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Writing a Paragraph:

Developing & Supporting a Point

Assignment Activity No. 1

Common cure for common cold

In my humble opinion, everyone has a cure for the common cold. First of all, people suffering a

common cold can simply drink lukewarm water daily to relieve symptoms. I drink extra glasses of warm

water to fight the common cold even without any medicine. I believe warm water aids in bodily

processes that get rid of the bacteria out of the body system. Second, the common cold comes out of

the body naturally through the nose and must be blown away. Getting rid of the bacteria that caused

the common cold inside the body is a treatment itself for me. I blow my nose every minute and could

use up two rolls of tissue a day to keep the common cold away. Finally, everyone can eat and drink their

favorite treats and beverages as long as it is not cold or sweet. The colder and sweeter the food, the

more it triggers the bacteria to grow inside the host and severes the body’s ability to get rid of the

common cold. Common cold bacteria do not favor warm or hot environment. Everyone can

conveniently access potable water to drink, can have means to keep the common cold out of the body

and resist frozen and sweet foods.

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