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I Hate Church…

And Something’s Got to CHANGE!

How to be the Church

when you don’t have one.

Dusty Hammock

Preface 3
Something’s Got to Change

1. Hating Church is Not Hating God 4

2. You Don’t Have to Hate Church 11
3. Change Will Happen 20
4. Challenging Your Comfort Zones 36
5. Can I Be Honest With Myself? 43
6. Attitude Is Everything 62
7. New Focus New Vision 69
8. It’s Time To Grow 74
9. The Power Of Influence 85
10. It’s A New Day 90
11. Harnessing The Power of Change 101
12. Going To The Next Level 104


Something’s Got to Change!!!!!!!!

I’ve been attending church most of my life. There may
be a handful of weekends over my lifetime that was not spent
in church and now at my age I have become very dissatisfied
with church. I have a great desire to go to church with life
changing expectations and leave with a heartfelt face to face
encounter with the living God. I want to have meaningful
relationships and experience authentic community. However,
many times I go home empty, wounded and feel like a
stranger to everyone there. I feel guilty for feeling the way I
do. I have worked in church in some form of a paid position
for 30 years. Church for me has become boring and empty. I
have wondered what could be my problem and how could a
pastor with years of experience get to this place? Yes, I hate
church and I’m not going to take it anymore. Something’s got
to change!!!!!!!!

Chapter One

Hating Church is not Hating God

Hating church is not about hating God. It is about
hating what man has made of the gathering of believers we
call church. Jesus was notorious for his disdain for what man
had made of what God had called to be great. When Jesus
walked the earth he stirred up a lot of heated discussion about
what his culture called “church”. The word used in the New
Testament translated “Church” is the a word which literally
means a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into
some public place, or assembly. Jesus was known for his
confrontation of these “religious assemblies. When Jesus
walked the earth the two most important institutions were the
family and religious faith. Jesus confronted both with
boldness. He confronted the hearts of men and their motives
for following his teaching.
The religious leaders became angry with Jesus on a
regular basis because of his confrontation of their religious
traditions, Matthew 15:7-9 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right
when he prophesied about you: "'These people honor me with
their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me
in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'"On
another occasion Jesus confronted another group of people
about their loyalty to their family traditions. One day when
many were following Christ he turned to them and called then
to “hate” the things they loved the most. Luke 14:25-26
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them
he said:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and
mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-- yes,
even his own life-- he cannot be my disciple.
This was the day Jesus put signs up around his city, “I hate
Family”. The bottom line was to confront the condition of
men’s hearts as the primary factor to test the quality of their
motives. Both family and religion had become more about
selfish taking than selfless giving. The quality of “Church” is
directly proportional to the condition of the heart more than
the quality of the “Show”. Church is not about where you go;
church is about who you are.
His message was not about hate but about love. It was
about their love for God, their zeal for God to be so great that
all other relationships look like hate. If you have watched
one of those movies about Jesus you are familiar with the
time when Jesus made a whip and entered the religious
headquarters building and started a fight by turning over
tables and running the local “church” employees off their
jobs. I’m sure this was a move to gain more popularity with
the local religious authorities. Right! Hey, don’t crucify me;
I’m just trying to make a point. I’m not authorized to take a
whip to church but some days I want to create such a
commotion that something changes. Turning over some tables
may cause something productive to happen. My prayer is for
Jesus to begin turning things upside down for the purpose of
real change. I think there are a lot of people who want to turn
over some things but instead of causing a commotion they
just stay at home. I think there are millions of people who
desperately want to feel good about church.
For years I have heard people say they are turned off
by church because of the Hypocrites who attend Church. I
think it is obvious that the church has become ineffective to
reach unbelievers and make mature disciples. Maybe the
problem stems from believers making big promises about the
life changing power of Jesus while living pretty much the
same way as unbelievers live. This seems to be over
promising and under delivering. The World is looking for
something real to believe. Christians are looking for a reason
to believe in the Church. There are millions who believe in
God but they are just looking for clear evidence that God is
who he says he is.
I believe the greatest threat to Christianity is not Islam,
scientific doubt or a liberal agenda. I believe the greatest
threat the Church is passive, half-hearted Christians who
refuse to give Jesus complete access to their heart and mind.
We have become so concerned about getting church attendees
rather than making disciples we have compromised the
essence of our divine mandate. Many are working overtime to
make Christianity relevant with cool branding and seeker
sensitive tactics. We have reduced Church to an accessory,
like jewelry or a designer purse. Church seems to be an add-
on to people’s schedule therefore, it has become optional. The
Church has focused so much on growing big congregations
we have failed to produce life changing disciples’. We must
return to a Biblical mandate with an intentional plan to be the
church rather than just go to church.
I desperately want to feel good about church, but I just
seem to get more and more frustrated. How could I think
this kind of thoughts about the one Jesus is engaged to?
Maybe you are like me and you are ready for an open and
honest look at who is responsible for this mess. If something
is going to change then I have to let change happen in me
first. Maybe the problem is I talk more about going to church
than being the church. I am tired of missing out on what
Jesus promised. There has to be more! Yes, I may hate the
current condition of the church, but I’ve decided I’m going to
do something about it! I’m not going to take it anymore. I
want to see the church buildings filled with people. But more
than this, I want to see people filled with the presence of
Jesus. There are too many promises for the church to miss
this opportunity. I’m going to take personal responsibility for
the condition of the church I attend. Will you take up this
cause with me? We can be the church even if we don’t have
one, yet. But first we need to look deeper into the problem.
Maybe the biggest problem is in me. I have become so
busy going to church I have stopped being the church. I want
to go to church for an experience but while complaining
about the lack of experience I have stopped being the
experience. The real issue is me and why I do what I do. I’m
not sure I have ever asked the question, why do I go to church
any way? Maybe this is the real question I need to ask myself,
“Why are you a Christian and why do you attend church?”
What is my real purpose for being on this planet and why
should I attempt to make converts of my friends to
Christianity? Why should I read my Bible, pray or the
thousand other things that are on my religious list?
If God has created me and I have a design then I must
have an assignment. An assignment requires a decision and
with every decision comes reward or consequence. If I have
an assignment then I need the proper gifts and talents to
accomplish the assignment. Wait a minute, this is getting
complicated. Let’s make it simple. If I can know my
assignment and discover my gifts then my decision to act
becomes the joy of worship to the God who has created me.
The first step may be to understand my assignment. If I know
my prime directive then I can have vision for my destiny.
Today is the first step toward a fulfilling relationship with the
God who created you. You may have a lot questions just like
me. Then, pack a bag and let take the journey.

Chapter Two
You Don’t Have to Hate Church Anymore

There is a growing population of people around the

world who call themselves Christians but don’t attend
meetings in a building called the church. In fact you may be a
part of a growing movement who sit at home on Sunday’s,
watching TV, visiting friends or reading the news paper at
Starbucks. There is a better way to fulfill your God ordained
destiny than to feel guilty for sitting at home on Sunday. This
is why I wrote this book. You are God’s masterpiece and He
has created some incredible things for you to do. Don’t give
up on church. You are the church! Don’t give up driving cars
because you had a bad experience at the local dealership.
Come on! Let’s find out how to be the church and change the
world for God’s glory. You don’t have to hate church
I didn’t grow up hating church. You are probably like
a lot of people who lost interest when something happened in
your life that was painful and the local group of people who
called themselves “the church” acted very different than how
Jesus would have acted. Let me take a minute and tell my
story and see you can understand how it’s possible for all of us
grow to the place of hating church.
As I sat behind that outdated, cherry desk,
overwhelmed by the responsibilities of my new job, I began to
feel smothered. A sense of surreal emptiness overcame me as
a tsunami of hopelessness crashed against my mind. I thought
my dream to have a family and a ministry was over. I
concluded that without my family or a ministry my life was a
failure. These two passions were the priorities of my soul and
the foundation for my purpose. I was called to be a husband
and father as well as a pastor. Now the two most important
priorities of my earthly purpose were gone. Just two days
before Thanksgiving, while sitting in my church office behind
the door labeled “Senior Pastor,” my secretary called to say
someone needed to see me. As I approached my secretary’s
office, a tall, thin young man, dressed in khakis and a navy
sports coat, stepped towards me with a large manila envelope
in his hand. With a voice of both timidity and authority, he
asked, “Are you Mr. Hammock?” When I acknowledged he
had the right person, he handed me the envelope and turned
toward the door nearly whispering, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
As I opened the envelope, I was devastated by the words typed
across the center of the page, “Complaint for Divorce.”
It was my worst fear and my greatest nightmare. I
returned to my office, lay on the floor and cried. Emotions
flooded my thinking creating chaos and confusion to the point
I wanted to die. “What would I do? How would my three
children respond? I couldn’t live without my children in my
home. How would my family respond? How would my
church respond? This isn’t fair!!!! What have I done to
deserve this? How could this happen to me?” A storm surge
had hit my life with the force like that of a Category 5
hurricane, and everything dear had been destroyed.
As weeks turned into months, I was faced with the
decision to resign my church, to somehow reestablish order in
my home, as well as the battle for my reputation in the
community. No matter how hard I worked to demonstrate the
character of Christ public sentiment was negative toward me. I
wanted to be an example to my children, the community and
even the wife who was seeking a divorce but divorce seems to
bring with it immediate judgment. Custody battles, attorney’s
fees, broken-hearted children and no job…it was almost more
than I could bear. I became very discouraged and some days
felt more depressed than discouraged. Hopelessness was real
and literally I felt like I was suffocating. I felt like a hundred
pound weight was on my chest and breathing was a full time
job. The pressure had become so great I could feel the walls
closing in around me and thoughts of deaths became my
companion. The responsibility to my children kept me focused
on living.
With a responsibility to my children and the motivation
to simply survive, I began searching for employment. A
friend told me about a job with a local cellular phone company
and encouraged me to give the manager a call. When I called,
the manager asked for my resume, which consisted several
pastoral positions. After reviewing my resume, the manager
explained that he did not feel that I was qualified for the
position. With desperate boldness, I kindly told him that if he
did not hire me, it would be one of the worst decisions he ever
made. Two weeks later, I sat behind an outdated cherry desk
staring into the face of a new job and overwhelming
responsibilities and wondering where was the church. The
people who I had served, the pastors who had called me friend
were nowhere to be found. Every week I would stand in the
pulpit and preach a message that many considered to be a
word from heaven. But now it seemed like a scarlet letter of
divorce was engraved in my forehead and those who had
called me pastor and friend were not calling me at all. It didn’t
take long for the pain to become a seriously bad attitude. At a
time when I needed the church the most the people who attend
the church were being less of the church. I was now beginning
to hate the one I had loved so dearly. Going to church was
torture. I felt like people had already judged me and I didn’t
belong. It soon became easier to stay home than to fight the
isolation and the judging eyes. My whole life had changed and
now I was turning into someone I didn’t like. I was judging
the whole church because of the actions of one congregation. I
hated church and felt guilty for hating the institution I had
served for years. More than this I was growing to hate the very
one Jesus calls His “Bride”. With all this change I didn’t have
a clue where to begin.
My marital status had changed, my home had changed,
my job had changed, my parental responsibilities had changed,
my perception of church, friendships and myself had
changed…very little in my life remained the same. Sitting at
my desk that day I began to hear again that deep small voice
that I had known since childhood. There in the storm, in the
wind and rain of change, in all my fear there was at the center
of the hurricane, the still small voice of God. I was not alone
and that familiar voice of a loving God was reminding me that
He have not forgotten me.
At my lowest moment, trembling hands on the old
cherry desk, lost and alone, God was speaking to me with His
assurance of hope and comfort. It was in this defining moment
God opened my heart to the principles in this book and I
realized that I could allow the waves of change to overtake me
and be swept away by its destructive power, or I could grab a
surfboard and surf the wave to another level of maturity and
character. God has helped me to harness the power inside the
waves of change and with His help allow the chaos to create a
champion. For the first time in my life I am learning to be the
church even when I’m not in one. T
Today, I am remarried to an incredible woman who has
helped me raise my children, I’m growing people to be the
church and rebuild my broken dreams. As the waves of
change came crashing down upon my life God began to use
my tears to cleanse my bitterness and heal my wounded soul.
My misery became the launching pad to the new me. The
principles learned during these dark days have become the
path for healing and now the word of hope to others. I have
come to understand my hatred for the church was really a
hatred for what people were doing or not doing. The changes
that have happened in my life over the last eighteen years have
become the catalyst to a more fulfilled and obedient follower
of Christ.
Change will happen in your life as well and it will
come disguised in many forms. However, the path to the new
you will remain constant. Whether your change is a divorce,
job lose, drug addiction, a church split or the death of one you
love, the path to freedom remains the same. If you follow the
principles described in this book you can discover the new you
and the new path to freedom from you past. You may hate
church today but soon you can live free from this heavy
weight and be the church even if you don’t have one. Your
misery can truly become your new ministry. There is hope for
you to become what God intended you to be.
Maybe you had similar experiences and have lost
confidence in the local church in your community. Or maybe
you have looked at all the “preachers” who have fallen prey
to some vice and lost confidence is Christianity. Just because
you have been hurt, disappointed, deceived by false teaching
or you have personally made some decisions that have caused
you to feel ashamed to be the church, Jesus has not thrown
away His master plan for your life.
Chapter Three
Change Will Happen
Life is a series of events linked together with lessons of
faith lived out through daily decisions to be loyal to God’s
principles rather than your disappointment and personal pain.
Therefore, pain will come in many forms waiting on your
response. Your destiny will be
…you can choose to
determined by your response to
rise above the status
quo and discover a your disappointments and pain. I
am responsible for my response to
life’s difficulties and the many
other tsunamis of change that have hit the shores of my mind.
Change will happen and your response will determine your
destiny. Many have determined to live out their life in
opposition to their God ordained purpose because of a poor
response to pain. Change will happen but change is never an
excuse to live unfulfilled.
Whether you are a new spouse, new widow, new
believer or new employee change is coming and your response
is critical to your future. Just like every successful leader who
accepts the call to a new destiny and accepts a new position of
leadership immediately determines a strategy for change with
the expectation of leading the organization to higher levels of
success. With careful thought and practical wisdom, the
process of convincing other people to follow your vision
begins. Very quickly, resistance to change rises, and only the
wise and strong leader will survive. Changing the direction of
a corporation or changing a bad habit or destructive attitude
demands a declaration of war. Declare war on your negative
thoughts and destructive emotions. Resistance will come both
from the outside and the inside.
In my life trouble demanded a declaration of war, not
against my ex-wife, not the friends who abandoned me, not
the church that turned its back on me but against the
disappointment, pain and discouragement in my own mind.
My enemy was not my circumstances but the personal battle
in my mind. Giving in to my pain was easy, but the real war
started when I decided to make positive change in my life.
Woodrow Wilson said, “If you want to make enemies,
try to change something.”
Even with great resistance and the pain of your
circumstances you will become a champion if you develop the
beliefs, skills and passions to harness the power of change.
Brian Tracy said, “Resolve to be a master of change rather
than a victim of change.” In order to master change we must
build new beliefs, develop new skills and set appropriate
boundaries for our emotions in order to harness the power
inside every challenge of life. You don’t have to hate church
anymore. You can be the church even if you don’t have one.
Most of us are very sensitive to change. Although
change is the defining attribute of our existence on this planet,
we have the tendency to fight it. We watch for change as if it
were an approaching storm on the horizon. When change
comes as an unexpected storm, we prepare for its destructive
winds and brace ourselves for its fury. On the other hand, we
watch every nuance of our children’s maturation, using change
as a measuring rod for healthy development. Change is seen as
both a dreaded torrent and a “rite of passage.” How can
change be seen as both a sign of healthy growth, and at the
same time, produce such paralyzing fear? How we view
change will determine its effect on our life. Change may be
the winds of destruction or the winds that lift us above the
fray. Our response to change determines the outcome and how
quickly we become the church even if you don’t have one.
Although many of life’s changes are by choice,
change is often beyond our control. When we experience
unexpected change, paralyzing fear may hold us hostage. One
of these paralyzing events happened to me when my dad died.
He was my hero, my hunting partner, my fishing buddy and
closest friend. Living without my dad changed the world for
me. When he became sick and was hospitalized for three
months I felt like our family was being held hostage by his
illness. We soon realized the only thing we could change was
our response to his sickness.
During the days he was in the hospital just about every
person in our life had an idea on how to get God to do a
miracle. When you want a miracle you will try just about
anything. We quoted scripture, offered prayers with agreement
with other believers and refused any negative conversation
about my dad’s condition. I don’t think we did anything
wrong. Most of the prayers we offered and the scripture we
quoted are commanded in the Bible. However, the Hammock
family placed the final decision in the hands of our God. This
was not an act of doubt and unbelief but the greatest
expression of confidence anyone could ever have. When I
placed my dad into the hands of God I found rest because I
knew God always knows better. I am confident of my faith in
God and that this journey once again changed me more than I
change the circumstances. We were obedience to the Bible to
have faith and believe. We also learned to have faith in God
regardless of the final outcome. This could be seen as an
expression of doubt and unbelief but I know now that my faith
in the love and power of God is greater now than any other
time in my life.
How we responded to his sickness prepared us for his
death and how we responded to his death has prepared us to
live with his loss. However, the questions arising from his
death caused my family to rethink our ideas about God and the
church. Some people told us to hang on and others told us to
let go. Some communicated a message hope and others
communicated a message of condemnation and guilt. And at
the same time we had to wonder, “what could God be thinking
to allow this to happen to our family?” We began to have very
little confidence in the confusing messages from “church
people” and most importantly we needed to understand God’s
plan for my dad and our family. We came out of this tragic
time confused about “church people” but very confident in the
love and grace of God. We had to rely on many of the
principles in this book for our sanity and continuing peace of
Faith is confidence in God to change you without
requiring God to change the circumstances. We lived these
dark days in faith and without quilt over the outcome. God had
the final say in my dad’s future. We were obedient to pray and
believe, then trust God for the outcome. Therefore, please note
the principles in this book are not just theories on living life
but life lessons with proven results. Learning to harness the
power of change will bring hope and healing for a lifetime and
release you to be the church even if you don’t have one.
Change that is within our control is less fearful and less
threatening. It is important to know the difference. It really
doesn’t matter if change comes as a planned decision or an
unexpected storm, both require the same internal management
system to cope. This book was written to teach you how to
use the inherent energy inside every storm to generate the
momentum to reach your God ordained destiny.
I remember the day my wife came into our bedroom
and announced that we were expecting a baby. From that
moment our lives began to drastically change. From my
wife’s inability to wear “skinny” clothes to the renovating of
the guest bedroom into a nursery. We began to dream, plan
and make daily decisions that would prepare us for the
coming of a child. You have started a journey that will
require a dream of what you can be, a plan for were you want
to go and daily decisions in the direction of your dream.
Change, whether anticipated or unexpected, still requires a
relentless determination and the courage to master its power.
Change is designed to be a roadmap to a productive
and effective life. We were created to conquer obstacles. We
have been engineered for success. We were created with a
thirst for significance. Your destiny is to conquer every
adversity through the power of God who gives you strength.
It is this process that equips you for the next inevitable life
change. You are God’s secret weapon upon the earth. If you
are a follower of Jesus then you are the purest expression of
His purpose, passion and presence on the earth. You are His
church upon the earth. Something’s got to change so let it
begin with us, right now. You can make the decision to be the
church even if you don’t have one. King Whitney, Jr. said,
“To the fearful, change is threatening because it means
things may get worse,
to the hopeful, change is encouraging
because things may get better and
to the confident, change is inspiring because the
challenge exists to make things better.”
The changes you need to make stand between you and your
destiny. The pain you face is the motivation to move to a
different place. Now is your time to surf the waves of change.
You can’t live yesterday and tomorrow can’t be seen. Now is
your only time to make the decision to change. NOW stands
for No Opportunity Wasted. Now is your defining moment
don’t waste it!
You will respond to change with a driving desire to get
better or a spiraling hopelessness to be bitter. You will have a
breakdown or a breakthrough. You will hate yourself for how
you responded or hate the church because of how people
responded. But remember this, God did not design you for
failure. Every part of your DNA was engineered to confront
the change in your life and harness its power. What you refuse
to confront will never change. Change is not your enemy but
can become your best friend. You will not only survive, but
also thrive if you master the process. John Maxwell wrote in
his book Failing Forward, “We overestimate the event and
underestimate the process. Every fulfilled dream occurred
because of dedication to a process.” Coach Nick Saban said,
“Every fulfilled dream occurred because of dedication to a
process.” You are in process and your future depends on your
dedication to finish the race. Don’t quit now your victory is
just beyond your pain. Maybe this is why James wrote,
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of
many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith
develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so
that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
(James 1:2-4) When we understand the power inside our pain
we can face our future with confidence and a clear expectation
of our destiny. We will lack nothing as we complete the
process of harnessing the power inside of every change.
While you drive by the local churches in your
community on your way to Starbucks wondering why people
are wasting their time going to a place that has become
irrelevant and offensive to you, consider this: Your questions
are not intimidating to God nor
Don’t give up short of making Him angry at you. The
your God ordained
pain you face and the questions
you ask could be the very thing
that causes you to find God. Your questions are necessary for
change. Your questions can open the door for you to discover
your God intended destiny. As you develop the essential
internal ingredients to manage change, you will quickly
discover the power to propel you toward your dreams. It is
very important to discover the things that are beyond your
control. As you focus on managing the thoughts and emotions
associated with events beyond your control, the fear that
paralyzes your desire for change can be conquered. When you
release the things you cannot change to the all-powerful God,
then you can focus on the things that you can change. The
only thing you can change today is you and the decisions you
make. Change what you can and leave the rest to the hand of
The greatest change must come to the one looking at
you in the mirror. Therefore, since change is a constant, it will
require a lifetime of attention from birth to death. Change will
provide you the wonderful opportunity to overcome your fears
and live a fulfilling life. Consider the well-known Serenity
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.”
This prayer asks for our eyes to be opened to a new and fresh
understanding of what we can and cannot change. Some
things we are able to change. We just don’t want to do so. For
example, the ability to change our eating habits and lose
weight requires specific mental and spiritual framework to
create a desire for change. These same internal foundations
must be present to manage the unexpected storms as well as
our deliberate New Year’s resolutions.
Remember, we are on a journey to become the church
rather than just go to church. Going is not the same as being.
The biggest changes will happen in you before they can
happen in the buildings you call church. We are looking
inside before we start blaming everything on the outside. Stay
with me. You can make it. Don’t give up now. We are in a
constant growth process, and harnessing the power of change
allows us to manage the inevitable changes every human is
required to experience. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:13 No
temptation has seized you except what is common to man.
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond
what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also
provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (NIV)
There are common experiences for all of us but God has made
a way out. Just don’t give up before you get out!
God created four seasons of the year as a reminder
that “change” is an inescapable reality in our world and at the
same time you have the power to respond to every season.
Change is inevitable but growth is intentional. Each season is
different and is interdependent on the other. We will discover
in this book the interdependence of every “season of change”
in our life. We will discover the value of change and its
transforming power. . Jesus is ready to take the helm of your
ship, and to chart a new course for your life. You will need
true wisdom to navigate the rough waters of social traditions,
the shifting currents of
Change is inevitable but
growth is intentional. modern living, and the
shallow waters of relational
conflict. Change is inevitable but growth is optional. You
have the power of change within your grasp. Make a decision
today, right now, take this moment to never look back with
the courage and
Defining moments are determination to become
simply moments you
everything God destined
for your life. NOW, no
opportunity wasted. Let no one define you except your
Heavenly Father who has put His DNA (Divine Nature
Applied) upon your life. When you are in pain and your
emotions are out of control remember your destiny is greater
than how you feel and your future is more excellent than your
past. Defining moments are simply moments you define.
Mark this day as your “defining moment”. Say these words-
say them out loud and with confidence, “From this day I will
never, never, never be the same”. From this day forward I
will be the church!!!
The pages of this book are not meant to promise
smooth sailing, but to prepare you to surf the waves of change,
soar on the winds of the storm and turn your fears into faith.
Become the church rather than just go to church. You don’t
have to hate church anymore. You may have a thousand
reasons why you don’t attend a building called church but that
doesn’t stop you from being the church. Turn your face toward
your new destiny and harness the Power of Change.

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