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by Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita

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Hidden Nigurr.t film tells how a woman who fought against discrimination against
themselves is a black woman. Black people were looked down on by the people of the
United States at that time. This film shows that a woman and even a black minorit y
woman are able to become people who play an important role in the development of
space at NASA. The release of the film Hidden Fi purrs in 201 6 was greeted
ent husiastically by the public as well as critics. This film shows the turning point of
NASA's first successful space mission. With the release of this film opened the American
perception of black women, who at first black women were looked down on but
Katherine, Mar y and Doroth y were able to show that African-American women also
hax’e equal rights with other women.The objectives of the study are follow: 1) to identify
the characteristic of women’s struggle in the work. 2) to describe how the character is
depicted in the work 3) to reveal the reason why women’s struggle is specially addressed
in the work.. In addition to conducting this research, researchers used representation of
feminism. Feminism is an idea or foundation about social life or knowledge that
emphasizes women. Feminism first dex’eloped from the West which eventually became a
guide for struggling in terms of equality and justice. This then develops issues about
women that are carried by feminism where societ y must accept an understanding of the
concept of gender equalit y. The t ype of the study in this stud y is the literar y study. This
research is a t ype of qualitative research. 1n this study to obtain data researchers
conducted observations and analysis of the film Hidden Fi pures.

A. Background
ln our lives women have a very important role. From the womb of a woman we
can be born in this world, because a woman can also grow and become a useful person.
Our life in the world cannot be separated from the struggle of a woman. A woman's
struggle to give birth to her children, women struggle to be good mothers so that their
children can be successful, sometimes women also struggle to work so they can get a
good life. However, in realit y many people are condescending and looking down on a
woman. In the 1960s women in the United States were still considered weak, many of
whom had difficult y finding work that was equal to the abilities they had. Especially
black women who were still a minority at the time. They don't get the same rights as
white women in America. There are still those who think that women are weak and can
be hurt. Along with the des’elopment of today many people are voicing about the
emancipation of women. Emancipation of women is a condition where women are
considered to have the same rights as men, such as the right to higher education, the right
to work, and others.
One of the movies that tell about women struggles is Hidden Fipurrs. This film is
based on a novel entitled "Hidden Figures". The author's background to write this novel,
which was also later filmed in the same year, was that he wanted to raise the histor y of
women and how their struggle to get an existence against themselves and fight
discrimination against black people who were in the minorit y at that time. The writer's
concern about the discrimination experienced by black people made him interested in
researching and writing the book "Hidden Figures" where the br›nk caught the attention
of film producers. So in the same year the publication of the book "Hidden Figures" a
film based on a true st ory called "Hidden Figures" was also aired.
The film Hidden Fi put es is based on a novel written by Margot Lee Shetterl y.
Margot is an American non-fiction book author. He is also of African-American descent
or can also be called one of the blacks in America. The book he wrote was later made
into a film directed by Theodore Melfi and produced by Donna Gigliotti, Theodore Melfi,
Jenno Topping, and friends. The script writer for this film is Allison Schrcieder based on
the book "Hidden Figures" by Margot Lee. The film "Hidden Figures" was released in
2016 based on the true story of three black women who were very instrumental at NASA,
United States.
Hiddrn Fi pures is a biographical drama film that first appeared in 201 6. The film,
which has duration of 1 27 minutes, tells the story of the struggle of three women with
influence at NASA in conducting space missions where they received different treatment
because they were of black descent or minor it y at that time. In this Hidden Figures film
tells how a woman who fought against discrimination against themselves is a black
woman. Black people were looked down on by the people of the United States at that
time. This film shows that a woman and even a black minorit y woman are able to become
people who play an important role in the development of space at NASA. The y also
showed that not always a weak rninorit y woman, the y could show that black women
where being a minorit y grou p could have an equivalent intelligence even more than white
This film begins when three African-American women named Katherine Johnson,
Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson the y are smart people and work at NASA owned by
the United States. The three of them fought against injustice where white skin and black
were very distinguished at the time. Katherine was a genius and good at math because of
her intelligence when grade 6 she was immediately asked to be in class 8. At first the
three of them worked in the West Area Computer section (specifically for women who
have black color) to assist NASA in space missions in 196 I One day Dorothy as
Chairperson showed Katherine a mathematician to move to the Space Race where
calculations were carried out for space purposes. She is the first black woman who can
enter the division.
When she dr›es her job, she gets discriminatory treatment because she is looked
down on as a black woman. To go to the toilet he had to go half a mile to defecate
because in the Space Race building there were no toilets for minorities. Even to drink
coffee he must use a hot water pitcher that reads "Colored" or for black women. Because
Katherine's abilit y to refute algorithms and algebra was believed to calculate the orbital
pat h that would be used by astronauts, her abilit y and courage to fight discrimination
made her the most influential person in calculating space accurac y. While Mary Jackson
she is a technician who struggled to become an engineer but was constrained because to
become an engineer at NASA he had to graduate from the Univ’ersity of Virginia. But if
he cannot study at the University of Virginia he must be able to graduate from Hampton
High School where there had never been a black person who attended school there.
Mary continued to struggle, she appealed to the court in order to obtain justice so
that he could attend training at Hampton High School. So that she could become an
engineer at NASA until finally she could continue her education at the Hampton High
Schcinl. The results of this struggle open up opportunities for people of African-American
descent especiall y women to become engineers and technologists. While Dorothy was
struggling to become a superv’isor at NASA because he thought he was able to do that,
through his abilit y to learn programming languages since he was a child he was
eventuall y appointed chairman in one of the div’isions at NASA. Until in the end the three
of them were black people who were influential at NASA.
The release of the film Hidden Nigurrs in 201 6 was greeted enthusiastically by
the public as well as critics. This film shows the turning point of N ASA's first successful
space mission. With the release of this film opened the American perception of black
women, who at first black women were looked down on but Katherine, Mar y and
Dorothy were able to show that African-American women also have equal rights with
other women. Not only equal to women in general but also has the abilit y and intelligence
that is equivalent to men.
This film is considered to be inspiring and inspiring with the right size and not
excessive. This film is considered a popular struggle film with meaning that can still
attract the attention of many people. The statement of Jim Bridenstine (NASA
Administrator) in an interview in which he stated that "nothing is hidden now we will
recognize the contribution of people of African-American descent, as well as those who
contribute to NASA's success " proves that through the film the struggle of these three
women opened the view of white Americans that all people have the same rights.
In addition, positive responses from the pu blic towards the film Hidden Figures
can be seen from their enthusiasm to watch this film in the cinema. The film, which was
produced at a cost of 25 million dollars, was able to make a profit of around 106 million
dollars only in America, not yet from other countries. At the first opening on a limited
weekend the film earned an income of around $ 5 IS thousand to be able to occupy the
18th position of the box office. Until in the end when the opening was widely sensitive
the film was ranked at the top of the box office with revenues of nearly $ 23 million. This
proves that many people are interested and are curious about the storyline of this film.
This is because the film Hidden Figures is one of the historic films for the United States
where the Friendship 7 rocket from America can orbit the earth for the first time.
N ot only successful at the box office this film also received appreciation in the
world of cinema which was marked by winning awards. This film has received 32 awards
and entered into 72 award nominations. For instance, one of them is the nomination of
the best adaptation scenario, and the best film in Academ y Awards-89. Besides to the
Academy Awards, the film was also nominated for the 2017 Oscars for the best picture
category. Not only films but the players invol›’ed in making this film also received
v’arious awards. Like Octavia Spencer, starring Dorothy Vaughan, she won the best
supporting actress in the 89th Academy award. The number of awards obtained proves
that the film Hidden Nigurr.t received a good response in the film industr y.
Research from Haryanti, and friends (2019) also used the Hidden Figures film as
a research object with the title A[ri‹‹i-Amet i‹on Dist riminorir›n rr›w ord.t o.t Porrt o \ rd
in Hidden Fipiu rs Film. This research focuses on what forms of discrimination occur, and
the t ypes of discrimination found in the film Hidden Figures. Victims of discrimination in
the film occur in three main characters namely Katherine, Dorot hy, and Mary.
Discrimination is carried out by white people against black people who are of African-
American descent. Researchers also explained that there are two t ypes of discrimination,
namely direct and indirect discrimination. In addition, the t ypes of responses from
victims of discrimination are also described in the study.
In previous studies the inethrxl used in his research was descriptive qualitative
method. The data obtained by the researcher is obtained based on the utterances and
images in accordance with what has been formulated by the researcher. As in the seconds
and minutes what discrimination treatment is in the film then described in detail. The
results of his research show that there is only direct discrimination in the film Hidden
Figures where there are several t ypes of direct discrimination. Like race, religion, and
skin color differences.
The comparison between pre›’ious research and the research that the author did is
that if the previous researcher fr›cused on the discrimination experienced by the three
characters in the film, this research focuses on what the t hree female characters struggle
to fight for themselves for. This study also uses the same research method as previous
research, namely descriptive qualitative. In addition to conducting this research,
researchers used representation of feminism.
Based on the author's interest in the film Hidden Fiburrs because the story depicts
the history of NASA can orbit the earth and the struggle of black women that can be
learned in everyday life. As we must uphold justice, we must strive to achieve what we
get. So the researchers made the object of this film research with the title "WOMEN’S
STRUGGLE lN FILM HIDDEN FlGtJ RES: Based on Feminism Perspective".
B. Problem Statement
The problem of the study is dissected further into the following research question,
that are follow:
I . W hat are the characteristic of women struggle’s in the work?
2. How is the character in film Hidden Fipurrs depicted in the work ’?
3. W hy did the author specially address women struggle’s in the work ?

C. The Objectives of Study

The objectives of the study are follow:
I . To identify the characteristic of women’s struggle in the work
2. To describe how the character is depicted in the work
3. To reveal the reason why women’s struggle’ is specially addressed in the work


A. Previous Studies
ln conducting its research the author has analyzed several other studies wherein
one study with another has similarities and differences. From several previous studies
that have been analyzed there are two branches, namely eleven publication articles
entered the literature branch and one publication article included in the linguistic branch.
In the literature branch of the publication article written by W inarti and Kusuma (2017)
the research is the same as that written by Gao (20 14) and Andayani and friends (2016).
The similar it y is that the three publication articles discuss how a woman is oppressed
because of customs. lf Winani and Kusuma anal yze drama that tells the situation of
women in the Elizabeth era, Gao analyzes a film that presents the situation of women in
the V ictroria era while Andayani analyzes a novel that describes the situation of women
with their Javanism. All three of these publication articles describe the struggle of women
to obtain equal rights either with fellow women or with men (patriarch y) which is seen
from a feminist perspective. In every object analyzed there are t ypes of radical and liberal
feminism. But the three publication anicles also have differences, namel y in Gao He's
research, the director in the film fails to display radical feminism. lf both studies discuss
the struggle of women against patriarchy to be able to obtain freedom of opinion and
independence, but research from Andayani discusses how a Javanese woman struggles to
maintain the customs that she believes in.
In addition to the three publication articles, there are also publication articles
which have similarities. Aryanika (2016) discusses the struggle of women based on a
feminist perspective with the object of Indonesian films similar to research conducted by
Har yanti and Suwana (20 14). The film Prrrmf min Brt k‹ilunp .Sorh‹in and Aris‹in 2 was
chosen as the object of research. The difference lies in the t ype of struggle carried out by
the characters in the film. In Women Birk lunp .Sr» 6on, women struggle to get justice in
their households where the husband chooses to polygam y and the t ype of feminism in this
film is liberal and radical while the Arisen 2 film presents women who are tough, active,
brave and independent with liberal feminism.
The other publication articles were studied by Febrianti and friends (2019),
together with Permatasari (201 6) who shared the struggle of black women who fight
discrimination. We know that discrimination still develops among the people. The
analysis is also based on feminism perspective but with a different object, one novel and
another poem. Research from Ratna and Fitria (20 18) is the same as Desinawati (20 18),
Asri (2014), and Rahayu (2019). They both analyzed objects that discussed women who
were against gender inequalit y and patriarchy. Although there are different objects of
research but the results of their research are almost the same. All of their research objects
hav’e a picture of radical and liberal feminism. But in the research object of Desmawati
(2018) there are four t ypes of feminism at once, namely liberal, radical, Marxist and
exi stentialism feminism.
In the linguistic branch lkawati (2018) conducted research by analyzing the film
Hidden Figures whose research focus was the discrimination treatment experienced by
Afro-American women. In his research he used critical discourse analysis based on SFG.
There are two levels of analysis, namel y macro and micro, in each le›’el showing
discrimination and racism experienced by the characters in the film.

B. Underlying Theories
I . Development of Feminism
Feminism is an idea or foundation about social life or knowledge that emphasizes
women. Feminism first developed from the West which eventually became a guide
for struggling in terms of equalit y and justice. This then develops issues about women
that are carried by feminism where societ y must accept an understanding of the
concept of gender equalit y. Feminism itself develops through three waves. The first
wave occurred in I 848- 1920 which was pioneered by V irgiana Woolf and Simon de
Beauvoir. In the second wave occurred in 1960, spearheaded by Kate Millet, Julia
Kristiva, Ruth Robbins and Sandra Gilbert & Susan Guber. In this second wave, t ypes
of feminism have begun to emerge such as radical feminism, liberalism, anarchic and
black feminism. The third wave occurred in 1990 this wave focused on eliminating
gender in order to include feminism in all races of women.
Underlying this feminism developed was the oppression of middle class women
in the 19th centur y. In patriarchal societies, women are surrounded by home life and
an environment where freedom of speech and getting justice for themselves are
restricted. Wollstonecraft, one of the pioneering figures of feminism, believes that in
the 20th centur y the emancipation of women could be a progress that could be
enlightenment for societ y. Simon de Beauvoir believes that it is very important for us
to realize autonomy towards women over the control of technology and reproduction.
In societ y, women are only regarded as social creatures that can produce children, but
in realit y women also want to get education and live independently as desired. Simon
said that language and intelligence are neutral and do not lr›nk at gender. According
to him there is no language specifically for men or specifically for women, so he
thinks women were created not born.
2. The strearils of Feminism
a. Amazon Feminism
This flow is one branch of feminism that looks at the physicalit y of women
which is used as a means of gender equalit y. Examples of Amazon feminism are
in the image of a hero in a fictional or real life story such as the Wonder Woman
character in the film. Thomas Gramstad argues that Amazon feminism opposes
gender stereos ypes and discrimination where worsen must behave as if they are
helpless. This Amazon feminism views that it is women who are able to become
heroes for there and become masters for theinsel yes.
b. Liberal Feminism
This stream assumes that women can determine their own destiny. This t ype of
feminism assumes that men and women have the same opportunities and rights in
this life. Feminism in encouraging women to be more open and have the same
freedom in the pu blic room. The term liberal feminism was first pioneered by
Mary Wollstonecraft in the 18th century. At that time he wrote a book that
criticized the situation of European worsen where in that century Europe suffered
a setback. This makes European women pressured to do homework and is not
given the freedom to develop themselves. At that time worilen were not given the
same education as men, whereas according to Wollstonecraft women were able to
develop themselves to be even better if given the same rights and education as
Radical Feminism
The focus of this flow is to erase the pat riarchy that has developed in a sr›ciety
where men can oppress women freel y. Feminism tries to provide justice to
worsen even though they have to challenge existing norms. This feminism
emerged in 1960 along with the development of the second wave of feminism.
This feminism believes that men take advantage of the role considered above
higher than women to continue to oppress and utilize women for their own needs.
d. Marxist-Socialist Ferilinism
This flow of feminism focuses on discrimination and capitalism against worsen.
This flow argues that discrimination and oppression experienced by women can
be destroyed if we dismantle the system of capitalism. An exarilple of women's
injustice based on Mar xist-socialist feminism is that worilen are not paid
according to their rights when working because of a developing capitalist system.
In addition, women are also considered as a facilit y to channel desires for free.
e. Material Feminism
This feminism emphasizes the role of women in the sr›cial and family
environment but also focuses on discourse. This feminism also emphasizes
freedom in women through material conditions.
Therefore feminism is used to anal yze this filril because feminism theory is
considered in accordance with the topic of discussion, namely the struggle of worsen.
This theory is a theory related to women, where women are lc•nked down on a
situation and he must get justice for himself. Feminism can be related to gender, sex,
ethnicit y and others.

C. Novelty
Based on some of the previous studies above, it can be said that this paper is new and has
never been studied by others with the same title. Previous research has discussed the
struggle of women to fight the customs or norms that have taken away their freedom to
live independently and develop, but this research focuses on how women struggle against
injustice because of their skin color. lf there is research that only focuses on the
discrimination experienced by the characters in this film, the authors also discuss what
their struggle against discrimination is like. In addition, this study also analyzes data
based on feminism perspective, as well as how feminism is in the film Hidden Figures.

A. Type of the Study

The type of the study in this study is the literary stud y. Literary study is a stud y of
works written based on imagination such as novels, films, drama and pnetry. Literary
studies can also be regarded as a method used to examine a work or document through an
unusual language. This research is a t ype of qualitative research. Moleong (2005) said
that qualitative research is research whose aim is to find out phenomena experienced by
subjects such as motivations and actions described and using clear language.
B. Type of Data and Data Sources
According to lrwans yah (2003) data is a value that describes an object or event
obtained from raw data and in the form of facts, figures, or images. The data will be
collected by researchers to compile this research in the form of images and text. Images
based the picture in the film and text in the form of a translation of the film, synopsis and
subtitles. The author also made observations to get data, the data is divided into two parts,
namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are in the
form of themat icall y objects, namely films and secondary data sources in the form of
previous studies and other documents related to the stud y.
C. Ob,jects of the Study
The object of this research is the film Hidden Fi pin re. The film is based on
Margot's novel with the same title. The characters in the film that reflect the struggle of
women are Dorothy, Katherine, and Marr y. In studies researchers want to know the form
of women's struggle from the film Hidden Fipurrs.
D. Method of collecting data
ln this study to obtain data researchers conducted observations and anal ysis of the
film Hidden Fi pin re. Observation and analysis are carried out carefully and in detail in
order to know what kind of struggle women have in the film.
E. Technique of analyzing data
Technical analysis of data in qualitative research is in the form of evidence and
the results are qualitative research. Technical analysis of data is carried out starting from
collecting data or data collection then the data is reduced to find the results of research
and finall y the presentation of data into the form of articles or research proposals.

Aryanika, S. (2016). An AnalysisofPerempuan Berkalung SorbanNovel:Feminist Perspective. English

Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris , 429-443.

Asri, Y. (2014). Women‘s Struggle toward Gender Unfair:A Case Study in Indonesian Novel. Linguistics
and Literature Studies 2 , 190-197.

Astrid Haryantia, F. S. (2014). The Construction of Feminism in Indonesian Film: Arisan 2! Elsevier Ltd. ,
Fauzia, N. S. (2019). Women‘s Struggle aga inst Patriarchy: An Analysis of Radical
FeminismThrough Nadia Hashimi‘s A House Without Windows. Anaph ora: Journal of Language,
Literary, and Cultural Studies , 1-9.

Gao, S. (2014). An Analysis of Feminism Reflected in the Film the French Lieutenant‘s Woman. American
lnternotionol Journal of Contemporary Research , 200-208.

Ikawati, L. (2018). Afro-American Women Discrimination on Hidden Fig-ures -: A Critical Discourse

Analysis . Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies , 19-30.


HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL APPROACHES. Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra , 152-572.

Widya Andayani, I. N. (2016). Javanese Woman‘s Struggle for Belief in Okky Madasari‘s Entrok
(Brassiere). Jurnal of Art and Humanities , 57-67.

FEMINISM PERSPECTIVE. Leksema Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra , 113-130.

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