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BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

Student name: _____________________________________________________________________

Date submitted: _______________________________



Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for BSBCUS402 Address customer needs .
You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

This unit is assessed through the following:

Assessment Requirements Method of Assessment

Short answer questions Written activity

Case study Case study

Project Project

Assessment Task 2 from BSBCUS401 Case study

Assessment Task 3 from BSBCUS401 Project

All assessments will ensure that the principles of assessment and rules of evidence are adhered to. The
principles of assessment are that assessment must be valid, fair, reliable and consistent. The rules of
evidence state that evidence must be sufficient, valid, current and authentic.
If reassessment is required, you will be given the chance to resubmit the assessment task. You will have up
to three opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment is still
not satisfactory your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment.

Agreement by the student

 
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? Yes No
 
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? Yes No
 
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? Yes No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? 


If yes, what are they?

 
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? Yes No

Student name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Assessor name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 2 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Assessment Task 1: Short answer questions

Complete the questions below. You are required to answer all questions correctly. If incorrect answers
are provided, your assessor will identify if there are gaps in your knowledge and understanding and will
work with you to make arrangements for reassessment.

Question 1

List three communication techniques you might use to help your customers tell you what their needs are.

1. Verbal communication consists of delivering your information by the utilization of the vocable . If you'll
give clear and straightforward to follow directions over the phone, then you're an honest verbal

2. Non-verbal communication includes the utilization of visual communication and facial expressions.
Actors are the masters of this sort of communication as they need to be trained to portray the emotions or
deliver whole messages just by the way they hold their body and position their facial expressions.

3. written language is just the conveyance of data or instruction by utilizing the word . this sort of data
exchange is usually the simplest , especially for people that are uncomfortable with face-to-face encounter

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Question 2

A client comes to your workplace and tells you a product is faulty. It is under manufacturer warranty. The
customer must return the product to the manufacturer for a replacement. How would you explain this to the
customer in a way that is sensitive and respectful?

If the provided product is in manufacturer warranty then the product must be returned to the
manufacturer and to make this understand explain this to customer I will at first understand the full issue of
the customer and then make him go through the terms and conditions and the procedure which the client
should follow if an issue occurs to the product .

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 3 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Question 3

What communication strategies can you use to establish regular communication with your customers to let
them know about products and services that might meet their needs?

1. Listen actively

Did you ever get the sensation , when lecture someone, that you simply were really lecture a wall? The
person may have heard you but gave no indication of it in the least . Avoid doing an equivalent thing. When
communicating with others, it's even as important that folks remember that you're listening because it is that
you're actually listening.

2. Be sensitive to differences in technical knowledge

Chances are, your customers have less technical knowledge than you are doing . take care , therefore, when
explaining things to them. If you employ acronyms, make certain you identify what the acronym means.

3. Use analogies to elucidate technical concepts

A good thanks to explain a technical idea is to use an analogy. Though they need limitations, analogies are
helpful in explaining an unfamiliar idea in terms of a well-known one.

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Question 4

Think about the job you currently have. What types of networks can you establish to refer customers to
products both internal and external to your organisation? If you are not currently working, pick a job you
would like to have and think about some appropriate networks.

1. Informal-touch networks
There are general business organizations that allow multiple people with various overlapping professions to
do so. These groups usually meet monthly and often host mixers where everyone mixes informally. They will
also hold meetings with invited speakers to discuss important business issues or concerns related to
regulations, community relations or local business programs. They provide participants with an opportunity to
make useful connections with many other entrepreneurs in the group.
2. Strong contact:
Strong contact referral groups are classified as associations whose aim is primarily to help members exchange
business referrals. All of these classes meet regularly, usually over lunch or brunch. Most of them limit
membership to one member per occupation or specialty. Solid contact networks provide highly tailored tools
for you and your associates to start planning your referral marketing strategies.

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

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Question 5

It is important to make sure that customer service is targeted to your workplace’s products and services.
How could you make sure that the information you have about customers is up to date?

1. There are variety of the way you'll make information available, including by email, as a printed copy, on a
disk, or by arranging for the requester to look at the knowledge . Normally, you ought to send the knowledge
by whatever means is most reasonable.

2. You ought to countercheck that you simply have included the right documents, which the knowledge you're
releasing doesn't contain unnoticed personal data or other sensitive details which you probably did not shall

3. You ought to make sure that staff liable for answering requests understand the way to use common software
formats, and the way to strip out any sensitive metadata or source data (eg data hidden behind pivot tables in

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Question 6

Describe three communication techniques you could use when interacting with someone from a
different culture or background to your own.

1. Learn about the culture beforehand: a touch knowledge can go an extended way. If you've got time before
embarking on a visit or meeting with someone from another culture, attempt to take time to find out the
essential do’s and don’ts of that culture. you'll find information on this from internet sources like those
provided by the National Center for Cultural Competence.

2. Expect differences: Different cultures will speak at different volumes, be more or less direct in emotionally ,
may or might not expect to interact in small talk, and exhibit other dissimilarities in communication. When
communicating with people from other cultures, be prepared to encounter such differences, including ones
that you simply weren't conscious of.

3. Be respectful and tolerant: Each culture has its own set of dominant values, beliefs, and prejudices. Signs of
those may emerge when communicating with people from other cultures. Basic communication, however, it's
not the time to gauze people supported these differences. Instead, respect them for what they're , and tolerate
them. you'll even learn something new.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

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Question 7

Describe two communication strategies you could use when interacting with someone who has a
hearing impairment.

1. Face the hearing-impaired person directly, on an equivalent level and in good light whenever possible.
Position yourself in order that the sunshine is shining on the speaker's face, not within the eyes of the

2. Speak clearly, and distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements. Shouting
distorts the sound of speech and should make speech reading harder.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Question 8

Why is it important to document processes used when meeting customer’s needs?

Correctly identifying the customers’ needs is very essential to making sure the customer's satisfaction and
loyalty. And if you fail to properly identify the customers’ needs, or if you are indifferent to their needs, they
will replace your business with somewhere else.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 6


Question 9

Why is it important to document customers’ satisfaction with products and services they have been
offered or purchased?

An approach that points at the particular benefit the customer is after. It’s meant to filter the possible
options of products supported features that grant this benefit. If the customer doesn't need but wants a
product (remember the distinction), the advantage of the merchandise is quite abstract and not practical –
like its recentness, its design or its trendiness.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Question 10

Think about one of the jobs you have had, or the one you currently have. What is your workplace’s
procedures and standards for customer service? Provide examples of how you follow (or followed) them.

Customer Service Standards

External clients
In a courteous and knowledgeable way, we will salute our clients.
We will respond appropriately to the requests of our clients and take the appropriate steps immediately to
assist them. We will keep our clients updated about unforeseen service delays.
When they may anticipate completion and any delays that can occur in the process, we will remind our
clients about normal process time.
Internal Clients
In a courteous and knowledgeable way, we will communicate with each other.
When they may anticipate completion and any delays that might occur in the process, we will remind our
internal clients about normal process time.
We will touch base with our internal customers regularly, either via e-mail or phone, to inform them as to
where we are in the process.
By addressing issues directly and working on agreed-upon solutions, we will work to address problems with
colleagues and other department.

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No
Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 7 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Question 11

You are talking to a customer who is trying to describe their needs. You identify that your organisation
cannot help, as it does not have the exact product/service. How would you help satisfy your customer’s
needs in this situation?

When a customer comes whose needs for a product does not match with any of our product or whose product or

service is not available to us then we can at first need to make understand the customer that the described product is

not present in our organization but we can provide the best match product or service that we can offer. And then we

will need to outline all the required specifications and qualities of the product or service that we are offering and how

it is similar to that one asked. But if the customer is not satisfied from the services or products, we are offering then

we can at least direct the customer to that organization that can meet his or her conditions so at the least the bond

between the customer and us cannot be broken.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 8 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Question 12

Later that week, you are talking to a customer about a product of a particular brand being promoted in your
store. The customer has had inferior products from this brand in the past and they do not want to purchase
any more in case they experience the same issues.

They do, however, want to purchase the type of product (for example, think of a toaster, television, vacuum
cleaner etc) and want it to have similar or the same specifications. How would you help them?

At first the issues that occurs in the past products of that brands needs to be understand very well and it

is really very important to understand if those issues were just be chance or that brand is having that

issues in all products or due to some defective parts. And same is for the customers.

Then we need to show all the products we have of the similar type that the customer wants to purchase

and also give a brief comparison between all of them to make the customer understand about each and

every product so that they can make a good choice according to them.

Satisfactory Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 9 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Question 13

Abeera is a Muslim woman who dresses in full burqa. She does not speak English. She is accompanied by
her 8-year-old son, Khazin, who translates the conversation. Abeera seems to be getting frustrated, and you
are worried that her son is not telling her the right information. What should you do?

As Abeera is a woman so it will be much better if she is attended by a female partner of mine, so
I will just at first ask my partner to understand what she wants to say in a better way. And then it
will be much better to communicate with Abeera and show her the products and services she is
asking for with the help of my partner.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 10


Question 14

Erica is in her 60s and represents her husband, Sebastiano. Sebastiano is a regular customer, and you have
known him for some time, but he is currently quite ill and cannot leave the house. Erica demands a product that
she believes her husband wants, but based on all your previous interactions with Sebastiano, you do not think he
needs or wants this particular product. How would you deal with this situation effectively?

At first, I will make my best attempts to understand what Erica the wife of Sebastiano is asking for

from my experience and her descriptions. But if I disagree with the product she is demanding then I

would try to learn more what she is saying and also suggest her from my experience that this might

not be the product Sebastiano is wanting. And then if no conclusion comes out then I will handout

the product the wife is asking for and ask her to do not open or break the seal without confirming

from Sebastiano and if he disagrees then we would assure you that the product will get replace with

the required one.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

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Question 15

Kaley is hearing impaired and mostly communicates through sign language. She appears to be in her early
20s. Kaley has arrived with a young girl called Alita. She and Kaley sign vigorously back and forth. A couple of
times they look over at you, give each other a few quick signs and giggle. You feel a bit uncomfortable and
don’t know what to do – are they serious or are they being silly? Alita approaches you and explains that while
Kaley is able to lip read to a certain extent, she still needs to sign to Alita so she can translate the

How do you communicate with both Alita and Kaley in this situation?

As Kaley is having hearing impaired so I will take all the necessary descriptions through Alita and

Kaley easily and then accordingly will show the products and mention their specifications and details

to the Alita which she will using the sign language will translate to Kaley. And this way I will

communicate to both Alita and Kaley in which Alita will mostly work as a mediator or translator

which will translate my language to sign language to tell Kaley. As Kaley can be able to speak so

there will be no problem to listening to Kaley and understanding what she needs.

Satisfactory 
Verbal Questioning required
 
Yes No Satisfactory
 
Yes No

Assessment Tasks BSBCUS402 V1.2-07-01-2015.docx PAGE 12 BARKLY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE PTY LTD.

Assessment Task2: Case study

It is a quiet day at LBN. Dominic, one of your salespeople, is talking to a customer about mobile phones. He
is relatively new at the job. You can see that Dominic is struggling to answer questions and you catch his
eye. He comes over to you and explains that the customer wants to know a lot of different things and he isn’t
quite sure how to answer some of the questions.

You tell Dominic you will take over. You walk over to the customer and introduce yourself. Your customer’s
name is Merrick.

1. What techniques can you use to get as much information as possible from Merrick?

I can verbally ask Merrick the required specification and features he wants in the mobile phone
and the budget he is having.
I can also provide Merrick with a form in which he will mention the required features which he
wants in his mobile phone.

After a short but detailed discussion, you understand that Merrick definitely wants the following from
his chosen phone:
 Expandable storage (ie memory card)

 Is not locked down to certain software or operating systems

 At least a 4.7” screen.

 Relatively new on the market so he can buy accessories.

 A high quality camera that is also front-facing.

 This is an outright purchase.

2. Based on Merrick’s needs, what type of mobile phone should you not sell him?

According to the required specification I will not sell Merrick a normal keypad mobile and a
mobile that is limited to certain software or operating systems, or the mobile whose screen size is
less than 4.7`` or the mobile not having a front camera or have low quality camera and the mobile
phone which are not new in the market.

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3. Research the Internet and fill out the table below for each of these three phones.

Expandable Camera Op system Screen size New on Outright

memory market purchase

Phone 1: Nexus 4 No 8MP, 1.3MP Android 4.2 4.7`` No Yes

Phone 2:
Samsung Galaxy Yes 13MP, 2MP Android 4.2 5.00`` No Yes

Phone 3: HTC No 4UP, 2.1MP Android 4.1 4.70`` No Yes


Merrick also mentions that he would like the phone to be water resistant and have 4G capability, but this is
not necessary. He is just curious to see what is out there.

4. Research the Internet and find a phone that may suit these particular needs.

The Mobile I found which is best suited for Merrick is Samsung M51 whose specification are as
Expandable Memory: Yes
Camera: 64MP, 32MP
Op system: Android 10
Screen size: 6.7``
New on market: Yes
Outright purchase: Yes

5. Refer to the three phones in question 3. In your opinion, prioritise the devices in order of
preferred order. Explain why you have ordered them in such a way.

According to me the preferred order will be Samsung Galaxy S4, Nexus 4, and HTC one because
Samsung has most features as specified like the expandable memory and android and camera
quality, while after that Nexus 4 as it has more advance version of the operating system.

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6. What should you do in this situation to ensure Merrick can make an informed decision about
his purchase?

To make sure that Merrick can make an informed decision about his purchase I would present all

the mobile phones with all the features they have and what advantages each one of them have over


Merrick decides he would like to check out the Nexus 4 just for comparison’s sake, but your store is not able
to stock it. Merrick would like to look immediately so that he does not regret his decision. You know that
there are a couple of mobile phone stores at the local shopping centre who stock the phone and may have
a demonstration one available.

7. What should you do in this situation to ensure the best customer service experience for Merrick?

To provide the best customer service experience to Merrick I would ask one my co – worker to

borrow the mobile as asked from the local shopping centers nearby on rent just for the

demonstration to the customer.

Merrick returns about an hour later and says that he wasn’t sure about the Nexus 4 and has decided to buy
the Samsung. He says he could have bought the phone at the mobile shop but has decided to come back
to you as you took the time to explain everything to him and were polite and friendly in your approach.

Merrick buys his phone and a case for it. You give him a discount on the case and he is very happy. His
purchase is recorded on your system.

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8. What types of information would be added to the system Merrick? Think about your interactions
with him as part of your answer.

In the system I would add the information about Merrick like his name, contact number, address,

and email address and then the details of the mobile phone he bought that is model name, price,

particular specifications and also the discount provided and the time taken by Merrick to buy the

mobile phone and his satisfaction from our service.

Merrick mentioned during your conversation that his laptop is quite slow and he was concerned how long it
would take to transfer his data onto the new phone.

9. How could you use this information to target Merrick for future customer service opportunities?

We can use his mobile number and email address to take the feedback, and time to time also deliver

some offers on our store or any special discount we are having on our product in order to attract

Merrick to buy some more products from our store.

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Assessment Task 3: Project

This task requires you to think of a business in your area that your friends and family frequent. For example,
it could be the local supermarket, Bunnings, Officeworks, a local department store, a bank, etc.

Chose 10 people to provide you with feedback – these people could be your friends, your co-workers or
your family.

This feedback will be used to identify their needs in relation to this business and how satisfied they currently
are with this business’s products and/or services and its delivery of them.

Get feedback about the following:

 Pick several products/services provided by the business - what do your respondents think about the
business’s products or services – this can include concepts such as value for money and product
quality/service delivery.

 How well the staff know their products and services

 How well the staff treat their customers.

 How they rate the business against its competitors (list them if you need to).

 Any other questions you feel might give you more information.

Your research is be used in a classroom workshop that will help you to further explore how businesses can
help meet and exceed their customers’ needs.

1. Create the feedback mechanism – this might be a survey or an interview – and provide them to the 10
people you have chosen. You might like to research the Internet for some examples of feedback
forms or surveys.

2. Review the information and identify any common threads – for example, do a lot of people think the staff
are not very friendly or do not know about what they are selling or providing?

3. Write a short summary (no more than half a page) that describes how this business either meets or does
not meet its customers’ needs. You can use a table like the one shown below.

Customer needs Does the business If yes, how? If no, why not?
meet this need?

4. Look at the items that did not meet customer needs. Explain how the business could attempt to meet
these needs.

5. Based on your feedback, identify areas of difficulty in customer service delivery. What might make it
difficult for the organisation to make changes?

6. Now prepare a short presentation (no more than 10 minutes in duration) that you will present to your
class that summarises the outcomes from the feedback obtained. Include the following:

 What products and/or services were your customers happy with? What could be done do to make things
even better?

 Did the feedback provide any surprises or negativity? (Explain why for either yes or no answers.)

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