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No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever,

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informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and
signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. We
are not doctors and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The
information provided in this guide is based upon our experiences as well as our
interpretations of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided below.

This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from
the use of this information.

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Table of Contents


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The Backbone of
The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet:
Strategic Intermittent Fasting

The Super Powers of the “16/8 Protocol”…


Intermittent Fasting (in case you don’t already know) is essentially not eating or drinking anything
that contains calories for a set time period. Generally, this time period lasts 14 to 24 hours.

Believe it or not, research actually proves that your OVER 40 metabolism won’t slow down
even after 36 hours of fasting.

Even though we’ve been told over and over again for the last 20 years that if we don’t feed
ourselves every 3-4 hours our metabolic rate will slow down, it’s simply NOT true.

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Better yet, all your most essential OVER 40 fat loss hormones (ghrelin, growth hormone,
leptin and cortisol) are RESET and fully optimized every day that you use strategic
intermittent fasting in the morning, followed by strategic fun feasting at night. Yum!

(More info on all the powerful, fat-burning benefits of this unique OVER 40 diet approach can
be found in your main guide).

There are only 2 rules to adhere to when using the 16/8 Hormone Reset protocol.

RULE #1: Your feeding window should be as close to 8 hours as possible.

RULE #2: Your fasting window should be as close to 16 hours as possible if you’re a male—
and 14 hours if you’re a female.

This chart below gives you a sample guideline of how you would set up your fasting vs. feeding
nutrition schedule.

LAST MEAL OF THE DAY 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm

First Meal the Following Day for Men: 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm

First Meal the Following Day for Women: 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon

Like I said: FLEXIBLE

You’ll notice that the recommended fasting period for men is 16 hours and the recommended
fasting schedule for women is 14 hours—this is mainly due to the differences in our OVER 40

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However, as long as you’ve fasted AT LEAST 12 to 16 hours each day, you’ll still be
within the guidelines to get stellar results using this approach.

So technically, you could eat your last meal at 9pm and break your fast no earlier than 9am
the next day, for a total of 12 hours (vs. 14-16) and still make serious progress…but I still
recommend you fast as close to the 14 and 16-hour mark as possible.

Of course, the foods you eat and the activities you engage in during each window make all the

I’ll get to those details soon, but the 16/8 protocol gives you very flexible guidelines.

Just stay within a range of an 8-12 hour feeding window and a 12-16 hour fasting window each
and every day.

If you struggle with the idea of fasting, try consuming 5 to 10 grams of branched chain amino
acids (BCAAs)* every 3-4 hours during your fast and make sure to consume 10 grams of
aminos directly after exercise if you’re not consuming a meal. This will help prevent hunger
pangs, preserve muscle, and make the whole fasting process more tolerable, especially
if you’re a beginner.


*An Important Disclaimer About

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Don’t forget that one of the prime objectives of intermittent fasting is to have very low levels of
insulin during your fasting window. So if you take a supplement like BCAAs, you can increase
your insulin and are technically “breaking” your fast.

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Here’s why:

1 gm of BCAA = 6 Cal
If you take 10 gm of BCAA supplement tablet or powder, you will be consuming 60

Also, some research shows that amino acids like leucine can be insulinogenic, which can
potentially break a fast. A few experts also claim that leucine sends a signal to your brain that
you’re eating—even though you’re not.

However, amino acids can help prevent hunger pangs, preserve muscle, and make the whole
fasting process more tolerable, especially if you’re a beginner.

So our recommendation is to take your branched chain amino acids or BCAA supplement
as close to the end of your fasting window as possible (especially as your body adapts to
Intermittent Fasting and you don’t feel as hungry during your fasting window).

Now back to your regularly scheduled program…


What If You’re a “Breakfast Eater” Who MUST Eat

First Thing In The Morning?

Trust me, I get it….

Some people MUST eat breakfast in the morning for a variety of reasons—including to take
important medications or live with a chronic health challenge.

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Or, you’re just one of those people who can’t start your day unless you have some food on
your stomach.

Either way, no need to worry! I gotcha covered.

The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet was designed with YOU in mind too.

In the nutrition charts below (starting on page 29), I provide you with specific Energizing
Breakfast Foods you can eat soon after you wake up that ‘mimic’ all the positive benefits of
Intermittent Fasting.

Meaning, you can still easily RESET your declining ‘OVER 40’ fat-loss hormones and
significantly BOOST your aging metabolism—whether you don’t or DO eat breakfast first thing
in the morning.

You just have to eat the RIGHT foods, using the RIGHT combinations, in the RIGHT amounts.
(Which is all clearly explained below….)

Easy peasy. ☺

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The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Nutrition Plan

How to customize your carb intake with the

OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet

Make sure to adjust your carb intake based on your body type.

Whether you’re an Ectomorph (skinny), Mesomorph (medium frame), or Endomorph (stocky

and thick) will play a factor in how you monitor your carb intake.

An easy way to monitor your portion control is to always use the size of your clenched fist for
impact carbs (starches and fruits).

For example:

- Ectomorph serving size for fruits and starches = 2 clenched fists (~50 to 75 grams)

- Mesomorph serving size for fruits and starches = 1.5 clenched fists(~35 to 50 grams)

- Endomorph serving size for fruits and starches = 1 clenched fist (~25 to 40 grams)

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Again, these guidelines aren’t set in stone because all of us have different genetics, metabolic
rates, activity levels, and so forth.

You’ll notice I’ve provided portion control guidelines below that are specifically designed for
weight loss. If you’re looking to gain muscle, I’ve provided some additional notes to help you
make it happen.

Next, make SURE you monitor your carb “choices” based on your activity level.

When it comes to carb intake there are four things you need to monitor in order to keep your
body burning fat and never gain fat from eating your favorite carbs.

I call it the Carb-Quatro technique.

Just manage these four things:

1. Carb choices: Always do your best to choose clean carbs based on your activity level.
Simply put: wrong carbs = store belly fat…right carbs = burn belly fat.
See the chart below for details and guidelines.
2. Carb timing: Always try to consume impact carbs 3 to 5 hours before high intensity
exercise or 1 to 3 hours after high intensity exercise if your goal is fat-loss.
Remember, you can still save your carbs for later at night before bed, but do your best to
plan some type of early morning exercise the next day.
3. Carb combinations: If you continuously and obsessively “snack” on processed carbs
without combining them with other foods (like protein and veggies), you’ll constantly be in a
fat-storing environment from sky-high insulin levels.
So always combine your impact carbs (starches and fruits) with complete protein whenever
possible and NEVER eat a high sugar carb by itself.
4. Carb portion control: A fist, sized portion of impact carbs is always a great rule to follow if
your goal is fat-loss.

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If you’re trying to gain muscle, it’s always best to double or even triple your carb servings in
your post workout window.

But remember, this is for post-workout ONLY.

Every other time of the day your goal should be to keep blood sugar and insulin under control
as much as humanly possible to stay healthy and keep your body burning fat.

Now if you’re sedentary, the rules totally change.

You need to be even more conscious about blood sugar control because your metabolic and
hormonal need for carb intake is MUCH less than somebody who exercises.

The following guidelines will help you set up your diet and carb choices properly based on your
activity level.

Sedentary People (no exercise or activity):

Limit intake of starches and ripe fruits. Stick with smaller amounts of starchy carbs like squash,
quinoa, and slow cook oatmeal unless it’s your cheat day.

Moderate amounts of fruits like berries, cherries, and grapefruit are great carb choices as well.

Active (moderate exercise 3-4x per week):

Consume moderate amounts of starchy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown and black rice,
lentils, and slow cooked oats.

Fruits are great choices too, but try to consume your ripe fruits and starches on exercise days.

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High-Intensity Exerciser or Endurance Athlete
(active 5-7 days of the week):

Most people who fall into this category (weight lifters, high-intensity exercisers, and endurance
athletes) are severely carb depleted and need MORE white starches and ripe fruits in their diets.

Potatoes, white rice, and ripe bananas are 3 of the best choices you can use if you fall into this
category. Feel free to eat any of the carbs listed above from groups 1 and 2 as well.

This Carb Control Chart below will also help you select the proper carbs based on your activity
level and lifestyle.

Carb Control Chart

Sedentary Active High Intensity Exerciser
Activity Desk job or someone Moderate exercise Weight lifters, high
Level who has other 3 - 4x per week intensity exercisers, and
limitations that endurance athletes who
prevent them from exercise 5x or more per
exercising week
Type of Paleo with very limited Paleo + low glycemic Paleo + Glucose:
Nutrition starches and starches and fruits on Lots of pure white
moderate amount of exercise days only starches and fruits
fruits allowed pre and/or post
BEST All non-starchy Lower Glycemic Based Gluten Free
carb types veggies Starchy Carbs: Glucose Based Carbs:
with organic berries
and small amounts of Yams, Sweet Potatoes, White Rice,
other fruits and berries. Potatoes, Brown & Ripe
Black Rice, Lentils, Bananas, Brown
Things like quinoa and Slow Cook Gluten Rice or Black Bean Pasta
squash are Free Oats
acceptable in small *All low glycemic starches
amounts. *All organic fruits and and other
sedentary organic fruits are
carb choices allowed acceptable

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So, if you’re sedentary, go ahead and eat like a caveman and follow the Paleolithic eating
approach as much as possible.

But if you’re using ANY type of high intensity exercise, the pure glucose from starches and
certain fruits can help you…

• Build more lean muscle

• Boost metabolic rate
• Raise thyroid output (T4 to T3 conversion) production
• Improve leptin sensitivity
• Improve the free testosterone to estrogen ratio
• Increase insulin sensitivity

All of this will help you burn more lower abdominal fat. It’s also crucial to help with recovery,
over 40 hormone levels, and insulin sensitivity for high-intensity exercisers.  

Portion Control Guidelines

1. Protein = the size of your palm

• An acceptable range is 15 to 30 grams per serving for women and 30 to 40 grams for
men. This can increase 10-20 grams during the post workout window.
• If you’re not consistently exercising, these amounts can be lower.
• You should be shooting for 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of LEAN body weight.
An estimate is fine. Don’t get caught up in the details.

2. Impact Carbs = the size of your clenched fist

• Acceptable ranges should be 25 to 35 grams per serving for women and 40 to 75 grams
for men.

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• Post workout on weights / resistance training days should be 40 to 50 grams for women
and 60 to 75 grams for men.
• Weights or Resistance Training Days total carb grams for the day: Women 75 to 100
grams / Men 150 grams (under 200lbs.) 200 grams (over 200lbs.)
• If you’re trying to gain muscle, you can double the serving size of your post workout

3. Fats = the size of the end of your thumb x 2

• Carbs and proteins only yield 4 calories per gram while fats yield 9 calories per gram,
which indicates you have to monitor fat intake and use smaller portion sizes for fats (ex:
12 to 15 nuts, not HALF the jar) :-)
• Acceptable range should be 15 to 30 grams per serving (approx. 1 to 2 tablespoons)

Are you a calorie counter? I gotcha covered.

Here’s a general ballpark figure on how you can count calories for fat loss.

1. 10Xs your lean body weight = lose weight/burn fat

2. 12Xs your lean body weight = maintain
3. 15Xs your lean body weight = gain weight/lean muscle

Again, this is just an estimate. Food choices, genetics, exercise intensity, sleep, recovery,
and supplementation can ALL affect overall results as it relates to burning fat and/or gaining

NOTE: These are acceptable “ranges” and do not have to be exact. If you go over or under a
little bit, don’t sweat it as long as you’re making healthy choices. That’s what helps keep your
body in a fat burning environment.

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Food Types & Meal Combinations

Below you’ll see a few different types of meals listed:

1. P + S + A (protein + starch + fruit) Post Workout meals

2. P + S + V (protein + starch + vegetables)
3. P + V + O (proteins + vegetables + fats / oil)
4. P + O (proteins + fats / oil)

** Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided below each
individual meal plan chart below.

Type (P) = Protein Choices and Serving Sizes

• Eggs and egg whites (try to use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs)
o Men: 3-4 whole eggs
o Women: 2-3 whole eggs

• Cottage cheese (try to use organic)

o Men: 1 cup
o Women: ½ cup

• Greek Yogurt (no / low sugar plain flavors only)

o Men: 1 cup
o Women: ½ cup

• Lean beef, venison, lamb, pork tenderloin, or fresh ham (try to use grass-fed or locally
o Men: 5 – 6 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

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• Turkey breast (try to use organic turkey meat)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces

• Chicken breast (try to use cage-free organic chicken meat)

o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces

• Low carb protein powder (make sure you use a low temperature-processed brand like
Spring of Life or BioTrust)
o Men: 1 – 2 scoops (30 – 50 grams)
o Women: 1 scoop (15 – 30 grams)

• Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod, Tilapia, White fish
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

• Other wild-caught seafood: lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops (limit your intake)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

Starch Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. Serving sizes: Men under 200 lbs = 1 cup, Men over 200 lbs. = 1½ cups. Women = ½
to ¾ cup.
2. Try to limit fat intake to under 10-15 grams in all meals containing starches.

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Type (S) = Starches

• Sweet potato / Yam

• Potatoes
• Steel cut oats/oatmeal
• Acorn and butternut squash
• Wild rice, brown rice, black rice, white rice (steamed/boiled not fried)
• Quinoa
• Gluten free / wheat free pasta: rice flour or black bean
• Legumes (avoid canned beans and canned foods whenever possible): kidney beans,
black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter
beans, navy beans, lentils
• Acceptable breads: Ezekiel, Millet, Rice (avoid all whole grains, wheat breads, or wheat
based products)
• Acceptable wraps: Ezekiel or wheat/gluten free: rice flour or sprouted grain
• Corn (locally farmed only and limit intake)
• Peas

*Try to stick with starches from nature as much as possible. Limit your intake of processed

Fruit Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. Serving size men = 1 to 1½ cups. Women = ½ cup.

2. NO fruit juices.

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Type (A) = Fruits

• Cherries • Blackberries
• Apples • Peaches
• Oranges • Cranberries
• Grapefruit • Papaya
• Bananas • Plums
• Apricots • Pineapple
• Kiwi • Nectarines
• Mango • Tangerines
• Watermelon • Pears
• Blueberries • Grapes
• Raspberries • Melon (honeydew, cantaloupe, etc.)
• Strawberries

* Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.

Vegetable Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. Make sure to have at least 2 – 3 servings of cruciferous vegetables per day.

2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 cup or more on all veggies (raw, steamed, or
minimally cooked)

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Type (V) = Vegetables

• Broccoli • Artichoke
• Asparagus • Peppers (any type)
• Cucumber • Arugula
• Lettuce • Tomatoes
• Cabbage • Spaghetti Squash
• Cauliflower • Brussels Sprouts
• Spinach • Zucchini
• Green beans • Kale
• Radishes • Spring mix
• Onions • Collard greens
• Celery • Eggplant
• Mushrooms • Carrots

* Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.

Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions:

1. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = a sprinkle or small serving.
Yolks = 1 or 2 max on Carb UP days. Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams (1,000 mg = 1 gram)
2. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add in an
additionally 300 to 400 calories per day if you’re not careful.
3. Make sure you LIMIT fat in any meals containing starchy carbs or fruits.

Type (O) = Fats or Oil

• Flaxseed oil or ground up flaxseeds

• Krill oil or organic fish oil
• Olive oil

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• Mayo (use small amounts and avoid canola or vegetable oils)
• Small amounts of raw cheese or almond cheese
• Grass-fed or organic butter
• Coconut oil
• Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)
• Heavy Cream
• Limit raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, and avocado on Carb UP days
• w nuts, seeds, nut butters, and avocado on Carb UP days


You may use condiments, but watch for hidden sugars and always check carb count. Great
examples are mustard, salsa, sugar-free hot sauces, and low-sodium soy sauce.

You can also feel free to use the follow:

• Sea Salt Horseradish

• Stevia or other no/low calorie all-natural sweeteners
• Pepper (any kind)
• Vinegar
• Garlic
• Ketchup (high fructose corn syrup-free or no sugar only)

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The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet
Recommended Nutrition Schedule


Men: 2 Men: 2 Men: 2
Starches + Starches + No Starches + No
2 Fruits 2 Fruits Starches 2 Fruits Starches
1 Serving Day
Women: 1 Women: 1 1 Serving Women: 1 1 Serving of
of Fruit
Starch + 2 Starch + 2 of Fruit Starch + 2 Fruit
Fruits Fruits Fruits

The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet

Recommended Exercise Schedule


Weights or High Weights or High High Off or

Weights or
Resistance Intensity Resistance Intensity Intensity Steady
Training Interval Training Interval Interval State
Training Training Training Cardio

Resistance Training Day At A Glance

*Optional Breakfast Snack P/O
1 P/S/A
2 P/S/V/A or P/V/A
3 P/V/O

*This is an optional breakfast snack for those who cannot follow Intermittent Fasting in the
morning. If you consume one of these snacks, cut out one of your 4 meals later in the day. (All
of your breakfast snacks can be found above on page 16 under the Protein food types).

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Note: Move post workout meal to whatever time of day necessary based on your
exercise time.

P = Protein S = Starch V = veggies A= Fruit O = Fat (oil)

Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet

Sample Day – Resistance Training
2-3 scrambled eggs with a sprinkle 3-4 scrambled eggs with a sprinkle
of cheese (raw, organic preferred) of cheese (raw, organic preferred)

½ cup oatmeal with ½ scoop 1 cup oatmeal with 1 scoop of

1 P/S/A of protein powder with 1 cup of protein powder with 1 cup of
strawberries strawberries

P/S/V/A 3-4 oz. Baked Chicken with

5-6 oz. Baked Chicken with
(women) steamed broccoli + 1 Tbsp. Olive
2 steamed broccoli + 1 apple
P/V/A oil + 1 apple
(men) P/V/A

3 oz. beef with sautéed spinach 5 oz. beef with sautéed spinach
3 P/V/O
(in coconut oil) (in coconut oil)
Type Key: P = Protein S = Starch V = Vegetables O = Fat A = Fruit
*Optional Breakfast Snack


1. Double your servings of starch and fruits in your post workout meal if your goal is to gain
2. These meals can put in ANY order you wish, but it’s highly recommended to have a serving
of starch and fruit (with protein) in your post workout meal (meal 2 above).
3. Women should only have one starch on this day and replace the starch with a serving of
friendly fat. Meal #3 will change to P/V/O instead of P/S/V.

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4. If you’re under 10% body fat and you exercise intensely you may have to make your portion
sizes of carbs and protein larger to meet your caloric needs and prevent muscle loss.
Typically, 12-15x your lean bodyweight is the number of calories you should be shooting for
on a daily basis.

Cardio/HIIT Day

*Optional Breakfast Snack P/O
1 P/A
2 P/V/O
3 P/V/O
FF Cheat Meal (only on Sat/Sun)

*This is an optional breakfast snack for those who cannot follow Intermittent Fasting in the
morning. If you consume one of these snacks, cut out one of your 4 meals later in the day. (All
of your breakfast snacks can be found above on page 25 under the Protein food types).

P = Protein S = Starch V = Veggies A= Fruit O = Fat (oil)

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Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet
Sample Day – Cardio/HIIT
T Th Sat Sun

*BS P/O 1 Cup Protein Shake 1.5 Cup Protein Shake

Cottage Cheese (no fat) (add ½ Cottage Cheese (no fat) (add ½
1 P/A scoop protein powder) with slices scoop protein powder) with slices
of apples of apples

3-4 oz. fish with sautéed asparagus 5-6 oz. fish with sautéed
2 P/V/O
(in 1 Tbsp. coconut oil) asparagus (in 1 Tbsp. coconut oil)

3-4 oz. beef with sautéed Brussels 5-6 oz. beef with sautéed Brussels
3 P/V/O
sprouts (in 1 Tbsp. coconut oil) sprouts (in 1 Tbsp. coconut oil)
Type Key: P = Protein S = Starch V = Vegetables O = Fat A = Fruit
*Optional Breakfast Snack


1. No starches on cardio or interval days unless your goal is to gain muscle. You can also feel
free to cut out the fruit if you want to more aggressive with fat loss.
2. These meals can put in ANY order you wish, but it’s recommended to have your serving of
fruit (with protein) in your post workout meal (meal 1 above).
3. If you’re under 10% body fat and you exercise intensely you may have to make your portion
sizes of carbs and protein larger to meet your caloric needs and prevent muscle loss.
Usually 12-15x your lean bodyweight is the number of calories you should be shooting for
on a daily basis.

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Cheat Day & Cheat Meal Guidelines
1. Exercisers are allowed one cheat day per week and non-exercisers are allowed one cheat
meal per week with a dessert. You can choose to make this day whenever you want but try
to stick to the daily schedule the other six days of the week.

2. Avoid alcohol the first two weeks if possible. If you insist on drinking, do it in moderation
after your cheat / re-feed meal, avoid excess beer, and try to stick with red wine or clear
liquors (vodka, rum, gin).

3. It’s not necessary to count calories or grams on this day, but keep in mind it’s designed to
optimize hormones, along with a reward for being consistent the other days of the week.
Don’t binge or stuff when eating your cheat meal(s).

4. Drink extra water before, during, and after your cheat meals. This will aid in digestion,
prevent overeating, and help with glycogen replenishment from the extra carb intake.

5. Try to perform some type of low intensity cardio or 15 minute HIIT workout an hour or two
before your cheat meal(s) to help minimize fat storage and enhance absorption of nutrien

For your Cheat Meal, we are suggesting that you pick whatever you’d like to eat (few slices
of pizza, a juicy burger, lasagna, etc.) but remember portion control. We’ve also include one
dessert in your cheat meal. Your choice!

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OVER 40 Hormone Reset
Post Workout SUPER Shake:
Note: This is the PERFECT post-workout shake to drink 45 minutes – 1 hour after your
workout (or immediately if you’re trying to conserve muscle). Just make sure you are OUT of
your fasting window for the day before consuming it.

- 1-2 scoops of Spring of Life Grass-Fed Whey Protein (1 scoop for females) or 3-4 scoops
of BioTrust Low Carb (2 scoops for females)
- 1 serving of Athletic Greens
- 3-4 grams of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
- 3 grams of Krill Oil

I also add 1 cup of organic berries or a spotted ripe banana on weight training or
resistance training days, but I SKIP the fruit on cardio/interval days.

Remember, after breaking your fast with high intensity exercise, your body is PRIMED for
nutrient absorption, which is why I focus on a high-protein, nutrient-dense shake that has small
amounts of friendly fats.

This is a perfect ratio of nutrients that gets my body ready for my first high carb meal of the day.

In fact, even though CLA is generally touted for its fat-burning properties, the most recent
published research from Journal of Sports Sciences shows that taking 2 to 4 grams of CLA
can increase glycogen storage (stored energy in your muscles and liver from carbs) 75%
MORE than those test subjects who took a placebo after high intensity exercise.

This basically means that people who take CLA can potentially store 75% more of their carbs
into muscle and liver tissue after exercise than those who do not supplement with CLA.

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Pretty dang impressive, which is why Karen and I use CLA… but supplementing or using a
SUPER Shake is NOT mandatory for this plan to work.

A supplement is just that—a supplement!

It supplements your efforts as you eat right and exercise. It doesn’t do it for you.

If you supplement with a sedentary lifestyle and a crappy nutrition plan, it’s most likely not
going to help much.

However, if you’re eating right and exercising consistently, supplementing can give you the
extra edge.

Protein Shake
Type: P/V/O
Servings: 1

cup unsweetened almond milk
Tbsp. Peanut butter or almond butter
One scoop Protein Powder
1 tsp. vanilla

1. Mix all ingredients in a blender and enjoy!

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The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet
Training Quick Start Guide
First let’s review the 3 “Zones” you’ll be using to attack your “Over 40” stubborn fat cells and start
seeing your belly get flatter in less than 7 days from now.


The entire purpose of Zone #1 is to stabilize blood sugar and flat line your body’s #1 fat storage
hormone—insulin, before using Zone #2.

This allows fat to be used much quicker as an energy source, while putting your body in the
perfect hormonal state to release fat burning and youth hormones stimulated by Zone #2

You’ll see a few different “primers” below, which require very little time and effort.


Now that your body is “primed” to burn off stubborn fat, it’s time to enter Zone #2, which is
comprised of two different types of exercise protocols specifically designed to release MASSIVE
amounts of fat burning and youth hormones into your bloodstream.

The first one is called Metabolic Bursting (20-30 second bursts of high intensity exercise. This
can include weight-training as well as walking, running and sprinting) and the second is called
Threshold Intervals (60 second bursts of high intensity exercise. This can include weight-
training as well as walking, running and sprinting).

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Both of these protocols will release the hormones that “break apart” stubborn fat cells and keep
your body looking younger.

Everything is laid out for you step by step inside the Main Guide.


The third and final step is to “burn off” and permanently remove stubborn fat cells you’ve just
released from using Zone 2.

We call this the Free Fatty Acid Finisher, and although it’s completely optional it’s highly
recommended to use if and when time permits.

Let’s review all 3 Zones in detail…

Zone #1: “PRIME”

Goal: Flat line insulin and keep blood sugar levels stable so your
body can use fat as its FIRST source of energy

Primer #1: Walk 5 to 10 minutes or do some other type of low

intensity exercise. This will help lower insulin before you use
the Zone #2 12-minute workouts.

If you eat before you start using the exercise protocols found in Zone #2 you’ll spike insulin,
which BLOCKS your body’s ability to release the hormones that are responsible for burning
stubborn fat.

Primer #2: Exercise in the morning (or after waking up) in a completely “fasted” state OR
if you exercise later in the day try to wait 3 to 5 hours AFTER eating until you exercise.

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Whenever you fast your body’s blood sugar stabilizes and your insulin levels remain low causing
your body to release more “youth hormones” (Growth Hormone).

This also puts your body in the perfect hormonal state to release fat burning hormones when
using the Zone #2 protocols.

BONUS Primer: Try to wait 60-90 minutes after each 12 minute workout before you
consume ANY calories.

The Over 40 Ab Solution 12 minute workouts will force your body to release more growth
hormone and adrenaline by ramping up your sympathetic nervous system.

This helps create a fat burning hormonal environment inside your body both during AND after
exercise. If you decide to eat directly after exercise there’s no doubt this is a “healthy” choice, but
always remember this:

The minute you consume ANY calories after exercise, you’ll spike your body’s #1 storage
hormone – insulin.

And although insulin helps shuttle nutrients to muscles quickly, it’s the antagonist of growth
hormone so it can potentially STOP your body from burning fat altogether.

But if you wait 60-90 minutes after exercise before eating, the absence of insulin—along with
the presence of growth hormone and adrenaline will spare muscle and help you burn a lot
more stubborn fat.

That’s why I recommend you ride the fat burning wave for 60-90 minutes after exercise by NOT
eating right away.

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NOTE: This doesn’t mean you can’t get great results eating directly after exercise if you
want to.

But I recommend that you “ride the fat burning wave” to accelerate the burning of belly fat after
your 12 minute routines.

*NOTE: These primers are only intended for healthy people who have been cleared by their
doctor for exercise. If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes of any kind, consult your physician
before attempting any of these recommendations.

Zone #2: “RELEASE”

Zone #2 uses 2 scientifically proven exercise protocols

that will “release” your body’s MOST stubborn fat cells
so they can be burned off.

I’m sure you’re no stranger to interval training. If it’s

something you’ve never tried before, you’ve landed on
the perfect spot. This guide will have you burning fat like
you’ve never experienced.

For those of you who don’t know, intervals are simply a very hard, short burst of exercise
(sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises, high intensity cardio, weight-training, etc.)
followed by an active recovery period before repeating another interval or burst.

If you’re familiar with this type of strategy I have even better news.

There’s actually a better way to approach interval training to help your metabolism overcome the
adaptive response that’s associated with exercise.

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You’ll learn all about it below.

The 2 protocols below are by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of
fat burning hormones to help you burn off stubborn belly fat while simultaneously overcoming
exercise plateaus and adaptation.

Traditional intervals typically last 1 to 2 minutes in length. The Metabolic Bursting intervals you’ll
be using below are shorter in duration (10 to 30 seconds max) and harder in effort.

You’ll have to adjust your level of effort based on your current condition, but age does
NOT matter.

Even if you’re well into your 50s (like Karen), 60s, or even 70s, you can apply Metabolic Zone
Training. Just make sure you’ve been cleared by your doctor for exercise and apply the intensity
levels to your current level of fitness.

And once you discover the amazing benefits of using the Metabolic Bursting protocols
after using your “primer” you’ll never look back.

It all starts with hormones called Catecholamines.

Catastrophic HUH? No…Catecholamines!

Catecholamines are “fight-or-flight” hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to

stress like high intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and
they force the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Catecholamines eventually convert to dopamine, norepinephrine, and eventually to epinephrine,

which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty acids.

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In other words, these catecholamines break apart stubborn fat (more on how to “burn off”
this stubborn fat in a second).

This is just one of the many reasons why strategic bursts are so much more effective for fat loss
than traditional exercise and old-school cardio.

Several key studies also indicate that a series of 20 to 30 second sprints sharply increased HGH
(Human Growth Hormone) in the body while exercising – and also for roughly 2 hours after a

Speaking of after, let’s not forget about the famous “After burn.”

Bursting and intervals have the potential to increase your metabolic rate for 38 to 48 hours after
doing just one 12 minute session.

Pretty amazing.

In the fitness world we call this EPOC or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. EPOC is
just a fancy acronym for the amount of fat and calories burned AFTER a workout.

Not only does metabolic bursting unleash your fat burning hormones if you’re in your 40s, 50s, or
60s… it has been scientifically proven to have many other bonus side effects as well:

• Release “Stubborn” Fat Cells

• Gets you fitter, FASTER than any other type of exercise
• Burns more overall calories--- especially FAT calories
• Fuels your mind, fights Alzheimer’s, and makes you SMARTER
• Puts a “spring” in your step and make you look and feel YOUNGER again

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As you can see, the benefits of this approach go FAR beyond just weight loss.

For more scientific details, please see the main manual.

Zone #3: “BURN”

Zone #3 uses the long forgotten “old school” steady state cardio
trick used by Fitness Models and Professional Bodybuilders to
whittle away their last few pounds of stubborn fat making their
skin look tighter in their midsection and love handles look tighter.

Although Zone #3 is completely optional, it’s the only proven

method I know of that will “burn off” and REMOVE your stubborn
fat cells that have been “released” from Zone #2, preventing
your body from “restoring” stubborn fat cells.

Zone #3 is simply 10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio or brisk walking for 10-30 minutes
AFTER you perform your 12-minute workouts.

When you chronically do steady state cardio it’s hard on your heart, releases stress
hormones, and can actually stop your body from burning stubborn fat…

UNLESS it’s done sparingly and at the right times like we show you in the following sections.

The 3 Metabolic Systems of the

Ab Targeted Solution

There are 3 different Metabolic Protocols that you’ll be using below AFTER you use one of your
“primers” from Zone #1.

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Protocol #1 (ZONE #2): Metabolic Bursting is the most powerful and it was just discussed in
great detail above. It involves a series of short-hard bursts of exercise lasting between 20 and 30
seconds with recovery time between bursts.

Protocol #2 (ZONE #2): Threshold Intervals involves a series of short-hard intervals that
usually last 60 seconds (sometimes they can be longer) with recovery time between intervals.

Protocol #3 (ZONE #3): The Old-School Fat Finisher (steady state cardio) is lower intensity
cardio done for longer durations.

By combining all three systems in a strategic “protocol” you’ll maximize your fat burning potential
and prevent your body from hitting exercise adaptation.

Each “protocol” is specifically designed to feed off each other for rapid results and continuous

For detailed descriptions and scientific explanations, please see your main Over 40 Ab Solution
guide. But here is a brief summary of each below.

Metabolic Bursting Summary

Goals and Benefits:

• Releases fat burning hormones to force Free Fatty Acids into the blood stream
• Increases Growth Hormone Production (up to 450% more post workout)
• Enhanced “after-burn” (EPOC: Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)
• Enhances post workout nutrient partitioning, which is the up regulation of your body’s
ability to store food inside the muscles and liver
• Elevates hormonal response - release of brain chemicals and fat burning hormones

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• Short, Hard, High Intensity Bursting-Intervals performed for 20 to 30 seconds, followed

immediately by a recovery period. These intervals may include weight-training.
• Repeat cycle between 5 and 10 times
• You can use cardio machines, sprinting, jumping, jump rope, stairs or any type of
bodyweight movements (burpees, jump squats, mountain climbers) etc. for this protocol.

If you use the treadmill, be careful. Once you get the belt moving at higher speeds, you’ll have to
straddle the treadmill for the rest during these protocols because you won’t have the time to slow
the belt down and speed it back up again.


• 12 minutes with optional Free Fatty Acid Finisher (See Chapter 3 of Main Guide)

When to Perform:

• Directly after intense weight training

• In the a.m. in a “fasted” state (or a protein shake and some krill oil is fine too but try not to
eat too much or you’ll suppress fat burning hormones and raise insulin too much)
• 3 to 5 hours after a balanced meal, when insulin is lower, to help maximize the hormonal

Threshold Summary

Goals and Benefits:

• Rapidly depletes glycogen stores

• Conditions the first anaerobic system (anaerobic glycolysis)

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• Primes and programs metabolism to get a faster and better fat burning response from the
other two metabolic systems


• Moderate to High Intensity 60 to 180 second hard intervals followed by one to two minute
recovery periods. These hard intervals may include weight-training.


• Usually 12 to 30 minutes

When to Perform:

• Directly after resistance or body weight training

• In the a.m. in a “fasted” state (again, a protein shake and some krill oil is fine, but try not to
eat too much or you’ll suppress fat burning hormones and raise insulin too much)
• 3 to 5 hours after a balanced meal to help maximize the hormonal effect
• A few hours before an influx of extra carbs, calories, or a cheat meal

Steady State Cardio

Free Fatty Acid Finisher Summary

Goals and Benefits:

• Conditions aerobic system

• Further accelerates glycogen depletion
• Increases capacity and performance of other high intensity workouts
• Increases body’s ability to store and utilize glycogen (i.e. energy)
• Burns off residual Free Fatty Acids present in the blood stream from strength training

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• Perform a steady state cardio session with an intensity range between 72% and 85% of
max heart rate.

*See calculations in the next section for your own personal heart rate under intensity level
guidelines, but the easiest way is to use the talk test.


• 10 to 30 minutes (sometimes as much as 60 minutes is fine during aggressive periods of

calorie burning) but there’s no reason to do steady state cardio more than a few times per

When to Perform:

• On weekends when you have more time for longer duration exercise
• Directly after any type of Strength Training Workout
• Directly after any type of high intensity interval or bursting type of workout shown below
• Never perform before high intensity exercise or strength training. You’ll drain the energy
stores that are necessary for higher intensity training and potentially burn up precious
muscle tissue

Warning: The protocols in the next section are NOT for beginners. Do not try this technique if
you haven’t conditioned yourself previously with normal exercise on a consistent basis or been
cleared by your doctor for higher intensity exercise.

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The Over 40 Ab Solution
Exercises & Workouts

Your OVER 40 Ab Solution Protocols


Threshold Metabolic Metabolic Metabolic Metabolic Optional Optional
Intervals Bursting Bursting Bursting Bursting Steady State Steady State
/ Old-School / Old-School
The 12
60 sec. bursts 20 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds Cardio Cardio
with 60 sec. burst with 10 bursts with 10 bursts with bursts with 10-30 min. 10-30 min.
recovery seconds rest seconds rest 30 seconds 30 seconds
x5 x8 x8 rest x 8 rest x 8 (or walk (or walk
briskly) briskly)

*Resistance *Resistance
Day Day
Cardio Day Bodyweight Cardio Any Cardio Any Cardio
Exercise Bodyweight Bodyweight
Exercises exercises or Exercises Exercises Exercises
Type exercises exercises
Only any of use light Only listed below listed below
or use light or use light
weights weights

*NOTE: If time permits, performing your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for
10 to 30 minutes after high intensity workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood
stream and prevent re-esterification (restoring of fatty acids).

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The Exercises

Acceptable exercises to use on Cardio (HIIT) Exercises Only Days (T, Th, Sat):

üü Sprinting
üü Bike
üü Stationary or Recumbent Bike (any type)
üü Step Mill
üü Treadmill
üü Stair Climber
üü Elliptical
üü Cross Trainers
üü Jumping Rope
üü Rowing
üü Battle Ropes
üü ANY cardio exercise that will elevate your heart rate fast.

Acceptable exercises to use on Bodyweight Exercise Days (M, W, F):

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Bodyweight Squats
*Can be turned into a Goblet squat by holding one dumbbell with both hands

DB or Barbell Squat

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Jump Squat

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Forward and Reverse Lunge (bodyweight or with dumbbells)

Jumping Lunge

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Thruster - also called Squat Press

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The Workouts

Threshold Intervals
Directions Minutes Intensity
1. Warm Up 1 1-2
2. Threshold Interval 60 seconds followed 2 -11 Burst: 5
by 60 seconds of walking or of weight Rest: 1
training (Repeat 5x)
3. Cool Down 11 - 12 1-2
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State Optional 2-3
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes 11 - 45
End Workout

Intensity Level Guidelines Below

• Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

• Level 2 = Medium
• Level 3 = Medium-High
• Level 4 = High
• Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.

*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).

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Tuesday & Wednesday:
Metabolic Bursting
Directions Minutes Intensity
1. Warm Up 1-4 1-2
2. Burst or Sprint for 20 seconds (on 4-8 Burst: 5
Tuesday) and Weight training 20-seconds Rest: 1
per exercise (on Wednesday) followed
immediately by resting for 10 seconds
(Repeat 8xs)
3. Cool Down 8 - 12 1-2
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State Optional 2-3
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes 12 - 45
End Workout

Intensity Level Guidelines Below

• Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

• Level 2 = Medium
• Level 3 = Medium-High
• Level 4 = High
• Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.

*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).

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Thursday & Friday:
30 Second HIIT
Directions Minutes Intensity
1. Warm Up 1-2 1-2
2. Burst or Sprint for 30 seconds (on 2 - 10 Burst: 5
Thursday) and Weight training 20-seconds Rest: 1
per exercise (on Friday) followed
immediately by resting for 30 seconds
(Repeat 8xs)
3. Cool Down 10 - 12 1-2
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State Optional 2-3
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes 12 - 45
End Workout

Intensity Level Guidelines Below

• Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

• Level 2 = Medium
• Level 3 = Medium-High
• Level 4 = High
• Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.

*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).

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Saturday & Sunday:
Old-School Cardio
Directions Minutes Intensity
1. Warm Up 1-5 1-2
2. Aerobic Phase 5 - 40 2-3
70-75% of heart rate max
(220-age + 10 beats x .75)
3. Cool Down 40 - 45 1-2
End Workout

*OPTIONAL: Day 6 and 7 are totally optional for the Over 40 Ab Solution schedule, but highly
recommended. You can also walk briskly for 10 to 30 minutes or engage in your favorite
recreational activity.

Intensity Level Guidelines for Old-School Cardio

(All steady state cardio)*

1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max for longer duration sessions
between 10 to 30 minutes (but up to 60 minutes would be fine also).

Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 80-85% of Heart Rate Max for shorter duration sessions
between 10 to 30 minutes.

How to calculate: 220 – age + 10 beats x 0.72 to 0.85

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Example: (for someone who is 40)

220- 40 +10 = 180+10=190

190 x 0.72 = 136
190 x 0.85 = 161
range: 136-161

2) Make sure to stay at same pace the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use the talk test;
if you can have a “normal” conversation you are not going hard enough, but if you feel you
have to slow down you’re probably going too hard.

3) Duration should be 10 to 30 minutes performed at least 1 time weekly on its own. You’ll also
be using shorter versions of this to strategically burn off free fatty acids after intervals and

4) Type of exercise is optional. You can run or use any cardio of your choice. You can also use
bodyweight exercises if you get stuck working out when you travel or at home.

• Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

• Level 2 = Medium
• Level 3 = Medium-High
• Level 4 = High
• Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)

*Intensity levels going to vary from person to person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations. Please gauge your intensity level based on where you are right
now personally.

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The Top 12 Bodyweight Exercises

Body weight exercises are one of the best insurance policies you can use in your quest to stay
lean, healthy, and feeling great.

There are a thousand different ways to skin the exercise cat, so regardless of what regimen you
plan on following for the New Year, the exercises below are the perfect backup plan when you’re
short on time or resources.

Karen and I both love using equipment like dumbbells and barbells, but we always incorporate
bodyweight workouts into our regimen when traveling or there’s no time for a gym.

No fancy equipment. No fighting traffic. No waiting in lines. No interruptions.

You can use bodyweight exercises to:

- Burn fat and gain muscle at the same time when you limit rest periods.
- Improve heart strength.

- Increase metabolic rate (“after burn” effect) for 38 to 48 hours.

- Reduce joint pain and fight against arthritis.
- Release anti-aging hormones.
- Accelerate full body glycogen depletion.

- Build stability muscles, coordination, balance and core strength (unlike traditional cardio
and weight training machines).

Every exercise below utilizes multiple muscle groups, gets your heart rate pumping, and burns
tons of calories. In fact, a few studies indicate that circuit training using your bodyweight can burn
more calories than interval training or steady state cardio.

Below is a basic body weight circuit example you can print off and use. Directions underneath.

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Make sure you warm up first to prevent injury. I recommend a few minutes of foam rolling, along
with some low-intensity cardio or active stretching for 5 minutes.


Weighted or unweighted, the basic squat builds up not only

hip and leg strength but also improves your overall level of
fitness. One of the great things about squats is how versa-
tile they are. Once you’re able to do a fair number of regular
squats with perfect form, you can change them a bit and do
the more advanced versions below.

Start experimenting with the prisoner squat first, then once

you’ve mastered the form move onto jump squats and
eventually pistol squats for those who are more experienced.

Prisoner squats

With hands locked behind your head squat till your butt touches a bench beneath you and then
come back up to the standing position.

TIPS: When you’re at the bottom of the movement, make sure you push from the heels and
not the toes. This puts the focus on your hams, glutes, and quads and takes stress off the
knees. When you’re at the top of the movement, make sure you maintain a slight bend in the
knees, which will keep working muscle stimulated.

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Jump Squat

Every program needs some form of explosive training. There’s nothing better for developing
speed and power than jumps. Simply squat down then explode up as high as you can.
TIPS: Make sure you’re pushing from the heels, not the toes when you jump from the bottom of
the movement and adjust the height (and intensity) of the jump so that you can maintain proper
form and hit your target reps.

Pistol Squats (advanced)
Pistol squats are

one-legged squats that develop every muscle
in the lower body as well as great balance,
stabilization, coordination and athleticism.

TIPS: Try squatting with one leg by holding

your hands straight out in front of you to help
you balance. (Place a bench (or chair) under
your butt.)


The pull-up is more of a “pure strength move” than most of the

choices on this list, and it’s a favorite on “essential bodyweight
exercise” lists. The pull-up is easily one of the best ways to
strengthen your arms and shoulders.

Chin ups build the lats and biceps better than anything else. An
impressive number of full range, perfect reps is 20. And by perfect
reps we mean starting from a dead hang and pulling up so that
your chin clears the bar without kicking your legs.

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TIPS: If you lack the strength to do a bodyweight pull-up
you can wrap an exercise band over the top of the bar
and then under your knees to assist, or you can use a
modified version of the inverted row image you see here:


(Walking Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Jumping Lunges)

Walking Lunges

Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with
one leg, flexing the knees to drop your hips. Descend until your rear
knee nearly touches the ground. Your posture should remain upright,
and your front knee should stay directly above the front foot at a
90-degree angle.

Jumping Lunges

Stand with your feet together, elbows bent 90 degrees. Lunge forward with your right foot.
Jump straight up as you thrust your arms forward, elbows still bent. Switch legs in midair, like
a scissor and land in a lunge with your left leg forward. Modify this exercise by skipping the
jump and performing alternating reverse lunges instead.

Reverse Lunges

To begin, stand tall with your hands at your hips or overhead. Take a large and controlled
step backward with your left foot. Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes
parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle at a 90-degree

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TIPS: Similar to squats always make sure you’re pushing from your heels at the bottom of the
movement to protect your knees and isolate the leg muscles. Always maintain a 90 degree
angle with your legs at the bottom of the movement.


The push-up is another obvious choice for a list of fundamental bodyweight exercises. It
doesn’t get more basic than using your arms to push your body up from the ground. When
practiced, the push-up also happens to be one of the best full-body exercises around because
it automatically builds your core and chest, while elevating your heart rate in a cardio type of

The pushup is still one of the top five chest builders in existence.

Regular Pushup

Get into a high plank position. Place your hands

firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders.

Begin to lower your body—keeping your back

flat and eyes focused about three feet in front
of you to keep a neutral neck—until your chest
grazes the floor. Push back up.

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Spiderman Pushups

Start out in a regular pushup position, but as you go

down to the bottom of the movement, lift your right
foot and pull your right knee up until it touches your
right elbow. Repeat the movement for the left side
alternating back and forth.

Superman Pushups (advanced core exercise)

Lay down on your stomach with your arms above your head and legs straight.
Next, put your hands close together on the floor and feet together. This is the starting
Begin exercise by tightening your core and pushing up off the ground so that your
body comes up off the ground (see image).

At this point, only your hands and feet should be touching the floor. Lower back down to
starting position. This completes one rep.

Planks (regular and rotating)

Get in the pushup position with forearms on the

ground instead of your hands. Your elbows should
line up directly underneath your shoulders. Toes
on the ground. Create a straight, strong line from
head to toes – a plank.

Goal: hold for a minute or more.

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TIPS: Once you’ve mastered the regular plank, you can start experimenting with different
types of planks, like rotating back and forth from side to side so that you’re only using one arm
at a time. You can also experiment with holding one arm pointed out in front of you for 3 to 5
seconds at a time and rotate back and forth.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a full body workout.

Begin at the top of a pushup position, with your

weight supported by your hands and toes.

Explosively reverse the positions of your legs,

extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and
supported by the toe, and bringing the other foot
up with the hip and knee flexed.

TIPS: This is a great exercise to wedge in-between sets of weights for 30 seconds to
accelerate heart rate and increase the calorie burn. Make sure you adjust the speed based off
your legs, the reps and time you’re using.

Side Shuffles

Try to take up as much space as you can as

you move side to side touching heel to heel so
that your legs never cross over each other.

Bend your knees and keep your head up.

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Master the movement by going slowly at first, then increase speed and intensity as your form
gets better.

TIPS: Use cones, chalk (if you’re outside), or some other type of
landmark that you can touch
as you go back and forth. You can use either time or reps for this exercise.

Bear crawls

This reminds me of football practice back in high school.

These were always a killer.

Kneel on hands and knees facing crawling path. Raise

knees off of the floor, but keep hips low.

Crawl forward while keeping hips low never letting your

knees touch the ground.

TIPS: Start slow and then increase speed and intensity after you master proper form. This is a
fun exercise to use with a workout partner. You can race each other or time each other to see
who can do it faster.

Broad jumps

Stand behind a line marked on the ground

with feet shoulder width apart. Swing your
arms backward, bend your knees, and
then thrust/jump forward as far as you can
landing with both feet at the same time. Turn
around and repeat using reps of 10 to 15 or
for time. I like using 30 seconds at a time with 30 seconds rest and repeating 3 to 5 rounds.

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TIPS: This exercise can tend to be very ballistic so using a soft surface like an exercise mat or
a gymnastics floor can help. You can also cushion and absorb some of the impact by bending
your knees when you land.

Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift

This exercise is great for balance, coordination, and core strength.

Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff-legged

deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg
straight behind you for balance. Continue lowering your
body until your upper body and rear leg are parallel
to the ground, and then return to the upright position.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch

TIPS: After you master proper form using your bodyweight you
can start adding resistance by
holding onto dumbbells or a kettlebell.


I personally think the burpee is one of THE best full body exercises for health and weight loss.

Begin in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into
a squatting position, while placing your hands on the floor in front of
you. Kick your feet back
so that you are in planked
push-up position.

Keep your hands firmly on the ground to support your body.

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Lower your chest to perform a full push-up. Kick your feet back to their original
position. Stand up, and then jump into the air before repeating.

TIPS: Beginners who are uncomfortable kicking their feet back can walk back into the pushup
position. You can also start out by doing this movement without a pushup or a jump to master
the form.



Jumping Jacks

This is another great low impact exercise to wedge in

between your weight training sets to elevate heart rate and
increase calorie burn.

Stand with your feet together and your hands down by your

In one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise your
arms above your head.

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Immediately reverse that motion by jumping back to the starting position.

TIPS: This exercise also makes for a great warm-up before moving to more advanced
exercises. There’s really no advanced variation of jumping jacks but you can increase difficulty
and intensity simply by increasing the speed of the movement.

Bodyweight Print Off Workout Sheet

Bodyweight Triple Sets Time Length Round Round Round Rest Between
Workout of Set 1 2 3 Sets
MRT Circuit
A-1 Bodyweight Squats 30 sec 30 sec
A-2 Plank 30 sec 30 sec
A-3 Bear Crawls 30 sec 30 / 120 sec
B-1 Lunge 30 sec 30 sec
B-2 Pull-Ups 30 sec 30 sec
B-3 Burpees 30 sec 30 / 120 sec
C-1 Pushups 30 sec 30 sec
C-2 Side Shuffles 30 sec 30 sec
C-3 Mountain Climbers 30 sec 30 / 120 sec

• Perform A-1, A-2, and A-3 for 30 seconds each, resting 30 seconds between each
exercise. Complete 3 times each for a total of 3 rounds. After your last (9th) set rest for
2 minutes and move to Triple-Set #2. 

• Perform B-1, B-2, and B-3 for 30 seconds each, resting 30 seconds between each
exercise. Complete 3 times each for a total of 3 rounds. Rest 2 minute and move to
Triple Set #3 

• Rinse and Repeat for C-1, C-2, and C-3. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 30
seconds rest in between each exercise. Repeat 3 rounds. Done. 

• Feel free to substitute other bodyweight exercises based on condition and/or limitations. 

2018 All rights reserved 61

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