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a A Canon Communications LLC Publication

Success with social

media Pg 16
The myth of carbon-
spewing LEDs Pg 8 Baker’s Best Pg 18
Prying Eyes Pg 20
Design Ideas Pg 44
Tales from the Cube:
VO ICE O F TH E E NG I NE E R mishap Pg 54


Page 32

Page 24
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The quest for robust

wireless high-def video Silicon TV tuners:
connections The game is on
Streaming multimedia information without wires is at best mar-

Performance, cost, and
ginally feasible with today’s Wi-Fi. Evolutionary and revolution-
ary successor technologies strive to improve the situation, but
24 frequency attributes give
silicon TV tuners the edge as
do consumers even care? they play kick the can with their
by Brian Dipert, predecessors.
Senior Technical Editor by Paul Rako,
Technical Editor

12 Imec reports large-area silicon
Dilbert 14

14 Midrange logic analyzers lower

solar cells with high efficiency the cost of high-end embedded-
system debugging
12 High-voltage flyback-controller
IC eliminates optocoupler 16 Voices: Deirdre Walsh: success
with social media

1.25V 0.2%
44 Amplifiers deliver accurate complementary voltages
RS 100 nF

2 8
46 Circuit lets you isolate and measure current

IC2A 1
100k RP
4 48 Acquire images with a sensor and a microcontroller

48 Power-supply circuit operates from USB port

50 LED-flashlight circuit works at voltages as low as 0.5V


SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 5

contents 9.23.10
DC-DC Buck Converter
and POL Applications
52 54 SO-8
Part V nC mΩ
D E PA R T M E N T S & C O L U M N S IRF8252PBF 25 35 2.7
IRF8788PBF 30 44 2.8
8 EDN.comment: The myths of carbon-spewing LEDs
IRF8721PBF (Cntrl) 30 8.3 8.5
and e-mail attachments
IRF7862PBF (Sync) 30 30 3.7
18 Baker’s Best: Taking the mixed-signal voltage reference to a higher level

20 Prying Eyes: The Sharp R-6300 microwave oven

P QF (5x6)
22 Mechatronics in Design: Technologists and engineers Part V nC mΩ
IRFH7928TRPBF 30 40 2.8
52 Product Roundup: Power Sources IRFH7921TRPBF (Cntrl) 30 9.3 8.5
54 Tales from the Cube: Merry-go-round-missile mishap IRFH7932TRPBF (Sync) 30 34 3.3
IRFH7934TRPBF 30 20 3.5

online contents IRFH7914TRPBF (Cntrl)

IRFH7936TRPBF (Sync)

O N L I N E O N LY WANTED: Design Ideas

Check out these Web-exclusive articles: R18 R20
PQFN (3x3)
6.8k Want to see your Part V nC mΩ
A primer for successful integration 1N4148
work featured
+ IC
4 IRFH3702TRPBF 30 9.6 7.1
of complex hard IP in physical design 2 LM358 1
– in EDN? Submit
R R 4
The designer must address several chal- 0k
D IRFH3707TRPBF 30 5.4 12.4
your own Design
lenges when integrating a hard-IP cell. Idea—a short,
➔ compact article that helps solve problems

Evolutionary growth, not revolutionary

or shows innovative ways to accomplish D-PAK
design tasks. We review articles that fall
Avnet Electronics Marketing President Harley Part V nC mΩ
into virtually any technology area: analog
Feldberg spoke to EDN about inventory in or digital circuits, programmable logic, IRLR8743PBF 30 39 3.1
the electronics supply chain, how to bring hardware-design languages, systems, IRLR8726PBF 30 18 8.4
about sustainable growth, and the Asian and programming tips, useful utilities, test
Japanese distribution markets. techniques, and so on. The idea should be
➔ useful or innovative or tricky. And if we ac-
for Performanc
cept your Design Idea, we pay you $150.
Satisfying teenagers while making To learn what makes a good Design
money in an era of “smart everything” Idea entry, spend some time browsing
During a panel session at GlobalFoundries’ our archive of Design Ideas at www.edn.
recent Global Technology Conference, CEOs com/designideas. For information on For more information call 1.800.981.8699
agreed that teenagers are the drivers behind how to submit a Design Idea, see the
much of the collaboration work that is now or visit
Design Ideas Writers’ Guide: www.edn.
taking place in the semiconductor ecosystem. com/100923tocd.
EDN® (ISSN#0012-7515) is published semimonthly, 24 times per year, by Canon Communications LLC, 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., Los
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addresses to Pitney Bowes Inc, PO Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2. Copyright 2010 by Canon Communications LLC. All rights reserved. THE POWER MANAGEMENT LEADER
Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Volume 55, Number 18 (Printed in USA).


Another myth—of power-hogging,

carbon-spewing e-mail—appeared in a
Mother Jones post, which quotes Mat-
thew Yeager, who works at UK data-
services company Computacenter, as
saying that sending a 4.7-Mbyte e-mail
attachment creates as much green-
The myths of carbon-spewing house gas as boiling a teakettle 17.5
times. Commenters to the Mother Jones
LEDs and e-mail attachments piece do a good job of debunking this
claim, estimating that it takes about
5.76 kWhr to boil 17.5 kettles. Gmail
rban myths are getting a boost from The Boston Globe and The

tells me that it now provides me with
New York Times Web sites, as the newspapers amplify dubious 7495.442017 Mbytes—and counting—
claims appearing in The Economist and Mother Jones (refer- of free storage. I don’t think it could af-
ences 1 through 4). These sources claim that LEDs will so ford to do that if each 4.7-Mbyte chunk
drastically increase our power consumption that governments of e-mail that I send as I try to use up all
that space costs Gmail 5.76 kWhr.
should make the use of incandescent bulbs mandatory.
To get an idea of how unrealistic this
According to the article in The Econ- 40%, you are likely to drive 4.4% more figure is, it represents about $1 per 4.7-
omist, “Precedent suggests that [the miles. But a tenfold rebound seems pa- Mbyte message if you’re paying 17 cents
adoption of LEDs] will serve merely to tently ridiculous. for a kWhr, about the average for New
increase the demand for light. The con- Fortunately, The New York Times England residential customers, accord-
sequence may not be just more light for item provided Tsao and his colleagues ing to the US Energy Information Ad-
the same amount of energy but an ac- a chance to respond promptly in the ministration. Although West Coast in-
tual increase in energy consumption.” comments section, previewing a letter dustrial customers might pay less than
The magazine attributes this conclu- they’ve sent to The Economist (Refer- half that amount, I still don’t think
sion to another article by Jeff Tsao of ence 6). They write, “Your surprising- Google and your Internet-service pro-
Sandia National Laboratories and his ly negative article on energy-efficient vider are subsidizing you to the tune of
colleagues (Reference 5). According to lighting technologies … appears to 50 cents per message.
have resulted from a A column on The New York Times Web
misunderstanding of site summarizes the Mother Jones piece
our Journal of Phys- and draws a similarly scathing response
ics D paper,” not- from commenters (Reference 7).
ing that developing So the Web makes it easy to dissem-
countries will drive inate urban myths, but it also makes it
a substantial growth easy to debunk them, right? Not exact-
in global light con- ly. Unaccountably, The Boston Globe
sumption over the rehashed the power-hogging-e-mail
next two decades re- myth, exhorting us in an editorial not
gardless of what light to forward photos in e-mail (Reference
sources are in use 8). According to the editorial, technol-
and that increases in ogy companies must create systems that
lighting consump- store data with less energy, and govern-
tion will almost ex- ments should provide incentives for
actly cancel out en- them to do so. I agree, but spreading
The Economist, the authors predict that ergy savings due to increases in lighting misinformation isn’t the way to elicit
the introduction of solid-state lighting efficiency, assuming a constant cost per informed decisions.EDN
could increase the consumption of light unit of energy. Tsao and his colleagues
by a factor of 10 within two decades. believe that solid-state lighting offers a Contact me at
I admit that there is a rebound effect, “remarkable opportunity to maintain a
which means that the more people use a safe, productive, and well-lit living en- + Go to for a
product, the cheaper it gets. For exam- vironment in the face of potentially ris- list of the references used in this column.
ple, if you improve your gas mileage by ing energy costs.”

8 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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Imec reports large-area silicon solar TALKBACK

cells with high efficiency “In our give-it-
to-us-now world,
t the 25th European Photovoltaic sustainability and lower cost,” he says. we fail to realize
A Solar Energy Conference, which took
place in Valencia, Spain, this month,
Imec presented several large-area silicon
“High efficiency, low cost, and sustainabil-
ity are the main drivers in Imec’s research on
crystalline-silicon solar cells, eventually target-
that it is rare for
truly great ideas
to emerge over-
solar cells with conversion efficiency greater ing cells that are only 40 microns thick with effi-
than 19%. Imec realized two types of cells ciencies above 20,” says Jef Poortmans, PhD, night. So fuzzy
with silver-screen-printed contacts and cop- director of the Imec energy/solar program. “We logic could be
per-plated contacts. Efficiencies of cells with expect further improvements toward efficien- compared to the
screen-printed contacts reached 19.1%, and cies of up to 20%,” he adds.
first car. … It took
cells with copper-plated contacts achieved Imec achieved the results with its silicon-
efficiencies of 19.4%. Imec attributes the effi- solar-cell IIAP (industrial-affiliation program), a a few decades for
ciencies to several factors, including a com- multipartner R&D program that explores and the really high-per-
bination of improved texturization and opti- develops advanced process technologies aim- formance cars to
mized firing conditions. Imec achieved the ing at sharp reduction in silicon use and increas- come along, but
results on 148-cm2, 170-micron-thick cells, ing cell efficiency.—by Rick Nelson the first car was
proving the industrial viability of the process. ▷Imec,
Imec’s silicon solar cells feature rear-side
still a great idea.”
—Mechanical engineer John V,
passivation, laser ablation, and local alumi- in EDN’s Talkback section, at
num backside-field and screen-printed con- Add
tacts or copper-plated contacts on advanced your comments.
emitter schemes. Metallization schemes using
screen-printed silver contacts enable com-
patibility with current industrial-metallization
practice in the solar-cell industry, according to
Imec’s copper-plated
Joachim John, PhD, team manager for indus-
large-area silicon solar
trial solar cells at Imec. “The copper-based cell achieves 19.4% efficiency.
front-side metallization is a step toward higher

High-voltage flyback-controller IC eliminates optocoupler

Linear Technology Corp’s new LT3748 fly- voltages; the maximum voltage is 100V. power, programmable soft start, undervolt-
back-power-supply-controller chip elimi- The LT3748 operates in boundary mode, age lockout, adjustable current limit, and
nates the need for an optocoupler in the which is a variable-frequency current-mode- output-voltage temperature compensation.
feedback loop. Because the chip senses control switching scheme. It results in ±5% The LT3748 comes in an MSOP-16 with
output voltage from the primary-side fly- typical regulation over the full line, load, four pins removed to provide high-voltage
back signal, the transformer requires no and temperature range and lets you use creepage and clearance distances. It oper-
sense winding, allowing you to use standard a smaller transformer. Two external resis- ates in the −40 to +125°C range and sells
transformers that have UL (Underwriters tors and the transformer turns ratio set the for $3.12 (1000).—by Paul Rako
Laboratories) listing and speeding time to output voltage. Additional features include ▷Linear Technology Corp,
market. The device accepts 36 to 72V input an onboard low-dropout regulator for IC

12 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Power Manager II

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trademarks of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation or its subsidiaries, in the United States and/or other countries. Other marks are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of other parties.
Midrange logic analyzers lower the cost of high-end
embedded-system debugging
ogic analyzers in Tek-

L tronix’s new TLA6000

series bring powerful
high-end debugging and anal-
ysis capabilities to mainstream
embedded-system designers.
Faster signals and increased
board densities often lead to
signal-integrity issues, such as
crosstalk, ground bounce, and
ringing, which manifest them-
selves in digital-system func-
tional failures. The TLA6000
series provides a tool set to
help engineers quickly find, iso-
late, and debug these hard-to-
pinpoint faults. The analyzers
suit use in a range of debugging
and analysis tasks, including
signal-integrity analysis, FPGA
debugging and verification,
Midpriced TLA6000 series logic analyzers provide an array of high-end embedded-system-debug-
MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor ging capabilities that the manufacturer previously offered only on more expensive instruments.
Interface) protocol analysis,
memory-system validation, and and advanced analysis software state timing to 450 MHz, and multiplexing, which eliminates
embedded-software integration for digital-system applications. record length to 128 Mbits per double probing by enabling
and debugging. The TLA6000 series offers 68-, channel. simultaneous digital and ana-
The products provide a suite 102-, and 136-digital-channel Products in the TLA6000 log acquisition through a single
of signal-integrity tools that fea- configurations with 125-psec series enhance productivity logic-analyzer probe. Glitch trig-
ture drag-and-drop triggering timing analysis on all channels, with such features as iCapture ger and storage allows you to
trigger on and display signal-
integrity faults. The iView fea-
DILBERT By Scott Adams ture provides a time-correlated
display of both logic-analyzer
and oscilloscope data on one
screen. Fast, simple, and intu-
itive instrument setup helps to
accelerate design cycles. The
manufacturer’s suggested US
retail prices begin at $19,800.
—by Dan Strassberg
▷Tektronix Inc,


Accuracy: +/-3ppm @ 25C, Size: 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.2mm
Voltage Range: 1.3 to 5.5V, SPI & I2C Interface

14 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


R A Q ’ s

Strange stories from the call logs of Analog Devices

Make do!
Q. What is the most important
Contributing Writer
characteristic of a successful
James Bryant has
analog engineer?
been a European
A. Ingenuity. I was recently given a Applications Manager
subscription to “Make” magazine, with Analog Devices
which is devoted to gadget con- since 1982. He holds
struction projects of surprising sophis- a degree in Physics
tication using, mainly, cheap everyday and Philosophy from
materials. Every engineer should read it.1 the University of Leeds.

The words engine and engineer come He is also C.Eng., Eur.

ful of parts if their levels and timings need
from the Latin ingenium, which means not be too accurate.
Eng., MIEE, and an FBIS.
cleverness. The best engineers use unex- In addition to his passion
pected resources to accomplish their It is easy to make buffers, amplifiers, for engineering, James
projects faster, better, and at lower cost.2 inverters, summing circuits, and sine is a radio ham and holds
Recently, I saw a small boy with a net fail- oscillators with an op amp or two; and the call sign G4CLF.
ing to catch some little fish for a school 4000-series CMOS is particularly valuable
project. With two plastic soda bottles and for logic functions in this sort of applica-
some adhesive tape, we made a trap in tion because it will work with supplies
ten minutes which caught more than two from 3 V to 18 V, it is much less noisy than
dozen fish in the next hour. most logic (because it is not very fast), its Have a question
Schmitt input devices can be used in oscil- involving a perplex-
A handful of simple CMOS logic, along lators and delay circuitry, and it is available ing or unusual analog
with some basic op amp and instrumenta- in dual inline packages, simplifying con- problem? Submit
tion amplifier circuitry, can often perform struction and modification of test circuitry. your question to:
precision analog functions very efficiently.
Analog ASICs, FPGAs, or microcontrollers When interviewing applications engineers,
could probably do the job, but their I always ask the candidates what electronic askjames
development, which takes much longer engineering they have done for them-
and is expensive, may not be justified selves recently. I usually hear of small proj-
where the project is urgent and the quan- ects, often improving some piece of equip-
tities involved are small. ment by increasing functionality using the For Analog Devices’
techniques we have just described.3 Technical Support,
This is particularly true with test circuitry. Call 800-AnalogD
I regularly rant about the necessity of 1
An engineer can do for a nickel what any fool can do for a
verifying software simulations by check- dollar. (Henry Ford)
ing that the behavior of hardware pro- 3
When told that work is work and spare time is not for
engineering I am concerned that the candidate’s world
totypes is congruent with the simulation view is not really that of a successful engineer.
results, but the common objection is that
it is often hard to test them with simple SPONSORED BY
test gear. Yet most of the time hardware To Learn More About
checks are for functionality, not precision,
Clever Circuit Design
and it is usually possible to make quite
complicated signal sources from a hand-
them opportunities to share
content and have the conver-
sations that they care about,
they are some of the best
community participants out

VOICES there.

Deirdre Walsh: Many social-media net-

works are out of compa-
success with social media nies’ or individuals’ con-
trols. Twitter went down
eirdre Walsh, social-media and community manager at

D National Instruments (, develops strategy

and marketing plans for the company’s Groundswell
award-winning global community of 140,000 engineers and
during NIWeek 2009. How
do you manage a communi-
ty’s conversation when that
conversation is on someone
scientists. In an interview requested via Twitter and that led to a
else’s network?
LinkedIn connection with an EDN editor, Walsh discussed how
that they are not overwhelm- We prioritize the com-
engineers can use social media for career advancement, edu-
cation, and idea exchange. Excerpts of that interview follow. For ing. People get really caught A munity on our site, first
more from this conversation, visit up in the technologies. It’s of all, and we try not to re-
less about the technologies create our community on
Why should engineers care 2010 has 14 new features … and more about the conver- third-party platforms. I con-
about social media? that were directly community- sation. Really evaluate the tinue to watch each one of
When you take a step driven innovations. Using platforms for the types of these platforms and don’t put
A back and don’t focus social media, you can actually conversations that you are anything on there that would
as much on the technology, change the future direction of interested in joining and then risk our IP [intellectual prop-
you focus more on why social the product. join that conversation. erty]. I am careful about what
media is helpful. I’ve outlined The fourth reason is to type of content we put on
five reasons why engineers stay and get connected with As a group, engineers tend there. But it’s about our users’
should care about social peers. Groups are a really to be considered introverts being there and actively
media and community. The good way to get connected who would rather do than engaging in conversation, and
first one is to get help. Social- with other engineers. Sites talk about doing. How does we want to be there, as well.
media sites are really great for such as LinkedIn also provide NI encourage its engineers to
engineers to connect with a good way to get connected, engage in the conversation? What are your top three tips
like-minded engineers. On our group with other engineers, We allow them to do for properly using social
NI discussion forum commu- do professional networking— A things online. It’s not media for engineers?
nity, engineers answer 50% of maybe find your next job or about what I had for breakfast Number 1: Don’t get
all support questions asked employee. this morning or following a A overwhelmed by the
by other engineers. It’s not NI Last, I like to joke around LabView bug. They can do technology; focus on building
coming in to solve their prob- that social media can also things online together. We connections with other people
lems; it’s a peer-to-peer sup- help you get famous. At NI, have a really strong code and having valuable conver-
port network. we have a blog, Sweet Apps, exchange, for example, on sations. Number 2: Realize
The second reason engi- on which we highlight cool which engineers can down- that, if you start a blog or a
neers should care about customer applications—from load code and share their community, you have to go
social [media] is that it gives a Twitter-powered popcorn own code. Another thing is engage in dialogue and make
them an opportunity to get machine to hot “green”-engi- giving and providing support. it easy for the people that
ahead in their career. Often, neering topics. We have a strong support would care about that [blog]
news breaks first on sites network in which people talk to know about it. Number 3:
such as Facebook and Twitter Keeping up with all of the through difficult engineering Realize that a lot of people are
or in blogs. It’s a good way to social-media outlets can problems they are facing. using these tools for personal
stay ahead of the curve. be time-consuming, if not There’s also the idea reasons, but there’s a lot of
The third reason engineers exhausting. How can engi- exchange in which you’re business value, as well. Be
should care about it is that neers manage this work? having a conversation directly thinking about how to use
it’s a good way to get heard. Pick the thing you are with LabView R&D. There’s no these tools that you might find
[For example, NI has] differ- A trying to do or the marketing filter. fun in your personal life in your
ent outlets in which com- topic that you care about and People have a stereotype professional life, as well.
munity members can talk listen and engage in that that engineers aren’t social, —interview conducted and
directly with R&D. LabView topic. Scale these things so but I find that, when you give edited by Suzanne Deffree

16 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010






Taking the mixed-signal



voltage reference to a higher level REFERENCE

ou know from my last column that the voltage reference

in a mixed-signal application can make or break a system ANODE

(Reference 1). The greatest impact of a noisy or a margin- (a)

ally stable reference is at or near the converter’s full-scale VIN

output. You can improve this scenario by looking for the
lowest-noise, most accurate, stable reference on the market,
but you may want to try to look for another approach. Cash flow is a little
tight right now, so a bit of design finesse can save the day. Ľ VOUT

First, consider the ins and outs of the for an ADC must be able to accommo- 1.2V à
converter’s reference-pin input. Figure date these high-frequency charge spikes. LOAD
1 shows an example of the charge spikes Voltage references are available in
that can appear on a modern ADC’s two-terminal shunt or three-terminal SHUNT
voltage-reference pin during a conver- series configurations (Figure 2). The REFERENCE
sion. The top trace is the start-convert two-terminal shunt voltage reference
signal to the converter. The ADC’s volt- implies that the entire IC chip of the (b)
age-reference pin (bottom trace) de- shunt reference operates in parallel with
mands different amounts of charge dur- its load (Figure 2a). With a shunt volt- Figure 2 The two-terminal shunt voltage
ing the conversion. In this figure, an os- age reference, you apply an input volt- reference implies that the entire IC chip of
cilloscope’s low-capacitive probe cap- age to the resistor that connects to the the shunt reference operates in parallel with
tures the voltage drop across a 10-kΩ cathode. The typical initial voltage ac- its input load (a). The series voltage refer-
resistor between the input of the ADC curacy of this device can range from 0.5 ence operates in series with its load (b).
voltage-reference pin and the voltage- to 5%, with a temperature coefficient of
reference output. The voltage reference approximately 50 to 100 μV/°C. The and overtemperature performance, you
shunt voltage reference is appropriate can use this type of device when driving
for converters with less than 8 bits. the reference pins of precision ADCs
The series voltage reference operates and DACs. Beyond 8 resolution bits,
in series with its load (Figure 2b). An where the LSB (least-significant bit)
internal bandgap voltage, in combina- size is 0.39%, or 14, where the LSB size
tion with an internal amplifier, creates is 0.006%, an external series voltage ref-
the output voltage of this reference. erence ensures that you can achieve the
The series voltage reference produces intended precision with your converter.
an output voltage between the output Stay tuned for next month, when I’ll
and ground and provides the appropri- examine references for higher-precision
ate output current to the external load. ADCs.EDN
Figure 1 Charge spikes can appear on As the load current increases or de-
an ADC’s voltage-reference pin during creases, the series reference maintains REFERENCE
a conversion. The top trace represents the voltage at VOUT. 1 Baker, Bonnie, “How voltage refer-

the strobe that initiates a conversion. The typical initial voltage accuracy ences affect mixed-signal parts,” EDN,
The ADC’s voltage-reference pin (bot- of a series reference can range from 0.05 Aug 26, 2010, pg 18,
tom trace) demands different amounts to 0.5%, with temperature coefficients
of charge during the conversion. as high as 2.5 ppm/°C. Because of the Bonnie Baker is a senior applications engi-
series reference’s superior initial voltage neer at Texas Instruments.

18 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

+ Go to
for past Prying Eyes write-ups.

The Sharp R-6300

microwave oven
ike people, a consumer product can have dignity and integ-

L rity, although those qualities are rare in both. I have always

treasured this Sharp microwave oven. The compelling feature
of the unit is its analog control paradigm. You turn a dial to
the desired minutes of cooking time and press a button. The
microwave either times out or turns off when you open the door. There
is no programming and no endless typing and poking of buttons to get
the oven to operate. Everything about this oven is well-made. You can
A Nichicon capacitor
smooths the ac output
to create dc power for
the magnetron. Because
energy storage in a
capacitor is a function
of voltage squared, this
The RF wave-
guide is con-
structed from
aluminum. It
sits above the
magnetron, next
see quality in things ranging from the large Bakelite contactor relay to 0.47-μF, 2400V capacitor to the cooling
the crisp and uniform laminations of the motor stators. The wire rout- can store an amount of duct that vents
ing and retention are impeccable. The designers ensured safety with a energy similar to that of forced air out of
redundant door switch that deactivates the magnetron even if the latch a 0.1F capacitor at 5V. the magnetron.
switch fails. A resistor bleeds off residual capacitor voltage to protect
service people. A schematic is glued to the inside of the cover.
These days, it may be possible to buy a commercial microwave
with this level of quality and serviceability, but I doubt it. The
capacitor has 1972 stamped on it. The oven has workedd fine
ore. I
for almost 40 years. I hope it keeps working for a few more.
have not been able to find a duplicate on eBay.

A 120V-ac bulb lights

the oven cavity. It
is a straightforward
operation to remove
the bracket and
clean the plastic film
and perforations.

The unit has three shaded-pole motors. One

runs the stirrer fan inside the oven. A Kondo
Electric Works motor drives a squirrel-cage fan
that blows air through the magnetron. The third
motor operates the cook timer.

The thin plastic cover was obstructing the stirrer fan,

causing what I had interpreted as a loss of power. This
fan is not meant to circulate air. Rather, it reflects and
disperses the microwaves so that the food is evenly
bathed in radiation. I had pushed the cover into the A high-voltage transformer steps up wall volt-
fan while cleaning it. Removed age to the thousands of volts the magnetron
to show the fan, the rear of the requires. A rectifying diode assembly sits on
cover is supposed to fit into the top of the transformer. The product contains
channel in the back wall. Careful no PCBs (printed-circuit boards). Rubber boots
reassembly will ensure that the and plastic covers protect service personnel
fan operates properly. and curious engineers from electrocution.

20 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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Technologists and engineers

Bridge the gap in education and practice to invigorate US manufacturing.

trip to Hershey, PA, in July evokes thoughts of choco- ucation. Engineering programs are
late sweets and roller coasters. For Fred Stolfi, mecha- geared toward the development of
tronics professor at Columbia University, and me, the conceptual and design skills, where-
two-day visit was a journey into the future of US automa- as engineering-technology programs
tion, which may mean the future of domestic manufacturing. are oriented toward the application
The Hershey Co’s compelling vision is to empower its entire of designs. The balance between
work force, from the plant operating floor to the engineer- theory and practice gives physical in-
ing-design room. The company expects continuous personal sight and understanding, a balance
growth, lifelong learning, and advancement for all. It is start- between the world of the engineer Kevin C Craig, PhD,
ing now at Hershey by enabling the company’s maintenance and the world of the technologist. is the Robert C Greenheck
personnel to evolve into technologists with a blended skill How is The Hershey Co imple- chair in engineering
set through a certificate-driven, innovative, mechatronics- menting this vision? To accomplish design and a professor of
technology program. the first step of elevating its current mechanical engineering,
What is the difference between a technologist and an en- maintenance personnel, Hershey College of Engineering,
gineer? Are there attributes in each that are deficient in the has partnered with RACC (Reading Marquette University.
other? Is there a chasm between the two in practice, edu- Area Community College). At the For more mechatronic
cation, and advancement opportunity? Is there a potential new Schmidt Training and Tech- news, visit mechatronics
synergy that companies are not exploiting in both practice nology Center there, under the di-
rection of John DeVere and Bon-
In general, the distinction between nie Spayd, Hershey has created a
an engineer and a technologist mechatronics-engineering-technology program, with indus-
try experts acting as the guides on the side while the students
emanates primarily from differenc- are engaged in self-paced discovery learning, earning three
es in their education. certificates along the way, eventually leading to an accred-
ited two-year associate’s degree.
and education? These questions are some of those that came Hershey is meeting challenges and solving problems by
to our minds as we toured Hershey’s technology center and changing culture—attitude and behavior—and instilling
plant and saw raw milk coming in and Hershey products in ownership. The Hershey Co recognizes this challenge and is
incredible quantities rolling out 24/7. A meeting with Joe meeting it head-on. The company is empowering its main-
Wagner, controls-engineering manager at Hershey and our tenance work force by providing a college-credit curriculum
host, along with the vice presidents of manufacturing, engi- within the framework of Hershey’s continuing-education
neering, and global operations, brought us to an understand- program. This transformation will allow upward mobility and
ing of the current technological situation and their transfor- career progression within the company that was previously
mative vision for the future. This vision is one in which Her- unattainable or invisible. Hershey’s vision should spur a na-
shey’s entire work force shares ownership of the processes and tional discussion about the melding of the worlds of the tech-
products, communicates effectively with insight and under- nologist and the engineer, the worlds of the implementer and
standing, sees opportunities throughout the company along the conceptualist, in both practice and education. We need
many career paths, and values each other’s contributions to attributes of both in everyone.EDN
problem solving and innovation. It is a vision that Hershey
cannot buy or outsource; it is local, a major cultural change, Visit the Mechatronics Zone for the latest mechatronics
news, trends, technologies, and applications at http://
and a vision of what US manufacturing must become.
In general, the distinction between an engineer and a index.php.
technologist emanates primarily from differences in their ed-

22 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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THE GAME IS ON ilicon-tuner ICs have for nearly a decade found sents the last frontier for these tuners.

IC companies developed these chips by
use in set-top boxes for satellite and cable. exploiting the fact that cable-TV chan-
Now, thanks to their high performance, sim- nels all have similar signal strength,
plicity, broad frequency coverage, compact- making it easier to tune into a station
ness, and universality, they are making inroads than tuning broadcast-TV signals with
into phones, set-top boxes, service gateways, widely different strengths. This task also
automobiles, PCs, and even TVs. What’s more, depends on the distance from the trans-
mitter and the transmitter’s power level.
they use no SAW (surface-acoustic-wave) filters Satellite and cable signals with digital
and few supporting components, making them modulation are also easier to tune. The
more reliable and less costly than their can-tuner predecessors. engineers who created the digital-mod-
Once TV manufacturers gain expertise in RF (radio-frequency)- ulation standards ensured that the sig-
PCB (printed-circuit-board) layout, you can expect silicon tuners nals were easier to tune and demodulate
than those of an analog TV.
to obsolete their predecessors, can tuners (Figure 1).
The venerable can tuner, so-called be- SAW-filter frequencies for various regions THE WOES OF ANALOG TV
cause TV manufacturers pack the mixer- and TV-modulation standards. They also An analog station has more energy at
oscillator/PLL (phase-locked loop) and require dedicated factories and work forc- its boundaries (Figure 3). At the lower
associated components into a large metal es to manually align their air-wound coils. part of its bandwidth, synchronization-
can, also contains the demodulator chips In contrast, some manufacturers use sili- carrier energy locks the picture rasters
that convert the RF signal from the tun- con tuners directly on the motherboard at the left side of the screen. The audio-
er into a baseband analog-TV signal or a rather than putting them into a can. Be- subcarrier bandwidth is on the right
digital stream for HD (high-definition) cause of their size, silicon-tuner circuits side of the screen. This scheme pre-
formats (Figure 2). The shielded metal are also less susceptible to interference vents analog TV from undergoing the
can containing the circuitry prevents in- and may eliminate the need for shielding “cliff effect” (Reference 1). Instead of
terference from the external TV signal around the chips. losing the whole picture and sound in
and prevents internal clocks and high fre- William Chu, director of RF products a weak-signal area, an analog station
quencies from polluting signals in the TV. at Maxim Integrated Products, notes instead has “snow,” speckles of noise
Although large and unwieldy, can tuners that reducing the cost of a can tuner has throughout the picture. The higher
have the advantage of a huge manufac- reached fundamental limits and that sil- synchronization and audio-signal en-
turing base that keeps cost low. Howev- icon tuners can provide frequency to as ergy mean that you can still watch the
er, they require designers to use different much as 1 GHz. The TV market repre- video and hear the audio.

24 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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Although energy distribution in an AT A G L A N C E countries that have not yet converted.
analog signal is good for your reception, ↘ Thanks to their high performance, Furthermore, many cable-TV systems
it makes it harder to keep adjacent chan- simplicity, broad frequency cover- still broadcast the local channels as an-
nels from interfering with each other in a age, compactness, and universality, alog signals, and a cable-ready TV must
tuner. The greater power at the edges of you can expect silicon tuners to one be able to receive these signals. “Taking
the band easily bleeds into the channel day replace the venerable can tuner. analog reception out of a TV is fraught
next to it. The combination of widely with peril,” says Brian Mathews, vice
↘ Silicon tuners work with analog
different signal strength, often on adja- president of marketing at silicon-RF-tun-
and digital demodulator chips.
cent channels, and the energy spectrum er manufacturer Xceive. “No TV manu-
in an analog TV’s RF signal poses a great ↘ Before you discount the impor- facturer would consider it.” So, although
challenge to silicon-tuner designers. tance of analog reception, remem- the law no longer dictates that a TV
Before you discount the importance of ber that most of the world still uses must receive analog, manufacturers will
analog reception, remember that most of analog. provide it for at least the next 10 years.
the world still uses analog. In the United ↘ Tuning broadcast TV is a Another benefit of TV-tuner ICs that
States, for example, analog transmission demanding task. work with analog signals is that, if the
is still legal for low-power stations and chip can handle the broad signal varia-
legacy stations that cannot afford to con- ↘ Manufacturers make tuners in tions of an analog transmission, it can
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-
vert to digital modulation. In addition, also work in rural China, where cable-
semiconductor) and SiGe (silicon-
the United States’ northern and south- TV systems’ grossly overmodulated and
germanium) processes.
ern neighbors, Canada and Mexico, still undermodulated signals lack proper lev-
broadcast analog TV. US consumers ex- eling. Silicon-tuner ICs also can handle
pect their TVs to be able to receive sta- lation won’t take place for years. The future changes. The standards body for
tions from these countries. Many other problems of digital-TV reception may the ATSC (Advanced Television Sys-
countries’ conversion to digital modu- well slow the adoption of digital TVs in tems Committee) can change specifi-
cations or improve the modulation so
that it works for mobile TVs, and the
analog tuner chip still works. The same
manufacturers of analog chips also de-
sign programmable demodulator chips,
so you can update firmware to provide
for future changes. Silicon tuners also
make practical white-space transmis-
sion of signals in bands without TV
channels (see sidebar “TV tuners and
white space” in the Web version of
this article at
Because the silicon tuners have better
blocking of adjacent channels, a 5W
data transmitter near your house does
not interfere with the microvolt signals
Figure 1 This NXP silicon-tuner evaluation board has provisions for shielding a metal
from a TV station 50 miles away that
can around the chip, but some applications may not require the can.
happen to enter the adjacent channel.

Figure 2 TV tuners are migrating from can-tuner modules (left) toward integrated silicon tuners (center) to devices that designers can
integrate directly on the motherboard (right) (courtesy Silicon Laboratories).

26 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

TV-TUNER SPECIFICS then go to an SOC (system on chip) that in a standard way. For example, Maxim,
A TV tuner must downconvert a 54- creates the LCD’s pixel-drive signals and Entropic, and other companies make
to 862-MHz RF signal to an IF (inter- handles analog- and digital-audio signals. tuner ICs with no demodulator, Silicon
mediate frequency), typically of 38 or Melissa Chee, director of marketing at Labs and Xceive include analog demod-
45 MHz; amplify the signal to a stan- Fresco Microchip, notes that silicon-tun- ulation, and Fresco makes demodulator
dard level using AGC (automatic-gain- er manufacturers bring an overall system chips that work with tuner ICs (Figure
control) circuits; and attenuate or reject knowledge of how the silicon tuners and 5). In yet another approach, some chip
all the signals that are out of the band of silicon demodulators work together. IC sets require an external tracking filter but
the channel you are tuning. A strong- designers divide these blocks—but not integrate the tuner and both demodula-
er signal may be immediately next to
the signal of interest, making these tasks
challenging. When the tuner encoun-
ters UHF (ultrahigh-frequency) signals
as large as 700 MHz, the filtering func-
tion must have a high Q (quality) factor.
Like quartz crystals, SAW filters have
high Q factors, so they can pass one nar-
row frequency, and the response quickly
rolls off, or attenuates. To achieve the
same performance as that of SAW fil-
ters, some silicon-tuner manufactur-
ers upconvert the lower-band signals to
high frequency, filter them with high-
Q silicon circuits, and then downcon-
vert the filtered signal to IF. This double
conversion works well, but it consumes
more power than do other methods.
Other companies use novel circuits and
proprietary architectures to get their
chips to work better than a can tuner.
Silicon tuners also have better noise
performance than can tuners. “The
problem with active filters is that high-
Q circuits always have more noise,” says
Philip Karantzalis, a filter-application
engineer at Linear Technology. As a re-
sult, tuner manufacturers must use clev-
er designs to get high Q and low noise.
IC-process improvements, such as spiral
inductors, also help TV-tuner manufac-
turers get high-Q filtering into a chip
without the benefits of SAW filters. IC-
design tools and process improvements
now allow IC designers to use bond wires
and spiral metallization as inductors and
to make on-chip high-Q circuits, lead-
ing to the recent vast improvement in
the performance of PLL chips, silicon
oscillators, and TV-tuner chips.
A TV front end has two important
functions. The tuner function downcon-
verts and amplifies the desired channel.
The demodulator function creates the
baseband analog or digital signal from
the RF IF that comes from the tuner. The
analog signal is a classic composite-video
signal, and the digital channels usually
demodulate to an MPEG (Moving Pic-
ture Experts Group)-2 digital bit stream
(Figure 4). The demodulated signals

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 27

Sensitivity and selectivity are the fun-
damental specifications of tuners. Sensi-
tivity indicates how faint an input signal
can be for the receiver to successfully re-
ceive it. A sensitive tuner chip requires
a low noise factor in the RF front end
(Figure 7). The selectivity spec of a ra-
dio is a figure of merit relating to how
well a tuner chip can receive one chan-
nel without disturbance from a nearby
channel or intentional interferer, such
as an FM-radio station. TV engineers
often express selectivity as near-channel
blocking. Because these signals can have
Figure 3 In this frequency-spectrum plot, channels 40 and 43 are strong digital
larger amplitude, it makes broadcast-TV
signals. Channels 46 and 48 are weak digital stations that are either far away, low-
tuning a demanding engineering task.
power, or both. Channel 49 is an analog channel with significant energy
Linearity is another important speci-
at the edges of the band (courtesy Marvell).
fication in silicon-tuner chips. Because
analog, digital HD, and cable QAM
tors into one IC. TV manufacturers eval- sistor circuits to produce increased lin- (quadrature-amplitude modulation) all
uate each of the systems with combina- earity. Using bigger transistor structures, depend on accurate representation of
tions of various vendors using proprietary biased at higher currents, yields better the signal’s envelope, the chip must
test screens. TV vendors, meanwhile, noise figures. TV manufacturers don’t linearly amplify the RF signal. Linear-
jealously guard their test patterns be- care about the process as long as the ity is also essential for handling another
cause they don’t want their competitors parts meet performance and cost goals. problem: A tuner circuit must receive
to know how they design the TV for cer- Vendors of parts using SiGe processes weak signals even though stronger sig-
tain scenes and action. Be prepared for may announce CMOS parts, but they nals from nearby transmitters are close
TV manufacturers to put you “through must determine the die-cost-versus-die- to the channel you select. According to
the wringer on analog performance,” says size trade-offs that recommend one pro- Eric Garlepp, senior product manager
Xceive’s Mathews. cess over another (Reference 3). at Silicon Labs, linearity in a TV-tuner
Vendors take an interesting approach
in the processes they use to create sili-
con TV tuners. For example, Xceive and OPEN INTERFACE
Maxim use a BiCMOS (bipolar-comple- SIF/MONO
mentary-metal-oxide-semiconductor) ANALOG
SiGe (silicon-germanium) process be- TUNER
cause it yields higher performance and
intrinsically better noise performance,
especially at higher frequencies (Refer- PROPRIETARY INTERFACE
ence 2). Silicon Labs and Marvell, how- SIF/MONO
ever, offer tuner ICs using a convention- RF IN SILICON ANALOG CVBS
al CMOS process (Figure 6). Neither DEMODULATOR TV SOC
company reveals the specifics of the pro- FILTERED IF
cess, but a CMOS process is typically less
expensive per square millimeter than a
BiCMOS process. The drawback is that FILTER SIF/MONO
a CMOS IC requires many parallel tran- AND ANALOG
Fresco Microchip National
www.frescomicrochip. Semiconductor Figure 4 Silicon demodulators can work with pure tuner chips, such as those from
com Entropic and Maxim (top). NXP makes chip sets that use a separate analog demodula-
Linear Technology NXP tor (center). Silicon Labs and Xceive incorporate the analog demodulation into their tuner chip (bottom), although they typically do not need a tracking filter. Silicon Labs’
Marvell Silicon Labs
product does require a balun (balanced-unbalanced) transformer in front of the chip,
whereas Xceive’s does not. All of the schemes send SIF, CVBS, and the signal IF to the
Maxim Integrated Xceive
Products TV SOC (courtesy Fresco Microchip).

28 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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–72 6
–74 5
–82 2
–84 1

MAX3543 10 100 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Figure 6 CMOS tuner ICs can produce lower noise than can or
FREQUENCY (MHz) SiGe tuners. The upturn in the lower plot at low frequencies is the
Figure 5 The SiGe process in this tuner IC allows it to achieve inherent flicker noise typical of all amplifiers. It is not rele-
sensitivity performance far beyond the NorDig digital standard vant below 54 MHz, the lowest TV-channel frequency (courtesy
(courtesy Maxim Integrated Products). Marvell).

chip involves two aspects: in- –30

herent broadband linearity to –35
A/74 CHANNEL 7 (177 MHz)
cope with large signals across SPECIFICATION

the bandwidth and linearity –40

after filtering out the 6-MHz –45

band, which is important for –50
accurate signal reproduction DESIRED-TO- SI2170
and picture quality. It becomes SIGNAL
more difficult to achieve ad- (dB) –60
equate performance as the re- –65
ceived frequencies approach 2xLOCAL-OSCILLATOR
700 MHz. At frequencies as
low as 54 MHz, however, citi- –75
zens-band-radio transmitters –80
provide a large signal. You –21 –16 –11 –6 –1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49
must prevent this signal from CHANNEL
mixing into the TV band Figure 7 Selectivity, or near-channel blocking, is a critical spec for terrestrial TV. Clever IC design allows
because that band includes this silicon-tuner manufacturer to far exceed the ATSC-A/74 requirement (courtesy Silicon Labs).
nonlinear RF circuitry. Sili-
con Labs’ CMOS tuner IC
achieves the linearity and SNR (signal- lation standards, such as 256QAM R E F E R E N C E S
to-noise ratio) for TV reception. Other (256-point QAM). The input signals to 1 Dipert, Brian, “Thin air: ATSC recep-
important specs for silicon-tuner chips a tuner IC also can have signals of only tion isn’t always easy,” EDN, May 14,
include image rejection, power, size, col- −80 dBm next to signals of −20 dBm— 2009, pg 20,
or fidelity, second- and third-intercept even higher in locations near transmit- 2 Rako, Paul, “Silicon germanium:
points, RF and IF AGC loops, voltage ter towers. To meet consumers’ expecta- fast, quiet, and powerful,” EDN, Sept
noise, and power. tions, silicon tuners and demodulators 18, 2008, pg 27,
As you can see, silicon tuners for TVs deliver performance exceeding that of 3 Rako, Paul, “Integration in the other
have one of the most difficult tasks of can tuners, and they fit into the small direction,” EDN, Jan 21, 2010, pg 24,
any mixed-signal IC. They must work spaces of modern slim-LCD TVs.
at frequencies as low as 54 MHz with- “Any sufficiently advanced technolo-
out external coils or inductors, as high as gy is indistinguishable from magic,” said
You can reach
862 MHz for broadcast TV, and as high the late Arthur C Clarke, a British sci-
Technical Editor
as 1 GHz for cable systems. They must ence-fiction author, inventor, and futur-
Paul Rako at
handle both analog- and digital-modula- ist, in 1961. The high performance and 1-408-745-1994
tion schemes and schemes that depend low cost of silicon TV-tuner ICs will and paul.rako@
on regional variations. In addition to the soon be performing magic in a large pro-
broadcast-TV-modulation standards, sili- portion of the 500 million tuner systems
con ICs must also handle cable-modu- people buy every year.EDN

30 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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STREAMING MULTIMEDIA he market for merged audio-and-video

T transport over physical wiring remains
to some degree fragmented. The dueling
DisplayPort and HDMI (high-definition-
multimedia-interface) camps, for example, con-
tinue to make their cases to their system-design
TECHNOLOGIES STRIVE customers and end users (Reference 1). And both
TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION, legacy and upstart alternative-cabling approaches
remain relevant to a debatable degree (see side-
bar “HDBaseT strives for ascendancy”). The tech-
nology treadmill rolls on, however. An increasing
amount of industry attention now focuses on cut-
ting the cord by employing wireless transport from
source to destination. The approach has notable
merits, including enabling the portability of both
the multimedia source and the destination loca-
tions and dispensing with unsightly and cumber-
some wires. The display’s power cable must remain
for now, however (see sidebar “Wireless power:
the hype of the hour”). The wireless approach also
potentially extends the source-to-destination span
beyond wires’ attenuation-defined limitations, in-
cluding, in some cases, routing signals not only
intraroom but also inter-room, again without the
need for unaesthetic, difficult-to-install, and costly
wall-spanning cable-routing topologies.

32 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

This article does not focus on so- of antennas in use on both sides of the
called smart media adapters that search AT A G L A N C E link limits the number of simultaneous
for and pull file-based information ↘ Current-generation 802.11n can’t data streams (Reference 4). “However,
from computers and NAS (network- reliably stream HD (high-definition) the individual radios often further limit
video plus audio in diverse imple-
attached-storage) devices (Reference the number of spatial streams that may
mentation scenarios, but pending
2). Such products undoubtedly have improvements should increase its
carry unique data,” says the Wikipedia
their place, but the substantial required robustness. entry. The A×B:C notation helps iden-
processing intelligence negatively af- tify what a radio can do. The first letter,
fects their cost, and they must support a ↘ Next-generation IEEE 802.11ac A, represents the maximum number
vast number of file-system and network will combine current enhancements of transmitting antennas or RF chains
ports and protocols to create a robust with additional features in the hope that the radio can use. The second let-
of delivering 1-Gbps rates.
design, representing an implementa- ter, B, represents the maximum num-
tion and maintenance nightmare. This ↘ Amimon’s WHDI (wireless-home- ber of receiver antennas or RF chains
write-up instead focuses on implemen- digital-interface) technology dispens- that the radio can use. The third letter,
tation scenarios in which the source es with some general-purpose capa- C, represents the maximum number
device not only provides temporary or bilities of 5-GHz 802.11n in striving of data spatial streams that the radio
permanent housing of the content but for multimedia-streaming excellence. can use. For example, a radio that can
also “broadcasts” it over the network for ↘ Ultrawideband and WirelessHD transmit on two antennas and receive
one or multiple comparatively “dumb” implementers have migrated on three but can send or receive only
playback destination devices to tune beyond conventional ISM (industri- two data streams would be 2×3:2. The
in. The promoters of IEEE 802.11n Wi- al/scientific/medical) bands, but the 802.11n draft allows configurations as
Fi have long positioned it as the Holy contending camps’ implementations large as 4×4:4. Common configurations
Grail of multimedia transport, even in diverge widely. of 11n devices are 2×2:2, 2×3:2, and
high-definition-video scenarios. And it ↘ The WiGig (Wireless Gigabit)
3×3:2. All three configurations have
can act in that role, but only in certain Alliance strives to standardize and the same maximum throughputs and
situations. More generally, as testing popularize 60-GHz networking. features and differ only in the amount
last year made abundantly clear, con- of diversity the antenna systems pro-
ventional one- and two-stream 802.11n vide. A fourth configuration, 3×3:3, is
configurations cannot reliably handle 60 GHz, and a suite of semiconduc- also becoming common, according to
large video payloads, therefore render- tor heavy hitters, the WiGig (Wireless Wikipedia. It has a higher throughput
ing the current technology inappropri- Gigabit) Alliance, recently also direct- due to the additional data stream.
ate for widespread consumer advocacy ed its attention at this high-frequency I think that the authors of the Wiki-
and adoption (Reference 3). spectral region. pedia entry are, however, too enthusias-
Technologists are tackling the cur- Which of these contenders for the tic about the extent of near-term 3×3:3
rent generation’s problem, however, throne will eventually seize the crown is adoption. Most 802.11n-cognizant gear
initially in a more or less proprietary as yet unknown and will likely remain now on the market is capable of two-
fashion, but with inevitable standards- unclear for some time. Equally unclear, stream—mainstream and high-end—
based interoperability to follow (see however, is how big the wireless-video- performance or one-stream—entry-lev-
sidebar “Making the best of a technol- market prize will ever be and how long el and portable—performance. Howev-
ogy that’s hard-pressed”). They’re also it will take to get to that size. This arti- er, three-stream equipment, employing
hard at work on the next-generation cle includes the observations of a knowl- silicon chip sets from such companies
standards documentation and subse- edgeable wireless-video-industry par- as Atheros, Intel, and Marvell, is be-
quent implementations, which will ticipant who requested anonymity. This ginning to appear. Such multistream
make even meatier improvements. And person undoubtedly has at least a slight capabilities are desirable when, for ex-
at least one manufacturer has trans- bias as to the preferred outcome, but, ample, a computer is simultaneously re-
formed the 5-GHz 802.11n variant into then again, doesn’t everyone with some ceiving information over the Internet
a video-tailored point-to-point trans- skin in the game? Nevertheless, I hope and transmitting data to a LAN (local-
port approach, which is incompatible you’ll still find the insider’s comments area-network) client peer. Apple built
with the prevailing industry standards, informative. triple-stream capabilities into the latest
however. Other developers feel that a iterations of its Airport Express router
more substantial frequency migration EVOLVING AUGMENTATION and Time Capsule router-plus-NAS
away from the 2.4- and 5-GHz ISM I initially struggled last year with product, although the company didn’t
(industrial/scientific/medical) bands is streaming wireless video partly because explicitly promote these enhancements
necessary to finally transform wireless of the limitations of the gear I was us- (Figure 1 and Reference 5). And tri-
networking’s promise into reality. UWB ing. The number of discrete streams ple-stream support is also reportedly
(ultrawideband) advocates include Wi- that a piece of 802.11n equipment can at the heart of Intel’s WiDi (Wireless
Media Forum participants, along with handle depends on both its antenna- Display) initiative, which the compa-
at least one proprietary approach. The array configuration and its radio imple- ny rolled out at the January 2010 CES
WirelessHD Consortium has focused mentation. As the relevant Wikipe- (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las
on another unlicensed spectrum swath, dia entry concisely states, the number Vegas (Figure 2).

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 33

At January’s announcement, WiDi HDCP (high-bandwidth digital-con-
supported only a short list of relative- tent-protection) support, which will en-
ly robust Intel CPUs, reflecting the able DVD (digital-videodisc) and Blu-
fact that the video is lossy-encoded ray-disc playback (Reference 7). At
in the PC before transmission; core- CES, only display mirroring was possi-
logic chip sets; and Wi-Fi radios (Ta- ble. Intel subsequently added the abil-

High ble 1). On the other end of the wire-

less chain is a receiver, such as Net-
gear’s PTV1000 Push2TV adapter, with
ity to instead horizontally expand the
desktop onto the remote display so that,
for example, a PowerPoint presentation

Voltage HDMI and component-video outputs

to connect to a tethered display. In-
side the PTV1000 is a Sigma Designs
can run in full-screen mode at a desti-
nation projector while a source laptop
computer displays a speaker’s notes.
media processor, along with a single- Also at CES, Netgear demonstrat-
MINIATURE stream Ralink 802.11n transceiver. The ed the WNHD3004, a prototype 4×4
audio and video codecs WiDi uses are MIMO (multiple-input/multiple-out-
unknown, but the results at crowded-
spectrum CES were impressive, with
adequate frame rates and few to no vis-
put) 802.11n wireless video-bridge-de-
vice pair that the company based on
Quantenna’s transceiver technology,
ible image artifacts (Reference 6). and a fuller-featured follow-on to the
The approximately 2-second latency WNHDE111 that I tested in last year’s
from the WiDi transmitter to the re- hands-on project. The WNHD3004
ceiver is problematic only if, for exam- also comes in a WNHDB3004 version
ple, the source is outputting the sound- in a two-adapter bundle. The product
track while the destination is displaying was scheduled to enter the retail sales
UNT images. Audio and video coming from channel this month. It signifies a nota-
AC E MO dels the common wireless-link endpoint will ble business expansion for Quantenna,
F o
SUR td. M
2500 HOLE S preserve lip sync. Current-generation which to date has focused on carrier-
Ov U- 00 WiDi supports the 720p image resolu- grade and enterprise-infrastructure de-
10,0 tion and dynamically upscales all con- ployments. The IEEE and Wi-Fi Alli-
Up t tent to that resolution before transmis- ance have historically devoted most of
sion; 1080p resolution capability is on their not-unlimited attention to one-
the WiDi road map. Intel also plans and two-stream chip sets and systems

• Low Profile
from 0.4" Ht.
• Single Output • Isolated
• Up to 10,000 Volts Standard
• Wide Input Voltage Range
• Military / Cots / Industrial
Up to 350 VDC Outputs
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Wide Input Range
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(a) (c)

Figure 1 Apple’s latest-generation Airport Extreme 802.11n router and Time Capsule
router-plus-NAS integrate three-stream support, although the company doesn’t
ediate explicitly promote this feature (a). Quantenna’s four-stream silicon-and-antenna-array
lo g imm s . c o m
full c
ni c approach (b) just received its first high-volume consumer-electronics production
See P i c o e l
e c t ro
.p embrace in the form of Netgear’s WNHD3004 wireless bridge (c).
www send for Catalog
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System component Requirement
Processor One of the following: Intel Core i7-620M processor,
Intel Core i5-540M processor, Intel Core i5-520M pro-
cessor, Intel Core i5-430M processor, Intel Core
i3-350M processor, Intel Core i5-330M processor
Chip set One of the following: Intel HM57, Intel HM55, Intel
QM57, Intel QS57
Wireless One of the following: Intel Centrino Advanced-N6200,
Intel Centrino Advanced-N+WiMax 6250, Intel Cen-
and Inductors
trino Ultimate N 6300
ICO small!
Software Intel My Wi-Fi Technology and Intel wireless display
preinstalled and enabled ...think P
Operating system Windows 7 64-bit, Home Premium, Ultimate, or think...
Professional low profile
employing them, but the organizations’
standards-development and interopera-
bility-confirmation focus are now broad-
model. The audio and video stream
coming from the source must first go to
the router before continuing to the des- Over 5000 Std.
.19" ht.
ening to three- and four-stream prod- tination; large-payload multimedia ma- Ultra Miniature
ucts. For example, Quantenna reported terial requires dedicated spectra for each
in June that its QHS600 802.11n wire- path to accomplish the desired glitch- Surface Mount
less-access-point chip set had received free playback. To address this concern, (and Plug-In) Models
Wi-Fi Alliance certification, including the Wi-Fi Alliance is now testing and
WMM (Wi-Fi multimedia) and WPA2 certifying Wi-Fi Direct, a peer-to-peer
(Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) enhance- communication scheme employing the Audio / 400Hz / Pulse
ments to the base designation. IEEE’s 802.11s standard, and a succes- Multiplex Data Bus /
The IEEE 802.11ac committee is sor to the poorly implemented 802.11
looking at support for more than two ad hoc mode. DC-DC Converter
streams as a key capability. The com- More generally, 802.11n, like its b, a, Transformers / Power
mittee’s target for backward-compatible and g predecessors, targets use as a ge-
enhancement is more than 1-Gbps peak neric networking protocol, albeit with & EMI Inductors
PHY (physical-layer) wireless speeds increasing degrees of enhancement for te ly
m e d ia
(Reference 8). However, currently multimedia and other latency-critical ta lo g im .com
’s fu ll C a n i c s
o o
available 802.11n streams can each the- applications in each wireless generation. See P
oretically support only 150-Mbps maxi- As such, Amimon has dispensed with w w w.
mum bandwidth even in their optional some 802.11n features in developing its
40-MHz, wide-channel mode, so even a multimedia-optimized WHDI (wireless-
four-stream configuration cannot alone home-digital-interface) technology. For
achieve that formidable goal. As such, one thing, WHDI has from the begin-
the 802.11ac group is also considering ning implemented direct source-to-des-
increasing the per-stream channel width tination interaction without an inter- PICO units manufactured
to 80 or even 160 MHz. The 5-GHz mediary router or switch. For another, and tested to MIL-PRF-27
band therefore represents 802.11ac’s WHDI is 5-GHz only, trading off broad-
primary focus. Additional bandwidth cast range versus 2.4 GHz for a spectral requirements. QPL units
improvement of an estimated 10% environment with decreased interfer- are available. Delivery
may come from more efficient modu- ence. The company claims, however,
lation algorithms, and the committee that the technology spans 100 feet even
stock to one week for
is also considering multiuser MIMO through walls, with less-than-1-msec la- sample quantities.
antennas and algorithms, which claim tency. Each 720p or 1080i video stream
to enable one channel to simultane- relies on one 18-MHz channel; 1080p PICO Electronics Inc.
ously broadcast streams to different des- streams each use two channels. 143 Sparks Ave, Pelham, NY 10803-1837
tinations. The current working date for Amimon has not disclosed other im- Call Toll Free: 800-431-1064
802.11ac ratification is December 2011. plementation details of WHDI’s proto- E Mail:
cols, along with their variations from FAX: 914-738-8225
TRANSPORT ADAPTATION 5-GHz-based 802.11a and n. Multiple
Another fundamental streaming- documents on the company’s Web site,
multimedia issue is the traditional rout- along with multiple postings to EDN’s
er-centric, star-networking-topology How We See CE blog, describe WHDI
as lossless. However, these claims also HDBaseT STRIVES FOR ASCENDANCY
include qualifiers, such as “In video, dif- The members of the HDBaseT Alliance, including LG, Samsung, and
ferent bits have different level of impor- Sony, yearn for an alternative to today’s HDMI (high-definition-multime-
tance, and the effect of an error greatly dia-interface) and DisplayPort wired standards. This alternative, they
depends on which bit was corrupted.” believe, should accommodate longer spans and encompass more func-
For example, the online technical sum- tions. However, they are unwilling to standardize on one of the wire-
mary says, a stream of 8- or 10-bit num- less alternatives this article describes. Instead, they have developed
bers, each representing the primary-col- an RJ-45-based approach that merges in a conventional Category 5e
or value of a given pixel, represents a cable not only audio and video streams but also network connectivity,
typical uncompressed stream. The MSB USB (Universal Serial Bus) protocol data transfers, and even power over
(most-significant bit) of each of these Ethernet. Coalition members forecast that the first systems employing
numbers has greater visual importance HDBaseT technology will become available this year and that products
than the LSB (least-significant bit). If will become more widely available in 2012.
an error occurs on the MSB, that pix-
el gets a different and unwanted value.
However, an error in the LSB results in is it accurate for Amimon to label data rates because WHDI uses joint-
a minor change in the pixel’s value. Ac- WHDI lossless? “How Amimon achieves source coding,” my source says. Joint-
cording to Amimon’s documentation, what it claims seems to be out of sync source coding is a form of unequal er-
WHDI breaks down the uncompressed with physics fundamentals,” says the ror protection giving higher FEC (for-
HD (high-definition) video stream into earlier-mentioned knowledgeable—al- ward-error-correction) protection to the
elements of importance and then maps beit anonymous—wireless-video-indus- MSB and less FEC to the LSB—a tech-
the various elements onto the wireless try insider. “Obviously, the company has nique that the JPEG (Joint Picture Ex-
channel in a way that gives those with demonstrable technology, but reading perts Group)-2000 codec first employed.
more visual importance a greater share the explanation of how it works raises “Any FEC, no matter how it is applied,
of the channel resources. In contrast, more questions than answers. Amimon requires incremental bandwidth,” says
WHDI allocates fewer channel resourc- claims support for uncompressed high- the source. “The data rate is only going
es to elements that have less visual im- definition video to 1080p.” He notes to go up—not down—when you apply
portance and therefore transmits them that 1920×1080=2,073,600 pixels per FEC.” Amimon claims a 40-MHz spec-
less robustly (Reference 9). frame; 60 frames/sec translates into trum occupancy, he says, noting that a
Does WHDI discard undetectable 2,073,600×60 frames/sec=124,416,000 quick calculation shows that, to remain
low-order bits only after transmission pixels/sec. Assuming 24-bit per-pixel lossless, WHDI must send data at a data
from source to destination, or does it color results in a data rate of 2976 density exceeding 75 bits/Hz, even be-
also as needed discard those bits at the Mbps, or 2.976 Gbps. fore applying any FEC. “Such bit den-
source? If it discards them at the source, “Amimon claims it can support these sity would require a QAM [quadrature-


(a) (c)

Figure 2 A Toshiba laptop (a) combines with a Netgear receiver (b) to represent the initial hardware implementation of Intel’s WiDi
vision. So far, at least, it looks more successful than the company’s previous wireless video effort, ultrawideband, for which some
industry momentum remains (c).

36 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

amplitude modulation] on the order of degree on regional regulatory policies.
more than a trillion and a dynamic range Its policy aspires to be friendly to other
off the charts. There is something more UWB SPANS 3.1 TO concurrent frequency-spectrum inhabit-
going on here that physics—specifically, 10.6 GHz, DEPENDING ants, although the additive background
communication and information theo- TO SOME DEGREE broadband noise that additional UWB
ry—cannot explain. The raw numbers transmitters create may ultimately in-
speak for themselves,” he adds.
ON REGIONAL terfere with traditional narrowband and
My industry source notes that, at REGULATORY POLICIES. carrier-wave systems. Its backers also
the 2008 CES, an engineer from Ami- regularly tout peak transfer rates of 480
mon at Gefen’s booth, which was then Mbps at distances of as much as 3m, or
demonstrating an FPGA-based WHDI a specification to follow next year. This approximately 10 feet, and 110 Mbps at
prototype, said that WHDI doesn’t use version will include 3-D-video trans- up to 10m, more than 30 feet.
compression but instead uses compac- port, support for the 4000×2000-pixel People often incorrectly use the terms
tion, a process involving the removal ultra-HD format, Wi-Fi integration and “WiMedia” and “Wireless USB” inter-
of some of the LSB color information channel coexistence, and mobile-friend- changeably. “WiMedia defined a stan-
before transmission and its re-creation ly reductions in power consumption and dardized UWB-radio technology that
on the receiver end of the wireless silicon footprint (Reference 10). is protocol-independent,” says Mike
link. He recently ran the HDMI out- Krell, Alereon’s senior director of com-
put of a Blu-ray player into a two-port ULTRAWIDE RELOCATION munications and business development.
HDMI splitter. The output of one HD- Although officials at Amimon feel “Wireless USB implements the USB
MI splitter port ran directly to a flat- that the company can accomplish its standard on this radio. It is also possi-
panel display. The source then connect- objectives within the 5-GHz ISM band, ble to run any other protocol on that
ed the output from the second HDMI- other manufacturers believe that other same radio—proprietary, for example,
splitter port to an Amimon transmitter frequencies will better suit multimedia’s or TCP/IP [Transmission Control Pro-
and broadcast the video over a WHDI needs. As such, the WiMedia Alliance tocol/Internet Protocol] or Bluetooth.”
link, hooked up the receiver to an iden- has harnessed a UWB approach. UWB WiMedia was once the planned founda-
tical flat-panel display, and positioned occupies a swath of spectrum spanning tion for high-speed Bluetooth, running
the two screens side by side. He found 3.1 to 10.6 GHz, which depends to some at frequencies higher than 6 GHz in this
that the video quality for the WHDI-
based system, although viewable, had
a washed-out color skew. When you
looked at it alone, it was not too notice-
able; however, once it was next to the
original content on the other display,
West Coast Magnetics - where
the alteration was obvious. “It appears Copper is the New Gold Standard.
that WHDI is manipulating the color-
WCM – The only magnetics company in the world to be announced
space conversion by dropping some of
the pixels’ LSBs and maybe even send- a finalist in EDN’s 2009 Innovation Awards Category;
ing some pixels as monochrome inter- Honoring Excellence in Electronics.
spersed with color pixels that change The WCM approach:
from frame to frame,” he says. • "Best in Class" magnetic solutions
Note that the degree of calibration • 30 years manufacturing experience
between the two displays used in the • Friendly & knowledgeable staff
test setup is unknown. Pixel-bit discard-
• Reliable product line
ing and distortions between the WHDI
• Innovative technology solutions
transmitter and the receiver versus the
wired HDMI-only alternative are there- The WCM 308 Power Inductor
fore not the only possible reasons for series delivers:
the perceived disparity between them. • High performance
Potential gaps between marketing hype • Small, lightweight package
and reality aside, the market success of • Shaped Foil Technology TM
Amimon’s technology is notable. At • High current rating
the 2010 CES, for example, the compa-
• 200°C temperature rating
ny announced that LG Electronics and
• Frequency 60Hz to 500kHz
other customers had adopted WHDI
(Figure 3a). By May, the company
claimed that it had surpassed 500,000
units’ worth of chip-set sales and orders. ʹʧʵʶʥʱʣʵʶʯʣʩʰʧʶʫʥʵ
And Amimon in June unveiled prelimi- 4848 Frontier Way, Suite 100, Stockton, CA 95215 - 800.628.1123 -
nary details of WHDI Version 2.0, with

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 37

wired coaxial cable and wireless connec-
WIRELESS POWER: tions. It instead harnesses BPSK (binary
phase-shift keying)- and QPSK-modula-
THE HYPE OF THE HOUR tion techniques and is based on the oth-
Wireless video reduces but doesn’t eliminate the need for the cabling that er historical IEEE 802.15.3a contender,
connects to a destination device; the display still requires an ac-power DS (direct-sequence)-UWB. Its backers
feed—that is, unless you buy into the hype that Massachusetts Institute claim that it has a longer broadcast range
of Technology spin-off WiTricity is serving up. At the 2010 Consumer for a given bit rate and a less costly im-
Electronics Show, the company partnered with consumer-electronics plementation potential than WiMedia.
manufacturer Haier to showcase a prototype system that wirelessly Nonetheless, they admit that neither
beamed as much as 100W of power, according to WiTricity, across a few CWave nor any of its competitors have
feet. An Amimon WHDI (wireless-home-digital-interface) setup handled yet hit the price points necessary for
audio/video transfer. broad market adoption. This situation
According to Gizmodo, a big power unit on the wall radiated “totally may make you wonder, after years’ worth
harmless” RF into the back of the TV, which has a coil inside to receive the of various companies’ and groups’ public
juice. “It delivers full strength only if it’s parallel, so you have to plan ahead advocacy of the wireless-video concept,
and somehow set up the TV in front of the wall that has the power module. why early adopters aren’t creating the
Because of all the hocus pocus, the TV itself is a chunkster, and that power demand necessary to drive down costs.
transmitter is no Slim Jim either,” Gizmodo notes (Reference A). Uncompressed video transmission is a
The coil in the display’s backside measures approximately 1×1 feet and desirable attribute for a number of rea-
is several inches thick, thereby running counter to the thinner-is-better sons. It reduces the cost of the system
trend that’s now predominantly driving LCD, OLED (organic light-emitting- implementation because it requires nei-
diode), and plasma-TV developments. The wirelessly mated power unit ther compression horsepower at the
is roughly the same size and thickness as the display it feeds and sits transmitter nor a decompression engine
directly in front of it. And nobody wanted to talk about efficiency loss. at the receiver. A compression-free ap-
Although “green” hype is often overrated and although higher-efficiency proach can also minimize the overall la-
inductive coupled systems may have some merit, true wireless-power tency of the transmission system. And
transmission is an environmental disaster (references B and C). video content is likely already lossy-
compressed when it gets to the con-
REFERENCES sumer through a codec from Micro-
Rothman, Wilson, “Haier’s Completely Wireless TV Hands On: No Cables soft, MPEG (Motion Pictures Experts
for Video … or Power,” Gizmodo, Jan 7, 2010, Group), On2 (now Google), Sorenson,
Nelson, Rick, “Throwing (away) power,” Test & Measurement World, or another developer (references 11
Sept 3, 2009, and 12). Additional lossy compression
Dipert, Brian, “Wireless power: convenient, but its shortcomings are that occurs before display results in in-
somewhat sour,” EDN, Oct 8, 2009, cremental image degradation, especially
egregious if the artifacts don’t synergize
with those in the source material.
case to avoid European-spectrum regula- As such, today’s dominant UWB ap- As such, SiBeam has decided that
tory issues. However, the initial strategy plications are in Bluetooth- and other a more radical spectral relocation, to
to move WiMedia development to the RF- and infrared-competing, low-bit- the 60-GHz, millimeter-wave unli-
Bluetooth SIG (special-interest group) rate wireless-USB usage scenarios that censed band, is necessary. The compa-
and then to wind down the WiMedia are largely insensitive to speed, such as ny’s WirelessHD technology employs a
Alliance hasn’t happened as planned. computer keyboards, mice, low-resolu- 7-GHz-wide channel, currently deliv-
Bluetooth’s WiMedia aspirations are tion webcams, and still-image-camera ering a 4-Gbps data rate. The company
unclear, as is Bluetooth’s broader vision transfer setups. Nonetheless, WiMedia claims, however, that bit rates as high as
for high speed, as the organization fo- technology backers remain undeterred; 25 Gbps are possible. WirelessHD sup-
cuses most of its attention in the low- several multimedia streaming setups ex- ports DTCP (digital-transmission-con-
power realm. ist, based on chip sets from companies tent-protection) encryption for content-
Many observers have over the years such as Alereon, Realtek, and Wis- access control. Although line-of-sight
repeatedly tested WiMedia gear and air (Figure 2c). transmitter-to-receiver linkage is nor-
have regularly concluded that real-life WiMedia derives from one of the two mally necessary at this frequency thresh-
speeds are fractions of the marketing PHY contenders for the IEEE 802.153a old, WirelessHD uses beam-forming-
claims. The long-standing standardiza- higher-speed variant of the specifica- MIMO-antenna techniques to create al-
tion squabble between promoters of im- tion. It leverages MB-OFDM (multi- ternative signal paths that, for example,
plementation alternatives, which never band-orthogonal-frequency-division- reflect off room walls. Still, WirelessHD
reached resolution to anyone’s satisfac- multiplexing) technology and either remains an intraroom approach. Oxygen
tion and led to the shuttering of sev- QPSK (quadrature phase-shift keying) molecules create atmospheric absorption
eral start-ups, didn’t help the market to or QAM-16. An alternative approach and, therefore, attenuation limits spans
embrace the UWB technology, either. from Pulse-Link, CWave, operates over to 10m, or approximately 30 feet.

38 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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almost at the level of an atomic clock.
MAKING THE BEST OF A TECHNOLOGY The output of the correlator feeds two
4G-sample/sec, 6-bit-resolution ADCs
THAT’S HARD-PRESSED for the I and Q components.
Although today’s conventional 802.11n may struggle to route high-defini- “Next, let’s look at digital baseband
tion video-plus-audio streams around homes in some situations, you can processing, starting with the transmit-
take steps to maximize your likelihood of consistent success. For exam- ter side,” says the source. Each DAC, he
ple, eliminate interference from other ISM (industrial/scientific/medical)- explains, requires 24 Gbps of baseband-
broadcast sources, ideally by focusing on the 5-GHz band if the resultant sourced data. Two DACs translate into
range is acceptable. Try enabling optional wide-channel, 40-MHz mode to 48 Gbps of digital data to drive them.
maximize per-stream throughput. Only the broad-spectrum, 5-GHz band, This requirement is not only perfor-
in which nonoverlapping channels are the norm, usually offers this fea- mance-intensive but also, even at 65-
ture. Wide-channel mode at 2.4 GHz, in contrast, consumes roughly 80% or 45-nm-process technologies, highly
of the band’s available footprint spectrum for one channel’s allocation. power consumptive. The broadcast des-
Ensure that both your transmitter and your receiver can accept mul- tination, receiving QAM-16-encoded
tistream data, with respect to both their antenna arrays and their radio OFDM, requires recovery of its I and Q
schemes. Using robust switches, both stand-alone and within routers, components, translating to 48G samples/
alleviates playback glitches due to packet-transfer delays and drops. You sec of total data. The two ADCs generate
might also consider employing an advanced video codec such as H.264, this data and subsequently feed it into a
VC-1, or WebM to minimize the required bit rate for a target quality met- digital baseband subsystem. “Think of a
ric. If necessary, use multiple concurrent channels—one from the source 60-GHz RF-transmitter front end with a
to the router and another from the router to the destination—to make the 10W output,” the source says. He then
best use of available per-channel bandwidth, but, if possible, use a peer- asks how many watts of dc power you
to-peer approach to eliminate the need for a router. must put into a CMOS RF-power ampli-
fier to yield 10W of power at the anten-
na. Combining the power consumption
WirelessHD uses the 60-GHz IEEE the other focuses on the Q (quadrature) of the ADCs, DACs, baseband circuit-
802.15.3c PAN (personal-area-network) component. The 4G-sample/sec require- ry, and MAC (media-access controller)
specification, according to the anony- ment for the DACs achieves a Nyquist yields a 60-GHz system that could easily
mous industry insider. Current-genera- sampling rate for 1.76-GHz bandwidth, consume more than 30W. “People don’t
tion WirelessHD uses 1.76-GHz-band- including minor oversampling. Each RF- particularly like the idea of being exposed
width, OFDM, QPSK, and QAM-16. receiver/antenna chain, comprising an to a mobile phone’s approximately 500-
Its maximum RF-power level is slightly antenna, a low-noise amp, and a VGA, mW RF output,” he adds. “What will
less than 10W. Due to RF’s directivity requires independent processing until they think when they find out that the
at 60 GHz, WirelessHD requires a steer- it reaches an analog correlator with 36 entire time they’re … watching a movie,
able antenna array. SiBeam has demon- inputs—one for each receiver chain, the they’re being exposed to almost 10W of
strated an array of 6×6, or 36, antenna source says. He adds that the correla- RF energy at 60 GHz? How much energy
elements, translating to 36 transmitting tor coherently sums the energies, pars- does a small microwave oven use in com-
chains and 36 receiving chains. Thus, ing time to picosecond-accuracy levels, parison: 100W at 2.4 GHz?”
36 low-noise amplifiers must couple to
36 VGAs (variable-gain amplifiers).
The anonymous source considers 36 el-
ements to be overkill, saying that a 4×4,
16-element array would work almost as
well with less than half the complexity.
For the RF transmitter, OFDM requires
two DACs at 4G samples/sec with 6 bits
of resolution. One DAC generates the I
(in-phase) component of the signal, and


Figure 3 Sony’s DMX-WL1T Bravia Internet Link kit represented one of Amimon’s first notable design wins for WHDI, although
its 1080i maximum resolution and 5m peak broadcast distance undershoot the technology’s target specifications, reflecting the
immature silicon in use at the time (a). SiBeam also has transmitter/receiver-pair case studies for WirelessHD, namely Best Buy’s
RF-WHD100 Rocketfish adapter set (b).

40 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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In some ways, WirelessHD revisits for both low dynamic range and high at- resolution, 3-D, and other large-payload
WiMedia, albeit with a steerable an- tenuation at 60 GHz. video streams. It also broadens encryp-
tenna array, says the source. “I sing the tion beyond DTCP to include HDCP
praises of OFDM for narrowband ap- 60-GHz STANDARDIZATION Version 2. Networking support encom-
plications, such as Wi-Fi, Homeplug, Observer skepticism aside, SiBeam passes portable-device synchronization
and MOCA (multimedia over coaxial strives onward. At this year’s CES, the and IP (Internet Protocol) encapsula-
cable). OFDM works great for these ap- company announced a second-genera- tion, and a power-consumption reduc-
plications because the effective RF band- tion chip set, which is reportedly now in tion is equally amenable to mobile-elec-
widths in use are tens of megahertz. As production. The SB9220 network pro- tronics applications.
a result, the required ADCs and DACs cessor and SB9210 RF transmitter tar- In May, SiBeam also announced du-
can be more than 10 bits because of the get use in multimedia sources, and the al-mode support for its 60-GHz rival,
lower required sampling rates.” Each SB9221 network processor and SB9211 the WiGig Alliance. The support be-
ADC or DAC bit is roughly equivalent RF receiver target use in displays and gins with the SB8110 RF transceiver
to 6 dB of dynamic range; hence, 10 bits other destination devices. At CES and its associated SK8100 development
equals 60 dB. In contrast, both WiMedia 2010, SiBeam also announced part- kit, which are available now. WiGig first
and WirelessHD operate over hundreds nerships with Vizio, the latest in a list publicly unveiled its plans in May 2009;
of megahertz of bandwidth, limiting the of notable OEM adopters, and retailer a press release touting the completion of
ENOB (effective number of bits). Thus, Best Buy, which made an equity invest- its Version 1 specification followed in
their ADCs and DACs can operate at no ment (Figure 3b). In May, the compa- December (Figure 4). Its current board
more than 6 bits, or 36 dB of dynamic ny unveiled the WirelessHD Version of directors includes Atheros Commu-
range. The use of QAM, which requires 1.1 specification. Reminiscent of Ami- nications, Broadcom, Cisco Systems,
a greater-than-20-dB SNR (signal-to- mon’s WHDI Ver-
noise ratio) to reliably recover the signal sion 2 specification,
at the receiver, leaves little link margin WirelessHD Version CHANNEL BOUNDARIES (GHz)
57.24 TO 59.4 TO 61.56 TO 63.72 TO
for propagating the signal, translating 1.1 ups the data rate 61.56 63.72 65.88
to a fragile link. This issue hurts WiMe- to 10 to 28 Gbps,
dia’s range and performance due to the making the technol-
technology’s limited transmitting pow- ogy capable of han-
er; it is also the reason that WirelessHD dling so-called 4K UNITED STATES
needs 10W of RF power to compensate (4096×3072)-pixel-

Figure 4 Both WirelessHD and the WiGig Alliance’s con-

tending technology leverage unlicensed spectrum at 60 KOREA
GHz, whose availability specifics depend on the region COUNTRY
in use (a). Publicly available documentation is unclear
about whether and to what degree WiGig will employ
the 802.11 MAC at 60 GHz (b). WiGig proponents plan
for the technology to transport multiple data types; IP; CHINA
DisplayPort and HDMI multimedia; USB and PCIe data
packets; and more (c).

COMMON UPPER MAC 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67


(802.11B/A/G/N/AC) (WIGIG/.11AD)

2.4 GHz 5 GHz 60 GHz


(b) (c)

42 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Dell, Intel, Marvell International, Me- ceiver rather than beefier radios and the ly that it was working with Wi-Fi veter-
diaTek, Microsoft, NEC, Nokia, Nvidia, associated antenna arrays in ac-pow- an Atheros. Further extending the rela-
Panasonic, Samsung Electronics, Toshi- ered, larger products. According to Wi- tionship between WiGig and the IEEE,
ba, and Wilocity. The WiGig contribu- Gig Alliance literature, modulation and the alliance also touts that its technol-
tor list is similarly flush with notable sil- coding schemes share elements, such as ogy is the foundation of the 802.11ad
icon, software, and systems developers. preamble and channel coding, simplify- specification for very-high-throughput
Single-chip-set compatibility with ing implementation for manufacturers 60-GHz networking.EDN
both 2.4- and 5-GHz 802.11 and with of WiGig devices. It’s unclear from pub-
60-GHz networks has been a WiGig Al- lished documentation whether WiGig REFERENCES
liance objective from the group’s found- will extend the 802.11 MAC to 60 GHz 1 Dipert, Brian, “Connecting systems

ing. The alliance formalized this in- or craft a dual-MAC approach that le- to displays with DVI, HDMI, and Dis-
tention in May, when it and the Wi-Fi verages 802.15.3 or another approach at playPort: What we got here is failure to
Alliance announced a cooperative ar- 60 GHz. At least some WiGig partici- communicate,” EDN, Jan 4, 2007,
rangement to share technology speci- pants will accomplish the merged-tech-
fications, with the goal of creating a nology objective through partnerships. 2 Dipert, Brian, “Accelerating consum-

next-generation certification program Wilocity, for example, announced in Ju- ers’ NAS adoptions: assessing your
that also supported networking in the product options,” EDN, June 25, 2009,
60-GHz frequency band. The organi-
F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N 3 Dipert, Brian, “Transporting high-def
zations intend for 60-GHz-cognizant Alereon Pulse-Link
devices to automatically down-shift to video broadcasts: Are wireless net-
the 2.4- or 5-GHz band beyond WiGig’s Amimon Quantenna works up to the task?” EDN, Aug 20,
ultrahigh-frequency-broadcast reach, 2009,
which the alliance hopes to extend be- Atheros Ralink 4 “IEEE 802n-2009, Number of anten-
yond WirelessHD’s 10m through ad- nas,” Wikipedia,
Realtek 5 Fleishman, Glenn, “Apple’s Base
vanced adaptive-beam-forming and Best Buy
other techniques. Samsung Stations Have Three 802.11n Streams,”
WiGig Alliance literature also clearly Broadcom WNN Wi-Fi News Net, Dec 5, 2009,
documents variable-bandwidth perform- SiBeam
ance that depends on a device’s target Cisco Systems 6 Shimpi, Anand Lai, “The Best Thing
power consumption. Some WiGig Ver- Sigma Designs at CES—Intel’s Wireless HD Technolo-
Dell www.sigmadesigns.
sion 1-based systems offer peak data- com gy,” Jan 7, 2010,
transmission rates as high as 7 Gbps, 7 Dipert, Brian, “Blu-ray: Dogged by
Gefen Sony
including EDAC (error-detection-and- delays, will it still have its day?” EDN,
correction) overhead. This rate leads to Google Sorenson July 29, 2010, Communications 8 Fleishman, Glenn, “The future of Wi-Fi:
the claim that WiGig is more than 10
times faster than four-stream, 600-Mbps Toshiba
gigabit speeds and beyond,” Ars Techni-
802.11n. However, all devices, including HDBaseT Alliance ca, December 2009,
battery-operated devices, that meet Wi- 9 “WHDI Technology Overview,” Vizio
Gig specifications can achieve 1-Gbps IEEE Amimon,
peak data-transfer rates. This bandwidth Wi-Fi Alliance 10 Dipert, Brian, “Coming soon: 3-D TV,”
discrepancy is partially due to differences Intel EDN, April 8, 2010, Wilocity 11 Dipert, Brian, “Video characterization
in the leveraged modulation and coding
LG Electronics
schemes. According to the WiGig Al- WiMedia Alliance creates hands-on headaches,” EDN,
liance Web site, OFDM supports com- Marvell July 25, 2002,
munication over longer distances with Wireless Gigabit 12 Dipert, Brian, “Video characterization

greater delay spreads, providing more MediaTek Alliance creates hands-on headaches, part 2,” www.wireless
flexibility in handling obstacles and re- EDN, Aug 8, 2002,
flected signals. OFDM allows transmis- Microsoft 13 “Defining the Future of Multi-Gigabit WirelessHD
sion speeds as high as 7 Gbps. Converse- Wireless Communications,” WiGig
ly, single-carrier encoding typically re- Wireless Home White Paper, Wireless Gigabit Alliance,
Digital Interface
sults in lower power consumption, so it NEC Special Interest
July 2010,
is often a better fit for small, low-power, Group
handheld devices. Single-carrier tech- Netgear You can reach Senior
nology supports transmission speeds as Wireless USB
Nokia Promoter Group Technical Editor
high as 4.6 Gbps. (Reference 13). Brian Dipert
This situation is analogous to that of Nvidia
at 1-916-548-1225,
today’s 802.11n products, in which cel- Wisair
lular handsets and other small-form-fac-
Panasonic, and
tor mobile-electronics gear might incor- WiTricity
porate only a single-stream Wi-Fi trans-

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 43




Amplifiers deliver accurate DIs Inside

complementary voltages 46 Circuit lets you isolate
Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia and measure current
The circuit in Figure 1 generates complementary output, and VREF is a ref- 48 Acquire images with a
↘ two analog voltages, which you erence voltage you derive from bandgap sensor and a microcontroller
can vary in a complementary manner. cell IC1. You choose the ratio of the resis- 48 Power-supply circuit
When the straight output voltage rises, tor divider that connects to the output of operates from USB port
the complementary output voltage de- IC1 so that the reference voltage is ap-
creases, and vice versa. The sum of proximately 400 mV. Potentiometer RP 50 LED-flashlight circuit works
both output voltages is a constant: sets the desired analog voltage, which at voltages as low as 0.5V
VOUT+VOUTC=VREF, where VOUT is the connects to the noninverting input of
▶ What are your design problems
straight output voltage, VOUTC is the voltage follower IC2A. The output of IC2A
and solutions? Publish them
5V here and receive $150! Send
your Design Ideas to edndesign
3.9k R3 R4
100k 100k provides the straight output voltage,
1.25V 0.2% 0.2%
which connects to the inverting input of
unity-gain inverter IC2B. The noninvert-
RS 100 nF ing input of IC2B has a gain of two and
connects to the middle of the high-pre-
– 8 6

cision resistive divider comprising R1 and
IC1 IC 1 7 R , which halves the reference voltage.
3 5
ADR1581 – 100k RP à à The following equation calculates the
0.2% output voltage of IC2B with respect to
ground: V OUTC=−V OUT+2×(V REF/2)=
R2 VREF−VOUT. Thus, the straight output
100k voltage plus the complementary output
0.2% voltage give the desired constant value
equal to the reference voltage.
You should use either a quad resis-
NOTES: R=R1=R2. tor or two pairs of matched resistors for
RP= 10k to 100k. precision resistors R1 through R4. Resis-
RS = 2ñ(2R IIRP).
tors R3 and R4 form the negative feed-
Figure 1 The circuit outputs two analog voltages whose sum always equals the ref- back in IC2B, and the other pair of re-
erence voltage. sistors halves the reference voltage. You
can omit these four resistors if
you use an instrumentation am-
VSET VOUT (mV) VOUTC (mV) case, you must use an RRIO
VREF 411.45 0.15 (rail-to-rail-input/output) type
0 0.45 410.45 of instrumentation amplifier.
The output of a contemporary
VREF/2 205.8 205.1
RRIO instrumentation ampli-

44 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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fier approaches the low side by a margin 0.75 mV at a 10-μA load current. The scale; half the reference voltage; and
of approximately 60 mV, and it would se- guaranteed value of the margin is 1 mV 0V. Table 1 lists the measured voltages
verely degrade the circuit’s accuracy. The at this current. at both outputs. Any of the output volt-
output of the Analog Devices (www. The circuit has undergone testing for ages can approach the lower supply rail AD8692 op amp, however, three values of test voltages: the refer- with an error of less than 0.25% at 400
typically approaches the lower rail by ence voltage, which represents a full- mV full-scale.EDN

Circuit lets you isolate of an oscilloscope probe connects to

ground. Thus, you need to isolate the os-
and measure current cilloscope from the circuit under test.
Anton Mayer, Murr, Germany
The circuit in Figure 1 produces a
voltage proportional to current and iso-
You often need to measure cur- tor, measuring its voltage, and convert- lates the oscilloscope from the meas-
↘ rent during circuit design and de- ing the voltage to current. Unfortunate- urement point. The circuit uses IC1, an
bugging. You can perform that task by ly, that approach is sometimes impracti- HCPL7800 isolation amplifier, which
breaking a path, inserting a shunt resis- cal with an oscilloscope because one side adds input-to-output isolation of as much

5V V+
R1 R3 R5 R7
R9 V+
1 10 100 1k R11
1% 1% 1% 1% 100
1 8 10k 8 R15
2 7 1% 3
IIN 100
R2 R4 R6 R8 VIN+ IC1 VOUT+ ++ IC2 1
UNKNOWN 0.25 2.5 25 250 3 HCPL7800 6 2 LM358
CURRENT 1% 1% 1% 1% VIN – VOUT– ––
R12 4 BNC
4 5 10k TO
S1 S2 S3 S4 R13 R14
100 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 μA C1
10k 10k
100 pF
1% 1%

100 pF

R16 R18 R20

330k C4 + 180k 6.8k
S5 220 μF D1
1 IC3 OUT 8
IN 5V 1N4148 8
6 UA78L05AC/TO R21
+ 3
COM + IC 1k
C3 4
10 μF 2 LM358 1
9V –
R17 R19 4
20k 100k D2 LED1

1 R22 C7 +
9 TO 11V 10k R25
2 22 μF
– 2
+ 7 R25
C5 + IC5 1.2
22 μF 8 L272
– LED2
R23 4 R24 +
10k 10k C6
22 μF


Figure 1 This circuit produces a voltage proportional to current and isolates the oscilloscope from the measurement point.

46 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Switch Gain Maximum input current
S1 1V/100 mA 160 mA
S2 1V/10 mA 16 mA
S3 1V/1 mA 1.6 mA
S4 1V/100 μA 160 μA

as 890V. It also amplifies its input volt- as a unity-gain differential amplifier. For The circuit uses two independent volt-
age by eight. Table 1 shows the overall best linearity, the input voltage at IC1 age supplies. A 9V battery supplies the
gain for each input range. The circuit’s should not exceed ±200 mV. input part of IC1. A stabilized 9 to 11V
bandwidth is typically 100 kHz. wall-wart power supply powers the out-
A set of switches lets you select a range put side of IC1 with IC2, an LM358 suc-
of current to measure by inserting resis- A 9 TO 11V WALL- cessive amplifier.
tors into the circuit. Use resistors with 1% WART POWER SUPPLY When battery switch S5 closes and
or less tolerance to minimize errors. For the voltage of the battery is sufficient
example, when you close S4, you select
POWERS THE OUTPUT for the circuit, LED1 illuminates for ap-
the 100-μA range. The unknown cur- SIDE OF IC1 WITH IC2, proximately 3 seconds. The duration of
rent passes through serial resistors R1 and AN LM358 AMP. this illumination minimizes drain on the
R2, which have values of 1 and 0.25Ω, battery. LED2 is on when the 9 to 11V
respectively. Thus, the voltage at IC1’s in- power supply is operating. IC5, an L272,
puts is IIN×1.25 kΩ; if the input current The HCPL7800 has a 3% tolerance. provides an additional ground poten-
is 100 μA, the voltage at IC1 is 125 mV. When you are using resistors with 1% tial halfway between the supply voltage.
The circuit has a gain of eight, yielding tolerance, the 3% tolerance dominates With this split supply, you can measure
125 mV times 8, or 1V. The LM358 acts the overall uncertainty of the circuit. both positive and negative currents.EDN

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 47

Acquire images with a sensor the T bit in SREG to 1 and set pointer
X=0×0200. You can do these settings in
and a microcontroller the last clock of time integration (R25,
Ioan Ciascai, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, By modifying the data from the regis-
and Liliana Ciascai, Babes-Boylai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ter, you can set the sensor’s integration
The TAOS (Texas Advanced the timer generates hard clock signals time at 2.5 to 50 msec, or 100 msec with
↘ Optoelectronic Solutions, www. CLK1 and CLK2 and soft strobe sig- the prescaler of T2. Knowing that the TSL1412S image sensor, nals SI1, HOLD1, and HOLD2. The sensor acquired the data in the previous
IC2, can acquire a linear image of 1536×1 TSL1412S uses serial connections. The cycle, you can perform a data-acquisi-
pixels, or 400 dpi (Figure 1). It uses a SO2 signal connects to the ICP input
single voltage supply, and you can con- of TSL1412S when you activate flag
trol it with just a few digital signals. ICF1. THE SYSTEM QUICKLY
Thus, you can design an image-acquisi- Timer 2 generates a handler interrupt, PROCESSES THE
tion system that uses the sensor and an which ensures the correct phase of the SENSOR’S ANALOG
AVR ( ATmega328 clock signal, generates the strobe signal,
microcontroller, IC1. and acquires and saves the TSL1412S’s
Figure 1 shows how you can connect output analog data. You can see a
the sensor to the microcontroller. You model for the interrupt subroutine in tion design using the microcontroller’s
program the microcontroller to generate the online version of this Design Idea internal ADC. The integration time
the control signals for the sensor. The at The code must be greater than 50 msec.
design uses a 16-MHz clock frequency. sets the microcontroller’s stack, regis- The conversion time for a 16-MHz-
The microcontroller’s 8-bit Timer 2 gen- ter, ADC, Timer 2, and interrupt func- frequency clock is approximately 16
erates the command signals. In Mode 2, tions. To save image data, you must set μsec, which corresponds to an integra-
tion time of approximately 25 msec.
Because the conversion frequency is 1
IC1 MHz—higher than that of IC1’s recom-
2 23 L1 mended frequency of 200 kHz—you re-
PD1/TXD PC1/ADC1 24 100 μH duce the ADC’s precision from 10 bits
SI1 4 25
to 8 bits. The microcontroller saves a
5 6
27 byte for each pixel, which lets you save
GND 11 28
AO1 6
PD5/T1/OC0B PC5/ADC5 R1 the data to the microcontroller’s internal
1 1k memory for one frame. The rest of the
HOLD2 9 microcontroller’s 2-kbyte memory per-
11 15 PB1/OC1A 21 C3 forms stack and data-acquisition tasks.
12 16 PB2/SS/OC1B 22 100 nF The system quickly processes the sen-
18 PB4/MISO PB7/XTAL2 10 sor’s analog output signal through the an-
19 PB5/SCK Y1
alog comparator of the microcontroller’s
100 μH
CRYSTAL internal schematic. You can make a
comparison with a fixed voltage using an
C5 C4 C1 C2 internal voltage reference of 1.25V and
100 nF 100 nF 22 pF 22 pF
a resistive divider or a variable voltage
you can obtain from a DAC or a PWM
(pulse-width-modulated) signal the mi-
Figure 1 A microcontroller can produce control signals for an image sensor.
crocontroller’s timer generates.EDN

Power-supply circuit operates supply, you can tap the power pins from
a USB connector, but you should place
from USB port a 10-μF filter capacitor between the
ground and power-supply pins.
Stefano Palazzolo, Senago, Italy You can, however, use an adjustable
Every PC has a USB (Universal ternal circuit, which is useful when you voltage regulator to get voltages of
↘ Serial Bus) port that can supply have no other dc source available. 1.25 to 3.75V, a range that many cir-
5V±5% at 500 mA for peripherals. Pow- A USB port has VBUS, the power pin; cuits use. The circuit in Figure 1 cov-
ered USB hubs also provide this power. a return pin, GND (ground); and two ers that range. You use R3 to change
You can use a USB port to power an ex- signal pins. If you need just a simple 5V that range, as the following equation

48 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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shows: VOUT=1.25V×(1+R3/R2). The ADJ (adjust) pins. Resistor R2, there- ignore. Selecting 100Ω for R2 sets its
1.25V in the equation occurs because fore, has a constant current that passes current to 12.5 mA. If you use a 200Ω
the LM1117-ADJ linear regulator gen- through resistor R3; the IADJ (adjusted potentiometer for R3, you get a voltage
erates 1.25V between the VOUT and the current) is generally small enough to range of 1.25V when R3 is 0Ω, causing
a short, to 3.75V when R3 is 200Ω.
VBUS IN OUT OUT To prevent circuit damage if the out-
R2 put becomes shorted or when you don’t
R1 LM1117-ADJ
D+ 470 100 OUT– know the load, you can add a current-
ADJ limiting circuit that keeps the maxi-
D1 C1 R3
D< LED 100 nF 200 C3
mum current at 500 mA. A polyswitch
C2 IADJ 10 μF fuse or pair of transistors can easily im-
100 nF
GND plement this current-limiter site at the
power-supply input line.
The filter capacitor shouldn’t exceed
10 μF. That level keeps the inrush cur-
rent under control in the absence of a
Figure 1 Resistors R2 and R3 set the adjustable voltage regulator’s output at 1.25 to
current-limiting circuit. Generally, ca-
pacitors of 1 to 10 μF work best.EDN

LED-flashlight circuit works USE“DEAD” BATTERIES

at voltages as low as 0.5V FROM COMMERCIAL
Most commercial LED flashlights voltages as low as 1V, using a two-cell,
↘ use three AAA or AA batteries 3V supply results in the lowest work-
in series that produce 4.5V. The batter- ing voltage: 0.5V per cell. Choosing a
ies then drive four white LEDs that con- three-cell, 4.5V supply results in a lower sults in lower brightness. In this case,
nect in parallel. These LEDs can work voltage of 0.33V per cell. A 4.5V sup- the current is 18 mA. The LT1932 is
at voltages as low as 2.7V and, in some ply can power as many as eight LEDs. available only in a surface-mount, tiny,
cases, 2.4V. At those voltages, the LEDs Tests show that this circuit works from six-pin SOT package, with fine pitch as
become dim, and you must frequently 4.5V to 0.94V, which is lower than the small as 0.037 in. So, using it requires a
change the batteries. Thus, the lowest data-sheet-specified 1V. The LED driv- PCB (printed-circuit board).
working voltage in this case is approxi- er uses a 4.7-μH inductor. Once you build a flashlight with
mately 0.8 to 0.9V per battery. Setting the value of resistor R1 regu- this circuit, you don’t throw away the
When a 1.5V alkaline battery dis- lates the constant current through the “dead” batteries from commercial LED
charges to 0.9V, it still has more than LEDs. Setting a higher resistance re- flashlights. Instead, use them to feed
10% of its original energy the LT1932 circuit.
left. If you replace or dis- L1 D1 Depending on wheth-
4.7 μH MBR0540
card the battery, you waste 4.5 er you use an AA or
that energy. You can, how- or 3V an AAA cell, it will
ever, use this small amount 6 1
+ C 2
give you a few more
of battery energy with the C1 + 1 μF hours of light. Keep in
1 μF
circuit in Figure 1. The mind that some bat-
Linear Technology (www. 5 tery manufacturers de-
SHDN LT1932 LED IC1 3 fine 0.5V per cell as an
driver is a step-up voltage- alkaline battery’s cut-
booster chip with con- off voltage and recom-
stant-current capability for RESET GND mend that you remove
LED lighting. It works with 4 2 the battery from the
input voltages of 1 to 10V, R1 load to avoid the pos-
and it can drive several se- sibility of battery leak-
rial LEDs. age and gassing effects.
The trick is to choose Don’t let these effects
the supply voltage. Be- Figure 1 This circuit lets you use the leftover energy from a “dead” happen to your flash-
cause LT1932 can work at battery. light.EDN

50 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


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47 to 440 Hz and can operate with a dc

input of 100 to 400V dc. The devices
include active-power-factor and har-
monic correction. They also comply
with SEMI-F47 standards for input
droop as low as 100V ac at full loads.
All models have a five-year warranty.
The 48V-output LZSA1500-4 sells for
$975 (1000).
TDK Lambda,

Open-frame dc/dc converters feature

6A dc/dc μModule
2-to-1 input range
regulator comes in

The UEI25-120-D48 series of dc/dc converters comes in a 0.96×1.1×0.32-
in. open-frame package and features an input voltage of 36 to 75V dc, a
9×15-mm LGA package
The 6A LTM4618 μModule regu-

fixed output voltage of 12V dc, isolation as large as 2250V dc, and output power as
high as 25W with overtemperature shutdown in 1 in.2 of board area. The units lator includes an inductor,
offer efficiency as high as 87.5%. Prices start at $16 (OEM quantities). MOSFETs, input and output bypass
Murata Power Solutions, capacitors, and supporting circuitry in a
2.3g, 9×15×4.32-mm LGA package. It
features output-voltage tracking for sys-
Switching-regulator 48V, 1500W power tems that must sequence multiple rails
series adds 2A model supply targets indus- for proper power-up and
-down and
trial, COTS applications

The 2A V78XX switching regu- 250 to 750-

lator has efficiencies as high as The 48V, 1500W LZSA1500-4 kHz fixed-
92% in a SIP measuring 11.5×9×17.5 power supplies target use in frequency
mm. The units are pin-compatible with industrial and COTS (commercial-off- PLL capa-
industry-standard LM78XX linear regu- the-shelf) applications, such as factory bility for
lators and have an input range of 4.75 automation, computing, and ATE. The applica-
to 18V dc and supplies have a nominal output of 12V tions that
regulated at 1000W; 24V at 500, 1000, or 1500W; require the regulator’s switching fre-
output volt- and 48V at 1500W. They feature user- quency to be a set value. For low-voltage
ages of 2.5, adjustable ranges of 10 to 15.75, 18 to loads, such as the core voltage of FPGAs
3.3, 5, and 29.4, and 36 to 56V, respectively, to and processors, the LTM4618 includes
6.5V dc. The accommodate nonstandard voltages. safety features, such as output-overvolt-
operating temperature ranges from −40 They have integral fans and provide age and short-circuit protection and
to +85°C at a 100% load. The units are full-rated output power at −40 to guaranteed ±1.75% maximum output dc
available from Digi-Key for $7.46 +60°C, derating linearly to 60% load at error. Prices start at $11.30 (1000).
(1000). a 71°C ambient temperature. The series Linear Technology Corp,
CUI Inc, accepts an 85 to 265V-ac input range at

52 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Active ORing and MOSFET within 80 nsec during input- for $4.66 (1000). The PI2007 comes in
controller target use power-source fault conditions that a 3×3-mm, 10-lead TDFN and sells for
cause reverse-current flow. The PI2127 $1.61 (1000).
in servers and telecom comes in a 7×8-mm LGA SIP and sells Picor,

The PI2127 active ORing inte-
grates the PI2007 universal,
high-speed ORing controller, targeting ADVERTISER INDEX
use in 12 and 48V high-side redundant-
Company Page Company Page
bus applications, including systems
Adsantec 27 Mentor Graphics 6
with input-voltage ranges of 36 to 75V,
Agilent Technologies 29 Micrel 31
which also must operate for 100 msec
Analog Devices Inc 15 Micro Crystal 14
during input-voltage transients as high
Avnet Electronics Marketing 10, 41 Mouser Electronics 49
as 100V. Applications include servers,
Cirrus Logic Inc C-2 National Electronics
high-end telecom and computing, and
Coilcraft 9 Distributors Association (NEDA) C-3
communications-infrastructure systems.
Digi-Key Corp C-1, 3
The PI2127 has an 8.5-mΩ internal Pico Electronics Inc 23, 34 35
EMA Design Automation Inc 51
MOSFET, providing high efficiency Renesas Technology Corp 17, 19
International Rectifier Corp 7
and low power loss during steady-state Samsung Electro-Mechanics 39
Lambda Americas 11
operation, and it typically turns off the Samtec USA 25
Lattice 13 Trilogy Design 53
Linear Technology C-4 Vicor Corp 47
MathWorks Inc 21 West Coast Magnetics 37
Maxim Integrated Products 45 Xilinx 4
Memory Protection Devices 11

EDN provides this index as an additional service. The publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 | EDN 53

24_EDN_0910_litrev_davis.indd 1 9/1/2010 8:39:41 AM

Merry-go-round-missile mishap was the fact that the test was dynamic.
The UUT was riding a weird merry-go-
round that prevented any chances of
probing the signals. Another constraint
was getting the missile to arm; testing it
did not require a centrifuge run. That
test—using the same mechanical path
of the centrifuge fixture—ran perfectly
every time. If we activated the centri-
fuge, however, the missile didn’t fire.
The problem was occurring during the
“flight,” but how could I possibly find it
when I had no chance of inserting even a
finger into the centrifuge chamber?
With little hope left, I started playing
with the fixture, spinning it manually
a half-circle at a time with one hand
while struggling to keep the scope probe
touching the UUT’s connector pin with
the other.
I was working for only half a week
when the gods smiled on me. I saw a
tiny glitch on the 5V power line that
repeated when the centrifuge fixture
passed a certain position in its turn. I
remembered testing the same line on
the first day. I didn’t see this problem
then, however, because the scope’s
trigger setting was probably a bit lower
than it was when I saw the glitch. It
was so small that you had to place the
arly in my career, I was the only engineer responsible

trigger level just below the 5V-dc level
for some missile-subassembly test equipment. I knew to be able to see a persisting valley on
the system to some extent because I had written the the power trace. That glitch caused the
test software, but I lacked the much-needed hardware- distance-measuring processor to reset on
troubleshooting experience. I trusted myself on debug- each turn. As a result, the distance cal-
culation couldn’t build up high enough
ging and fixing any software issues, but what now seems to trigger the missile-arming circuitry;
like a small test station to me seemed back then like a black hole. hence, it failed to produce the telemetry
I had to fix a problem that had caused of operation, so everybody suspected a signal.
multiple UUTs (units under test) to fail test-equipment problem. After testing We opened the hood of the centri-
the missile’s safety-arming tests. The many parts and a “golden” unit—that fuge chamber only to find a microscopic
hardware comprised a custom-built test is, a device against which to test all later notch on the slip ring of the 5V power
cabin; a VXI chassis and its cabling, both devices—I too was sure that something line. Luckily, spare rings were available,
of which we had adopted from another was wrong with the test hardware. and everything started to work like an
project; and a third-party-supplied cen- I checked my notes from previous atomic clock once we switched to a
trifuge chamber. We used the centrifuge encounters due to similar problems, clean ring.
to simulate a missile launch and test the interviewed the test operators and main- I learned that even the most myste-
missile’s ability to arm just after traveling tenance personnel, and tried to find a rious failures have a reasonable cause,
some distance. Rotating the centrifuge quick fix, but I made no progress. The and you can reveal that cause only with
for 3 to 4 seconds was supposed to cause problem looked impenetrable. Telemetric determined effort.EDN
the application of g force onto an accel- signals were failing to appear on scope,

erometer in the UUT, in turn causing and the units were failing to measure the S Eren Balci is an engineer with Aselsan
the missile to arm. For some reason, distance they were traveling. (Ankara, Turkey).
though, it failed to do so. The main obstacle in following the
The test system was in its first months clues that may have led to the real cause

54 EDN | SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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