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Chapter II: Three-phase AC System Part


At the end of this chapter the student or readers will be able to understand and the

application of;

2.1 Polyphase System

2.2 n-phase star connected system

2.3 n-phase mesh connected system

2.4 n-phase active power formula

2.5 Three-phase system

2.6 Wye connected balanced system

2.7 Delta connected balanced system

2.8 Wye connected balanced Loads

2.9 Neutral Current2.10Delta unconnected balanced or unbalanced loads

2.11 Three Phase Power Formulas

2.1 Polyphase System

In an AC system it is possible to connect two or more number of individual circuits to a

common polyphase source.  Though it is possible to have any number of sources in a
polyphase system, the increase in the available power is not significant beyond the
three-phase system.  The power generated by the same machine increases 41.4 per
cent from single phase to two-phase, and the increase in the power is 50 per cent from
single phase to three-phase.  Beyond three-phase, the maximum possible increase is
only seven per cent, but the complications are many.  So, an increase beyond three-
phase does not justify the extra complications.  In view of not justify the extra
complications.  In view of this, it is only in exceptional cases where more than three
phases are used. Circuits supplied by six, twelve and more phases are used in high
power radio transmitter stations.  Two-phase systems are used to supply two-phase
servo motors in feedback control systems.

In general, a three-phase system of voltages (currents) is merely a combination of three

single phase systems of voltages (currents) of which the three voltages (currents) differ
in phase by 120 electrical degrees from each other in a particular sequence.  One such
three-phase system of sinusoidal voltages is shown in Fig.20.1.
Sample Problem

a. This is a schematic diagram of a Y-connected three-phase generator (with the rotor

winding shown):

How much AC voltage will appear between any two of the lines (V AB, VBC , or VAC ) if
each stator coil inside the alternator outputs 277 volts? Draw a phasor diagram showing
how the phase (winding) and line voltages relate.

b. Suppose the electrical power supplied to a commercial building is labeled as

”208/120 volt”. What does this label mean, exactly? Relate this description to a
schematic diagram

c. This is a schematic diagram of a Delta-connected three-phase generator (with the

rotor winding shown):

How much AC current

will each of the lines (IA,
IB, or IC ) conduct to a
load (not shown) if
each stator coil inside
the alternator outputs
17 amps of current?

a. Phase voltage = 277 volts AC (given)

Line voltage = VAB = VBC = VAC = 480 volts AC

. b.

c. Phase current = 17 amps AC (given) Line current = IA = IB = IC = 29.4 amps AC

2.2 N-Phase Star Connected System

In star connections, fundamentally we connect the same phase sides to a mutual
(common) point known as neutral point and provide supply to its free ends which stay
thereafter as shown in figure 1. As far as line and phase voltages are concerned, they
are related to each other as:
Which means that whatever supply voltage we have, we need to insulate the windings
for 1/√31/3 times the line voltage only. Whereas, in a Star connection, line and phase
currents remain the same as:
Let us consider the three-phase source of figure 1, which has line terminals a, b, and c
and a neutral terminal n. in this case, the source is said to be Y-connected.
Fig.1: Y-Connected Source

Star Connection Three Phase Power

The average power Pp delivered to each
phase of figure 4 is

=I2pRe(Zp) ⋯(9)

And the total power delivered to the load is

The angle θ of the phase impedance is thus the power factor angle of the three-phase
load as well as that of a single phase.

Line Currents and Phase Currents in Star Connection

It is seen from fig (3a) that each line is in series with individual phase winding, therefore,
the value of line current is same as in Phase windings to which the line is connected.
 Current in Line 1 = IR
 Current in Line 2 = IY
 Current in Line 3 = IB
Since, the flowing currents in all three lines are same, and the individual current in each
line is equal to the corresponding phase current, therefore;
IR = IY = IB = IPH …. The phase current
Line Current = Phase Current
In simple words, the value of Line Currents and Phase Currents are same in Star
Power in Star Connection
In a three phase AC circuit, the total True or Active power is the sum of the three phase
power. Or the sum of the all three phase powers is the Total Active or True Power.
Hence, total active or true power in a three phase AC system;
Total True or Active Power = 3 Phase Power
P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ                     ….. Eq   … (1)
We know that the values of Phase Current and Phase Voltage in Star Connection;
VPH = VL /√3     ….. (From VL = √3 VPH)
Putting these values in power eq……. (1)
P = 3 x (VL/√3) x IL x CosФ      …….….      (VPH = VL /√3)
P = √3 x√3 x (VL/√3) x IL x CosФ    ….…   {3 = √3x√3}
P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ
Hence proved;
Power in Star Connection,
P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ or
P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ
The same is explained in 3-Phase Circuit MCQs with explanatory Answer (MCQs No.1)
Total Reactive Power = Q = √3 x VL x IL x SinФ
Where Cos Φ = Power factor = the phase angle between Phase Voltage and Phase
Current and not between Line current and line voltage.
Good to know: Reactive Power of Inductive coil is taken as Positive (+) and that of a
Capacitor as Negative (-).
Also, the total apparent power of the three phases;
Total Apparent Power = S = √3 x VL x IL Or,
S = √ (P2 + Q2)

Sample problem 1:

The input power to a 3-phase a.c. motor is measured as 5kW. If the voltage and current
to the motor are 400V and 8.6A respectively, determine the power factor of the system?


Power      P=5000W,

 line voltage VL = 400 V,

line current, IL = 8.6A and

power,    P =√3 VLIL cos φ

 Hence; power factor  = cos φ  = P √3 VLIL

  = 5000 √3 (400) (8.6)

  = 0.839

Sample problem 2:

Three loads, each of resistance 30, are connected in star to a 415 V, 3-phase supply.

(a) the system phase voltage, (b) the phase current and (c) the line current.

A ‘415 V, 3-phase supply’ means that 415 V is the line voltage, VL

(a) For a star connection, VL =√3Vp Hence phase voltage, Vp = VL/√3

= 415 /√3

  = 239.6 V or 240 V; correct to 3 significant figures

(b) Phase current, Ip = Vp/Rp

= 240/30

 = 8 A

(c) For a star connection, Ip = IL Hence the line current, IL = 8 A

2.3 N-Phase Mesh Connected System

What is Mesh Connection (Δ)?

Delta or Mesh Connection (Δ) System is also known as Three Phase Three Wire
System (3-Phase 3 Wire) and it is the most preferred system for AC power transmission
while for distribution, Star connection is generally used.
In Delta (also denoted by Δ) system of interconnection, the starting ends of the three
phases or coils are connected to the finishing ends of the coil. Or the starting end of the
first coil is connected to the finishing end of the second coil and so on (for all three coils)
and it looks like a closed mesh or circuit as shown in fig (1).
In more clear words, all three coils are connected in series to form a close mesh
or circuit. Three wires are taken out from three junctions and the all outgoing currents
from junction assumed to be positive.
In Delta connection, the three windings interconnection looks like a short circuit, but this
is not true, if the system is balanced, then the value of the algebraic sum of all voltages
around the mesh is zero in Delta connection.
When a terminal is open in Δ, then there is no chance of flowing currents with basic
frequency around the closed mesh.


 Relation Between Phase Voltage and Line Voltage in Delta Connection

 Relation Between Phase Current and Line Current in Delta Connection
 Power in Delta Connection
To obtain the delta connections, a2 is connected with b1, b2 is connected with c1 and c2 is
connected with a1 as shown in the above figure. The three conductors R, Y and B are
running from the three junctions known as Line Conductors.

The current flowing through each phase is called Phase Current (Iph), and the current
flowing through each line conductor is called Line Current (IL).

The voltage across each phase is called Phase Voltage (Eph), and the voltage across
two line conductors is called Line Voltage (EL).

Relation Between Phase Voltage and Line Voltage in Delta Connection

To understand the relationship between the phase voltage and line voltage in the delta
connection, consider figure A shown below:
It is clear from the figure that the voltage across terminals 1 and 2 is the same as across
the terminals R and Y. Therefore,


: the phase voltages are

The line voltages are:

Hence, in delta connection line voltage is equal to phase voltage.

Relation Between Phase Current and Line Current in Delta Connection

As in the balanced system the three-phase current I 12, I23 and I31 are equal in magnitude
but are displaced from one another by 120° electrical.

The phasor diagram is shown below:


If we look at figure A, it is seen that

the current is divided at every junction
1, 2 and 3.

Applying Kirchhoff’s Law at junction 1,

The Incoming currents are equal to outgoing currents.

And their vector difference will be given as:

The vector I12 is reversed and is added in the vector I 31 to get the vector sum of I 31 and –
I12 as shown above in the phasor diagram. Therefore,

As we know, IR = IL, therefore,


Hence, in delta connection line current is root three times of phase current.
This is all about Delta Connection In a 3 Phase System.

Power / Phase = VPH x IPH x CosФ

And the total power of three phases;
Total Power = P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ ….. (1)
We know that the values of Phase Current and Phase Voltage in Delta Connection;
IPH = IL /√3   ….. (From IL = √3 IPH)
VPH = VL    
Putting these values in power eq……. (1)
P = 3 x VL x ( IL/√3) x CosФ …… (IPH = IL / /√3)
P = √3 x√3 x VL x ( IL/√3) x CosФ …{ 3 = √3x√3 }
P = √3 x VLx IL x CosФ   …
Hence proved;
Power in Delta Connection,
P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ …. or
P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ
Where Cos Φ = Power factor = the phase angle between Phase Voltage and Phase
Current (not between Line current and line voltage).
The same is explained in 3-Phase Circuit MCQs with explanatory Answer (MCQs No.1)
Good to Remember:
In both Star and Delta Connections, The total power on balanced load is same.
I.e. total power in a Three Phase System = P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ
Good to know:
Balanced System is a system where:
 All three phase voltages are equal in magnitude
 All phase voltages are in phase by each other i.e. 360°/3 = 120°
 All three phase Currents are equal in magnitude
 All phase Currents are in phase by each other i.e. 360°/3 = 120°
 A three phase balanced load is a system in which the load connected across
three phases are identical.

2.4 N-Phase Active Formula

Active Power is the actual power which is really transferred to the load such
as transformer, induction motors, generators etc and dissipated in the circuit.
Alternative words used for Real Power (Actual Power, True Power, Watt-full
Power, Useful Power, Real Power, and Active Power) and denoted by (P) and
measured in units of Watts (W) i.e. The unit of Real or Active power is Watt where 1W =
1V x 1 A. .

Active Power in AC Circuits:

But the situation in Sinusoidal or AC Circuits is more complex because of phase
difference (θ) between Current and Voltage. Therefore average value of power (Real
Power) is P = VI Cosθ is in fact supplied to the load.
In AC circuits, When circuit is pure resistive, then the same formula used for power as
used in DC as P = V I.

Active Power Formulas:

 P = V x I                                         (In DC circuits)
 P = V x I x Cosθ                            (in Single phase AC Circuits)
 P = √3 x VLx IL x Cosθ         or      (in Three Phase AC Circuits)
 P = 3 x VPh x IPhx Cosθ
 P = √ (S2 – Q2)or
 P =√ (VA2 – VAR2) or
Real or True Power or Active Power = √ (Apparent Power 2 – Reactive Power2) or
kW = √ (kVA2 – kVAR2)
 P = Power in Watts
 V = Voltages in Volts
 I = Current in Amperes
 Cosθ = Power Factor (Phase angle Difference)
 VL = Line Voltage
 IL = Line Current
 S = Apparent Power in VA (Volt Ampere)
 Q = Reactive Power in VAR (Volt Ampere Reactive)

Sample Problem:

A balanced delta connected three-phase load draws 200 A per phase with a lading
power factor of 0.85 from a 12.47 kV line to line system. Determine the total real power
drawn by the load.

2.5 Three Phase System

Definition: The system which has three phases, i.e., the current will pass through the
three wires, and there will be one neutral wire for passing the fault current to the earth is
known as the three phase system. In other words, the system which uses three wires
for generation, transmission and distribution is known as the three phase system. The
three phase system is also used as a single phase system if one of their phase and the
neutral wire is taken out from it. The sum of the line currents in the 3-phase system is
equal to zero, and their phases are differentiated at an angle of 120º

The three-phase system has four wire, i.e., the three current carrying conductors and
the one neutral. The cross section area of the neutral conductor is half of the live wire.
The current in the neutral wire is equal to the sum of the line current of the three wires
and consequently equal to √3 times the zero phase sequence components of current.

The three-phase system has several advantages like it requires fewer conductors as
compared to the single phase system. It also gives the continuous supply to the load.
The three-phase system has higher efficiency and minimum losses.

The three phase system induces in the generator which gives the three phase voltage
of equal magnitude and frequency. It provides an uninterruptible power, i.e., if one
phase of the system is disturbed, then the remaining two phases of the system continue
supplies the power.The magnitude of the current in one phase is equal to the sum of the
current in the other two phases of the system.

The 120º phase difference of

the three phases is must for
the proper working of the
system. Otherwise, the
system becomes damaged

Types of Connections in Three-

Phase System

The three-phase systems are

connected in two ways, i.e.,
the star connection and the delta connection.

Sample Problem
Determine the phase sequence of the set of voltages

Solution: The voltages can be expressed in phasor form as

What is the phase sequence of each of the following sets of voltages?

2.6 Wye Connected Balanced System
The voltages we get from the three-phase power system are produced by a
synchronous generator. In a balanced condition, the three voltages have equal
amplitudes. The first type is balanced wye-wye connection.

1 Balanced Three-Phase Y Connection

2 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection Examples
Even they have equal amplitudes, which makes a three-phase system has three-phase
voltages is their phase angle differences.

Each voltage has the 120◦ phase angle differences. It may be delta or wye, both have a
difference of 120◦.
Make sure to read what is three-phase circuits first.

Balanced Three-Phase Y Connection

We begin with the Y-Y system because any balanced three-phase system can be
reduced to an equivalent Y-Y system.
Therefore, the analysis of this system should be regarded as the key to solving all
balanced three-phase systems.
A balanced Y-Y system is a three-phase system with a balanced Y-connected source
and a balanced Y-connected load.
Consider the balanced four-wire Y-Y system of Figure.(1), where a Y-connected load is
connected to a Y-connected source.
We assume a balanced load so that load impedances are equal.
Although the impedance ZY is the total load impedance per phase, it may also be
regarded as the sum of the source impedance ZS, line impedance Zl, and load
impedance ZL for each phase, since these impedances are in series.
As illustrated in Figure.(1), ZS denotes the internal impedance of the phase winding of
the generator; Zl is the impedance of the line joining a phase of the source with a phase
of the load; ZL is the impedance of each phase of the load, and Zn is the impedance of
the neutral line.
Thus, in general

ZS and Zl are often very small compared with ZL, so one can assume that ZY = ZL if no
source or line impedance is given. In any event, by lumping the impedances together,
the Y-Y system in Figure.(1) can be simplified to that shown in Figure.(2).
Figure 1. A balanced Y-Y system, showing the source, line, and load impedances.

Figure 2. Balanced Y-Y connection

Assuming the positive sequence, the phase voltages (or line-to-neutral voltages) are

The line-to-line voltages or simply line voltages Vab, Vbc, and Vca are related to the phase
voltages. For example,
Similarly, we can obtain


Thus, the magnitude of the line voltages VL is √3 times the magnitude of the phase
voltages Vp, or



Also, the line voltages lead their corresponding phase voltages by 30◦. Figure.(3a)
illustrates this. Figure.(3a) also shows how to determine Vab from the phase voltages,
while Figure.(3b) shows the same for the three-line voltages.
Notice that Vab leads Vbc by 120◦, and Vbc leads Vca by 120◦so that the line voltages sum
up to zero as do the phase voltages.
Figure 3. Phasor diagrams illustrating the relationship between line voltages and phase
Applying KVL to each phase in Figure.(2), we obtain the line currents as

We can readily infer that the line currents add up to zero,

so that


that is, the voltage across the neutral wire is zero. The neutral line can thus be removed
without affecting the system.
In fact, in long-distance power transmission, conductors in multiples of three are used
with the earth itself acting as the neutral conductor.
For easier understanding, you better read about balanced three-phase voltages first.
Power systems designed in this way are well grounded at all critical points to ensure
While the line current is the current in each line, the phase current is the current in each
phase of the source or load. In the Y-Y system, the line current is the same as the
phase current.
We will use single subscripts for line currents because it is natural and conventional to
assume that line currents flow from the source to the load.

Figure 4. A single-phase equivalent circuit

An alternative way of analyzing a balanced Y-Y system is to do so on a “per phase”
We look at one phase, say phase a, and analyze the single-phase equivalent circuit in
Figure.(4). The single-phase analysis yields the line current Ia as

From Ia, we use the phase sequence to obtain other line currents. Thus, as long as the
system is balanced, we need only analyze one phase.
We may do this even if the neutral line is absent, as in the three-wire system.
Balanced Wye-Wye Connection Examples
For better understanding let us review the example below:
1. Calculate the line currents in the three-wire Y-Y system of Figure.(5).

Figure 5
The three-phase circuit in Figure.(5) is balanced; we may replace it with its single-phase
equivalent circuit such as in Figure.(4).
We obtain Ia from the single-phase analysis as
where ZY = (5 − j2) + (10 + j8) = 15 + j6 = 16.155 21.8◦. Hence,

Since the source voltages in Figure.(5) are in positive sequence and the line currents
are also in positive sequence,
2.7 Delta Connected Balanced System
A balanced delta-delta connection system is a system where the source is delta-
connected where the load is also delta-connected.
Contents hide

1 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection

2 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection Example

A balanced Delta-Delta system is one in which both the balanced source and balanced
load are ∆-connected. 
Before moving on make sure you have read what is three-phase circuit first.
Since both the three-phase source and the three-phase load can be either wye- or
delta-connected, we have four possible connection :
 Balanced wye-wye connection (i.e., Y-connected source with a Y-connected
 Balanced wye-delta connection.
 Balanced delta-delta connection.
 Balanced delta-wye connection.
Balanced Delta-Delta Connection
The source, as well as the load, maybe delta-connected as shown in Figure.(1). Our
goal is to obtain the phase and line currents as usual.
Figure 1. A balanced ∆- ∆ connection
Assuming a positive sequence, the phase voltages for a delta-connected source are

The line voltages are the same as the phase voltages.
From Figure.(1), assuming there are no line impedances, the phase voltages of the
delta-connected source are equal to the voltages across the impedances; that is,

Hence, the phase currents are

Since the load is delta-connected just as in the balanced wye-delta connection, some of
the formulas derived there apply here.
The line currents are obtained from the phase currents by applying KCL at nodes A, B,
and C, as we did in the previous section:

Also, as shown in the last section, each line current lags the corresponding phase
current by 30◦; the magnitude I L of the line current is √3 times the magnitude I p of the
phase current,

An alternative way of analyzing the ∆-∆ circuit is to convert both the source and the load
to their Y equivalents.
We already know that ZY = Z∆/3. To convert a ∆-connected source to a Y-connected
source, see the next section.
Balanced Delta-Delta Connection Example
For better understanding let us review the example below:
1. A balanced ∆-connected load having an impedance 20 − j15 Ω is connected to a ∆-
connected, positive-sequence generator having V ab = 330∠0◦ V.
Calculate the phase currents of the load and the line currents.
The load impedance per phase is

The phase currents are

For a delta load, the line current always lags the corresponding phase current by 30◦
and has a magnitude √3 times that of the phase current.
Hence, the line currents are
Sample problem:

A star connected load consists of three identical coils, each inductance 159.2mH and
resistance 50ohms. If the supply frequency is 50Hz and the line current is 3 A determine
the (a) phase voltage and (b) the line voltage.

2.8 Wye-Connected Balanced Loads

A three-phase load is a set of three exactly similar combinations of electric
components arranged in exactly the same way (in series, parallel or other). The
reason to have three-phase loads is the higher power demand.
For instance, in the industry, the majority of motors are three phase, particularly the
larger motors that deliver large magnitudes of power to conveyors, pumps, blowers,
machine tools, and so on.
The three components in AC are resistors, inductors, and capacitors. In this sense, the
three-phase loads can be purely resistive (consisting of heating elements only), resistive
and inductive (like electric motors), and resistive, inductive, and capacitive (like many
motors that are accompanied by capacitors for various reasons).
Because the three separate sets of loads are identical and are simultaneously
connected to electricity, they are balanced. Thus, all three-phase loads automatically
form a balanced load for a three-phase circuit.
Dealing with three-phase loads is much simpler than if independent single-phase loads
are connected to a three-phase circuit.
 You May Also Read: Three-Phase System Theory Explained | Star and Delta
In fact, many of the relationships and calculations for three-phase loads resemble their
counterparts for single-phase systems. This is because the individual parts of the loads
on the three phases behave alike. For instance, in a load consisting of resistors and
inductors, there is a phase difference between the current and the voltage. For a three-
phase load this phase difference is the same for all the three phases, and, as a result,
we need to find it for only one phase.

Figure 1 Wye and delta connection of the same load.

For analyzing three-phase loads, we need to know the relationships between voltage,
impedance, current, power, and power factor, as well as power factor correction.
Again, here we have three types of power: active power, reactive power, and apparent
power. We need, though, to make a distinction between delta connection and wye
A three-phase load can initially be open, with six terminals to deal with. On the basis of
how these terminals are connected together and to the external lines they form a wye or
a delta connection. 
Figure 1 shows how the 6 terminals A, B, C, A′, B′, and C′ can be connected for wye
and delta connection. The two methods of connection are not equivalent and affect the
current and power taken from a circuit.
Dealing with unbalanced loads is more difficult, and each branch must be individually
analyzed and the results are put together.
Three-Phase Relationships for Balanced Loads
Referring to the following figure, which depicts the definition of line and phase currents
as well as line and phase voltages for both delta and wye connection of a load, the
following relationships always exist:

Figure: Definition of phase current and line current.

For wye-connected load,
IL=Iph (1)
VL=√3Vph (2)
For delta-connected load,
IL=√3Iph (3)
VL=Vph (4)
Current in a component can always be found by Ohm’s law. If the impedance of each of
the three elements of a three-phase load is denoted by Z, then
Iph=Vph/Z (5)
Equation 1 to 5 can determine all values if two of them are known.
Note that for a balanced load all the phase currents are equal and all the line currents
are also equal. Also, referring to Figure 2, although the line currents are equal in
magnitude, they cannot be in phase with each other.
As shown, for both the delta-connected load and the wye-connected load, at a given
instant while the currents on two phases are toward the load, the current on the third
phase is in the opposite direction (remember that in AC electricity the current direction
continuously changes; here the direction for current implies that if at a given instant its
magnitude is positive or negative).
Because the AC current continuously changes direction, those shown in Figure 2 are
momentary values and for one instant later the directions will be different.
We want to say that for a balanced load the three currents have the same relationships
as the voltages have. That is, for sinusoidal voltage the variation of currents is
sinusoidal and with a phase difference, and moreover, their instantaneous sum is zero.
I1 + I2 + I3 = 0 (6)
Figure 2 Instantaneous direction of currents in three-phase systems.
Equation 6 implies that at any instant the sum of the currents in the three lines of a
three-phase system is zero for balanced loads. In this sense, current I0, associated with
the grounded wire or the neutral line (when it is present) is zero. This is the reason why
the neutral line is smaller in size than the three-phase lines.
Power in Three-Phase System
The relationships for power for three-phase systems must be separately stated. There
are two aspects of power relationships, one is with regards to the three types of power
(active, reactive, and apparent), and the other is with regards to the fact that we have
phase voltage and phase current versus line voltage and line current.
The relationships between active, reactive, and apparent power can be seen in the
following equations:
PF=cos(phase angle) (7)
ActivePower(P) = Apparent Power∗Power Factor = S∗PF (8)
ReactivePower (Q) = ApparentPower∗sin(phase angle)
=S∗√1−PF2 (9)
But, then the expression for apparent power S for both delta connection and wye
connection of a load is
S=√3∗VL∗IL(10) Or S=3∗Vph∗Iph(11)
The two expressions in equations 10 and 11 are equivalent because, in the delta
connection, where the phase and line voltage are the same, the line current is  √3 times
the phase current and in wye connection that the line current and the phase current are
the same, the line voltage is √3 times the phase voltage.
Equations 10 and 11 must be used together with equations 8 and 9 in order to avoid
any confusion when a load is entirely resistive or entirely reactive.
When a load is entirely resistive, the power factor is 1 and the apparent power and
active power are the same.
Likewise, when a load is entirely reactive, for instance, when a set of capacitors are
connected to a line, the power factor is zero and the apparent power and the reactive
power is the same.
Star-Delta Switch
There are a number of facts that are being used in practical applications. These are
1. For the same load, the current in the line and the power consumption are smaller
(one third, to be more specific) if the load is connected in wye rather than delta.
2. By the same token, a generator can deliver more power if the windings are delta
For the above reasons, in order to reduce the initial current of certain applications,
particularly three-phase electric motors that have a high inrush current, a special type of
switch is used that connects a three-phase load to electricity in two stages.
In the first stage a wye connection is made by a first turn of the switch, and with a
further turn, the connection is changed to Delta. This arrangement is schematically
illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Schematic of a star-delta switch for starting three-phase motors.
First, points R, S, and T, which are the free ends of the load (winding) are connected to
A′, B′, and C′. This makes a wye connection, but if R, S, and T are connected to A, B,
and C (i.e., what is done after a further turning of the switch), then the load is delta
connected to the three-phase line.
Inrush current: Relatively high current that a motor initially experiences when connected
to electricity (at zero speed). Current decreases as the motor speeds up.
A star-delta switch, however, is a mechanical system, and it belongs to the technology
of the past. Nowadays, this technology is replaced with electronic switching; instead, for
starting motors a variable frequency drive (VFD) is employed, which also offers other
A variable frequency drive is based on AC-to-DC and DC-to-AC conversion, which can
also be regarded as a frequency converter. With such a device the frequency of AC
electricity can be varied. Hence, the rotational speed of a motor, which depends on the
line frequency, can be altered.
Furthermore, because this is an electronic device, it can be used for soft starting of a
motor by limiting the current. Thus, it provides the same advantage as the star-delta
VFDs come in various capacities (e.g., for driving a 0.5 hp motor or a 500 hp motor).
They must be capable of handling the required power by a motor; hence, their physical
size depends on the power that they can provide to a motor. A very small example of
such a device is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Example of a small variable frequency drive.

Sample Problem:
Three identical coils, each of resistance 10ohm and inductance 42mH are connected (a)
in star and (b) in delta to a 415V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply. Determine the total power
dissipated in each case.
(a) Star connection

Inductive reactance,

XL =2πf L =2π (50) (42×10−3) =13.19

Phase impedance,

Zp =√(R2 +XL2)

=√(102 +13.192) =16.55

Line voltage, VL =415 V

And phase voltage,

VP =VL/√3=415/√3=240 V.

Phase current,

Ip =Vp/Zp =240/16.55=14.50 A. Line current,

IL =Ip =14.50 A.

Power factor= cos φ=Rp/Zp =10/16.55 =0.6042 lagging.

Power dissipated,

P =√3 VLIL cos φ =√3 (415) (14.50)(0.6042) = 6.3kW (Alternatively,

P =3I2R =3(14.50)2(10)=6.3kW)

(b) Delta connection
VL = Vp = 415 V,

Zp = 16.55_, cos φ = 0.6042 lagging (from above). Phase current,

Ip =Vp/Zp =415/16.55=25.08A. Line current,

IL =√3Ip =√3(25.08)=43.44A.

Power dissipated,

P =√3 VLIL cos φ

=√3 (415)(43.44)(0.6042) = 18.87kW


P =3I2R

=3(25.08)2(10) =18.87 kW)

2. 9 Neutral currents

Exchange currents which carry no electric charge and mediate certain types of electrow
eak interactions. The discovery of the neutral-current weak interactions and the agreem
ent of their experimentally measured properties with the theoretical predictions were of 
great significance in establishing the validity of the Weinberg-Salam model of the electro
weak forces.

The electroweak forces come in three subclasses: the electromagnetic interactions, the 
charged-current weak interactions, and the neutral
current weak interactions. The electromagnetic interaction is mediated by an exchanged 
photon γ. Since the photon carries no electric charge, there is no change in charge betw
een the incoming and the outgoing particles. The charged-current weak interaction is m
ediated by the exchange of a charged intermediate boson, the W+, and thus, for exampl
e, an incoming neutral lepton such as the νμ is changed into a charged lepton, the μ-. In 
the neutral-current weak interactions, the exchanged intermediate boson, the Z0, carries 
no electric charge (hence the name neutral-current interaction), and thus, for example, a
n incident neutral lepton, such as the νμ, remains an outgoing neutral νμ.
The neutral
-current interactions were experimentally discovered in 1973, and have since been exte
nsively studied, in neutrino scattering processes. Very important information about the p
roperties of the neutral currents have been obtained by studying the interference effects 
between the electromagnetic and the neutral-current weak interactions in the scattering 
of polarized electrons on deuterium. Parity-violating effects in atomic physics processes 
due to the neutral weak currents have been observed, and predicted parity-violating nuc
lear effects have been searched for.

How to Calculate Neutral Currents


The neutral formula is used to calculate the neutral current.

The neutral current in a three-phase, four-wire wye system represents the imbalance of
the three-phase conductors, also known as the "hot" conductors. If the three hot
conductors are equal, as in the case of supplying a three-phase motor, there is no
imbalance and the neutral current is zero. In a single-phase system, the neutral carries
only the imbalance of the two hot conductors, an easy calculation. However, in a three-
phase wye system, even if only two of the three phases and the neutral run a single-
phase load, you must use the neutral formula.

Step 1

Note the neutral formula. If A, B and C are the three phase currents, the formula to find
the neutral current is the square root of the following: (A^2 + B^2 + C^2 - AB - AC - BC).

Step 2

Use example phase currents of five amps, eight amps and 10 amps. Square each of the
phase currents and add the total of the three numbers. Using these examples, the
squared numbers are 25, 64 and 100. The sum of these numbers is 189.
Step 3

Subtract each multiplied pair of numbers from the current total. AB, or five multiplied by
eight, is 40; AC, or five multiplied by 10, is 50; and BC, or eight times 10, is 80. The total
of these numbers is 170. This number subtracted from 189 leaves 19.

Step 4

Take the square root of the calculated number. The resulting number is the neutral
current. The neutral current in the example is about 4.36 amps.

7 Facts You Need to Know About Neutral Wire in a 3 Phase Circuit

Fact 1: You get two voltages from the 3 phase supply because of the neutral wire

Fact 2: You don't need a neutral wire for balanced loads

Fact 3: The current in the neutral wire is the phasor sum of all the line currents

Fact 4: Neutral wire carries out of balance current in unbalanced loads

Fact 5: A broken neutral wire changes the phase voltages when the electrical load is

Fact 6: A broken neutral wire changes the line currents in unbalanced loads

Fact 7: Unexpected voltage at the point of the broken neutral wire

Sample Problems:

The line currents in a 3-ph 4-wire system are Ia= 100<30 0; Ib = 5-< 3000; Ic = 30<1800.
Find the symmetrical components and the neutral current.
2.10 Delta Unconnected Balanced or Unbalanced Loads
The solution of the unbalanced delta-connected load consists in computing the phase
currents and then applying KCL to obtain the line currents. The currents will be unequal
and will not have the symmetry of the balanced case.

Sample problems:
A three phase, 339.4-V, ABC system [figure a] has a delta-connected load with
Zab = 10/00 ohms Zbc = 10/300 ohms Zca = 15/-300 ohms

Obtain phase and line currents and draw the phasor diagram
2.11 Three-phase Power Formulas
Supplementary Problems:


1. This Delta-connected three-phase power source provides three different voltage

levels: 120 V, 208 V, and 240 V. Determine which points of connection provide these

VAB = VBC = VAC = 240 volts VAG = VCG = 120 volts VBG = 208 volts

2. Explain the difference between a balanced polyphase system and an unbalanced

polyphase system. What conditions typically cause a polyphase system to become

ANS: A ”balanced” polyphase system is one where all line voltages are equal to each
other, and all line currents are also equal to each other. ”Unbalanced” conditions usually
stem from unsymmetrical loads, although severe imbalances may be caused by faults in
the system.

3. The line voltage to this three-phase load is 480 volts. How much power (total) is
dissipated by the load? How much current is there in each line supplying the load?
One more question: write an equation for calculating power in a balanced, three-phase
circuit, given line voltage and line current only.

Ptotal = 27.648 kW Iline = 33.255 A

4. If RR‘, YY‘ and BB‘ constitutes three phase sequence if V ‘RR = Vmsinωt its

corresponding field magnets are in clockwise direction, then V ‘YY =?

Answer: c
Explanation: If the field system is rotated in the anticlockwise direction, then the
sequence of voltages in the three phases are in order RBY. The value of V ‘YY is V‘YY =

5. The value of V‘BB in the question 9 is?

Answer: a
Explanation: The value of V‘BB is V‘BB = Vmsin(ωt-240⁰). There are only two possible
phase sequences; they are RBY and RYB.
6.  In a two phase generator, the armature has two distinct windings that are displaced
__________ apart.

Answer: b
Explanation: Single phase voltages and currents are generated by single phase
generators and the armature of such generator has only one winding or one set of coils.
In a two phase generator, the armature has two distinct windings that are displaced 90⁰
apart. θ= 90⁰.

7. Calculate the full-load line current for a three-phase motor, given a horsepower rating
of 150 HP, an efficiency of 93%, and a line voltage of 480 volts. Assume a power factor
of 0.90 for full-load conditions.

ANS: Iline = 160.81 amps


Calculate all voltages, currents, and total power in this balanced Delta-Delta system:

Eline =
Iline =
Ephase(source) =
Iphase(source) =
Ephase(load) =
Iphase(load) =
Ptotal =
Hide Answer
Eline = 230 V
Iline = 7.967 A
Ephase(source) = 230 V
Iphase(source) = 4.6 A
Ephase(load) = 230 V
Iphase(load) = 4.6 A
Ptotal = 3.174 kW

Be sure to ask your students to describe how they arrived at the answers to this
question. There is more than one place to start in determining the solution here, and
more than one way to calculate some of the figures. No matter how your students may
have approached this question, though, they should all obtain the same answers.

What resistor values would we have to choose in a Delta configuration to behave

exactly the same as this Y-connected resistor network?

Answer: Each resistor in a Delta-connected network must have a value of 900 Ω, to be

equivalent to a Y-connected network of 300 Ω resistors.
There exist long, complicated equations for converting between Y and Delta resistor
networks, but there is a much simpler solution to this problem than that! Challenge your
students to solve this problem without resorting to the use of one of those long
conversion formulae.

A common three-phase source connection scheme is the Delta high-leg or Four-wire

Delta, where each phase coil outputs 240 volts:

Identify the different voltages obtained from this coil configuration, and which
connection points each voltage is measured between.

VAB = 240 volts V BC = 240 volts V AC = 240 volts

VAN = 120 volts V BN = 208 volts V CN = 120 volts

The usefulness of this connection scheme should be clearly evident: three different
voltage levels may be accessed for use in powering circuits. Usually, the coils shown
are secondary windings of three different transformers, the primary windings connected
to a set of three-phase high voltage power lines. In many cases, a heavier-duty
transformer is used for coil AC than for coils AB or BC due to the number of 120 volt


1. A three-phase, three-wire, balanced, delta-connected load yields wattmeter readings
of 1154 W and 557 W. Obtain the load impedance, if the line voltage is 141.4 V


2-4. Three impedances of 10.0/53.13o ohms are connected in delta to a three-phase,

CBA system with an effective line voltages 240 V. Obtain the line currents.

5-7 Three impedances of 4.20/-35o ohms are connected in delta to three-phase, ABC
system having VBC = 495.0/0oV. Obtain the line currents.


1-5. Determine the complex power, apparent power, average power absorbed, reactive
power and power factor (including whether it is leading or lagging) for a load circuit
whose voltage and current at its input terminals are given by:












1-6. For a 208-V three-phase ideally balanced system shown below, find;

a. the magnitude of the line current

b. The magnitude of the load’s line and phase voltages

c. The real power cosumed by the load;

d. The reactive power cosumed by the load

e. The apparent power cosumed by the load

f. The power factor of the load







2.6 Wye-Connected Balanced System

1-2. A Y-connected balanced three-phase generator with an impedance of 0.4 + j.03

ohms per phase is connected to a Y-connected balanced load with an impedance of 24
+ j19 ohms per phase. The line joining the generator and the load has an impedance of
0.6 + j0.7 ohms per phase. Assuming a positive sequence for the source voltages and
that Van= 120/30o find: (a) the line voltages, (b) the line currents

3-5. For the Y-Y circuit, find

a. the line currents

b. the line voltages

c. the load voltages.

6-7. If Vab= 400 V in a balanced Y-connected three-phase generator, find the phase
voltages, assuming the phase sequence is

(a.) abc

(b.) acb

8. Calculate the complex power at the source and at the load

9. A three pahse motor can be regarded as a balanced Y-load. A three-phase motor

draws 5.6kW when the line voltages is 220 V and the line current is 18.2 A. Determine
the power factor of the motor.

Answer: pf= 0.8075

10. Calculate the line current required for a 30-kW three-phase motor having a power
factor of 0.85 lagging if it is connected to a balanced source with a line voltage of 440 V.

Answer: 46.31 A

1. Is it possible to generate the effect of a balanced three-phase delta connected source

with only two voltage sources? If so, how? Let us start with three sources arranged in a

delta as shown below,

Answer: Yes, you can generate a perfect, delta-connected voltage source configuration
with just two sources

2-3. For delta-delta circuit, calculate the (a.) the phase currents (b.) line currents
A positive-sequence, balanced delta-connected source supplies a balanced delta-
connected load. If the impedance per phase of the load is 18 + j12 ohms and Ia = 9.609
/35o A, (a.) find IAB (b.)find VAB

4-6. A balanced star connected 3 phase load of 10ohms per phase is supplied from a
400V 50Hz mains supply at a unity power factor. Calculate (a.) the phase voltage (b.)
the line current (c.) the total power consumed


a. Phase Voltage: 230.9 V

b. Line current: 23A

c. P = 16kW


1-4. A balanced Y-connected load, with impedances 6.0/45o ohms, is connected to a

three-phase, four wire CBA system having effective line voltages 208V. Obtain the four
line Currents.

5-7. A balanced Y-connected load, with impedances 65.0/-20o ohms, is connected to a

three-phase, three-wire, CBA system where VAB = 678.8/-120o V. Obtain the three line


A Y-connected source with phase voltages Vag = 277<0 0, Vbg = 260<-1200 and Vcg =
295<1150 is applied to a balanced delta load of 30<40 0 ohms/phase through a line of
impedance 1<850 ohms. The neutral of the source is solidly grounded. Draw the
sequence networks of the system and find the source currents


1-2. The two-phase balanced ac generator of Fig. 11-22 feeds two identical loads. The
two voltage sources are 180oout of phase. Find, with the given Vp = 110 Vrms and Z = 4
+ j3.

(a) the line currents, line voltages, and their phase angles,

(b) the instantaneous average powers delivered by the generator.


3-4. Repeat Problem but with the two voltage sources of Problem 11.1 90 oout of phase.


A three-phase, three-wire CBA system, with an effective line voltage 106.1 V, has a
balanced-connected load with impedances Z = 15/30o ohms. Obtain the line and phase
currents by the single-line equivalent method. Referring to Fig. 11-28,

A three-phase, three-wire system, with an effective line voltage 176.8 V, supplies two
balanced loads, one in delta withZ¼1508and the other in wye withZY¼10308. Obtain
thetotal power.First convert the-load to Y, and then use the single-line equivalent circuit,
Fig. 11-29, to obtain the line current.
All references retrieved from the web December 2020:

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