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THE NATURAL • Stephan Krashen

APPROACH • Linguist – University of Southern
Krashen,Terrell • "Language acquisition does not require
extensive use of conscious grammatical
rules, and does not require tedious drill."
• "Acquisition requires meaningful
interaction in the target language –
natural communication - in which
speakers are concerned not with the form
of their utterances but with the messages
they are conveying and understanding."

Adults and L2 Adults and L2

• Adults can acquire second languages.
* Adults have to paths to follow:
• The ability to „pick up“ languages does not • Acquisition
disappear at puberty.
• Learning: Adults have abstract probem
• Adults follow the same principles of solving skills
Universal Grammar.
• Adults can acquire all by using their ever-
Children have only one (acquisition)
active LAD. ( but not the phonological

NATURAL Communication

• This term emphasizes that the principles Means to pass on meaning

behind that approach are believed to
conform to the naturalistic principles found
in successful second language acquisition.
• NA focuses on exposure to input instead of
grammar practice.

Communication THEORY
• Communication is the main function of
• The focus is on teaching communicative
• The superiority of „meaning“ is
• Language is a vehicle for „communicating
meaning and messages“.

1) The Acquisition-Learning
• Subconscious
• There are two independent systems of second
• Intuitive
language performance:
• A) the acquired system
• Acquisition is a subconscious process identical in all
• B) the learned system
important ways to the process children utilize in
acquiring the first language.
• It‘s a process that produces functional skills in the
spoken language without theoratical knowledge.

Learning between acquisition
and learning
• Conscious
• Knowing about rules • To understand the functioning of a language
as a system and to understand its
• Learning the grammar rules of a second languagew
irregularities is a function of familiarity
does not result in subconscious acquisition.
• What you consciously learn does not necessarily
with it.
become subconsciously acquired through conscious • It is important to explore the degrees of
practice, grammar exercises and the like. irregularity and difficulty of the target

The Natural
The Input Hypothesis
Order Hypothesis
• Acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a • Comprehensible input i+1 should be provided
predicted progression • Input should be not grammatically sequenced
• Certain grammatical structures are acquired before
others in first language acquisition and there is a
similar natural order in SLA.
• People acquire language best by understanding input
that is a little above their present level of
• -ing -> Aux ->Irregular ->Regular Past
• Plural -> article -> past - 3rd Sing.

The Monitor Hypothesis Use monitor

• Grammar rules • If enough time
• Use monitor • Focus on form not meaning
– If enough time • Learner must know the rule
– Focus on form not meaning
– Learner must know the rule

The Affective Filter Hypothesis Factors
• Affective filter freely passes or hinders input • Self-confidence
• Input in a low-anxiety contexts • Motivation
• Factors • Anxiety state
– Self-confidence
– Motivation
– Anxiety state

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