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Meánscoil na Nollaig 2010

mBráithre Críostaí 1860 - 2010

Celebrating 150 years
Cill Chainnigh in Kilkenny
FOREWORD of the generosity and the selflessness of many of our
young men in the areas of fundraising and consideration
Our Christmas 2010 School Newsletter is intended to keep of people who are less well-off in modern society both at
parents and students informed of the many curricular home and abroad.
and extra-curricular events and activities taking place
I would like to pay tribute to two members of staff who
throughout the first term. The celebrations to mark
departed from the staff during the first term. Mr. Tom
the 150th Anniversary of the School continued into this
Keane retired after thirty seven years of service at the
academic year with a Staff Day in the Edmund Rice
C.B.S, during which time he taught Irish and Geography
International Heritage Centre in Mount Sion in Waterford
but also made an outstanding contribution to the extra
last August facilitated by Dr. Denis Robinson, Head of
curricular life of the school particularly in the area of
Religious Education at Marino College of Education. In
training and preparation of hurling teams. Carmel
marking ‘Foundation Day’(September 24th 1860) there
Sumner resigned her teaching post after sixteen years of
was a host of student-based activities in the week of
teaching French, English and Geography at the school. I
September 20th-24th including an Under 14 Hurling Blitz
am sure I am with you in wishing both staff members all
( Jim Langton Cup and Shield) among fellow CBS Schools,
the best and I hope indeed that they will enjoy happiness
and an outdoor School Concert featuring musical talent
and fulfillment into the future.
from all year groups. All First Years visited the birthplace
of Edmund Rice in West court, Callan. There was also a In wishing the school community well for Christmas
Basketball Blitz in which there were lots of participants. and the New Year, I would like to acknowledge and pay
On September 24th we had a whole School Mass in St. tribute to the generous support that parents continue
Mary’s Cathedral followed by a reception in the school. to give, even in these most difficult times .It means that
In the evening the Mayor of Kilkenny Martin Brett and the school can continue to provide as much as possible in
both academic and extra curricular activities.

Nollaig shona do gach duine daoibh.

Tom Clarke,

other members of the Borough Council joined Staff and

Past Pupils for an official tour of Kilkenny Castle followed
by a Banquet in the Castle.

In a year in which we are faced with the impact of cutbacks S���������� �����;
and economic difficulties life continues in C.B.S Kilkenny School re-opens Monday January 10th 2011
in a spirited and undaunted fashion. In this Christmas First Year Parent/Teacher Meeting
edition much evidence of the positive and vibrant spirit of Thursday February 3rd 2011
many of our students in terms of academic, cultural and Fifth Year Parent/Teacher Meeting
sporting pursuits. In addition these are heartening stories Thursday January 20th 2011
TRANSITION YEAR KAYAKING the hospital in order to accommodate the less mobile
residents. Mince pies and festive finger food were served
ADVENTURE thereafter in the staff canteen allowing the choir both
sustenance and praise for their performances. A special
KILKENNY C.B.S. T.Y. STUDENTS TAKE TO THE WATER. word of thanks must be extended to our excellent Musical
Over the past few weeks groups of Kilkenny C.B.S. Director Ms. Mandy Dowling and her able assistant Ms.
Transition Year Students travelled to Clashganny Lock Catriona Evison for all their worthwhile efforts with the
on the River Barrow to test their skills in canoes. This choir over the past number of weeks.
adventure proved exceptionally popular with the boys.
The fun and enjoyment is balanced in equal measure with Educational Outings
education in water safety. For many this experience is a The entire cohort of TYs have had several outings over
first and some students continue to involve themselves in the past number of months beginning with their visit to
canoeing/kayaking after the initial introduction to these the National Ploughing Championships in Athy at the end
sports. The C.B.S. would like to thank the facilitators in of September. This was followed by a full day of activity
the Sheilbaggan Outdoor Education Centre for making kayaking on the River Barrow between Clashaganny Lock
this adventure such an enjoyable one. The Sheilbaggan and Graignamanagh during the first week of October
OED transport all the necessary canoes and equipment where the lads enthusiastically splashed about and
from Ramsgrange to Clashganny and the students learned rapidly how to navigate the weirs. Each TYP
paddled their way from there to Graiguenamanagh. The class has at some stage participated in a guided tour
event was meticulously organised by T.Y. Co-ordinator of Dunmore Caves and St. Canice’s Cathedral as part of
Mr. Gerard Morrissey and will be long remembered by the Heritage Studies module in History. Recently the
the enthusiastic participants. Food Science class had an outing with Ms. Ormond and
Ms. Dooley to a chocolate factory in Co.Wicklow. The
Since their return for induction into Transition Year at Watergate Theatre became the Mecca for the youth of
the end of August last, our TY students have been fully Kilkenny on the 4th November when stand up comedian/
engaged in all facets of the Programme. One aspect of actor Ger Carey wowed the TY students with his one
the Programme challenges each of them to develop a man performance in ‘Psycho Spaghetti’, ‘a look inside the
more positive and self confident personality which will mind of a teenager’. Although experience suggests that
allow them to interact and engage successfully in their many teenagers incline between being either critical or
dealings with people in the wider society. Indeed some blasé about such things, it was no mean feat when all the
of the TY students have been involved in the Community CBS TYs subsequently wrote first rate reviews of Carey’s
Care Social Studies module and the reports received by performance and are indeed eagerly anticipating ‘Psycho
the school to date have been highly commendatory of our Spaghetti 2’ when it returns to the Watergate in early
boy’s efforts each Thursday afternoon in such institutions February next year.
as St. Patrick’s Special School on the Kells Road, St. Mary’s
Day Centre on the Fair Green and SOS in Seville Lodge. Kilmainham Gaol – Christmas on Ice
Furthermore each TY class have at some point in the last Unfortunately the wintry weather played havoc with the
few months assisted with a flag day collection for Crumlin Dublin History Trip/Christmas on Ice excursion scheduled
Children’s Hospital, Irish Wheelchair Association, The for Thursday 9th December last. However all has not
Friends of St.Colomba’s Hospital and in the case of the been forfeited to the snow. This outing to Kilmainham
O’Neill Centre (Enable Ireland) their efforts managed to Gaol has been rescheduled to take place on Friday 10th
raise € 1570.00.

Christmas Carols in St. Colomba’s Hospital for the

The school choir of which there are twenty five TY students,
journeyed to Thomastown on Friday 10th December for
their second annual visit to entertain the residents and
staff with a selection of Christmas carols in the hospital
church. Tenor Conor Brassil moved the entire assembly
with his performance of ‘Holy Night’. The service which
also included instrumental music and a poignant reading
of Patrick Kavanagh’s poem, ‘A Christmas Childhood’ by
Liam Meighan was televised to each ward throughout CBS Transition Years prepare to take to the water
January upon our return to school. No doubt many TYs
have evolved the requisite balance and deft footwork over
the past icy few weeks to set them up for the challenge of
the Arnotts roof top ice rink that afternoon.

Work Experience
Presently the TYP students are out on their Work Experience
placements. The objective of this very important module
is to promote the vocational development and education
of the student through the experience of adult working
life. Given the difficult nature of our economy at present
our ability to place our students with businesses and
traders has been challenged. However we continue to TY Annual Carol Service In St. Columba’s Hospital
enjoy an enormous degree of goodwill throughout our
local economy and for that we are entirely grateful.
We are also grateful for the cooperation and efforts of
parents and guardians to guarantee suitable placements
on behalf of their sons.

Seasons Greetings
Finally on behalf of all the staff and teachers involved with
the TY Programme we thank you all sincerely for your
genuine interest and support and wish you are yours a
very happy Christmas.
Gerard Morrissey
TYP Coordinator Transition Year Visit To Dunmore Caves


For the first time C.B.S Junior Cycle Students can choose Home Economics as an Exam subject at Junior Certificate
Level. With healthy eating and the preparation of healthy food becoming more and more of an international concern,
the introduction of Home Economics to our younger students is both prudent and practical in light of the growing
concerns globally of proper practice in this vital area of our daily lives. C.B.S. Home Economics teacher Nell Ormond
recently assembled the initial First Year classes for this new departure in our school. So far the enthusiasm and
reaction of these First Year pioneers has been wonderful as they engage this innovative change. The course provides
both practical and theoretical elements and has proved to be a popular choice with our newest arrivals to the school.
What’s on the menu lads??


SENIOR HURLING REVIEW Ollie went on to thank the C.B.S. staff for their support
throughout the years both on and off the field. Well done
A mixed campaign so far with plenty of positives along to all concerned and we wish these young men further
with plenty to work on. Our League campaign began with success in the years ahead. Mol an oige agus tiocfaidh
a walkover from Colaiste Eoin which left us somewhat siad.
unprepared for our 2nd fixture against Good Counsel.
After a slow start in which we conceded 1-2 in the
opening six minutes we slowly got to grips with the pace
of the game and ran out eventual winners on a scoreline
of 1-13 to 1-9, the goal coming from Kevin Kenny. Best
performers were Owen McGrath, Jack Langton, Eoin
Fennelly and Danny Lenihan.

Our final league game was against Carlow Colleges and

after a poor start to the game C.B.S. ran out easy winners
on a 5-15 to 2-6 scoreline. Best performers on the day
were Shane Cuddihy, Shane Cassin, Peter Vickery, Matty
Houlihan and Mark Croghan.
Back : Anthony Forrestal and Gary Gaule
Next up was a league Semi-final against Castlecomer. Middle : Ollie Walsh and Peter Vickery
Once more we were far too slow out of the blocks and Front : Brian Kennedy, Owen McGrath
the concession of two early goals left us with a mountain and Stephen Farrell.
to climb. Despite rallying early in the 2nd half C.B.S. were
beaten 3-9 to 0-10 with only one of the forwards scoring ANNUAL CONCERN FAST
from play. Best performers were Owen McGrath, Ciaran
Doyle, Matty Houlihan and Joe Keohane. IN KILKENNY C.B.S.
On 15th November last Clare Quigley and Dee Clare of
The team are currently under going a winter training
Concern visited our school and spoke to eight groups
program under the management team of Mr. Dwyer, Mr.
of C.B.S. students about the ongoing work worldwide
Clarke, Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Ruth. A number of games
of their organisation. Despite the recent economic
have been organised over the coming weeks with the focus
downturn in Ireland and its incessant media saturation,
on giving our best performances in our championship
it became quite apparent to the attentive audiences
matches which begin in the middle of February.
that there are many parts of the world that are infinitely
worse off than we are. Concern began its work in 1969
ALL-IRELAND MINOR TROPHY in Biafra, now known as Nigeria, bringing much-needed
VISIT TO C.B.S. food and medical supplies to that country following
the outbreak of a devastating famine. In 2010 Concern
On Friday October 22nd Kilkenny C.B.S ground to a halt operates in 28 countries mostly on the continents of
as the whole school community gathered to welcome Africa and Asia becoming one of the world’s best known
Kilkenny Minor Manager Richie Mulrooney and 7 current and acclaimed charitable organisations in the intervening
and former students to the school in celebration of 41 years. Concern is an apolitical organisation otherwise
Kilkenny’s All-Ireland Minor success in 2010. A packed known as an NGO (Non Governmental Organisation).
gymnasium greeted each player in enthusiastic fashion During the highly interesting and educational talks given,
as Principal Tom Clarke announced each player onto the the students learned about the workings and structures
stage. A former C.B.S. student himself, Richie Mulrooney of Concern and the global problems it faces on a daily
paid tribute to the school’s contribution to Kilkenny’s basis. The 5 main areas of Concern throughout the world
hurling successes and was warm in his praise for Ollie are emergencies, livelihoods, education, health and HIV.
Walsh, Brian Kennedy, Owen McGrath, Anthony Forrestal, Students were informed that monies raised provides food
Stephen Farrell, Gary Gaule and Peter Vickery for their and shelter, skills and training, seeds , tools, workshops,
dedication and commitment to the All-Ireland success this well digging, medicines, education and even road
year. Midfielder Ollie Walsh spoke to the huge gathering repairs in certain situations. The diversity of their work,
on behalf of the players and was very forthcoming in while comprehensive, is also staggering. At the present,
his praise of the school’s promotion of Gaelic Games. Concern are very involved in Pakistan helping to alleviate
the devastation of earthquakes and flooding, and also in
Haiti where cholera is rampant having claimed the lives
of over 900 people thus far.

The annual Concern Fast has been an important part of

the C.B.S. calendar for many years and has raised sizeable
funds for countless numbers of people. Through the
enthusiasm of C.S.P.E. teacher Ms. Catriona Evison and
the goodwill of our staff and students we hope to play
our part again this year by participating in the Fast which
takes place in December. The awareness of the plight of
others in a worse situation than ourselves can only help
us through our own relatively minor difficulties and make
us better people in the long term. Concern Speakers Clare Quigley & Dee Clare with Ms.
Catriona Evison.

On Thursday afternoon the 23rd September , there were
many bemused but pleasantly surprised passers-by on
Kilkenny’s James’s Street. In fact many people stood and
listened for a considerable time as some of our balladeers,
troubadors , crooners and rockers served up a wonderful
and eclectic mix of music for over two hours. The Student
body and Teachers alike were treated to helpings of
superbly delivered music and song from some excellent
collective and individual performers. Thankfully the rain
stayed away for the duration of this 150th Anniversary Conor Brassil on Keyboards
Concert even though the sky overhead looked ominous.
Notable performers on the day included Aaron Gallagher
(guitar and vocals), Paddy Corr (guitar and vocals) Adam
Nolan (saxophone and drums) Conor Brassil (keyboards
and vocals) and Ryan Hitchcock (guitar and vocals) but
in truth everyone who participated demonstrated high
levels of professionalism and skill that belied their years.
Music Teacher Mandy Dowling had the line-up well
prepared ensuring a really smooth change over between
acts. In excess of thirty Students strutted their stuff
showing C.B.S. to be a real hotbed of musical talent.

Emmett Conefry

Aaron Gallagher Givin’ It Socks..Adam Nolan.

Kieran White, James McGlynn, Jack White Music Teacher Mandy Dowling and CBS Chaplain
and John Tracey. Fr. Jim Murphy

Enjoying The Music. Fr. Jim Murphy and Principal Mr.Tom Clarke


Congratulations to Cathal Kenny, Eamon Carroll and Cathal
McGovern on securing Entrance Scholarships to three of
Ireland’s Universities for the Academic year 2010/2011.
Cathal Kenny was awarded a Sports Scholarship in UCD,
Cathal McGovern a Science Scholarship in NUI Maynooth
and Eamon Carroll is currently on a Scholarship studying
History and English in Trinity College Dublin. Well done
to all three students and we wish them every success in Left : Eamonn Carroll
their future careers. Right : Cathal McGovern
Below: Cathal Kenny
Concern Debating
The Transition Year Concern debating team has had two rounds in the first league against Rochfortbridge
and Kilbeggan. The final two rounds in the league phase will be held in January.

Leinster Schools Debating Competition

Six senior students, Aaron Gallagher, Mihai Focsa, Alan Doyle, James McGlynn, Michael Long and Conor Stewart
went to Trinity College Dublin in November to compete in a debating competition run by the Literary and Historical
Societies of TCD and UCD. Two students, Alan Doyle and Aaron Gallagher, were successful in getting through to the
second round. The second round will take place after Christmas.


Kilkenny C.B.S. marked its 150th Celebrations on the
Hurling pitch by hosting the first Jim Langton Juvenile
Hurling Blitz at the Dicksboro Grounds in Palmerstown. The
Competition included 8 teams in all with Christian Brothers
backgrounds. The host School fielded 2 teams and the
rest of the field comprised Naas C.B.S., Dungarvan C.B.S.,
Callan C.B.S., Thurles C.B.S., Clonmel C.B.S. Blackwater
C.C. (formerly Lismore C.B.S.). The action kicked off at
10am and after a series of 20 minute matches the Cup CBS Principal Tom Clarke, Jim Langton,CBS Captain
and Shield Finalists were known. Competition surprise Corey Cahill and PJ McCormack.
packages Naas C.B.S. hurled very well and secured a spot The 2 Trophies were proudly presented by the legendary
in the Cup Final where their opponents were Clonmel Jim Langton’s son Jim Langton Jnr whose father, by the
C.B.S. and Thurles C.B.S. were pitted against Kilkenny way, captained the first Kilkenny C.B.S. Senior Hurling
C.B.S. in the Shield decider. Both Finals were played team to win a Leinster ‘A’ Colleges title way back in 1935.
simultaneously at 2pm and both proved to be keenly Kilkenny C.B.S. Principal Tom Clarke was on hand to
contested and highly entertaining affairs. The Shield Final assist in the presentation and the School would like to
was a real ding dong battle with both teams enjoying express its deepest gratitude to the Langton Family, the
periods of dominance and a late Kilkenny C.B.S. rally was participating Schools, Dicksboro G.A.A. Club, Kilkenny
crucial in edging out Thurles C.B.S. at the death. The Cup County Board and our referees on the day, Eamon
Final was equally tight with lots of hefty challenges from Mansfield and Martin Quilty. Credit also to Competition
two teams not lacking in strength and size. After normal organisers PJ McCormack and Ivan Doherty.
time they couldn’t be separated on the scoreboard and
that necessitated two periods of 5 minutes of extra-time. COMPETITION RESULTS;
Clonmel got their noses in front and despite a gallant and GROUP ONE.
sustained Naas fight back, the Tipperary Academy held Kilkenny CBS 3-6 Callan CBS 0-3
on for victory. Dungarvan CBS 0-1 Clonmel CBS 1-15
Callan CBS 3-2 Dungarvan CBS 1-4
Kilkenny CBS 0-3 Clonmel CBS 1-4
Kilkenny CBS 5-9 Dungarvan CBS 2-1
Callan CBS 0-2 Clonmel CBS 0-5

Thurles CBS 1-7 Blackwater CC 1-3
Kilkenny CBS (2)0-2 Naas CBS 3-4
Kilkenny CBS (2)0-6 Thurles CBS 1-11
Blackwater CC 1-1 Naas CBS 4-6
Blackwater CC 1-6 Kilkenny CBS 0-4
Jim Langton Shield Winners Kilkenny C.B.S. Thurles CBS 0-5 Naas CBS 2-7
JIM LANGTON CUP FINAL. The team can look forward to the Leinster Shield with
Clonmel CBS 1-8 Naas CBS 0-8 (AET) hope after such encouraging performances. The loss of
flanker Adam Nolan through injury is a big blow but with
JIM LANGTON SHIELD FINAL. plenty of talent on the bench we should be able to cope.
Kilkenny CBS 3-10 Thurles CBS 1-14. A final word to say congratulations to team captain
Darren Bawle who represented Leinster in the “A” Schools
team, beating Ulster and Munster and winning the Into-
SENIOR RUGBY Provincial Cup
A promising season so far for the Senior Rugby Team. Hopefully we will have more silverware to add to Darren’s
Although knocked out of the Leinster Schools Cup in the trophy this season.
Quarter Final stages, CBS Kilkenny have put in some very
encouraging performances.
The first round put CBS up against old rivals Tullow CS,
with Kilkenny edging out the Carlow team 24-22, despite
being 12 points down with ten minutes gone in the second
half. A confident display from scrum half Matthew McWey
who linked his pack and backline well got CBS over the
line in the end. A try saving tackle from No. 8 Brian Howe
preventing Tullow from stealing it at the death.

Leinster Schools Cap Darren Bawle.

Senior Rugby Panel

Darren Bawle rises high in Clongowes College!
Darren Knox.
Next up were Scoil Chonglais from Baltinglass. In dry John Curtain.
conditions out in Foulkestown the CBS were just too much Conrad Cooper.
for Baltinglass with newcomer Jamie Glennon having a Jamie Glennon.
superb game at second row. By the end of the game CBS Ciaran Roche.
had ran in 9 tries to Baltinglass’ 1 leaving the final score Adam Nolan.
57-7. Centre Peter Walsh running in a hat trick of tries. Michael Walsh.
A walkover from Wexford CBS put Kilkenny into the Darren Bawle (C)
Quarter final but an away trip to Enniscorthy proved too Matthew McWey.
much and we were on the wrong end of a 28-0 score Sean Moran.
line, despite brave efforts from captain and Leinster star Keith Malone.
Darren Bawle and prop Darren Knox. Peter Walsh.
However the season was not over and a trip to Clongowes Liam McWey.
Wood College, one of the powerhouses of Irish Schools David Allen.
rugby, was up next for a friendly. In cold but dry conditions David McGeary.
the team put in a great performance to win 59-19 against Evan Walsh.
Clongowes. Impressive performances from all, but Ciaran Brian Delaney.
Roche, Sean Moran and David McGeary stood out. A trip Robbie Corcoran.
down to Kilkenny from Clongowes is expected in the New Mihai Fosca.
Year and with a much more experienced Clongowes team Dean Malone.
promised the score will be much closer next time. Michael Long.
Former C.B.S. students and Traditional Music enthusiasts
John Tuohy, Michael Foley and Colm O’Caoimh returned
to James’s Street recently for a Traditional Music
Workshop with groups of current C.B.S. Music students.
These classes were both entertained and educated as a
series of jigs and reels were played with much gusto and
afterwards the various individual features of these genres
were discussed and explained in close detail Fifth Year
student Joe Bollard, armed with his banjo, joined in for
the final few renditions of some well-known Irish tunes.
The C.B.S. would like to express its appreciation to John
Tuohy (Uilleann Pipes), Michael Foley (Uilleann Pipes)
and Colm O’Caoimh( Guitar) for taking the time to share Traditional Music Workshop Nov 2010
their love of Irish Music with the present Music students.


Kilkenny C.B.S. continued a longstanding tradition by
taking part in the 2010 Rotary Kilkenny Youth Leadership
competition. Four Fifth Year students were short-listed
(Cian Lawlor, Seb Ryan, Simon Cuddihy and Joe Bollard)
through a series of in-house interviews and from this
quartet Joe Bollard was selected to represent the C.B.S.
in the Kilkenny finals on Monday 8th November. Joe
acquitted himself very well and showed outstanding
student leadership skills and has a great future ahead of
him. In recent years former C.B.S. students John Campion
and Adrian O’Higgins represented C.B.S. and Rotary
Kilkenny in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
CBS Rotary Finalist with Ms. Lucy Ryan.

This season has once again seen the C.B.S U-19 team
enter the Carlow – Kilkenny League with high hopes.
Things however did not get off to the best of starts with
the team suffering a 3 - 1 defeat in our opening game to a
very strong St. Mary’s side in Carlow. Amends were made
however in the following game, when Tullow Community
School were comprehensively beaten by three goals to
nil at The Watershed, with a Tullow own goal and strikes
from Chris Valentine and Sean Maguire inflicting the
damage. Much now depends on our eagerly anticipated
clash with our city neighbours St. Kieran’s in the new
year, which will in all likelihood decide the participants in
this year’s final.
The school is excited to also be entering a team at U-14
level this year for the first time under the stewardship of
Mr. Hobbs. We look forward to following their progress in
the coming months. Eoin Kavanagh in action at the Watershed.
The Students’ Council Elections for the
academic year 2010/2011 took place
on October 22nd. Two students were
elected to represent each year from
1st year right up to 6th year.

When the Students’ Council was

selected there were further elections
within the Council under the guidance
of the Student Council Liaison Officer
Ms. Nolan-Kennedy to elect a P.R.O.,
a Chairperson, a Secretary and a BACK. Ms. Nolan-Kennedy, David Leahy, Conor Ryan, Thomas Horvath,
Treasurer. The following officers were Darren Doyle, Darragh Nolan
and Jason O’Brien.
elected Thomas Horvath (Chairperson),
Jason O’Brien (Secretary), Conor Ryan FRONT. Marcus Stapleton, John McEvoy,
(Treasurer) and Darragh Nolan (P.R.O.) Richard Kelly, John McInerney, Karl Tobin
and Sean Meehan.

The Council meets once a month to

discuss problems and issues arising
within the school helping to make the
school a more pleasant environment
for students.

Providing a quality learning and living experience is a priority at

C.B.S., James’s Street, Kilkenny.

Meánscoil na mBráithre Críostaí, Cill Chainnigh.

Phone: 056 - 772 1402
Fax: 056 - 776 3652

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