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500 mL all-purpose flour TOPPING
30 mL sugar 30-40 mL butter, melted
10 mL baking powder 175 mL brown sugar
3 mL baking soda 5 mL cinnamon
3 mL cream of tartar (opt)
90 mL butter, room temp. ICING
250 mL milk or buttermilk 175 mL icing sugar

1. Preheat oven to 425oF.
2. In medium sized bowl, mix dry ingredients, and then cut in butter with
pastry blender.
3. Add buttermilk, stirring with fork until dough holds together.
4. Roll or pat into a rectangular shape on counter, using flour. Roll into
23 x 30 cm shape. Spread with melted butter. Sprinkle with brown
sugar and cinnamon (topping).
5. Starting from long side, fold over twice, so that you have a 5 cm strip
that has 3 layers. Cut into 3-4 cm slices.
6. Twist each slice (right hand twists away from you and left hand
toward you) so that it looks like the figure 8. Place on greased and
floured (or parchment paper lined) cookie sheet.
7. Bake until golden brown. Bake about 12-15 minutes.
8. Fill a 250 mL measuring cup with 175 mL icing sugar. Stir while adding
1 mL water at a time, until it has
a thin spreading consistency.
9. Drizzle or brush icing over warm

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