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1) Describe 5 parenting practices can be used to develop honest students through enhancing their


 Praise process, not intelligence.

Parents give praise to show their children that they noticed something positive. But does the
incentive of praise ever motivate kids to be dishonest? “Ability praise may have motivated
children to cheat in order to uphold the reputation of being smart” Rather than encouraging a
“fixed” mindset by commenting on children’s intelligence, encourage a growth mindset by giving
praise for their efforts to persist in the face of a challenge. For example, you can praise children’s
process by saying, “I noticed that you stuck with that game even when it got tricky until you
figured out a strategy that worked!”

 Model the Truth

“When we get in the habit of telling small lies, it leads to a habit of telling big ones. ” As is always
the case, parent them self are the role model. They must do not want their child to telling a lie
and b cheating. Live by the truth. If the children see their parents telling even “harmless” white
lies, they will feel like its ok to lie as well. When the parents get in the habit of telling small lies, it
leads to a habit of telling big ones. Put thought and initiative into telling and seeking the truth all
the time.

 Don’t Put Them to the Test

Though it’s tempting to test them, try to avoid asking questions that give the child a chance to
not be honest. Example: If the parent saw their daughter spill red juice on the couch. No need to
ask, “Did you just spill your juice on the couch?” This leads her to believe she might have a way
out and possibly could pass blame elsewhere. Just tell her to clean it up. She’ll have enough
opportunities to tell the truth.

 Give Consequences

We all sin. Even children do. They will lie to their parent and the parents will eventually catch
them. It’s important that there be consequences for their actions, which is what they did with
their children. Appropriate discipline should be carried out and followed through. Make it so it is
not worth it to lie.

 Teach that mistakes are learning experiences.

Part of having a growth mindset is acknowledging that mistakes are learning opportunities.
When your child knows that it’s OK to fail and there are solutions to mistakes, it can help build
self-esteem. Help your child find the “next time you can” in mistakes. For example, you could
say, “Yep, you spilled the juice. Next time you’re pouring the juice, you can hold your glass over
the sink.”
2) Describe 5 self-discipline tips that cheaters can use to overcome their drive to cheat.

 Understand that even if you do pass, it won't be because you worked hard.

Most people feel guilty after they cheat, and you won't feel proud of yourself. Imagine, if you get
caught while cheating, you will be cold-heartedly punished and will be humiliated throughout
the whole school year, or even after that! So stop cheating and work hard to make yourself and
your parents proud.

 Remember that unlike the rest of your grades, you will have done nothing to earn it.

If you cheat on a test, you will consequently cheat on the next time as well. Therefore, you will
rely a lot on cheating and will barely study.

 Review your notes and try your best and learn from your mistakes.

Revise your notes routinely. It will help you to memorize faster and better. If you continually
look over your notes, you will always be prepared for any exam, even if it’s a pop quiz. In
addition, you can try making flashcards or your own study guide to help you review for tests.

 Schedule study time.

It can be hard to make time to study if you're constantly waiting for the right time. Instead, set a
specific time every day to work on your class. First, set an alarm on your phone or laptop if it
helps. Then you may need to be assertive with your family and friends. Tell them that you need
to study for a while. If you want, put a sign on your door to remind them you need to focus right
now. Make sure that any young children are taken care of. Try studying while they are sleeping
or being watched by someone else. Try to avoid sitting them in front of a screen for too long.

 Ask questions.

Consider asking a question after class, via email, or during office hours depending on how the
class is set up. Check the syllabus to see if there's a method your professor prefers. Your class
may have an online discussion space. Consider asking questions there. Another student, a TA, or
a professor may offer some advice (and other students who had the same question will see the
answer too). If you don't understand, feel free to ask them to clarify.

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