Unit 3 - Fit For Life

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Lead-in 1 Look at the title of the unit. What do you think it means? 2. @ Look at the pictures. Which could be connected to the following aims? Discuss in pairs. * toeradicate disease to impose self discipline * tokeep fit * to-cltvate a competitive + to prevent ill health spirit * to promote teamwork to improve quality of life © toreax * toincrease lfe expectancy * to diagnose ilness b. What sports do you do? What sports do you like watching? How does watching a sport compare with active participation? Tell your partner. 3 @ Whatdo you think the most important factors in keeping healthy are? Rank the following in order of importance, and discuss with a partner. diet » exercise * conventional medicine ‘alternative medicine * other ‘A: Ithinkdiet and exercise go hand in hand, don't you? B: Absolutely, but everyone getsillfrom time to time and. needs medicine. stil think conventional medicine s the best option becouse... Fit for Life ‘b)) Listen to five people talking about health ‘problems. Put the number of the speaker by each health problem. Then, match the health problems with the treatment(s) they tried and say which ones were successful (Ghysiotherep)) Gurgery) Speaker )) sigs ‘post-viral depression LJ} Sporiniuy range oft) Gort) aching muscles 1 — Ss (Medication) Gcupuncture) &)_Now listen again and say how each person felt “about their medical problem and why. Choose from this lst * frustrated * gloomy * embarrassed * worried * desperate Paraphrase the following quotations. Which do you agree with? Why? Discuss in pairs. “The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is best! ‘Thomas Jefferson (US president) “Health isa blessing that money cannot buy’ Tzaak Walton (English writer) 145 ead Reading ~ Part 1/4 1 a. You will read a text about four great medical discoveries. Before you read, discuss the following with a partner. 1. Look at the ttle of the text. Who isthe ttle quoting? ‘What did he discover? in what situation did he utter ‘eureka’? 2 Look atthe introduction and the titles of the four texts. ‘What do you know about these discoveries? Why were ‘they important? Which do you think was the most important? 3 The following phrases are taken from the text: Which clscavery do you think each one refers to? Guess, then read the text quickly to see if you were correct. 2)... used for temporary headache relief. b) ..the technique of introducing material under the skin the fundamental ingredient of most antibiotics 4). recognised thatthe veins in the human body had one-way valves 'b. For questions 1-15, choose from the answers A-D. ~e ‘blood [The circulation of the 8 The smallpox vaccine Cc Fericlin Wess Which discovery hinders various natural functions of the human. body? 1 was based on popular wisdom? 2 was based on the work of a contemporary? 3 dlls the body's mechanism for feeling pain? 4 significantly reduced the mortality rate? 5 was largely accidental? 6 forced doctors to think about the body in a different way? 7 ‘was made by the employee of a pharmaceutical company? 8 had been made before but escaped attention? 9 had a mixed response from the scientific community? 10 {gave its name to a method of preventive medicine? 11 involved experimenting on human beings? R contradicted previous theories? B is used to treat various infections? “4 particularly helped urban populations? 15 of medical science. We look at four medical breakthroughs. William Harvey (1578 - 1687) ‘undertook groundbreaking, research into the circulation of the blood and the function of the heart. He 4gPEIIEA. the contemporary belief that blood was @BBIGM through the While at the University of Padua in Ttaly, Harvey was tutored by the scientist and surgeon Hieronymus fi . Fabricius recognised that the veins in the body had one-way valves, but was puzzled as to hat their function could be. It was Harvey who went on t0 solve the ride. In 1628, he published his findings ina ok entitled An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals. His discovery wis ‘received with great interest and accepted in England at ‘once, although it was greeted with some scepticism on the Continent. ‘Apart from offering insight into the function of the heart, Harvey's work also debunked misconceptions about the role ofthe liver, the brain and the blood itself. His discovery left scientists with no choice but to onsider the vast majority of medical theories which ‘up until then accepted, and to place medicine on a footing. In effect, it was the beginning of modern ®) Vocabulary Practice 2 Explain the highlighted words in the passage. b. Which words in the text come from ancient Greek or Latin? © Text analysis a. Answer the following questions on the first section (The Circulation of the Blood). Born on 17th May 1749, Edward Jenner , asthe creator ofthe smallpox vacine. It has been estimated that the ask he started has Jed to the saving of more human lives than the work of any other person. Smallpox was the most feared and greatest killer of Jenner's time. In today’s terms it was as deadly as fencer or heart discase. It ied 10% ofthe population, rising to 20 in towns and cites where infection spread easily. From the early days of his career Edward Jenner had been ‘BFAQHEA by country-lore which said that people who caught ‘np om their covs (a mils infton whch ceed up Penicillin Inthe ealy 1920s, the British scientist Alexander ing reported that a product in human tears ld make bacterial cells dissolve. But Fleming's it ypically destroyed nonpathogenic bacterial ss wel as harmful ones, Fleming's second discovery, though, would be fone of medicine's greatest breakthroughs. In 1928, he discovered ‘aoiber antibacterial agent, quite by chance. Returning from a: seen avay, Fleming looked through ast of plates oa which he had teen rowing bacteria cultures. On one of them, he found that teloties ofthe Staphylococcus bacteria had dissolved. He noticed that bacterial cells had disintegrated in an area next to the mould growing (nthe plate and hypothesized that a product of the mould had caused Ji That product was peniilin, the fundamental ingredient of most Fett sanard west or ines, While Peming generally receives for discovering peniciin, Wein fact merely rediscovered it. In 1896, the French medical student “Emest Duchesne had discovered the antibiotic Properties of Penicillium, but failed to report a connection between the fungus and & that had anibicteral properties, and Peniiium was ten inthe siete community until Fleming's rediscovery What is ‘the riddle’ refered to in line 152 2 What does the writer mean by the phrase it was greeted with some scepticism’, 19) 3 Explain the phrase ‘place medicine on a new footing’ 4.2627) b. Work in pairs. Find other interesting phrases in ‘the remaining three texts and explain them. bya 8) 6 (GAEL smatipox. In May consulted Jenner about a rash on her hand. He diagnosed cowpox, and at the same time decided that he ‘would put the old wives’ tale 10 the test, He scratched the maid's hand with a scalpel, and infected several of his patients with cowpox. As he had GHRISHER) nd undoubtedly to his ‘great relief, none of them caught smallpox Vaccination with cowpox became compulsory in 1853, and the technique of introducing material under the skin to produce protection against disease became known as vaccination, a word derived from the Latin name for the cow (vacea) in Jenner’s honour, A bitter power from the batk ofa willow tree vas fis sed by Hippocrates the Sth Geo B.C, to treat aches and pains. Many centuries later, Felix Hofiman, an industrial. chemist synthesized the substance salicylic acid, 1893 he developed a commercial process for its || production, In 1897, Hoffmans’ superions. at Bayer and Company named tis product ASpitin, Now, about 20 billion tablets of aspirin are consumed in Britain each year Aspirin works by reducing the body's production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are enzymes ‘ha ER he rate and direction of a chemical reaction. In trying to protect the body when cells have be damaged, prostaglandins EGE fever (by acting on brain centres swelling, prevent blood vessel dilation and increase the sensitivity of pain receptors, ‘Taking spirin can relieve many of the effects of prostaglandins. It is used for temporary headache relif, muscular aches and pins toothaches and arthritis. I is also effective in the treatment of fever and inflammation, and is known to reduce the seat atacks. © Discussion 4 a. Canyou think of any more medical discoveries that have changed the course of medical science? , Imagine that you are one of the scientists in the text. Write diary entries for the last few days leading up to your discovery, 147 Language Focus D The Human Body 412 Say where each of the following body parts is located. Use a dictionary if necessary. ‘*comea * pupil © eardrum * earlobe * airway ‘nostril ¢ skull * cheekbone ® jaw ¢ incisor + Adam's apple * collarbone * palm * spine ‘breastbone «ribcage * kneecap shin The comeais the front layer ofthe eye. b. Which of the following verbs describe normal processes of the human body? Which describe processes associated with disease? * breathe * wheeze * yawn * throb « blink * cough * swallow * bruise * digest * scar Use the verbs in your own sentences to show their meaning S Health Problems 2. @ Match the conditions on the left with the complaints on the right. 2. ole 1 rash My woice is disappearing, inflamed joints Everything is hazy. blurred vision _tt hurts when | breathe. chest pain {can’t bend my knees or my elbows. hoarseness "ve got these red blotches all over | my skin ] b. Which of these doctors should the people in Ex. 2a see? es CaRoiovocist Dr Mark Stare -Orrmeaumouoaist ith Dk ALAN STIFF pie Orthopaedic “a Surgeon Dk isa Piece Dewnarologisr Drlain Swallow Ear, nose & throat (ENT) Seecaust 148 c. Which of the doctors in Ex. 2b is the man in the cartoon supposed to see? In pairs, choose another doctor and think of a cartoon related to them, Doctor, | think Ineed glasses, You certainly do, sir. This is a bank! SD doctor for a Day 3 Discuss in pairs. Which of the treatments in the blue box would be most suitable for each of the health problems? Multiple matching is possible, ‘insomnia sarthrits * pulled muscle « indigestion * eczema * concussion * fatigue * bone fracture © appendicitis + acupuncture + medically approved det » physiotherapy + regular exercise * homeopathy antibiotics» hypnass ‘vitamin tablets surgery * creams sing /cast bed rest, i ‘A: thnk tha if someone is diagnosed with concussion they must definitely have some bed rest £: fagre. Bed rest can also be prescribed fr pulled muscles and bone racture. D sports: odd-one-out 4. _nppairs, find the odd-one-out in each set, then briefly explain why it doesn't belong in the group. Consult a dictionary if you wish. 1. rugby ~ motor racing ~ stopwatch ~ triathion Stopwatch isthe odd-one-out becouse al others are spot. referee ~ judge ~ umpire ~ fan jersey ~ shuttlecock — puck ~ ball commentator ~ stands ~ manager — sponsor sgtass ~ clay ~ executive box ~ tarmac 6 helmet ~ sprain ~ shinguard ~ goggles D Playing Areas 5 S callocations 2, Match the sports to the places they are normally played. Which are individual sports? Which are indoor/outdoor sports? “boxing * badminton archery * snooke’ “rowing * go-kart racing. * wrestling ‘synchronised swimming * scuba diving ‘ kayaking triathlon * rock climbing « angling ‘squash * marathon * hockey * golf ‘weightlifting * softball ® skydiving + ice hockey * ice skating b. Look at the list of adjectives below and in pairs discuss which best describe the sports in Ex. 5a Give reasons. ‘demanding * exhilarating * hazardous * rough ‘extreme * individual « indoor * adventurous + invigorating A [believe that squash sone ofthe most demanding sports because you play one on one and you only ‘have your own stamina and strength to rely on. B: True, but think that wrestling and weightliting are also very demanding because you need to be very strong. © Answer the following questions. 1. Which sports are the most popular in your country? 2 Do you prefer team sports to individual sports? Whyiwhy not? 3 Should sports be part ofthe school curriculum? a. Match the pairs of adjectives to the nouns to form collocations. [-o—_e—_ excrudiating/nagging bleeding full/miraculous tests internavmassive eatment contagious/mysterious. injury on-the-spoVoutpatient —_ pain lightning/automatic recovery rigorous/annual disease l sportsnasty reflexes | . Now use some of the collocations to complete the sentences. 1. Considering his age and the seriousness of his illness, he really did make a(n) recovery. 2+ Luckily, can receive treatment and avoid a long hospital stay 3 Chrisis always explaining that he would have been a star footballer ifit hadn't been for an unfortunate injury 4 After series of tests, my doctor assured me that there was nothing wrong with me. 5 ve had this pain in my back all afternoon. It's realy annoying 6 After being hit in the stomach with the hockey puck, the player was taken to the hospital with bleeding 7 The disease has baffled scientists for yeas, 8 The boxers reflexes and incredible speed led to his winning the heavy-weight tile ._ Use the collocations you didn’t use in Ex. 6b in your own sentences. Language Focus 7 Tick the boxes to form phrases. In pairs, use the phrases in sentences. Can you think of one more phrase to go under each heading? 5 Of course you're nervous. It's not every day that someone participates in the Olympic Games! Use the remaining idioms in sentences of your own. ad [fever D Fixed Phrases (with under) heart atte r eeattatiack Q Replace the underlined parts in the sentences below. meningitis with fixed phrases with under. the flu eee 3 pneumonia | suspicion Iver wouble { the circumstances { ronal condtons | a stomach bug — \ eer hepatitis nee ete (ounser_) whooping cough Treas =—— = G3 = been really stressed at work this week and | just want to relax on Saturday 2 Usually, we don’t allow non-members into the gyn However, i's very quiet tonight so we'll make an SD Idioms 8 a. Match items from columns A and B to form idioms. in pairs, guess what the idioms might ‘mean. Do you have similar idioms in your ; language? ceapten isn tte 3. Peter said he'd like to come, but considering the <—_—_@2— | vay things ate, he'd better stay hore with his sek ane bill of healtt 1 be over a He 4. Somy, but you can't come into the sport's cub, 2. be gen aceon rae You akatenaugh 3 be black ca 5 The doctor is being investigate for writing out false 4 be fitas one’s stomach prescriptions, 5. have butterfesin © mind and body EB ih Fed ofioneond > ata BRE D Words often confused 8 be of sound fh one's heels saahvaresl i the hil 10. Underline the correct word 10. keep asttf j of stee! pea 1 In English, there are many common (slogans / proverbs / expressions / statements) about parts of the body, such 150 b. Now, rewrite the sentences below using some of a “close to my heart" and "see eye to eye” the idioms, in their correct form, from Ex. 8a. 2 The doctor (insisted / ordered / claimed / pressed) that Paul should stay in bed for at least three days. 1. if you are both mentally and physically fit, nobody 3 The new gym is (fully / honestly / purely / truly) a has any right to disagree with what you state in fitness fanatics paradise your wil 4 Jenner's discovery of vaccination literally (converted / 2 | know that the operation will be dfficut for you transformed / altered / disguised) the couse of medicine ‘but be strong and everything will come out fine 5 Ten yeats ago | had a really (wrong / bad / faulty / 3 Don't try.and tellme I cant play football if want! 1 critical) accident with my motorcycle and 1 haven't may be eightycfve but rm as healthy as ever. ridden one since. 4 The famous goif pro joked that he was old and that 6 He tried to relax by taking (deep / low / great / full) twas time for him to retire. breaths, but he was far too nervous, S Phrasal verbs Appendix 1 411 Use phrasal verbs with hold and clear to complete the sentences. Then explain the phrasal verbs in your own words. eZea ag 1. The recently retired ball player rene ae mop ie ‘we'll have to put you on stronger antibiotics. 3 The athlete the baton to her Soca 4 After being defeated in the final round, the young ees oe 5 The man was shot as he attempted to the bank and was rushed to hospital, 6 After the nurse had meme on her funch telling the patient about their suspected diagnosis until more tests could be conducted, © communication: Making Appointments 122) Listen toa dialogue and fil in the gaps in the ‘dialogue Which of the items in the diary is being discussed? MONDAY 9 JULY + Call Dr. Smith. Fri at 2 possible? + Inform Bob about 17.30 finance meeting (imp!) + Accountant - 5.30? 1 HH teehee Rearrange for afer 7! povvvssvvesee A: Dr Smith’ office, can |help you? B: Yes, hello. Thisis Jim Murphy cling » with Dr Smith fortis coming Friday. A Okay, let me see you? 8: Hmm...2) ‘A: Yes, how about 2 o'clock? 11 o'dock be convenient for B: 3) A: Okay, Mr Murphyy, booking you in for 2 o'clock on Friday, then, 8:4) A: Goodbye. . Using language from the box, act out dialogues about the remaining items in the diary. Requesting an Appointment formal * Id lke to make an appointment with * Would it be possible for me to see © Could you tell me if tomorrow /..2 please at

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