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Name: John Lloyd A.

Subject: ENS 333 Computer Application for ME
Schedule: 3-5pm Tuesday and Thursday
Problem Situation:
A Mechanical Engineer will be assigned for the maintenance of a POWER PLANT
in Negros Oriental. The maintenance will cover all the phases/processes of a
“Rankine Engine-Steam Power Plant”. The Engineer will do the calculations on
the energy in and energy out of a power plant. At some point, this Engineer he will
make also an Excel Format of Formula in case he will be running out of time. He
must know the following parameters;
For Rankine Cycle For Rankine Engine
Heat Added Engine Work
Heat Rejected Pump Work
Net Work Thermal Efficiency
Thermal Efficiency Mass Flow Rate
Steam Flow Rate Heat Rate

To make sure the power plant is functioning effectively and safely, He will add a
restriction label on his/her Excel format and consider the following.
1. There is a required limit of an Engine Work and net work.
2. The pump must have a work of certain minimum.
3. The thermal efficiency for both cycle and engine must be exact as the
Engineer expected
4. Heat rate will be at minimum.
5. The Steam Boiler will have a restriction energy added for about a minimum
and above.
6. The condenser must reduce an energy value expected by the Engineer.
7. Steam rate will also at minimum.
These will automatically labeled “check or wrong in excel”
Problem Situation:
At day 1 of his/her Work, He encountered a steam generating a certain pressure with a
corresponding temperature and had done a condensation pressure. Engineer must
calculate the said Parameters for both Rankine Engine and Cycle. He/she must also make
a marking if these values are good enough for his/her guidelines. It is also required to
know the mass flowrate regarding to the net output of the system.

Proposed Solution:
1. The assigned Engineer must manually calculate first the Enthalpy for (H₁- H₄)
-Identify H₁ by referring to table 3 at STEAM TABLE
-For H₂, you will use the values from Pressure 2 to identify X ratio and apply the formula
(H₂=Hf₂+x₂ Hfg₂)
-For H₃, locate it from table 2 using Hf value at Pressure 2
-For H₄, identify first Pump Work (W=V(P4-P3) since P1=P4 & P2=P3
locate value for Vf3 at Pressure 2, After you get Pump work, you will use the formula

2. Solve the Parameters using H’s Value.

Plug the following formula in Excel.

Rankine Cycle Rankine Engine

Heat Added=H1-H4 Work=H1-H2

Heat Rejected=H2-H3 Work(pump)=H4-H3
Wnet= (Heat Added-Heat Energy Chargeable Against
Rejected) Engine (Ec)=H1-H3
Wnet Work
Thermal Efficiency= Thermal Efficiency= x100
Heat Added Ec
Net Output 3600
Steam Flow Rate = Mass rate, m =
Wnet Work
Heat rate= (m)(Ec)

3. To make sure the power plant is functioning effectively and safely, He/she
will input a specific formula in excel which is called “if function”, the
Engineer can make a restriction and automatically label check’ if satisfied
and wrong if not satisfied.

4. After inputting all the formulas, the Engineer now can easily get the specific
values for every parameter with its restrictions by just giving the values for
H₁ to H₄ and the net output in watt.

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