is a combination of
sinh(x), asinh Hyperbolic sine and inverse (arg. in Markers: linestyle, marker, and
radians) +, o, *, ., x, s, d color as a string.
Analogous for the other trigonometric functions: Colors: Example: "-r"
cos, tan, csc, sec, and cot r, g, b, c, m, y, k, w = red solid line without markers
abs(x) Absolute value of x, complex magnitude title("Title") Add plot title
exp(x) Exponential of x legend("1st", "2nd") Add legend to axes
sqrt(x), nthroot(x,n) Square root, real nth root of real numbers x/y/zlabel("label") Add x/y/z axis label
log(x) Natural logarithm of x x/y/zticks(ticksvec) Get or set x/y/z axis ticks
log2(x), log10 Logarithm with base 2 and 10, respectively x/y/zticklabels(labels) Get or set x/y/z axis tick labels
factorial(n) Factorial of n x/y/ztickangle(angle) Rotate x/y/z axis tick labels
sign(x) Sign of x x/y/zlim Get or set x/y/z axis range
mod(x,d) Remainder after division (modulo) axis(lim), axis style Set axis limits and style
ceil(x), fix, floor Round toward +inf, 0, -inf text(x,y,"txt") Add text
round(x) Round to nearest decimal or integer grid on/off Show axis grid
hold on/off Retain the current plot when
adding new plots
Tables subplot(m,n,p), Create axes in tiled positions
table(var1,...,varN) Create table from data in variables tiledlayout(m,n)
var1, ..., varN yyaxis left/right Create second y-axis
readtable("file") Create table from file figure Create figure window
array2table(A) Convert numeric array to table gcf, gca Get current figure, get current axis
T.var Extract data from variable var clf Clear current figure
T(rows,columns), Create a new table with specified close all Close open figures
T(rows,["col1","coln"]) rows and columns from T
T.varname=data Assign data to (new) column in T Common Plot Types
T.Properties Access properties of T
categorical(A) Create a categorical array
summary(T), groupsummary Print summary of table
join(T1, T2) Join tables with common variables

Tasks (Live Editor)

Live Editor tasks are apps that can be added to a live script to interactively
perform a specific set of operations. Tasks represent a series of MATLAB
commands. To see the commands that the task runs, show the generated

Common tasks available from the Live Editor tab on the

desktop toolstrip:
• Clean Missing Data • Clean Outlier
• Find Change Points • Find Local Extrema
Plot Gallery:
• Remove Trends • Smooth Data
Programming Methods Numerical Methods
Functions fzero(fun,x0) Root of nonlinear function
% Save your function in a function file or at the end fminsearch(fun,x0) Find minimum of function
% of a script file. Function files must have the
fminbnd(fun,x1,x2) Find minimum of fun in [x1, x2]
% same name as the 1st function
function cavg = cumavg(x) %multiple args. possible fft(x), ifft(x) Fast Fourier transform and its inverse
Integration and Differentiation
Anonymous Functions
% defined via function handles integral(f,a,b) Numerical integration
fun = @(x) cos(x.^2)./abs(3*x); (analogous functions for 2D and 3D)
trapz(x,y) Trapezoidal numerical integration

Control Structures diff(X) Differences and approximate derivatives

gradient(X) Numerical gradient
if, elseif Conditions
curl(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) Curl and angular velocity
if n<10
disp("n smaller 10") divergence(X,..,W) Compute divergence of
elseif n<=20 vector field
disp("n between 10 and 20")
ode45(ode,tspan,y0) Solve system of nonstiff ODEs
disp("n larger than 20") ode15s(ode,tspan,y0) Solve system of stiff ODEs
Switch Case deval(sol,x) Evaluate solution of differential equation
n = input("Enter an integer: "); pdepe(m,pde,ic,... Solve 1D partial differential equation
switch n bc,xm,ts)
case -1 pdeval(m,xmesh,... Interpolate numeric PDE solution
disp("negative one") usol,xq)
case {0,1,2,3} % check four cases together
disp("integer between 0 and 3")
otherwise Interpolation and Polynomials
disp("integer value outside interval [-1,3]")
end % control structures terminate with end interp1(x,v,xq) 1D interpolation
(analogous for 2D and 3D)
pchip(x,v,xq) Piecewise cubic Hermite polynomial
% loop a specific number of times, and keep
% track of each iteration with an incrementing
% index variable spline(x,v,xq) Cubic spline data interpolation
for i = 1:3 ppval(pp,xq) Evaluate piecewise polynomial
mkpp(breaks,coeffs) Make piecewise polynomial
end % control structures terminate with end
unmkpp(pp) Extract piecewise polynomial details
poly(x) Polynomial with specified roots x
% loops as long as a condition remains true
n = 1; polyeig(A0,A1,...,Ap) Eigenvalues for polynomial eigenvalue
nFactorial = 1; problem
while nFactorial < 1e100 polyfit(x,y,d) Polynomial curve fitting
n = n + 1;
nFactorial = nFactorial * n; residue(b,a) Partial fraction expansion/decomposition
end % control structures terminate with end roots(p) Polynomial roots
polyval(p,x) Evaluate poly p at points x
Further programming/control commands
break polyint(p,k) Polynomial integration
Terminate execution of for- or while-loop
continue polyder(p) Polynomial differentiation
Pass control to the next iteration of a loop
try, catch Execute statements and catch errors
Matrices and Arrays Descriptive Statistics
length(A) Length of largest array dimension sum(A), prod Sum or product (along columns)
size(A) Array dimensions max(A), min, bounds Largest and smallest element
numel(A) Number of elements in array mean(A), median, mode Statistical operations
sort(A) Sort array elements std(A), var Standard deviation and variance
sortrows(A) Sort rows of array or table movsum(A,n), movprod, Moving statistical functions
movmax, movmin, n = length of moving window
flip(A) Flip order of elements in array
movmean, movmedian,
squeeze(A) Remove dimensions of length 1 movstd, movvar
reshape(A,sz) Reshape array cumsum(A), cumprod, Cumulative statistical functions
repmat(A,n) cummax, cummin
Repeat copies of array
smoothdata(A) Smooth noisy data
any(A), all Check if any/all elements are nonzero
nnz(A) histcounts(X) Calculate histogram bin counts
Number of nonzero array elements
find(A) corrcoef(A), cov Correlation coefficients, covariance
Indices and values of nonzero elements
xcorr(x,y), xcov Cross-correlation, cross-covariance
normalize(A) Normalize data
Linear Algebra
detrend(x) Remove polynomial trend
rank(A) Rank of matrix
isoutlier(A) Find outliers in data
trace(A) Sum of diagonal elements of matrix
det(A) Determinant of matrix
poly(A) Characteristic polynomial of matrix
Symbolic Math*
eig(A), eigs Eigenvalues and vectors of matrix (subset) sym x, syms x y z Declare symbolic variable
inv(A), pinv Inverse and pseudo inverse of matrix eqn = y == 2*a + b Define a symbolic equation
norm(x) Norm of vector or matrix solve(eqns,vars) Solve symbolic expression
for variable
expm(A) Matrix exponential
subs(expr,var,val) Substitute variable in expression
cross(A,B) Cross product
expand(expr) Expand symbolic expression
dot(A,B) Dot product
factor(expr) Factorize symbolic expression
kron(A,B) Kronecker tensor product
simplify(expr) Simplify symbolic expression
null(A) Null space of matrix
assume(var,assumption) Make assumption for variable
orth(A) Orthonormal basis for matrix range
assumptions(z) Show assumptions for
tril(A), triu Lower and upper triangular part of matrix
symbolic object
linsolve(A,B) Solve linear system of the form AX=B fplot(expr), fcontour, Plotting functions for
lsqminnorm(A,B) Least-squares solution to linear equation fsurf, fmesh, fimplicit symbolic expressions
qr(A), lu, chol Matrix decompositions diff(expr,var,n) Differentiate symbolic expression
svd(A) Singular value decomposition dsolve(deqn,cond) Solve differential
gsvd(A,B) Generalized SVD equation symbolically

rref(A) int(expr,var,[a, b]) Integrate symbolic expression

Reduced row echelon form of matrix
taylor(fun,var,z0) Taylor expansion of function

*requires Symbolic Math Toolbox

© 2020 The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See for a list of additional trademarks.
Other product or brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Advanced Programming
Techniques in MATLAB

Loren Shure
MathWorks, Inc.

© 2015 MathWorks, Inc. 1


 MATLAB and memory

– What you as a programmer should know
 Passing arrays
 How structures use memory

 Functions of all types

– Introduction/Review of MATLAB function types
– Applications of new nested functions
 Solving optimization problems
 Building a graphical user interface for volume visualization
 Building 2-figure GUIs (Optional)

MATLAB and Memory

 Passing arrays to functions

– When does MATLAB copy memory?

function y = foo(x,a,b)
a(1) = a(1) + 12;
y = a*x+b;

 Calling foo
y = foo(1:3,2,4)

– i.e., x = 1:3, a = 2, b = 4

>> edit foo.m

In-place Optimizations

 When does MATLAB do calculations “in-place”?

x = 2*x + 3;
y = 2*x + 3;

In-place Optimizations

When does MATLAB do calculations “in-place”?

function testInPlace
x = randn(n,1);
x = myfunc(x); % vs. y = myfunc(x)
x = myfuncInPlace(x); % vs. y = myfuncInPlace(x)

function x = myfuncInPlace(x)
x = sin(2*x.^2+3*x+4);

function y = myfunc(x)
y = sin(2*x.^2+3*x+4);

>> edit myfuncInPlace myfunc testInPlace

%separate functions, separate files
Memory Used for Different Array Types

d = [1 2] % Double array
dcell = {d} % Cell array containing
dstruct.d = d


>> edit overhead.m

Container Overhead

>> x = [1 2] % regular array, 16 bytes

>> y = {[1 2]} % cell array, 128 bytes
>> z.x = [1 2] % structure, 192 bytes
>> whos


data name
cell field
data header header

variable header 112 + 112 112 + 112 + 64
MATLAB and Memory

How does MATLAB store structures?

s.A = rand(3000,3000);
s.B = rand(3000,3000);

sNew = s;

s.A(1,1) = 17;

>> edit structmem1.m

MATLAB and Memory

How does MATLAB store structures? = redPlane; % each plane is m x n = greenPlane; = bluePlane;

% each 1x3
im2(1,1).pixel = [red(1) green(1) blue(1)];
im2(2,1).pixel = [red(2) green(2) blue(2)];
im2(m,n).pixel = [red(m*n) green(m*n) …

>> edit structmem2.m


 New fundamental data type

 For mixed-type tabular data

– Holds both data and metadata

 Supports flexible indexing

 Built-in functionality
(merge, sort, etc.)

Categorical Arrays

 New fundamental data type

 For discrete non-numeric data

– Values drawn from a finite set of
possible values ("categories”)

 More memory efficient than

a cell array of strings

 Can be compared using

logical operators
– Similar to numeric arrays

>> edit showCategorical.m

Summary of MATLAB and Memory

 How MATLAB passes arrays to functions

– By value, with “lazy” copy or copy on write
– In-place optimization code pattern

 Memory use in array storage

– Atomic types vs. cell arrays and structures
– Array of structs vs. struct arrays
 i.e., s(300,300).red vs.,300)
– Categorical arrays and tables

MATLAB and Memory: Additional Resources

 Recorded Webinar:
– Handling Large Data Sets Efficiently in MATLAB
– -> Recorded Webinars

 Memory Management Links from doc page for memory

 Memory Allocation
 Strategies for Efficient Use of Memory
 Resolving "Out of Memory" Errors


Everything you wanted to know,

but were afraid to ask

A comp.soft-sys.matlab Post


With the new function types introduced in R14, I am curious as to which methods would
be preferable from a speed standpoint. We have:
1. Functions defined in separate files
2. Subfunctions
3. Inline functions
4. Anonymous functions
5. Nested functions

Other than scope, persistence, or program structure, is there some difference that
makes MATLAB work better with the type?

comp.soft-sys.matlab Post Answered

Cleve’s Answer
Good question, and a hard one to answer. As MATLAB evolves, the answer will
change. The function call mechanism in the current version of MATLAB is pretty
expensive, for any kind of function. One of the most important tasks facing our
Accelerator/JIT team today is to make function calls faster. This is why we have
introduced the @ notation for both function handles and anonymous functions.
Future versions of MATLAB should have improved speed for anything involving the
@ sign.

Inline functions were an experiment in the use of the overloading mechanism that
turned out to be useful. But we've always regarded them as a bit of a hack. So our
advice now is to phase out their use over time. Other than that, your choice today
among the other kinds of functions should be based on style and convenience.

Function Quiz

 Let’s see how much you know about functions in


 This quiz covers

– Anonymous functions
– Nested functions
– Function handles
– Regular (“simple”) functions
– Subfunctions

 This quiz does not cover

– MEX functions, private functions, …
Function Quiz Review

 Regular (“simple”) functions

 Function handles
 Anonymous functions
 Subfunctions
 Nested functions

 Q: Which of these function types can be combined in a

single file?


 You can use the function functions to explore details

of the function referred to by a particular function

 NOTE: Changing the values of the struct output from

functions does NOT alter the function handle details!

Nested Function Applications

 Solving optimization problems

 Building a graphical user interface for volume
 Building 2-figure GUIs (Optional)

Application 1:
Solving Optimization Problems
 We get many posts on comp.soft-sys.matlab about
optimization. The problems fall into several catgories.
The one we will address to today is:

– How to include extra parameters to define the objective function

Optimization Example (unconstrained)

Objective function:
a x1^2 + b x1 x2 + c x2^2 + d abs(x2 – x1)+

a,b,c – “Regular” parameters

d,e – Additional parameters that might alter the type of
problem by making the objective function either
– non-smooth (d) or
– stochastic (e)

>> edit optimS.m optimAnon.m

Application 2:
Building a Graphical User Interface for Volume
 Application: Building a
custom tool for volume
 This example illustrates:
– Using function handles to
export nested functions
– Using nested functions for
object callbacks

Application 3 (Optional):
Creating Two-Figure GUIs
 This is a frequent comp.soft-sys.matlab request
(several times each month).

 Challenges:
– Managing handles
– Sharing information between figures

 Nested functions can simplify and improve


>> edit redBlueN.m

Red-Blue Exercise

 Start with code in redBlueN2.m

 Change so there are 2 figures,
– "Blue" button in one figure
– "Red" in the other
 Have each button change the color of BOTH figures

Why Use Nested and Anonymous Functions?

Benefits of nested and anonymous functions

 More robust
 Changes in path cause fewer problems with function handles
 Data sharing and number of copies of data
– Memory savings, especially for large shared data
 Program structure
 Over time, higher performance

Additional benefits of nested (and sub) functions

 Scope and persistence
 Reduce variable and function namespace clutter

Function Usage Advice

 You can now (as of Release 14) call functions without inputs using
this notation:
y = foo();

 Put all nested functions at the bottom of the enclosing function. You
may prefer to have them defined right where you will use them, but
this can become unwieldy.

 Place a comment next to a call to a nested function stating what

workspace variables are altered by the call (since the nested
function can see the enclosing workspace).

More Function Usage Advice

 Nested functions are good when there is significant shared

information (many pieces or large arrays).

 Nested functions are very good when there is much large data to
share for reading and writing.

 Subfunctions (or private functions) are useful when users don't

need these directly. Those who need them can see.

 Data sharing inside subfunctions is only reading large arrays, not

making copies and changing them.

MATLAB Function Types: Additional
 MATLAB Digest - September 2005
– Dynamic Function Creation with Anonymous and Nested Functions
 Examples
– Anonymous functions
– Nested Functions
 The Art of MATLAB Blog
– Look at Category: Function Handles


 MATLAB memory usage

– When is data copied

 Nested and anonymous functions

– Very good at data encapsulation
– Efficient for sharing memory between functions
– Another choice for name / variable scope
– Less clutter on MATLAB path

Advanced Programming with MATLAB

© 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.


 MATLAB and memory

– What you as a programmer should know
 Passing arrays
 How structures use memory

 Functions of all types

– Introduction/Review of MATLAB function types
– Applications of new nested functions
 Solving optimization problems
 Building a graphical user interface for volume visualization


When Is Data Copied?

 Passing arrays to functions

– When does MATLAB copy memory?

function y = foo(x,a,b)
a(1) = a(1) + 12;
y = a*x+b;

 Calling foo
y = foo(1:3,2,4)

– i.e., x = 1:3, a = 2, b = 4

>> edit foo.m

In-place Optimizations

 When does MATLAB do calculations “in-place”?

x = 2*x + 3;
y = 2*x + 3;

In-place Optimizations

When does MATLAB do calculations “in-place”?

function showInPlace
xx = randn(n,1);
xx = myfunc(xx); % vs. yy = myfunc(xx)
xx = myfuncInPlace(xx); % vs. yy = myfuncInPlace(xx)

function x = myfuncInPlace(x)
x = sin(2*x.^2+3*x+4);

function y = myfunc(x)
y = sin(2*x.^2+3*x+4);

>> edit myfuncInPlace myfunc showInPlace

%separate functions, separate files
In-place Optimizations

y = myfunc(x);

x = myfunc(x);

y = myfuncInPlace(x);

x = myfuncInPlace(x);

Memory Used for Different Array Types

d = [1 2] % Double array
dcell = {d} % Cell array
dstruct.d = d % Structure


>> edit overhead

How does MATLAB store data?
Container overhead

Data Data Data

d Header (112) Cell Header (112) Fieldname (64)

d = [1 2] dcell Header (112) Element Header (112)

dcell = {d} dstruct Header (112)

dstruct.d = d

Container Overhead

Command Data Reported Unreported Total

Type Memory Memory Memory
>> d = [1 2] Double 16 bytes 112 bytes 128 bytes 16 = 16
>> dcell = {[1 2]} Cell 128 bytes 112 bytes 240 bytes 16+112 = 128
>> dstruct.d = [1 2] Struct 192 bytes 112 bytes 304 bytes 16+64+112 = 192

data 16 bytes
data name
64 bytes
cell field
data header header 112 bytes
variable header
112 bytes

MATLAB and Memory

How does MATLAB store structures?

n = 10000;
s.A = rand(n,n);
s.B = rand(n,n);

sNew = s;

s.A(1,1) = 17;

>> edit structmem1

MATLAB and Memory

How does MATLAB store structures? = redPlane; % each plane is m x n = greenPlane; = bluePlane;

% each 1x3
im2(1,1).pixel = [red(1) green(1) blue(1)];
im2(2,1).pixel = [red(2) green(2) blue(2)];
im2(m,n).pixel = [red(m*n) green(m*n) …

>> edit structmem2


 New fundamental data type

 For mixed-type tabular data

– Holds both data and metadata

 Supports flexible indexing

 Built-in functionality
(merge, sort, etc.)

Working with Big Data Just Got Easier
Use tall arrays to manipulate and analyze
data that is too big to fit in memory e.g.

 Tall arrays let you use familiar MATLAB

functions and syntax to work with big
datasets, even if they don’t fit in memory
e.g. 100GB~
 Support for hundreds of functions in 1TB
MATLAB and Statistics and Machine
Learning Toolbox

 Works with Spark + Hadoop Clusters

Learn more at this session:

Big Data and Machine Tall Data
Summary of Tall Array Capabilities

Provides purpose-built functions for use with

data that does not fit in memory

Data Access
Data Munging
Machine Learning
Database (SQL) (100’s of functions)
Spreadsheet Math Linear Model
Custom Files Statistics Logistic Regression
Missing Data Discriminant Analysis
• table Visualization K-means
• cell Date/Time PCA
• numeric String Random Data Sampling
• cellstr & string
Summary Statistics
• Date & Time
• categorical

Execution Environments for Tall Arrays

Local disk Run on Compute Clusters,

Shared folders or Spark if your data is
stored in HDFS, for large
scale analysis

Process out-of-memory data on

your Desktop to explore,
analyze, gain insights and to
develop analytics
Use Parallel Computing
Toolbox for increased
performance Spark+Hadoop

Categorical Arrays

 New fundamental data type

 For discrete non-numeric data

– Values drawn from a finite set of
possible values ("categories”)

 More memory efficient than

a cell array of strings

 Can be compared using

logical operators
– Similar to numeric arrays

>> edit showCategorical.m

The better way to work with text

 Manipulate, compare, and store text data efficiently

>> "image" + (1:3) + ".png"
1×3 string array
"image1.png" "image2.png" "image3.png"

 Simplified text manipulation functions

– Example: Check if a string is contained within another string
 Previously: if ~isempty(strfind(textdata,"Dog"))
 Now: if contains(textdata,"Dog")

 Performance improvement
– Up to 50x faster using contains with string than strfind with cellstr
– Up to 2x memory savings using string over cellstr
Summary of MATLAB and Memory

 How MATLAB passes arrays to functions

– By value, with “lazy” copy or copy on write
– In-place optimization code pattern

 Memory use in array storage

– Atomic types vs. cell arrays and structures
– Array of structs vs. struct arrays
 i.e., s(300,300).red vs.,300)
– Categorical arrays, tables, strings

MATLAB and Memory: Additional Resources

 Recorded Webinar:
– Tackling Big Data in MATLAB
– -> Recorded Webinars

 Memory Management information from doc page for memory


Everything you wanted to know,

but were afraid to ask

A comp.soft-sys.matlab Post


With the new function types introduced in R14, I am curious as to which methods would be preferable from a speed
standpoint. We have:
1. Functions defined in separate files
2. Subfunctions
3. Inline functions
4. Anonymous functions
5. Nested functions

Other than scope, persistence, or program structure, is there some difference that makes MATLAB work better with
the type?

comp.soft-sys.matlab Post Answered

Cleve’s Answer
Good question, and a hard one to answer. As MATLAB evolves, the answer will change. The function call
mechanism in the current version of MATLAB is pretty expensive, for any kind of function. One of the most
important tasks facing our Accelerator/JIT team today is to make function calls faster. This is why we have
introduced the @ notation for both function handles and anonymous functions. Future versions of MATLAB
should have improved speed for anything involving the @ sign.

Inline functions were an experiment in the use of the overloading mechanism that turned out to be useful. But we've
always regarded them as a bit of a hack. So our advice now is to phase out their use over time. Other than that,
your choice today among the other kinds of functions should be based on style and convenience.

Function Quiz

 Let’s see how much you know about functions in MATLAB

 This quiz covers

– Anonymous functions
– Nested functions
– Function handles
– Regular (“simple”) functions
– Subfunctions

 This quiz does not cover

– MEX functions, private functions, …

Function Quiz Review

 Regular (“simple”) functions

 Function handles
 Anonymous functions
 Local functions
 Nested functions

 Q: Which of these function types can be combined in a single file?


 You can use the function functions to explore details of the function
referred to by a particular function handle.

 NOTE: Changing the values of the struct output from functions does NOT
alter the function handle details!

Nested Function Applications

 Solving optimization problems

 Building a graphical user interface for volume visualization
 Building 2-figure GUIs (optional)

Application 1:
Solving Optimization Problems
 We get many posts on comp.soft-sys.matlab about optimization. The
problems fall into several catgories. The one we will address to today is:

– How to include extra parameters to define the objective function

Optimization Example (unconstrained)

Objective function:

ax12  bx1 x2  cx22  d x2  x1  e randn

a,b,c – “Regular” parameters

d,e – Additional parameters that might alter the type of problem by making the
objective function either
– non-smooth (d) or
– stochastic (e)

>> edit optimLocal.m

Application 2:
Building a Graphical User Interface for Volume Visualization

 Application: Building a custom tool for

volume visualization
 This example illustrates:
– Using function handles to export nested
– Using nested functions for object

Why Use Nested and Anonymous Functions?

Benefits of nested and anonymous functions

 More robust
 Changes in path cause fewer problems with function handles
 Data sharing and number of copies of data
– Memory savings, especially for large shared data
 Program structure
 Over time, higher performance

Additional benefits of nested (and sub) functions

 Scope and persistence
 Reduce variable and function namespace clutter

Summary and Advice
Anonymous Functions
 Create simple functions without creating m-files:
– fh = @(x,y) a*sin(x)*cos(y)

 Useful for “fun-funs” (function functions)

– Optimization
– Solving differential equations
– Numerical integration
– Plotting
– Array functions (cellfun, structfun, …)
 Convenient for simple callbacks
– getXLSData = @(worksheet) xlsread('records.xls', worksheet);

Summary and Advice
Nested Functions
 Embed one function within another, with shared, persistent workspace:
– function main
– function nest
– end
– end

 Useful for “fun-funs” (function functions)

 Very convenient for callbacks (shared workspace)
 Encapsulate functionality and data (export as function handles)

Function Usage Advice

 You can call functions without inputs using this notation:

y = foo();

 Put all nested functions at the bottom of the enclosing function. You may prefer to have
them defined right where you will use them, but this can become unwieldy.

 Place a comment next to a call to a nested function stating what workspace variables are
altered by the call (since the nested function can see the enclosing workspace).

More Function Usage Advice

 Nested functions are good when there is significant shared information (many pieces or
large arrays).

 Nested functions are very good when there is much large data to share for reading and

 Local functions (or private functions) are useful when users don't need these directly.
Those who need them can see.

 Data sharing inside local functions is only reading large arrays, not making copies and
changing them.

MATLAB Function Types: Additional Resources

 MATLAB Digest - September 2005

– Dynamic Function Creation with Anonymous and Nested Functions
 Examples
– Anonymous functions
– Nested Functions
 The Art of MATLAB Blog
– Look at Category: Function Handles


 MATLAB memory usage

– When is data copied

 Nested and anonymous functions

– Very good at data encapsulation
– Efficient for sharing memory between functions
– Another choice for name / variable scope
– Less clutter on MATLAB path

Dynamic Function Creation with Anonymous and Nested Functions

By Stuart McGarrity, MathWorks and Loren Shure, MathWorks

When you are developing algorithms to solve technical computing problems, it is often useful to create functions on-the-fly so that you can customize them at run-time without having to define them in files
beforehand. For example:

You may want to create a function based on a user's input and then evaluate or plot it over a specific range.
You may want to define a function and then pass it as an argument to an optimization, numerical integration, or ODE solving routine (also known as a function function in MATLAB).
In curve fitting, you need to create a function that best fits some chosen data and subsequently need to evaluate it at other data points or perform further operations on it, such as integration.
Sometimes it is necessary to create a function that needs to retain dynamic state and which must be initialized the first time it is called and updated at each subsequent call.

Other uses for dynamically created functions include callbacks in MATLAB Handle Graphics, data acquisition objects and timers, and, generally, any time you need to pass a function as a parameter to
another routine.

Earlier versions of MATLAB already provided a number of features for managing functions, but there were limitations, for example:

The MATLAB language has function handles that let you pass functions as parameters to routines, but they needed to be associated with a function definition in an M-file and evaluated with
the feval command.
You can specify arbitrary functions as a string with the inline command and pass them to the function function routines, but this command is difficult to use, particularly to separate the many different
types of parameters, including the arguments to the inlined function and the function function itself.
The keyword persistent provides state in functions, but you can have only one instance of a traditional MATLAB function. Also, the function must carry out initialization the first time it is called.

Two new language features in MATLAB 7, anonymous functions and nested functions, address these issues and requirements for creating and managing functions.

Anonymous and Nested Functions in MATLAB 7

Using MathWorks tools, the researchers developed simple data acquisition code that could access a variety of data acquisition cards. “Data Acquisition Toolbox allows us to perform a one-time
configuration of the hardware,” explains Vogt. “With less than a page of code, I could perform my data acquisition on four different platforms—each one with different hardware.”

The SSDK uses voltammetry, an advanced chemical analysis technique that translates chemical reactions into voltammetric “signature” outputs, enabling the detection of minute quantities of gaseous
chemicals—something that was not previously possible.

The researchers implemented gaseous voltammetry using Data Acquisition Toolbox to output precisely shaped analog waveforms, each consisting of 100 to 1,000 points of data, and to excite chemical
reactions on the microsensor. Using Data Acquisition Toolbox, they also sampled the resulting signals with an analog input channel. They then used filters from Signal Processing Toolbox to remove line
noise. The resulting signals, or voltammetric signatures, included information that identified the chemicals to which the sensor was exposed.

The researchers used Neural Network Toolbox to perform pattern recognition and identify the chemicals by comparing their signatures to those in a prestored library.

“With Neural Network Toolbox, we can take an unknown sample signature, compare it to a signature library, find the best match, and calculate a confidence factor indicating how certain the match is,” Vogt

To generate the sensor signal-processing algorithms, Argonne used the Sensor Algorithm Generation Environment (ChemSAGE), a Department of Defense-funded software tool, written in MATLAB, that
helps sensor researchers code and analyze complex signals from experimental sensors.

To complete their application, researchers developed a graphical user interface in MATLAB that enables users to set voltammetry parameters and visualize the voltammetric signatures. “The application
runs easily on any notebook computer,” Vogt says.

Using MATLAB Compiler, Argonne recoded the MATLAB algorithms in C for execution on popular single-chip microcontrollers.

Argonne’s sponsors plan to develop commercial instruments based on SSDK, including intelligent fire detectors and air pollutant monitors.
Doctors Michael Vogt, Laura Skubal, Erika Shoemaker, and John Ziegler developed the SSDK. Vogt, Dan MacShane, Christopher Klaus, and Maria Poulos developed the measurement and ChemSAGE

Anonymous functions let you define a function on-the-fly at the command line or in M code, without an associated file. For example, to create a polynomial function,

y(x) = 3x2 + 2x + 1


y = @(x) 3*x.^2 + 2*x + 1;

This returns function handle y representing a function of one variable defined by the expression on the right. The variables in parentheses following the @ symbol (in this case, only x) specify variables of
which y is a function. The function y can now be evaluated by calling it like any other function (another new feature in MATLAB 7).


ans =

You could evaluate this polynomial over a range of points and plot the results together with the previously evaluated point.

title('y(x) = 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1');

We can create handles to functions of multiple variables.

g=@(x,y) (x.^2 + y.^2);

shading flat;
Click on image to see enlarged view. Click on image to see enlarged view.

Using MathWorks tools, the researchers developed simple data acquisition code that could access a variety of data acquisition cards. “Data Acquisition Toolbox allows us to perform a one-time
configuration of the hardware,” explains Vogt. “With less than a page of code, I could perform my data acquisition on four different platforms—each one with different hardware.”

The SSDK uses voltammetry, an advanced chemical analysis technique that translates chemical reactions into voltammetric “signature” outputs, enabling the detection of minute quantities of gaseous
chemicals—something that was not previously possible.

The researchers implemented gaseous voltammetry using Data Acquisition Toolbox to output precisely shaped analog waveforms, each consisting of 100 to 1,000 points of data, and to excite chemical
reactions on the microsensor. Using Data Acquisition Toolbox, they also sampled the resulting signals with an analog input channel. They then used filters from Signal Processing Toolbox to remove line
noise. The resulting signals, or voltammetric signatures, included information that identified the chemicals to which the sensor was exposed.

The researchers used Neural Network Toolbox to perform pattern recognition and identify the chemicals by comparing their signatures to those in a prestored library.

“With Neural Network Toolbox, we can take an unknown sample signature, compare it to a signature library, find the best match, and calculate a confidence factor indicating how certain the match is,” Vogt

To generate the sensor signal-processing algorithms, Argonne used the Sensor Algorithm Generation Environment (ChemSAGE), a Department of Defense-funded software tool, written in MATLAB, that
helps sensor researchers code and analyze complex signals from experimental sensors.

To complete their application, researchers developed a graphical user interface in MATLAB that enables users to set voltammetry parameters and visualize the voltammetric signatures. “The application
runs easily on any notebook computer,” Vogt says.

Using MATLAB Compiler, Argonne recoded the MATLAB algorithms in C for execution on popular single-chip microcontrollers.
Argonne’s sponsors plan to develop commercial instruments based on SSDK, including intelligent fire detectors and air pollutant monitors.

Doctors Michael Vogt, Laura Skubal, Erika Shoemaker, and John Ziegler developed the SSDK. Vogt, Dan MacShane, Christopher Klaus, and Maria Poulos developed the measurement and ChemSAGE

Nested functions are functions in M-files that are nested inside other functions and which can see the parent function’s workspace. The following function taxDemo.m contains a nested function.

function y = taxDemo(income)
% Calculate the tax on income.

AdjustedIncome = income - 6000; % Calculate adjusted income

% Call 'computeTax' without passing 'AdjustedIncome' as a parameter.

y = computeTax;
function y = computeTax
% This function can see the variable 'AdjustedIncome'
% in the calling function's workspace
y = 0.28 * AdjustedIncome;

The nested function computeTax can see the variables in the parent function's workspace, in this case AdjustedIncome and income. This makes sharing of data between multiple nested functions easy. We
can call the function in the usual way.

% What is the tax on income of 80,000?


tax =

The ability of nested functions to see into their parent's workspace enables you to control the scope of your variables, letting them be accessed by multiple functions, while avoiding the side effects of us ing
a global variable. At the same time, you can reduce your memory requirements by sharing large data sets in a controlled way.

An end statement is required at the end of all nested functions, making them different from traditional local subfunctions. However, all functions in a file containing nested functions, including traditional
subfunctions, require termination with an end statement. Functions can be nested to any level.

Customizing Functions
You can create different variants or customized versions of the same function with anonymous functions or nested functions. For example, if we want to create a function like

y = ax2 + bx + c

and customize a, b, or c at runtime, we write

a=3; b=2; c=-10;
y1=@(x) a*x.^2 + b*x + c;

Any variables in the function that are not listed in parentheses are taken from the calling workspace at the time of definition.

Now let's change a, b, or c and generate other customized functions. For example,

a=-5; b=1; c=20;

y2=@(x) a*x.^2 + b*x + c;

Evaluate or plot these as before.

plot(x, y1(x), x, y2(x));
ylabel('y_1 and y_2');
title('y(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c');

Using MathWorks tools, the researchers developed simple data acquisition code that could access a
variety of data acquisition cards. “Data Acquisition Toolbox allows us to perform a one-time
configuration of the hardware,” explains Vogt. “With less than a page of code, I could perform my data
acquisition on four different platforms—each one with different hardware.”

The SSDK uses voltammetry, an advanced chemical analysis technique that translates chemical
reactions into voltammetric “signature” outputs, enabling the detection of minute quantities of gaseous
chemicals—something that was not previously possible.

The researchers implemented gaseous voltammetry using Data Acquisition Toolbox to output precisely
shaped analog waveforms, each consisting of 100 to 1,000 points of data, and to excite chemical
reactions on the microsensor. Using Data Acquisition Toolbox, they also sampled the resulting signals
with an analog input channel. They then used filters from Signal Processing Toolbox to remove line
noise. The resulting signals, or voltammetric signatures, included information that identified the
chemicals to which the sensor was exposed.

The researchers used Neural Network Toolbox to perform pattern recognition and identify the chemicals
by comparing their signatures to those in a prestored library.

“With Neural Network Toolbox, we can take an unknown sample signature, compare it to a signature
library, find the best match, and calculate a confidence factor indicating how certain the match is,” Vogt

To generate the sensor signal-processing algorithms, Argonne used the Sensor Algorithm Generation
Environment (ChemSAGE), a Department of Defense-funded software tool, written in MATLAB, that
helps sensor researchers code and analyze complex signals from experimental sensors.
To complete their application, researchers developed a graphical user interface in MATLAB that
enables users to set voltammetry parameters and visualize the voltammetric signatures. “The
application runs easily on any notebook computer,” Vogt says.

Using MATLAB Compiler, Argonne recoded the MATLAB algorithms in C for execution on popular
single-chip microcontrollers.

Argonne’s sponsors plan to develop commercial instruments based on SSDK, including intelligent fire
detectors and air pollutant monitors.

Doctors Michael Vogt, Laura Skubal, Erika Shoemaker, and John Ziegler developed the SSDK. Vogt,
Dan MacShane, Christopher Klaus, and Maria Poulos developed the measurement and ChemSAGE

Since the definitions of y1 and y2 included the values of a, b, and c at the time the function handles are
created, they are robust to variations in the workspace such as changed or deleted values of a, b, or c.


ans =


Click on image to see enlarged view.

ans =

Let's see how we can carry out a similar task with nested functions by looking at makefcn.m, which contains a nested function.

function fcn = makefcn(a,b,c)

% This function returns a handle to a customized version of 'parabola'.
% a,b,c specifies the coefficients of the function.

fcn = @parabola; % Return handle to nested function

function y = parabola(x)
% This nested function can see the variables 'a','b', and 'c'
y = a*x.^2 + b.*x + c;

When you call makefcn, it returns a function handle to the internal nested function, which has been customized according to the parameters passed to the parent function. For example,
f1 = makefcn(3,2,10);
f2 = makefcn(0,5,25);

We can evaluate these two different functions as before.


ans =


ans =

In general, anonymous functions are better for quick, on-the-fly simple function creation and customization. Nested functions are more suited to more complex function customization and management.

Working with Function Functions

You can pass nested and anonymous functions to optimization or integration routines, known as function functions in MATLAB. For example, to find the area under the curve f1 between 0 and 4, use


areaunder =

By having the integrand f1 defined beforehand, you keep its arguments (such as the polynomial coefficients) separate from those of the integrator quad (such as the limits of integration). This can eliminate
potential confusion.

We will plot f1 again together with a plot of the area just calculated.

hold on
area(x,f1(x),'Facecolor','g'); % You can evaluate f without feval
hold off
title('Area under f_1(x), between 0 and 4');
Handling Dynamic Function State
If you need to create a function that retains dynamic state, you can use a nested function and store its
state in the parent's workspace. Functions with dynamic state can represent algorithms that range from
simple counters to components of a large system.

Simple Function State

Let's create a counter function that returns a number which increments each time it is called. Let's look
at the function makecounter.m.

function countfcn = makecounter(initvalue)

% This function returns a handle to a customized nested function 'g
% initvalue specifies the initial value of the counter whose handle
% returned.

currentCount = initvalue; % Initial value

countfcn = @getCounter; % Return handle to getCounter

function count = getCounter

% This function increments the variable 'currentCount', when it
% gets called (using its function handle).
currentCount = currentCount + 1;
count = currentCount;
Click on image to see enlarged view. end

When you call makecounter, it returns a handle to its nested function getCounter. getCounter is customized by the value of initvalue, a variable it can see via nesting within the workspace of makecounter.
Let's make a couple of counter functions.

counter1 = makecounter(0); % Define counter initialized to 0

counter2 = makecounter(10); % Define counter initialized to 10

Here we have created two customized counters: one that starts at 0 and one that starts at 10. Each handle is a separate instance of the nested function and its calling workspace. Note counter1 does not
take any parameters. We need to use the parentheses to invoke the function instead of looking at the function handle variable itself.


counter1Value =
We can call the two functions independently as there are two separate workspaces kept for the parent functions. They remain in memory while the handles to their nested functions exist. Each time the
counter functions are called, the associated variable currentCount is incremented.


counter1Value =


counter2Value =

Complex Function State

You can use nested functions to store a more complex dynamic state such as that of a filter. Let's look at the function makeFilter.m.

function filterhandle = makeFilter(b,a)

% Initialize State

% Return handle to filter function

function output = callFilter(input)
% Calculate output and update state
[output,state] = filter(b,a,input,state);

The function makeFilter returns a handle to a nested function (callFilter) that performs a filtering operation and maintains its state in the parent's workspace. The filter state is initialized when the function
handle is created, then gets updated each time the nested function is called. The nested function also has to calculate the output of the filtering operation and return it as its output argument. You can call
this function in a for-loop many times, as shown in simplesystem.m.
%% System Parameters
frameSize = 1000;
sampleTime = 1e-3;

%% Initialize System Components and Component Parameters

filter1 = makeFilter([0.02,0,-0.23,0,0.49,0,-0.23,0,0.02],1);
filter2 = makeFilter([-0.05 0.13 0.83 0.13 -0.05],1);
randSource = makeRandSource(frameSize);
scope = makeScope(sampleTime,[-2 2],'My Scope');

%% Simulation Loop
for k = 1:100
signal1 = randSource(); signal2 = filter1(signal1); signal3 = filter2(signal2); scope(signal3)

The main for-loop in the simulation now becomes very clean and simple where the only variables passed between the functions (signal1, signal2, and signal3) are pure data, without being mixed up with
other function parameters (such as filter coefficients) and state.

The makeFilter routine could be expanded to return more than one function, such as one to return the filter state, or even one to reset the filter. These function handles could be returned as multiple output
arguments or as a structure, where each field is a function handle. The functions can then be called in a manner similar to evaluating the methods of an object.

Other Uses of Nested and Anonymous Functions

The function handling capabilities of nested and anonymous functions have many other uses.

Function Composition
You can create handles to functions of functions, allowing a very natural mathematical notation for function composition, such as

f=@(x) x.^2;
g=@(x) 3*x;
h=@(x) g(f(x)); % Equivalent to 3*(x^2)

ans =

We can store the previously computed return values of a function in a "table" for later use instead of recalculating values. This is helpful if the function is computationally intensive. Let's look at a function
that stores computed values and makes them available for reuse.
function f = memoize(F)
% One argument F, inputs testable with ==
% Scaler input to F

x = [];
y = [];
f = @inner;
function out = inner(in)
ind = find(in == x);
if isempty(ind)
out = F(in);
x(end+1) = in;
y(end+1) = out;
out = y(ind);

Here's how to use this function. First you create a "memoized" version of the function for which you want to remember the return values, for example, sin.

f = memoize(@sin)

f =

Let's call the function a few times.


ans =


ans =

ans =

The returned values, in this case sin(pi/2), sin(pi/4), and sin(pi/8) are stored. To see how this is working, let's use the functions command to inspect the state of the function handle f.

functionInfo = functions(f)

functionInfo =
function: 'memoize/inner'
type: 'nested'
file: [1x76 char]
workspace: {[1x1 struct]}


ans =
f: @memoize/inner
F: @sin
x: [1.5708 0.7854 0.3927]
y: [1 0.7071 0.3827]

Now if you request a previously computed result, such as for sin(pi/4), the value is taken from the table without a new value being added. Here you can see the stored workspace doesn't change.


ans =

functionInfo = functions(f);

ans =
f: @memoize/inner
F: @sin
x: [1.5708 0.7854 0.3927]
y: [1 0.7071 0.3827]

Data Structures
Nested functions can be used to create data structures such as lists and trees.

Published 2
Polynomial fit passing through specified points
Jiro's pick this week is polyfix by Are Mjaavatten.

Have you ever wanted to fit a polynomial to your data and have the line go through some specified points? What about specifying the slope at a certain point? Let's take a look at some options,
including Are's entry.

Polynomial fitting
Constrain to go through certain points
Constrain to have a certain derivative
Optimization Toolbox

Polynomial fitting
The function polyfit lets you fit a polynomial to your data. We'll first create some data.

t = linspace(0,2,31)';
y = sin(pi*t)+ 0.1*randn(size(t));
We'll fit a 3rd order polynomial to the data.

y ≈ x 1t 3 + x 2t 2 + x 3t + x 4

x_polyfit = polyfit(t,y,3)
y1 = polyval(x_polyfit,t);

x_polyfit =
2.8843 -8.6941 6.0419 -0.2050
Constrain to go through certain points
What if you want this polynomial to go through certain points. Perhaps, you want the curve to cross (0, 0) and (2, 0). This is where Are's entry comes into play. But first, let me talk about a
different method. I found this question on MATLAB Answers. There are several ways to deal with this, and one of them is to use a function like lsqlin from Optimization
Toolbox. lsqlin solves the following least-squares curve fitting problem.

A ⋅ x ≤ b,
min ||C ⋅ x − d|| 22 such that { Aeq ⋅ x = beq,
x 2
lb ≤ x ≤ ub

For a 3rd order polynomial, C C and d d are defined as the following.

C = [t 3 t2 t 1] , d=y

x x represents the coefficients for the polynomial terms.

⎡ x1 ⎤
⎢ x2 ⎥
x:⎢ ⎥
⎢ x3 ⎥
⎣ ⎦

C = [t.^3 t.^2 t ones(size(t))];

d = y;

There are no inequality constraints, so we set AA and bb to empty.

A = []; % No inequality constraint

b = []; % No inequality constraint

For the equality constraints, we need to set the yy values at t t = 0 and t t = 2 to zero. This means

x 1 (0) 3 + x 2 (0) 2 + x 3 (0) + x 4 = 0 ⇒ [0 0 0 1] ⋅ x= 0

3 2 3 2
x 1 (2) + x 2 (2) + x 3 (2) + x 4 = 0 ⇒ [2 2 2 1] ⋅ x= 0
Aeq beq

Putting these into Aeq Aeq and beqbeq, we get the following.

Aeq = [0 0 0 1 ; % t = 0
2^3 2^2 2 1]; % t = 2
beq = [0 ; % y = 0 (when t = 0)
0]; % y = 0 (when t = 2)

We then call lsqlin to solve for the polynomial coefficients.

x_lsqlin1 = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq)
Warning: The trust-region-reflective algorithm can handle bound constraints
using active-set algorithm instead.
Optimization terminated.
x_lsqlin1 =

grid on

Constrain to have a certain derivative

Let's add more constraint for the curve to go through (0.5,1) and (1.5,-1). Also, we want the derivatives at those points to be zero. That's additional 4 constraints. With so many constraints, we
won't be able to satisfy them with a 3rd order polynomial. Let's try a 7th order.

y ≈ x 1t 7 + x 2t 6 + x 3t 5 + x 4t 4 + x 5t 3 + x 6t 2 + x 7t + x 8

C = [t.^7 t.^6 t.^5 t.^4 t.^3 t.^2 t ones(size(t))];

The derivative for the 7th order polynomial is defined as

≈ 7x 1 t 6 + 6x 2 t 5 + 5x 3 t 4 + 4x 4 t 3 + 3x 5 t 2 + 2x 6 t + x 7

For example, the constraint "the derivative at t t = 0.5 is zero" can be represented as

7x 1 (0.5) 6 + 6x 2 (0.5) 5 + 5x 3 (0.5) 4 + 4x 4 (0.5) 3 + 3x 5 (0.5) 2 + 2x 6 (0.5) + x 7 = 0

[7(0.5) 6 6(0.5) 5 5(0.5) 4 4(0.5) 3 3(0.5) 2 2(0.5) 1 0] ⋅ x = 0

Aeq beq

Aeq = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ; % t = 0
2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2 1 ; % t = 2
0.5^7 0.5^6 0.5^5 0.5^4 0.5^3 0.5^2 0.5 1 ; % t = 0.5
1.5^7 1.5^6 1.5^5 1.5^4 1.5^3 1.5^2 1.5 1 ; % t = 1.5
7*0.5^6 6*0.5^5 5*0.5^4 4*0.5^3 3*0.5^2 2*0.5 1 0 ; % t = 0.5 (for dy/dt)
7*1.5^6 6*1.5^5 5*1.5^4 4*1.5^3 3*1.5^2 2*1.5 1 0]; % t = 1.5 (for dy/dt)
beq = [ 0 ; % y = 0 (when t = 0)
0 ; % y = 0 (when t = 2)
1 ; % y = 1 (when t = 0.5)
-1 ; % y = -1 (when t = 1.5)
0 ; % dy/dt = 0 (when t = 0.5)
0]; % dy/dt = 0 (when t = 1.5)

Let's fit and see if we've accomplished our goal.

x_lsqlin2 = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq)
legend('data','lsqlin (with derivative constraint)')
grid on
set(gca,'XTick',0:0.5:2) % Adjust tick marks to show points of interest

Warning: The trust-region-reflective algorithm can handle bound constraints

using active-set algorithm instead.
Optimization terminated.
x_lsqlin2 =
In the MATLAB Answers post I mentioned above, Are actually posted a response mentioning polyfix. This entry achieves the goal of performing a polynomial fit with constraints to pass
through specific points with specific derivatives. Let's solve the same problem using polyfix, 7th order polynomial to fit through (0,0), (2,0), (0.5,1), (1.5,-1) and derivative of zero at t t = 0.5
and t t = 1.5.

x_polyfix = polyfix(t,y,7,[0 2 0.5 1.5],[0 0 1 -1],[0.5 1.5],[0 0])

grid on
set(gca,'XTick',0:0.5:2) % Adjust tick marks to show points of interest

x_polyfix =
Columns 1 through 7
-0.2925 2.1030 -7.8142 17.6810 -19.6794 5.7234 2.2753
Column 8
If we compare this result with that from lsqlin, we see that it's essentially identical.


ans =

Optimization Toolbox
Are's polyfit is great for performing polynomial fits with constraints around passing points. If you need other sophisticated constraints, you would want to check out Optimization Toolbox.

Give this a try and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Are.
Issue Warnings and Errors

Issue Warnings
You can issue a warning to flag unexpected conditions detected when running a program. The warning function prints a warning message to the command line.
Warnings differ from errors in two significant ways:

• Warnings do not halt the execution of the program.

• You can suppress any unhelpful MATLAB® warnings.

Use the warning function in your code to generate a warning message during execution. Specify the message as the input argument to the warning function:

warning('Input must be text')

For example, you can insert a warning in your code to verify the software version:

function warningExample1
if ~strncmp(version, '7', 1)
warning('You are using a version other than v7')

Throw Errors
You can throw an error to flag fatal problems within the program. Use the error function to print error messages to the command line. After displaying the message,
MATLAB stops the execution of the current program.

For example, suppose you construct a function that returns the number of combinations of k elements from n elements. Such a function is nonsensical if k > n; you
cannot choose 8 elements if you start with just 4. You must incorporate this fact into the function to let anyone using combinations know of the problem:

function com = combinations(n,k)

if k > n
error('Cannot calculate with given values')
com = factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k));

If the combinations function receives invalid input, MATLAB stops execution immediately after throwing the error message:


Error using combinations (line 3)

Cannot calculate with given values
Add Run-Time Parameters to Your Warnings and Errors
To make your warning or error messages more specific, insert components of the message at the time of execution. The warning function uses conversion
characters that are the same as those used by the sprintf function. Conversion characters act as placeholders for substrings or values, unknown until the code

For example, this warning uses %s and %d to mark where to insert the values of variables arrayname and arraydims:

warning('Array %s has %d dimensions.',arrayname,arraydims)

If you execute this command with arrayname = 'A' and arraydims = 3, MATLAB responds:
Warning: Array A has 3 dimensions.

Adding run-time parameters to your warnings and errors can clarify the problems within a program. Consider the function combinations from Throw Errors. You can
throw a much more informative error using run-time parameters:

function com = combinations(n,k)

if k > n
error('Cannot choose %i from %i elements',k,n)
com = factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k));

If this function receives invalid arguments, MATLAB throws an error message and stops the program:


Error using combinations (line 3)

Cannot choose 9 from 6 elements

Add Identifiers to Warnings and Errors

An identifier provides a way to uniquely reference a warning or an error.

Enable or disable warnings with identifiers. Use an identifying text argument with the warning function to attach a unique tag to a message:


For example, you can add an identifier tag to the previous MATLAB warning about which version of software is running:

minver = '7';
if ~strncmp(version,minver,1)
warning('MYTEST:VERCHK','Running a version other than v%s',minver)

Adding an identifier to an error message allows for negative testing. However, adding and recovering more information from errors often requires working with
MException objects.
See Also
lastwarn | MException | warndlg | warning

Related Topics
• Suppress Warnings
• Restore Warnings
• Exception Handling in a MATLAB Application
Suppress Warnings
Your program might issue warnings that do not always adversely affect execution. To avoid confusion, you can hide warning messages during execution by changing
their states from 'on' to 'off'.

To suppress specific warning messages, you must first find the warning identifier. Each warning message has a unique identifier. To find the identifier associated with
a MATLAB® warning, reproduce the warning. For example, this code reproduces a warning thrown if MATLAB attempts to remove a nonexistent folder:


Warning: "folderthatisnotonpath" not found in path.

 Note
If this statement does not produce a warning message, use the following code to temporarily enable the display of all warnings, and then restore the original
warning state:

w = warning ('on','all');

To obtain information about the most recently issued warning, use the warning or lastwarn functions. This code uses the query state to return a data structure
containing the identifier and the current state of the last warning:

w = warning('query','last')

w =

identifier: 'MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound'
state: 'on'
You can save the identifier field in the variable, id:

id = w.identifier;

 Note
warning('query','last') returns the last displayed warning. MATLAB only displays warning messages that have state: 'on' and a warning identifier.
Using the lastwarn function, you can retrieve the last warning message, regardless of its display state:


ans =

"folderthatisnotonpath" not found in path.

Turn Warnings On and Off

After you obtain the identifier from the query state, use this information to disable or enable the warning associated with that identifier.

Continuing the example from the previous section, turn the warning 'MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound' off, and repeat the operation.


MATLAB displays no warning.

Turn the warning on, and try to remove a nonexistent path:


Warning: "folderthatisnotonpath" not found in path.

MATLAB now issues a warning.

 Tip
Turn off the most recently invoked warning with warning('off','last').

Controlling All Warnings

The term all refers only to those warnings that have been issued or modified during your current MATLAB session. Modified warning states persist only through the
current session. Starting a new session restores the default settings.

Use the identifier 'all' to represent the group of all warnings. View the state of all warnings with either syntax:



To enable all warnings and verify the state:


All warnings have the state 'on'.

To disable all warnings and verify the state, use this syntax:


All warnings have the state 'off'.

Related Topics
• Restore Warnings
• Change How Warnings Display
Restore Warnings
MATLAB® allows you to save the on-off warning states, modify warning states, and restore the original warning states. This is useful if you need to temporarily turn
off some warnings and later reinstate the original settings.

The following statement saves the current state of all warnings in the structure array called orig_state:

orig_state = warning;

To restore the original state after any warning modifications, use this syntax:


You also can save the current state and toggle warnings in a single command. For example, the statement, orig_state = warning('off','all'); is equivalent
to the commands:

orig_state = warning;

Disable and Restore a Particular Warning

This example shows you how to restore the state of a particular warning.

1. Query the Control:parameterNotSymmetric warning:


The state of warning 'Control:parameterNotSymmetric' is 'on'.

2. Turn off the Control:parameterNotSymmetric warning:

orig_state = warning('off','Control:parameterNotSymmetric')

orig_state =

identifier: 'Control:parameterNotSymmetric'
state: 'on'
orig_state contains the warning state before MATLAB turns Control:parameterNotSymmetric off.
3. Query all warning states:


The default warning state is 'on'. Warnings not set to the default are
State Warning Identifier

off Control:parameterNotSymmetric
MATLAB indicates that Control:parameterNotSymmetric is 'off'.
4. Restore the original state:


The state of warning 'Control:parameterNotSymmetric' is 'on'.

Disable and Restore Multiple Warnings

This example shows you how to save and restore multiple warning states.

1. Disable three warnings, and query all the warnings:

w(1) = warning('off','MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound');
w(2) = warning('off','MATLAB:singularMatrix');
w(3) = warning('off','Control:parameterNotSymmetric');

The default warning state is 'on'. Warnings not set to the default are

State Warning Identifier

off Control:parameterNotSymmetric
off MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound
off MATLAB:singularMatrix
2. Restore the three warnings to their the original state, and query all warnings:


All warnings have the state 'on'.

You do not need to store information about the previous warning states in an array, but doing so allows you to restore warnings with one command.

 Note
When temporarily disabling multiple warnings, using methods related to onCleanup might be advantageous.
Alternatively, you can save and restore all warnings.

1. Enable all warnings, and save the original warning state:

orig_state = warning('on','all');

2. Restore your warnings to the previous state:


See Also
onCleanup | warning

Related Topics
• Suppress Warnings
• Clean Up When Functions Complete
Change How Warnings Display
You can control how warnings appear in MATLAB® by modifying two warning modes, verbose and backtrace.

Mode Description Default

verbose Display a message on how to suppress the warning. off (terse)

backtrace Display a stack trace after a warning is invoked. on (enabled)

 Note
The verbose and backtrace modes present some limitations:

• prev_state does not contain information about the backtrace or verbose modes in the statement, prev_state = warning('query','all').
• A mode change affects all enabled warnings.

Enable Verbose Warnings

When you enable verbose warnings, MATLAB displays an extra line of information with each warning that tells you how to suppress it.

For example, you can turn on all warnings, disable backtrace, and enable verbose warnings:

warning on all
warning off backtrace
warning on verbose

Running a command that produces an error displays an extended message:


Warning: "folderthatisnotonpath" not found in path.

(Type "warning off MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound" to suppress this warning.)
Display a Stack Trace on a Specific Warning
It can be difficult to locate the source of a warning when it is generated from code buried in several levels of function calls. When you enable the backtrace mode,
MATLAB displays the file name and line number where the warning occurred. For example, you can enable backtrace and disable verbose:

warning on backtrace
warning off verbose

Running a command that produces an error displays a hyperlink with a line number:
Warning: "folderthatisnotonpath" not found in path.
> In rmpath at 58

Clicking the hyperlink takes you to the location of the warning.

Use try/catch to Handle Errors
You can use a try/catch statement to execute code after your program encounters an error. try/catch statements can be useful if you:

• Want to finish the program in another way that avoids errors

• Need to clean up unwanted side effects of the error
• Have many problematic input parameters or commands

Arrange try/catch statements into blocks of code, similar to this pseudocode:

try block...
catch block...

If an error occurs within the try block, MATLAB® skips any remaining commands in the try block and executes the commands in the catch block. If no error
occurs within try block, MATLAB skips the entire catch block.

For example, a try/catch statement can prevent the need to throw errors. Consider the combinations function that returns the number of combinations of k
elements from n elements:

function com = combinations(n,k)

com = factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k));

MATLAB throws an error whenever k > n. You cannot construct a set with more elements, k, than elements you possess, n. Using a try/catch statement, you can
avoid the error and execute this function regardless of the order of inputs:

function com = robust_combine(n,k)

com = factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k));
com = factorial(k)/(factorial(n)*factorial(k-n));

robust_combine treats any order of integers as valid inputs:

C1 = robust_combine(8,4)
C2 = robust_combine(4,8)

C1 =

C2 =


Optionally, you can capture more information about errors if a variable follows your catch statement:

catch MExc

MExc is an MException class object that contains more information about the thrown error. To learn more about accessing information from MException objects, see
Exception Handling in a MATLAB Application.

See Also
MException | onCleanup | try, catch
Clean Up When Functions Complete

A good programming practice is to make sure that you leave your program environment in a clean state that does not interfere with any other program code. For
example, you might want to

• Close any files that you opened for import or export.

• Restore the MATLAB® path.
• Lock or unlock memory to prevent or allow erasing MATLAB function or MEX-files.
• Set your working folder back to its default if you have changed it.
• Make sure global and persistent variables are in the correct state.

MATLAB provides the onCleanup function for this purpose. This function, when used within any program, establishes a cleanup routine for that function. When the
function terminates, whether normally or in the event of an error or Ctrl+C, MATLAB automatically executes the cleanup routine.

The following statement establishes a cleanup routine cleanupFun for the currently running program:

cleanupObj = onCleanup(@cleanupFun);

When your program exits, MATLAB finds any instances of the onCleanup class and executes the associated function handles. The process of generating and
activating function cleanup involves the following steps:

1. Write one or more cleanup routines for the program under development. Assume for now that it takes only one such routine.
2. Create a function handle for the cleanup routine.
3. At some point, generally early in your program code, insert a call to the onCleanup function, passing the function handle.
4. When the program is run, the call to onCleanup constructs a cleanup object that contains a handle to the cleanup routine created in step 1.
5. When the program ends, MATLAB implicitly clears all objects that are local variables. This invokes the destructor method for each local object in your program,
including the cleanup object constructed in step 4.
6. The destructor method for this object invokes this routine if it exists. This perform the tasks needed to restore your programming environment.

You can declare any number of cleanup routines for a program file. Each call to onCleanup establishes a separate cleanup routine for each cleanup object returned.

If, for some reason, the object returned by onCleanup persists beyond the life of your program, then the cleanup routine associated with that object is not run when
your function terminates. Instead, it will run whenever the object is destroyed (e.g., by clearing the object variable).

Your cleanup routine should never rely on variables that are defined outside of that routine. For example, the nested function shown here on the left executes with no
error, whereas the very similar one on the right fails with the error, Undefined function or variable 'k'. This results from the cleanup routine's reliance on
variable k which is defined outside of the nested cleanup routine:
function testCleanup function testCleanup
k = 3; k = 3;
myFun obj = onCleanup(@myFun);
function myFun function myFun
fprintf('k is %d\n', k) fprintf('k is %d\n', k)
end end
end end

Examples of Cleaning Up a Program Upon Exit

Example 1 — Close Open Files on Exit
MATLAB closes the file with identifier fid when function openFileSafely terminates:

function openFileSafely(fileName)
fid = fopen(fileName, 'r');
c = onCleanup(@()fclose(fid));

s = fread(fid);

Example 2 — Maintain the Selected Folder

This example preserves the current folder whether functionThatMayError returns an error or not:

function changeFolderSafely(fileName)
currentFolder = pwd;
c = onCleanup(@()cd(currentFolder));

end % c executes cd(currentFolder) here.

Example 3 — Close Figure and Restore MATLAB Path

This example extends the MATLAB path to include files in the toolbox\images folders, and then displays a figure from one of these folders. After the figure displays,
the cleanup routine restore_env closes the figure and restores the path to its original state.
function showImageOutsidePath(imageFile)
fig1 = figure;
imgpath = genpath([matlabroot '\toolbox\images']);

% Define the cleanup routine.

cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()restore_env(fig1, imgpath));

% Modify the path to gain access to the image file,

% and display the image.
rgb = imread(imageFile);
fprintf('\n Opening the figure %s\n', imageFile);

% This is the cleanup routine.

function restore_env(fighandle, newpath)
disp ' Closing the figure'

disp ' Restoring the path'


Run the function as shown here. You can verify that the path has been restored by comparing the length of the path before and after running the function:

origLen = length(path);

Opening the figure greens.jpg
Closing the figure
Restoring the path

currLen = length(path);
currLen == origLen
ans =

Retrieving Information About the Cleanup Routine

In Example 3 shown above, the cleanup routine and data needed to call it are contained in a handle to an anonymous function:

@()restore_env(fig1, imgpath)

The details of that handle are then contained within the object returned by the onCleanup function:

cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()restore_env(fig1, imgpath));

You can access these details using the task property of the cleanup object as shown here. (Modify the showImageOutsidePath function by adding the following
code just before the comment line that says, “% This is the cleanup routine.”)

disp ' Displaying information from the function handle:'

task = cleanupObj.task;
fun = functions(task)
wsp = fun.workspace{2,1}

Run the modified function to see the output of the functions command and the contents of one of the workspace cells:


Opening the figure greens.jpg

Displaying information from the function handle:
fun =
function: '@()restore_env(fig1,imgpath)'
type: 'anonymous'
file: 'c:\work\g6.m'
workspace: {2x1 cell}
wsp =
imageFile: 'greens.jpg'
fig1: 1
imgpath: [1x3957 char]
cleanupObj: [1x1 onCleanup]
rgb: [300x500x3 uint8]
task: @()restore_env(fig1,imgpath)

Closing the figure

Restoring the path

Using onCleanup Versus try/catch

Another way to run a cleanup routine when a function terminates unexpectedly is to use a try, catch statement. There are limitations to using this technique
however. If the user ends the program by typing Ctrl+C, MATLAB immediately exits the try block, and the cleanup routine never executes. The cleanup routine also
does not run when you exit the function normally.
The following program cleans up if an error occurs, but not in response to Ctrl+C:

function cleanupByCatch
disp(' Collecting information about the error')
disp(' Executing cleanup tasks')

Unlike the try/catch statement, the onCleanup function responds not only to a normal exit from your program and any error that might be thrown, but also to
Ctrl+C. This next example replaces the try/catch with onCleanup:

function cleanupByFunc
obj = onCleanup(@()...
disp(' Executing cleanup tasks'));

onCleanup in Scripts
onCleanup does not work in scripts as it does in functions. In functions, the cleanup object is stored in the function workspace. When the function exits, this
workspace is cleared thus executing the associated cleanup routine. In scripts, the cleanup object is stored in the base workspace (that is, the workspace used in
interactive work done at the command prompt). Because exiting a script has no effect on the base workspace, the cleanup object is not cleared and the routine
associated with that object does not execute. To use this type of cleanup mechanism in a script, you would have to explicitly clear the object from the command line
or another script when the first script terminates.
Create Function Handle
You can create function handles to named and anonymous functions. You can store multiple function handles in an array, and save and load them, as you would any
other variable.

What Is a Function Handle?

A function handle is a MATLAB® data type that stores an association to a function. Indirectly calling a function enables you to invoke the function regardless of where
you call it from. Typical uses of function handles include:

• Passing a function to another function (often called function functions). For example, passing a function to integration and optimization functions, such as
integral and fzero.
• Specifying callback functions (for example, a callback that responds to a UI event or interacts with data acquisition hardware).
• Constructing handles to functions defined inline instead of stored in a program file (anonymous functions).
• Calling local functions from outside the main function.

You can see if a variable, h, is a function handle using isa(h,'function_handle').

Creating Function Handles

To create a handle for a function, precede the function name with an @ sign. For example, if you have a function called myfunction, create a handle named f as

f = @myfunction;

You call a function using a handle the same way you call the function directly. For example, suppose that you have a function named computeSquare, defined as:

function y = computeSquare(x)
y = x.^2;

Create a handle and call the function to compute the square of four.

f = @computeSquare;
a = 4;
b = f(a)

b =

If the function does not require any inputs, then you can call the function with empty parentheses, such as

h = @ones;
a = h()

a =

Without the parentheses, the assignment creates another function handle.

a = h

a =

Function handles are variables that you can pass to other functions. For example, calculate the integral of x on the range [0,1].

q = integral(f,0,1);

Function handles store their absolute path, so when you have a valid handle, you can invoke the function from any location. You do not have to specify the path to
the function when creating the handle, only the function name.

Keep the following in mind when creating handles to functions:

• Name length — Each part of the function name (including package and class names) must be less than the number specified by namelengthmax. Otherwise,
MATLAB truncates the latter part of the name.
• Scope — The function must be in scope at the time you create the handle. Therefore, the function must be on the MATLAB path or in the current folder. Or, for
handles to local or nested functions, the function must be in the current file.
• Precedence — When there are multiple functions with the same name, MATLAB uses the same precedence rules to define function handles as it does to call
functions. For more information, see Function Precedence Order.
• Overloading — If the function you specify overloads a function in a class that is not a fundamental MATLAB class, the function is not associated with the function
handle at the time it is constructed. Instead, MATLAB considers the input arguments and determines which implementation to call at the time of evaluation.

Anonymous Functions
You can create handles to anonymous functions. An anonymous function is a one-line expression-based MATLAB function that does not require a program file.
Construct a handle to an anonymous function by defining the body of the function, anonymous_function, and a comma-separated list of input arguments to the
anonymous function, arglist. The syntax is:

h = @(arglist)anonymous_function

For example, create a handle, sqr, to an anonymous function that computes the square of a number, and call the anonymous function using its handle.

sqr = @(n) n.^2;

x = sqr(3)

x =
For more information, see Anonymous Functions.

Arrays of Function Handles

You can create an array of function handles by collecting them into a cell or structure array. For example, use a cell array:

C = {@sin, @cos, @tan};


ans =

Or use a structure array:

S.a = @sin; S.b = @cos; S.c = @tan;


ans =

Saving and Loading Function Handles
You can save and load function handles in MATLAB, as you would any other variable. In other words, use the save and load functions. If you save a function handle,
MATLAB does not save the path information. If you load a function handle, and the function file no longer exists on the path, the handle is invalid. An invalid handle
occurs if the file location or file name has changed since you created the handle. If a handle is invalid, MATLAB might display a warning when you load the file. When
you invoke an invalid handle, MATLAB issues an error.

See Also
func2str | function_handle | functions | isa | str2func

Related Examples
• Pass Function to Another Function

More About
• Anonymous Functions
MATLAB Answers

TUTORIAL: Why Variables Should Not Be Named Dynamically (eval)

3,849 views (last 30 days)

Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Aug 2020 •
Accepted Answer: Stephen Cobeldick  Vote

Dynamically accessing variable names can negatively impact the readability of your code and can cause it to run slower by preventing MATLAB from optimizing it as well as it could if you used
alternate techniques. The most common alternative is to use simple and efficient indexing.
Sometimes beginners (and some self-taught professors) think it would be a good idea to dynamically create or access variable names, the variables are often named something like these:
• matrix1, matrix2, matrix3, matrix4, ...

• test_20kmh, test_50kmh, test_80kmh, ...

• nameA, nameB, nameC, nameD,...

Good reasons why dynamic variable names should be avoided (click the links to jump to the "answers" below):
• Slow

• Buggy

• Security Risk

• Difficult to Work With

• Obfuscated Code Intent

• Confuses Data with Code

• Code Helper Tools do not Work

• Magically Making Variables Appear in a Workspace is Risky

There are much better alternatives to accessing dynamic variable names:

• Indexing into Cell Array or ND-Array

• Non-scalar Structures (with Indexing) MATLAB Answers

• Dynamic Field-Names in a Structure

• load into a Structure, not into the Workspace

• save the Fields of a Scalar Structure

• Use a table or timetable Array

• Use more Efficient Ways to Pass Variables Between Workspaces

Note that avoiding eval (and assignin, etc.) is not some esoteric MATLAB restriction, it also applies to many other programming languages as well:
• Other Languages: do not use eval!

• PS: The eval function itself is not faulty!

MATLAB Documentation:
If you are not interested in reading the answers below then at least read MATLAB's own documentation on this topic Alternatives to the eval Function, which states "A frequent use of the eval
function is to create sets of variables such as A1, A2, ..., An, but this approach does not use the array processing power of MATLAB and is not recommended. The preferred method is to store
related data in a single array." Data in a single array can be accessed very efficiently using indexing.
Note that all of these problems and disadvantages also apply to functions load (without an output variable), assignin, evalin, and evalc, and the MATLAB documentation explicitly recommends to
"Avoid functions such as eval, evalc, evalin, and feval(fname)".
The official MATLAB blogs explain why eval should be avoided, the better alternatives to eval, and clearly recommend against magically creating variables. Using eval comes out at position
number one on this list of Top 10 MATLAB Code Practices That Make Me Cry. Experienced MATLAB users recommend avoiding using eval for trivial code, and have written extensively on this

Show 4 older comments

per isakson  on 10 Jun 2018

"being able to input the name of an existing file" that's no problem with Matlab.
 
filespec = 'c:\tmp\the_name_of_my_file.csv';
str = fileread( filespec );
 
fid = fopen( filespec', 'r' );
MATLAB Answers

Stephen Cobeldick  on 10 Jun 2018

"...being able to input the name of an existing file..."
... is really easy and does not require magically accessing variable names.
"This is pretty standard with programming languages."
Indeed many languages support string evaluation... and yet interestingly experts and experienced users of most of those languages consider this to be an extremely inefficient and insecure
practice that should be avoided. Perhaps you missed reading this thread, which gives links to some of those discussions:
"There may be reasons why MATLAB does not support this,.."
MATLAB certainly does support this. Why do you think it does not? In fact the main function that is used for this is currently mentioned 75 times on this thread (and also in the title itself),
something that readers of this thread are unlikely miss.
"...but it is not a strange or clearly crazy thing to want to do"
I totally agree: I don't think that it is a strange or crazy thing to want to do. But it is important to note that wanting to do something is not at all synonymous with something being a good way to
write code: there are certainly much simpler and more efficient methods of writing better code, which waste less time (coding time, debugging time, run time). The fact that magically accessing
variables forces beginners to write slow, complex, buggy code, and is easily avoided by better, simpler code and/or data design, is not changed by how much beginners might want to do it.
We often get questions from beginners who want to calculate all permutations of a set of numbers, or want use some other highly inefficient or numerically unstable algorithm or want to use
numerically unstable operations: just because they want to do these things does not mean that their approach is going to be efficient, or produce any sensible output, or even be tractable at all.
In these cases we would show them (if at all possible) better ways of solving their problem, just like this thread does. The reality that some code is slower, buggier on average, harder to debug,
and much less efficient is not changed by you want.

Steven Lord   on 24 Oct 2019

Stephen, given how long this page has become, I recommend summarizing the discussion in a BLUF at the top of the question to avoid TL;DR syndrome, something along the lines of:
"Bottom line: Numbering variables can negatively impact the readability of your code and can cause it to run slower by preventing MATLAB from optimizing it as well as it could if you used
alternate techniques. The most common alternatives are:
[bulleted list with a short description of no more than 3 common alternatives]
For more information, see the longer discussion on the rest of this page."
I know I could do it myself, but you've put a lot of effort into creating and updating this page.
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MATLAB Answers

Accepted Answer

Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 11 Dec 2017 •

• Link

Some quotes from Steven Lord, responses to inappropriate use of eval and friends:
"This is why you SHOULD NOT "poof" variables into the workspace at runtime, whether via EVALIN, ASSIGNIN, EVAL, or LOAD."
"Do NOT use eval, evalc, or any other function in the eval family"


Cris Luengo on 10 Jul 2018

The 2nd link, to the newsreader, is dead. (Long live the newsreader!)
MATLAB Answers

Stephen Cobeldick  on 15 Jul 2018

@Cris Lengo: you can still access that newsreader thread here:!searchin/comp.soft-sys.matlab/subject$3A%22behavior$20of$20assignin%22/comp.soft-sys.matlab/Y-BoQbPqqXQ/Cl7zpUyT5vIJ
The relevant text is:
MATLAB is not lying to you.
When you run your function, MATLAB needs to determine what each identifier
you use is as part of the process of parsing the function. At that time,
there's no indication in your code that debug should be a variable; however,
there is a function named debug. Therefore, MATLAB decides that the
instances of debug in the code should be calls to that function. When the
code is actually executed, a variable named debug is created, and WHICH
reflects that fact -- but at that point, it's too late for MATLAB to "change
its mind" and it tries to call the debug function on the last line. DEBUG
is a script file, though, and so you correctly receive an error.
This is why you SHOULD NOT "poof" variables into the workspace at runtime,
whether via EVALIN, ASSIGNIN, EVAL, or LOAD.
Steve Lord

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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 18 Apr 2019 •
MATLAB Answers 9

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The MATLAB documentation Alternatives to the eval Function explains that code that uses eval is slower because "MATLAB® compiles code the first time you run it to enhance performance for
future runs. However, because code in an eval statement can change at run time, it is not compiled".
MATLAB uses JIT acceleration tools that analyze code as it is being executed, and to optimize the code to run more efficiently. When eval is used the JIT optimizations are not effective, because
every string has to get compiled and run again on every single iteration! This makes loops with eval very slow. This is also why not just creating variables with dynamic variable names is slow,
but also accessing them. (in the comments)
Even the eval hidden inside of str2num can slow down code:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 28 Feb 2018 •

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MATLAB Answers

Security Risk
eval will evaluate any string at all, no matter what commands it contains. Does that sound secure to you? This string command might be malicious or simply a mistake, but it can do anything at
all to your computer. Would you run code which could do anything at all to your computer, without knowing what it was about to do?
For some beginners the surprising answer is "yes please!".
Beginners will happily run code that could do anything at all with their computer. For example, try running this (taken from Jos' answer here):
 
Did you really run it on your computer even though you had no idea what it would do? Every time beginners write code that gets a user input and evaluates it they give that user the ability to run
anything at all. Does that sound secure to you?


Alexander Geldhof on 22 Oct 2019

I'm late to the party, but what does this do?
For the same reasons you mentioned, I'm rather wary from entering this in my Matlab command line.

Adam Danz  on 22 Oct 2019

Hint: the char(str-2) is a caesar-cipher that produces a command that is exectued by eval().

Steven Lord   on 23 Oct 2019

Running the char command is safe, that will just create a char vector you can read. Remove the eval() around the char command and it won't execute the command stored in the char vector.
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 4 May 2019 •

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Difficult to Work With
Many beginners come here with questions that are basically "I have lots of numbered variables but I cannot figure out how to do this simple operation...", or "my code is very slow/complex/...":
Even advocates of eval get confused by it, fail to make it work properly, and can't even figure out why, as these two examples clearly show:
Why can't they figure out why it does not work?:
• Totally obfuscated code. Indirect code evaluation.

• The code helper tools do not work.

• Syntax highlighting does not work.

• Static code checking does not work.

• No useful error messages, etc. ,etc


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 30 Dec 2019 •

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Using eval makes it really hard to track down bugs, because it obfuscates the code and disables lots of code helper tools. Why would beginners even want to use a tool that makes it harder for
them to fix their code?
Here are some examples to illustrate how what should have been simple operations become very difficult to debug because of the choice to use eval:
Code that generates variable names dynamically based on imported data or user inputs is also susceptible to the names reaching the name length limit:
This quote sums up debugging eval based code: "I've never even attempted to use it myself, but it seems it would create unreadable, undebuggable code. If you can't read it and can't fix it what
good is it?" Note that eval's equally evil siblings evalc, evalin and assignin also make code slow and buggy:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 4 Feb 2018 •
MATLAB Answers 8

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Obfuscated Code Intent
What does this code do?:
 
x1 = [119,101,98,40,39,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119];
x2 = [46,121,111,117,116,117,98,101,46,99,111,109,47,119,97];
x3 = [116,99,104,63,118,61,100,81,119,52,119,57,87,103,88];
x4 = [99,81,39,44,39,45,98,114,111,119,115,101,114,39,41];
Unfortunately eval makes it easy to write code which is hard to understand: it is not clear what it does, or why. If you ran that code without knowing what it does, you should know that it could
have deleted all of your data, or sent emails to all of your contacts, or downloaded anything at all from the internet, or worse...
Because eval easily hides the intent of the code many beginners end up writing code that is very hard to follow and understand. This makes the code buggy, and also harder to debug! See
these examples:
Properly written code is clear and understandable. Clear and understandable code is easier to write, to bug-fix, and to maintain. Code is read more times than it is written, so never
underestimate the importance of writing code that is clear and understandable: write code comments, write a help section, use consistent formatting and indentation, etc.


Sean de Wolski   on 26 Sep 2016

I remember the newsreader thread you got this from!

Walter Roberson  on 24 Nov 2016

You're never going to give up on this example, are you?
MATLAB Answers

Walter Roberson  on 24 Jul 2019

I just encountered someone using num2str() on a computed variable name, in order to have the effect of an eval() without using eval() directly in the code. This is, needless to say, obscure intent.
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 6 Jan 2019 •

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Code Helper Tools do not Work
The MATLAB editor contains many tools that advanced users continuously make use of, and beginners should particularly appreciate when learning to use MATLAB (tip: learn to use them!).
However none of these tools work with code that uses eval.
• check the syntax as you type.

• shows warnings and errors on the RHS of the editor. Very very useful!

• Tab completion of function names, filenames, etc.

• variable highlighting shows all locations where a variable is used.

• f1 button to access function help.

• code analyzer prints reports on the code quality: errors, warnings, suggestions on how it could be improved.

• Text search or find-and-replace. Note that with magical variable names it is not even possible to do a simple search for a variable name, because if that variable name is generated
dynamically then the name is not defined until the code is executed: how would you imagine searching for where a particular variable is used, if you cannot search for that variable? Ouch!
• text search in multiple files.

• automatically rename all instances of a variable name: very handy! MATLAB Answers
• and much more...

Note that these do not work when using eval, evalc, etc. to magically create or access variable names. Would you want to disable the tools that help you to write functioning code? Here are
examples of how eval hides code errors and makes it hard to debug code:

 1 Comment

Tom Hawkins on 7 Feb 2019

On this topic, it would be great if the Code Analyzer and checkcode would actually flag a warning when eval etc. are used. Perhaps that would cut down the number of questions about them on
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 8 Jul 2018 •

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Alternative: Indexing into Cell Array or ND-Array
MATLAB Answers
Oftentimes when a user wants to use eval they are trying to create numbered variables, which are effectively an index joined onto a name. So then why not simply turn that pseudo-index into a
real index: MATLAB is very fast and efficient when working with indices, and using indices will make code much much simpler than anything involving dynamic variable names:
Using ND-arrays is a particularly efficient way of handling data: many operations can be performed on complete arrays (known as code vectorization), and ND-arrays are easy to get data in and
out of, and reduces the chance of bugs:
Or simply put the data into the cells of a cell array:
And some real-world examples of where indexing is much simpler than eval:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 31 Jan 2017 •

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Alternative: Dynamic Field-Names in a Structure
dynamic fieldnames are easy to use, and do not require magically creating variables in the workspace.
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 21 Oct 2019 •

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Alternative: load into a Structure, not into the Workspace
In almost all cases where data is imported programmatically (i.e. not just playing around in the command window) it is advisable to load data into an output argument (which is a structure if the
file is a .mat file):
 
S = load(...);
The fields of the structure can be accessed directly, e.g:
 
or by using dynamic fieldnames. Note that this is the inverse of saving the fields of a scalar structure.
It is important to note that (contrary to what many beginners seem to think) it is actually much easier within a loop to save and load data when the variable names in the .mat files do not change,
as having to process different variable names in each file actually makes saving/loading the files much harder.
Summary: when using a loop, keep all variable names the same!
Here are real-world examples of loading into variables:
And finally Steven Lord's comment on load-ing straight into the workspace:
EDIT: No longer active:
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 31 Jan 2017 •

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Alternative: Non-Scalar Structure (with Indexing)
Using a non-scalar structure is much simpler than trying to access dynamic variable names. Here are some examples:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 18 Dec 2017 •

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Other Languages: do not use eval!
In case you think that avoiding dynamic variable names is just some "weird MATLAB thing", here is the same discussion for some other programming languages, all advising "DO NOT create
dynamic variable names":
Some languages might use, require, or otherwise encourage dynamic variable names. If that is how they work efficiently, then so be it. But what is efficient in one language means nothing about
the same method in other languages... if you wish to use MATLAB efficiently, make your code easier to work with, and write in a way that other MATLAB users will appreciate, then you should
learn how to use MATLAB features and tools:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 4 Mar 2019 •

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Confuses Data with Code
The inclusion of data and meta-data within variable names (e.g. naming a variable with the user's input, the name of a test subject, or (very commonly) adding an index onto a variable name) is
a subtle (but closely related) problem, and it should definitely be avoided.
The problem with including meta-data in variable names is that this breaks the idea of code being generalized, because it mixes the code and data together. In fact data and code should be kept
separate to keep the code generalized. Code that is written to be as general as possible is simpler, more robust, more adaptable, easier to write, and easier to fix, which in turn makes code
much less buggy. Mixing meta-data into variable names really just makes everything much more complicated, and this in turn makes code slow and buggy.
Read these discussions for an explanation of why it is a poor practice to put data and meta-data in variable names:
In many cases that meta-data is just a de-facto index, i.e. a value that proscribes the order of the data. But in that case the de-facto index should be turned into a much more efficient real
numeric index:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Sep 2016
Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 31 Jan 2017 MATLAB Answers •

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Alternative: Use more Efficient Ways to Pass Variables between Workspaces (applies to evalin, assignin, etc)
Use nested functions, or pass arguments, or use any of the other efficient ways to pass data between workspaces:


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Stephen Cobeldick  on 19 Jul 2017

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 6 Jan 2019 •

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Magically Making Variables Appear in a Workspace is Risky
For a start those variables will be overwritten without warning, leading to hard-to-find bugs. But there is also a more serious yet subtle problem, which is caused by the MATLAB parser finding
alternative functions/objects/... and calling those instead of using the magically-created variable: basically if the variable does not exist then the parser does it best to find something that matches
where the name is called/used later... and it might just find something! For example:
MATLAB Answers
The solution is simple: do not magically "poof" variables into existence: Always load into a structure, and never create variable names dynamically.


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Jonathan on 21 Aug 2019

Thanks to both of you for the very prompt responses! :)
I did not know that Matlab was not purely interpreted; knowing this clarifies the issue with dynamic names. Truth be told, I never use dynamic names in my code (because of some of the reasons
listed in this thread), and would never recommend that anyone did. But I find edge-cases interesting.
Regarding potential impacts on performance, it seems to me that dynamic names can only ever occur due to an `eval`, `evalin` or `load` operation, is that right? I think it is fair to say that none of
these functions should be used in a portion of code that is performance-critical. Though I am not one to give advice about language design, would it be possible to "re-parse" the code following
such operations as they occur, in order to update the name resolution? This would badly affect performance when they are used, but would leave other situations unaffected, wouldn't it?

Guillaume  on 21 Aug 2019

assignin and evalc also belong to that list. I can't think of any others right now.
The reparsing that you describe is most likely what was happening is past versions. But at least for load, it's clear that mathworks are moving away from that design and are not interested in
supporting implicitly defined variables. I.e.
 
function myfunc()
load data.mat %creates a x variable
no longer works (or will no longer work). See R2017a release notes.
I'm fine with that. If the optimiser has to detect whether or not it can optimise or must leave it later to reparse will have an impact on performance for both cases since it must do that detection.
MATLAB Answers

Walter Roberson  on 21 Aug 2019

There is currently some name re-resolution being done whenever the MATLAB path changes, including when you cd() -- which is a reason to avoid cd() in code.
In the past, I put some thought into the kinds of structures you would have to put in place in order to handle that situation efficiency . I did not follow it through, though; just some thought
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 30 Nov 2017

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 26 Oct 2018 •

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PS: eval is Not Faulty:
Some beginners apparently think that eval (and friends) must be faulty and should be removed from MATLAB altogether. They ask "if eval is so broken, why has it not been removed?"... but it is
important to understand that the problem is caused by magically accessing variable names regardless of what tool or operation is used, and that eval (or assignin, or evalin, or load without an
output argument, etc.) is simply being used inappropriately because there are much better methods available ( better in the sense faster, neater, simpler, less buggy, etc). Read these
discussions for good examples of this confusion:
It is important to note that any feature of a language can be used inefficiently or in an inappropriate way, not just eval, and this is not something that can be controlled by the language itself. For
example, it is common that someone might solve something with slow loops and without preallocating the output arrays: this does not mean that for loops are "faulty" and need to be removed
from MATLAB!
It is up to the programmer to write efficient code.
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Stephen Cobeldick  on 17 Apr 2019

Edited: Stephen Cobeldick  on 17 Apr 2019 •

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Alternative: save the Fields of a Scalar Structure
The save command has an option for saving the fields of a scalar structure as separate variables in a .mat file. For example, given a scalar structure:

 
S.A = 1;
S.B = [2,3];
this will save variables A and B in the .mat file:

 
This is the inverse function of loading into a structure. Some threads showing how this can be used:


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Steven Lord   on 30 Apr 2019

Edited: Steven Lord   on 30 Apr 2019 •

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Alternative: Use a table or timetable Array

table (introduced in release R2013b) and timetable (introduced in release R2016b) arrays allow you to store data with row and/or column names with which you can access the data. For example,
if you create a table with variables named Age, Gender, Height, Weight, and Smoker and rows named with the last names of the patients:
 
load patients
patients = table(Age,Gender,Height,Weight,Smoker,...
you can ask for all the ages of the first five patients:
 
patients(1:5, 'Age')
or all the data for the patients with last names Smith or Jones:
 
patients({'Smith', 'Jones'}, :)
You can also add new variables to the table, either by hard-coding the name of the variable:
 
% Indicate if patients are greater than five and a half feet tall
patients.veryTall = patients.Height > 66
or using variable names stored in char or string variables. The code sample below creates new variables named over40 and under35 in the patients table using different indexing techniques.
 
newname1 = 'over40';
patients.(newname1) = patients.Age > 40;
newname2 = 'under35';
patients{:, newname2} = patients.Age < 35;
patients(1:10, :) % Show the first ten rows
The code sample below selects either Height or Weight and shows the selected variable for the fifth through tenth patients using dynamic names.
 
if rand > 0.5
selectedVariable = 'Height';
selectedVariable = 'Weight';
See this documentation page for more information about techniques you can use to access and manipulate data in a table or timetable array. This documentation page contains information about
accessing data in a timetable using the time information associated with the rows. MATLAB Answers
 1 Comment

Stephen Cobeldick  on 30 Apr 2019

Simpler way to generate a table from that .mat file:
 
S = load('patients.mat');
T = struct2table(S,'RowNames',S.LastName);

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Econstudent on 17 Jan 2017


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You discuss at length why we shouldn't A, B or C and you also comment on how we could access certain objects.
Now, suppose we need to import a few time series -- but I can only import those series one at a time. The intention behind creating a sequence of variables inside a loop is often to store those
time series in distinct object every time. That is, you want to assign the data to a different object every time and do it considerably more than once...
What other choice do you have besides creating objects within your loop?
MATLAB Answers

Stephen Cobeldick  on 17 Jan 2017

"What other choice do you have besides creating objects within your loop?"
All of the choices that are explained above: cell arrays, structures, ND numeric arrays. And with newer MATLAB versions also tables, strings, datetime, etc. All of these allow you to "import those
series one at a time", and use indexing (or fieldnames, etc) to put that data into one variable/object. Simple.
"The intention ... is often to store those time series in distinct object every time"
And that is the bad design decision right there.

Jan  on 24 Jan 2017

@Econstudent: Did you read this thread carefully? If your "sequence of variables" mean, that the variables are a sequence, they have a relation. Then this relation should be mapped in the code
by collecting them in one array. An efficient and logic representation of the data is essential for good code, but it remains the art of programming.
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See Also
MATLAB Answers

how to write a1=1;a2=2;a3=3; from A

1 Answer

Can I make dynamic name for the structure?

1 Answer

assignin and eval functions MATLAB Answers

2 Answers

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More on eval



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Anonymous Functions

What Are Anonymous Functions?

An anonymous function is a function that is not stored in a program file, but is associated with a variable whose data type is function_handle. Anonymous functions
can accept multiple inputs and return one output. They can contain only a single executable statement.

For example, create a handle to an anonymous function that finds the square of a number:

sqr = @(x) x.^2;

Variable sqr is a function handle. The @ operator creates the handle, and the parentheses () immediately after the @ operator include the function input arguments.
This anonymous function accepts a single input x, and implicitly returns a single output, an array the same size as x that contains the squared values.

Find the square of a particular value (5) by passing the value to the function handle, just as you would pass an input argument to a standard function.

a = sqr(5)

a =
Many MATLAB® functions accept function handles as inputs so that you can evaluate functions over a range of values. You can create handles either for anonymous
functions or for functions in program files. The benefit of using anonymous functions is that you do not have to edit and maintain a file for a function that requires only
a brief definition.

For example, find the integral of the sqr function from 0 to 1 by passing the function handle to the integral function:

q = integral(sqr,0,1);

You do not need to create a variable in the workspace to store an anonymous function. Instead, you can create a temporary function handle within an expression,
such as this call to the integral function:

q = integral(@(x) x.^2,0,1);

Variables in the Expression

Function handles can store not only an expression, but also variables that the expression requires for evaluation.

For example, create a handle to an anonymous function that requires coefficients a, b, and c.

a = 1.3;
b = .2;
c = 30;
parabola = @(x) a*x.^2 + b*x + c;
Because a, b, and c are available at the time you create parabola, the function handle includes those values. The values persist within the function handle even if
you clear the variables:

clear a b c
x = 1;
y = parabola(x)

y =
To supply different values for the coefficients, you must create a new function handle:

a = -3.9;
b = 52;
c = 0;
parabola = @(x) a*x.^2 + b*x + c;

x = 1;
y = parabola(1)

y =
You can save function handles and their associated values in a MAT-file and load them in a subsequent MATLAB session using the save and load functions, such as

save myfile.mat parabola

Use only explicit variables when constructing anonymous functions. If an anonymous function accesses any variable or nested function that is not explicitly
referenced in the argument list or body, MATLAB throws an error when you invoke the function. Implicit variables and function calls are often encountered in the
functions such as eval, evalin, assignin, and load. Avoid using these functions in the body of anonymous functions.

Multiple Anonymous Functions

The expression in an anonymous function can include another anonymous function. This is useful for passing different parameters to a function that you are
evaluating over a range of values. For example, you can solve the equation

for varying values of c by combining two anonymous functions:

g = @(c) (integral(@(x) (x.^2 + c*x + 1),0,1));

Here is how to derive this statement:

1. Write the integrand as an anonymous function,

@(x) (x.^2 + c*x + 1)

2. Evaluate the function from zero to one by passing the function handle to integral,

integral(@(x) (x.^2 + c*x + 1),0,1)

3. Supply the value for c by constructing an anonymous function for the entire equation,

g = @(c) (integral(@(x) (x.^2 + c*x + 1),0,1));

The final function allows you to solve the equation for any value of c. For example:


ans =
Functions with No Inputs
If your function does not require any inputs, use empty parentheses when you define and call the anonymous function. For example:

t = @() datestr(now);
d = t()

d =
26-Jan-2012 15:11:47
Omitting the parentheses in the assignment statement creates another function handle, and does not execute the function:

d = t

d =
@() datestr(now)
Functions with Multiple Inputs or Outputs
Anonymous functions require that you explicitly specify the input arguments as you would for a standard function, separating
multiple inputs with commas. For example, this function accepts two inputs, x and y: Try This Example

View MATLAB Command

myfunction = @(x,y) (x^2 + y^2 + x*y);

x = 1;
y = 10;
z = myfunction(x,y)

z = 111
However, an anonymous function returns only one output. If the expression in the function returns multiple outputs, then you can request them when you invoke the
function handle.

For example, the ndgrid function can return as many outputs as the number of input vectors. This anonymous function that calls ndgrid returns only one output
(mygrid). Invoke mygrid to access the outputs returned by the ndgrid function.

c = 10;
mygrid = @(x,y) ndgrid((-x:x/c:x),(-y:y/c:y));
[x,y] = mygrid(pi,2*pi);

You can use the output from mygrid to create a mesh or surface plot:

z = sin(x) + cos(y);
Arrays of Anonymous Functions
Although most MATLAB fundamental data types support multidimensional arrays, function handles must be scalars (single elements). However, you can store
multiple function handles using a cell array or structure array. The most common approach is to use a cell array, such as

f = {@(x)x.^2;

When you create the cell array, keep in mind that MATLAB interprets spaces as column separators. Either omit spaces from expressions, as shown in the previous
code, or enclose expressions in parentheses, such as

f = {@(x) (x.^2);
@(y) (y + 10);
@(x,y) (x.^2 + y + 10)};

Access the contents of a cell using curly braces. For example, f{1} returns the first function handle. To execute the function, pass input values in parentheses after
the curly braces:
x = 1;
y = 10;


ans =

ans =

ans =

Related Topics
• Create Function Handle
• Types of Functions
Callback Definition

Ways to Specify Callbacks

To use callback properties, assign the callback code to the property. Use one of the following techniques:

• A function handle that references the function to execute.

• A cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
• A character vector that evaluates to a valid MATLAB® expression. MATLAB evaluates the character vector in the base workspace.

Defining a callback as a character vector is not recommended. The use of a function specified as function handle enables MATLAB to provide important information
to your callback function.

For more information, see Callback Function Syntax.

Callback Function Syntax

Graphics callback functions must accept at least two input arguments:

• The handle of the object whose callback is executing. Use this handle within your callback function to refer to the callback object.
• The event data structure, which can be empty for some callbacks or contain specific information that is described in the property description for that object.

Whenever the callback executes as a result of the specific triggering action, MATLAB calls the callback function and passes these two arguments to the function .

For example, define a callback function called lineCallback for the lines created by the plot function. With the lineCallback function on the MATLAB path, use
the @ operator to assign the function handle to the ButtonDownFcn property of each line created by plot.


Define the callback to accept two input arguments. Use the first argument to refer to the specific line whose callback is executing. Use this argument to set the line
Color property:

function lineCallback(src,~)
src.Color = 'red';

The second argument is empty for the ButtonDownFcn callback. The ~ character indicates that this argument is not used.

Passing Additional Input Arguments

To define additional input arguments for the callback function, add the arguments to the function definition, maintaining the correct order of the default arguments and
the additional arguments:

function lineCallback(src,evt,arg1,arg2)
src.Color = 'red';
src.LineStyle = arg1;
src.Marker = arg2;

Assign a cell array containing the function handle and the additional arguments to the property:


You can use an anonymous function to pass additional arguments. For example:


Related Information
For information on using anonymous functions, see Anonymous Functions.

For information about using class methods as callbacks, see Class Methods for Graphics Callbacks.

For information on how MATLAB resolves multiple callback execution, see the BusyAction and Interruptible properties of the objects defining callbacks.

Define a Callback as a Default

You can assign a callback to the property of a specific object or you can define a default callback for all objects of that type.

To define a ButtonDownFcn for all line objects, set a default value on the root level.

• Use the groot function to specify the root level of the object hierarchy.
• Define a callback function that is on the MATLAB path.
• Assign a function handle referencing this function to the defaultLineButtonDownFcn.


The default value remains assigned for the MATLAB session. You can make the default value assignment in your startup.m file.
Callback Definition

Ways to Specify Callbacks

To use callback properties, assign the callback code to the property. Use one of the following techniques:

• A function handle that references the function to execute.

• A cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
• A character vector that evaluates to a valid MATLAB® expression. MATLAB evaluates the character vector in the base workspace.

Defining a callback as a character vector is not recommended. The use of a function specified as function handle enables MATLAB to provide important information
to your callback function.

For more information, see Callback Function Syntax.

Callback Function Syntax

Graphics callback functions must accept at least two input arguments:

• The handle of the object whose callback is executing. Use this handle within your callback function to refer to the callback object.
• The event data structure, which can be empty for some callbacks or contain specific information that is described in the property description for that object.

Whenever the callback executes as a result of the specific triggering action, MATLAB calls the callback function and passes these two arguments to the function .

For example, define a callback function called lineCallback for the lines created by the plot function. With the lineCallback function on the MATLAB path, use
the @ operator to assign the function handle to the ButtonDownFcn property of each line created by plot.


Define the callback to accept two input arguments. Use the first argument to refer to the specific line whose callback is executing. Use this argument to set the line
Color property:

function lineCallback(src,~)
src.Color = 'red';

The second argument is empty for the ButtonDownFcn callback. The ~ character indicates that this argument is not used.

Passing Additional Input Arguments

To define additional input arguments for the callback function, add the arguments to the function definition, maintaining the correct order of the default arguments and
the additional arguments:

function lineCallback(src,evt,arg1,arg2)
src.Color = 'red';
src.LineStyle = arg1;
src.Marker = arg2;

Assign a cell array containing the function handle and the additional arguments to the property:


You can use an anonymous function to pass additional arguments. For example:


Related Information
For information on using anonymous functions, see Anonymous Functions.

For information about using class methods as callbacks, see Class Methods for Graphics Callbacks.

For information on how MATLAB resolves multiple callback execution, see the BusyAction and Interruptible properties of the objects defining callbacks.

Define a Callback as a Default

You can assign a callback to the property of a specific object or you can define a default callback for all objects of that type.

To define a ButtonDownFcn for all line objects, set a default value on the root level.

• Use the groot function to specify the root level of the object hierarchy.
• Define a callback function that is on the MATLAB path.
• Assign a function handle referencing this function to the defaultLineButtonDownFcn.


The default value remains assigned for the MATLAB session. You can make the default value assignment in your startup.m file.
Information about function handle


s = functions(fh)

s = functions(fh) returns information about a function handle. This information includes the function name, type, and file name. example

Use the functions function for querying and debugging purposes only.

 Note
Do not use functions programmatically because its behavior could change in subsequent MATLAB® releases.

Examples collapse all

 Display Information About Named Function Handle

Create a function handle and display its information.

Try This Example

View MATLAB Command

fh = @cos;
s = functions(fh)

s = struct with fields:

function: 'cos'
type: 'simple'
file: ''
 Display Information About Anonymous Function Handle

Create a function handle to an anonymous function. Display its information and values of required variables.

Create a handle to the function x2

, and invoke the function using the handle.
+ y

y = 7;
fh = @(x)x.^2+y;
z = fh(2)

z =

Display information about the function handle.

s = functions(fh)

s =

function: '@(x)x.^2+y'
type: 'anonymous'
file: ''
workspace: {[1x1 struct]}
within_file_path: '__base_function'
The function handle contains the required value of y.


ans =

y: 7

 Display Information About Nested and Local Function Handle

Create a function that returns handles to local and nested functions. Display their information.

Create the following function in a file, functionsExample.m, in your working folder. The function returns handles to a nested and local function.

function [hNest,hLocal] = functionsExample(v)

hNest = @nestFunction;
hLocal = @localFunction;

function y = nestFunction(x)
y = x + v;


function y = localFunction(z)
y = z + 1;

Invoke the function.

[hNest,hLocal] = functionsExample(13)

hNest =


hLocal =

Display information about the handle to the nested function.

s1 = functions(hNest)

s1 =

function: 'functionsExample/nestFunction'
type: 'nested'
file: 'C:\work\functionsExample.m'
workspace: {[1x1 struct]}
Display information about the handle to the local function.

s2 = functions(hLocal)

s2 =
function: 'localFunction'
type: 'scopedfunction'
file: 'C:\work\functionsExample.m'
parentage: {'localFunction' 'functionsExample'}

Input Arguments collapse all

fh — Handle to query
 function handle

Handle to query, specified as a function handle.

Output Arguments collapse all

s — Information about function handle

 structure

Information about a function handle, returned as a structure. The structure contains the following fields.

Field Name Field Description

function Function name. If the function associated with the handle is a nested function, the function name takes the form

type Function type. For example 'simple', 'nested', 'scopedfunction', or 'anonymous'.

file Full path to the function with the file extension.

• If the function is a local or nested function, then file is the full path to the main function.
• If the function is built-in MATLAB function or an anonymous function, then file is an empty character array ('').
• If you load a saved function handle, then file is an empty character array ('').

The structure has additional fields depending on the type of function associated with the handle. For example, a local function has a parentage field, and an
anonymous function has a workspace field. Use the information in s for querying and debugging purposes only.

See Also
func2str | str2func
Create Function Handle
Compare Function Handles

Introduced before R2006a

Determine if input has specified data type


tf = isa(A,dataType)
tf = isa(A,typeCategory)

tf = isa(A,dataType) returns 1 (true) if A has the data type specified by dataType. Otherwise, it returns 0 (false). The input argument A can example
have any data type.
If A is an object, then isa returns 1 if dataType is either the class of A or a superclass of A.
tf = isa(A,typeCategory) returns 1 (true) if the data type of A belongs to the category specified by typeCategory. Otherwise, it returns 0
If A is an object, then isa returns 1 if the class of A, or any superclass of A, belongs to the specified category.

Examples collapse all

 Determine If Variables Have Specified Data Types

Create a numeric variable and determine if its data type is double.

Try This Example

View MATLAB Command

A = 3.1416;
tf = isa(A,'double')

tf = logical

Create an array of 32-bit integers and determine if its data type is int32.

A = int32([0 2 4 6 8])
A = 1x5 int32 row vector

0 2 4 6 8

tf = isa(A,'int32')

tf = logical

Determine if the data type of A is char.

tf = isa(A,'char')

tf = logical

 Determine If Variable Type Belongs To Specified Categories

Create an array whose data type is uint8. Determine if the array has a data type that belongs to the integer category.
Try This Example

View MATLAB Command

A = uint8([0 2 4 6 8])

A = 1x5 uint8 row vector

0 2 4 6 8

tf = isa(A,'integer')

tf = logical

Determine if the data type of A belongs to the float category.

tf = isa(A,'float')
tf = logical

Input Arguments collapse all

A — Input array
 array

Input array.

dataType — Data type

 character vector | string scalar

Data type, specified as a character vector or string scalar. dataType can be the name of:

• Any fundamental data type or MATLAB® class

• A Java® or .NET class

The table shows the names of many commonly used MATLAB data types.

'single' Single-precision number

'double' Double-precision number

'int8' Signed 8-bit integer

'int16' Signed 16-bit integer

'int32' Signed 32-bit integer

'int64' Signed 64-bit integer

'uint8' Unsigned 8-bit integer

'uint16' Unsigned 16-bit integer

'uint32' Unsigned 32-bit integer

'uint64' Unsigned 64-bit integer

'logical' Logical 1 (true) or 0 (false)

'char' Character

'string' String array

'struct' Structure array

'cell' Cell array

'table' Table

'function_handle' Function handle

typeCategory — Data type category

 'numeric' | 'float' | 'integer'

Data type category, specified as 'numeric', 'float', or 'integer'. These values represent categories of numeric types, as shown in the table.

'numeric' Integer or floating-point array, having one of these data types:

• double
• single
• int8
• int16
• int32
• int64
• uint8
• uint16
• uint32
• uint64

'float' Single- or double-precision floating-point array, having either of these data types:
• double
• single
'integer' Signed or unsigned integer array, having one of these data types:
• int8
• int16
• int32
• int64
• uint8
• uint16
• uint32
• uint64

• To test whether the input array is sparse, use the issparse function.
• To test whether the input array has any imaginary or complex elements, use ~isreal(A).

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation

Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

See Also
class | exist | is* | isenum | isfloat | isinteger | isnumeric

Fundamental MATLAB Classes
Valid Combinations of Unlike Classes

Introduced before R2006a

Display warning message


warning(warnID, ___ )


warnStruct = warning

warnStruct = warning(state,mode)

warning(msg) displays the warning message and sets the warning state for the lastwarn function. If msg is empty, warning resets the warning state example
for lastwarn, but does not display any text.

warning(msg,A1,...,An) displays a message that contains formatting conversion characters, such as those used with the MATLAB® sprintf
function. Each conversion character in msg is converted to one of the values A1,...,An.

warning(warnID, ___ ) attaches a warning identifier to the warning message. You can include any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.
The identifier enables you to distinguish warnings and to control what happens when MATLAB encounters the warnings.

warning(state) enables, disables, or displays the state of all warnings. example

warning(state,warnID) acts on the state of a specified warning.

warning displays the state of all of the warnings. It is equivalent to warning('query').

warnStruct = warning returns a structure or array of structures that contains information about which warnings are enabled and disabled. example
warnStruct includes an identifier field with a warnID or 'all', and a state field that indicates the state of the corresponding warning.

warning(warnStruct) sets the current warning settings as indicated in the structure array, warnStruct.

warning(state,mode) controls whether MATLAB displays the stack trace or additional information about the warning. example
warnStruct = warning(state,mode) returns a structure with an identifier field containing the mode and a state field containing the current
state of mode. If you pass the output structure, warnStruct, into the warning function, you set the state of the mode, not which warnings are enabled
or disabled.

Examples collapse all

 Issue Warning Message

Generate a warning that displays a message.

n = 7;
if ~ischar(n)
warning('Input must be a character vector')

Warning: Input must be a character vector

Include information about n in the warning message.

if ~ischar(n)
warning('Input must be a character vector, not a %s',class(n))

Warning: Input must be a character vector, not a double

Attach a warning identifier to the warning message.

if ~ischar(n)
'Input must be a character vector, not a %s',class(n))

Warning: Input must be a character vector, not a double

 Set and Query Warning State

Disable all warnings.


Query the warnings.


All warnings have the state 'off'.

Enable all warnings, disable the singular matrix warning, and query all warnings.


The default warning state is 'on'. Warnings not set to the default are

State Warning Identifier

off MATLAB:singularMatrix
Re-enable the singular matrix warning.


 Save and Restore Warning Settings

Enable all warnings, and then disable the singular matrix warning.


Save the current warning settings.

s = warning

s =

2x1 struct array with fields:

Examine the two structures.

ans =

identifier: 'all'
state: 'on'


ans =

identifier: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'
state: 'off'
All warnings are enabled except for 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'.

Disable and query all warnings.


All warnings have the state 'off'.

Restore the saved warning state structure, and query the state.


The default warning state is 'on'. Warnings not set to the default are

State Warning Identifier

off MATLAB:singularMatrix

 Control Warning Verbosity

Ensure verbose and backtrace settings are the default values.


Turn on all warnings, and remove a folder that does not exist on the MATLAB path.

Warning: "nosuchfolder" not found in path.
> In rmpath at 57
Enable verbosity to display an extended warning message.


Warning: "nosuchfolder" not found in path.

(Type "warning off MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound" to suppress this warning.)

> In rmpath at 57
Disable display of the stack trace.


Warning: "nosuchfolder" not found in path.

(Type "warning off MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound" to suppress this warning.)

 Temporarily Disable Warning

Compute a singular matrix.

A = eye(2);
B = [3 6; 4 8];
C = B\A;

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.

Find the warning identifier, save the current warning state, and disable the specific warning.

[msgStr,warnId] = lastwarn;
warnStruct = warning('off',warnId);
C = B\A;

Restore previous warning state.

C = B\A;

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.

Input Arguments collapse all

msg — Information about cause of warning

 character vector | string scalar

Information about the cause of the warning and how you might correct it, specified as a character vector or string scalar. To format the message, use escape
sequences, such as \t or \n. You also can use any format specifiers supported by the sprintf function, such as %s or %d. Specify values for the conversion
specifiers via the A1,...,An input arguments. For more information, see Formatting Text.

 Note
You must specify more than one input argument with warning if you want MATLAB to convert special characters (such as \t, \n, %s, and %d) in the
warning message.

Example: 'Input must be a character vector.'

A1,...,An — Values
 character vector | string scalar | numeric scalar

Values that replace the conversion specifiers in msg, specified as a character vector, string scalar, or numeric scalar.

warnID — Identifier for warning

 character vector | string scalar | 'all' | 'last'

Identifier for the warning, specified as a character vector, string scalar, 'all', or 'last'. Use the warning identifier to help identify the source of the warning or
to control a selected subset of the warnings in your program.

The warning identifier includes one or more component fields and a mnemonic field. Fields must be separated with colon. For example, a warning identifier with
a component field component and a mnemonic field mnemonic is specified as 'component:mnemonic'. The component and mnemonic fields must each begin
with a letter. The remaining characters can be alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores. No white-space characters can appear anywhere in warnID.
For information on creating identifiers, see MException.

When you set the state of a warning, warnID can have a value of 'all' or 'last'. Use 'all' to set the state of all warnings, and use 'last' to set the state
of the last issued warning.
Example: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'

Example: 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs'

state — Warning control indicator

 'on' | 'off' | 'query'

Warning control indicator specified as 'on', 'off', or 'query'. Use 'on' or 'off' to control whether MATLAB issues a warning. Use 'query' to query the
current state of the warning.

warnStruct — Warning settings

 structure | array of structures

Warning settings, specified as a structure or array of structures that contains information about which warnings are enabled and which are disabled.
warnStruct includes an identifier field with a warnID or 'all', and state field indicating the state of the corresponding warning.

mode — Verbosity and stack trace display settings

 'backtrace' | 'verbose'

Verbosity and the stack trace display of settings, specified by 'backtrace' or 'verbose'. By default, the state of verbosity is set to 'off' and the state of
stack trace display is set to 'on'.

Extended Capabilities

 GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

See Also
dbstop | disp | error | errordlg | lasterror | lastwarn | sprintf | warndlg

Issue Warnings and Errors
Suppress Warnings
Restore Warnings
Change How Warnings Display

Introduced before R2006a

Throw error and display message


error(errID, ___ )


error(correction, ___ )

error(msg) throws an error and displays an error message. example

error(msg,A1,...,An) displays an error message that contains formatting conversion characters, such as those used with the MATLAB® sprintf
function. Each conversion character in msg is converted to one of the values A1,...,An.

error(errID, ___ ) includes an error identifier on the exception. The identifier enables you to distinguish errors and to control what happens when
MATLAB encounters the errors. You can include any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.

error(errorStruct) throws an error using the fields in a scalar structure. example

error(correction, ___ ) provides a suggested fix for the exception. You can include any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. example

Examples collapse all

 Throw Error

msg = 'Error occurred.';


Error occurred.

 Throw Error with Formatted Message

Throw a formatted error message with a line break. You must specify more than one input argument with error if you want MATLAB to convert special
characters (such as \n) in the error message. Include information about the class of variable n in the error message.

n = 7;
if ~ischar(n)
error('Error. \nInput must be a char, not a %s.',class(n))

Input must be a char, not a double.
If you only use one input argument with error, then MATLAB does not convert \n to a line break.

if ~ischar(n)
error('Error. \nInput must be a char.')

Error. \nInput must be a char.

Throw an error with an identifier.

if ~ischar(n)
'Error. \nInput must be a char, not a %s.',class(n))

Input must be a char, not a double.
Use the MException.last to view the last uncaught exception.

exception = MException.last

exception =

MException with properties:

identifier: 'MyComponent:incorrectType'
message: 'Error.
Input must be a char, not a double.'
cause: {0x1 cell}
stack: [0x1 struct]
 Throw Error Using Structure

Create structure with message and identifier fields. To keep the example simple, do not use the stack field.

errorStruct.message = 'Data file not found.';

errorStruct.identifier = 'MyFunction:fileNotFound';

errorStruct =

message: 'Data file not found.'

identifier: 'MyFunction:fileNotFound'
Throw the error.


Data file not found.

 Throw Error with Suggested Fix

Create a function hello that requires one input argument. Add a suggested input argument "world" to the error message.

function hello(audience)
if nargin < 1
aac = matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection('"world"');
error(aac, 'MATLAB:notEnoughInputs', 'Not enough input arguments.')
fprintf("Hello, %s!\n", audience)

Call the function without an argument.


Error using hello (line 4)

Not enough input arguments.

Did you mean:

>> hello("world")
Input Arguments collapse all

msg — Information about error

 character vector | string scalar

Information about the error, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This message displays as the error message. To format the message, use escape
sequences, such as \t or \n. You also can use any format specifiers supported by the sprintf function, such as %s or %d. Specify values for the conversion
specifiers via the A1,...,An input arguments. For more information, see Formatting Text.

 Note
You must specify more than one input argument with error if you want MATLAB to convert special characters (such as \t, \n, %s, and %d) in the error

Example: 'File not found.'

errID — Identifier for error

 character vector | string scalar

Identifier for the error, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use the error identifier to help identify the source of the error or to control a selected
subset of the errors in your program.

The error identifier includes one or more component fields and a mnemonic field. Fields must be separated with colon. For example, an error identifier with a
component field component and a mnemonic field mnemonic is specified as 'component:mnemonic'. The component and mnemonic fields must each begin
with a letter. The remaining characters can be alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores. No white-space characters can appear anywhere in errID. For
more information, see MException.

Example: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'

Example: 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs'

A1,...,An — Values
 character vector | string scalar | numeric scalar

Values that replace the conversion specifiers in msg, specified as a character vector, string scalar, or numeric scalar.
errorStruct — Error reporting information
 scalar structure

Error reporting information, specified as a scalar structure. The structure must contain at least one of these fields.

message Error message. For more information, see msg.

identifier Error identifier. For more information, see errID.

stack Stack field for the error. When errorStruct includes a stack field, error uses it to set the stack field of the error. When you specify
stack, use the absolute file name and the entire sequence of functions that nests the function in the stack frame. This character
vector is the same as the one returned by dbstack('-completenames').

correction — Suggested fix for this exception

 matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection object | matlab.lang.correction.ConvertToFunctionNotationCorrection object |
matlab.lang.correction.ReplaceIdentifierCorrection object

Suggested fix for this exception, specified as a matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection,

matlab.lang.correction.ConvertToFunctionNotationCorrection, or matlab.lang.correction.ReplaceIdentifierCorrection object.

• When you throw an error, MATLAB captures information about it and stores it in a data structure that is an object of the MException class. You can access
information in the exception object by using try/catch. Or, if your program terminates because of an exception and returns control to the Command Prompt, you
can use MException.last.
• MATLAB does not cease execution of a program if an error occurs within a try block. In this case, MATLAB passes control to the catch block.
• If all inputs to error are empty, MATLAB does not throw an error.

Extended Capabilities

 C/C++ Code Generation

Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

 GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
See Also
assert | dbstack | errordlg | MException | MException.last | try | warning

Throw an Exception
Respond to an Exception

Introduced before R2006a

Last warning message


msg = lastwarn
[msg,warnID] = lastwarn
[ ___ ] = lastwarn(newMsg,newID)

msg = lastwarn returns the last warning message generated by MATLAB®, regardless of the display state of the warning. example

[msg,warnID] = lastwarn also returns the warning identifier associated with msg.

[ ___ ] = lastwarn(newMsg,newID) sets the last warning message and the last warning identifier. Subsequent calls to the lastwarn function return
the new warning message and, if requested, the new warning identifier. You can use this syntax with any of the output arguments of the previous

Examples collapse all

 Display Last Warning Message

Display a warning message.

warning('Message 1.')

Warning: Message 1.
Call the lastwarn function to display the last warning message.

msg = lastwarn

msg =

'Message 1.'
Save the current warning settings, and then disable all warnings.

origState = warning;
Call the warning function with a different message. The warning is not displayed.

warning('Message 2.')

Call the lastwarn function. MATLAB returns the last warning message, even though it was not displayed.

msg = lastwarn

msg =

'Message 2.'
Restore the saved warning state.


 Obtain Identifier from Warning

The warning identifier is often used to suppress warnings. To find the identifier, use the lastwarn function.

Generate a singular matrix warning.

A = eye(2);
B = [3 6; 4 8];
C = B\A;

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.

Find the identifier of the warning.

[msg,warnID] = lastwarn;

msg =

'Matrix is singular to working precision.'

warnID =

Save the current warning state, and disable the specific warning. Perform the original calculation again. This time the warning does not display.
warnStruct = warning('off',warnID);
C = B\A;

Restore the previous warning state.


Input Arguments collapse all

newMsg — New message for last warning

 character vector | string scalar

New message for last warning, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Subsequent calls to the lastwarn function return the new warning message.

You can set the new message to an empty character vector ('') or string scalar ("").

Example: 'Warning message to display.'

newID — New identifier for last warning

 character vector | string scalar

New identifier for the last warning, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use the warning identifier to help identify the source of the warning or to
control a selected subset of the warnings in your program.

A warning identifier includes one or more component fields and a mnemonic field. Fields must be separated with colon. For example, a warning identifier with a
component field component and a mnemonic field mnemonic is specified as 'component:mnemonic'. The component and mnemonic fields must each begin
with a letter. The remaining characters can be alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores. No white-space characters can appear anywhere in the
warning identifier. For more information on creating identifiers, see MException.

Example: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'

Example: 'MyProject:myFunction:notEnoughInputs'

Output Arguments

collapse all
msg — Last warning message
 character vector

Last warning message generated by MATLAB, regardless of the display state of the warning, returned as a character vector.

warnID — Last warning identifier

 character vector

Last warning identifier, returned as a character vector. If the warning was not defined with an identifier, lastwarn returns an empty character vector for warnID.

See Also
error | warning

Suppress Warnings
Restore Warnings

Introduced before R2006a

Throw error if condition false





assert(cond) throws an error if cond is false. example

assert(cond,msg) throws an error and displays the error message, msg, if cond is false. example

assert(cond,msg,A1,...,An) displays an error message that contains formatting conversion characters, such as those used with the MATLAB®
sprintf function, if cond is false. Each conversion character in msg is converted to one of the values A1,...,An.

assert(cond,errID,msg) throws an error, displays the error message, msg, and includes an error identifier on the exception, if cond is false. The example
identifier enables you to distinguish errors and to control what happens when MATLAB encounters the errors.

assert(cond,errID,msg,A1,...,An) includes an error identifier on the exception and displays a formatted error message.

Examples collapse all

 Value in Expected Range

Assert that the value, x, is greater than a specified minimum value.

minVal = 7;
x = 26;

assert(minVal < x)

The expression evaluates as true, and the assertion passes.

Assert that the value of x is between the specified minimum and maximum values.

maxVal = 13;

assert((minVal < x) && (x < maxVal))

Assertion failed.
The expression evaluates as false. The assertion fails and MATLAB throws an error.

 Expected Data Type

Assert that the product of two numbers is a double-precision number.

a = 13;
b = single(42);
c = a*b;

assert(isa(c,'double'),'Product is not type double.')

Product is not type double.

Enhance the error message to display the data type of c.

assert(isa(c,'double'),'Product is type %s, not double.',class(c))

Product is type single, not double.

 Expected Code Conditions

Use the assert function to test for conditions that should not happen in normal code execution. If the coefficients are numeric, the computed roots should be
numeric. A quadratic equation using the specified coefficients and computed roots should be zero.

function x = quadraticSolver(C)

validateattributes(C,{'numeric'},{'size',[1 3]})

a = C(1);
b = C(2);
c = C(3);

x(1) = (-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a);
x(2) = (-b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a);
'Computed roots are not numeric')

y1 = a*x(1)^2+b*x(1)+c;
y2 = a*x(2)^2+b*x(2)+c;
assert(y1 == 0,'quadraticSolver:root1Error','Error in first root')
assert(isequal(y2,0),'quadraticSolver:root2Error','Error in second root')


Input Arguments collapse all

cond — Condition to assert

 MATLAB expression

Condition to assert, specified as a valid MATLAB expression. This expression must be logical or convertible to a logical. If cond is false, the assert function
throws an error. cond can include relational operators (such as < or ==) and logical operators (such as &&, ||, or ~). Use the logical operators and and or to
create compound expressions. MATLAB evaluates compound expressions from left to right, adhering to operator precedence rules.

Example: a<0

Example: exist('myfunction.m','file')

msg — Information about assertion failure

 character vector | string scalar

Information about the assertion failure, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This message displays as the error message. To format the message,
use escape sequences, such as \t or \n. You also can use any format specifiers supported by the sprintf function, such as %s or %d. Specify values for the
conversion specifiers via the A1,...,An input arguments. For more information, see Formatting Text.

 Note
You must specify more than one input argument with assert if you want MATLAB to convert special characters (such as \t, \n, %s, and %d) in the
error message.

Example: 'Assertion condition failed.'

A1,...,An — Numeric, character, or string arrays

 arrays

Numeric, character, or string arrays. This input argument provides the values that correspond to and replace the conversion specifiers in msg.

errID — Identifier for assertion failure

 character vector | string scalar

Identifier for the assertion failure, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use the identifier to help identify the source of the error or to control a selected
subset of the errors in your program.

The error identifier includes one or more component fields and a mnemonic field. Fields must be separated with colon. For example, an error identifier with a
component field component and a mnemonic field mnemonic is specified as 'component:mnemonic'. The component and mnemonic fields must each begin
with a letter. The remaining characters can be alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores. No white-space characters can appear anywhere in errID. For
more information, see MException.

Example: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'

Example: 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs'

• When you issue an error, MATLAB captures information about it and stores it in a data structure that is an object of the MException class. You can access
information in the exception object by using try/catch. Or, if your program terminates because of an exception and returns control to the Command Prompt, you
can use MException.last.
• If an assertion failure occurs within a try block, MATLAB does not cease execution of the program. In this case, MATLAB passes control to the catch block.

Extended Capabilities
 C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

 GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

See Also
error | MException

Introduced in R2007a
Cleanup tasks upon function completion


cleanupObj = onCleanup(cleanupFun)

cleanupObj = onCleanup(cleanupFun) creates an object that, when destroyed, executes the function cleanupFun. MATLAB® implicitly clears all example
local variables at the termination of a function, whether by normal completion, or a forced exit, such as an error, or Ctrl+C.
If you reference or pass cleanupObj outside your function, then cleanupFun does not run when that function terminates. Instead, it runs whenever
MATLAB destroys the object.

Examples collapse all

 Close a Figure After Executing Function

Save the following code in action.m and type action in the Command Window.

function action
disp('Display Figure')
f = figure;
cleanup = onCleanup(@()myCleanupFun(f));

function myCleanupFun(f)
disp('Close Figure')

Display Figure
Close Figure

 Switch Directories After Executing Function

Pass your own script to the onCleanup object so that it executes when MATLAB destroys the cleanup object.

Save the following code in cleanup.m.

disp('You are now in the temporary folder')

Save the following code in youraction.m and type youraction in the Command Window.

function youraction
cleanup = onCleanup(@cleanup);
disp('Execute Code')

Execute Code
You are now in the temporary folder

Input Arguments collapse all

cleanupFun — Cleanup task

 function handle

Cleanup task, specified as a handle to a function.

You can declare any number of onCleanup objects in a program file. However, if the cleanup tasks depend on the order of execution, then you should define
only one object that calls a script or function, containing the relevant cleanup commands.

You should use an anonymous function handle to call your cleanup task. This allows you to pass arguments to your cleanup function.

Example: @()fclose('file.m')

Example: @user_script

Data Types: function_handle

• Avoid using nested functions during cleanup. MATLAB can clear variables used in nested functions before the cleanup function tries to read from them.
• If your program contains multiple cleanup objects, MATLAB does not guarantee the order that it destroys these objects. If the order of your cleanup functions
matters, define one onCleanup object for all the tasks.
• If you save an onCleanup object, MATLAB displays a warning and does not save the cleanupFun cleanup task.

Extended Capabilities

 C/C++ Code Generation

Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

See Also
clear | clearvars

Clean Up When Functions Complete
Object Lifecycle
Function Handles
What Are Anonymous Functions?

Introduced in R2008a
Alternatives to the eval Function

Why Avoid the eval Function?

Although the eval function is very powerful and flexible, it is not always the best solution to a programming problem. Code that calls eval is often less efficient and
more difficult to read and debug than code that uses other functions or language constructs. For example:

• MATLAB® compiles code the first time you run it to enhance performance for future runs. However, because code in an eval statement can change at run time, it
is not compiled.
• Code within an eval statement can unexpectedly create or assign to a variable already in the current workspace, overwriting existing data.
• Concatenated character vectors within an eval statement are often difficult to read. Other language constructs can simplify the syntax in your code.

For many common uses of eval, there are preferred alternate approaches, as shown in the following examples.

Variables with Sequential Names

A frequent use of the eval function is to create sets of variables such as A1, A2, ..., An, but this approach does not use the array processing power of MATLAB and
is not recommended. The preferred method is to store related data in a single array. If the data sets are of different types or sizes, use a structure or cell array.

For example, create a cell array that contains 10 elements, where each element is a numeric array:

numArrays = 10;
A = cell(numArrays,1);
for n = 1:numArrays
A{n} = magic(n);

Access the data in the cell array by indexing with curly braces. For example, display the fifth element of A:


ans =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
The assignment statement A{n} = magic(n) is more elegant and efficient than this call to eval:

eval(['A', int2str(n),' = magic(n)']) % Not recommended

For more information, see:

• Create Cell Array
• Create Structure Array

Files with Sequential Names

Related data files often have a common root name with an integer index, such as myfile1.mat through myfileN.mat. A common (but not recommended) use of the
eval function is to construct and pass each file name to a function using command syntax, such as

eval(['save myfile',int2str(n),'.mat']) % Not recommended

The best practice is to use function syntax, which allows you to pass variables as inputs. For example:

currentFile = 'myfile1.mat';

You can construct file names within a loop using the sprintf function (which is usually more efficient than int2str), and then call the save function without eval.
This code creates 10 files in the current folder:

numFiles = 10;
for n = 1:numFiles
randomData = rand(n);
currentFile = sprintf('myfile%d.mat',n);

For more information, see:

• Command vs. Function Syntax

• Import or Export a Sequence of Files

Function Names in Variables

A common use of eval is to execute a function when the name of the function is in a variable character vector. There are two ways to evaluate functions from
variables that are more efficient than using eval:

• Create function handles with the @ symbol or with the str2func function. For example, run a function from a list stored in a cell array:

examples = {@odedemo,@sunspots,@fitdemo};
n = input('Select an example (1, 2, or 3): ');

• Use the feval function. For example, call a plot function (such as plot, bar, or pie) with data that you specify at run time:

plotFunction = input('Specify a plotting function: ','s');

data = input('Enter data to plot: ');

Field Names in Variables

Access data in a structure with a variable field name by enclosing the expression for the field in parentheses. For example:

myData.height = [67, 72, 58];

myData.weight = [140, 205, 90];

fieldName = input('Select data (height or weight): ','s');

dataToUse = myData.(fieldName);

If you enter weight at the input prompt, then you can find the minimum weight value with the following command.


ans =
For an additional example, see Generate Field Names from Variables.

Error Handling
The preferred method for error handling in MATLAB is to use a try, catch statement. For example:

B = A;
catch exception
disp('A is undefined')

If your workspace does not contain variable A, then this code returns:

A is undefined
Previous versions of the documentation for the eval function include the syntax eval(expression,catch_expr). If evaluating the expression input returns an
error, then eval evaluates catch_expr. However, an explicit try/catch is significantly clearer than an implicit catch in an eval statement. Using the implicit catch is
not recommended.
Nested Functions

What Are Nested Functions?

A nested function is a function that is completely contained within a parent function. Any function in a program file can include a nested function.

For example, this function named parent contains a nested function named nestedfx:

function parent
disp('This is the parent function')

function nestedfx
disp('This is the nested function')


The primary difference between nested functions and other types of functions is that they can access and modify variables that are defined in their parent functions.
As a result:

• Nested functions can use variables that are not explicitly passed as input arguments.
• In a parent function, you can create a handle to a nested function that contains the data necessary to run the nested function.

Requirements for Nested Functions

• Typically, functions do not require an end statement. However, to nest any function in a program file, all functions in that file must use an end statement.
• You cannot define a nested function inside any of the MATLAB® program control statements, such as if/elseif/else, switch/case, for, while, or
• You must call a nested function either directly by name (without using feval), or using a function handle that you created using the @ operator (and not
• All of the variables in nested functions or the functions that contain them must be explicitly defined. That is, you cannot call a function or script that assigns values
to variables unless those variables already exist in the function workspace. (For more information, see Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions.)

Sharing Variables Between Parent and Nested Functions

In general, variables in one function workspace are not available to other functions. However, nested functions can access and modify variables in the workspaces of
the functions that contain them.

This means that both a nested function and a function that contains it can modify the same variable without passing that variable as an argument. For example, in
each of these functions, main1 and main2, both the main function and the nested function can access variable x:
function main1 function main2
x = 5; nestfun2
function nestfun2
function nestfun1 x = 5;
x = x + 1; end
x = x + 1;
end end

When parent functions do not use a given variable, the variable remains local to the nested function. For example, in this function named main, the two nested
functions have their own versions of x that cannot interact with each other:

function main

function nestedfun1
x = 1;

function nestedfun2
x = 2;

Functions that return output arguments have variables for the outputs in their workspace. However, parent functions only have variables for the output of nested
functions if they explicitly request them. For example, this function parentfun does not have variable y in its workspace:

function parentfun
x = 5;

function y = nestfun
y = x + 1;


If you modify the code as follows, variable z is in the workspace of parentfun:

function parentfun
x = 5;
z = nestfun;

function y = nestfun
y = x + 1;


Using Handles to Store Function Parameters

Nested functions can use variables from three sources:

• Input arguments
• Variables defined within the nested function
• Variables defined in a parent function, also called externally scoped variables

When you create a function handle for a nested function, that handle stores not only the name of the function, but also the values of externally scoped variables.

For example, create a function in a file named makeParabola.m. This function accepts several polynomial coefficients, and returns a handle to a nested function that
calculates the value of that polynomial.

function p = makeParabola(a,b,c)
p = @parabola;

function y = parabola(x)
y = a*x.^2 + b*x + c;


The makeParabola function returns a handle to the parabola function that includes values for coefficients a, b, and c.

At the command line, call the makeParabola function with coefficient values of 1.3, .2, and 30. Use the returned function handle p to evaluate the polynomial at a
particular point:

p = makeParabola(1.3,.2,30);

X = 25;
Y = p(X)

Y =
Many MATLAB functions accept function handle inputs to evaluate functions over a range of values. For example, plot the parabolic equation from -25 to +25:

You can create multiple handles to the parabola function that each use different polynomial coefficients:

firstp = makeParabola(0.8,1.6,32);
secondp = makeParabola(3,4,50);
range = [-25,25];

hold on
hold off
Visibility of Nested Functions
Every function has a certain scope, that is, a set of other functions to which it is visible. A nested function is available:

• From the level immediately above it. (In the following code, function A can call B or D, but not C or E.)
• From a function nested at the same level within the same parent function. (Function B can call D, and D can call B.)
• From a function at any lower level. (Function C can call B or D, but not E.)

function A(x, y) % Main function


function B(x,y) % Nested in A


function C(x) % Nested in B


function D(x) % Nested in A


function E(x) % Nested in D


The easiest way to extend the scope of a nested function is to create a function handle and return it as an output argument, as shown in Using Handles to Store
Function Parameters. Only functions that can call a nested function can create a handle to it.

Related Topics
• Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions
• Create Function Handle
• Argument Checking in Nested Functions
• Types of Functions
Share Data Between Workspaces

This topic shows how to share variables between workspaces or allow them to persist between function executions.

In most cases, variables created within a function are local variables known only within that function. Local variables are not available at the command line or to any
other function. However, there are several ways to share data between functions or workspaces.

Best Practice: Passing Arguments

The most secure way to extend the scope of a function variable is to use function input and output arguments, which allow you to pass values of variables.

For example, create two functions, update1 and update2, that share and modify an input value. update2 can be a local function in the file update1.m, or can be a
function in its own file, update2.m.

function y1 = update1(x1)
y1 = 1 + update2(x1);

function y2 = update2(x2)
y2 = 2 * x2;

Call the update1 function from the command line and assign to variable Y in the base workspace:

X = [1,2,3];
Y = update1(X)

Y =
3 5 7
Nested Functions
A nested function has access to the workspaces of all functions in which it is nested. So, for example, a nested function can use a variable (in this case, x) that is
defined in its parent function:

function primaryFx
x = 1;

function nestedFx
x = x + 1;
When parent functions do not use a given variable, the variable remains local to the nested function. For example, in this version of primaryFx, the two nested
functions have their own versions of x that cannot interact with each other.

function primaryFx

function nestedFx1
x = 1;

function nestedFx2
x = 2;

For more information, see Nested Functions.

Persistent Variables
When you declare a variable within a function as persistent, the variable retains its value from one function call to the next. Other local variables retain their value
only during the current execution of a function. Persistent variables are equivalent to static variables in other programming languages.

Declare variables using the persistent keyword before you use them. MATLAB® initializes persistent variables to an empty matrix, [].

For example, define a function in a file named findSum.m that initializes a sum to 0, and then adds to the value on each iteration.

function findSum(inputvalue)
persistent SUM_X

if isempty(SUM_X)
SUM_X = 0;
SUM_X = SUM_X + inputvalue;

When you call the function, the value of SUM_X persists between subsequent executions.

These operations clear the persistent variables for a function:

• clear all
• clear functionname
• Editing the function file

To prevent clearing persistent variables, lock the function file using mlock.
Global Variables
Global variables are variables that you can access from functions or from the command line. They have their own workspace, which is separate from the base and
function workspaces.

However, global variables carry notable risks. For example:

• Any function can access and update a global variable. Other functions that use the variable might return unexpected results.
• If you unintentionally give a “new” global variable the same name as an existing global variable, one function can overwrite the values expected by another. This
error is difficult to diagnose.

Use global variables sparingly, if at all.

If you use global variables, declare them using the global keyword before you access them within any particular location (function or command line). For example,
create a function in a file called falling.m:

function h = falling(t)
global GRAVITY
h = 1/2*GRAVITY*t.^2;

Then, enter these commands at the prompt:

global GRAVITY
y = falling((0:.1:5)');

The two global statements make the value assigned to GRAVITY at the command prompt available inside the function. However, as a more robust alternative,
redefine the function to accept the value as an input:

function h = falling(t,gravity)
h = 1/2*gravity*t.^2;

Then, enter these commands at the prompt:

y = falling((0:.1:5)',GRAVITY);

Evaluating in Another Workspace

The evalin and assignin functions allow you to evaluate commands or variable names from character vectors and specify whether to use the current or base

Like global variables, these functions carry risks of overwriting existing data. Use them sparingly.
evalin and assignin are sometimes useful for callback functions in graphical user interfaces to evaluate against the base workspace. For example, create a list box
of variable names from the base workspace:

function listBox
lb = uicontrol('Style','listbox','Position',[10 10 100 100],...

function update_listBox(src,~)
vars = evalin('base','who');
src.String = vars;

For other programming applications, consider argument passing and the techniques described in Alternatives to the eval Function.

Related Topics
• Base and Function Workspaces
Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems combine computer and physical systems to achieve design goals. Simulation of cyber-physical systems
requires a combination of modeling techniques such as continuous-time, discrete-time, discrete-event, and finite state modeling. View MATLAB Command
Simulink® and its companion products provide functionality to apply a wide range of modeling techniques and seamlessly integrate
them in one simulation environment, which is ideal for modeling cyber-physical systems.

This example shows how continuous-time, discrete-event, and finite-state modeling techniques combine to simulate the behavior of a variable speed conveyor belt
system. In SimEvents®, entities are discrete items of interest in a discrete-event simulation. Because passengers are discrete individuals, they are modeled by
SimEvents® entities, created by the Entity Generator block. A Stateflow® chart models the operational modes and motor dynamics of the variable speed conveyor
belt. Finally, the Entity Transport Delay block models passenger throughput as a function of conveyor belt dynamics, providing a bridge between the discrete-event
and continuous-time domains.

Note: The example uses blocks from SimEvents® and Stateflow®. If you do not have a SimEvents or Stateflow license, you can open and simulate the model but
only make basic changes such as modifying block parameters.

Model Structure
The model includes these key components:

• Passengers — Models the arrival of passengers as a Poisson process. The output is a sequence of SimEvents® entities corresponding to the passengers who
step on the conveyor belt. The distribution of inter-arrival time ( ) of a Poisson process is , where is the arrival rate. is modeled by a
MATLAB action in the Entity Generator block for rush hour, normal hour, and free hour. The passenger arrival rate changes with time as:

• Entity Transport Delay — Holds the passengers on the conveyor belt until they arrive at the other terminal, based on the time delay calculated by the Stateflow

• Dynamics of conveyor belt — Models the operation of a variable speed conveyor belt. See the Conveyor Belt Dynamics section for more details.

• Dashboard — Shows the runtime status of the conveyor belt. The color of the Mode Lamp indicates the mode of the conveyor belt.

Conveyor Belt Dynamics

A Stateflow® chart models the dynamics of the variable speed conveyor belt. Note in the chart that the velocity and power of the belt are plotted against a logarithmic
scale of the load weight. The conveyor belt has these modes:
• Idle — The weight of the load is small. The belt maintains a low velocity to save energy. The Mode Lamp is gray in this mode.

• OnDemand — This is the normal operating mode, which maintains the optimal velocity for passenger comfort and throughput. The power will proportionally
increase with the weight of the load. The Mode Lamp is green in this mode.

• Max — Maximum power mode. The weight of the load is too large for the conveyor belt to maintain the optimal velocity. The conveyor belt operates at the
maximum possible velocity that does not exceed the maximum power. The Mode Lamp is red in this mode.

The Scope and blocks in the DashBoard show the simulation results.

Simulation results: 1. Number of passengers versus simulation time. 2. Velocity (blue) and power (red) versus simulation time.

Three operation cycles are observed within a time span of 900. Each cycle has a period of 300, which aligns with the period of the arrival rate. The top plot shows the
number of passengers on the conveyor belt over time, and the bottom plot shows the velocity and power of the conveyor belt. The velocity and power are normalized
for better visualization.
The first two thirds of each period correspond to rush hour, and the number of passengers on the conveyor belt increases dramatically. Consequently, the conveyor
belt enters into the Max mode quickly, which is characterized by the maximum output power with a velocity that is inversely proportional to the number of passengers.
In the last third of each period, the airport is in the normal hour followed by the free hour. Therefore, the number of passengers on the conveyor belt drops and even
becomes zero for some time.

The conveyor belt then operates in OnDemand and Idle modes accordingly. In OnDemand mode, the velocity is locked to a default value, and the power is
proportional to the number of passengers. In Idle mode, both the velocity and power are maintained at low values to reduce energy consumption. Overall, the
conveyor belt operates according to the load of the airport.
Power Window Control Project
This example shows how you can use MathWorks® software and the Model-Based Development process to go from concept to
implementation for a power window system for an automobile. This example uses Simulink®, Simulink® Coverage™, DSP System View MATLAB Command
Toolbox™, Simscape™ Multibody™, Fixed-Point Designer™, Simscape™ Electrical™, Simscape™, and Simulink® Real-Time™.

Overview of Design Requirements

In this example, consider the passenger-side power window system of an automobile. Note a critical aspect of this system is that it can never exert a force of more
than 100 N on an object when closing the window, for example:

When the model detects such an object, it must lower the window by about 10 centimeters.

For more information on the design requirements, see Power Window.

Using Model-Based Development and Large Scale Modeling

This example uses Model-Based Design and large scale modeling techniques such as,

• Model Blocks to separate the hierarchy into separate models.

• Variant Subsystems Blocks to model and switch between different design choices.
• Libraries to capture algorithms for reuse in variant subsystems.
• Projects to manage the files required for the system development.

Opening Power Window Control Project

Run the following command to create and open a working copy of the project files for this example.

Exploring the Project
Upon visual inspection of the project, you can see features used to organize the example. These features are:

• Folders
• File Classification
• Shortcuts

The project is organized into the following folders:

• configureModel - MATLAB® files controlling the main system model variant configuration
• data - Images required by the project
• hmi - Files that animate the power window response
• model - Main system model, controller model, models for testing the controller, and libraries which support these models
• task - MATLAB files that simulate the model for the different model configurations and generate coverage reports for the controller
• utilities - MATLAB files to initialize the model, to generate spreadsheet input, to add data to the generated spreadsheet and to manage the project environment at
startup and shutdown

File Classification

Files in Projects have different classifications visible in Labels pane. Each label describes the specific role a file contributes to the body of the project. In this project,
new classifications were added, including:

• Configuration - Files that configure the project or model.

• PrjConfig - Files that configure the project by adding its files to the path at startup and removing them at shutdown
• DesignConfig - Files that determine which model configuration is active at a given time
• Design - Main system model and its referenced control model
• DesignSupport - Files such as libraries, data, and model simulation
• Simulation - Files that simulate the model for a specific configuration
• Test - Control coverage, the control interaction, and the test harness models
• Visualization - Files that animate the motion of the power window


Project shortcuts are used to obtain quick access to project files that are used most often. Some shortcuts contain general tasks such as adding the project to the
path at startup and removing it at shutdown. In addition, project shortcut groups help organize the shortcuts. The new shortcut groups are

• Interactive Testing - Files used for interactive testing of the controller

• Main Model - File for top level Simulink model
• Model Coverage - Files used for model coverage of the controller
• Simulation - Files used for simulation of model variant configurations

Exploring Simulink Models in Project

The Simulink models for this project are located in the model folder. The models of interest are:

• Main System Model

• Models for Testing
Main System Model

In this example under the model folder, the main system model is slexPowerWindowExample. This model consists of the driver and passenger switch blocks, which
generate the inputs to the system. The inputs then go through the control system model, which validates the states of the passenger and driver inputs. The control
system block also determines if there is an obstacle blocking the window's path. The referenced controller produces the window motion command signals sent to the
active variant of the window system. The window system output is the feedback to the control system block.

To visualize the results of simulation, Simulation Data Inspector (SDI) logs the output data and Simulink 3D Animation™ animates the window's motion.

Model Variants

The main system model in this project uses the Variant Subsystem block to allow for multiple implementations of within a subsystem. The active implementation
can be programmatically changed prior to simulation. In the main model, there are four Variant Subsystem blocks each with variant choices that can be
programmatically modified. Those four variant subsystems are:

• slexPowerWindowExample/driver_switch
• slexPowerWindowExample/passenger_switch
• slexPowerWindowExample/window_system
• slexPowerWindowExample/power_window_control_system/detect_obstacle_endstop

Each variant choice is associated with a variant control. The variant choice is active when its variant control evaluates to true.

Since there are four programmatically modifiable Variant Subsystem blocks in the main model, there are MATLAB files to control the combinations of variant choices
to create model variant configurations which are found under the DesignConfig classification. Available model variant configurations are

• Power Window Controller Hybrid System Model

• Power Window Controller and Detailed Plant Model
• Power Window Controller With Data Acquisition Effects
• Power Window Controller With Controller Area Network (CAN) Communication

Power Window Controller Hybrid System Model

This model variant uses Stateflow® and Simulink to model both discrete event reactive behavior and continuous time behavior. It uses a low order plant model to
validate the roll-up and roll-down behavior. You can simulate this variant configuration using the SimHybridPlantLowOrder shortcut. This shortcut activates only the
variant subsystem corresponding to this model configuration. Since this model does not take into account power effects, the only output logged is position. Simulation
Data Inspector (SDI) displays the logged position data.

Power Window Controller and Detailed Plant Model

This model variant shows a more detailed plant model that includes power effects in the electrical and mechanical domains is used to validate that the force exerted
by the window on a trapped object never exceeds 100 N. This model variant requires Simscape™ Multibody™ and Simscape Power Systems™ products to be
installed. You can simulate this variant configuration using the SimHybridPlantPowerEffects shortcut. Unlike the previous variant model, this variant configuration
takes into account the power effects. SDI displays the logged data from armature current, position, and force exerted by the power window.

Power Window Controller With Data Acquisition Effects

This model variant shows additional effects due to implementation that affect the control. The phenomena included are signal conditioning to measure the armature
current and quantization of the measurement. This model variant requires Simscape Multibody, Simscape Power Systems, DSP System Toolbox™, and Fixed-Point
Designer™ products to be installed. You can simulate this variant configuration using the SimHybridPlantPowerEffects+ControlDAQEffects shortcut. Like the
previous model, SDI displays the logged data from armature current, position, and force exerted by the power window.

Power Window Controller With CAN Communication

This model variant shows the use of a CAN to communicate the commands to control window movement. The switches that may be located in the center console of
the vehicle and that produce the commands are included in this model variant. This model variant requires Simscape Multibody, Simscape Power Systems, DSP
System Toolbox, and Fixed-Point Designer products to be installed. You can simulate this variant configuration on a machine running windows OS using
the|SimCANCommunication| shortcut.

Models for Testing

To test the state machine that controls the power window, you can run the project shortcuts for testing. Available model shortcuts for testing the controller are

• InteractiveExample
• CoverageExample
• IncreaseCoverageExample


This model shortcut opens the model, slexPowerWindowCntlInteract. This model contains the power window controller which is a state machine. This model also
contains inputs to the controller which are selected with manual switch blocks.

The power window controller has four external inputs:

• Passenger Input
• Driver Input
• Window Frame Endstops
• Obstacle Present

Passenger Input

This input consists of a vector with three elements:

• neutral: the passenger control switch is not depressed

• up: the passenger control switch generates the up signal
• down: the passenger control switch generates the down signal

Driver Input

This input consists of a vector with three elements:

• neutral: the driver control switch is not depressed

• up: the driver control switch generates the up signal
• down: the driver control switch generates the down signal
Window Frame Endstops

This input consists of a vector with two elements:

• 0: window moves freely between top or bottom

• 1: window is stuck at the top or bottom because of physical limitations

Obstacle Present

This input consists of a vector with two elements:

• 0: window moves freely between top or bottom

• 1: window has obstacle within its frame

You can interactively test the controller by simulating the model and selecting the desired combination of inputs via the manual switch blocks. After making the
selection of inputs, you can verify the internal controller state and controller output against the desired result for this specific set of inputs.


This model shortcut opens the model, slexPowerWindowCntlCoverage. This model contains the power window controller which is a state machine. This model also
contains inputs to the controller which are repeating sequence blocks.

You can use the Simulink Coverage (TM) Model Coverage tool to validate the discrete event control of the window. The Model Coverage tool helps determine the
extent to which a model test case exercises the conditional branches of the controller. It also helps evaluate whether all transitions in the discrete event control are
taken given the test case we run. It also evaluates whether all clauses in a condition that enables a particular transition have become true. One transition may be
enabled by multiple clauses, e.g., the transition from emergency back to neutral occurs when either 100 ticks have occurred or when the endstop is reached.


This model shortcut opens the model, slexPowerWindowCntlCoverageIncrease. This model contains the power window controller that is a state machine. This model
also contains a From Spreadsheet block that provides multiple sets of inputs to the controller. These input sets combine with the one from the CoverageExample
model to exercise more of the logic in the power window controller.

These input sets are:

• Logged: Logged from the CoverageExample.

• LoggedObstacleOffEndStopOn: Logged from the CoverageExample with ability to hit endstop.
• LoggedObstacleOnEndStopOff: Logged from the CoverageExample with obstacle in window.
• LoggedObstacleOnEndStopOn: Logged from the CoverageExample with obstacle in window and ability to hit endstop.
• DriverLoggedPassengerNeutral: Logged from the CoverageExample for only the driver. Passenger takes no action.
• DriverDownPassengerNeutral: Driver lowering window. Passenger takes no action.
• DriverUpPassengerNeutral: Driver raising window. Passenger takes no action.
• DriverAutoDownPassengerNeutral: Driver lowering window for 1 second (auto-down). Passenger takes no action.
• DriverAutoUpPassengerNeutral: Driver raising window for 1 second (auto-up). Passenger takes no action.
• PassengerAutoDownDriverNeutral: Passenger lowering window for 1 second (auto-down). Driver takes no action.
• PassengerAutoUpDriverNeutral: Passenger raising window for 1 second (auto-up). Driver takes no action.

The model coverage shortcut, GenerateIncreasedCoverage, uses the multiple input sets with the Simulink Coverage Model Coverage tool to validate the discrete
event control of the window and generate a coverage report for the multiple input sets. The Model Coverage tool helps determine the extent to which a model test
case exercises the conditional branches of the controller. It also helps evaluate if all transitions in the discrete event control have been taken into account given the
input sets we run.

Related Topics
• Power Window
• Project Management
Model an Ethernet Communication Network with CSMA/CD Protocol

Step 3 of 3 in Modeling Message Communication Patterns with SimEvents This example uses:

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This example shows how to model an Ethernet communication network with CSMA/CD protocol using Simulink® messages and SimEvents®. In the example, there
are three computers that communicate through an Ethernet communication network. Each computer has a software component that generates data and an Ethernet
interface for communication. Each computer attempts to send the data to another computer with a unique MAC address. An Ethernet interface controls a computer's
interaction with the network by using a CSMA/CD communication protocol. The protocol is used to respond to collisions that occur when multiple computers send
data simultaneously. The Ethernet component represents the network and the connection between the computers.
Software Components
In the model, each software component generates data (payload) and combines the data, its size, and its destination into a message. Then, the message is sent to
the Ethernet interface for communication.

In each Software Component subsystem:

• A MATLAB Function block generates data with a size between 46 and 1500 bytes [ 1 ].

• A Constant block assigns destination addresses to data.

• A Bus Creator block converts the Data, PayloadSize, and DestAddress signals to a nonvirtual bus object called dataPacket.

• A Send block converts dataPacket to a message.

• An Outport block sends the message to the Ethernet interface for communication.
Each computer generates data with a different rate. You can change the data generation rate from the MATLAB Function block's sample time.

To learn the basics of creating message send and receive interfaces, see Establish Message Send and Receive Interfaces Between Software Components.

Ethernet Interface
Double-click Ethernet Interface 1. Observe that you can specify the Station ID and Transmission buffer capacity.

The Ethernet Interface subsystems have three main parts:

1. Assemble Ethernet Frame — Converts an incoming message to an Ethernet (MAC) frame.

2. Transmission Buffer — Stores Ethernet frames for transmission.
3. Medium Access Control — Implements a CSMA/CD protocol for packet transmission [ 2 ].
Assemble Ethernet Frame
The Assemble Ethernet Frame blocks convert messages to Ethernet frames by attaching Ethernet-specific attributes to the message [ 1 ].

In the packet assembly process:

• A SimEvents® Entity Replicator block labeled Copy Message copies an incoming message. The original message is forwarded to a SimEvents® Entity Generator
block labeled Assemble MAC Frame. Because the Entity Generator block Generation method parameter is set to Event-based, it immediately produces an
entity when the original message arrives at the block. A copy of the message is forwarded to a Simulink Function block with the initPacket() function. The
terms message and entity are used interchangeably between Simulink® and SimEvents®.

• The Simulink Function block transfers the data, its size, and its destination address to the Assemble MAC Frame block for frame assembly.

• The Assemble MAC Frame block generates the Ethernet frames that carry both Ethernet-specific attributes and values transferred from the Simulink Function

Assemble MAC Frame block calls the initPacket() function as an action that is invoked by each frame generation event.
These are the attributes of the generated Ethernet frame:

• entity.TxAddress is StationID.

• entity.RxAddress, entity.Data, and entity.PayloadSize are assigned the values from the Simulink Function block.

• entity.TxDelay is the transmission delay. It is defined by the payload size and the bitrate. The Bitrate parameter is specified by an initialization function in the
Model Properties.

• entity.CRC is the cyclic redundancy check for error detection.

Transmission Buffer
The transmission buffer stores entities before transmission by using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. The buffer is modeled by a Queue block.

The capacity of the queue is determined by the Transmission buffer capacity parameter.

Medium Access Control

The Medium Access Control blocks are modeled by using six SimEvents® blocks.

• An Entity Gate block labeled Admit 1 Frame is configured as an enabled gate with two input ports. One input port allows frames from the Transmission Buffer
block. The other input port is called the control port, which accepts messages from the CSMA/CD block. The block allows one frame to advance when it receives
a message with a positive value from CSMA/CD block.

• An Entity Input Switch block labeled Merge merges two paths. One input port accepts new frames admitted by the Admit 1 frame block and the other input port
accepts frames for retransmission that are sent by the CSMA/CD block.
• An Entity Server block labeled Wait for Channel models the back off time of a frame before its retransmission through the channel.

• Another Entity Gate block labeled Send to Channel opens the gate to accept frames when the channel is idle. The channel status is communicated by the
CSMA/CD chart.

• An Entity Replicator block labeled Copy Transmitted Frame generates a copy of the frame. One frame is forwarded to the Ethernet network, and the other is
forwarded to the CSMA/CD chart.

• A Discrete-Event Chart block labeled CSMA/CD represents the state machine that models the CSMA/CD protocol.

CSMA/CD Protocol
The CSMA/CD protocol [ 2 ] is modeled by a Discrete-Event Chart block that has two inputs:

• TxIn — Copy of the transmitted frame.

• RxIn — Received frame from the Ethernet network.

The chart has five outputs:

• IsIdle — Opens the Send to Channel gate to accept frames when the value is 1, and closes the gate when the value is 0.

• TxRe — Retransmitted frame that is forwarded to the Merge block if there is a collision detected during its transmission.

• TxNext — Opens the Admit 1 Frame gate to accept new frames when the value is 1.

• DataOut — Received data.

• Size — Size of the received data.

Transmitting and Receiving Messages
The block is initially in the Standby state and the channel is idle.
If the block is transmitting, after a delay, the block attempts to transmit the message and is set to 0 to declare that the channel is in use.

If the transmission is successful, the block sets to 1 to allow a new message into the channel and resets to the Standby state.

If there is a collision, the block resends the message after delaying it for a random back off time. n is the counter for retransmissions. The block retransmits a
message a maximum of 16 times. If all of the retransmission attempts are unsuccessful, then the block terminates the message and allows the entry of a new
message. Then it resets to StandBy.

Similarly, the block can receive messages from other computers. If there is no error, the messages are successfully received and the block outputs the received data
and its size.

Ethernet Hub
The Ethernet component represents the communication network and the cabled connections of the computers to the network.

Double-click the Ethernet block to see its parameters.

• Connected stations — These values are assigned to Stations, which is a vector with the station IDs as elements.

• Length of cables (m) — These values are assigned to CableLength and represent the length of the cables, in meters, for each computer connected to the hub.

• Packet error rate (PER) — These values are assigned to PER and represent the rate of error in message transmission for each computer.

• Processing time (s) — These values are assigned to ProcessingTime and it represents the channel transmission delay.
Three SimEvents® blocks are used to model the Ethernet network. The three computer connections are merged by using an Entity Input Switch block. An Entity
Server block is used to model the channel transmission delay based on the cable length. An Entity Replicator block copies the transmitted message and forwards it
to the three computers.

Simulate the Model and Review the Results

Simulate the model and open the Scope block that displays the average channel utilization. The channel utilization converges to approximately 0.12.
Open Software Component 1 as a top model and change the data generation rate by setting the Sample time of the Generate Data 1 block to 0.01. Run the
simulation again and observe that the channel utilization increases to 0.2.

Connect New Computers to the Network

You can connect more computers to the network.

To add a new computer to the network:

• Copy an existing computer and assign a new ID by double-clicking the Ethernet Interface block. In this example, new computer has ID 4.
• Double-click the Ethernet block and add a station ID, cable length, and packet error rate for the new computer.
1. Ethernet frame - Wikipedia (
2. Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection - Wikipedia (

See Also
Queue | Receive | Send | Discrete-Event Chart (SimEvents) | Entity Gate (SimEvents) | Entity Generator (SimEvents) | Entity Input Switch (SimEvents) | Entity
Replicator (SimEvents)

Related Topics
• Simulink Messages Overview
• Discrete-Event Simulation in Simulink Models (SimEvents)
• Build a Shared Communication Channel with Multiple Senders and Receivers

Modeling Message Communication Patterns with SimEvents

Upgrade Simulink Models Using a Project
Easily upgrade all the models in your project using the Upgrade Project tool in a project.
View MATLAB Command
Setting Up the Example Files and Opening the Project
Run the following commands to create and open a working copy of the project files.


Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.

MEX completed successfully.
The project example copies files to a new folder so that you can edit them and use them under Git version control. Placing your files under version control lets you
compare the upgraded model files with the original versions.

Automatically Upgrade All Project Models and MATLAB Code at Once

Upgrade all models and MATLAB code in your project to the latest release using a simple workflow. The Upgrade Project tool can apply fixes automatically when
possible, upgrade all model hierarchies in the project at once, and produce a report.

In the Project tab click Run Checks > Upgrade.

This loads the upgrade advisor checks and runs a dependency analysis on your project to ensure the project hierarchy is handled correctly.

Click Upgrade to run all upgrade checks on all models, libraries and MATLAB code in your project. If any check fails and there is a fix available, the project
automatically applies the fix and runs the relevant checks again to ensure they now pass.

Inspect the results of the upgrade in the report.

Further Information
Project Management

Model Upgrades

Upgrade All Project Models, Libraries, and MATLAB Code Files

Reuse Model Components from Files

Step 5 of 7 in Basic Modeling Workflow View MATLAB Command

When working on a large model, you can separate it into multiple files so that team members can develop different model components at the same time. You can
reuse these components multiple times in a model and in other models.

Model, library, and subsystem files provide a single source for multiple instances of the same model component. To learn when you should use each of these
componentization methods, see Component-Based Modeling Guidelines.

Model ex_modeling_component_reuse references the contents of subsystem file ex_modeling_mechanical_system.slx twice to represent identical mechanical

While you can define a subsystem for reuse in either a library or subsystem file, subsystem files allow for easier editing. When you edit a referenced subsystem, the
changes apply to the subsystem file and all instances of the referenced subsystem.
Model ex_modeling_component_reuse references the contents of model file ex_modeling_controller.slx. Controller code is often deployed on embedded
systems, so having a standalone controller model is useful.
An embedded processor might not support default properties for the controller. Since a controller model might be used to generate code for an embedded processor,
these constraints apply to the referenced controller model and the interface with its parent model:

• Fixed Signal Attributes — To require that buses at model interfaces share the same signal attributes, bus objects specify signal attributes at the three sets of input
and output ports.
• Discrete Sample Time — To specify a discrete sample time, model ex_modeling_controller specifies a discrete execution domain and script
ex_modeling_data_controller.m specifies discrete PID controller values.
• Fixed Data Type — To apply the single-precision data type required by the embedded processor, Data Type Conversion blocks convert the bus element data
types before they reach the model interface.

Related Topics
• Component-Based Modeling Guidelines
• Create a Custom Library
• Model Reference Basics

Basic Modeling Workflow NEXT 

Create a Self-Modifiable Library Block
A self-modifiable linked block is created when you add a self-modifiable masked subsystem block from the library to your model.
Such linked blocks allow structural changes within the subsystem block. View MATLAB Command

Observe that in this example if you change the 'Time domain' on the mask dialog box, the block within the Subsystem is replaced
accordingly. For example, if you select the 'Time domain' as 'Discrete', the continuous integrator block is replaced with a discrete integrator block and vise-versa.

This dynamic change in the structure of the self-modifiable linked block is controlled using the MATLAB code that is added in the Initialization pane of the Mask
The structural changes take place only if the option 'Allow library block to modify its contents' available on the Initialization pane is selected.

Artificial Algebraic Loops
An artificial algebraic loop occurs when an atomic subsystem or Model block causes Simulink to detect an algebraic loop, even
though the contents of the subsystem do not contain a direct feedthrough from the input to the output. When you create an atomic
subsystem, all Inport blocks are direct feedthrough, resulting in an algebraic loop.

Start with the included model, which represents a simple proportional control of the plant described by

which can be rewritten in state-space form as

The system has neither algebraic variables nor direct feedthrough and does not contain an algebraic loop.

Modify the model as described in the following steps:

1. Enclose the Controller and Plant blocks in a subsystem.

2. In the subsystem dialog box, select Treat as atomic unit to make the subsystem atomic.
3. In the Diagnostics pane of the Model Configuration Parameters, set the Algebraic Loop parameter to error.

When simulating this model, an algebraic loop occurs because the subsystem is direct feedthrough, even though the path within the atomic subsystem is not direct
feedthrough. Simulation stops with an algebraic loop error.

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