Chapter I INTRODUCTION Background of The

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The evolution of Technology nowadays increasingly gives higher impacts

to users all over the world. Computer Technology is the basic necessity in the

modern everyday life. It has made most of the daily activities easier faster and

more accurate. It is also used from communicating or even from the other sectors

that uses computer with internet connectivity, in which people can access

anytime the different websites like Facebook that most us or even children can

access. It serves us tool for communication across the globe. It simply makes the

world smaller.

Websites are intended to provide rich information and quality service. It

acts as a connecting line between diverse individuals around the world. As an

internet tool, it is in itself diverse in many ways depending on the content that the

website provides. Having a computerized system in an organization makes the

tasks easy, because it will help to access data in a shorter period of time unlike

the manual form that can duplicate errors in the part of the concerns.

There is an urgent need for it at present since the numbers of members

arise and the manual process of managing student records and schedule of

events is no longer being practiced. This study aims to provide the organization

and members convenience and quality management of data that would replace

the manual transaction of the registration.

A Website-Philippine Society of Information Technology Students-SKSU

Chapter serves as an information desk of the general public who would like to

know about the events and at the same time the bridge of the members to the

organization. Through this, students and teachers and other interested people

can conveniently access to the information they need anytime.

A website supports improvement in students’ care and safety. One of the

concerns of the proposed study A Website-Philippine Society of Information

Technology Students-SKSU Chapter is to manage a number of students

registered in this particular organization that continually increases every year.

Managing information can become increasingly difficult especially if everything is

done manually. By observing the management process of Philippine Society of

Information Technology Students organization the researchers have thought of

developing a website that will help the organization in providing safe, quality

information, improving the efficiency and effectiveness.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

This study generally aims to develop a website and evaluate its

effectiveness. This website will be of great help for the advancement of the

Philippine Society of Information Technology Students and members, the College

of Computer Studies alumni, administrators, faculty, staff and other stakeholders

of the University.

Specific Objectives:

This study specifically aims to:

1. Provide artistic designs for every webpage;

2. Provide features such as; download and upload files, search engine,

forum, private and public chat facility and registration (sign- up, login

and log out)and site maps.

3. Provide Philippine Society of Information Technology Students related

information through Newsfeed or Advertisement.

4. Provide manageable tracer web portal for the Alumni of the College of

Computer Studies; and

5. Evaluate the website in terms of:

5.1. Effectiveness;

5.2. Accessibility;

5.3. Functionality; and

5.4. Acceptability.

Significance of the Study


TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS-SKSU CHAPTER will be beneficial to the following:

1. PSITS Members/Students

2. Administrators, Faculty and Staff

3. Alumni

4. Researchers

5. Future Researchers

To the PSITS Members/Students. This will enable the members to become

updated with accurate and complete information about the different programs

and activities of the organization.

To the Administrators, Faculty and Staff. They can be updated with the

different programs and schedule of activities. They can also share their ideas and

opinions to the members.

To the Alumni. They can access in this website anytime they want after

receiving the registration information during the alumni home coming.

To the Researchers. It can help the researchers easily manage tasks provided

for the automated transaction online.

To the Future Researchers. It will serve as a guide for them to make their study

better by considering this website as references by getting some ideas on how

to create or manage it.

Scope and Limitation of the study

The system or website will be developed to help the Philippine Society of

Information Technology Students –SKSU Chapter officers to process transaction

fastly and accurately. The system will also be designed for the needs of the


The features like downloading and uploading of files, search engine,

forum, private chat facility and registration in which you can easily update

information about the organization are provided. Only members of the website

can download or upload files in the website. Moreover, the files to be

downloaded or uploaded should not be more than 25 mb.

For the search engine, one can search different events, schedules and

other related features and information about the organization.

For the chat facility this will be limited in private facility where one can

communicate with other people and exchange ideas.

In registration, students can access anytime they want enjoying the

features of the website but only the members of the organization will explore the

whole features of it while the others who want to access with this site will be

registered as a guest. For the alumni registration one can only be registered if

they have a series of codes given during alumni homecoming.

The related information through newsfeed or advertisement can easily be

updated. Students can get all information they want, such as events or different

programs provided by the administrators. It is then limited only to the

administrators posted information.

The manageable web tracer portal for the College of Computer Studies

alumni can help give information about other alumni and updates about the

events’ schedule. It is limited only to those who are registered with a code.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally and theoretically as used

in this study.

Database- is an organized collection of data.

E-learning- is the use of technology to enable people to learn anytime

and anywhere.

Homepage- index page, or main page is a page on a website.

HTML (Hypertxt Markup Language)- is the standard markup language used to

create web pages.

HyperLink- is a word, group of words, or image that you can click on to

jump to another document.

Internet- is a global system of interconnected computer networks that

use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) .

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – The System Development Life

Cycle (SDLC) process applies to information system

development projects ensuring that all functional.

Social Networking - is the practice of expanding the number of one's business

and/or social contacts by making connections through


Webmaster- also called a web architect, web developer, site author,

or website administrator, is a person responsible for

maintaining one or many websites. 

Webpage- is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide

Web and the web browser

Web Portal-  is most often one specially-designed Web page which brings

information together from diverse sources in a uniform way. 

Web Resource-  is primitive in the web architecture, and is used in the

definition of its fundamental elements.

Website- is a set of related web pages served from a single web


World Wide Web- is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via

the Internet.


This Chapter deals with the related literature and studies related to the

study entitled A Website-Philippine Society of Information Technology Students-

SKSU Chapter.

Related Literature

The virtual science fair at Innovations began in 1996 and was a worldwide

science fair contest for elementary and secondary science students where

entrants published their science projects on the World Wide Web. Students who

visited the Web site were given guidelines for their Web pages and instructions

on how to enter the contest. Once students uploaded (sent) their projects to

Innovations, judges viewed the projects on-line and conducted interviews via


Acquaro, Paul D. and DeMarco Marianne L.(April2014),An Exploratory

Case Study: What Makes a Good School Website: Investigation of Long Island

School District Website Homepages Across Socioeconomic Status, Retrieve


Culture, Marketing and the Internet

Companies communicate with their clients, customers and partners using

marketing tools. In order to build good, trustful relationships companies need to

understand consumers. That’s why in marketing perspective communication and

culture are very important concepts to study. In other words it can be said that

these categories are connected and interrelated with each other. The researches

of Geert Hofstede and Hall have been used in a number of studies for analyzing

marketing and consumer behavior.

Chirkova Alexandra (March 2014) Pepsi across cultures: analysis and cross-

cultural comparison of Pepsi websites Retrieve from

Related Studies

A study by Nancy L. Neal (1995) highlighted the use of the World Wide

Web as a research tool and a platform for student publishing. Neal studied the

progress of Dr. Prudhomme's fifth grade social studies class in Albemarl County,

Virginia at the Virginia L. Murray Elementary School as they researched topics

which focused on the formation of the United States. The students converted

their reports to html documents and published them as a collection of student

works entitled Birth of the USA. The World Wide Web was introduced to the class

as a supplementary research tool and as a medium to publish their reports when

they were finished. The act of publishing the reports was an integral part of the

assignment. Neal noted the students' progress and attitudes while she recorded

her observations in a journal. Neal concluded that students “seemed especially

enthusiastic, ” and that “here again this study lined up with previous research”.

A related study conducted by del Rosario (2007) entitled “Technology

Integration in Teacher Education Programs in the Philippines,” revealed the

complexity of integrating technology because of many variables, that are by

themselves complex, impact technology integration. Accordingly, these variables

include national, state and school policies;  state and local technology plans;

funding; teacher skills; the rapidly changing nature of technology; learning goals

and objectives; teacher training and professional development; and technology

support. The results of del Rosario’s study also point to emerging themes found

to be attendant in technology integration, to wit: within the framework of

developing countries, the influence of modernization and the desire of these

countries to become modernized and developed by using ITs as strategic tools;

whether IT is introduced as an added course or infused in the curriculum; the

evolving nature of technology, in particular the emerging trend of mobile

technology and how this impacts technology use. 

Marcial, Dave E. (March 2014) ICT in Teacher Education in Region 7:

Benchmarking, Training, Technology Development, and Evaluation towards

Innovative Teaching and Learning Retrieve from 23,2014

Driving Force

At least three driving forces accelerate web site use as a means for marketing

and transaction of tourism products and services: the Cyber Trends Technology

(McCann, 1997); restructuring within the tourism industry; and the interplay of the

previous factors with the dynamic tourism market.

Tourism Web Content

Research on the effectiveness of tourism web sites from the content

perspective is still scarce identified the challenges in the design of a destination

information system, examined design options, and proposed system architecture

that exploit current technological advances in heterogeneous distributed

databases, intelligent multimedia communication, and global electronic

commerce. People access the web for the content. Successful tourism web sites

provide great content in both information and services that cater for travelers'

needs however, suggests that content alone is almost useless in an

Internetworked environment, especially if the content is available more readily

through another medium.

Web Content Quality

Content quality of a web site may be measured from the web site

content’s currency, accuracy, usefulness, comprehensiveness, in formativeness,

innovativeness, and professionalism. The following sections discuss the first

three items; content currency content accuracy, and content usefulness


Effective web sites need to update their site design and content constantly

because people do not come back to a static web site. Notes that successful web

sites do not stand still, but are continually maintained and developed to match

their customers’ expectations.


A measurement that is often used for a web design is a usability testing. If

a web site were usable, but totally useless, nobody would care. Web sites that

are not useful do not increase business objective. She outlines several goals that

must be met on the audit; ensure useful content and features for each of a site's

unique user types, communicate this content to the appropriate users, and make

content accessible and useable. Discovering how users intend to use the site

and working to accommodate users' needs are important steps to increase web

site usefulness.

Web Design

From the design perspective, an effective web site can be measured from

its speed, ease of use, interactivity, visual presentation, and accessibility.These

graphics take a considerable space, which means that they take a long time to

download. As users demand speed, companies will be forced to designing pages

with more content value than fancy appearance (Brobst, 1995).Countless web

site owners and designers are pushing to develop ever more “glitzy” pages with

heavy graphic use, which further undermines the Internet speed. However, there

is now some move back towards less graphic concentration and more towards

getting the content right, especially among electronic commercial sites.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is one of the keys to successful web sites. However, many

sites have not paid enough attention on the ease of use of their web design.

Studies found that people’s biggest concern about cyberspace is losing their way

– a process known as “info-tunneling”. Info-tunneling happens when people click

on anything that catches their attention, and click further and further until

becoming absolutely lost not knowing where they came from and not sure where

they have ended up.


Accessibility here means two things: the visibility of sites to audience and

accessibility by people with a disability. Making a web site highly visible can be

done in many ways: placing an advertisement in popular sites or in on-line

magazine relevant to the business having a web address which signifies the

company, registering the site in search engines, directories and award. Most web

sites have not considered their accessibility in terms of giving access to people

with disability (Alschuler, 1998).

Zulfikar Mochamad Rachman, John Buchanan, (March 2014) Department

of Management Systems University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand, Effective

Tourism Web Sites

Zulfikar Mochamad Rachman V. and Buchanan John S. (March 2014)

Effective Tourism Web Sites, Part 1: Retrieve from

Qualities of a “Good” website

Not only does the content count when measuring the quality of the site, so

does the overall structure of the website. Sites should have an eye-catching

home page, be easy to navigate, have all live links, include credible information,

have clear directions, host attractive visuals, be interactive, include contact

information, have user control, and be fun to explore. (Riccardi, Easton & Small,

2004). And lastly, sites should be accessible to all and provide quality

motivational materials for students, parents and teachers School websites started

making a presence on the web in the mid 1990’s, with their goal being simply to

have a presence on the web.

Creating a School District Website

Because the Internet is a powerful communication tool for teachers,

students, parents and community, it makes sense to develop a website that

provides information about what is going on in school (Washenberger, 2001).

Through the use of technology both in and out of school on this project the

students “develop skills that are critical to their success in their future education

and the workplace” (Monahan & Tomko, 1996). Not only do student learn the

different software that they are using to create such projects, they are also

developing their research skills, increasing writing ability, as well as, learning to

work as a team and how to make decisions as a group.

Benefits of Web Resources

Technology is growing and changing the way that we educate our

students. Online educational web resources are an increasingly large part of a

student’s academic career. In order to prepare for this level of e-learning, schools

must make it a priority to educate their teachers on various new technologies

through Professional Development and support teachers in their development of

their technological skills. Schools need to change the culture of the school

environment to focus on technology and what better place to start then the

school website. The Internet provides learning opportunities and resources for

students of all academic levels, as well as for students with Learning Disabilities.

Input Process Output

The design
Transaction of Philippine Society of Information of theStudents.
Technology website.
Assess A Website-Philippine Society of Information Technology Stude
Effectiveness of the System.
The problems encountered in developing website
Measure the address of the problem identified.


Figure I. The Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Study

Input - This frame includes the Existing Manual Transaction of Philippine Society

of Information Technology Students in which the researchers shall seek of all

information needed for the development of the proposed website.

Process - The second frame consists of the processes to be done in order to

complete the project design. This involves the System Development Life Cycle


Output- This frame includes the output of the project design, A Website-

Philippine Society of Information Technology Students- SKSU Chapter.


This chapter presents the Project Development Description with materials

and methods that the researchers will undertake in the conduct of the study.

Project Development Description


These materials are needed for designing and developing the proposed


Table 1. The Minimum Hardware Specification

Processor Intel Core i3-2348 M 2.3G

Modem Tp-Link

Memory 2GB DDR3

LCD 14.0 “ HD LED

Hard Disk 500GB

Printer EPSON L210


Table 2. The Minimum Software Specification

Scripting Language Php 5.2.5

Java Script
Database Application XAMPP Application
Operating System WINDOWS 7
Photo Editor Adobe PhotoShop CS4


This chapter provides enough and detailed process to be undertaken in

making this proposed study A Website -Philippine Society of Information

Technology-SKSU Chapter. The researchers will use the System Development

Life Cycle (SDLC)






Figure 2. System Development Life Cycle (Waterfall Strategy Model)

Sets of related activities are organized into phases:

1. Planning Phase;

2. Analysis Phase;

3. Design Phase;

4. Implementation Phase;

5. Support Phase;

Planning Phase

In the planning phase, the researchers plan to help the Philippine Society

of Information Technology Students Organization to form an automated

transaction online because of some conflict encountered in manual transaction or

process. The researchers think of possible solutions to the problem that they

encountered during enrollment such as the collecting of membership fee,

managing the students records specifically on the College of Computer Studies.

The researchers also considered ways to provide a safe transaction improving

the efficiency of the manual transaction. Economic feasibility will also be

considered. A Website- Philippine Society of Information Technology Students-

SKSU Chapter will be launched accordingly as soon as the researchers meet all

the requirements needed.

Analysis Phase

In the analysis phase, the researchers will gathered certain information

related to the proposed study by means of reading some articles, providing

question for the interview of the chosen clients and observing the manual

transaction of the organization. The researchers will define the requirements to

be used in the system by providing some diagrams such as data flow, context

and many more. These requirements will be gathered are on the needs and

wants of the chosen clients based on the interview. The researchers will think

about the possible instances in forming this kind of study by conducting an onsite

observation and collecting data that will focus on solving problem trough the

conduct of the study.

Design Phase

In the design phase, the researchers will decide on what kind of

software will they use to develop the proposed study. The list of requirements

that is developed in the planning phase can be used to make design choices. In

this phase, one or more designs are developed with which the project result can

apparently be done depending on the subject of the project. The product of the

design phase can include the data flow diagram, data flow, Adobe Photoshop

cs4 and HTML screen designs. The researchers will use this design to choose

the definitive design that will be produce in the project. One project will involve a

number of integrated designs and database which are quite important to the

success of the project. It will be designed and integrated by the system tools that

can be used to lay-out the page with similar to other pages, for the assurance

that is unique and simple.

Implementation Phase

The implementation phase will begin when the project is nearly finished.

The result will be presented to the clients who are curious. In this phase, the

construction of the actual project result begins. The researchers will be occupied

with encoding, designing that involves developing graphic materials and building

actual reorganizations. This project will become visible to the outsider for

verification and testing, it is evaluated according to the list of requirements, and

to the designs. It is also important that the changes that have been chosen are

well documented in order to prevent later misunderstanding.

Support Phase

In this phase, the researchers will ensure that the proposed study are fully

meets the requirements and has enabled the correction. Everything will be

arranged that is necessary to bring the project to a successful completion. The

researchers will provide instructions and training for all the users particularly on

the Philippine Society of Information Technology Students Organization.

Moreover the researchers will try to make few repairs and upgrade on the

designs to maintain and enhance the website.

SKSU PSITES Basic Information

SKSU PSITES Basic Information


Advertisement & News SKSU PSITES Updates,
Advertisement & News

Registration Information
CCS Alumni Information
Download, Upload, Search Forum & Chat
User Information
Download, Upload, Search Forum & Chat OF INFORMATION
Employment Information TECHNOLOGY
Registration Information STUDENTS-SKSU
with Verification Code

SKSU PSITES Basic Information


ALUMNI SKSU PSITES Updates, Advertisement
& News

Fig. 3 Context Diagram of the Proposed Study

Field Name Data Type Length

User ID int 50
Last Name varchar 200
First Name
tblUser varchar 200
MI varchar 50
Course varchar 50
Sex varchar 50
Email varchar 200
Username varchar 100
Password varchar 50
Confirm Password varchar 50

Field Name Data Type Length

Alumni ID int 50
Last Name varchar 200
First Name varchar 200
MI varchar 50
Sex varchar 50
Address varchar 200
Course varchar 50
Year Graduated int 50
Occupation varchar 100
Email varchar 200
Username varchar 100
Password varchar 50
Confirm Password
tblSearch varchar 50

Field Name Data Type Length

Search ID int 50
Title varchar 50
Description varchar 100
Keyword varchar 50
Link varchar 100

Field Name Data Type Length

Admin ID int 50
Last Name varchar 200
First Name varchar 200
MI varchar 50
Sex varchar 50
Address varchar 200
Position varchar 50
Email varchar 200
Username varchar 100
Password varchar 50
Confirm Password varchar 50
Field Name Data Type Lenght
User ID int 50
Topic varchar 100
Filename varchar 200
Date date 50
URL varchar 200

Field Name Data Type Length

Comment ID int 50
Name varchar 100
Comment varchar 200


Fig 6. Database Structure

Member ID Last First Name MI Age Sex Address Email Username Password Confirm
Name Password
0001 Ma Lovelyn L. 21 F Kalamansig malovelyn@ Love 123456 123456
Sul. Kud.
0002 Parayray Rosalie L. 20 F Isulan Sul. rs_licor@yahoo redrose 11201988 11201988
Kud. .com

Alumni Last First MI Age Sex Address Occupation Email Username Password Confirm
ID Name Name Password
1001 Orfrecio May A. 19 F Lambayong IT Prof. mhitsorfrecio Mhits 123456 123456
Ann Sul. Kud. @
1002 Ledesma Kareen L. 21 F Isulan Sul. Housewife kareenledessm neka 10021991 10021991

Admin Last First Name MI Ag Se Position Address Email Userna Passwor Confirm Password
ID Name e x me d
0001 Ma Lovelyn L. 21 F Kalamansig malovelyn@ Love 123456 123456
Sul. Kud.

0002 Parayray Rosalie L. 20 F Isulan Sul. rs_licor@yah



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