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 How to solve unemployment rate?

The solution for unemployment rate is of course the economy have to create a new jobs, but
are those idea by creating a new jobs can really help to solve and prevent the unemployment
rate? In the research it state that in year of 2016, there’s 50,000 to 110,000 jobs per month
have to be created to prevent the unemployment rate from rising. When unemployment rate
are growing above 6% to 7% or maintain, it shows that the economy or government can’t
event create enough for a new jobs. Nowadays, there are so many issues about the companies
are forced to cut costs by reducing the expenses and also have been terminating many of
employee. To solve this problem, the companies can try to reduce the supply expenses,
scrutinize every single of expense. The way that companies will be able to scrutinize the
expenses is the companies are properly tracking and monitoring the employee. The
companies can also find an expense tracking app or the software that are really fits the need
of their business. Moreover, the companies can also trade time off for payroll expenses,
example, they can going to a 4 days, for 10 hours per day work in week from a standard 5
days, for 8 hour workday in return for a lower salary or the wage may be welcomed by the
employees who are seek for more time with their families or on their personal’s activities.
Next, there’s also have many issues about unemployment among the graduate student. Every
year, over 290,000 students graduate from the institution of higher learning, unfortunately,
there’s 1 out of 5 graduate’s candidate are remain unemployed. Fresh graduate
unemployment problem can be solve and overcome in many ways. One of the ways are the
graduate’s attitude and graduate’s working skills and experience, the graduates themselves
have to choose thinks wisely and work professionally, not be always negative towards any
works. In addition, the Government and Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) are
also plays an important role in plans of university programs with a clear career. They need to
hold on the special courses, they can plan a firm to prepare works for the graduate’s
candidate from the public sector or the private sector entrepreneurship, agriculture, mining
and more. Last but not least, among the unemployment issues, we also have often heard a lot
about the increasing competition with foreign workers nowadays at working industrial and
the technologies innovations. To solve and overcome this problem, the government have to
change the industrial technique. Production’s technique have to suite the need and means of
the economy. It is important that the labour of intensive technologies should be encouraged
for the place of capital intensive technologies. For example, the Malaysia government can
reduce the number of foreign workers as a security guards with the use of CCTV and can be
controlled by a Malaysian citizen guard, with that technique, it can give a lot of Malaysian
citizen a chance of works and also the safety of the countries too.

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