The Two Charts

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Break-down of spend in UK

The pie charts below show comparaison of diffèrent activities where money is
spent by people in UK on two years 1971/2001
The two charts illustrate the different items and activities that the UK public spent money on
in 2 specific years in the past. In 2001 the greatest share of spending was on cars whereas 30
years earlier it had been on food.

In 2001 cars were by far the greatest expenditure at 43% of the total, whereas, 30 years
earlier cars had only accounted for 22% of expenses. Other items that saw an increase in the
share of spending over the period were computers, which rose from 
Only 2% to 12%, and restaurants, the spending on which doubled from 7% to 14%
( foorteen).

In1971(nineteen seventy-one) food made up 44% of spending, which, interestingly, was the

greatest amount of spending on any item in either 1971 or 2001. However, this figure
decreased significantly and by 2001 food only accounted for 14% of spending. Spending on
books also dropped dramatically from 6% to just 1% of the total. Spending on petrol and
furniture also dropped, but by less significant amounts. Spending on petrol, for example
dropped from 10% to 8% and spending on furniture dropped from 9% to 8%.

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