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By: Ann Nicole C. Francisco

You don’t make me lonely,

You make me grief.
It’s those monsters in my head,
That is connected with my feelings.
Telling me hurtful rumors
About what he said.

I listen and I wonder why,

How could someone say those things
When not a one is true
Yet look at the pain it brings?
I'm suffering, I'm in pain.

You don’t make me hate myself,

You make me torture myself.
It’s those words on that screen
The ones that say I’m *****
When I couldn’t be more clean and happy.

Cyber bullying is not a joke

Yet no one does a thing
They let it happen constantly,
And a lot are victims.
And I feel the pain that stings.

You don’t make me give up on life,

You make me question my worth.
It’s the fists that give my bruises,
Although unseen but impacts so much.
I’m not strong enough for this life
My pain it bleeds and oozes

I tried to be brave
But this life just isn’t for me
I gave up on this life and be lonely and afraid,
And there’s no place I’d rather be but to hide behind the screen.

I'm just a human, imperfect

Who cared so much for other people,
But the ones I cared for most,
Are the ones that watched me suffer and stumble.
My bruises are visible,
My heart is broken in pieces.
But no one did a thing
Because there was nothing we could do but cry.

Now the rumors are dead,

The words are deleted from the screen,
My bruises are heeled up
Yet the trauma exists though the pain unseen

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