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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations

in the mining industry
Serenay Demir, Elie Abou-Jaoude, Mustafa Kumral ⇑
Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Montreal H3A 0E8, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Complex industrial systems, including mining, have a prominent challenge in understanding the interre-
Received 25 December 2016 lationship among the cognitive processes, working environment and available equipment. The concept of
Received in revised form 18 January 2017 cognitive work analysis (CWA) transcends the traditional analytic methods of evaluating human tasks
Accepted 9 March 2017
solely based on perceptual and physical traits, and rather implements the notions of behavioral and cog-
Available online xxxx
nitive awareness indispensable for the intricacy of modern technology. In the last few decades, academic
and industrial settings employ this type of analysis to set a suitable standard for a system’s safety feasi-
bility, and as a result reduce human-based errors. This research paper analyzes current CWA methods and
Cognitive work analysis
Mining operations
proposes a five-level quantification model portraying the overall cognitive quality of a mining operation.
Cognitive awareness Ó 2017 Published by Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
Work domain This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Human behavior nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction requirements. A socio-technical system has a special focus in func-

tionality on the social processes in terms of communication and
A dynamic relationship among human, environment and tech- cooperation. This approach focuses on designing systems which
nology exists in various industries. In this relationship, the unpre- personal, social, technological, and organizational aspects in a
dictability of human decision raises a wide number of concerns, workplace are considered, and then convert them into system
leaving room for improvement in the coordination of engineering design [1,2]. Therefore, CWA classifies those factors in a thorough
complexes such as mining, nuclear, aerospace and other hazardous structure in which it derives the peculiar design process of a min-
systems. In a workplace, being a social organization, supervisory ing system and its uncertainties by concentrating design on the
activities and coordination among individuals and teams are constraints [3]. In engineering context, it detects and analyses
implemented through cognitive transactions. Given that cognitive complicated work capabilities and constraints such that a func-
constraints and capabilities determine work efficiency of individu- tional work atmosphere will be created in a robust manner.
als and work group, analytic investigation of cognitive states and Initially defined as a conceptual framework for analyzing the
processes in a work place could enhance work conditions. Ergo- forces that shape human-information interaction, the CWA faces
nomic principles of understanding the interactions between a perplexing challenge. The psychological aspects of a working
humans and other elements of the system could increase the over- individual play a crucial role in the approach of a machinery task,
all system performance, improve human well-being and aware- sometimes beyond the formal training [4]. The cognitive aware-
ness, and thus reduce safety problems. ness could be described in this context as a decisive procedure of
Human error factors, as will be seen further in this paper, con- both conscious (perceptions, logical reasoning, and training knowl-
sequently make the mining industry exceedingly vulnerable to edge) and unconscious (emotional health, social conditioning, and
accidents, which are generally related to human factors. To reduce thoughts) nature, and the singularity of each human cognitive pro-
and control safety problems, hazard identification and emergency cess may easily induce biases. Combined with the complexity of
management approaches are required. In this context, cognitive technological design and the entanglement of environmental fac-
work analysis (CWA) can be seen as a guide for a complex socio- tors, the necessary question to ask is what strategy should specif-
technical system such as mining and a strong potential for these ically be used to assess the interconnectedness between those
three prevailing forces (Fig. 1).
To solve this problem having dilemmatic nature, it is required
⇑ Corresponding author.
that a rectification of those three forces into multiple and precise
E-mail address: (M. Kumral).
2095-2686/Ó 2017 Published by Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Demir S et al. Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations in the mining industry. Int J Min Sci
Technol (2017),
2 S. Demir et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

process control systems [11]. Overall, the methodological frame-

work of the CWA could benefit from overcoming the uncertainties
arising from the interactive mining system, as seen in the dis-
cussed model in the following section.
CWA has been used in many engineering areas. For example,
Salmon et al. applied CWA to rail level crossing systems such that
a range of situations where systems thinking could be modified or
re-designed to improve behavior, and safety was determined [12].
Hilliard and Jamieson utilized the CWA to monitor and target
energy efficiency. In the mining industry, CWA started to attract
interest [13]. Xiao et al. applied work domain analysis, which is
Fig. 1. Interconnectedness between the three prevailing forces in the CWA. the first step of CWA, to an Australian underground coal mine con-
sidering the investigation of the mine emergency management
requirements of control room operators [14].
factors, and then forming an elaborated quantitative model, be
made. The CWA is divided into a five-step analysis, each of which
linearly focuses on a more detailed aspect of the general mining 3. Cognitive work analysis levels
system. Extensive data collection, through observation, documen-
tation and direct communication with working individuals, is usu- The initial aim of the CWA research is to meticulously analyze
ally conducted by a handful of experts in the field, which could all the components of an industrial complex system (e.g. mining),
paradoxically result in biased results due to their own set of cogni- and then arrange them into five different categories, with their
tive thoughts. However, given the interaction between the pro- own specific level of details: work domain, control task, strategy,
posed 11 factors, and considering each factor itself as composed social organization and cooperation, and Worker’s competencies.
of many characteristics, adding up to 35 in total, the model shows In turn, each level has its own methodology of interpreting and col-
a fair representation on the cognitive quality of the mine and its lecting the available data with a qualitative acquisition tool used
safety feasibility, as shown in Table 1. by experts in the field [10,15,16,20,24].
In this paper, a five-level quantification approach is presented
to assess the overall cognitive quality of a mining operation in such 3.1. Level 1: Work domain analysis
a way as to put a specific emphasis on safety issues. Given that
human errors is a significant source of mining accident, the pro- This level highlights the general characteristics of the system. In
posed approach has potential to reach to zero harm objective of mining context, the objective is to unfold the mining system and
mining operations [26,27]. its constraints that all stakeholders expose. Overall productivity
of consecutive operations such as rock fragmentation, materials
2. Related work handling, mineral processing or equipment reliability, requires an
indispensable comprehension of the environmental force and its
Significant progress has been made in comprehending human constraints. Accordingly, the expert tools such as abstraction hier-
behavior such as the process of decision-making under uncertainty archy and abstraction decomposition space probe classified docu-
and the effect of cognitive and motivational biases on the output of ments, operation manuals and interviews with working
risk analysis [5,6]. Engineering fields recognize the human mind as individuals to reveal those constraints and the preeminent objec-
a complex network having an assertive role in the completion of a tive of the mine rather than its detailed functionalities. Abstraction
project, but much confusion arise regarding the factors affecting hierarchy includes system goals along with its external restrictions
human performance and potential ways to improve it [7]. As an on operation, organizational structure with a measured functional
example, the equipment design or the working environment might criterion, general criteria that functional criteria is built on, and
seem as influential factors, however, without the subjective aware- functional capabilities of mining equipment. The outcome of this
ness of each working individual, these external objective forces stage will detail the mining system on the basis of the constrains
cannot be defined as correlating effects, but merely as independent affecting equipment and human behavior.
Until the half of the 20th century, tasks were mostly physical 3.2. Level 2: Control task analysis
and repetitive, and human-factor engineering introduced an ele-
mentary form of task analysis, which simply examines the only The second level, control task analysis, evaluates the essence of
and most efficient way of performing a task [8]. The role of cogni- the tasks, relevant to the functional purposes determined in the
tive processes and external components in early industrial level above. Hence, every aspect of the technological design, such
domains appeared extraneous in assessing the probability of unan- as its compatibility and its efficiency to the assigned role can be
ticipated events. Subsequently, the need for an applicable tool identified, as well as the degree of simplicity in implementing roles
arose in industries integrating logical process and automation as for each working individual. The specific tasks are listed to accom-
part of their systems, and therefore the concept of cognitive anal- plish the goals within a work domain. In a mining operation, there
ysis became an emerging research area. Rasmussen et al. devel- are many tasks regarding analyzing, controlling, implementing,
oped the CWA framework as a general approach of investigating assisting, coaching, coordinating, developing, inspecting,
the task itself, the work domain, the strategies and the cognitive maintaining, evaluating, motivating, making decision, monitoring,
processes. Initially, this approach was implemented in nuclear predicting, computing and communicating. For example, tasks in
power plants, known for their extensive systems, and their precar- bench drilling include clearing bench, borehole examination, mak-
ious management of accidents by operators [9,10]. The CWA has ing holes, equipment inspection and maintenance, hole bottom
paved the way towards different frameworks such as ecological cleaning, bit replacement, determination of spacing, burden and
interface design, which is designing the interfaces in complex inclination. It also involves communication between mine
socio-technical systems as a primary focus and resolving small foreman, drill operator and the engineer; coordinating priming,
and medium-scale issues in petrochemical, nuclear and other loading, and stemming holes; and safety measures. The acquisition

Please cite this article in press as: Demir S et al. Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations in the mining industry. Int J Min Sci
Technol (2017),
S. Demir et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Cognitive analysis modeling table for the quantification of the cognitive work domain quality.

Cognitive work quality Cognitive work Characteristic rating

factor (CWQi) characteristics 5-Excellent; 3-Good; 1-Average; 0-Poor
(a) Ming domain
Characteristics of mine System functionality Defining the function and the purpose of the system and creating a work environment accordingly
domain (CMD) Constraint management Effectively managing the environmental, legal and technical constraints posed on the working domain
Target attainability and Achieving the defined common goals and targets of the domain
Mine design and Mine planning and Meeting long range planning goals by creating an efficient mining production plan
environment (MD&E) scheduling
Safety precautions (mine Ensuring a safe environment for employees and equipment (i.e. Ground support, geotechnical design)
and assets)
Operation system Attaining optimal operation system, and creating the most time-efficient schedule to meet production
deadlines and targets

(b) Control task analysis

Tools design (TD) Design compatibility The equipment suitability for the required task
Efficiency for task How efficient is the current set of tools for the task completion (quality, safety, productivity and so on)
Availability of equipment Having an easily accessible and available equipment for the task completion
Task implementation Guidelines and procedures Ensuring the accessibility of information sources and data
(TI) of task
Performance criteria well- How well-defined is the criteria for assuring outstanding performance

(c) Strategies analysis

Strategy analysis (SA) Management of Handling unanticipated events and being prepared for novel situations
uncalculated event
Availability of methods of Ensuring the accessibility of available methods and different strategies pathways
task completion

(d) Social organization and cooperation analysis

Supervision (S) Clarity of instructions and Excellent communication is necessary between the employees and supervisor in order to assure optimal and
procedures safe performance
Mine and asset Maintain mine and assets quality to be fit for continuous activity
Time management Activities must maintain their time deadlines and ensure that tasks are completed on time
Mining culture (MC) Incentives Encourage good working habits by evaluation financial business and safety performance and rewarding with
salary and bonus
Mining community Workers participate in volunteering and community activities in the mine domain
Safety and emergency plan The mine site is well-structured for any possible emergency situation, with specific plans and guidelines
Teamwork and Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities for each actor is different and should be well-defined to comprehend abilities and
communication specializations
(T&C) Communication Information flows freely according to the organizational structure of the mine domain, and the different
workers have access to that information by efficient communication system
Involvement and The activities of the workers require a certain level of coordination and feedback mechanism

(e) Worked competencies analysis

Performance Formal/continuous training Level of formal and professional training completed by the workers
requirements (PR) Skill-based behavior Automated responses to alerting events. Does not require much cognitive process. Mostly used in physical
processes, i.e., operating a machine
Rule-based behavior The workers are able to verbalize their thoughts and generate behaviors through their experiences, i.e.,
following safety instruction for truck haulage
Knowledge-based behavior More complex and demanding process where the workers take the individual and system goals into
consideration with analytical reasoning and problem solving skills
Physical and mental Arm, leg, back strength and Physical condition to conduct any required task using mining equipment
fitness (P&MF) endurance level
Emotional stability Stress management and handling unexpected situations. Mental health issues
Concentration alertness and The workers are able to stay focused during task completion and memories important details and facts
Self-satisfaction The workers are confident in the abilities and satisfied with the way of task completion
Acute sight The workers have a great vision and a rapid reflex to any situation
Cognitive demand of Logical reasoning Dealing with novel situation by improving knowledge-based behavior and high level of logical reasoning
task (CDT) Perception skills and Perceiving the general demand of the task and applying knowledge to a problem with an extensive
knowledge perspective
Stress handling capacity Managing the stress facing a situation or a problem
Social skills and experience The ability to learn and adapt new and professional knowledge; level of experience of workers

methods are that cognitive walk-through and study of work prac- type of staff use short cuts to make decisions. The control task
tices and the recommended tools are either decision ladder or con- analysis determines functions and their costs within different
textual activity template [22]. The decision ladder helps different locations.

Please cite this article in press as: Demir S et al. Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations in the mining industry. Int J Min Sci
Technol (2017),
4 S. Demir et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

3.3. Level 3: Strategies analysis 4.1. Cognitive work quality factors

Strategies analysis constitutes the third phase of the CWA. After In addition to the CWA levels, the modeling is rectified in a way
outlining the work domain and the required task in previous that each level is defined by a set of cognitive work quality factors
stages, the strategies analysis moves towards the specific factors (CWQi), and each factor in turn has its defining characteristics. For
that may prevent the task from completion and the management example, the first level, work domain, is composed of two factors
of uncalculated risks. It helps to identify all of the alternative ‘‘characteristics of mine domain (CMD)” and ‘‘mine design and
strategies by which the control tasks can be implemented. The environment (MD&E)”. Moreover, CMD is defined by its own cogni-
strategies analysis diagram (SAD) can implement the strategies tive work characteristics such as ‘‘system functionality”, ‘‘con-
analysis phase [23]. The acquisition methods are critical decision straint management” and ‘‘target attainability and optimization”.
methods, interaction analysis and verbal protocol analysis. After In total, the five levels are detailed in 11 factors, and 35 cognitive
gathering the necessary information, the recommended tool for work characteristics. It should be noted that this model represents
demonstration is information flow map. a general overview of a mining system, and the number of factors
and characteristics could possibly vary and change within each
mine, however the methodology does not differ.
3.4. Level 4: Social organization and cooperation analysis
Finally, the role of the experts, after data acquisition, is to assign
a quality rating to each characteristic with four available ratings
The fourth level of the CWA is social organization and coopera-
‘‘5-excellent”, ‘‘3-good”, ‘‘1-average” and ‘‘0-poor”. The sum of
tion analysis. As the name suggests, this step investigates how the
these ratings corresponds to the level value, Li. As an example, to
working individuals interact within the constraints on the mine
determine the level value of the ‘‘tools design” factor, one would
site, and the overall team performance. In other words, it estab-
need to sum the ratings assessed for its characteristics such as:
lishes interaction ways among actors to maximize collaboration
‘‘design compatibility”, ‘‘efficiency for task completion” and ‘‘avail-
and communication such that resources and functions are allo-
ability of equipment”.
cated optimally. Experts require data on supervision and the infor-
mation flow in the pyramidal structure of roles. The acquisition
method is communication and interaction analyses, which mainly 4.2. Quantifying the cognitive work quality index
discovers the relationship of operators through verbal processes.
The level value (Li) calculated above will serve to find the quality
value (Qi) of each factor. In addition, the experts must attribute a
3.5. Level 5: Worker competencies analysis
decimal weight (Wi) between 0 and 1 to each of the eleven cognitive
work quality factors mentioned in Table 1. The weight represents
The final phase of the analysis is worker competencies analysis.
the importance that factor plays in the overall scheme. The higher
This level studies in detail the cognitive awareness of the working
the weight of a factor, the more significant it appears in the assess-
individuals and their behaviors when facing external situations
ment of the cognitive work quality (CWQ%) of the mine. The total
coming from upper levels of the mining system. Through the
sum of the weights should be equal to one, such that:
review of previous steps such as the decision ladder and repertory
grid analysis, a specific tool called skills rules and knowledge (SRK)
taxonomy is formed.
The SRK taxonomy classifies human behavior in relation to var- þ WPR þ WP&MF þ WCDT ¼ 1 ð1Þ
ious restrictions in a workplace and the knowledge required for Finally, the expert must determine the rating influence between
each strategic task. As a result of this analysis, the most important two factors, Fij, such as ‘‘5-strong influence”, ‘‘3-medium influ-
components of cognitive processes can be extracted and used for ence”, ‘‘1-weak influence” and ‘‘0-no influence”. The quality value,
the improvement of the system’s design. From another perspective, Qi is derived from both the level value (Li) and weightage (Wi) as
the SRK inventory could also refer to the worker competencies follows.
essential for task completion [17].
Lintern proposed a slightly different classification such as: work Quality value; Q i ¼ Wi  Li ð2Þ
domain analysis, work organization analysis, work task analysis,
cognitive strategies analysis, cognitive model analysis and social The quality values Qi and the influence values Fij are placed in a
organization analysis [18]. matrix with the permanent of this matrix computing the cognitive
work domain quality index. M represents the number of factors
involved in the model. A more detailed representation of the for-
4. Cognitive work analysis modeling mula and methodology can be found in Kumar and Gandhi [19].
2 3
The previous sections demonstrate the tools used by the experts Q1 F12 F1M
to acquire extensive data in each of the CWA levels for a mining 6 7
CWQ index ¼ Permanent of 4 F21 Q 2 F2M 5 ð3Þ
system. However, for a better understanding of those tools, one
should make an individual effort, since they are beyond the scope
of this research. Furthermore, there needs to be a visual model to The prospect theory by Kahneman explains that decision-
classify and understand the information extracted above, and from making appears subjective for every human worker, and so, assess-
this model, a quantitative methodology will be applied to obtain ing probabilities to errors (weightage and influences) could lead to
the mine’s cognitive work quality (CWQ%). This proxy is computed biases in the cognitive work quality results [21]. However, the
as a percentage and describes the qualities of the mine domain, techniques used to assess objective ratings and influences, such
such as its safety feasibility, organizational structure and the cog- as THERP, CREAM and NARA, set an error probability to the execu-
nitive strength of the working individuals. The quantification will tion of necessary actions taken by the workers at every cognitive
be done using graph theory and matrix approach, previously used work quality factor [25]. Many aerospace industry actors, such as
to determine human error in a maintenance system by Kumar and NASA, use these techniques to considerably reduce operational
Gandhi (see Table 1 for model) [19]. and procedural errors [20].

Please cite this article in press as: Demir S et al. Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations in the mining industry. Int J Min Sci
Technol (2017),
S. Demir et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Cognitive work quality ratings and recommendations.

Rating range Cognitive work quality Recommendation

85–100 Excellent Mine domain does not require any major adjustment
70–84 Good Minor adjustments are needed to attain excellency in the mine domain
60–69 Average The mine domain is efficient but major changes are needed to improve its quality
45–59 Poor Enhance the management system by seeking advice from suitable experts
0–44 Insufficient The mine requires major update in its system. Should close until a safe and feasible environment is attained

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Please cite this article in press as: Demir S et al. Cognitive work analysis to comprehend operations and organizations in the mining industry. Int J Min Sci
Technol (2017),

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