How To Make A Critique Paper

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How To Make A Critique Paper

For you to be able to write an excellent critique paper, you must have some background
information on the field of the subject of the work. As a graduate student in information
technology and other related course, it is expected that you have obtained sufficient
knowledge and background in the field of your interest. This will help you identify the
strengths and flaws of the work you are critiquing. Here are the parts of a critique paper.

Parts of a Critique Paper

1. Introduction
Start  by introducing the work you are critiquing. Assume your audience has not come
across the work before. The readers of your critique do not know the author either. Also,
state the work’s context (include the complete details or information of the article-the author/s, year
published, title of the article, journal to which the article is published, volume number and pages ). The
introductory paragraph should end with what some instructors call ‘thesis statement.' It is a
sentence summarizing your evaluation of the work as  positive, negative or mixed.

2. Summary
Give  an overview of the main ideas of the work. The key points you will highlight form the
basis of your critique. This is what you will ‘criticize’ in the next paragraph. Make sure that
you mention all the  main points.
Note: You might be tempted just to state  your ideas of interest in the critique, which is not
professional. Your  critique should be fair and honest.

3. Critique
This  is the body of your work. It should, therefore, be a comprehensive assessment of the
item you are critiquing. Your critique should not be inclined to the negative opinions only. It
should address both the achievements and failures of the creator. Some of the guiding
questions  and statements to consider in your evaluation are as follows;

 Were the objectives of the work achieved? (Discuss your proof)

 Are there assumptions made by the author and how do they affect the
effectiveness of the work?
 Evaluate or assess the methods (research design, sampling design, respondents, instrument
used, data gathering procedure, statistical analysis) that were used.
 Are the author’s claims well supported? Is there enough evidence for the claims?
 The body of the critique depends on the article being assessed.
 Your assessment should be having examples from the item you are critiquing to
support your judgment. Evidence from external sources should be included too
and cited accordingly.
4. Conclusion
It  should be concise, indicating your overall assessment and the reasons  for your
judgment. You may also suggest improvement recommendations to the creator of
the work. Below the concluding paragraph, add a reference list for all the citations
included in the critique.

Papers to critique (1-locally and 1-internationally published

Published research articles in online journals in the field of information technology, computer
science or computer engineering, preferably programs, systems or applications developed and
existing. No to development of systems.

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