An Exploration of How Communities in Lesotho Can Benefit Through Katse, Mohale and Muela Dams in Economic Transformation

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008

September 2020 | Vol. 2 Issue. 3


Mukurunge T. 1, Mataka, T. W 2, Bhila T 3
1,2, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Lesotho Campus
2National University of Lesotho

The government of Lesotho, in partnership with the Republic of South Africa, invested in the
construction of Katse, Mohale and Muela dams in the 1980s but since then there is no evidence of these
two bodies of water contributing towards agricultural production in Lesotho. The primary business for
the construction of these two dams is to supply South Africa with water but Lesotho can maximize on
this venture and cost effectively utilize the water for agricultural purposes especially through drip
irrigation. The water resource can also boost tourism ventures and the conservation of the
environment around the reservoirs. All these ventures, if fully and meaningfully explored, can create
much needed employment for local communities. This study therefore seeks to explore the potential
presented by the existence of the two dams in Lesotho, especially for boosting agricultural production
and establish Lesotho as an independent producer of its own food to feed the nation and boost industry
at the same time. Using qualitative methods of data gathering, presentation and analysis, this study
sought to establish the efforts by the responsible authorities in Lesotho to boost agriculture production
in order to establish a solid agricultural base through irrigation schemes from the dams.
Keyword: Agriculture, Dams, Irrigation, Ministry of agriculture, Lesotho Highlands Development
Authority, Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation
1. INTRODUCTION social development. The agreement of the project
stipulates that South Africa is 100 percent
Katse, Mohale and Muela dams are a joint venture responsible for the water transfer costs and
project between the Kingdom of Lesotho and the Lesotho is 100 percent responsible for the hydro-
Republic of South Africa established in 1986 as a power generation costs.
means of providing a long lasting solution to the
shortage of water in the industrial hub and One of the funders of the LHWP was the World
densely populated South African area of Gauteng. Bank (the International Bank for Reconstruction
The joint venture project is known as the Lesotho and Development), which provided a loan of
Highlands Water Project (LHWP) and is US$45 000 000 to Lesotho which was three
administered in Lesotho through the Lesotho percent of the total project cost (World Bank 2007
Highlands Development Authority (LHDA). Tlali in Hitchcock, 2015). Hitchcock (2015) goes on to
(2015) writes that the concept of the LHWP goes identify other funders as the government of
back to the 1930s for the purposes of revenue Lesotho, the Development Bank of South Africa
generation and reduction of energy imports for (DBSA), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the
Lesotho as well as to meet the increasing African Development Bank, and various
household and industrial water needs for South commercial banks and institutions.
Africa. Tlali (2015) goes on to say that both
countries are allowed the opportunity to Apart from supplying water to South Africa and
undertake ancillary developments in its territory, the generation of hydroelectric power for Lesotho,
including; the provision of water for irrigation, one of the objectives of the LHWP was to provide
potable water supply and other uses; the water for irrigation and drinking to Basotho. It
development of other projects to generate hydro- therefore is the intention of this study to explore
electric power; and the development of tourism, how water from the three dams, Katse, Mohale
fisheries and other projects for economic and and Muela, can be harnessed and channeled

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
September 2020 | Vol. 2 Issue. 3

towards irrigation schemes in Lesotho, among tourism, conservation and the fisheries, among
other projects that can create employment and other ventures.
boost the national economy.
Most importantly, Article 18 - Procedure for
Review and Revision Lesotho is a country with water and land enough
to produce food and feed the whole nation yet
(1) The provisions of this Treaty shall be reviewed export food from the Republic of South Africa
at intervals of twelve years, calculated from the perennially. The LHWP agreement between
date of signature hereof or at such other intervals Lesotho and the Republic of South Africa has got
as the Parties may agree upon. provision for irrigation, among other terms, yet no
significant exploration in that sphere has been
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Treaty undertaken by the country. Lesotho should
may be amended at any time by agreement of both therefore explore the avenue of boosting food
Parties production through utilizing the readily available
It is against this background that the Lesotho water resource instead of mainly focusing on
government can initiate dialogue that can lead to pumping it enmasse to the Republic of South
economically viable changes to the previous Africa. Apart from agriculture, other ventures
agreements as prescribed in article 18. enshrined in the agreement between the two
Noteworthy, is that the agreements were signed countries have not been fully explored and
during apartheid; a time where the interests of the exploited as well.
white people were key, in comparison to those of 4.STUDY OBJECTIVES
The work seeks to revisit the terms and conditions
2.BACKGROUND OF STUDY of the joint venture agreement between Lesotho
Lesotho has had infrastructure to harness the and the Republic of South Africa over the water
water resource for more than two decades now. project that sees water from Lesotho bringing
However, much of the water has been pumped relief to the shortages suffered by the Gauteng
incessantly to the Republic of South Africa, in province of South Africa. The focus of the study is
accordance with one of the provisions of the initial in giving pointers to the government of Lesotho,
agreements of the joint venture. The other the business community and tertiary institutions
ventures that have the potential to benefit Lesotho to kick start economic development for Lesotho
significantly appear to be regarded peripherally. If basing on the water resource which is fairly
the authorities in Lesotho could only commit more abundant in the kingdom.
resources to agriculture, more concerted efforts 5.CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
towards power generation, and the fisheries
industry for instance, Lesotho could, by now, have This study is informed and guided by the concept
attained significant levels of economic of increased food security and self sufficiency in
development. food production. On “food self sufficiency” and
“food security”, Rothkegel (1997) says that a
To date, there are little collaborations between nation’s population is food secure when all its
government, the private sector and tertiary members are sufficiently well fed for them to be
institutions in exploring how to make maximum able to lead a healthy life and active life and also
use of the water resource and all that comes along that a nation is self sufficient in food when it
with it. The responsible authorities can go beyond produces enough for its entire population and
the LHDA initiative and bring business (for does not need import. Eicher and Staatz (nd)
funding) and tertiary institutions (for research) in observe food security as ensuring that food deficit
exploring how best to utilize the available water countries, or regions or households within
resource. Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) countries meet target levels of consumption.
can be signed between tertiary institutions, the Eicher and Staatz (1985) also define food security
LHDA, Government ministries and departments as the ability of a country or region to assure, on
and the private sector committed to explore and a long- term basis, that its food system provides
fully utilize the ventures related to agriculture, the total population access to a timely, reliable and
nutritionally adequate supply of food. It is in line

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
September 2020 | Vol. 2 Issue. 3

with these definitions and visions of food security that of Lesotho to explore economic development
and self sufficiency in food production that the with agriculture as a launching pad based on the
study intends to explore how water from the three available water resource.
dams, Katse, Mohale and Muela, can provide water
for irrigation in order for communities in Lesotho Scholars who have carried out research on the
to produce adequate food for consumption at value of water to the tourism industry unearthed
household level and beyond. However, the the fact that water based tourism provides aspects
approach should be the empowerment of Basotho of escape and entertainment (Folgado- Fernandez,
by giving them total ownership of their resources; Di- Clemente, Hernandez- Mogollon and Campo-
the water in the reservoirs, the land on which the Cerro, 2018). In these scholars’ findings in their
reservoirs sit and the environment at large. The study carried out in Spain, they say that water, in
manner in which the infrastructure was set up tourism, has therapeutic or medical value in the
needs to be revisited because it was executed in a sense that contact with water during holidays can
smash and grab colonial way. Apartheid South be fun as much as it can be relaxing. Lesotho can
Africa and a military junta consummated the take advantage of the existing water reservoirs to
water deal within a short space of time in 1986 develop tourism that can attract visitors to
displacing communities whose ancestral land was Lesotho looking for such recreation and
inundated with scant compensation to the affected relaxation.
communities. The whole process needs thorough Study by the Food and Agriculture Organization
sanitization and terms and conditions being (FAO) in West and Central Africa reveals the
revisited to bring sanity to the whole deal to the potential of large, medium and small scale
benefit of the communities. fisheries in transforming poor economies
6.LITERATURE REVIEW (Horemans and Kebe, 2006). Lesotho can do a case
study of one of those African countries’ fisheries
Following up on the Lesotho South Africa water industry and benchmark for implementation on
agreement, the kingdom of Lesotho can make use the Katse, Mohale and Muela reservoirs.
of the LHDA water agreement to boost food
production through agriculture. Careful use of 7. METHODOLOGY
water through drip irrigation can conserve water, The study interviewed officials from the Ministry
Ward and Pulido-Velazquez (2008) established. In of Agriculture, the Lesotho Highlands
the case of Lesotho, due to the mountainous Development Authority and the Lesotho Tourism
terrain which has a high rate of runoff and the Development Corporation. Data was presented
danger of siltation for the reservoirs, keeping the and analysed qualitatively. This study used
mountain sides green can mitigate that kind of qualitative research methodology for gathering,
erosion. presentation and analysis of information. In-depth
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, interviews were carried out face to face,
2016) writes that there are a number of instances telephonically and via email with officials from the
when pursuing policies to increase a country’s LHDA, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Lesotho
own food production for domestic consumption Tourism Development Corporation. The study
may be beneficial both economically and used convenience sampling for the interviewees
politically. According to FAO (1999), the concept because the focus was on the stakeholders (LHDA,
of food self- sufficiency is generally taken to mean LTDC and the Ministry of Agriculture) who are
the extent to which a country can satisfy its food development partners within Lesotho from the
needs from its own domestic production. The FAO water agreement with South africa.
(2016) continues to elaborate that self- sufficiency 8. FINDINGS
typically refers to countries that seek to produce
all or most of their own food for domestic 8.1. Findings from LHDA
The LHDA says it works with various government
Agriculture is linked to food security, nutrition departments and agencies in efforts to preserve
and health, rural development and growth, and the wetlands, rare and endangered plant species
the environment (FAO, 2017). It therefore is in the highlands. The LHDA gave the example of
crucial to the development of economies such as the Tsehlanyane nature reserve in the highlands

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
September 2020 | Vol. 2 Issue. 3

of Leribe District where efforts were successfully Mohale and Muela can easily convert Lesotho into
made to conserve and nurture vegetation and this paradise for local and international tourists
ensure grazing is moderated. As a result, the who will inject currencies into the national
waters that flow down from the highlands and economy. The LTDC can go a step further and
along the Tsehlanyane River are clear and rarely work with the LHDA in developing wild life parks
muddy because erosion from the mountains is around the Mohale and Muela dams, in the same
very minimal. The LHDA also claims to have vein as the Tsehlanyane nature reserve in Leribe.
compensated the communities around the
reservoirs so that they stop tilling the land. Cooperation between the agriculture sector and
the LHDA in the area of fisheries is another area
8.2. Findings from Ministry of Agriculture that can boost food production, creating
employment and eradicating poverty. The fishery
The Ministry of Agriculture referred all questions sector is dynamic and reactive to its local, national
to the LHDA. and international environment (Horemans and
8.3. Findings from LTDC Kebe, 2006). Lesotho should therefore properly
evaluate the size and value of the water resource
The LTDC says it signed a memorandum of to establish how the fishery sector can provide the
understanding with the LHDA on 4 November greatest contribution to national poverty
2014 for cooperation on creation, utilization and reduction.
development of recreational facilities and
activities on and around the waters of Katse, Much as it might appear as if the LHDA is mainly
Mohale and Muela dams. However, to date, concerned with pumping out as much water out of
nothing has been implemented. The LTDC said Lesotho to South Africa as possible, they can
that there are no clear lines of communication engage in conservation projects around the dams
between them, the LHDA and the LHWC. The LTDC as exemplified by the Tsehlanyane nature reserve.
says this confusion has been a huge draw back Agreements between the LHDA and “partners” are
hence the lack of meaningful benefits from the just on paper but are yet to be fully enacted, as is
MoU. exemplified by the MoU with the LTDC. It is up to
the other partners to be proactive and engage the
8.4. Discussion of findings water authority in agriculture, tourism and
conservation projects that can lead to creating
Drip irrigation leads to efficient water usage. A
employment for local communities, boost the
well-designed drip irrigation system prevents
foreign currency revenue generation and food
water runoff and siltation if practiced around
self-sufficiency for the nation at large.
water reservoirs. The fields around Katse, Mohale
and Muela dams are sloppy and susceptible to The well being of the environment and the
erosion which causes siltation of the dams. Smart communities that are supposed to benefit from the
farming through controlled irrigation can protect water project are not prioritized. The
the environment of the dams whilst feeding the development partners should revise the original
communities. It would be ideal for the ministry of water agreement with South Africa and give
agriculture to be proactive and engage the LHDA priority to benefits to the local communities so as
on utilizing the water from the three reservoirs for to improve their livelihoods and eradicate
smart irrigation purposes that will boost food poverty.
production and therefore food self-sufficiency in
Lesotho at the same time protecting the The environment around the reservoirs is
environment around the dams. neglected and more needs to be done by the
Lesotho environment agency, ministry of
Water can turn a traditional tourist destination agriculture, the LTDC in collaboration with the
into a multidimensional experience, write LHDA. The environment can be conserved with
Folgado- Fernandez et al (2018), emphasizing the communities benefitting were the LHDA and the
beauty of its landscape, the relaxation it provides, LTDC to cooperate in conservation and related
its hypnotic sounds, and its irreplaceable value to projects. Water can turn a traditional tourist
achieving balance in and sustainability of local destination into a multidimensional experience,
environments. Cooperation between the LHDA emphasizing the beauty of its landscapes, the
and the LTDC in Lesotho over the waters of Katse, relaxation it provides, its hypnotic sounds, and its

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
September 2020 | Vol. 2 Issue. 3

irreplaceable value to achieving balance in and [5] Hitchcock, R. K. (2015). THE Lesotho
sustainability of local environments. Highlands Water Project: Dams,
Development, and the World Bank,
9. RECOMMENDATIONS Sociology and Anthropology 3(10) 526-
The Ministry of Agriculture should be more 538, 2015 DOI
proactive in engaging the LHDA in initiating [6] Horemans, B. & Kebe, M. 2006. Enhancing
irrigation projects as well as fishery industry the economic contribution of fisheries to
projects. west and central African nations. IIFET
2006 Portsmouth Proceedongs.
The LHDA should be engaged to deliver on what it [7] Rothkegel, B. (1997). Food security or food
agreed with ministries and government self- sufficiency for Namibia? The
departments it has MoUs with. background and a review of the economic
policy implications. Discussion Paper No 1.
The LHDA should look beyond the conservation
[8] Tlali, R. (2015). Lesotho Highlands Water
around Tsehlanyane nature reserve and actively
conserve the Katse, Mohale and Muela
environments as well.
10. CONCLUSION [9] Treaty on the Lesotho highlands water
project between the government of the
Lesotho has got natural resources which, if Kingdom of Lesotho and the government
properly utilized will unlock economic growth. of the Republic of South Africa signed at
Katse and Mohale dams can supply South Africa Maseru, 24 October 1986
with water and sustain the local communities [10] Ward, F. A. &Pulido-Velazquez, M. 2008.
agriculturally. Smart agricultural practices can Water conservation in irrigation can
benefit the communities and protect the conserve water use. PNAS. Vol. 105. No. 47.
environment, for example, through drip irrigation.
The water sources, which are a source of income
from water sales to South Africa, are under threat
if the environment is not conserved, as is the case
with the Katse, Mohale and Muela dams.
The LHDA should make sustained efforts through
working with the authorities and following up on
MoUs with tangible action to conserve the
[1] Eicher, C. K. and Staatz, J. M. (1985). Food
security policy in Sub- Saharan Africa.
[2] FAO. (2016). Food self- sufficiency and
international trade: a false dichotomy?
[3] FAO. 2017. Water for sustainable food and
agriculture: a report produced for the G20
presidency of Germany. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations. Roma.
[4] Folgado- Fernandez, J. A., Di- Clemente, E.,
Hernandez- Mogollon, J.M., and Camon-
Cerro, A. M. 2018. Water tourism: a new
strategy for the sustainable management
of water-based ecosystems and landscapes
in Extremedura (Spain). Land. 8, 2.

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