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The American Revolution challenged the established social order by limiting the restrictions
that a government could place upon the populace. By guaranteeing universal male suffrage it
challenged the previous role that land ownership and wealth had in the basic right to participate
in government. Essentially by guaranteeing rights, and male suffrage, it challenged the political
privilege of wealth.

2.In Pennsylvania most of the elite were loyalists, and after the war there was a power vacuum ,
which allowed men that believed in democratic reform to rise to power, the fact that it was
mostly the elite that were loyalists they had a distrust of those that held money and property,
thus equality became their goal. Reflected in their new state constitution which got rid of
property qualifications for voting, and abolished the role of governor.

3.As the idea of freedom became more prevalent, apprenticeship and indentured servitude
became seen as incompatible with the idea of American Freedom, contributing to the creating of
new economic classes and a larger middle class.

4. They believed that religion, while being necessary for moral values, should not interfere in the
running of the state.

5.The revolution encouraged westward expansion, and treaties with the natives and their rights
were ignored, with the acquisition of land being the primary goal. However the revolutions ideals
had spread to the natives, leading many of them to argue for their rights with the “language of

6.The most important features were in establishing a republican form of government, the
separation of power, and of equality among the citizens.

7.The right to property included slaves, who were considered their master’s property, thus the
acquisition of these slaves would have infringed upon their rights, so therefore the slaves held
no power in government.

8.They were stripped of freedom in their autonomy being the right of their husband, however
they became more educated as a result of the idea of Republican Motherhood, and were held
responsible for passing down democratic beliefs to their children and molding them into good

1.Republic-According to Paine it's the object of a government.

2.suffrage-right to vote

3.bill for establishing religious freedom-Virginia Bill protecting religious freedom

4.Inflation-The rising of prices trade- trade without restrictions

6.the wealth of nations-a document arguing for free trade over government intervention

7.loyalists-colonists retaining their loyalty to the crown

8.Joseph Brant-Young Mohawk Indian that sided with the British during the revolutionary war

9.Abolition-the stopping of slavery

10.Freedom petitions-Arguments for liberty presented to new England courts in the early 1770s
by enslaved African Americans

11.Lemuel Haynes-A black member of the Massachusetts militia that later became a minister Blacks-Free African Americans

13.coverture-The law that the husband holds legal authority over his wife

14.Republican Motherhood-The idea in the early United States that mothers would teach their
children how to be good citizens

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